Sea of Stars 별바다

By NamNamm03

20.3K 700 375

Luna Oakley just moved to South Korea with her boyfriend of two years. On the first few days of being there... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 24

367 19 6
By NamNamm03

Bada's POV:

Today I woke up early with a text from my brother saying he needed my help at his house. I thought that maybe he needed my help to babysit the kids again but that wasn't the case. I made sure to be extra quiet while getting ready so I didn't wake Luna up. She hasn't been sleeping well lately and last night was the first night in a while that she hasn't gotten up in the middle of the night. I was happy to see her sleeping peacefully. 

As I made my way out the door, my brother called me before I even got to my car.

"Noona, you coming?" he asked.

"What's going on? Is this about the kids?" I asked curious to know what's got him so worked up. 

"Uhhh, not necessarily. Just hurry over okay?" he said.

"Yeah I'll be there in a while. It'll take me longer because I'm out here by the cabin so give me about an hour," I said and he agreed and we hung up the phone. 

I spent the next hour and thirty minutes driving to the city to his place. I arrived around ten in the morning at my brother's house and saw a car I didn't notice parked in the front. Both his and his wife's cars were already in the driveway so this was odd. I guess they brought another car. 

I go to knock on the front door and before I know it, I'm tackled as soon as the door opens by some girl. I collapsed back on the ground as she jumped in my arms. Good thing the fall didn't hurt me at all. 

"Bada eonni, I've missed you!" the random girl said to me. I had my arms open making sure not to wrap them around this random person. 

"Nari, I told you don't get the door when she comes," Soo-min yelled when she saw us on the ground. She pulled the girl off of my lap and then helped me get up before leading me to the kitchen where my brother was. 

"What's going on and who is she?" I said pointing to the weird girl who jumped me. 

"You don't remember me?" the girl said with a pout. I seriously have no idea who she is so I shake my head no at her. 

"This is Shin Nari, the girl that used to live next door to us growing up. Remember, she was the one who moved away a couple of years ago." Dae Hyun said. It finally clicked who she was. Back then, she would always be clingy with me, like she literally would never let my arm go sometimes. If I'm being quite honest, I was happy when she moved away back then because she never knew boundaries or had enough decency to have personal space. 

"It's really nice to see you again eonni. I've missed you so much," she said coming up to me for a hug. I stiffened when she hugged me but quickly removed her from my body. I guess she never grew out of that clingy phase. 

"What did you need me here for Dae Hyun?" I asked ready to just get whatever he needed over and done with so I could go back home to Luna. 

"Well, we needed help cleaning out the basement urgently and Soo-min couldn't help," he said

"What's wrong with Soo-min?" I asked curious why she couldn't help.

"We wanted to wait and tell the family but she's pregnant, and I panicked not wanting her to go downstairs with all the fumes and dust," he explained. My face lit up at the announcement. We were getting another kiddo to add to the bunch. I jumped and went to hug Soo-min then my brother and congratulated them. 

"But why do you guys need the basement done right now? We have a while until the baby comes to make a new room" I asked still slightly confused. 

"For right now, the basement isn't for the baby, it's for Nari. I agreed to let her stay with us for a few months. You know how close I was with her brother and when he explained she needed somewhere to stay for a short while we offered up the basement. I just lost track of time and forgot to renovate before she came," he said. I nodded my head finally understanding why he needed me here. Of course, I wasn't too fond of the fact that Nari would be staying here for a few months but I would help my brother do whatever he needed to do. 

Me and my brother decided to get working on the basement right away and Nari came to help too. It was filled with lots of junk from over the years as well as the kid's old baby things, which I'm sure they'll use for the new baby. We had been working for about an hour and I didn't realize I didn't have my phone on me the entire time, so I made my way to the stairs to head up and grab it. 

Just before I could go up, I heard a loud thud coming from behind me. I quickly turn to find Nari planted on the floor with an old bookcase next to her. One wrong move and she would've been under that bookcase. Me and my brother rush over to help her up and pick the bookcase back up. 

"Just go back upstairs, we'll handle all of this down here," I said to her as I picked up everything that fell off of the bookcase. She came up behind me and gave me a hug.

"Oh thank you eonni for saving me," she said. I lightly pushed her hands off of me and distanced each other hoping she'd get the hint. 

"I didn't save you I just helped you. Now go upstairs, you're in the way," I said to her in a flat tone. Apparently, my nonchalance didn't click with her because she gave me a chirpy 'okay' and then skipped up the stairs. 

For the next three hours, Dae Hyun and I were cleaning up the basement as well as we could. It looked a lot better than it did a few hours ago so at least we were making progress. It was around lunchtime when Soo-min called to us that lunch was ready but I didn't feel like eating right now. The quicker this basement got done, the quicker I could get home to wifey. Wow, I can now start calling her wifey 🤭. 

I stayed in the basement for a while dusting and mopping the place making sure it was clean then I went out to the backyard to discard some dirt on the pavement. Nari came downstairs and saw me outside so she decided to join me.

"Eonni" she yelled from inside the basement as she skipped her way to my direction. I mentally face-palmed myself seeing as how she was here to slow me down. 

"I brought you a sandwich, you didn't eat lunch with us a while ago," she said pouting. 

"Take it back upstairs, I'll eat later when I finish this," I said focusing on getting all the dirt off the rug in my hand. 

"Oh come on, take a break. You've been at this for hours Bada," she said before tugging at my arm for me to come to sit down. She was officially starting to get on my nerves. Doesn't she see that I'm busy and want to get this over and done with? I pull my arm back from her to show her my slight annoyance. 

"Look, I'm just trying to hurry and finish this ok? This is the only way you'll get a place to sleep tonight so just please let me finish this in peace." I said looking at her hoping she'd understand me. She nods and goes to take a seat on the outdoor patio furniture as she watches me get back to work. After a few minutes, she decides to get up and come over to where I'm working. 

"I should help you huh? It'll be quicker if it's the both of us," she said before taking a shovel and scooping the dirt I had on the ground in a nearby bucket. 

"No, just go sit down," I said to her. I saw how she was earlier and the girl had no sense of cleanliness. When she lived next door to our house when we were younger, her family was much more well-off than ours so she always had a maid to pick up after her. And it looks like that didn't change after all these years. If she helps I'll just be here for another century. 

I go over to take the shovel from her but she starts running around the backyard with it. 

"Wait, just look. I can shovel this for you," she says standing by a large mountain of dirt and aggressively stabbing at it. 

"Stop! You're gonna make a ..." I exclaimed then she shoveled an insane amount of dirt in my direction covering me immensely in it.

"A mess" I let out the last part and sighed looking down at how dirty I was. I was covered from head to toe in the dirt. 

"I'm sorry," she said giggling. It annoyed me that she found this amusing. I stopped what I was doing and headed upstairs to the main floor.

"Noona, what happened," Dae Hyun asked from his office. 

"Can I just use your shower," I said sighing. He nodded and I headed upstairs to the guest bathroom and took a shower. It took me forever to get the dirt out of my hair. I walked out of the bathroom in a towel and headed to Dae Hyun's room to find some clothes to wear. Before I could get to the closet, Nari came up to me. It looked like she had just come out of the shower too. I guess she used Soo-min's bathroom.

"Eonni, did I make you mad?" she asked me with puppy dog eyes. No shit Sherlock. But instead of saying that, I went with a nicer option. 

"No," I said as I stepped around her. She followed me into the bedroom but I stopped her before heading into the closet. 

"I'm about to change, so could you please leave," I said. She came up closer to me and ran a finger down my arm. This girl was really testing my patience. 

"Don't touch me Nari. It's not like when we were younger and I let you run over me. I'm in a relationship so know when to stop. Matter of fact don't even start anything to begin with," I said to her in a stern tone. You would think any sane person would be serious in this situation but she just goes and starts laughing. Like literally laughing people. She's a psycho I swear.

"I was just playing with you Bada. No need to get so uptight," Nari said taking a step back. She's still giggling as she leaves the room which makes me even more annoyed that she finds any of this funny. 

"Bada, is everything alright," Soo-min asked coming into the room. I nod my head and she comes up to me. 

"Come on, I'll find you something to wear," she said and walked into her closet. 

"I'm sorry about Nari being here. I know how much you didn't really like her back in the day but oppa owed Nari's brother a favor and had to do this," Soo-min says.

"It's okay, it's not so bad. She just seems like she hasn't changed all these years. Like she hasn't matured one bit and is still the same little girl," I said.

"Yup, I would always hear Oppa on the phone talking to Nari's brother and there's always some sort of chaos because of her. I just hope she isn't like that while being here," she says. 

"If you and the kids ever need a place to stay or getaway to, you know the cabin is always free. Since Dae Hyun put you in this mess, you should go by yourself and leave him here to suffer," I said and we both laughed. 

"I will surely take you up on that offer. So, I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I heard you're in a relationship. Is it with this mystery girl you two are always talking about?" she asked. 

"Gi-girl?" I asked. I didn't know she knew I was gay. Was I really that obvious?

"Oh come on Bada. I've known you basically your entire life. I saw how you were when you interacted with people. I will say though your brother isn't as clever as me. He didn't realize it until recently, but when he found out he was nothing but happy for you. He knew how much love you two had for each other and couldn't ask for anyone better for you," she said. Hearing her say this made me so happy knowing they still loved me despite me being this way. I never talked about my sexuality with anyone because I never had any reason to seeing as how I never really dated girls. My past relationships have all been with men but I don't think I was ever attracted to them the way I was with women. I was in denial. 

"So come on. What's she like," Soo-min said after giving me a pair of clothes to change into. She turned around and sat on the floor as I began to tell her all about my love. 

"She's amazing Soo-min. Her name's Luna and she is the most perfect human being ever. We've been friends for a while now but both of us knew there was this sort of tension in the air but we never spoke about it. When I first met her, I thought she was the prettiest thing to walk this earth, I swear. And getting to know her has been the best thing ever. Last night was the first night we kissed," I said and Soo-min squealed. I finished getting dressed and took a seat next to her on the floor of the closet. 

"Aww, you guys are officially together?" she asked as she cooed at me.

"I think so. She's just been through a lot and we wanna take our relationship slow. We haven't necessarily labeled our relationship yet but that's wifey," I said smiling from ear to ear. 

"Oh, I can't wait to meet her Bada. I'm so happy for you," Soo-min said bringing me into a hug. 

"Actually, she wanted to know if you guys were free to have dinner soon. She wants to thank Dae Hyun for treating her in the hospital and she wants to meet you and see the kids again,"

"She's met the kids," she asked

"Mmm-hmm, and they love her. You know how He Min is around new people, but she just got so comfortable around Luna. And you know how Ha Joon is, thinking he's the man of the house. But when he was with her, he let her baby him so much. It was hilarious seeing him getting all pampered by her," I said which made Soo-min laugh. 

"Dang and I'm the only one who hasn't met her yet," she said in a pouty tone. 

"Don't worry, you'll meet her very soon. She's excited to meet you too. I tell her all about you and she can't wait to actually get to know you,"

"Awww. Omg, I have an amazing idea. Why don't you invite her to the cabin for Christmas? I could talk to her parents and let them know she will be staying with us for a few days," Soo-Min suggested.

"That's a great idea. But you don't have to worry about her family, I think she'll be able to go." 

"Perfect, plus she's gonna love the cabin, especially during Christmas time," 

"Uhh, she's kinda already at the cabin. Right now," I said scratching the back of my neck.

"No way!!!" she exclaimed but I had to pump the breaks off her excitement. 

"It's not like that Soo-min. We just went there to relax and get away for the weekend," I said making sure she knew there was no funny business. 

"Of course," she said smacking my arm and then winking. Yup, there's no way she believes me.

"Soo-min, I truly wanna wish you congratulations on your pregnancy. You are such an amazing mother and I just can't love the little ones enough. If you ever need a babysitter, me and Luna will gladly volunteer whenever you need a day of rest or a spa day. I'm so happy you're my sister-in-law," I said and we both hugged it out. 

"Aww, now you got me crying. These hormones are taking me out," she said through a mix of crying and laughing. We got up from the ground and made our way to the kitchen. I decided before going back to cleaning up I should eat something. 

As I head downstairs, I see Nari sitting at the barstool by the counter giggling to herself. She looks absolutely bonkers. I go to pick up the phone I had left on the counter and call Luna to check in on her. I totally spaced when I was working and forgot to call her. I know she's probably wondering where I am. The call ended up going to voicemail so I sent her a text to let her know I'd be home in a while and where I am. After eating my food, I checked my phone and there was no reply. I gave her another call to see what was up but it still didn't go through. 

I should hurry and finish working so I can head home. We were supposed to spend the weekend together in the cozy cabin and go out to the small town nearby too. I hope she's not mad at me for leaving this morning. I'll make sure to bring home her favorite food and dessert so she won't be too mad. 

I ended up finishing the basement after another three hours and it was really late right now. I hate that I was away from Luna all day and that we haven't spoken yet. I really wanna hear her voice right now so I give her a call. She's still not picking up. I rush to grab my bag and belongings before heading upstairs and getting ready to leave. 

"Dae Hyun, I gotta get going. I finished most of everything, you just have to put her bed down there," 

"Thank you so much Noona, and I'm sorry you had to do most of the work. I got a call and had some work to do in my office for a while. I swear I'll make this up to you," he said.

"It's no problem. Tell Soo-Min I said bye and we'll see her in a while," 

"'We'll see her in a while'? Who's we?" he asked

"Me and Luna. She wanted to thank you for taking care of her and asked if we could all go out to dinner soon. I already asked Soo-min and she said yes," 

"We'll tell her we're excited to see her too,"

"I will. I gotta get going to see her though so I'll see you later," 

"Alright, drive safe,"

As I make my way to my car I see Nari standing by the driver's side door. 

"You weren't gonna leave without saying goodbye to me, were you?" she said in a condescending tone. I rolled my eyes and unlocked my car door ready to hop in and leave but she stopped me in my tracks.

"Nari, I told you to stop. I have no interest in being your friend or whatever you want so just leave me alone," I said sternly so she would get a clue. But that obviously didn't work.

"You don't mean that baby. We both know you've wanted me ever since we met. You couldn't bear to be without me or by my side back then. So what's changed hmm? Let's go back to the way things used to be," she said before leaning up and trying to kiss me. I backed up quickly making her stumble to the ground.

"I told you to stop this Nari. Back then you were the one who wouldn't leave me alone. I didn't say anything, but you were a nuisance to my life, and it looks like you're about to be one again. The only reason I'm not being harsh is because my brother is on good terms with your family so I'm trying to be civil, but if you pull a stunt like this again, I promise you I won't be as nice," I said looking down at her on the ground. It finally looked like something clicked in her head but then she started smiling like a mad woman. 

"You think you're all cool now huh? Got the perfect life going for you with the perfect family and friends right? I wonder what you're girl is gonna say to you when you get home tonight. Heck, will she even be home?" she said smirking.

"What did you do?" I said crouching down to her but she did nothing but laugh in my face. This girl is nuts.

I decided not to waste my time trying to figure out what she did and just got straight in my car to head to the cabin. I don't know what Nari did to Luna but I hope Luna doesn't believe a thing she did.

I made sure to pick up some food and dessert for Luna hoping it'll change her mood. I don't want whatever Nari said to her to affect us. We just got together and we already have this drama in our lives. I cannot lose Luna, it would physically break me.

When I made it to the driveway of the cabin, I noticed that most of the lights in there were off. The only light source I saw came from the living room's fireplace. I looked at my watch and saw it was almost ten in the evening and I had been gone all day without hearing her voice. I unlocked the door and it was silent. No music or tv was on and it was almost pitch black in the entire house. I head to the kitchen and put the food on the counter as I make my way to look for Luna. Before I could go far, I spotted her huddled up under a thick blanket on the couch. You could barely see her if it wasn't for her little nose peeking out from underneath. 

I couldn't help but take a picture because she looked so adorable at this moment. When I finished taking a few pictures, I put my phone away and made my way towards her. I knelt down on the floor beside her on the couch and called out to wake her up. 

"Luna, my love. I'm home," I said gently tapping her shoulder. She stirs for a moment then slowly uncovers her face and begins to wake up. She rubbed her eyes and then looked around the room. Ughh, she looked so beautiful right now. 

Ooohhh, I sense chaos. I love a little drama 🤭. Hope you guys enjoyed Bada's pov. See you in the next chapter my darlings 💙💋

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