Sekiruuyetei: Book of Concept...

Autorstwa RageRevan

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A boy who once walked the path of heroism, now after being humiliated and ignored for his deeds, choses to wa... Więcej

Prologue: Having Enough
Chapter 1: Unbearable Truth
Chapter 2: The Fall of an Ice Mage
Chapter 3: Roses of the Underworld
Chapter 4: Fall of Grigori
Chapter 5: Reality Check
Chapter 6: New Allies, New Enemies
Chapter 7: Broken Pride
Chapter 8: Play My Game
Chapter 9: Adjusting to a Normal Life
Chapter 10: Factions Situation
Chapter 11: War against a False Hero
Chapter 12: Demise of a False Hero
Chapter 13: Peaceful Resolutions
Chapter 14: Double Demise
Chapter 15: Chaos in Kuoh Academy
Chapter 16: Calm and Tranquility.
Chapter 17: Unknown Suffering
Chapter 18: Assault on the Pendragon Mansion
Chapter 19: Aggressive Negotiations
Chapter 20: Reunion of a Vampire with a Dragon
Chapter 21: Party Crashing
Chapter 22: Fall of a Symbol
Chapter 23: Relaxation Time
Chapter 24: Preparation for the Assault
Chapter 25: Fall of Heaven
Chapter 26: Time for Pleasure (18+)
Chapter 27: The God Tribe
Chapter 28: Relationship by Bonds
Chapter 29: The Darkest Night
Chapter 30: Divine Destruction
Chapter 31: Fortuitous Endeavors
Alternate One-Shot: Ending the Factions Permanently
Chapter 32: Claiming the Divinity (18+)
Chapter 33: Dual-Side Developments
Chapter 34: Beginning of the Finale
Chapter 36: Ragnarök
Chapter 37: Hopeful Times
Chapter 38: Dealing with the Dog
Chapter 39: Fall of Olympus
Chapter 40: Shiva's Choice
Chapter 41: Vampiric Exorcism
Chapter 42: Shinto Destruction.
Chapter 43: Fall of the Supernatural (Season Finale)
Epilogue: No More Supernatural
Some Facts about Conceptual Records

Chapter 35: Preparation for the Norse Assault

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Autorstwa RageRevan

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes, Reality change

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

[] + Bold: Recording, Chat logs, Small Timeskips and Flashbacks

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Nebiros Territory, 9:30 PM

Issei was witnessing the final creation of the Death Star, as he looked at his masterpiece with a smile, he knew that when it would be ready by the next day, it would be the end of the Norse faction. This would signal the end of the Supernatural. 

The reason was that when the Norse starts to fall Issei will reveal himself to the Supernatural world as a mastermind of everything. He will not hesitate to show what they are capable of and what they can do. Soon enough, Malacoda showed up next to Issei alongside Malak and Vader as they bowed in front of Issei, minus Malak,  with Malacoda speaking

"The Death Star is ready before lord...the Malebranche are ready for the final release, when will we begin our first assault, against the Norse Gods?" Issei looked at her and spoke, "In a day or two at most, I would like for our army to prepare for war till we wipe out the Norse...we have some problems that will come our way.."

"What do you mean, my Lord?" Malacoda asked with concern, as Issei then spoke with a sigh, "We have Thor and Vidar to deal with, they are pretty strong from what I hear, with the former being in the Top 10 Strongest Beings..." Vader spoke with a bow as he answered in response. 

"My Lord, allow me and Grievous to deal with Vidar..." Issei looked at him and nodded, as he spoke, "I was actually going to ask you to deal with Thor, but I'd like that, Thor is not someone you would want to underestimate...." Vader nodded in understanding, as Malak responded. 

"Then I will be the one to deal with that Asgardian..." Malak added his own words, with Malacoda speaking, "Then what is it that you ask me and my Malebranche for me to do?"

Issei walked to her and spoke with a smile, making Malacoda wondering what he wanted to do with her, "I wish for you to pilot the Death Star, you will be commanding the Super Longinus on your own, with the Malebranche acting as a power source.." Malacoda widened her eyes with surprise, she was not expecting her lord to honor her with such a power as Issei kept his hand on her shoulder, catching her off-guard, Issei then spoke, "I am trusting you with this power, you are the one that will wield the Super Longinus. I hope you won't let me down..."

Malacoda had a red tint on her face, as she looked at him and spoke with a tone full of confidence, "I won't let you down, my lord.." Issei smiled in response as he puts his hand down, he then spoke, "And it is about time we begin the final war against the Supernatural, since I am done playing this game of hide and seek and the Supernatural were getting on my nerves.."

Malak narrowed his eyes upon this, as he spoke, "So it is time, isn't it?" Issei looked at him and spoke, "Indeed, it is about time to tell who is really doing this to begin with...we have remained in the shadows for long enough, and it is time to end this war once and for all.."

Malak soon gained a smile, he has been waiting for this moment, at least they will reveal ourselves, while Malak spoke, "I have been waiting for this moment from the day we created this faction..."

"No longer we will stay in the shadows. At last we will reveal ourselves to the rest of the world.." Malak added his own words, he has been waiting for this day from the very beginning, it was time for the true mastermind to reveal himself and show the Supernatural their place in this world, he knew the time has come, for the end of everything, they have the resources ready to take down the Factions, even the Hindu Faction if they get in their way. 

"Indeed, now we must prepare, tomorrow and day-after tomorrow will be crucial days, they will pave the way for the Fall of the Supernatural..." The others nodded in understanding as they got back to their work, leaving Issei alone with Ddraig as the Red Dragon Emperor asked, "So it is about damn time, right?"

"Indeed, the end of the Supernatural has begun, Norse will be the first to fall and the Devils, they will be the last to fall, with Sirzechs being the last devil to fall, I will kill him personally.." Ddraig nodded in understanding, as he added his own words, 

"Y'know, I was hoping you to say that, this charade has gone on for long enough, I was actually wondering when you will show them your true self to the Factions..." Issei nodded in understanding as he spoke, "Yeah, I was expecting soon enough...let's just head home, I have another appointment to deal with..." 

Ddraig nodded in understanding as Issei teleported out of there leaving the others to work on the Death Star, he did promise to reveal the truth to both Seekvaira Agares and Latia Astaroth, once he checked on the Death Star. 

 Opening Start

Issei is walking across the fields.
Malak is surrounded by the burning remains of Grigori

Issei and Nyx are seen side by side looking at the screen.
A book shows up, as Issei comes in his Strongest Red Dragon Armor.
Dai Hyoudou is seen with a sinister smirk, with Rias standing next to him.

Asia and the other girls are fighting against Malak, using magic.
Aika looks above, walking through a puddle.
The ORC, Student Council, Vali Team, and Team Slashdog are shown, all as a pair of angry eyes glare at them.

Issei looks at the book, remembering his past well, he visions the factions falling apart.
Ingvild looks at a figurine of Dai, as she crushes it, tears falling from her eyes, anger on her face.

Artemis, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Quinella, and Gondul watch their factions with disdain.
Ingvild closes her eyes and looks at Dai with a determined look. Miyuki grits her teeth remembering her sisters
Issei is on his knees, his past haunting him, as a family photo shows up, with a slash on it.
Issei is separated from his family.

He looks at Sirzechs, as they both radiate their aura.

Opening End

Hyoudou Residence, 10:00 PM

Issei was seated in front of Latia and Seekvaira, the girls remained silent by what he had to speak for them as Latia spoke with a smile, thus breaking the silence. 

"So Issei, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Issei took a deep breath and asked his first question, "I will be honest, what are your thoughts on the Droid Faction?"

"I am not going to lie in this case, but I am thankful for them.." Seekvaira was surprised by this revelation as she muttered in slight disbelief, "Latia.."

"No Seek-chan, I am done pretending that I want to be a part of the Astaroth Family, they never came for me, and neither did your parents did for you, right?" Latia responded coldly as Seekvaira soon lost her surprised look and responded in an equally angered tone, "I guess you are right...they chose to leave me here while they stayed in the Underworld..."

"As for my thoughts, while I am not sure about the destruction, but in a way, they showed the reality of the Supernatural, like. My parents never came to visit me, or even my relatives, they are so driven by their own fear of you that they chose not to do this, they left me on my own devices, Issei...I am not even sure whether I can hate them at this point, since they never attacked me nor the other girls as well..." Issei was surprised by the responses of the two girls, he knew that they held some bad blood towards their own parents and did not blame them for that, he was angered by how callous the Devils were towards their own family. 

Then again it did not surprise him, right from day 1 they refused to return a simple demand of Issei and that was to release Nyx, had this been done, things may not have gotten this bad, if anything they wouldn't even be in this situation to begin with

"Honestly, what would you do, if the Droid Faction wished to bring you in to fight against your own family that abandoned you?" The girls were silent when they heard Issei ask them this question, they looked at Issei and Seekvaira responded. 

"I am not sure, Ise, we may hate and wish to distance from our parents, but I can't be certain whether we can join a faction like that. They have a strong hatred for all Supernatural beings and anyone that associates with them like the Pendragon Family, they want us eradicated from the surface of the planet, we really don't know why they are doing this or what are their reasons of doing this. " Seekvaira sighs as she continues with a sad smile, "And besides I doubt they would even tolerate us, or even tell us why they hate us..."

"I agree with Seek-chan, they have a strong hatred for the Supernatural, there is nothing we can do if we want to get on their good side, they will kill us before we can even have a conversation with them..." Issei internally chuckled at this, they don't even know the one they are talking to is the de-facto leader of the Droid Faction, he decided to reveal the truth to them anyway. 

"Well, ladies, what if I told you that the leader of the Droid Faction is standing right beside you?" The girls were wide-eyed by this revelation unable to believe what was in front of them. The mastermind behind every attack on the factions and the cause for their desperation was standing right in front of their eyes. 

What's worse, he has been living amongst them for so long that no one actually knew what was going to happen. Not only that, they understood why he refused to help the Factions despite them literally begging and goading him for his aid. They even had the bright idea to make sure that they use the girls to keep Issei on their leash, and that ended as well as they expected it to be. 

"So all this time, you are the one that has been masterminding and leading all the attacks that were breaking and damaging the was you?" Latia croaked in disbelief, unable to comprehend that her fianceé and crush were so destructive in nature, Seekvaira was equally sad and devastated by this, although she could not blame Issei for his hatred towards the Factions. 

"Yes, I was the one behind everything, every single attack Malak performed I was the one pulling the strings from behind, I was the one that destroyed Grigori, Heaven, East and West territories of the Youkai, and it is about time to end this war once and for all. I am done tolerating these Supernatural beings trying to control humanity thinking that they have complete dominance over them just because they were born as Gods or Devils or something else. Their treatment of me was the reason why I made the Droid Faction, but when I saw Humanity being treated similarly to how I was, that was the day when I saw the Supernatural was losing it's way. But eventually, they never learned, they never changed, I gave them so many chances, but they never changed their ways." The girls were silent, they knew what Issei was trying to say, he knew things that they potentially don't. They knew the Supernatural Factions are too far gone, innocents or no innocents, they all were guilty for making Issei's life miserable because of them believing the wrong people. 

"Worse, they constantly thought that I would forgive and forget what they did to me, they entered my home and invaded my privacy many times without caring for what they thought, they never loved me to begin with, and the only reason they were nice towards me was because they feared what I will do to them. They feared my power and my capabilities that is why they wanted me to get on their good side, which they clearly failed." Issei shook his head as he continued, "Honestly, this all went this far because these so-called Gods assume that the world revolves around them, they think that all mortals are beneath them and this is what caused this problem to begin with, and had they released Nyx with no strings attached, we wouldn't even be in this situation. Their actions were the catalyst for the situation to be reaching this far..."

The girls were trying to process the information that Issei had spoken to them, things were really hopeless for the Supernatural factions as what Issei went through, it was only a fraction of what the girls that were sold to him went through. 

"I see...." Seekvaira spoke after a deep thought, she couldn't blame or judge Issei's hatred towards the Supernatural Factions in any way, nor she could see why Issei should stop his crusade against them. She took a deep breath and spoke

"I will make my choice right now....I am not supporting the Factions in any way, no matter what happens..." Issei nodded in understanding as he soon asked , "So would you join the Droid Faction? The war is coming to a close at this point, the Fall of the Supernatural is inevitable..."

"I am in, Issei, my parents don't even want to visit or calm me down, they never did, they only called me asking me once or twice to return, but why should I if they can't even visit me here, especially when you meant no harm as long as they only wanted to visit..." Seekvaira spoke remembering Hestia, as Issei understood what she meant, as she took a deep breath and continued while keeping her hand on her chest. 

"I would love to stay by your side and fight for you and the factions...I am in for this war..." Latia also responded once Seekvaira was done as she spoke with a genuine smile, "You took care of me when my own Uncle attacked out of spite, you showed genuine worry for me..." Latia spoke with a sad sigh, 

"They even wanted me away when it was not even my own fault for my Uncle's demise..." She soon looked at Issei and spoke to him dead in the eye, as she responded, "That is why, I also want to join you Issei, I have no one that cares for me. They let their fear guide their actions...and even overrides their own love for me...that is why, I want to show them, if they can't love me, they have no right to call me family..."

Issei took a moment to look at the two girls as he responded with a smile, "It seems like even you two finally decided to join..." The girls were surprised by the information as she asked, "What do you mean by, you two?"

"You were the last to join us from the girls that had come to this house thanks to the Factions 'selling' you to me.." The girls understood this realising what he had just spoken to them, "That means.."

"Yes, Elizabeth, Mirana, Artemis, Athena, they all have joined me a long time ago, now you two have also joined..." The girls were surprised by this, it seemed inevitable for them to join Issei, it was no secret that they all fell for Issei, with Athena, Artemis and Elizabeth being well known at this point, Mirana was still somewhere in the middle but she was having budding feelings for Issei, even the two Moka sisters loved him no matter what happens. 

"I, what should we do?" The two girls were content on being fully accepted as Issei commanded for now, "You two should rest for now, tomorrow is going to be a big day after all, you all will witness the Fall of one of the Factions first hand..." 

The girls nodded in understanding in this, as they knew the final war is just beginning. 

*Scene Change*

Athena was walking around the Hyoudou residence, she was looking for her sister Artemis as she knew that the next day was going to be very important, she needed to have a small talk with her. She had reached Artemis's room as she knocked on it and asked, "Arty, you there!?"

Athena waited for a moment, as she heard some weird noises, she became worried when she heard the noises to be that of vomiting. She did not hesitate to rush inside as she saw Artemis in the bathroom puking on the sink. 

"Artemis!!" Athena did not hesitate to rush towards the bathroom as she rubbed her back calming her down, she then spoke, "It's okay, it's okay..." 

Artemis stopped puking and cleaned her face soon after that, she even cleaned the basin, as she looked at Athena and spoke with a tone of surprise, "A-athena...?"

"Easy Arty, come sit on the bed...and don't put pressure on yourself..." Artemis nodded as Athena helped her settle down on the bed, she had a worried look on her face as she spoke

"Artemis, us Goddesses don't get sick so easily, especially like this, so why were you puking on the sink just right now?" Artemis was quiet she did not know, why she was puking. Additionally, just these last 2 days her body has been acting really weird as she spoke to Athena, "I don't know..."

"Arty, please tell me, what is going on in the past few days? If you won't tell me, then how can I help?" Athena spoke with an assuring tone,  "I don't know Athena, just a day or two ago, I have been having some food cravings and I keep puking on the sink often then not constantly, I just don't know sister..."

Athena thought for a moment, there were only a few possibilities as she noted for a while, the first thing that could come to her mind was morning sickness, as she spoke, "Arty, you should head to the doctor, maybe he could understand what is your reasoning and your sudden changes in your behavior..."

Artemis looked at her and nodded, she then spoke, "So who should I go to? Usually I head to my brother if I ever get ill, but....I am not sure who should I go to?"

"Maybe you are right, but if you'd ask me and if I were in your position, I would not only head to the doctor but also tell Issei about my situation." Artemis stopped her and spoke, "No, no, no! Not now, Issei is very busy and I don't think it would be wise to disturb least not yet..." 

Artemis spoke while looking away as Athena looked at her and understood what she was thinking but despite this she spoke, "I believe you should tell him about this, he cares for you a lot, and I don't think it is wise to leave him in the dark, especially on an important matter like this...but I am not going to force anything upon you, it is your choice to do it..."

"I know Athena, but I don't want to bother him and trouble him now, once the speech is done, I will let him know of my situation, okay?" Artemis's words made Athena nod in understanding, they soon left the room to head to the nearest doctor for their situation, they knew that they will have to make it quick since Issei will be making the attack soon enough. 

*Scene Change*

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Artemis trying to drink Issei's diet coke from his stash while Chibi Athena and Chibi Issei desperately try to stop her. 

The Next Day, 

The Droid Faction Base, 6:30 PM

Issei was standing in front of the newly completed Death Star which was transported back to the base due to it posing a risk of being noticed by the Devils, if it were to be ever released, he did not want to deal with any unconventional problems, as he knew the last two Satans will be annoying to deal with. 

He was joined by both Moka Ura, Moka Omoke, Elizabeth and Mirana, as Mirana spoke, "So this is the Death Star, the Super Longinus that took days to make? Using every single knowledge you possessed?"

"Indeed, Mirana, this is the same Death Star...this is the Super Longinus, not only does it have destructive capabilities, it can also create spaceships like Hyena Bombers, Vulture Droids, along with several more ships. Additionally it also has several abilities which will be seen during the destruction of the Norse Pantheon..." Issei turned to Moka Ura and asked to her, "How are the Vampires?"

"Simple, they don't even know that we are watching them, Elmenhilde is trying her best to calm things, along with Lord Tepes and Lady Carmilla but soon enough, they will lose complete faith in them..." Moka Ura spoke, as Issei responded with a smile while rubbing her head, "Good job, Ura.." 

Moka Ura blushed as Moka Omoke spoke, "Hey, what about me?" Issei looked at her and sighed, he then smiled at her as well and spoke, "You too Omoke, you too...thank you, things would not have ended up this well and smooth if it was not your actions..." The girls nodded with a smile, as Mirana looked at the scene with a slight pout on her face, however she soon removed it and responded,

"So what is the next plan, like you have already made the weapon?" Issei looked at Mirana and spoke, "It is time we begin the final fall of the Factions...Mirana, are Gabriel and Elizabeth ready with their roles?"

"They are, the armies and the ships have all been ready, we are ready for battle against the Asgardians and the Asgardian Armada, all we need is your command.." Issei looked at her and nodded, he then asked another question, "Is Nyx, Quinella and the others ready for their part, this is going to be the part of the fight that they will never forget..." 

"Yes, we are all waiting for you, all we need is for your input, I hope you are ready for your speech..." Issei looked at her and nodded, the trio then soon left as they were greeted by his generals, that being Kalani, Vader, Malak and Grievous, with Malak speaking, 

"So are you ready for the finale?" Issei looked at Malak and spoke, "Indeed, I have been waiting for this moment for the past 2 years, ever since I made the promise of freeing Nyx, to dealing with the Factions once and for all. Today is the day, we will achieve true peace..."

"Indeed, the girls and Hades and Persephone along with their daughters are waiting for you..." Issei was surprised by what Vader had told him, he never thought they will appear, as he spoke, "Why are they here? Like, I thought they would..."

"They were persistent, and I did not have the heart to deny them..." Malak spoke with a sigh as Issei seemed a bit worried, as he then spoke with a sigh, "Fine, I will go greet them..."

Issei decided to head inside, where was ambushed by a hug aimed towards him as someone exclaimed with happiness, "Ise-chan!! I missed you!!" Issei turned around to see his adopted family present, as Issei sees the one that hugged him, this was Persephone, as she remained like this for a moment, as Issei returned the hug, "I missed you too, Persephone..."

Soon enough the rest of the family joined in, this included Hades, and Hades and Persephone's daughters, that being Macaria and Melinoë showing up. 

Macaria was described to be a fair skinned beautiful lady, with a flower on her head, and she wore a blue colored gown, with a purple stomach plate, and two bracelets which were purple in color. Macaria's hair was also wavy and smooth.

Melinoë, on the other hand was described to be tan skinned lady, whose hair was curly, unlike her sister's, she wore a similar clothing, except hers was red, and she wore her blue bracelets near her upper arm. 

"So girls, how was your college?" Melinoë spoke with a sigh, "Aside from confessions literally annoying us, there is nothing that was a problem, it went smooth.."

"Yeah, those boys did have genuine feelings for us, but they were mostly short lived, plus, I am not sure if they will live as long as we do..." Macaria added with a response, Issei shook his head, he knew of the girls having problems with them dating boys, as Issei spoke with her, "You should probably give them a chance, you never know, out of all those fishes, there may be a pearl amongst them."

"Issei is a bit right, but there is no way that your future boyfriend is getting an approval without getting through me.." Hades spoke in an overprotective father persona, as Persephone gave a sweat-drop, she can judge people by their looks, regardless even she wanted to give her daughters the best lover, since given what happened to Issei. Neither Persephone nor Hades want what happened to Issei, happen to their daughters. His suffering from heartbreak was something they did not want for their daughters as well. 

"Anyways, I should be getting ready, they are waiting..." Persephone soon released him from her hug as Issei walked forward with the rest of his allies, Persephone and her family watch, they watch the speech that Issei would be making. 

The stage was set, as there was a microphone at the center, he looked at the Droids and those that sided with him, whether it be those the sleeper agents, as well as the Sleeper Agents that were converted into vessels for the Malebranche. Additionally his generals and Nyx along with Hades and his family were standing on the stage. This also included Artemis, Athena, Quinella, Charlotte, Miyuki, Elizabeth, Gabriel, Moka Ura, Moka Omoke, Mirana, Ingvild, Valery, Göndul, La Folia and her family, Malacoda, Seekvaira and Latia. They all were looking towards Issei, who started to make his speech, a speech that would be remembered. 

Issei spoke with a deep breath and made his speech, "Today is the day, the day that marks the beginning of the Final War against the Factions, fight against several regimes that leads to nothing but disorder. But this very moment, hidden from the rest of the world, the Supernatural Factions lies to the world while secretly supporting injustices against humanity and many other innocent races! This fierce machine which we have built, something that is right above us!" The Death Star is teleported inside the room at top of the army, "This will bring an end to the Faction Leaders, and beings that perform injustices and crimes against humanity!! They will no longer use humanity which they manipulate to forward their own goals of selfishness, but not anymore!! No longer shall this happen, not anymore!! CAUSE, TODAY OUR FINAL WAR AGAINST THE SUPERNATURAL FACTIONS HAS BEGUN!! ALL REMAINING FACTIONS WILL FALL TO THE DROID FACTION AND WILL REMEMBER THIS AS THE WAR THAT ENDED THE SUPERNATURAL TYRANNY UPON HUMANITY AND OTHER RACES!!"

The army raised their hands, and cheered for Issei, "All hail the Supreme Leader, All hail!!" The only ones that did not were the ones on the stage near Issei, all of whom had smiles on their face, tonight was the day the Factions will start to fall, everything that the Supernatural has built on humanity through their manipulation will end. 

Issei left the area, as Nyx came towards Issei, and spoke with a smile, "That was an amazing speech, Ise.." Soon after the rest of the people had also come towards Issei as he looked at them and responded. 

"Let's get ready, and prepare the Death Star, Malacoda, take your Malebranche and get to the Death Star?" Malacoda nodded as she spoke while teleporting, "As you wish, my lord.."

Malacoda teleported away from the location with her Malebranche hosts as they were inside the Death Star, they started to prepare the Death Star, Issei then commanded her. 

"Malacoda, head to Asgard, and keep a significant distance, from them so that they don't find you..." Malacoda responded in an affirmative tone, "Indeed, my lord.."

"Now then, let's get ready for war, against Asgard, it is time..." The rest of the group nodded, he looked at Hades and Persephone and responded, "Are you two sure of fighting for me? Like I don't want to get you and your family involved in this mess..."

"We are Gods Ise, and besides, Odin needs to pay on how he treated you, there is no way we are going to let this slide. We will help you in whatever way we can..." Hades spoke for his family as he responded, "I would say to prepare for the war, leave the fighting to us, and when we deal with the Underworld, we are going to need every force we have to deal with them, since we are going to deal with them in the very end. Until then, enjoy the show..." 

Issei spoke with a smile, as Hades nodded in understanding, with Persephone speaking, "Leave it to us, Ise-chan, make sure to give that old hypocrite hell for what he has done!"

Hades and his family soon teleported out of there to prepare for the final war. Issei then turns his attention to Artemis and Athena and spoke, "Your goal is to set up the different televisions in the different locations around the Supernatural World. " Artemis and Athena nodded in agreement, as Issei continued, 

"Additionally Athena, you must look after my parents, upon my signal capture them and teleport them to me, I have a personal score to settle with them as well.."

Athena nodded in understanding as she spoke, "Leave it to me, Issei..." Athena and Artemis teleported out of there, as he looked at the rest of the girls, "You all, your job is to destroy the Norse Gods, you will be assisted by the Droids and the ships so you need not worry, we will be revealing ourselves anyway, so you need not worry..."

"You can teleport out of there to the Death Star, or the base, if you run out of magic, I want all of you to survive this war, I could care less for the Sleeper Agents, but you, I want you all to live another day, please..." to me, and I don't want to lose any of you..." Many of the girls had a red tint on their faces, as Quinella spoke for them, "You needn't worry for us, we will survive this war, we will make it out of it and we will survive, that is our promise to you..."

Issei then turned to Malak and the rest of his generals, "Let us begin, what do the Norse fear the most? Oh yeah, let Ragnarök commence and the Norse fall tonight..."

"Indeed!" Malak spoke for the rest of the generals as he was about to teleport directly to the location where Odin was, but just before he was about to teleport, someone called out to him, "Lord Issei, I-" 

Issei looks at Göndul and remembers something he promised her, as he speaks, "Come with me, Göndul, you and I will be fighting against Odin.."

Göndul beamed at this as she spoke with a smile, "Yes, thank you Lord Issei!" 

*Scene Change*

Odin's chamber, Asgard, 8:00 PM,

Odin was ready to head for the meeting, he was accompanied by Thor and Vidar, who was described to be a tall, handsome man who appears to be Northern European and in his early twenties. He has white-golden hair, golden eyes, and a beard. He wears a fitting white suit. Vidar looked at his father and asked, 

"Father, are you sure of this?" Vidar asked with a tone of surprise, he was not expecting Odin to accept another meeting by the Factions, they needed to discuss on what needs to be done and how they can counter the Droid Faction, he knew at this point it was pointless and inevitable, as to what was going on. He looked at Odin who responded with a sigh. 

"Yes, we need to plan without Hyoudou at this point....that lad has nothing but hatred for all of us, so there is no other choice we have..."

"You are right about that one, Odin!" The voice was familiar to the rest of the Gods present, they all were on guard once they heard Malak alongside Grievous and Vader beside them, despite this the Portal was still open, after all the main guests were yet to show up. Odin spoke with anger in his voice

"What do you want Malak? Haven't you done enough damage to us, just look around at what you have done, people are afraid of you, people are weary of you. They can't get sleep knowing that they would be under attack one day." Malak looked at them apathetically, as Odin continued. 

"Children cry and live in fear, they fear what your factions has done! Look around have you not done enough!" Malak only looked at the All-father and spoke coldly, "So? Your point?"

Odin was about to speak as Malak responded before he could, " Why should I care for your children? Why should I care for your people? I told you my reasons of destroying the factions months ago, during the party, but regardless I am put on deaf ears...regardless I am not here for that, I am here to bring out the end, the end of the Norse Faction!" Malak ended with a gleeful smile, as they all got angry and were ready to fight back. 

"But before everything set up, Vader?" Vader walked closer and muttered, "Yes, she has given the confirmation, the stage has already been set..."

"What is it you are talking about and-!?" Vidar cuts his father off by interrupting, "All-father?"

"Vidar, I don't think now is the time to-!?" Odin is again cut off by Malak as he spoke, "He has some news, listen to your son, All-father.."

Vidar then continued, "There have been televisions set up in the different locations of the factions, huge screens have suddenly appeared all across the Supernatural World, they have the insignia of the Droid Factions and have been recording what is happening, and they are able to see everything..." Vidar's words made Odin wide-eyes as Malak snapped his fingers generating a barrier surrounding Asgard and the Death Star, so that no one enters inside. Odin then asked angrily 

"What is the meaning of this Malak?" Malak only laughed at the All-father's words, as he spoke, "Let the show begin!"

Malak looked behind as he spoke, "You can come out, Supreme Leader!" The trio of Norse Gods were surprised by this, as two people soon stepped outside the portal. The Norse Gods were in complete disbelief, as Odin spoke with a tone full of horror. They were none other than Issei Hyoudou and the former Valkyrie of Asgard Göndul

"Hyoudou....and...Göndul....?" The two nodded in agreement, as Issei spoke for the two, "Hello All-fucker, it's been a while, hasn't it?"

Odin was stunned at this revelation, as Vidar muttered with horror, "That means that everything was....your doing?"

"Exactly Vidar, you are smart for a God of Vengeance..." Issei looked at Vidar, as he continued, "Malak was only the face of the Droid Faction, but in reality he was my second-in-command, or more accurately my Right hand man, he was more of my brother than Dai really was. I was pulling the strings this whole time, and in reality I was the mastermind behind everything. Every attack, every death, every damage done by the Droid Faction, I am the one that had a hand behind it. I was the one that started and was the one that was leading this faction from the shadows, everything was done, by yours truly, the Red Dragon Emperor, Issei Hyoudou." 

Odin and the other two Norse Gods were stunned and horrified by this revelation this meant one thing, they were doomed right from the start, Issei was their enemy from the very first day, this could only mean one thing, but they will not go down without a fight. 

The first was the Thunderer Thor, who was glowing with electricity as he dashed towards Issei with the intent to kill, shouting with fury, "HYOUDOU!!" 

However, before Thor could land a hit, he was sent flying by Malak as he spoke, "I will be your opponent, God of Thunder..." Vidar tried to assist Thor, but he was stopped by Grievous and Vader, who spoke for the two

"You will be dealing with us, God of Vengeance.." Vader and Grievous pushed Vidar to a seperate location while Malak did the same with Thor, leaving Issei, Göndul and Odin alone, Odin glared at Göndul and spoke angrily. 

"I never thought you would fall this low, Göndul, what would your children and granddaughter Rossweisse think of you?! Don't you have any shame or regret of what you have done!" Göndul got angry at Odin's words, she had already seen his true colors, as Issei spoke, "You should be the one to regret, you left her to die, when she chose to actually do something right, even if it was against you, for someone that seeks more knowledge, you should have seen this coming. You left her in such a state, yet you show no shame, you disgust me in every way, All-fucker!"

Odin gritted his teeth in anger, while Göndul had a real blush on her face, she couldn't forget how much Issei has done for her, despite being enslaved, she still cared for him, as Göndul spoke with equal anger. 

"I served you for so long, for years, if not centuries, no I served you for more than that, and you abandoned me without a second thought. Issei was right about you, you aren't worth keeping alive at this point, you really are pathetic, All-fucker!" Göndul spoke angrily as Odin became even more angry, he looked at her and spoke

"You..." Issei looked at him dead in the eye, and spoke, "No point in telling this God, if he abandoned you without a second thought, then there is nothing that can be done, let's end this once and for all, Göndul..."

Göndul looked at him and nodded, she glared at Odin as the duo got ready to fight the All-father, who was ready to defend himself, no matter the cost. 

There was only one thing that was going to happen and that was, the Final War of the Droid Faction against the Faction Leaders. 

*Scene Break*

(A/N: Bang that's it for this chapter, the next one will be the final fight of the Norse Factions)

(A/N(2): Both Melinoë and Macaria's appearance were based on their counterparts from Saint Seiya, I don't own them or their characters)

(A/N(3): The finale of the factions has officially begun)

(A/N(4): Massive thanks to Shubh030201  for helping me with this chapter)

(A/N(5): All the gods and characters are completely fictional and the world is also Draconic Deus they have no relations or connections to any god, religion or mythology of our real world or Planet Earth. Some characters may seem villainous, but that is how it is, this Issei is the first villain Issei, but it should have been obvious at this point.)

Please let me know what you think, and I will catch y'all later



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