Dancing With Our Hands Tied [...

Od WeTookAChonce1208

305 2 119

Harry had his life laid out on a silver platter. He was supposed to become king of their land fairly soon and... Více

Enchanted (Taylor's version) - 1
Voodoo Doll - 2
They Don't Know About Us - 3
Always you - 4
Seeing Blind - 5
Lover - 6
I know places (Taylor's version) - 7
Happily - 8
You Could Start A Cult - 9
Ready to Run - 11
Cinema / If I Could Fly - 12
Jet Black Heart - 13
Bloodline - 14
Daylight / Paradise - 15
These four walls - 16
Speak now - 17
Dancing With Our Hands Tied - 18

Secret Love Song Part 2 - 10

12 0 7
Od WeTookAChonce1208

"On the outside where I can't be yours and you can't be mine"

(Warning: more mentions of Simon Cowell)

I knock on Louis' door, him opening it seconds later. I had picked up pizza from the kitchens, it now sitting in a bag on my arm. "Ready to go?"

"Yep." He smiles, stepping into the hallway and closing the door. We walk close, wanting to hold hands but not wanting to get caught.

We exit the building and run to the stables we're Niall is sitting. "Why hello, I expected you to join me again in my insolation out here at some point."

"Oh shut up you were just in the castle this morning." I say, knocking his hat he wore on the floor causing him to scoff.

"Taking Darcy out again?" Niall asked, grabbing Darcy's saddle.

"Yep, going on a picnic. Don't tell mum."

"Didn't plan on it." Niall smiled.

He put the saddle on the horse, me getting and helping pull Louis up, handing him the pizza to hold. "Niall, can you grab a blanket from the shelf?" Niall nods reluctantly, grabbing the blanket and handing it to Louis.

"Looks like you've got your hands full." I remark to Louis looking over my shoulder.

"Yeah you've handed me a lot of shit-"

"Don't forget to hold on." I interrupted before Darcy took off moving, I felt Louis frantically wrap his arms around me.

"If this pizza is smushed, it's your fault not mine, you hear?" Louis huffs, leaning his forehead against my back.

"Whatever you say." I laugh, we enter the tree line and I pull on the reins a little, Darcy slowing down her pace.

"How'd your meeting with your dad go earlier?" Louis asks.

"Ehhhhhh, not very good. He told me I had to get married on the twenty eighth so I could become king on the first of march." I say, I feel Louis' hands stop from where they were gently moving up and down on my sides.

"Married on the twenty eighth, that's soon." He mumbles.

"Yeah, I... I don't know what to do." I sigh, shaking my head.

Maybe if I just tell my mum I want to be with Louis it will be okay, and then me and him can get married. I'd be okay if I had to be king if he was with me.

"We'll figure it out." Louis states.

"When? How?"

"We just will, I promise." He says.

"Okay." I trust him.

We arrive at the waterfall, the wind blowing slightly creating a peaceful breeze as we come to a stop. I slid off of Darcy, grabbing the blanket and pizza from Louis' hands and setting them down before helping Louis down.

"Thank you." Louis murmured after he got down, squeezing my hand.

"No problem, do you wanna eat now or later?" I ask, letting go of Louis' hand and laying out the blanket.

"Now works for me." He responds, grabbing the pizza box from on top of the rock and sitting down on the blanket. I sit down beside him, smiling over at him.

"I'm glad I get to spend time with you." I say, poking his elbow causing him to laugh.

"I'm glad we get to hang out too. I still can't believe you actually like me, it's crazy." He replied, opening the pizza box and grabbing a slice.

"What do you mean?" I asked, sitting up and grabbing a slice.

"I... it's stupid." He says, shaking his head with a laugh.

"No! Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me!" I say, grabbing the pizza slice out of his hand and holding it above his head where he couldn't reach.

"Fine, you're cruel. I remember when I was like fifteen or so it was the first time I'd ever seen a newspaper. We lived on the outskirts of town and I never really looked at them at the stores- anyways, there was an article about the royal family, and there was a picture of you in it." Louis blushed looking away.

"You were probably like thirteen at the time and they were talking about you donating your birthday money to charity or something but all I really looked at was the picture. You were cute, curly hair, dimples. I felt so wrong for liking you because... well you were a boy, but I remember I just showed the picture of you to my mum and just bluntly said 'I like him', and she was okay with it. I just thought you were pretty."

My mind was processing slowly as usual. "So you had a crush on me?"

"Yes, Harry, that's practically what I said." Louis laughs. "I've liked you for the past five years, which is quite embarrassing on my part, I mean crushing on someone for five years is crazy-"

"If it makes you feel any better I think I liked you since I first saw you." I interject, causing him to smile.

"Is that why you forgot how to function after you spilled your drink on me?"

"Hey." I pout.

"Just teasing love. I was dying inside too, I mean when you first entered the ballroom I almost started hyperventilating and Lottie had to go get me a glass of water. She only agreed to attend the banquet because she knew I liked you." He admitted.

"Wow, I really have a big effect on you, it's the curls isn't it?" I ask, causing him to roll his eyes.

"Yeah maybe it is the curls."

"Do you think they'd look better short? Father says I should cut them-"

"No god no, don't you dare cut your hair." Louis says, causing me to laugh.

"Fine, fine, I won't." I hand him back his pizza slice and we both eat.

We finished the pizza and decided to go swimming like last time, both of us stripping to just our underwear and jumping in the water.

"Should I jump off the top of the waterfall?" Louis asked, his hair looking super hot wet as it sticks to his forehead, water slowly dripping down his chest. God he's gorgeous.

"No! You could hurt yourself." I responded.

"I don't think I'll hurt myself." Louis says, swimming towards the edge of the water and climbing out, suddenly running away.

"Louis! Come back!" The practically naked boy disappeared from my view causing me to shake my head. If he disappears I'm not going out to find him.

Yes I would, after I cried for thirty minutes.

I heard the sound of footsteps and looked up at the top of the waterfall and saw him standing on the rock to the side of the water.

"Get down from there!" I yell with a laugh.

Louis smiles down at me, pointing at me mouthing an exaggerated 'this is for you' before running off of the rock while yelling and falling into the water. I clap for Louis as he surfaces from the water. "Thank you, thank you!" He cheers, his body suddenly tackling mine as he kisses me.

This is good. This is how life should be, being young and having fun, kissing in the water, eating pizza. I wish it could be like this forever.

Louis pulls back from the kiss, me opening my eyes to find him looking at me with a smile. "Hi."

"Hi." I smile back at him, my arms thrown over his shoulders, his hanging loosely around my waist. "Would it be too early to say I think I'm falling for you?"

"Would it be too early to say I've already fallen?" Louis replies, his face turning a light shade of pink.

"Perfect timing." I grin, leaning forward and kissing him again.

"We always end up making out while in the water." He laughs when we part.

"It's a habit."

"Yeah, one we can't seem to break apparently. So is forgetting to bring towels to dry off with, we never do that." He says.

"Yeah... didn't think that far ahead." I mumbled as we got out of the water, both of us laying down on the blanket, the water seeping into the fabric. The sun that dried us last time slowly set over the trees.

"It's getting late." I say, looking over at Louis.

"Do you want me to read to you?" Louis asked, suddenly reaching over to his clothes and grabbing a small book out of his jacket.

"Sure. You really like books don't you?" I say, moving over some to sit closer to him.

"Yeah, I love writing so I guess they both kind of sit well together." He replies.

"What do you write?"

"Poetry mostly, had a knack for it since I was a kid."
Louis opens the book and begins reading, me laying my head on his stomach as I lay perpendicular to him. We make it through a couple chapters of the book before Louis stops, I look over at him, the book has fallen on his face, his arms limp beside him.

"Lou?" I question, moving over to be beside him again and picking up the book slowly. Underneath the book his eyes were closed and his mouth slightly open as he snored quietly. I laughed quietly at the fact he had fallen asleep while reading, reaching over and grabbing my jacket and balling it up, slowly lifting his head and sliding it under it.

It's probably not good for us to fall asleep out here, we should be back at the palace by now. But I can't help but find myself slowly drifting away laying beside Louis, as if it's all meant to be.


I feel the sunshine over my face, telling me something isn't right.

Why is the sun up? And why am I outside?

I hear distant talking when I suddenly feel someone pulling me. "Piss off." I mumble, hugging closer to the thing beside me.

I open my eyes a little, noticing I'm hugging Louis. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps.

"Get up this instant your highness!" I hear from beside me, making me turn my head quickly to find Simon standing there with a dozen or so guards beside him. Not good.

Two of the guards move to pull me off of Louis. Me flinching as they touch my arm.

"Unhand me! You have no right to touch me!" I yell, sitting up.

"Haz, what's wrong?" I hear quietly from beside me, causing me to look over at Louis. Just as I do the guards start trying to pick up Louis.

"No! Don't touch him! You have no right-"

"Actually we do." Simon interrupts.

I watch as they pull Louis to his feet, him awake now and trying to get out of the guards grip. I jump to my feet.

"On whose orders?"

"The kings. He said if that faggot filth was touching you we had every right to shoot him on the spot, don't you think us just holding him is better?" Simon asked, causing my heart to stop.

Father ordered Louis to be shot? So he knows I'm with Louis?

"We are to return to the castle immediately, put your clothes on sir." Simon says, causing me to quickly realize both me and Louis still stand in our underwear.

I walk over, sliding on my pants, shirt, and shoes. I look over seeing Louis trying to get out of the guard's grip to do the same. "Let him get dressed." I tell them.

"He doesn't deserve too." One of them replies, tightening his grip on Louis.

"Fuck you both." Louis mutters, kicking one of the guy's ankle.

I grab Louis' clothes and we begin walking back to the castle, one of the other guards leading Darcy and another one carrying the blanket and pizza box.
But I don't see Louis' book anywhere.

I walk beside the guard on Louis' left, begging him to let go of Louis, but he doesn't.

I make eye contact with Louis, neither of us knowing what will happen when we enter the castle but knowing it won't be good.

The guard guiding Darcy disappeared into the stable which I didn't see Niall in. We entered the castle, heading towards the meeting room.

When we entered, I saw my parents, Niall, Johannah, and Lottie all sitting around on the couches looking up at us as we entered.

"Oh Harry!" My mother sobbed when she saw me, running to hug me. "Thank goodness you're safe." She cried into my shoulder.

"Why wouldn't I be safe mum?"

"Because that man kidnapped you!" She yells, pointing at where Louis stood, the guards had dropped their hold on him, he now just stood in the corner of the room in just his underwear, having a conversation with his mother with their eyes.

"He didn't kidnap me!" I yelled back at her, stepping away from her confused.

"You were missing Harry! We searched the whole grounds for you!" Father interjected.

"Yes, Louis and I were hanging out and we fell asleep." I say, trying to calm down.

"You shouldn't be hanging out with that fag I warned you-"

"Don't call him that!" Me and Johannah both snap at the same time.

"It's what he is. He was probably trying to turn you Harry, bet he was trying to assault you, if he didn't already. He probably converted you to his ways and brainwashed you." Mother says.

"Do you hear yourself? You sound completely mad! There's nothing wrong with guys liking guys!" I say.

"Yes there is, it's unnatural. It's disgusting. He'll be sent to hell-"

"Then I guess I'm going with him." I interrupt, causing both of my parents to go silent, looking at me with shocked faces.

Suddenly father started charging at Louis, catching him off guard. "You've corrupted my son!" Father yelled as he pushed him against the wall.

"Get off of him!" I cried, tears forming in my eyes as I tried to pull the bigger man off of my man.

"What, you like pushing little boys against the wall? Maybe you're the gay one mate." Louis spits at him causing my father to drop him and back away a step.

"I want you gone."


"You and your whole family, out of my castle, and out of my town."

No, no, no, no-

"No father please no! Please don't make them go away please-"

"No Harold, I will not have a pervert like him near you ever again." He said.



"But father... I love him." I plead, while looking over at where Louis stood, his eyes brimming with tears.

My fathers face turned stone cold as he shook his head, "We will get you proper help. We will call a priest and he will get it out of you."

"Get what out of him? The gay? Fuck you man, your so sick." Louis yells.

"Please, I'll do anything, don't make him go away." I sob, looking in between my parents.

"Marry one of the girls and he can still live in the town." Mother says, causing father to turn to her with a look of disapproval.

"I will, I promise I will, don't make him leave. Please." I cry.

"Harry no, it's okay, your happiness is important too-"
"No Lou, I don't want to lose you." I walk over to him trying to hug him but a guard suddenly pulls him away from me. His Mother and sister are both guided out of the room, him being pushed out after.

"Harry! Harry!" He yells as he's being pushed to the door, tears falling down his face. "I love you! I love you too!" Suddenly the door is closed and I'm never going to see him again.

I fell down on the floor, sobbing immensely. He's gone. The one person I've truly liked, truly loved, is gone. Taken from me because of what? His gender? That's complete bullshit.

"Oh get up, don't be childish Harry. The bad man's gone now you can live your life peacefully, don't act like a baby." Father scolds me, pulling me off of the ground.

"I'll contact the priest tonight for him to visit this week." I feel numb. "You'll be staying in your room until then, I'll also get someone to cut your hair, it's getting too long, you look like a girl."

Father walks out of the room, mother right behind him. Leaving me in the room with just Niall who immediately jumped off the couch and ran over to me.

"He's gone." I cry into Niall's arms.

"I know, I know, I'm so sorry they did that." He replies, hugging me.

"Why are you here?" I asked, moving back some and wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

"They brought me in here to question where you were, I lied and said I didn't know. They said if they found out I was lying there would be consequences... I don't know what they'll do now that they know." Niall sighs.

"They can't take you away from me too. I'd have no one." I say in fear, wrapping my arms around him again to hug him.

"I wouldn't let them get rid of me. I feel bad for Louis though." Niall murmured.

"We were so happy last night, we were reading and fell asleep and then they started yelling at us and pulled Louis up and didn't let him get dressed." I blurted out in a state of hysteria. "Will I ever see him again?"

"I don't know... let's get you up to your room for right now, okay?" Niall asks.


I feel like I'm dead. 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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