Wildfire (Leo Valdez x OC) (1)

By CorgiRB

12.5K 559 934

Leo got up and walked towards the front of the helicopter. I frowned at Piper. "Why'd you take my hot water b... More

The 'Extraction' (as Annabeth called it)
So, the leopard ate Hera? Maybe it's doing us a favour
The Campfire (and a quest obviously)
The not so happy encounter with 'Happy' the dragon
The dragon gets new wings, Toothless style
We're going on a goddess hunt...
We go to search for the God of Boring, I mean North Wind
We meet the angels of boring reads
Leo has a crush on Elsa
I could take Elsa in a snowball fight
I always wanted to go bungee jumping - but with the bungee cord
Never trust monocles
Piper steals my individuality
Evil espressos have too much caffeine (according to Leo)
Tacos + deep conversation No. 294874676
Piper dissed Macy's
Piper should be a diplomat. Or a therapist.
Shopping for our deaths
I guess shopping can make you violent
Let's go out with a bang
Sometimes I just want to check gravity still works
Two birds on a wire
Who is installing traps in mansions?
Kinda forgot houses usually have occupants
I think silver looks better on me
Quiet! It's storytime.
Which blind person thought werewolves were hot?
Family reunions sometimes end in burnt bridges, I guess?
Walking in a windy wonderland...
I never want to hear the word probably again
An old friend called grief
Why do people always plan rescues in cafes?
Who gave the giant fire? They're more irresponsible than Leo
It's rude to point
Yay-son is fine. Jason on the other hand...
I guess Jason wasn't the only one in trouble
Someone is taking snowball fights way too seriously
I dub thee, tree-hugger
Miss Daddy issues' really got the nerve to bring fathers into this
Spoiler alert, Elsa really let herself go
I get knocked out more than Percy gets hit on
Another successful quest. For the most part.
Have I been adopted?
Didn't realise summer camps had rivals
When losing a race, fly.
The End (for now)

I need a medal for how often I make people embarrassed

165 12 15
By CorgiRB

When I opened my eyes, I felt my head resting on something warm. I blinked and tried to reach up to stretch but pain shot up my ribs. I winced.

"You alright?" A worried voice said.

I turned over and looked up to see Leo looking down at me, his eyebrows furrowed. I frowned and looked around. I was sat in what seemed to be a helicopter, Leo and I were sat in the back while Jason and Piper were sitting up front, Piper looked as if she had been crying.

Then the realisation hit me. My head was resting in Leo's lap. I blinked and felt my face flush. I tried to sit up but once again pain exploded in my ribs.

"Hey, hey." Leo frowned. "Calm down. You're safe."

"Where's Coach?" I said after noticing the distinct lack of satyr.

"He's gone to take Piper's dad back to a safe place."

I nodded and relaxed. "So, we did it."

"Yup." Leo smiled. "You're owl friend saved Jason's life." Then he frowned. "How are you feeling?"

I smiled up at him. "Just hurts a bit in my ribs. Actually, scratch that it just hurts around my stomach, spine and chest area. Why does it feel like I got stabbed?"

Leo hesitated. "You kinda got stabbed. There was some shrapnel and stuff in your stomach, your ribs were broken and your spine got somewhat put out of place. I'm not really sure, Coach did his best at explaining and fixing it but he said you should rest."

I frowned. "I can't rest, we have to save Hera."

Leo sighed. "We're on our way to her, don't worry, Jason managed to remember some stuff. Apparently, we're going to some place called the Wolf House."

I nodded. "No idea what that is. How are we flying anyways? Who's in control of the helicopter?"

"I am." Leo said.

I frowned. "Ok... how?"

"I thought you were used to demigod stuff?" Leo raised an eyebrow. "Apparently, I just have to be in contact with the thing to get it to work. Although, it is pretty tiring."

"Shouldn't you go sit at the controls then?"

Leo opened his mouth, then closed it. He ears were tinted slightly red. "I was just making sure you were ok. We completely abandoned you and you could have died. I was scared that you were about to die because we were being stupid-"

"Woah, woah, woah." I held up a hand to stop him. "Pause. Calm down. I'm fine. All's good, no need to panic."

I pushed myself up so I was leaning on my elbows. Pain shot up my spine and I winced but kept pushing myself up until I was sat cross-legged beside him. "See? Completely fine."

"You looked like that was killing you. There is no way you're 'completely fine'." Leo sighed.

I shrugged and winced as my back ached. "Maybe not completely fine but I've definitely felt worse. We just need to finish this quest and then we can go back to Camp."

Piper poked her head out from behind her chair. "Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling?"

I smiled. "I'm feeling great. I cannot wait to save the queen of cows."

Piper snorted. "Glad to see you haven't lost your positivity."

"Nothing could make me lose my positivity. Why's Jason not saying hello to me by the way? Don't tell me I said something in my sleep to offend him."

"Nah, he's just asleep."

I nodded. "Alright. So, when are we going to get there?"

Piper shrugged and shot a look towards Leo. "This idiot should have been flying but he's been looking after you the whole time, so we aren't going as fast as we probably could be going."

Leo frowned at her. "Chill. Message received; I'll drive."

Leo got up and walked towards the front of the helicopter. I frowned at Piper. "Why'd you take my hot water bottle away?"

Piper snorted and I saw the tips of Leo's ears turn read as he sat down.

"My apologies, dearest Anwen." Piper bowed slightly.

"Thank you, good lady."

"Which kind of hot did you mean?" Piper smirked. Leo whirled around, cheeks red and a spark flew from his hair.

I laughed. "Leo your nose is on fire."

Leo went even redder and patted his nose, turned back to the front. Piper rolled onto the floor laughing.

"Just so you know. Rwy'n golygu'r ddau." I said, smirking.

Piper kept laughing and Leo looked at us bewildered. "What did she say?" He asked. Piper shrugged, still laughing and wiped a tear from her eye.

"No clue." She grinned. I grinned back at her.

Then the storm hit.

Hi, so, I'm sorry that the chapters a bit short. But, and I quote from @HotMessThe15th, IT HAS BEGUN. Also thanks for voting on my story, really appreciate it. You even gave me something to research other than cyclical structure for my English which was amazing.

By the way I'm writing this chapter while severely sleep deprived.

Also, thank you guys for 2k reads. 2K READS!! THAT'S INSANE!! Thank you guys so much. It means so much to me.

Nothing much has happened recently so I haven't got much to say. Sorry for leaving you guys on a kinda sad note last chapter, I was merely annoyed at exams and was taking my frustrations out on my characters, hopefully this chapter made up for that.

I hope you are all having a good day and if not then I hope reading this made you feel better, even just a tad.

Bye from Corgi :)

P.S. (feel free to skip) Just a reminder that all characters (apart from Anwen) belong to Rick Riordan, this is merely a fanfiction based off the Heroes of Olympus series.

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