Are You Scared Yet?

By ItBeatsBeingNormal

13.6K 527 84

This is a horror story dealing with two friends invading Michael Jackson privacy. I'm a Michael Jackson fan I... More

Table Of Contents
Safe For Now...
Someone In The Dark
1, 2 step 1, 2...
Did I Miss Something?
June 25, 2009
Two Is Company 3 Is A Crowd
Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right
Saying Goodbye
Now You See Me...Now You Don't
Prepare For Total Domination
Choose or Die...
What Dreams May Come...
Whose Side Are You On Anyways?...

Keep Your Eye's On The Prize

1.3K 38 11
By ItBeatsBeingNormal

Narrator: All little boys and girls have a get away fantasy in their world. These kids will be in for a treat once they meet Smiles.

"Are we really doing this tonight?" Jeremy asked frightened.

My friend Jeremy can be so biopiolar. First he thinks he's all that and now he wants to chicken out. He's the same age as me 14. We just got out of "hell" middle school. So now we're on summer vacation.

"Yes! I want to get a look around his house. I heard he has large flat screen televion and really expensive silverware, which can come in handy if you have the right connections." I said all too excitedly.

"But Asia what if we get caught?"

"We won't get caught." I said reassuringly.

"You remember the last time we did this. . . the little "accident"." He said discreetly.

Okay so this isn't our first time checking out someones home before breaking in. It's not like we rob the place once were inside. We just pretend we live there. You know sneak some food from their refrigerator, and probably watch a little bit of t.v. and if we're feeling really fancy we would take turns on who gets the money from wallets, sock drawers, coat pockets. You get my drift.

"What accident?" I was curious. I must've already forgotten.

"The one where you slipped on wooden floor, and set off the security alarm. I'm just glad we made it out in time! I was eating a left over sandwich In the refrigerator when you fell. Then next thing I know I hear the cops banging on the front door, and saw you slipping out the house through the garage."

"Oh yeah huh." I smiled afterwards. "Good times, good times... Speaking of time what time is it Jeremy? My moms gonna kill me if I'm not home by 6:30!"

Jeremy gazes at his phone. "Relax it's only 6:25."

"Well that leaves me five minutes to get home. I'll catch you later tonight."

"See yah "Age"."

I turned back to wave goodbye and say, "Remember it's okay to be afraid Jerms."

I ran around the block from our hideout and down the main street. Finally I stopped running near this dark alley, because I was out of breath and I just needed to head straight and make a left by my school and for some reason I can't stop starring down this alley. It made me feel like something was present.

*Can being kicked towards me*

Then I started picking up my walking pace, and it turned back into running again. As I made it home the street lights just began to come on. I knew I would be safe now.

*Later on that night*

I just got done wrapping up season 2 of this really old show called the X-Files. It's about aliens and um mysterious phenomenons that appear to be paranormal ( yeah I'm into that stuff ).

"Why can't things like that ever happen to me?" I sighed as I realized my life would never be this entertaining. "Oh well I got my alien right here." I laughed thinking about my friend Jeremy.

All of a sudden I get a text. It says, "Come outside I'm standing on your porch and make sure to put on a jacket it's 50° out here!"

I grabbed the closest one to my room door which comes down to my knees, and headed downstairs.

"Mom can I walk the dog?"

"At this time of night?" She said looking up from her copy of one of Oprah's books. "You got to be joking go back to your room."

"He looks like he needs to potty and its only 8:15 pm mom."

"Okay fine, but hurry back because I don't want you to catch a cold or get kidnapped."

"I'll be fine." I mumbled as I walked towards the front door.

"One more thing." She said making me stop dead in my tracks.

"Yes mom." I said as trying my best to keep it together as I grown irritated with the sound of her voice.

"Zip up your jacket it's 50° outside!"

"Mom I'll be fine."

This time before she could say anything else, I reached for the door with one hand and with the other I held onto the dog's leash.

"What took you so long?" Jeremy said.

"My mom!"

"I see... and lemme guess walking the dog was the only excuse you could use to get out."

"Yep. Now let's go! But first lets take the dog to your house and i'll pick it up on my way back."

"Okay but you owe me one Age."

"Will you quit calling me that! My name is Asia. A-SIA!" I said pulling his ear.

"I know I sat right next to you in class for "umpting" years. I'm not blind."

"Well you sure act like it sometimes. Anyways we're wasting time foreal, foreal lets go."

We dropped my German Shepard off at his house in front of the television in the living room. His parents wouldn't know the difference. Then I made him a bowl of dog food by the kitchen in case it got hungry. I checked Jeremy's watch 8:30. Okay not so bad. Then we left and were headed down the street.

"What do you expect to find in his house?" Jeremy whispered.

"I'm not sure, but I have feeling whatever we find will be worth the trip."

*We arrived*

"Whoa..." we both said repeatedly.

This guy was living in a mansion all by himself, and from the looks of its condition. I must say he doesn't get alot of visitors, who would?

"So what do we do now?" Jeremy asked.

"We wait." I said starring at the welcome mat that was really dusty and had spider webs all matted together. Ew...

"For what?"

"For something like that." I pointed with a large sinking feeling in my stomach.

The front door slowly swung open revealing nothing but darkness...

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