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"Looks like we made it." I said resting on this bench next to the bus stop.

"Yeah." Said Jeremy taking a seat beside me rather close.

He looked pretty much in shock, but then looking at the ground dully could mean something else, with his fists balled up resting underneath his chin.

"What is it?" I asked.

"We almost died in there!" He said begining to laugh.

See I knew he wasn't serious. It's really hard for him to take anything serious. Just like me, unless he's...mad.

"I wish we could do it all over again." I blurted.

He turned towards me with an eyebrow raised. Which reminds me of Smiles. Ugh...

"I mean it was fun from my perspective." I said shyly looking away for a moment.

"Yeah being catered to by Smiles." He coughed. "The guys old enough to be a college student." He whispered. "I can't wait to hear what your mom says we she finds out." He said clutching his stomach from laughter.

"While you were there being a third wheel." I clearly stated.

He just rolled his eyes.

"She's not going to find out and if she does I'll kill you, got that? It's going to be our little secret." I said quite stressed.

"Your parents are going to want an explanation one way or another Age. It's better if they don't get it from the police. If you get what I'm saying. By the way, where is Spike?"

"Oh my gosh I totally forgot about him." I said hitting my forehead. "We are going to have to go back."

"We can't go back now the bus is coming." He started pointing.

"Can I go to your house when we get off the bus? I don't feel like facing my parents so soon."

Jeremy was right. What was I thinking when I did this. But more Importantly what am I going to say to them? "Hey mom, hey dad. Remember when I was gone? Well I was staying with this very nice guy and oh the thing is I didn't plan on coming back, but then he gotten really crazy!" No That's diffently not going to work. In fact, anything I say might not work. I can see myself grounded for the rest of my life.

*Day dream*

"It's your birthday you know what that means. The one day you can get out of your room." My alarm said.


"Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday even though you're still grounded. Happy birthday to you..." Both parents singing.

"Blow out your candles!" Jeremy says excitedly.

He was the only guest I had at my party since I didn't haveva social life anymore. I looked at the cake. It looked so good oreo flavor and Ice cream In the middle it was maling my stomach rumble. All of a sudden, I noticed the numbers on the cake whoa it says "80". It's been so long I almost forgot my own age.

"Why?" I responded to Jeremy.

"I want to taste this cake. By the way Mrs.Banks what exactly is in this cake?"

"Ice cream." She replies.

"Oh dear I can't have some I'm lactose." Jeremy says holding his stomach.
Just imagining himself later on the toilet.

*Blows candles*

"What did you wish for?" My dad says.

"To not be grounded anymore." I mumbled.

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