What Dreams May Come...

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*Curtains shifting*

Dom Sneddon "the leader" wasn't an important man, nor role model if something were to happen I think I can speak for everyone when I say we can walk away.Pretend this didn't happen. He was waiting for something to happen, anything, but he looked like he was loosing his patience. Just as he began to poke his head inside the darkness the curtains held. Which a smart person wouldn't have done. Smiles emerged. His face was hidden In a skeleton mask. His body was covered in a black robe that went down to his feet. Actually he looked way better than the grim reaper. The mayor backed up in shock like the rest. Not suspecting him to look like that!

*Gasps from everyone*

Smiles came foward, looking very thrilled to see Jeremy and I back and quickly gave eye contact to me then looked away.

"Did I scare you?" Smiles said starring everyone down.

*Chattering in agreement*

People were holding on to each other. I even had to admit Smiles had me going back near the police. At the same time, I felt so relieved to see him again. Some kids were trying to explain to their parents to relax he means no harm. Which I find a limitedly true, because he was saying he would kill Jeremy and I. Perhaps he knew we were under his bed all that time and who couldn't resist a little scare. That would explain... maybe?

"Hi." A little kid smiled at him.

"He isn't the same guy who bought your christmas presents when I lost my credit card." Whispered a concerned mother.

"Yes, listen to me mom. Trust me that's him that's the guy." Another child spoke.

All this talking going on had me a little confused. Like didn't a minute ago y'all wanted him gone? Why the sudden change of heart? But I spoke to soon. Looks like the mayor wasn't finished with his hating just yet.

"You didn't scare me. Maybe you scared them, but you didn't scare me." He said wrinkling up his nose.

Smiles Incredible smile immediately vanished into a serious expression.

"That's too bad isn't it? I guess I have to try harder next time." He grinned and walked away. To place down his mask and the rest of his costume.

"There won't be a next time." The mayor said hesitant.

Jeremy snuck his way back over to me and whispered, "Why do you keep leaving me?".

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you don't like dark places." I said sarcasticly.

"Not funny? Besides if I am correct you look upset. So what's the matter? Was it because earlier I was talking to another girl." He grinned.

I didn't give it much thought, until now since he brought it up. Okay I was a little mad, because they were getting along so well and I felt left out. But I am definitely not jealous. The girl was freaking only 9 years old! A five year age gap. So um... if Jeremy likes little girls that is definitely none of my business.

"No...I just have a lot on my mind." I said looking away from him.

"Well anyways, don't you think this is better than regular t.v?" He said grabbing some popcorn from his jacket pocket.

"Where did you get that from?"

I pointed to the handful he was about to shove into his mouth.

"Oh this." He laughed softly.

"We stayed here for quite a while Age. It's not that hard to remember where the kitchen is."

He had a point.

"Let me have some!" I said a little too loud.

People were beginning to look at us clearing some sort of pathway. Including Smiles was starring. Then, he carried on with what he was saying.

"No next time huh... oh really? Why is that?" He said still questioning the mayors statement.

Narrator: Here's what we've all been waiting for. The show down Smiles vs. "The people".

"We want you out of town. We have a nice normal town. Normal people, normal kids. We don't need freaks like you... telling them ghost stories!" He said looking him up and down.

"So you don't believe in ghost?" Smiles said looking at the children and continued to walk around.

*Parents began to get upset by this*

"I do." A young teenager said.

"Me too." Another teenager agreed.

Smilie's looked like he was really enjoying himself. He replied to all the adults that continued to talk over each. Only soft spoken saying, "It's only a question. "

The adults weren't accept his answer.

"Shush! Do you see what you've done? Aren't you ashamed? Young people are impressionable" A little old lady said standing up from her power scooter.

We couldn't just stand here and let them attack him. I'm referring to us children. Jeremy and I began to tap shoulders and whisper to have someone say something to defend Smiles. Finally some kids began standing up.

"Awww be quiet ma... Your not even home though. Dad and you are supposedly getting back to each other. Then why am I always at day care center for preschoolers? Just because you know the teacher."

His mother remained quiet.

"Exactly, so yeah I wasn't with that. I started ditching and met him one day when I was walking. He's been not only a good friend, but he's more of a father to me than dad will ever be!" He shouted.

*Applauding from children*

"How was that?" He whispered to me.

He was 5'9 and muscular. He had cheek dimples and adorable nerd glasses. His hair was dirty blond and as a bonus he smelled really good.

More and more kids then shared their testimonials. But I knew I shouldn't have let this one kid in paticular speak. He was known to talk to much. I use to baby sit him when I was 10 for Mr.&Mrs.Johnson.

"Show them the neat stuff you did for us." She said sweetly.

"Shut up you dumb nut! It was suppose to be a secret." Her older sister said hitting the little girl.

Their mother shouted to get both of their attention, "Stop hitting your sister!" As soon as she said that powerful wind smacked up against her head.

Then things afterwards fell into complete silent. With all of us starring at Smiles for an answer.

*Thunder and lighting*

Let me take that back, the mayor wasn't looking for answers he was still trying to go "ham".

"You're weird! Your strange! And I don't like you..."

If Smiles don't tell this man how rude he is beginning to get I will. I have had enough of his judgements! The reason why someone is "weird" is because you are judging them. If you weren't judging them they wouldn't seem weird. Oh I'm good I need to run for President!

The mayor continued, "You're scaring these kids. Living up here all alone."

Oh I know he ain't talking, "the kettle calling the tea pot black."

"I'm not alone." Smiles began to smile with his arms crossed. "Your right, I do like scaring people... yes, but it's just for fun. Don't you kids uh... enjoy when I... You know... do my little..." He laughed.

All of us agreed. So he shook his shoulders at the mayor like then what's the problem.

"Well then the funs over. Back to the circus you freak!" The mayor laughed.

Narrator: Was all this hate on Smiles from the mayor neccesary? What happens next will be unbelievable. Stay tuned... :)

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