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"I can't keep stalling!" I shouted into my pillow.

It seems like everytime I am with Jeremy, Smiles comes around and I forget the fool exist. He probably hates me now, since I just left him alone on that tree stomp we were sitting together. Which I also felt so happy to be with him regardless of the situation I am now in. Why can't this be like the movies, where at the end everythings alright? I need to get dress first. I wouldn't want another suprise. Just thinking about earlier this morning still makes me laugh. But at the same time, I could just choke Smiles for his charming ways. It's like he knows what I am thinking and how I feel before I even know. Is he a mind reader/psychic? I mean I wouldn't be suprised. He's like a good suspenseful novel. You keep turning pages until you find what happens next. With that said I got dressed. I'm going to wear some leggings with my argyle sweater and try to figure out what I can say to Jeremy that might make up for what I did. Probably today I'll just have some us time like we use to have. I could just see the memories replaying in my head. The good times we use to share, even when we weren't breaking into peoples houses. I need to make things right between us.After all it is my fault.

*Opens the door to his room*

First thing I see is him sitting on the floor near his bed with tears in his eyes. Oh my gosh what have I done! Daring not approach him just yet, I walk on over to the window seal and rest my hand against it while looking at the window biting my lower lip. It was raining really heavily. I could also hear the wind, pounding against the glass and along with the cracks of thunder. You know it's pretty weird. Not what's going on right now, but how the weather is so harsh at the time Jeremy is upset with me. This isn't the first time he was mad at me either. Let me tell you a story about a time we were playing hide and go seek.

*Flash back*

Jeremy and I just got done playing some 21 in the basketball court down the street. I decided we should head over to my house for some refreshments. Little did I know my parents had just argued. We walked into the kitchen all sweaty and tired from the competition.

"Mom can Jeremy stay the night? Please, please, please, please, please." I said trying to give her my best puppy face.

With my hands on the counters. Watching her cook on the stove.

"Don't you see I'm on the phone?" She said rolling her eyes and continuing her conversation.

So I decided to try another tactic. If she was going to ignore me two can play at this game.

"Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mommy, mom, mom, mom, mom, mommy, mom, momma, mom, mom, mom, momma, mommy, momma, mom, mom, momma, mommy." I said very monotone.

I turned back to see Jeremy snickering. I had to admit I was very amused myself. It looks like I was about to make her snap.

"What? Okay fine go ahead. Oh yeah wash your hands. I just got done cleaning and dinner will be ready shortly." She said in a mumble

After we got the okay we ran up the stairs and into my room. You see my dad would've been much easier to convince. But since he was working double shifts for his second job this week. I couldn't get a hold of him at work, even if I wanted to. Anyways I told Jeremy I was going to change into my pajamas after I took a shower. He was cool with that he turned on my t.v. and sat in my couch chair. While I was in the shower. I heard his dad's voice saying he'll drop off some clothes. By the time stepped out bathroom in my room. I was wearing my onesie and Jeremy was in his night clothes laying all stretched out in my bed. I smacked him in the head to scoot over. But he wouldn't budge. I guess he didn't hear me. So I asked him again. Still no answer, so I bit his finger very hard.

"Ouch! What was that for?" He said confused.

"I asked you to move, but you weren't listening." I said proudly.

"Asia you know sometimes I zone out. You could've just pushed me, and I would've got the message."

He was right I could've done that, but I felt like being a pain. But he was actually okay with it. So I sat down and stretched out beside him.

"Wanna play truth or dare?" I whispered into his ear.

"Sure, truth or dare?" He said with a smirk on his face.

"Truth!" I said excitedly.

"Is it true that you like are p.e teacher?" He said laughing.

"Eww no... he was so annoying." I said punching him lightly on the arm.

"Mmm hmm. That's not what I heard" He said rolling his eyes.

I then turned off the t.v. with the remote in my hand. Which made my room very dark now.

"I know what we should do." I said happily. "Lets play hide in go seek." I said in a fan girling voice.

Before he could answer I jumped out of my bed and dashed into the hallway. I heard him sigh and get up. He slowly walked into the hallway. At the time he was afraid of the dark, but that's only when he was by himself.

"Asia." He whispered clicking a flash light.

I clapped.

He jumped, because he wasn't expecting me to make any sounds. This way to much fun. I laughed a bit. But stopped since he was headed in my direction. I was hiding in the hallway closet. Where towels and extra toilet paper and cleaning utensils were stored.

"Huh... I give up! Come out from where ever you are." He said with a crack in his voice.

I just stood there crouched down peaking from the closets opening. I left it crack in case I wanted to move hiding places. Trying not to breathe, but Jeremy wasn't even in more direction anymore. So I crawled over by him. Surprisingly he didn't hear me either. He just kept looking through the bathrooms. Then he started to move towards the closet which was back at the end of the hall. But to his disappointment I wasn't in there. Just then his luck really ran out.

"Awww c'mon." He said smacking the flash light.

By now I stood up in the middle of the hall with my arms strecthed like I was blocking someone in basketball. Speed walking, I heard his heavy footsteps approaching me.

"I'm not playing anymore Age. Suit yourself I'll be in your room where it's comfortable and has light."

That's when I knew I had him.

"Are you scared yet?" I said in a scary tone.

*Falls back*

All I heard was him hit the floor. I hope he didn't faint. So I turned on the hallway light which was near the bathrooms.

*Lights on*

"Are you okay?" I managed to ask without seeming so far fetched.

"No! Are you crazy?" He said brushing himself off.

As If there was any dust on him. I sweep 3 times a day if he must know. But I didn't say anything, because I can tell he was already mad at me.

"I was just joking. Jeremy c'mon don't be so mad." I said putting a hand on his shoulder to stop him from walking away.

"It wasn't so funny Age." He said with his arms crossed smiling a little.

"Yeah, but it was just a little. Be honest you should've seen the look on your face." I said tearing up from laughter.

I then reenacted what happened for him and we both fell to the ground of laughter this time. Then we went downstairs to check on dinner.

*End of flash back*

Never had I made him this upset at me. I looked back at him. He was still crying and his head was resting on his legs with his arms crossed.

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