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I knew something like this might happen.

*Thunder and lighting strikes again*

"Well... are we just going to stand here all day?" I asked one of the police officers.

*Whispers again from everyone*

I wonder what's everyone thinking. Sometimes whispering doesn't cut it. Speak your mind people! Geez...

"Ah Damn!" Said a man on the right of the mayor.

This guy had an thick country accent and his comment was right on the money. I wanted to go home, have me a late dinner, and if I'm lucky get some sleep. However, It was only a fantasy. We all continued to move forward. Taking one step at a time. Do you know those cartoons when everyone's trying to solve a mystery In a group? It was exactly like that, no one wanted to split up. I feel as if we're a slave to our own curiosity. You know what they say, "Curiousity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought It back." The suspense was killing me. Is Smiles even home? What will we discover if he isn't? Can't we all just get along and leave him alone?

"It's just like last time its the ghost!" A little blond boy spoke to his older brother.

His older brother just tried to keep him quiet by hitting him in the back of his head.

"Don't hit your brother!" Yelled their mother.

The rest of the children also began to worry about this place being haunted, and some parents comforted them.

"There's no such thing as ghost honey." Said a petite woman.

Even the mayor tried helping.

"She's right, and I'm gonna prove it to you kid.Lets go!"

No one believed a word they were saying though.

*Inside the entrance*

It caught all the adults eye's. Some repeatedly blinked their eyes in disbelief, and went around the room looking at the cobwebs, over the windows, and on staircase. I also heard someone state "I would never let my house get this dirty." The children on the other hand, were calm and unamused. Some ran around looking for Smiles, or to hide from each other since they been here plenty times and know the place well, but parents began calling them back over to our "safe zone". I think Jeremy and I stayed here the longest, in case anyone wondered. I just want to keep the record straight. Smiles always called us his special friends, but I never fully understood what that meant.

*Entrance door slams closed*

I'm guessing these people don't ever go to the movie theater to watch horror movies. Someone had the nerve to see if entrance door was really closed. The first thing they should know not to do is panic. Second thing is come up with a plan that has everyone's participating whether it works out or not. Lastly, have a weapon that won't back fire on you. Every little thing scares these people, and It's begining to annoy me. Or maybe, for tge adults it's seeing Smiles that truly brings them fear. Did I mention some weird stuff began to happen?

*Baby crying*

No one had a baby unless you count the pregnant lady from earlier, but her baby was sound asleep. The sound was coming from another part of the house and was getting louder by the minute.

"Over here!" Shouted a little kid with tiny voice .

Hid eyes were glowing white, and his body was shaking uncontrollably. I wonder what's that all about. Then if that wasn't enough, some Icy wind began to blow through the house out of no where, pushing us towards the direction he had pointed. From what I could tell we were heading to the ballroom.

*Inside the ballroom*

First thing I saw was the fire place across the dance floor. I wanted to go over there to get warm, but I have to keep a fresh mind and be alert. In order to do that, I can't afford to just go wondering off like these other people. The mayor began to walk, so everyone else began to walk. Instead of being mayor he should've been a police sergeant. He was giving them orders, and leading us. That's what I call multitasking. While we were walking over to the dance floor, things got really quite. Jeremy held on to me, thinking I was scared. While I really was looking around trying to calculate where Smiles might just jump out from.

*Flash back*

As you may already know at times when I wasn't to fond of hanging out with Jeremy here of course, I was with Smiles somewhere near acting dumb as far as I can remember. He always had a wild personality and gave some great advice. Hes taught me alot during the moments spent, but let's get to the point hes taught me things that were to my advantage. Such as knowing your surroundings, no matter where you are. He explained this to me when it was one of those nights, I just couldn't go to sleep. He was giving me a tour around, because he knew it would make me tired eventually. As we were walking he told me things about each room, paintings, and cracks on the wall. Everything was significant to him he wouldn't leave out a single detail . That's when he told me the secret of how to know your surroundings. Which was very simple the way he put it.

"You just have to think of something that would remind you of a specific place, so say you were walking to a friends house. What do you have to pass along the way to reach there? Maybe a mean neighbor, with an old car always parked in their drive away. Or a tree that's bent sideways. And as you walk on the sidewalk you have to duck underneath. Remembering things like that, helps you know your surroundings."

Smiles let me know everything about the Mansion, on those nights. And I have to admit it was pretty genius of me to act as if I had trouble sleeping. I don't think there would've been an easier way for Jeremy and I to escape.

*Flash back ended*

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