Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right

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"Believe in yourself you could do this." I said worried biting my lower lip and starring at my reflection once more through the window.

*By Jeremy's side*

"Jeremy I know you may not want to talk to speak to me right now. But I just need you to listen. Hear me out is all im asking. We've been friends for a very long time. Almost longer than anyone else I know as family. I just, I just..."

Oh my gosh, why am I stuttering I can handle this.

"I just think we should talk more about this when I'm ready. Not saying I don't feel that way, but I don't want to lead you on when I don't know what I want. Like the kiss it was it was..."

I began looking at my shoes.

"It was pretty amazing." I admitted.

The first time he actually looked at me with interest since last night. His eyes were really pink and he was sniffling really bad. I got up to get him some kleenex and eye drops that were on his night stand.

"Thank you... for the kleenex and eye drops." He said quietly.

"Welcome. Oh yeah would you like any ice cream from the kitchen? The regular two scoops with sprinkles and a cherry." I whispered while I massaged his shoulders.

Smiling a bit he nodded. Looks like I can be a good at this girlfriend stuff after all. I then asked if it was okay if we spent the day together like old times.

*Back with the ice cream*

"Glad to see that smile not upside down." I said lifting our milkshakes.

"I miss us... Age just hanging out." He said while patting my head.

"So do I." I smiled. "Anything good on t.v?" I said taking the remote in one hand.

"I heard X-Files was coming back!" He said teasing me.

"That'll be the day." I said rolling my eyes.

"Since there's nothing interesting on t.v. you know what that means! Let's play hide in go seek."

"But Age..." He said with a puppy face.

"Boy don't be calling me Age, I'm not your grandma." I joked.

"Do we have too?" He said very whiny.

"Uh yah..." I said kicking off my shoes.

"Who's going to hide first?"

"You are you have 30 seconds. On your mark get set go!" I said peaking through my hands.

Okay I needed to be a winner. It's not cheating if you really can't see through walls or is it? By the way after he dashed out the room, I heard stumbling down the stairs. So I can check off looking up stairs lol. I also had an advantage, I usually talk to the ghost more than Jeremy. Like we have our own secret handshake and the "whole nine". Anyways I decided to see what they were up to on this stormy day. I also had to take our cups to the kitchen sink.
The ghost were in the living room in sync dancing with Smiles. He caught my gaze and told them break. I turned away, but then I suddenly felt his hand on my shoulder, man he's quick!

"Are you avoiding me?" He said cautiously.

"No why would you think that?" I said touching my neck collar trying to loosen it.

I hate feeling trapped he was in my way anyways. You can say I am claustrophobic. But he probably thought I was lieing, because I began to wander around with my eyes. Due to being cornered. Also I kinda was lieing, but only a little lie. I am avoiding him for the time being today is Jeremy's day. What I mean is I need space.

"I hate to push are conversation short, but uh I'm busy at the moment." With that said I walked off like a boss.

He was just left with a funny jaw dropping expression on his face. I didn't mean to be rude, but what else could I say. I'm trying to spend time with Jeremy and your ruining it. That would made him even more ambitious to take me away. I walked into the dining room.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." I said casually as I walked and stood in front of the group. "Here's some advice, the next time you do that move. Do it like this." I said all coach like. "Now you try." I watched as they formed the group again and did the dance together correctly.

They slowly brought the dance steps together and were actually in sync with me as I joined. I saw Smiles watching me from the kitchen now. He had one hand in a fist squished against his left cheek. Afterwards I felt they could do me a favor. So I asked them to huddle up. I explained to them how I am trying to win hide in seek playing with Jeremy without seeking. They looked confused.

"I'm asking if you could show me where he's hiding."

They all looked in one direction. The down stairs bathroom.

"You sure?" I said thinking he wouldn't dare.

"Yeah he's lactose. He didn't tell us he was playing a game." They all laughed.

Ugh, I opened the door and first thing I smelled was a number 2. But at least he wasn't in here. So he must've already left. That's why he stumbled down the stairs so he could use the bathroom and hide anywhere else without giving up. Smart choice, but not smart enough.

"I'm just going to need you guys to do the thing."

They tried, but it wasn't working. It was like they were drained out of energy.

So I knew something wasn't right.

*Walked back into the kitchen*

"Smiles why are you being so rude?" I said giving him the evil eye.

"What do you mean?" He said innocently.

"You took away the ghost power, and now I have to speak to you when all I'm trying to do is play a game." I said slamming something down on the kitchen counter.

"If you wanted to play a game, you should've just asked." He said stepping closer.

"What are you doing?" I said moving around the side of the table.

"Just kiss me! And I'll let the ghost have back their power."

"Okay fine." I said standing on my tippy toes.

That's when I seen Jeremy stepping into the kitchen eating an apple. The apple dropped out of his mouth and on to the floor, when he saw me kiss him. He then just walked right out the kitchen with this blank stare in his eyes.

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