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Narrator: You know that feeling you get when everything is going so smoothly? Then you know something is bound to go wrong!

I woke up feeling like I just got done exercising. Then I realized why it was because my bed was soaked in water. I knew who had done this! It was Jeremy, no wonder why he was by the bedroom door standing there smiling, and the thing he was holding must've been water. He has never pranked me before in the past so why was he doing this now. I don't know if this is strange or not, but I got the urge to have to go use the bathroom since I woke up in a wet bed.

*In The Bathroom*

I looked in the mirror to make sure nothing else was wrong with my apperance. At first, I didn't see anything then I turned slightly around like I was looking at something in front of me then I saw a yellowish substance in my curly hair. I put my hands through it and brought the yellowish stuff up to my nose. It was mustard! I hate mustard. Okay Jeremy has gone too far. I ran down the hall from the bathroom then went down the stairs into the dining room and then to the living room. But I couldn't find him anywhere. He must've already left tricking treating or knew I was looking for him. So I decided to ask some ghost for help. They gave me their visions to see through walls which was pretty cool. So I walked around the mansion carefully looking at everything. Still no luck. I thanked them though and then took a shower.

I realized I had my phone on me, because I wasn't charging it the night me and Jeremy went out. I tried to dial my mom's phone number, but there wasn't any signal here. I decided to give up and put on some music. I always liked music on when im shower so I feel less alone and it isn't do quite.

*After The Shower*

I was going to put on a shirt and a pair of jeans, but it's Halloween and Smiles and I are hanging out. The least I can do is get dressed up. But what should I be? I got it. I am going to be an Egyptian queen. I did see some markers in Smiles painting room. He draws really good. I remember one time I was in there he drawed a twenty dollar bill that looked real on the marbel floor. I tried to pick it up and it wouldn't move. So I showed Jeremy and he tried to scratch at it all day. But he couldn't get it off the floor either. Then Smiles later that day showed us footage of us trying to get the money and we all laughed.

*In The Painting Room*

I grabbed a black color pencil that was already sharpened and I tried to draw. Figuring that will work I grabbed a bunch of other colors including pastels. It was easy and smerable. So I went back up stairs and into the bathroom. "First things first." I grabbed the red velvet pastel and rubbed it against my lips. I was impressed it didn't look to bad. Then I grabbed the black coloring pencil and began putting it on top and underneath the two sets of my eye lashes. But that wasn't all. I then filled in my eyebrows to make them darker. Then I grabbed a light blue coloring pencil. I dediced to use it as eye shadow. I don't really see how Egyptians were able to handle all this "makeup". And for the finishing touch I made a nose ring out of a small paper clip I had in my pocket. I was set!
Now all I need to do is relax and wait for Smiles to come back from wherever he is.

I went back to the guest room where I was staying. And took off the wet sheets that were on my bed. Then replaced them with other fresh ones in the closet. After that I looked out the room window and saw private land in the back of Smiles house. It was beautiful. All I can really see from this view is a bunch of trees and through the trees it appears to be colorful lights flashing. I think I can even here music. But I don't want to be noisy so I sat down on the bed and then layed on my back starring at the ceiling thinking about this "date" with Smiles.

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