Dancing With Our Hands Tied [...

By WeTookAChonce1208

436 3 119

Harry had his life laid out on a silver platter. He was supposed to become king of their land fairly soon and... More

Enchanted (Taylor's version) - 1
Voodoo Doll - 2
They Don't Know About Us - 3
Always you - 4
Lover - 6
I know places (Taylor's version) - 7
Happily - 8
You Could Start A Cult - 9
Secret Love Song Part 2 - 10
Ready to Run - 11
Cinema / If I Could Fly - 12
Jet Black Heart - 13
Bloodline - 14
Daylight / Paradise - 15
These four walls - 16
Speak now - 17
Dancing With Our Hands Tied - 18

Seeing Blind - 5

16 0 5
By WeTookAChonce1208

"I was young, my heart was always on the run"

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my door opening and little footsteps on my floor. I look up to find Daisy and Phoebe standing there giggling at me.

"Well good morning." I say, propping my head up and looking at them.

"You look silly when you sleep." Phoebe says.

"Thanks?" I say in response, hearing some louder footsteps and then seeing Louis standing in the doorway.

"Girls, I told you not to bother him while I got dressed!" He scolds, motioning for them to leave the room. The twins leave him sighing, "sorry if they bothered you, a mischievous duo, them two."

I sit up fully, the comforter falling off of my exposing my naked chest. "It's all good, they seem like nice kids. Give me a moment to get dressed and then we can head to breakfast, yeah?"

Louis suddenly seems a little off, avoiding looking at me for some reason and fidgeting with his hands.

"Um... yeah sure, I'll just... go." He practically runs out of the room, the twins laughing heard in the distance.
Well that was odd.

I stood up, sliding a shirt over my head and changing my pants before walking back outside where Louis sat reading to the kids.

"Ready to go?" I ask them, all three of them looking up at me at the same time.

"Yep." Louis closes the book and stands up, the four of us walking out of the room and downstairs to the dining hall.

It appears we were entering breakfast late because everyone else was already seated and suddenly me and Louis just barged in with two toddlers causing all heads to turn and look at us. Well this is a great way to start the day.

"Glad you could finally join us." Father says loudly, everyone in the room hearing his distaste for my slow arrival.

"Sorry sir, I overslept." I say, I notice there was only three open chairs on the right side for Louis and his sisters, leaving me sitting beside Kendall and Lottie on the whole other side of the table.

"So Harold," my mother says from the other side of where Kendall is sitting, catching the attention of most of the people on this side of the table. "Any plans for today?"

"I was hoping today could just be an alone day for me, maybe work on some studying." I lied, knowing me and Louis already had plans.

"Harold, don't you think since all these girls are here you should at least be around them?" She asks.

"They are free to be around me when I'm done studying." I mumble, eating a piece of bacon.

"Good." She says.

The rest of breakfast goes by slowly, everyone eventually finishing eating and then we are dismissed.
"Are you ready to head out?" I ask Louis as we walk down the hallway.

"Yes, I'm excited." He grins as we exit the castle and walk towards the stables.

"Me too, I promise you, it's the prettiest place in the world- not that I've ever traveled anywhere else but I just know it." I smile.

We enter the stables, Niall nowhere in sight. "Niall?" I call out, no response. "Niallllll!" I say a little louder, peeking my head in the stall he normally sleeps in finding him curled up in a ball passed out.

I take out the cinnamon roll I wrapped in a napkin from my pocket and throw it on to him, waking him up.

"Thanks mate." He mumbles, sitting up and looking down at the cinnamon roll.

"Can you prepare two horses for me and Louis?" I ask, him nodding with a grin.

"Of course." He takes a bite of the food before sitting it down and walking over and grabbing a saddle and beginning to put it on one of the horses.

"Harry... I've never rode a horse before." Louis says quietly, as if he's almost embarrassed.

"That's okay, you can ride with me, Niall we only need one horse." I tell Niall.

"I could make a lot of dirty minded comments about this conversation." Niall mutters, tightening the saddle. I slap his arm, rolling my eyes before climbing up on the horse and offering a hand to help Louis up as well.

Louis grabs my hand and pulls himself up on the horse, my back touching his front. I feel my body tense, a weird tingly feeling taking over my body.
"Good to go?" I ask.

"Um... yeah." Louis says in a hushed tone.

"Bye Niall."

"Bye Harry. Make sure he doesn't get himself into any trouble, Tomlinson." Niall said.

"No promises, Horan." Louis replies, causing Niall to laugh as I click my ankles against the horse's side and grab hold of the reins as we move out of the stables.

"Holy shit." Louis gasps as we begin moving, him wrapping his arms around my waist to keep himself from falling off. I laugh a little at his reaction but overall like the feeling of him being so close to me. What is going on with me these days?

"You having fun?"

"Your hair is in my face." Louis mumbles, trying to push my long curls out of the way.

"I'll take that as a yes." I smile as I enter the forest, slowing down a little bit to watch my surroundings and enjoy the trees.

"Are there any animals out here?" Louis asks.

"Well yes, I mean we are outside." I respond, I can practically see Louis roll his eyes.

"I mean like big animals, like bears and stuff."

"You scared of bears?"

"I'm not scared of anything." He huffs.

"I'll protect you from the scary bears, don't worry Boo." I say, using the nickname his sisters called him. I hear him groan from behind me.

"Don't call me that, that's what my mum called me as a baby." He mumbled.


"Yeah, Boo-Bear to be specific." He sighs, resting his forehead against my shoulder.

"Boo-Bear? That's adorable." I laugh.

"No it's not! I'm not adorable." He mumbles.

"What are you then?"

"I'm sexy." He's not wrong.

"Can't you be both?"

"No, I'm too hot to be just adorable, I've surpassed that." He says confidently, lifting his head to try to rest his chin on my shoulder but his nose just ended up hitting my shoulder in his failed attempts.

"Really? Cause it's quite adorable that you're too short to rest your chin on my shoulder." I say causing him to scoff.

"I'm not too short- and hey! You called me adorable." Louis says, his tone bright and happy.

"I guess I did." And I mean it.

I focus back on our surroundings and notice we are approaching our destination. I pull the reins causing the horse to stop. "We're here."

Louis tries peeking his head around me but I block him. "Nope, close your eyes."


"I want to surprise you." I turned around and made sure Louis closed his eyes before sliding off the horse and helping him get off the horse too, his eyes still closed.

"Are we there yet?"

"You're such a child." I murmur, helping him walk until he'll have the perfect view of his surroundings. "Okay, open them."

I look over at him, watching his face as he opens his eyes and takes in the surroundings.

In front of us was a waterfall, going into a small river that followed in between the trees. The grass was green, littered with little daisies in small patches on the ground, the sky a cloudy blue above us.

"Harry... Harry, this is beautiful." Louis gasped in awe, his face forming into a smile as his eyes peered around in wonder.

"You like it?"

"Of course, it's stunning. How did you even find this place?" He asks, stepping forward to look around some more.

"Once Gemma left I felt really alone and would wander around a lot, thinking maybe if I walked far enough I would run into her and bring her home. Then I stumbled onto this place and it made me comfortable, like my little hideout. A place just for me." I say.

"What made you decide to bring me here?" Louis questions turning to look at me.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I mean, you said it was a place just for you but you decided to bring me here." Louis points out, and yeah, that's true. I honestly really didn't think of it. The place is special to me so I wanted to share it with someone special to me.

"I don't know, I just... I trust you." I say quietly, a grin spreading on Louis' face.


"Yeah." I blush.

"Well I trust you too." He smiles.

"You do?"

"Of course."


"Yeah good."

It goes quiet before both of us laugh, Louis suddenly taking off his shirt. I feel my face turn crimson."What... what are you doing?"

"Going for a swim." He replies with a grin, dropping his pants and kicking off his shoes before running and jumping into the lake.

I laugh as I watch him jump in, him appearing on the surface of the water seconds later. "Come on Styles, not afraid of a little water are you?" He sasses.

"No I'm not." I mumble, sliding my shirt over my head and undoing my pants and dropping them beside it and sliding off my shoes, suddenly feeling self conscious standing in front of him in just my underwear.

I step one foot into the water rather than jumping in like Louis, wincing at how cold it is. "Oh come on, don't be a baby." Louis says, grabbing a hold of my leg and pulling me into the water. I screeched in alarm, quickly closing my mouth so no water got in it.

"What the hell!" I yelp when I resurface giving Louis' shoulder a shove while he's laughing at me.

"You should have seen your face." He says, the sides of his eyes crinkling while we smiled.

"Rude!" I say, splashing him with water. He gasps, splashing me back. A water war breaks out in between us, both of us splashing each other until we just burst out laughing.

I've never had actual fun like this before, it's refreshing and I feel so... happy. I'm happy.

"Your hair is a little lopsided." Louis says, causing me to try and fix my hair, him only laughing more.
"Here, let me fix it." He steps forward, his hands reaching up to run his fingers through my hair and arrange it to where it looks as proper as it can. I feel my body tense up and my face and neck turn red.

He stops, his fingers still in the back of my hair, his arms draped over my shoulders, his body almost fully pressed against me. I can feel his breath on my face, I can feel his heart beating as fast as mine.

"Stop me if I'm getting the wrong message but can I kiss you right now?" He asks, I feel my heart speed up even more at his words, his eyes staring into mine, waiting for my reply.

I've never kissed anyone before, I mean besides my pillow, but right now there's nothing more in the world that I want than to kiss him.

"Yes." I whisper. Louis slowly leans forward as if he's waiting for me to move away, I don't.

Suddenly his lips are on mine, kissing me. My first kiss. I kiss him back, moving one hand to cup his jaw, the other one resting on his hip. This feels like heaven, like everything is falling into place.

I no longer wonder what I see in my future because I know I'll go wherever he goes, I'll be wherever he is.
We slowly move backwards for air at the same time, both of us burning red and ducking our heads down, smiles etched on our faces.

What are you supposed to say now?

"Thanks." I say, at a loss of words, Louis looking up at me with a smile.

"Thanks?" He asked, his brow raised.

"Yes, that was some fairytale shit. Nothing will beat that." I say, a little embarrassed.


"U-huh... I think I like you." I say in a whisper, suddenly ducking my head down again and resting it on his shoulder.

"Hey don't be embarrassed now," he says, putting his hand on my jaw, placing his thumb on my chin and using it to lift my head up to look at him. "I like you too."

We both smile at each other, my leaning in and pecking his lips again in happiness.

It's good, life is good.

Hope you enjoyed chapter five!

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