The King's Dark Obsession


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DARK ROMANCE!!! "Tsk." "See, what your disobedience did." He rasped in a mocking tone. His head tilted to th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (16+)
Chapter 31 (16+)
Chapter 32 (16+)
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 (1)
Chapter 39 (2)
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 (16+)
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 22

7.4K 322 57

The destiny wasn't repeating itself.

It was a new beginning of a bitter end.

Sasha was staring out of the window. Not to her surprise, the guards were scattered everywhere, guarding the castle as if a war were to break.

She called her granny through Amaya and was currently waiting for her.

She wanted to tell her about last night but at the same time, she was hesitant. In order to prove herself right, she would have to show her marks to her.

The door to her room abruptly opened and she turned around, thinking it was Granny but to her surprise it was Jasper. He looked pissed. Ever since they got married, he dared pass her a little smile.

His character took a huge turn.

He locked the door and strode up to her while half yelling.

"Why were you absent at the breakfast and lunch table?"

"What is your problem?" He asked.

"I was not feeling well s-." Before she could complete her sentence, he interrupted her like a bull who saw red. "Why the fuck are you always sick?" He gritted out and she lowered her gaze for a good while, before meeting his glare sternly.

"You are acting like you've been putting a lot of effort into this relationship. Dare you come up to me and ask me why I wasn't at the breakfast table? Dare you to spare me a single lovely glance ever since we got married." She let out and he harshly grabbed her arm, yanking her to himself.

All men knew was how to manhandle someone weaker than them.

"Isn't it enough that I made someone like you my queen?" He asked and her lips wobbled for a second there but she immediately covered her expressions. Couldn't be weak in front of someone weaker.

"What do you mean by someone like me?" She asked and harshly yanked her arm out of his hold. "As far as I know, you were the one who came to me for marriage." She said and he scoffed. "I fucking regret it already." He said and she shook her head at him. "You wouldn't be regretting if my land was still free. Your real objective was to stop me from going back to my land and marry me so that you could have it under your power. You treated me nicely because you knew if you did I would give you everything on my own. But once you got to know that the land was occupied by those blood-sucking monsters, you started to show your true colors." She said a little hatred was radiating in her tone.

"Aren't you a fucking whore then? You married me, despite knowing that your land was occupied. So fucking selfish." He spat bitterly and she was left speechless for a while there. She never expected such words to leave his mouth for her. She never expected him to speak in such a disgusting manner. Who could tell that he was the famous gentleman, King Jasper?

All men were arseholes.

If she said that she did it for her people, he might kick her people out because he didn't get her land either.

Did she really think for a second there that he could save her from that monster? He was nothing but one himself.

Seems like she trapped herself in hell with no way out.

She should have just run away that day.

She thought she could share her misery with him but instead of helping, he was giving her more misery.

Yeah, the relationship built on greed brings nothing but downfall.

Sasha passed him a look of disappointment.

"Just do what you're doing. Pretend like I don't exist and focus on Fiona and her power." She said and was about to walk away but he grabbed her right wrist and harshly yanked her back in front of him once again.

"Are you saying that I'm a greedy dog?" He asked and she shook her head at him. Her gaze was blank. "No, but if you think you are one...then who am I to say anything?" She said and he scoffed. He let go of her hand and stepped back, peering down at her with no expression.

Sasha thought that he was done yelling, so she decided to just leave the room before him but the very next moment, a sharp sound resonated in the room followed by a thud.

Sasha fell down on the floor while holding onto her left cheek. 

Her wide eyes stared at the floor in disbelief, her sight went blurry due to the strong impact of the slap and in no time tears were streaming down from the two pools of sorrow.

He slapped her.

"Know your place and do what I say. If you didn't show up at the dinner table remember this slap." He rasped. With that said, he turned around and left. She flinched when he harshly shut the door behind him. The sharp stingy pain was burning her cheek as she lowered her hand and wiped her tears.

She never thought things could go this way as well.

She cursed the day, she didn't run away.

A sob raked her body and she just couldn't control those honey jades to stop shedding the tears of overwhelming sorrow.

The left side of her cheek was numb.

She immediately stood up on her shaky legs and limped towards the door, locking it. She didn't want to see anyone anymore, she just wanted to be left alone.

Her granny would only tell her to be patient as if she was not patient enough to deal with that blood-sucking monster without any reason that now she has to deal with another one. Shock, terror, sorrow, and frustration were building up inside her every day.

She slid down against the door and kept wiping her wet cheeks to the point she was all swollen red, her left cheek standing out extraordinary.

She was a mess.

Granny came and knocked on the door but Sasha told her to leave as she was sleeping. The old lady scolded her and told her to roam around the castle and interact with people.

Roam around a haunted castle and interact with maybe blood-sucking monsters?

She didn't even realize when the time flew by and the room fell into darkness. She just sat in the same spot all this time staring into nothingness.

A sudden knock on the door had her jolting up.

"My Queen, it's me. Amaya."

"I'm here to take you to the dining hall." She said,

Sasha's eyes widened and she immediately got up, wincing in pain when all her weight went on her sprained foot.

What should she do?

Jasper would kill her if she didn't go but she was better off dead than to come face to face with that monster.

"Sasha,'s me, Fiona. I've come to personally escort you." 

Sasha's eyes widened even more.

Wasn't Fiona Ragnar's sister?

A vampire as well.

If she was here then that means Ragnar sent her here to bring Sasha. No way, she came here out of generosity when she didn't even visit her once the whole day.

Sasha ran a hand down her face, the left side of her face twitching in pain. 

"Ah...I-...I'm coming."

She said and immediately limped towards the mirror. Concern kissing her swollen features. She was all swollen like a potato. She limped towards the washing room and washed her face. 

"Are you coming?" Fiona asked with a knock.

"Yes, I'm just changing," Sasha said, a little breathlessly.

"Okay, take your time," Fiona said.

Sasha immediately dried her face, being soft with her left side as she began to apply some cosmetics on her face to appear less swollen but she just couldn't cover up her left cheek.

She looked at herself in the mirror and she was looking much better than before.

She couldn't believe it.

Hiding her bruises from the doers.

But what else was she supposed to do? She had a reputation.

No one would believe her anyway even if she told them.

She fixed her hair, leaving them open so she could cover her left cheek with them. She fixed her dress and once she was done, she wore her shoes with much difficulty before limping up to the door.

She stepped outside only to be met by Fiona, who was patiently waiting for her.

Amaya was nowhere in sight.

"I'm sorry, I kept you waiting." Sasha apologized and Fiona shook her head at him. Sasha swallowed and looked away, trying to cover her left cheek with her hair when she found Fiona looking at her more intently than ever.

"Let's go," Fiona said and they began to walk. Sasha tried her best not to limp but she just couldn't walk elegantly either. "Is everything okay with your foot?" Fiona asked as soon as she noticed it.

Acting like she wasn't aware that it was her brother's doing. 

"Ah, it got sprained a little," Sasha said.

"Oh, I apologize, I didn't visit you today. I wasn't at the castle but you should have asked for a physician." Fiona said and Sasha shook her head.

"It's okay, it's nothing to fret about." She said with another thought in her mind.

Fiona wasn't in the castle.

Sasha thought negatively of her once again.

This woman was clearly giving a clear path to Jasper but Jasper was doing the same.

Her negative surroundings have made her think extra negatively.

Soon they reached the dining hall and her heartbeat intensified when she saw him sitting on his master chair. His aura was darker than ever. Sasha swallowed thickly, trying to calm herself down. Once they reached the table, she pulled out the chair on which she sat last time but Fiona grabbed that chair as well. Both the girls looked at each other in confusion.

"Aren't you supposed to sit with your husband?" Fiona asked and Sasha almost raised a brow at her.

"Weren't you sitting there yesterday?" Sasha asked and the atmosphere suddenly became hard to breathe in. Both the girls were silent as ever until Fiona broke into an awkward laugh.

"I'm sorry, I didn't pay much attention to it but it was an awful move from my side. Pardon me, I must have made you jealous." Fiona said and Sasha passed her tight-lipped smile.


She doesn't care at all.

"No, it's alright," Sasha said.

She didn't want to sit beside Jasper but she had no other choice.

She rounded the table and settled down beside Jasper.

Her gaze flew towards Ragnar and she almost flinched when she made eye contact with him. That man was staring right into her soul like a hawk. He was now bolder than ever because Sasha knew who he was.

His gaze had her hands trembling as she grabbed the fork.

Jasper noticed how her hands were trembling as he smirked.

"A slap was enough to put you on the track." He whispered in her ear and her hold tightened on the fork. Her gaze went dull. This man really thought he was the big deal here. His father was sitting right in front of him, from whom he was very much influenced.

If he knew Ragnar's true reality, he wouldn't just tremble but might piss in his pants.

"Let's dig in," Ragnar said and everyone began eating. Sasha began eating before he even said it. She wasn't feeling hungry but she forced herself to at least consume a little food if she didn't want to diminish.

Once she was done, she wiped her mouth and poured herself a little juice. Her eyes flew towards Ragnar and he was still staring at her. He was staring at her all this time but the amused look he first had in his eyes was replaced with something much darker.

She swallowed and chugged down the water as if she was thirsty for days.

She quietly sat there.

"Ah, Queen Sasha, now that you're done shall we go to the garden? I bet you will like that place." Fiona said and Sasha nodded at her. Both the girls stood up and left for the garden. 

He watched her back like a hawk and once she disappeared from his sight, his dark gaze slowly turned towards Jasper. He grabbed the knife in front of him and stabbed it on the table a little too harshly, gaining Jasper's abrupt attention.

"What do you say? Shall we go on a hunt tomorrow?" Ragnar asked and Jasper agreed right away.

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