Yearning | Hogwarts Legacy

By smile_arigatou

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Hogwarts 1891. Sabrina Pryor-Lewis, the resilient daughter. Ominis Gaunt, the earnest heir. Sebastian Sallow... More

Author's Note
Chapter One : Welcome Home
Chapter Two : First Day of Class
Chapter Three : Potions Class
Chapter Four : Quidditch Tryouts
Chapter Five : Electives
Chapter Six : Missing
Chapter Seven : Ache
Chapter Eight : Siblings
Chapter Nine : Living In A Mad World
Chapter Ten : The Gaunt Family
Chapter Eleven : Broken Promises
Chapter Twelve : Helping
Chapter Thirteen : The Auror
Chapter Fourteen : Wise Men Say
Chapter Fifteen : Only Fools Rush In
Chapter Sixteen : Away From Prying Eyes
Chapter Seventeen : Small Victories
Chapter Eighteen : Slytherin vs Gryffindor
Chapter Nineteen : Truths
Chapter Twenty : Dark Magic
Chapter Twenty-Two: Sebastian Thomas
Chapter Twenty-Three : Fistful of Roses
Chapter Twenty-Four : Burning Hearts
Chapter Twenty-Five : Change In The Winds
Chapter Twenty-Six : Losing Game
Chapter Twenty-Seven : Rookwood
Chapter Twenty-Eight : Yearning
Chapter Twenty-Nine : I Want You...
Chapter Thirty : Reunion
Chapter Thirty-One : The Den of Serpents
Chapter Thirty-Two: Cross My Heart
Chapter Thirty-Three : Hope To Die
Chapter Thirty-Four : Strength
Chapter Thirty-Five: Falbarton Castle
Chapter Thirty-Six: Storm of Ice and Truth
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Let It Hurt
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Auld Lang Syne
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Play With Fire
Chapter Forty: Ominis Lucian
Chapter Forty-One: Observation
Chapter Forty-Two: Hate
Chapter Forty-Three: Bananas
Chapter Forty-Four: I Wanna Be Yours
Chapter Forty-Five : Raising Hell
Authors Note
Chapter Forty-Six: Snakes and Eagles
Chapter Forty-Seven: Changes
Author's Final Thoughts
Up Next....
It's Only The Beginning....
*Extra* Yearning Bloopers

Chapter Twenty-One : The Dragons and The Unicorns

382 17 106
By smile_arigatou

With Anne's help, Sabrina was able to write up an official letter to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement about Minerva. It went out the very next day, and now the agonizing wait began. Sabrina knew that if this went as well as her last letter to the Ministry, it was going to take a long time before she heard back from anyone.

"I'll write them once a week if I have to," she declared as she attached her letter to a school owl. "I refuse to just let her sit there alone thinking no one's waiting for her."

Another week passed by, and now the only thing on the Sallow twins' minds was the very exciting birthday celebration they had the coming weekend. For Sabrina, it gave her a very much needed distraction. She enjoyed listening to Anne chastising Sebastian about how he 'forgot' whatever Scottish dance they had learned as kids, and she laughed when Sebastian would quip back about his sister 'forgetting' the Gaelic they learned from their parents.

"Just because I didn't retain much Gaelic doesn't mean I'm uneducated!" Anne argued when the four of them were studying in the Undercroft one afternoon after class.

"Everyone knows that learning at least one other language is a mark of intelligence!" Sebastian argued back.

This made Sabrina put down her quill and cross her arms at him. "Are you saying I'm not intelligent because I don't speak another language?" she asked with her eyebrows raised at him.

Immediately, Sebastian's face reddened and he stumbled as he tried to backtrack. "W-what? No, no that is not what I meant! I just meant that it's a smart thing to know another language!"

"I'm fairly certain that is exactly what he meant," Ominis told Sabrina, grinning mischievously.

"I never said that!" Sebastian looked back at Sabrina. "You are the smartest witch in this room, Sabrina. And you not knowing another language is not saying anything against you!"

"Oh?" Anne had now crossed her own arms. "Then why are you giving me shit for not remembering my Gaelic?"

"Because you're fucking Scottish, Annabeth!" Sebastian looked back at his sister. "It's part of your heritage! You're not like Ominis who had to learn five bloody languages because your family's rich."

"If I wanted to remember my Gaelic, I would have. Just like you could have remembered the dance if you wanted to!"

As Sebastian stood up to walk to the desk Anne was sitting at to continue with their spat, Sabrna turned to Ominis curiously. "You can speak five languages?"

Ominis chuckled nervously. "Actually, no. I grew up learning three. My father has ties in various European magical ministries, so he felt it important for everyone to learn the languages so we could continue to strengthen our connections. I can speak English, French, and German."

"Can't you also speak parseltongue?"

She saw the boy's ears redden slightly. "Well... that isn't something we learn. It's something we're just born knowing. Oftentimes, as children, we would communicate with parseltongue first before we could confidently speak in English."

Listening to Ominis talk about his childhood was something that Sabrina never took advantage of. He very rarely spoke of home, and when he did he often did not speak of it in a positive manner. However, every bit of information she could get out of him she loved because it made her feel like she was learning more and more about this boy she loved so deeply. It helped her to understand him better so she could help him.

"I actually don't like speaking in parseltongue," Ominis admitted, continuing with his ramble as Sabrina held onto every word. "It's a very harsh language, and when I go home it's usually used when we're angry at each other or experiencing some very intense emotions. You've seen me speak it to my sister. It's not pleasant by any means."

"I understand," Sabrina said. She could see it start to upset him, so she changed the subject slightly. "But you speak French and German?"

"Yes, although my German could use a bit of work. French is the one I'm most confident speaking besides English."

Sabrina had never really heard French spoken before. She had seen various texts and books in it, but nobody in the orphanage spoke any other language besides English and Latin if you were a nun or a priest. "Can you say something in French?"

Now, Ominis' face was turning red. "Oh, my dear, I'm not sure–"

"Please? I've never heard it before."

Ominis turned his face in the direction of the twins to make sure they were still arguing at the back desk. Then, he closed the book he had been reading with braille and put it on the table before reaching for Sabrina's own hands. "Alright."

Sabrina excitedly put down her own homework and put her hands in Ominis'. Her curiosity made her so excited, she could feel her heart beating in anticipation, something she knew Ominis could also feel against his cold, soft hands.

"Ma chère et tendre Sabrina," Ominis began nervously. Just hearing him say her name with the accent made her heart skip a beat.

Ominis continued on, slowly and hesitant at first, but the more he spoke the more confident he seemed to get. His words flowed as smooth as honey, and he spoke in a near whisper that felt as loving and passionate as her heart felt. At one point, he moved one of his hands from hers and used it to gently feel against her cheek and put some hair behind her ear before letting his touch linger to hold her cheek softly. His touch was like a slow burning fire, igniting from her face down through her chest to every inch of her body. It lit particularly warm in the bottom of her stomach and Sabrina felt like she had never had her heart feel this full before.

When he was done, Sabrina's heart was about ready to pound out of her chest, and she could feel his breath on her lips.

Sabrina's own cheeks reddened, and Ominis gave another playful smile when he felt her blush against his palm. "Are you going to tell me what you said?" she asked curiously.

His smile widened. "Non."

As Sabrina laughed at his answer, Ominis finally put his lips on hers and gently kissed her.

"Oi! What have I said about snogging in here?" Sebastian cried out from somewhere further away.

Ominis pulled back slightly to respond. "If it bothers you that much, Sebastian, you can leave."

Sabrina had completely forgotten where they were, and she turned to hide her face in embarrassment before she heard Anne pushing Sebastian out of the Undercroft before her. As the clock face chimed, indicating that the twins really were gone, Sabrina turned back to Ominis and saw that he was also looking a bit embarrassed, but she could also see he looked a bit troubled. "I'm sorry," she said. "I... I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of–"

"Oh, no it's not that," Ominis assured her quickly. "I mean... I had, for a moment, forgotten that they were here. But... I'm not embarrassed about that." He paused. "Did you enjoy it?"

Sabrina's heart quickened again. "It was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard," she admitted.

Ominis blushed again before he began running his hand down her back in a comforting manner. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." Suddenly, he was clearing his throat. "Actually... I'm glad they're gone. There's... there's something I wish to discuss with you."

His words startled Sabrina, and suddenly she went from being embarrassed to being nervous. Her hands trembled as she sat back up on the couch. "Alright."

"There's nothing wrong," Ominis assured her. "I just think we need to discuss something." He turned to sit facing her again. "It's... it's difficult for me, so please bare with me."

Sabrina also turned her body so she was sitting facing Ominis better.

Ominis swallowed and cleared his throat again. "We have been dating, albeit secretly, for about a month now and.... I do not want to rush you in any way, so please don't feel like I am. But... I want to take my time. I want things to happen as they naturally do instead of trying to force something on the both of us. I don't want you to feel like we have to do something just because we are together."

Sabrina felt a little bit confused, but she waited until he was done. "Are... are you talking about the kisses in the Room?"

Ominis nodded slightly. "Sometimes I can get a little... excited, and if it bothers you in any way–"

"Ominis, no, I love it when you kiss me," Sabrina said, quickly assuring him. "Especially like that. You make me feel so...." She thought about what words to use. "I feel so loved and wanted when you kiss me that passionately."

"So," Ominis moved his head so he was fully facing her. "It doesn't bother you when you 'feel' me like that?"

'Feel' him? "No, of course not."

"And...." Ominis, despite not able to see, still seemed to divert his eyes. "If I wanted to progress beyond that... If I wanted to share a bed with you and make love to you, is that something you would also want?"

Sabrina was now feeling very confused. She didn't understand what he quite meant by 'progressing beyond' what they had done already, but it obviously meant a great deal to Ominis, otherwise he would not be bringing it up. And they had already spent the night together in the Undercroft alone, so she wasn't sure why all of a sudden he was nervous about sharing a bed with her.

She grabbed his hands again and gently squeezed. "Ominis, I love you," she assured him. "And I do not feel uncomfortable around you in the slightest. I promise. So no, none of this bothers me."

Ominis moved his eyes towards her again, and she could see the relief wash over his face. "Alright... good. Then we'll just... You can just tell me when to stop if I go too fast?"

"Of course."

Despite the resolution in the conversation, Sabrina still felt like she was missing something. She went the rest of the day deep in thought trying to figure out what exactly Ominis had meant by his words, and why he had been so nervous to have the conversation with her in the first place.

She felt like the answer was literally standing in front of her face, but the fact that Sabrina couldn't see it made her feel stupid. In the two years Sabrina had been at Hogwarts, she very rarely felt stupid or ignorant, but this was completely stumping her.

"Why do you look so confused?" Anne nudged as they walked back to the common room after dinner that evening.

"I'm just thinking of a conversation I had after you two left," Sabrina replied. She turned to Anne. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"You have to promise not to say anything. Especially to Sebastian."

"Why would I?"

Sabrina pulled Anne into their dormitory and locked the door. The other three girls they shared with hadn't made it back yet, so for the moment they had some privacy. "Ominis said he wants to share a bed and make love to me," she quickly explained.

Anne's eyes widened and she quickly covered her mouth excitedly. "Oh Merlin! Are you sure you're both ready for that?"

"That's it, Anne," Sabrina went on. "I don't understand."

"What don't you understand?"

"I don't know what that means."

Anne studied her. "Like... you don't understand what making love is? It's just another way of saying he wants to have sex with you."

Sabrina only gave a blank stare.

"You... do know what sex is?"

Sabrina shook her head.

Before Anne could answer, they heard loud banging on the door. "Why the fuck would you lock us out now?!" They heard Imelda on the other side scream.

Anne turned back to her friend. "I don't think I'm really the right person to give you the dragons and the unicorns talk. Talk to Professor Weasley, she's the one who gave us our talk."

"I can't go to Weasley! She'll ask too many questions!"

Imelda banged again.

Anne gave her friend a sad smile and reached for the bedroom door. "Please don't ask again. It's weird enough seeing you two kiss without me now having to imagine you doing that."

Sabrina's next idea was to go to her two other best friends.

At breakfast, she gently brought up the subject. "Can I ask you both something?"

"You know you can ask us anything," Natty encouraged as she poured some juice into her goblet.

Sabrina took a deep breath and lowered her voice. "Do you two know what 'sex' is?"

Natty almost choked on her juice. Poppy coughed on a potato.

"Well," Poppy said after her throat was clear. "I can honestly say I was not expecting that."

Natty put down her goblet and looked at Sabrina. "What happened? Did someone ask to have sex with you?"

Sabrina was suddenly feeling very dumb. "I overheard someone talking about it," she lied. "And I don't know what it is or who to ask so...."

Poppy and Natty exchanged a look, then at the same time they stood up. "Let's go for a walk," Poppy said as she tugged on Sabrina's sleeve.

Once outside and alone in the garden, her friends started with their questions. Sabrina shivered harshly against the cold November wind. "So, you have your monthly cycle, right?" Poppy asked. "What were you told when you started?"

Sabrina shrugged. "They told me I was a woman now and that every time I bled it was a reminder that God was preparing me for childbirth. That I was a part of His divine plan and that I was 'still pure'."

"And you didn't ask what any of that meant?" Poppy asked, almost incredulous.

"I wasn't exactly taught to question the Bible! Anytime I did I got beaten."

Poppy and Natty winced.

"Sorry. But it's true."

This time, Natty sighed and brought her robes closer to herself. "Where do you think babies come from?"

Sabrina sat and pondered that question. "They come from God. When you get married, you consummate your marriage, and God will grow a baby in your stomach."

"And," Natty continued gently. "What do you think 'consummate' means?"

The Slytherin girl shrugged.

Poppy rubbed her temples and sighed. Natty sat back on the bench in thought.

"Can someone please explain what I'm missing?!" Sabrina could feel her frustration begin to rise. They were treating her like she was stupid!

The two girls looked at each other again before Natty got up. "Poppy, who did your female education course in fourth year?"

"Professor Garlick."

Natty grabbed Sabrina. "Professor Garlick it is."

Sabrina pulled her arm away. She couldn't go to the professor otherwise they could ask questions about her and Ominis. And if they found out about her and Ominis, they were both as good as dead. "Actually," she said anxiously. "I think I understand. I don't need to see Professor Garlick."

The girls now looked very confused. "But you said—"

"Thank you!" Sabrina said before tying her scarf tighter around her neck. "You've both been wonderful!"

"Wait! Sabrina!"

Sabrina was gone before the girls could chase after her.

Instead of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Sabrina went to the library. If there was one place she knew she could go judgment free, it was here.

Her only problem, however, was that she still didn't know where to look for information first.

Sabrina started looking at women's health books, which surprisingly wasn't a lot to choose from. She then tried men's health books, which only terrified her the more she looked at the pictures. Eventually, she just started grabbing books and reading as much as she could.

She had been studying for almost an hour and was so engrossed in a book about the magical study of beast breeding when a gentle voice interrupted her thoughts. "I thought Sebastian was the one taking beasts class this year?"

Sabrina looked up and saw Aurelia Keene looking over her shoulder inquisitively. She closed the book. "It's really not—"

Aurelia chuckled. "No, no it's fine. Though I'm surprised someone as studious as you is skipping a fun lesson on vampires to read up on graphorn mating patterns."

Sabrina tried to smile back. "I couldn't find what I was looking for."

"Oh?" Aurelia asked, raising an eyebrow. "And what are you looking for?"

Sabrina felt her ears burn. "You'll think I'm stupid."

Aurelia took the empty seat next to her. "I'm pretty good at not passing judgment."

Looking back at her, Sabrina saw that Aurelia was waiting patiently for an answer. She seemed to be genuinely interested, and Sabrina felt that if Anne could be friends with her, maybe she could try too. "I'm trying to learn about sex."

The Ravenclaw girl nodded. "Okay... like positions or—?"

"Anything. I missed whatever health class you lot had to take, and whenever I ask about it, I feel like everyone's avoiding it." Suddenly, all of her true frustrations began to come out. "Despite my start, I thought I was pretty smart at this 'being a witch' thing, but this subject has me stumped. I don't understand it! And if I can't understand what this stupid thing is, then he might as well not be with me!"

Aurelia watched her and Sabrina saw when it clicked for her what she was talking about. "Oh," she said, her mouth making a perfect round shape at the noise. She lowered her voice. "So... you don't know anything?"

Sabrina slammed another book shut, prepared to storm off again.

Aurelia grabbed her hands to make her stop. "Relax." She gave Sabrina and gentle look. "I grew up with Catholic family members. I get it."

This surprised Sabrina in a hopeful way. "You did? You do?"

"While I'm not exactly an expert with boy and girl relations," Aurelia chuckled. "I think I can help."

"Oh, Keene, thank you!" Sabrina truly meant it. For once, it felt like someone was actually willing to help!

Aurelia stood up. "Follow me. I'll help you find a few books. Then I'll answer any questions you have afterwards. This is more fun than anything else I was doing today."

Anne met Aurelia in the Owlery that evening. She quickly climbed up the steep steps and grinned when she saw the bright auburn hair sitting on the bench up there. When Aurelia heard her, she turned and stood up.

"Hello," Anne grinned.

Aurelia, however, crossed her arms. "Would you like to explain to me why I had to give the sex talk to your friend this morning?"


"I found poor Sabrina Lewis in the library this morning reading up on breeding patterns of magical beasts because she was so confused on what sexual intercourse was."

Anne felt her stomach sink. "Oh no. But you said you helped her?"

"As best as I could," Aurelia replied. "But I should tell you that she told me she was feeling like everyone was treating her like a child for asking. You remember that she grew up in a very religious environment where they believe sex before marriage is a one way ticket to Hell?"

"I know," Anne said as she lowered her head. "It was just... it was awkward. I don't even know that much myself. I've never done it."

Hearing this, Aurelia suddenly grinned like a mischievous cat. "Oh? Then perhaps...." Her fingers suddenly reached out to trace Anne's jaw. "I can teach you if you like?"

Anne immediately blushed, but her heart quickened in excitement at the thought. "I would be open to the idea," she replied before she grabbed Aurelia's waist to pull her in. "Show me how to take care of you, Miss Keene, and I promise you'll never have to worry about touching yourself again."

This time, it was Aurelia's turn for her face to turn as red as her hair. It made Anne laugh, and she instantly leaned down to capture her lips within her own. Since the two girls had agreed to start dating, Anne was feeling more and more confident around her and was more open to what she wanted.

Aurelia kissed back, matching Anne's passion as her hands moved up to wrap themselves in Anne's curly hair. After a minute, the two girls let go and began giggling among themselves. "I love this," Anne whispered.

"As do I," Aurelia replied, leaning up to peck her lips again. "Have you told Sebastian yet?"

Anne froze before diverting her gaze.

Aurelia's shoulders slumped as her eyes watched Anne. "Why not?"

"I just... haven't."

"You need to."

"And I will," Anne assured her. "I just... I haven't been able to find the right time."

"Are you still afraid of how he'll react?"

Anne looked up at Aurelia sheepishly. She knew that Aurelia could understand how she was feeling, but she was still embarrassed to admit it outloud. If Anne was honest, she would say that she knew Sebastian probably wouldn't care that his twin sister was interested in girls, but a small piece of her was still frozen in fear that maybe he would....

"Foolish, selfish girl! You did this on purpose! If it hadn't been for you and your damn sense of heroism, we wouldn't be here! Do you have any idea how much those healers at St. Mungo's are going to cost?!"


She looked back up at Aurelia, who now had a very concerned and startled look on her face. "You're shaking," she said before she began rubbing Anne's arms. "And you spaced out."

Anne felt her face start to warm. "I'm fine," she lied. She felt a sickening feeling in her stomach, and she no longer wanted to be there in the owlery. "Can we go? It's freezing out here, and you need the rest before your big game this weekend."

She could see that Aurelia was not convinced that Anne was not alright, but she didn't press it. "Sure," she answered. She then reached down and wrapped her fingers around Anne's gloved hands and squeezed. "But I'm holding your hand all the way back."

Anne chuckled. "Fine by me."

The next time they were in the Room of Requirement, Sabrina sat Ominis down. "I have a confession."

Ominis raised his eyebrows slightly but nodded. "Alright."

"Remember our last conversation where you...." Sabrina paused. "Where you said you wanted to make love to me?"

She saw Ominis' face pale slightly. He was probably thinking she was going to take back her answer.

"I actually... I didn't understand what you meant by that."

She could see Ominis was confused. "You didn't understand?"

"I didn't know that was your way of asking to have sex."

Ominis' breath hitched at her words. "Merlin, you're as blunt as Sebastian." It took a few seconds, but Sabrina's words sunk in. "Wait... you didn't understand? My dear, why didn't you say something?"

Sabrina hung her head. She hated to admit it out loud. "I was feeling very foolish."


"Ominis, you're incredibly smart. You can speak four languages, you are excelling at all of your classes including potions, and you're able to read any situation you find yourself in and you can find a way around it or see a perspective no one would have even thought of. Sometimes I feel very... inadequate... when I'm with you. You're a rich noble and I'm just a pauper."

His face went from one of confusion to one of disbelief. "Inadequate?!" he exclaimed. And then, to Sabrina's horror, Ominis began to laugh.

Sabrina's stomach sank, and she quickly removed her hands from his. She didn't want to leave, but if he was going to make a mockery of her then she wasn't going to sit here and take it.

Ominis instantly noticed something was wrong, and he stopped laughing. "Oh, dear," he said, chuckling despite himself. "You felt inadequate? You really don't understand, do you?"

She sat quietly waiting for him to continue. What was she missing now?

"Sabrina, you truly are the smartest, most-capable witch in our year," Ominis explained. "If anyone were to think of you as stupid or incompetent, I would think they were telling a horrible joke! You don't see how others see you, and I often forget that you don't see yourself the same way. You are not inadequate. And just because I am doing so well academically, it's not a true way to measure one's true intelligence. And my family status is no real way to judge how good of a person they are. The best people in the world do not always come from money."

This warmed Sabrina slightly, and she couldn't help but grin. "You think I'm smart?"

"You don't?"

"I mean... I like to think I'm pretty smart."

"And you truly are. If anyone tells you again you're not, I'll hex them myself."

Sabrina smiled this time. "Thank you."

Ominis brought a hand up to her face and traced her cheek and jaw before fully cupping it. "So.... I'm assuming since you did not know what I meant by my statement, you went and did your research."

"I did. I had help, actually. I truly had no idea what it was in the slightest."

"Then, I think I dare say you know more than me now." Ominis' face got serious now, and she saw him hesitate slightly. "And... has your decision changed?"

Sabrina moved closer and leaned in, gently kissing him and taking in how soft and gentle Ominis was against her. Ominis closed his eyes, reveling in the feeling of her moving against him.

After a minute, they released their kisses and Sabrina answered him. "Like you said... I would like to take this as naturally as possible. I don't want to rush it, or make us feel like we have to do it just because we're together. If it happens, it happens. But I will say this...." Sabrina smiled again. "There is no one else but you I would rather share that experience with."

She watched Ominis' face as the words sunk in for him. He went from a look of slight disbelief to joy to something almost... dominating?

Ominis smiled playfully, his eyes darkening before he reached one hand on her waist to pull her closer as his other hand wrapped itself in her hair. Sabrina was now practically on his lap now, and although the initial move surprised her, the excitement took over. She loved seeing Ominis this way. He seemed confident and very full of himself, no longer shy or timid or held back when he was in front of others.

"I wonder," Ominis whispered against her lips, "if you understand how possessive I am over you."

Sabrina wrapped her own hands around his neck and began to weave her fingers in the hair on his neck. "My heart is yours, Ominis Gaunt."

"Do you promise?"


Ominis laughed heartily. "Oh, you have been studying."


A/N: Comments are love! Thank you for reading!

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