My Baby (Sun/Moon x Reader)

By Xmimi89eR

23.7K 1K 1.4K

Their planet was forgotten--Destroyed, someone had told them. They were taken a very long time ago, taken and... More

My Heart is Too Soft
Loud Noises and Warm Hands
Doubts and Bears
Of Wolves and Chickens
Conflict Will Tear You Apart Eventually
Seven is the Number of Heaven
Angel of My Heart
I Think I Lost Something
Stir and Rest
Confronting is too Tiresome
My Offer Still Stands
Little Stars
Caressing so Gentle
Duck Duck Goose
A Bandage for You, a Bandage for Me
Lost and Found
Successful Restlessness
After Clouds
Swinging Our Worries Away
Late Night Snacks, Late Night Talks
Choices I Get
Learn and Unlearn
First Impressions
Tickles and Night Kisses
New Dawn
Sugar Babies
Baby Steps
Big Cars, Small Cars
A Grave is Six Feet Below
Snow White
(Lack of) Safety

Kitten Out the Window

336 21 79
By Xmimi89eR

Picture for chapter two :D
Sun has changed so much since then.


Today you had to attend your workplace. If Sun were to understand how that works, it was like checking to see if everything was going as it should.

You were the boss who didn't always show up. Sure, you attend online meetings with your team, but you don't often go to your workplace.

Today you had to, so Sun and Moon will be left alone for a few hours. This wasn't a problem, even if the big house with them alone was intimidating.

Sun had distracted himself with drawing and making crafts. Learning about origami was fun and it passed time, so that is what he mostly did in his free time.

Earlier it had begun to rain, a few hours after you had left. The smell of rain was endearing, a smell that made false memories of soothing hands flicker in their memory. They weren't sure, but the rain was calming and they enjoyed that.

It had been going well, distracting themselves. Little origami stars were made, filling their jar.

When that grew boring, Sun decided to draw instead. He had improved too!

It wasn't till they heard a tiny noise that Sun stopped in his coloring, freezing in place. They listened carefully, their rays wiggling gently as they focused. They sat frozen for a moment, debating if the noise was just the rain outside—

Then, the noise repeated. It was small and weak, barely heard at all, but Sun heard it all the same.

"Moon?" Sun called into their headspace, clutching the crayon tightly.

"Hm?" Came the faint answer of his counterpart.

"Did you hear that?" Sun asked, looking out the window outside. It was dark with how thick the clouds were, rain pounding over the ground as lightening buzzed in the sky. Gloomy and foggy.

"... Yes."

Standing up with the help of their crutch, Sun limps towards the window, slowly and carefully looking outside. With their eyes, they are able to see better than a Human, scanning the front yard in a hurry.

Sun felt shaky. What if their owner is back? His device had been thrown into the river, but who knows if he had gotten another one and had tracked them to here? Maybe he's trying to get in, circling the place like a shark to try and find an opening. You had said the place is safe— there are bars over the windows and cameras all over the place, but the anxiety didn't understand this, and Sun felt panic rise in his blood.

They didn't want to go back! He's going to be so angry with them— he'll hurt them! Sun did not want to go back. Not now, not ever!

Their shoulders shook in panic, anxiety building up just behind their hammering heart. "What if he's here?!" He asked in fear, scanning the area once and twice.

"He can't enter." Moon replies, and even with his leveled tone, Sun can still feel the panic radiating from his counterpart regardless of what mask he decides to hide behind. They were both scared, and their fear was gathering in waves in their head. It was in chaos, thoughts smacking against each other, loud and buzzing. Neither liked how hard it became to think—

The noise sounded again, this time much louder, and Sun gave a pause.

This wasn't a Human.

Gathering his courage after it was crushed was hard, but Sun does so regardless, opening the window to get a better look and a much smoother hearing range. They waited patiently for the noise to happen again, standing on their nerves as the rain sounded outside.

Then, it did again.


Sun gasped softly as his eyes finally fell over the tiny form curled and drenched in water. The anxiety slowly began to fade, even if their heart still hammered against their sternum. Their shoulders fell and they heaved a sigh.

It wasn't their owner. It's just a cat. A tiny adorable cat. Their shoulders sagged down in relief, their grip on their crutch loosing a bit.

They aren't in danger. It's fine. It's just a cat.

"Pspspspsps," They called back, seeing the tiny kitten raise its head to look at the source of noise. It meowed again, a cracked noise from how cold it was outside.

Sun's heartstrings became taught in sympathy, cooing gently at the sight.

"We must help the kitten!" He declared in their headspace, limping using their crutch to the front door. They had a spare key to the door given by you, something Sun appreciated more than he let on, and slotted the key to the keyhole. The door opened with a small creak, the cold breeze made them shiver, and the rain pouring harshly outside. Not bothering with a shoe, Sun took an umbrella and made their trek outside. "Pspspsps," They called, limping slowly toward where they last heard the noise.

The cat meowed again, voice tiny and weak. Sun's rays wiggled, feeling the rush of cold air chilling them in their spot. Using the crutch, they hop toward the sound, hoping their approach isn't seen as a predator to the tiny kitten.

Using a crutch while it was raining and also holding an umbrella proved hard, as the water made their foot slippery and steps uneven. But Sun was determined. He must save the kitten!

And there, on the wet and cold floor of the front yard, sat the curled-up kitten, shaky and damp. It meowed and hissed at them, clearly distressed and afraid.

Sun slowed, lowering themselves on the ground, and foregoing their crutch to crawl carefully on the damp grass. The muddy and drenched ground of the front yard made them cringe internally, but they pushed the thought away. What mattered now was the kitten!

"I won't hurt you," Sun whispered, slowly moving a hand to try and pet the cat. It does nothing, nor backing away or clawing their skin off, so they take that as a good sign. Carefully, oh so carefully, they pet the damp head of the small cat, stroking the damp fur gently. "There you go. Pspspsps,"

Sun was feeling so much sympathy towards the tiny animal. It just tugged on their heart, a feeling of protectiveness crawled at them, a not-unpleasant feeling. It made them feel capable, something they always wished for.

Sneaking their hands under the small kitten, Sun slowly holds it close to his chest and away from the cold rain. It was hard, holding both the kitten and the umbrella together, but they managed. Crawling, Sun foregoes his crutch in favor of holding the cat, making his way back inside.

Once inside, they lock the door and head for the kitchen, taking a towel to dry the meowing animal in their hold. Sun coos, adoring the cat and its multi-colored fur. He slowly pets it while drying it, making a small burrito to help the kitten warm up.

When the worst of the shakes subsided and the cat showed small signs of calmness, Sun decided to make his next move. Taking the closest bowl he could get his hands on, he filled it with milk and presented it to the cat. The small animal sniffed the bowl lightly before diving head-first into the milk.

Sun gasps, but does nothing, gently just petting the cat as it drank like it hadn't had anything to drink in days— which, in the case of stray cats, would be a norm.

The blond cooed, stroking the fluffy fur as the cat all but inhaled the milk. Giggling softly, Sun just takes in the scene before him. "Moon, it's adorable!"

"Hmm," His counterpart agrees. "I think I heard another cat around. Think it has a mother?"

Sun pauses, wiggling his rays to try and hear better. The rain drowned everything in its wake, the sounds were only the buzzing lightening and pouring dewdrops. Then, faintly, a call is heard.

Sun moves back to the window, opening it. "You're right!" He exclaims out loud, looking at the darkened front yard. Sun couldn't see any other cat, but sure there was the sound of a cat calling, meowing its lungs out. "Awe, she probably wants her kid back," Sun coos, closing the window.

"After rain?" Moon asks.

"After rain, we give the kitten back," Sun agrees.

Now to focus on petting the adorable small kitten!


What Sun and Moon hadn't expected was for the rain to last so long. They already missed you. The house was big and being alone in it was intimidating, despite what they told themselves.

The kitten had stayed, as agreed on, till the rain would stop, but it was still pouring outside. Luckily, and adorably so, the cat had slept over the couch, enjoying the warmth of the towel wrapped around it.

It didn't take long from the time you had estimated before they heard a car drive through the gate, hearing the click of its doors. You're here! It felt like ages, and Sun is embarrassed to admit that.

It wasn't until they heard the door unlock that Sun perked up, his rays wiggling, and he peeked from behind the couch. There, closing an umbrella, was you. The alluring scent of your perfume filled their senses with safety, a feeling that clouded around them comfortably, so alike a heated blanket. They cannot fathom how attached they had gotten, but can anyone blame them? If someone was willing to give safety, who were they to deny it? If anything, their clinginess is justified.

You were the only one willing to fight for them.

They called out your name, urging you to head closer to them— the safety is needed. Sun relishes in your reaction, perking up at his voice, your expression softens as you call back, "Hello dear," Your tone is soft if not tired, and just by hearing it they felt completely calm. How come you have so much power over them in a way that's not scary?

Sun spares a look at the cat, all wrapped in a towel, and sleeping peacefully. Such adorable little creature, feeling safe enough to sleep—

Then, Sun realizes his mistake.

You hadn't approved if they could bring an animal inside! You don't know about the kitten— they'll get in trouble!

Panic flooded them not for the first time today, and they hunched over, expressions twisting. You haven't approved, they'll face your anger. They can't have that! They were sorry! They would get the cat out when the rain stops, promise!

How come they hadn't realized this until now? It was clear. Not everyone likes animals in their house, and this cat already has a mother. Not to mention, the cat could be dirty, and none of their owners liked their belongings to get dirty!

You won't either. Sure, they cleaned the bowl and made sure the cat was clean from the rain, but who knows if you'll approve of this regardless—

"I found your crutch outside, I almost ran it over with my car," You absentmindedly say, feeling exhausted, as you sit the crutch down beside the couch. Your eyes focus back on your sweethearts, taking pause when you see their troubled expressions. "Is something wrong?"

The attention freezes them. "I—" Sun whimpers, twirling his hands about. "I made a mistake, I'm sorry," He starts, hoping that, if he were to confess first, then he wouldn't get in too much trouble. Mrs. Lawrence always said that. She was always mad when it came to cleanness.

"What for?" You set aside your coat, giving them your full attention.

Sun shrank in his seat, the kitten hidden behind him. "I'm sorry," He repeats, tone breaking, and he moves aside to show the cat napping in the towel. "W-We were gonna take it outside after the rain s-stops." The blond doesn't meet your gaze, focused on that one spot in the carpet. He didn't want to see your anger, he didn't want to feel it either. You were a comfort to be with, and Sun wished for that not to change.

"Oh, the poor thing," He heard you coo, crouching down to rest a hand over the tiny head of the colorful cat. "That explains the cat wandering around the house."

"You're—" The words fail him. Sun fidgets, tugging harshly on his fingers. Your reaction was better than he expected, and hope began to blossom again. "You're not mad?"

Your hand takes his, uncurling their fingers slowly. You squeeze their hand, drawing their attention. "I'm not," You soothe. "You're shaking, sweetie."

Sun inhales deeply, trying to fill his lungs with air it barely can get. He hated when it came to this— hyperventilating was a problem he falls into each time he got anxious. He just can't seem to get enough air. It suffocating. "S-Sorry,"

"There's no need for apologies, angel," You crouch to their level. "Want a welcome hug?" You ask, the gentleness in your tone cannot be described. How come you are so good at soothing them back to comfort?

You open your arms, inviting, waiting. You can wait for as long as it takes. You didn't know what set them into panic, but your tired mind knew how to soothe them from it. That's what mostly mattered.

Sun eases himself to the ground, embracing the warmth you still carried. It involves all his senses, quietening his racing heart. Sun squeezes once, a call for comfort. He feels you returning it, your arms wrapped securely around their body. They can trust you.

"We found the cat outside," Sun starts, not breaking from his embrace. "We gave it milk and were waiting for the rain to stop so we could return it to its mother." They explain, words much easier to form when they are no longer as anxious. Their tongue no longer sticking at the roof of their mouth. It was a relief.

"Oh?" You draw back, smooching a kiss over their cheek and earning a squeak of surprise. "I see you've been through it while I wasn't around, saving kittens," You chuckle, and your laugh alone soothed so much of their worries.

Sun smiles, nodding his head in agreement. "It was Moony's idea," He isn't embarrassed to say, smiling big with all his sharp teeth.

Moon, poor Moon, was telling him not to, but that's too late now. Sun cherished the way your eyes upturned, the glimmer in them was familiar. You always look at them in a way they can't understand, like something to be adored. "Is it now?" You tease, drumming your fingers against their sides. "Two little gremlins, I shall tickle you till the rain stops!"

Sun shrieks playfully, squirming halfheartedly to get away.

You laugh, dragging the squirming-like-a-worm alien closer. Your fingers find their sides and you relish your attack on them.

"No more sadness, go away!" You exclaim, grinning so much your cheeks hurt. The tiredness you felt earlier put aside just for this moment.

Sun giggles like the menace he is, their laugh bubbly and loud, singing to your heartstrings.

"Th-The—" Sun wheezes. "The r-rain has stopped!"

You pause, looking out the window. Indeed, the rain had stopped, and the sun peeked through the heavy clouds. Without the rainwater pouring to the ground, it was easier to hear the calling mother to her kid.

The small kitten stirs, blinking big wide eyes to look around. It meowed back, shaking its fur not unlike a dog.

You help Sun up to sit, watching as they pet the cat over the head gently. You hum, "We should take it back,"

Sun nods, panting slightly but their spirit full with adoration still. "Come on kitty," They beckon, "Pspspsps,"

The tiny cat meows, accepting the pets.

Using their crutch, Sun stands up. You do so too, taking the fluffy being in your arms, uncurling the burrito-cat, and setting the towel aside.

Outside is heavy with the scent of after rain, it fills your lungs with fresh air, filling and pure. The mother circles the front yard, meowing when she sees you and her kid in your arms.

Sun perks up at the sight as you crouch down to put the kitten on the floor. Immediately, the mother comes to take her kitten, running away the moment she has a secure hold on her little one. Sun waves, smiling that dorky smile you so adore, their teeth glinting in the late afternoon sun.

They lean against you, hugging you close, and you support their weight. Your hand comes to rest over their shoulder, letting them get all the warmth they wanted.

Shifting, you pick them up in one motion, earning a startled yelp from them. "Wanna nap with me?" You ask, peppering kisses over their face.

Sun hums, agreeing, and you take the both of you to the couch, lying down. Sun makes it a home to snuggle close beside you till they are comfortable. You don't stop your attack, kissing their forehead and smooching their cheeks.

The blond giggles, shrieking as you drum your fingers at their sides. "No tickles!" They huff, wiggling like a worm in your arms

"Oh? Why not?" You tease, planting a kiss over their head. "Alright, alright, just because I'm tired,"

"Moon says you should sleep," Sun confesses, a faint of a smile on his lips.

He knows well how ironic his counterpart's words are, and he could see the smile you adorned stretch further.

"I will dear," You huff lightly, a chuckle just ready to be let out. You pet over their head, combing your fingers through the blond curls. Sun melts against you at the gesture, one hand gripping your shirt tightly, as if to make sure you never leave. You won't.

Sleep pulled at your tired body. Work had been a hassle today, and your muscles ached to rest. Your breaths evens and unconsciousness embraced you the same you did Sun.

The last you remember was the feeling of lips over your cheek and a mumbled, "Goodnight." Your arms tighten momently before you let sleep drag you away.

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