Atomic recess

Por Yui-umbreon

2.3K 38 7

Join 'Dede' as she goes through her life as a fourth grade student at third street elementary school with her... Más

The break in
The great jungle gym standoff
The new kid
The experiment
Jinxed/slime of the century
Officer Mikey
First name Ashley
To Finster with love
King Dede
Big brother chad/my fair Gretchen
Speedy we hardly knew ya
Operation Stuart furball of the sneeze
The pest
The box/Spindly tam kanushu
The Trial
The voice / toxic talent
Parents' night
Gus' last stand
Happy Valentine's day
Secrets Pt. 1
Secrets Pt. 2
Secrets Pt. 3
Randall's reform
The substitute
Soccor boy
Lord of the nerds
The beauty contest
The big prank
Tattletale heart
Terrifying tales of recess
When worlds collide
Big top Candy
The challenge
Authors note (just a quick message)
Galactic guardians no more
Great state fair
Merry Christmas
The coolest heatwave ever
Randall's friends

Pharaoh Bob

47 1 1
Por Yui-umbreon

Pharaoh Bob

Todays recess bring us a fighting match between two fifth graders. Kids were all circling them and cheering, all except for Mikey. "Why? Why?" Mikey cries before he runs up to King Bob. "King Bob, you've got to stop the madness."

King Bob looked at Mikey before turning his attention back to the match that's going on.  "No. Let them continue. It amuses me."

As the match was going on, Buster managed to get Jocko in an arm lock. "Ow! Ow! My arm! My arm!" Jocko calls out.

Buster, seeing that his friend was in pain, released him. "Sorry, man. You OK?"

Jocko quickly turned around and threw Buster to the ground, pinning him. "Halt! Stop the contest. You pulled a fake-out." King Bob calls out, stopping the match and getting everyone's attention. "That violates the no faking-out law as instituted by King Wally."

All the kids looked at each other in confusion before Jocko asked. "King who?"

"King Wally... from five years ago when I was in first grade?" King Bob looked around, seeing all the kids just looking at him silently. "Doesn't anyone remember King Wally?" At the kid's denial, king bob felt the need to elaborate. "Short kid, red hair, ruled with an iron fist?" Still silent. "Between King Al and King Chuck?"

"Al? Chuck?" Dede asked as she and her friends all looked around, seeing if anyone had an answer.

"Who are they?" TJ asked king Bob as none of the other kids seemed to know.

"Come on! It was under the Chuckianic code that kindergartners were granted full rights on the playground. It was at the Third Street Convention that King Al hammered out the international laws for slaughter ball, protecting the human rights of every kid. How could you forget them?" King Bob said, trying to get someone to remember. However his wish wasn't granted as the bell rang, signalling the end of recess and the kids all walked back into school, muttering to themselves. "Nobody remembers Wally, or Chuck, or Al?"

King Bob sits back on his throne, sighing sadly. "Don't feel bad, Your Highness. After all, you're the king now." Said one of king bobs carriers, trying to cheer him up.

"Yeah, but those guys were great kings. They changed recess forever. And if no one remembers them, why would anyone ever remember me?" King Bob asked before he went to class himself.

King Bob sat in his history class, still feeling down about what had happened at recess. "This is the fertile Nile Delta, A narrow strip of green surrounded by desert. Here arose the most powerful empire of the ancient world, the Egyptians. Their ruler was the pharaoh, an all-powerful king whom the people considered a god. But the pharaohs had one problem, how could they make sure they'd never be forgotten?" this got king bob's attention. "The answer? They built these." The teacher, Mr Lee, removed the cloth covering the model of a pyramid to show the class. "The great pyramids which we still marvel at today. Because of these great monuments, the pharaohs will be remembered forever."

"Pyramids... remembered... forever." King Bob Whispered leaning forward.

"After over 4,000 years, because of the ancient text and drawings left inside the pyramid and years of study we still know their names-- Ramses, Amenhotep..." Mr Lee started to name some of the pharaohs.


At recess one of king bobs guards, dubbed as trumpet boy, shouts into a megaphone to get everyone's attention. "Gathering of the grades! Gathering of the grades! Move it, you kids! Let's go!"

"I don't like the sound of this." Spinelli said holding a kickball.

"Yeah, King Bob hasn't called a gathering of the grades since he instituted the gum tax." Vince agreed.

"Don't remind me. Every time I buy a pack, it's four pieces for him and one for me." TJ said annoyed.

Dede started to lead her friends over to the meeting space. "Surely it can be anything bad."

When all of the kids were gathered king Bob stood up to address them all. "Kids of the playground, I, your king, have decided to undertake the most ambitious project In the history of the playground. To build a pyramid as a monument to me and my benevolence.

All around the only thing that could be heard was confused conversations. "Oh, man, he's gotta be kidding." Said Vince.

"Actually, it's kind of an interesting idea." Said Gretchen, liking the idea. "I mean, throughout history, people have sought immortality through great public works like Mount Rushmore or Hoover Dam--"

"Or those giant dinosaurs they built by the freeway." Mikey interrupted.

This seemed to catch Spinelli's attention. "Dinosaurs? You know? The more I hear about this, the more I like it."

"The building of this pyramid marks the beginning of King Bob's reign of a thousand semesters. Every kid on the playground will need to help. And we'll need a master builder, someone with brain power, someone with superior knowledge of physics and engineering, someone like, uh..." king Bob stops, struggling for remember the name he was after, until his guard whispers it into his ear. "Gretchen Grundler!"

"Me, Your Majesty?" Gretchen asked, making sure she heard right.

"Yes, You. And I'll also need someone to write and carve all that I've done onto the pyramid for future generations to know of my greatness, some like Dede king." King Bob pointed down at her.

"Huh? Why me." Dede quietly asked as she looked over at the other kids, spotting artie kid near the back.

"Our own pyramid. Wow." Gretchen said as she grabbed Dedes hand and ran off to the library, before Dede could ask anymore questions. "I'd like every book
you have on ancient Egypt."

"Again?" Asked the librarian.

"Well, you know, I haven't read them over since first grade."

The librarian sighed with a smile on her face at Gretchen before turning to look at Dede. "And what do you need?"

"Oh... do you have any books on calligraphy?" Dede asked unsure if they even held any books on the artie writing.

As Gretchen was making the plans for the pyramid itself Dede was making a copy of scribe kids notes on everything that king Bob had done since the start of his reign. When they were both finished they went back out onto the playground to show king bob what their plan was. "So you see, Your Highness, the ideal building material is limestone, but by the time we quarry the stones, drag them here, build the pyramid and have Dede carve your story Into it, You'll be approximately, well, 143 years old." Gretchen says.

"What? There must be a faster way." King Bob asked, not happy with those numbers.

"Well, we could always make the bricks
out of mud, but they might not hold up--"

"Mud it is. So shall it be written, so shall it be done."

And mud is what everyone started to dig. "Man, this is a blast. Digging in the mud, making bricks." Said TJ as he was enjoying playing in the mud.

"Gotta admit, Teej, there's nothing like getting good and filthy." Vince agreed as he picked up a bucket of mud.

"I don't know, you guys." Gus said, stopping his digging. "I'm not supposed to get my school clothes messed up."

"Do what I do, Gus, turn your clothes inside out." Mikey said as his friends looked over, seeing his clothes were indeed inside out. "Your mom will never know."

"It's a good idea, but wouldn't it get kinda annoying having to do that every recess." Paloma asked as Mikey just smiled sheepishly.

Over the next few days this routine continued on, with no one complaining as they worked or as king Bob, Dede and Gretchen all watched as the work was happening. That was until the fourth day at least.

"I'm hungry." Said Mikey.

"I'm tired." Spinelli said as she sat on the ground leaning back against what was built of the pyramid.

"My back hurts." Said Gus.

"Hey, it's been four days of this." TJ said as he sat on the wall. "I think it's time for a break."

"How about a little kickball?" Vince suggested and everyone agreed, all running off to go and play a game.

The only ones not playing were the three that were going over their plans again on top of the monkey bars. "Well, your majesty, according to my schedule, by the end of recess today, we should be right about... here." Gretchen points to a part of the pyramid on her blueprints.

When they lower the plans they see that there's no kids working on the pyramid. "Hey! Where are my workers?"

"Um... I think they're over there, Bob." Dede said as she pointed over to the playground, where they could see all the kids playing.

"This is an outrage! What about my pyramid?" King Bob said angrily as he watched them laughing and cheering.

"It's a problem, Your Majesty. If we don't stay on schedule, we won't finish until you're in junior high." Gretchen calculated.

"Well, they'll just have to get back to work, then, won't they?"

"I'm afraid it's a little more complicated
than that. You see, all the workers are volunteers. And If they don't feel like working--"

"Then I'll make them work!"

"This isn't going to end well." Dede said under her breath.

The next day king bob made sure to call another gathering of the grades. "It has come to my attention that yesterday you slackers shirked responsibilities, playing kiddie games while the pyramid remained unbuilt. Well, we are not amused. From now on, there will be zero tolerance for anyone found playing instead of working." The kids all started to mutter to themselves before king bob interrupted them. "And that's not all. From this day forward, we shall no longer be called King Bob, but instead, Pharaoh Bob the first, the magnificent." King Bob took his crown off and replaced it with a blue nemes. "So shall it be written, so shall it be done."

Over the next few days the kids were all forced into working on the pyramid, if they messed up they were punished. As the bell rang for recess to start again and all the kids groaned as they walked out into the playground. "Oh, man, this really womps." TJ whines.

"Yeah, my mom says if I get my school clothes muddy one more time, I'm grounded for a week." Gus said as he gestured to his muddy clothes.

"Maybe Gretchen and Dede could help us." Mikey suggested.

"You kidding?" Said Spinelli. "Gretchens so into this pyramid thing, she's forgotten who we are. And Dede is never around when we try to talk to her."

They look over to see Gretchen standing in the middle of a group of kids, shouting orders as Dede ran off. "Let's go! Come on! Speed it up, you slackers!"

"There goes Dede again." Paloma sighs.

"You gotta talk to her, Teej, she'll listen to you." Said Vince before they all walked over to Gretchen.

With Dede she runs into the girls' bathroom to answer her call. Admiral DeGill starts with the mission report as soon as he sees Dede has answered. Atomic Candy, the Mother Ship of the Ancient Pharaoh Team has been discovered at last." He shows a screen of the pyramids. "Long extinct, the Pharaoh Teams built the Pyramids of frazule, graphics and earth."

"And now we found the Mother Ship? That's great!" Dede said, though while she was happy something historical was found she still wanted to shake her head as her galactic guardians mission was once again seemingly matched up perfectly with her everyday life.

Admiral DeGill was not excited though. "It's a disaster. The Great Pyramids are super atomic destroyers." He shows the atomic destroyers destroying a planet. "Perfectly safe, unless activated."

Dede groans. "Oh, no!"

"The secret of how to activate these weapons is written on a scroll hidden in the Pharaoh's throne room, deep within the belly of the Mother Ship." Admiral DeGill sat down in his chair.

"We've got to find that scroll." Dede said, understanding her mission.

Admiral DeGill agreed with her. "And quickly! Maximus is on his way."

Dede ends the call and presses a button for her spaceship to come and pick her up. When Dede got onto her ship she saw Sparky was dressed in an Egyptian hat and eye lashes. "Chief, we get to explore the Mother Ship of the Pharaoh Teams! You know, I'm an official Pharaoh Team fan-club member." Sparky gushes.

X-5 decided to poke fun of Sparky. "And that would make you what Earthlings call, a nerd."

"There won't be much time for sightseeing, Sparky. I'm having my own Egyptian problem at home." Dede said, knowing it won't be long before the situation on the playground got out of hand.

The ship flies off to find the MotherShip, which thankfully it didn't take as long as they thought it would. "There it is! The actual Mother Ship! Wait till the president of the fan-club sees this!" Sparky gushes as he takes a picture of the ship. "This is Pharaoh-tastic!"

Dede rolls her eyes fondly at her friend. "Docking base straight ahead!" The Mother Ship's mouth door opens and her ship goes inside. Then they see Maximus's ship. "Look who's here. Maximus."

Deep inside the MotherShip, Maximus and Minimus are looking for the atomic destroyers. Maximus was standing over Minimus as he read the map. "Can't you read that map any faster?"

Good Minimus looks between the map and Maximus nervously. "Oh, I'm composing as fast as I can."

Evil Minimus was quick to switch around. "Do you ever get the feeling you're being watched?" He looks at the ancient pictures and turns on a flashlight. He sees an eye move. Good minimus and Maximus scream and run away.

Dede and her crew are now in a room with different doors. "They're here alright. Better hurry." Dede said as she heard the two screams.

Sparky looked back at X-5. "Come on, X-5. Which way do we go?"

X-5 was Looking at a trap on a picture. "We must be careful. There are traps. This requires calm scientific analysis."

Sparky ignores X-5. "Eny, meanie, miney, moe."

X-5 floats over to the other two. "Yes. That's very scientific." He said sarcastically as Sparky runs into the room with a trap.

Both Dede and X-5 tried to stop him after seeing the picture above the door. "Sparky, no!"

Sparky waited at the end of the room as the other two caught up. "See? It's just an ordinary room."

Suddenly, the door closes with a loud bang and the walls move closer with spikes on them. "Oh no!" Dede groaned as they were in the middle of the trap.

X-5 looks at Dede, hoping h
She had a way out of this. "Captain!"

Sparky started to shake. "Except it's getting smaller... really, really fast!"

Dede turned to look at her robot friend. "Quick X-5. Raise the walls while I figure out how to get us out of here."

X-5 uses his arms to stop the walls from getting closer. "Predict total collapse in 5.2 seconds."

Dede looks around before she sees a hole in the ceiling and uses her bracelet to shoot a rope. "Gotcha!" Dede cheers as she and Sparky climb up to the ceiling. "X-5!"

Sparky holds onto the rope, ready to pull the robot up. "Grab the line!"

X5 didn't grab the rope like his friends hoped he would. "If I grab the line, I will be flatter than a Furvluvian pizza."

Dede quickly pointed her bracelet at her friend. "Engage Magnetic Robot Retriever!" Her bracelet shoots a magnet at X-5. "Got him." She cheered before the magnet pulled X-5 up, but he is damaged and flat from the walls crushing him.

"Thank you, Captain." Said the flat X-5 before Sparky touches him and he returns to normal.

Dede sighs in relief. "That was close. And look! Whiskers!"

Sparky picks up the whiskers. "Maximus has been here too!"

Meanwhile, Maximus and Minimus are in a room with statues. "Can't you limp any faster?" Asked Maximus.

Good Minimus looks at Maximus. "But, Your Stumniness, I saved you by sticking my leg in the collapsing walls."

Evil Minimus spins in control. "I should have let you get squashed."

Maximus rolls his eyes at minimus. "We must find that scroll before Atomic Pesty gets there." He takes a cobra cane from a statue. "Maybe a cane will stuff that infernal hoppeling-" The cobra on the cane comes to life and hisses at him. He and Minimus run away again. "Aaah! I want my mummy!" 

Somewhere on the MotherShip, Dede, X-5, and Sparky are walking in the halls. "Any idea where we are, X-5? What does it say?" Dede asked, completely lost.

Sparky decided to take charge and Walked up to a wall. "According to my fan-club decoder ring, it says 'left, eye, big nose, sun, moon, cat.'"

X-5 ignores Sparky and reads the wall himself. "Translation: 500m from throne room but present route questionable."

"I don't know about you guys, but I've got a sinking feeling. Whoa!" Sparky said as he accidentally pressed his hand against the wall and it moved, sending him, Dede, and X-5 into a room full of quicksand. They begin to sink rapidly. "I've still got a sinking feeling!"

All three of them looked at the floor before they all shouted. "Quicksand!"

Maximus' voice calls out from a few feet away. "More like slow sand, actually."

"Maximus!" Dede gasped seeing both Maximus and minimus also stuck in the quicksand too.

"Atomic Candy! I can't think of anyone I'd rather have joined us." Maximus smirked before growling.

Evil Minimus starts to snicker. "Last one under's a mummified egg!" Maximus just growls at him.

Good Minimus was quick to spin in control. "Ooh, I wanna live! I have so much to live for!"

Sparky starts to panic. "Chief, get us out of here!"

Dede looked around, looking at the walls. "What do the hieroglyphics say?"

Good Minimus answers, thinking she was asking him. "It says 'owl, crane, left eye, barge.'"

Sparky happily looked at minimus. "Oh, you must have a decoder ring too." Maximus and Minimus go under the sand.

X-5 does what he does best and translates for Dede. "Translation: Choose the right button and live. Choose the wrong button and be destroyed."

Sparky tried to stay above the sand but it wasn't long before he was about to go under the sand. "I say choose the left!" He goes under the sand.

Dede and X-5 look at each other before agreeing. "The right." Dede shoots a laser from her bracelet at a button and the quicksand drains.

"Just like a day at the beach! Wait till the fan-club hears about this!" Sparky said as Dede laughed.

X-5 looks up from the floor, only to see Maximus behind them. "Captain! Look out!" 

Dede looks behind her to see Maximus and Minimus pointing a gun at her  and her crew. "Let's say you and I work together for a change, hmm, Atomic Candy? You find the secret scroll, and I'll pocket it."

Dede and her crew stood up. "Not on your life, Maximus." Sparky jumps onto a statue spear to dodge the shots from Maximus. This causes trapdoors to open underneath Maximus, X-5, and Minimus.

Sparky was quick to let go of the spear. "Gotta stop touching things around here." A trapdoor opens underneath him.

Dede looks down the hold that Sparky just fell through. "This is getting pretty exciting." She jumps down the trapdoor and lands in a fountain of cold water with Sparky and X-5.

"It's a little cold at first, but once you're in, it's f-f-freezing!" Sparky's teeth started to chatter.

Dede looks around the room they ended up in. "We're in the throne room!"

"And there's the scroll!" X-5 stats as Maximus walks toward the scroll.

"Ah, at last! The secret of the pyramids!" Maximus said.

Dede was quick to get out of the fountain. "Maximus! No!" As soon as Maximus takes the scroll, the room shakes.

Good Minimus looks around, worried. "Uh-oh!"

A deep, gravelly voice speaks out. "Who dares disturbs the secret of the pyramids?" The pharaoh appears and Maximus screams in fright. He throws the scroll to Minimus, who grows to Sparky, who throws to Dede.

Dede holds onto the scroll. "I guess that would be me."

The Pharaoh growls angrily. "Prepare to be destroyed!" He shoots light blue lightning and it hits a vase.

Dede ducks before she addresses her few. "Time to make an exit, guys!"

Maximus screams. "Supervillains first!" Before he runs away.

Good Minimus is quick to follow. "And sidekicks! Don't forget loyal sidekicks!"

The Pharaoh and the mummies shoot lightning at the supervillains along with Dede and her crew as they run. The mummies try to chase them up the stairs, but they crumble underneath them and they fall. Dede and her crew see their ship. "Look! The ship! Watch out!" Dede backs her crew up a bit as a bit of the ceiling falls down near them. "Activate Tarpenian Rope Thrower!" Dede shouts as her bracelet shoots a rope at the ship. "Hold on, guys!"

As Sparky and X-5 hold onto Dede, Maximus and Minimus come after them. "Not without me you don't! Get that scroll, Minimus!"

Good Minimus then starts to climb up Maximus to get to Dede. "Oh, yes, Your, Selfishness! Thank you!" He climbs up the other's body to grab the scroll.

Dede gasps as she feels minimus on her shoulder. Minimus, no!" Minimus grabs the scroll, but it blows away in the wind.

Maximus cried as he saw what had happened. "Fool! My scroll!" The scroll falls into the fire and burns. Dede, her crew, and the supervillains reach the other side.

Sparky Was quick to take a picture. "I wonder if there's a souvenir shop around here."

Maximus was still upset about losing the scroll. "Oh, my beautiful power!"

"Still, we'll always have our memories. And snapshots!" Sparky jokes ignoring Maximus' despair.

Dede looks around before she looks at her enermy. "To the ship! Maximus, we have to go!"

Maximus refused. "Not without my scroll! We're staying!"

Good Minimus was unsure about this. "We are?" Dede and her friends shrug before escaping on their spaceship.

"Get down there and find that scroll!" Maximus orders.

Good Minimus tried to get his master to change his mind. "But if I go down there, I'll... perish!"

Maximus wasn't having any of it though. "You and your excuses!"

Dede and her crew fly out of the Mother Ship. "Looks like the good old Pharaoh Teams aren't done with Maximus yet." Sparky said as the opening of the mothership closed fully.

"He'll be alright. Step on it, Sparky. I've got to get back to school." Dede said and it wasn't long before the ship dropped off Dede into the school bathroom.

When dede ran onto the playground all she saw was madness, kids were throwing mud everywhere. Dede spotted her friends and ran up to them. "TJ, what's going on?"

"Dede? You're here?" Said TJ looking at her.

Gretchen quickly walked up to TJ and Dede, getting their attention. "Hey, TJ, where's the best mud?"

"Gretchen, you're here too. I knew you both wouldn't let us down."

Gus shouts, gaining everyone's attention. "Look!" When they all look over they see king bobs guards standing there with a big hose.

"It's the hose!" Mikey screamed.

"Ready, aim, fire!" The guard holding the hose said, before shooting the water out at all the kids.

"For liberty!" TJ shouts hitting the guy with the hose with a mud ball.

"Why, you little..." the guard grunts as he starts walking to TJ, only to stop when he feels something hit his face. "Hey, was that a raindrop?"

The kids all stopped throwing mud when rain started to pour down onto them. "Hey, it's raining." Paloma said, still looking up at the sky..

"Look, the pyramid!" The guard said pointing over to the pyramid, seeing that because of the rain, it was melting.

"Oh, my gosh! It's, like, melting." Said Ashley T as they all just watched.

The only one who wasn't frozen was king bob. "My pyramid! No!" He kneeled next to the pile of mud and tried to get the pyramid to keep its shape.

"I tried to tell you you shouldn't build a pyramid out of mud, but--" Gretchen said as she stepped forward.

"My legacy! My crowning achievement! It was supposed to last a thousand semesters, and now it's gone. All gone!" King Bob Screamed up to the sky, alone in his sorrow as all the other kids watched.

The rain didn't last long thankfully, so by the time the end of the day came as the kids walked out of the school, the sun was back to shining bright. As the group of eight were walking alongside the school fence, talking about that last almost two weeks of school, Dede looked at the playground, seeing king bob sitting on top of the mound of mud that was once his pyramid. "Hey, you guys go on ahead. I'll catch up with you all tomorrow, I've got something I need to do."

"Like what?" Asked Spinelli, as none of the others had saw what Dede did.

"I've gotta help a friend real quick." With that dede ran off back onto the playground.

King Bob sighs as he sat by himself, thinking over everything that had happened himself. He looked up when he heard footsteps approaching him, looking over he saw Dede sitting down next to him on the pile of mud. "I just wanted to be remembered."

"I know, Bob, but the thing is, great leaders aren't remembered for the things they built. They're remembered for the things they do." Dede said resting her hand on his shoulder, thinking about all the past galactic guardians and what they've done. "You may not believe it, Bob, but you've done a lot of things that'll be remembered for a long time. I mean, do you recall the time Gus got stuck in that tree, and you organised a ladder of first graders to get him down?"

"Not really."

"How about the time the Ashleys got in that big fashion fight, and you served as judge to restore peace?"

"Yeah. Kinda."

"And what about the time when little Tubby won the last kindergarten derby and wanted his wish for there to not be any more, and you went against keeping the tradition alive to make his wish come true."

"Yeah, that I remember." King bob starts to perk up a little, smiling at Dede, as she cheered him up.

" well, those are the things you're going to be remembered for, not because of some stupid giant mound of mud." Dede smiled at him as she kicked some of the dirt off the pile under her boot.

"Gee, Dede, maybe you're right." King Bob looked up before he sighs. "But it's too late now. I've failed my subjects. They'll never follow me again."

"Hey." Dede bumped her shoulder into Bobs making him look back at her. "Never say never, you should trust the kids, Bob. Give them back their recess, and they'll return to you." As dede was saying this she grabbed the nemes off of Bob's head.

Bob starts laughing as Dede takes her hat off, replacing it with the nemes as she puts her hat onto his head, sticking her tongue out and winking at him. Bob adjusts the hat so it's more comfortable on his head before he looks down, frowning. "Hmm. Trust the kids. But what if it doesn't work?"

"Hey, if it doesn't you could always repeal the gum tax." Dede jokes as she takes a pack of gum out of her skirt pocket, taking one stick out before handing the pack over to Bob with a smile.

Bob looks from Dedes eye to the pack of gum she was holding out, before looking back at her and smiling back. "Thanks Dede, I'm really glad I've got you as my friend." Bob took the pack of gum but only took out one stick before handing the pack back to her.

Dede stood up and stretched before holding her hand out to Bob. "Come on, let's go get some milkshakes at Kelso's, my treat, seeing as you've had a rough day." Bob just continued to smile at Dede as he grabbed her hand, silently agreeing to go with her.

The next day at the start of recess, king bob made sure to call another gathering of the grades. As all the kids reluctantly gathered, king Bob looked down at them before he looked behind him at Dede, who was standing near his throne to give him some support, and at her nod of encouragement he looked back over the other kids. "Kids of the playground, I come before you to explain why I've been acting so nuts lately. The fact is I just wanted you guys to remember me after I was gone. But what use is it being remembered If your subjects didn't even like you to begin with? Anyhow, I guess I just got carried away. And, well, what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry."

As the kids all started to mummer to each other, TJ stomped forward. "Sorry? Sorry? After enslaving us and making us work in the hot sun and sending your guards on us with that big hose? You say you're sorry? Why should we forgive you?"

King Bob was shocked for words, though he was this, he looked back at Dede and remembered the little joke she had said yesterday. "I'll repeal the gum tax." Bob smiled sheepishly down at the other kids.

"All hail King Bob!" TJ shouts as the other kids cheer.

Dede laughs behind king Bob that the little joke actually worked. King Bob looked back over at Dedes laugh, grinning at her as she handed over his old crown. "I proclaim that no pyramid shall ever be built on this playground again!" With this the kids all cheered loudly. "And I will no longer be known as Pharaoh Bob, but simply as regular old King Bob. And no more of this referring to myself In the first person plural. And no more forcing kids to do stuff they don't want to do. So shall it be written, so shall it be... Aw, heck, just have fun."

As the kids were all cheering, happy that things seemed to be getting back to normal, Dede and king Bob just grinning at each other, both happy that everything worked out.


A/N - sorry this chapter seems a bit rushed, I've come down with a really bad flu. I was debating on even uploading this but thought, why not. I'll get around to editing it at some point.

Also episodes like earth to Rodger, the X-rays and takes one to know one will all be getting done, just need a few chapters to even start fully connecting both of Dedes worlds together.

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed.

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