Sea of Stars 별바다

بواسطة NamNamm03

19.3K 694 375

Luna Oakley just moved to South Korea with her boyfriend of two years. On the first few days of being there... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 18

350 15 11
بواسطة NamNamm03


I had woken up to the sun shining on my face. I look over to my right side and find Bada sleeping soundly. I checked the clock and saw it was ten a.m. Seeing as how late we stayed up yesterday, won't wake Bada up. Being as quiet as I could, I got up from bed and made my way to the bathroom. I quickly did my business washed my hands and came out, but I was quickly startled when I heard rummaging downstairs.

I looked over to the bed and Bada was dead asleep so I made my way outside and closed the door behind me. I made sure to grab one of the heavy vases that was on the stairwell and quietly went downstairs ready to charge at whoever broke into here.

The weapon was behind my back when I peeked downstairs and saw the kitchen cabinet doors open and food all over the counter. My heart sank because that meant someone really did break into the house. All of a sudden my heart dropped when two little kids came up behind me and yelled 'Boo!' I dropped to the ground as my heart was going 100 mph.

"Who are you guys?" I asked not wanting to yell at the kids. Maybe they broke in here because they needed shelter.

"We're Imo Bada's niece and nephew," the older boy said. So Bada's family was here.

"Are you parents here as well?" I asked. They both shook their heads. I could tell the girl was more shy and that her brother was as he was the one doing all the talking, meanwhile, she stood behind her brother with her stuffed animal tight in her arms. I gently sat the vase on the counter as I stood up and asked a few more questions.

"Well, I'm Bada's friend. My name's Luna, what are your names?" I asked sweetly

"I'm Ha Joon and this is He Min," he said pointing to himself and his sister.

"It's really nice to meet the both of you. Were you guys looking for some food to make?" I asked staring at the messed-up kitchen. They both nodded their heads.

"I can make you guys some breakfast, is there anything specific you guys want to eat?" I asked sweetly.

"My sister wanted to eat chocolate pancakes, I'll eat anything," Ha Joon said.

"Alrighty, before I start cooking, are there any allergies I need to be aware of?" I asked as a precaution. They both shook their heads no. I nodded and made my way to the kitchen.

"You guys can watch some t.v. while I start cooking. I'll let you know when everything is done," I said as I started picking up the contents on the countertop. They both went over and sat on the couch to watch morning cartoons and I got to cooking breakfast. I was in the middle of making the pancake batter when all of a sudden He Min came over and tugged on the end of my sweatshirt.

"Could I get a glass of milk please," she said with her little puppy dog eyes. These were the cutest kids ever. I almost collapsed from the amount of cuteness from her.

"Of course my love," I said patting her head and making my way to the fridge. I got the milk out and poured her some. Then I handed the cup to her and she took a sip. I thought that she'd go back to the couch to watch cartoons but she just stood there.

"You wanna help me make breakfast?" I asked sweetly. Her most big doed eyes brightened and she nodded her head excitedly. I picked her up and sat her on the island counter and she helped me add ingredients and mix the pancake batter.

"Can we add sprinkles," she asked mixing the batter.

"Of course we can, hold on," I said as I moved to the baking cabinet. I remembered where everything was from baking in here the other day. I brought out a box that had all of these different sprinkles and sat them in front of her.

"Which ones?" I asked. She looked through the box and then brought out these confetti sprinkles and these pink shiny sprinkles.

"The pink ones are for the top after they're done," she said to me. See I knew I liked her, she already had great taste in decorations plus she picked pink. Yup, I now declare these are my kids.

After we were done making the pancakes, I went to the refrigerator to take out the bacon, sausage, and eggs. Me and He min quickly and carefully made the rest of breakfast while I made sure she didn't get hurt by anything in the kitchen. Ha Joon saw we were having fun together and came into the kitchen.

"Yah no fair, I wanna help too," he said pouting.

"You can help scramble the eggs," I say to him and he does a little air first pump. I swear these kids are so freaking adorable. We were in the middle of scrambling eggs when He Min jumped off the counter and accidentally got flour on Ha Joon. That small little accident turned into what became a flour war.

Both kids flinging flour on each other, but He Min saw I wasn't covered in any and threw some in my direction. Now my hair and face were covered in flour. I laughed out and saw her brother laughing a little too hard so I had to get him too.

"Was that funny Ha Joon?" I asked as I smeared leftover pancake batter on his face. He min fell to the floor laughing and Ha Joon's eyes were wide thinking I wouldn't join in the fun like that. I fell to the floor laughing too.

"What's going on?" we all paused and saw Bada standing near the kitchen with her arms crossed shaking her head.

"You boogers already caused trouble," she said tapping her foot on the ground. Both kids jumped up and went to go jump on their aunt.

"No way, you guys are dirty," she said laughing as she held them off by their heads before they could even hug her. Ha Joon took the smeared batter on his face and wiped it across Bada's pants.

"Ha, now you're dirty too," he said before running over to hide behind me. He min and I burst out laughing seeing the two bicker. We decided to take the fun down a notch and focus on breakfast so I finished cooking everything and made everyone's plate.

"Ok guys, come sit at the table please, breakfast is ready," I said shouting to them from the kitchen. They were all focused on watching the cartoon that was on. All three of them came to the table with big smiles on their faces. I sat everyone's plate out and went to go get the juice and milk from the fridge. Bada came from behind me and hugged me startling me a little.

"Good morning love. Thanks for making the kids breakfast. They really like you now," she said smiling.

"I love those little adorable tiny humans. They are the cutest things ever," I said while making a face you would make to a baby. They were too cute. She laughed and we headed back to the table. Everyone ate their food and the kids were bickering about who made the best food. Of course, I had to tell them they were both great to die down the fight I could see was brewing up.

After dinner, Bada helped the kids go shower while I cleaned the kitchen and living room. They had brought out some toys and had placed them everywhere. Wow, I feel like such a mom right now, well I think this is what a mom is like, I wouldn't know for sure. Bada came back downstairs with the kids after twenty minutes and they were all cleaned up.

"Imma go shower really quick," I said to Bada before making my way upstairs. I quickly got in the shower making sure to wash my hair thoroughly with Bada's shampoo. Note to self: take the body was AND shampoo. I got out of the shower, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and put on some mascara and eyebrows. I looked at the counter at Bada's perfume collection and decided to try them all out.

Yup, imma just go ahead and take everything in the bathroom. She has all the best smell goods! I didn't bring any clothes with me so I made my way to her closet wrapped in a towel. I made sure none of the kids were in here before I made my way there though.

My favorite part about her room is her closet. She has so many amazing clothing items. I mean the lack of pink items is kinda concerning, but I could move past that for the time being lol. I looked around and spotted a cozy sweater and decided to put it on with one of her joggers. I head out and make my way downstairs to see the three of them working on a puzzle.

"Luna," He min yelled before running up to me. I bent down and picked her up swinging her around a little before placing her on the couch.

"So my babies, what are we gonna do today?" I asked curious as to what the plans for today will be.

"Can we go to the stationary store Imo took us to last time?" He min said as she played with the yarn on my sweater. I looked over at Bada for confirmation and she nodded.

"Sure, is everyone ready to go?" she asked and we all nodded. We made our way to the car and hopped in. I turned on some kid-friendly tunes and we set off to the store. When we got there, the kids got out of the car quickly as they were really excited to shop.

He min must be really happy because Bada told me she loves collecting stationery. He min comes up to my side and she holds her left hand out for me to hold. This made me so happy seeing how she felt safe with me.

In the store, I could tell why they were so happy to come here. It was beautiful. So many different things to buy and so many different colors and designs to choose from. I go to get a basket and we all walk around the store with the kids throwing anything in the basket.

It felt really nice being out with kids like this, I always thought I'd be awkward with children but this was really nice. Everyone was finished so we went to check out. I pulled my card out ready to pay.

"No Luna I got it," Bada said but I shook my head no.

"A mother has to pay for her beloved children Bada," I said giving the cashier my card. She and He Min started laughing at me. Ha Joon was holding onto my left hand as we made our way out of the store. We decided to walk over to a park nearby to let the kids play. Me and Bada sat on a bench letting the kids have their time.

"Stay close alright, don't wander off," I said and they both nodded to me and ran to go play.

"Wow, motherhood looks good on you Miss Luna," Bada said smirking at me.

"What can I say, the kids just love me," I said acting like I was the best thing ever. The kids had been playing for about five minutes when I hear some whispers behind me.

"That's her isn't it?" the guy on my left said.

"Yup, and I guess that's the other girl from the video too," the other guy said. The first guy whistled lowly making me flinch a bit.

"She is one hot piece of ass, no wonder Haneul was mad about seeing the video. If that was my girl, I would've had to teach her a lesson." the guy said making my heart sink. They knew Haneul.

"Wait until Haneul finds out they're out here playing house while he's away on business," the guy said making the other laugh. I felt sick to my stomach. Haneul already thinks I've been unfaithful, if he finds out rumors like this from pigs like them then I'm dead. My breathing quickened and Bada could see me starting to panic.

"Come on Luna, let's get out of here," she said taking my hand. I snatched my hand back so quickly. Those guys could be recording us or taking pictures for all I knew so I couldn't risk it. I hopped up from the bench and went to go get the kids.

"Kids, come on, we gotta get going," I yelled out. He min was about to get on the monkey bars so I went and picked her up then placed her on the ground next to me. We walked to go look for her brother who was playing by the slides.

"Come on Ha Joon," I said with my hand out. He took my hand and I walked with both of the kids to Bada's car and she followed behind silently. She knew I was acting off but I just couldn't let anyone get suspicious of me. I strapped the kids in their seats and Bada and I got into the car.

"Luna," Bada said in a whisper. My left hand was shaking a little so I placed my right one over it to try and calm it.

"Not right now Bada, not here," I said in a whisper trying to make sure the kids didn't hear us. And this right here is exactly why I cannot be a mother. I got too much mental bullshit going on with me. Bada stayed quiet and she started the car and drove off.

"Why'd we have to leave the park?" Ha Joon asked. I turned around so I was facing both of them in the back.

"There were some mean people around. Plus, now we get to go eat lunch" I said hoping it would take their minds off the park. And it indeed did. Both kids yelled 'yay' and did little happy dances. I smiled as I turned back around then stayed quiet the rest of the trip. Bada drove us to a burger place and we all got out of the car. Both kids were glued to my sides as we walked inside the building.

"Ok my loves, what would you like to eat?" I asked as we walked up to the counter to order. He min held her hands out for me to pick her up, she must not could have seen the menu. We told the worker what we all wanted and we went to find a seat.

"Uhh, I'll be back guys imma go use the restroom," I told them as I placed He min in a chair and left my bag at the table. I walked to the restroom and locked the door behind me, I just needed to catch my breath for a second. I stood in front of the mirror trying to collect myself, hoping that these negative thoughts would not take over right now. But it didn't work, the thoughts consumed me.

Is that what people really thought of me after that video? I watched videos of Bada's classes before and she's taught provocative dances like that before so I didn't think it'd be too much of a problem. Ugh, if those guys go back to Haneul and say something I'll be in even bigger shit than I already was.

Just why did this have to happen to me? Why couldn't my life be normal? Why'd I have to have a psychotic abusive boyfriend? A few tears started to drop and I let them. I allowed myself one minute of pity before I collected myself and fixed my face before walking out of the restroom like nothing happened.

"Foods here," Ha Joon said as I came back to the table. I went to sit at my chair across from Bada but He min got in my lap, which was fine, it gave me a distraction to look at the little toy that came with her meal as she showed off the cute little unicorn.

Everyone ate their food but my appetite was completely gone so I just ate on some fries with the occasional bite of my burger. I fed He min the rest of my fries and we were finished with our meal. He min was getting sleepy so I held her in my arms as we walked to the car. Both kids were passed out by the time we strapped them in their seats and got in the car.

Bada kept her eyes on the road as we drove back to her house making sure to glance at me every now and then. I could tell she didn't want to say anything in hopes that I would feel even worse. We got to a red light and Bada finally spoke up.

"Luna, love, talk to me," she said looking at me. I turned my head to the window hoping I wouldn't start crying again. She let out a soft sigh before driving again. I knew I needed to speak up.

"I just don't want to make Hanuel more mad than he is alright? We shouldn't give him more reasons to hate us Bada," I said. It was true, although I hated Haneul, I was not going to provoke him more than the video already had.

"If those guys tell him that he saw me out with you today, they're going to twist the story up and it won't look any good for either of us," I continued. Bada nodded her head and we made our way to her house. Bada took one kid while I took the other and we made our way inside to place them in their bed. We left their room and went downstairs.

"I really don't know what any of this means for us Luna," Bada spoke up as I was cleaning up the puzzle from earlier.

"It means let's not poke the bear, Bada. Only bad things will happen if we do," I said putting away the last few pieces.

"What's that even supposed to mean Luna? 'Bad things', what bad things are you talking about?" she asked. I knew I couldn't tell her anything. I cherish our friendship so much but I cannot let her know what Hanuel has been doing to me, for both of our sakes.

"Just bad things Bada," I said as I finished picking up and went to the kitchen to get some water. Bada got up from her seat and followed me in there. I rolled my eyes seeing as how she was not gonna drop this subject anytime soon.

"You said we would communicate when things got tough Luna, so why all the secrecy? Just tell me whatever it is and I can help you," she said towering over me by the fridge. I ducked out from under her arms and made my way around the counter but was quickly stopped when she grabbed my arm.

"Just please Luna, I can help you if you tell me," she said pleadingly. She came closer and hugged me from behind. She brought her face to the crook of my neck and kissed me there. Chills traveled up and down my spine sending a wave of goosebumps throughout my body. But I couldn't do this, not now. I pushed out of her embrace.

"See this is what I'm talking about. We can't keep doing this Bada," I said on the verge of tears.

"All these misunderstandings we're giving people because of the way we interact with each other. It's only going to get me in deep shit in the long run," I said as a tear escaped my eyes.

"I'm sorry," Bada said softly as she stared at the ground. Great my big mouth got her upset too. It's like everything I do and say always fucks things up.

"I-it's not your fault Bada, I just got some things I gotta deal with ok. A lot has been going on recently and I just-" I paused bringing my hands to my face. I didn't know what to do anymore. My life was in the hands of that son of a bitch and he's playing me like a fucking puppet. I hated this so much. He really fucked me over.

"Look Bada, I think I should go. I just don't want to hurt you more than I have and I know right now nothing I say will be convincing enough to explain what I want to say to you," I said walking over to get my purse and bag.

"Luna you don't have to go, we don't have to talk about this anymore ok, just please don't go like this," she said coming up to me. I hated what I was doing to her.

"As your friend, I need to tell you that I'm not mad at you. I could never get mad at you Bada. You have done absolutely nothing wrong to me. It's just my complicated life ok? I need to figure some personal things out for a while. I just don't want us to fall apart like we did a few weeks ago," I said as the tears fell from my eyes in long streams. Losing her in my life was one of the hardest things ever. I don't want either of us to go through that again but I know how sucky of a friend i have been.

"I'm sorry I haven't been able to tell you everything and I know you have all these questions. But just know you will always be my best friend ok?" I said and Bada brought me into a hug. We were both crying at this point, filled with so many emotions for each other.

"You'll never lose me as your best friend Luna. I'm gonna always be right here whenever you need or want me around. I know you're going through some hard shit right now and it's hard to talk about but know that I will always be here love. I'm not going anywhere," Bada said kissing the top of my head before letting me go.

She knew that I needed to be alone right now so she didn't offer to drive me home. I took the sacks I had from the mall and got all my other belongings before heading out and calling a cab. The cab arrived in less than a minute so I hopped in and set off back home.


When I got back to my apartment, I went to put up all my bags and things I had brought. I went to check the fridge for food but nothing was in there. I didn't have much of an appetite anyway.

I sat in my living room with my knees to my chest wondering what to do next. I knew that if I started crying right now, there would be no going back and I would be put in a dark place so I refrained from crying. I just sat there in the dark silent room staring into space. I got a text from my phone and without checking the text ID, I opened the message. My heart sank out of my body reading it.

남자 친구

HANEUL: got a video from a few friends of mine. Heard you were out playing house with someone else and their kids. I thought you were smarter than that Luna. Bummer, I didn't want to have to hurt you more than I already did but you were asking for it. See you at home!

I stared at the text message scared out of my everlasting mind. My hands were trembling and my breathing became quick. I frantically hopped off the ground and went to my room to find my suitcase. I had to leave, at least until he got back so he'd cool off. I shouldn't be here right now. I went and threw my suitcase in the living room as I made my way to my closet to pack my clothes. I was on the ground stuffing my suitcase when I heard the beeps from the door. He was home! Why was he home so early? He wasn't supposed to be back for another day or two. My eyes widened as I watched him walk in the door. Nothing could've prepared me for tonight.

Hey guys. This time change rally is getting to me. For some reason, it's making me write a bunch more than usual. Just think as this is me feeding all of you 🤲. I'm already writing the next chapter as we speak so that might come out tonight or tomorrow. Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. What do you guys think will happen next? Stick around to find out. Until then, see you in the next chapter my darlings 💙💋

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