Atomic recess

By Yui-umbreon

2.3K 38 7

Join 'Dede' as she goes through her life as a fourth grade student at third street elementary school with her... More

The break in
The great jungle gym standoff
The new kid
The experiment
Jinxed/slime of the century
Officer Mikey
First name Ashley
To Finster with love
King Dede
Big brother chad/my fair Gretchen
Speedy we hardly knew ya
Operation Stuart furball of the sneeze
The pest
The box/Spindly tam kanushu
The Trial
The voice / toxic talent
Parents' night
Gus' last stand
Happy Valentine's day
Secrets Pt. 1
Secrets Pt. 2
Secrets Pt. 3
Randall's reform
The substitute
Soccor boy
Lord of the nerds
The beauty contest
The big prank
Tattletale heart
Terrifying tales of recess
When worlds collide
Pharaoh Bob
The challenge
Authors note (just a quick message)
Galactic guardians no more
Great state fair
Merry Christmas
The coolest heatwave ever
Randall's friends

Big top Candy

33 0 0
By Yui-umbreon

Big top Candy

We start on a planet where a circus is about to start. Admiral DeGill is dressed up as the ringmaster. "Welcome to the Multi-snare Circus and our annual charity event! Where Galactic Guardians perform amazing acts to raise money for our juniors in training!" While DeGill was talking a spotlight shines down onto three Junior Galactic Guardians eating cotton candy.

"We pledge to do our duty so we can be just like Atomic Candy! Power, Decision, Teamwork!" The three junior galactic guardians said as they jumped and fell out of their seats onto the ring.

"Well, their training's just begun. But thanks to you, we've raised a thousand zacoolian Gemstones!" DeGill says as the crowd cheers.

Sparky and X-5 are in the back of the circus, starting to get ready for their performance. "Shouldn't you be guarding those gems?" X-5 asked.

"They're perfectly safe!" Sparky dismissed. "The box is locked and I have the only key right here in my pocket!"

"Excuse me. I can't find my seat." Said the tiger looking junior galactic guardian as X-5 went up to her.

"This area is high security. We'll have to see your backstage pass." X-5 asked, following protocol.

Sparky walked up to the two, trying to get X-5 to loosen up. "Oh, cradous. It's a Junior Galactic Guardian, X-5! You know, the future hero of the universe?" The orange Junior Galactic Guardian blows a huge bubble, trapping Sparky and X-5 inside it. Then it exploded and they ended up stuck to the wall. The Junior Galactic Guardian laughs and reveals her true form: the Chameleon.
Sparky starts Struggling to get free. "It's the Chameleon!"

The Chameleon laughs and jumps to take the key from Sparky's hand. "I'll take that, thank you very much!" He then runs away.

"We better call the Captain!" X-5 says.

On earth we see our group of fourth graders all standing on the playground during recess. The boys have just found out that Gretchen was going to be missing a few hours of school, Spinelli and Paloma were going with her.

"It's not fair. It's just not fair." Gus whines angrily.

"Yeah, this whomps." TJ agrees, with his arms crossed.

"How come you guys get to miss school and we don't?" Vince asked three of the four girls standing in front of him and the other boys.

"Because the Young Inventors Fair is an invitational exposition." Gretchen explained.

"Means you gotta be invited." Spinelli brags.

"It's a great opportunity to show off exciting new ideas from smart young minds." Said Paloma.

"So why's Spinelli and Paloma going with you?" Asked Gus, still unhappy.

"'Cause she needed a couple of smart kids to be her assistant." Spinelli walked up to Gus, with a threatening aura. "Want to make something of it?"

"N-not at all." Gus stammers, stepping back. "Just wondering why Dede wasn't going with you, is all."

"I thought it'd be better for Spinelli and Paloma to go and—" a beeping sound calls out. "And because I've got something to do right here, I gotta go and do that thing now. Have fun you three." Dede said to the other girls in the group before she ran off to the bathroom.

"Atomic Candy, it's Admiral DeGill. I need you to proceed at once to the planet Zila. The Chameleon is back." Admiral DeGill said as soon as Dede answered the call.

"Yes, sir." Dede saluted before she teleports herself to the circus on a Space Cycle.

As soon as she arrives, the crowd cheers for her. "It's Atomic Candy!" The Junior Galactic Guardians fangirled.

"We have a crisis at hand." Admiral DeGill said when Dede landed next to him, Sparky and X-5. "I'm certain the Chameleon is after the zacoolian Gemstones."

"We should shut the circus down. Try to find him." Dede suggested.

"Oh, it's too late for that. We panicked the audience and have to give back the gemstones." Admiral DeGill decided. "No. The show must go on. But those jewels must be protected."

Dede stands there, thinking of a new idea before she snaps her fingers, finally thinking of something. "I have an idea. Sparky, X-5 and I are all Galactic Guardians. We'll join the circus's performers and guard the gemstones undercover." Dede runs backstage and is quick to return with some costumes. "You can be a lizard tamer."

"Hmm. OK." Sparky said looking at the outfit that Dede gave him.

"I'll perform a Galactic Trapeze." Dede grabbed her own costume before turning to look at the last member of her team. "And you, X-5, will be a clown."

"One of those lunar crist creatures who falls down all the time? I don't think so. I'm no clown." X-5 denied but as soon as he said the word clown the costume shakes and laughs. "That costume just laughed at me."

As the circus show continued more and more galactic guardians were all doing their own tricks. "And that was Atomic Rodger and his amazing sword swallowing!" Admiral DeGill announced as Rodger walked over with his sword in his mouth. "Good job, Rodger!"

"Thank you sir!" Rodger saluted before he walked out of the circus ring.

"And now, we present our next feat of the day, the Fearless Fire Belching Lizard Tamer!" Admiral DeGill announced as Behind the curtain, a nervous Sparky is shaking.

"Stop shaking." X-5 said. "At least your costume isn't an embarrassment." His costume laughs again and he sighs. "Remember, as long as you don't startle lizards, they can be quite gentle."

A still nervous Sparky walks into the ring where there is a cage of fire lizards. Before Sparky can start, his legs get wrapped with the rope and he trips onto the ring causing the crowd to laugh at him. "My name's Sparky. Nice to meet ya." Sparky said, looking nervously at the lizards in the cage. He gets his whip ready and the lizards roar at him. This causes him to be sent flying.

The Chameleon watches and laughs then he disguises himself as a mouse. He sneaks over to the lizard cage and frightens them, causing them to scream. They break out of their cage and scream along with Sparky.

"Sparky, don't panic them!" Dede tried to calm her friend down from her position next to the box of gems.

"Panic them?! What about me?!" Sparky asked rhetorically, While Dede runs over to give Sparky a hand, the Chameleon appears and gets ready to steal the gemstones. Dede faces the lizards and Sparky dodges their incoming fire breath and jumps onto one of their backs. It wines and gallops like a horse. Dede jumps onto one of their heads that tried to spit fire at her and then onto their back. The two lizards then begin to fight.

X-5 appears on the ring trying to get the lizard's attention. "Look! Over here!" The costume's head takes out a boot and kicks him, making the audience laugh at him. "This is not what I had in mind."

As the Chameleon is about to unlock the chest with the gemstones, one of the lizards breathes fire at him, burning his bottom. He screams in pain and the crowd laughs again, thinking it was part of the act. He jumps into a barrel of water and sighs in relief as the crowd cheers. "You burnt my butt, Atomic Candy!"

After that little disaster was dealt with, Admiral DeGill announced the next performance. "And now, high above the pit of Ravenous Pitzovipres, Atomic Candy will perform on the Galactic Trapeze!" Dede bows before the snake creatures appear from a trap door.

"Stop sulking! We have to stop the Chameleon! It doesn't matter if the lizards didn't like you. The audience was laughing." Sparky said as he and X-5 were standing guard of the box of gems.

"At the costume." X-5 bites back. "There was no appreciation of wit. Just this ridiculous outfit that does tricks every time you say the word clown." The hat takes out a propeller. "Oh dear." The propeller activates and X-5 rises into the air. He then flies around the circus and Sparky chases after him. X-5 crashes into a barrel, breaking it to reveal a Bangoon who is tied up and gagged. Finally, the propeller stops.

"X-5, look! It's a Bangoon!" Sparky exclaimed.

"Yes! I see!"

"Why's he all tied up?"

Sparky and X-5 seemed to come to the same conclusion at the same time, booth shouting up to Dede. "Chief!" They see Dede still performing her circus trick with another Bangoon while they try to warn her.

"Nooooo!" Sparky shouted trying to get her attention.

"Captain! Look out!" X-5 also tried but because Dede was high up she couldn't hear them, just giving them a thumbs up thinking they were wishing her luck.

The Bangoon smiles and Dede gives him a thumbs-up. She then starts to swing on her trapeze, as she jumps into the air, The Bangoon reveals himself as the Chameleon and catches her. "You interfere with my plans one too many times! Now it's payback!" The chameleon laughs as he lets go of Dede and she falls toward the snake creatures as she screams. Just as she is about to get eaten, she grabs the tightrope and dodges the attacks of the snake creatures while the Chameleon lands on the ground with a jetpack. Then he puts some gemstones in his bag. "The gemstones! They're finally mine!" He laughs evilly and flies away.

The audience watches this happen in terror. "Candy needs our help!" Said the orange Junior Galactic Guardian"

"Come on!"  The blue Junior Galactic Guardian said as they get out of their seats to help Dede.

"Power Decision Teamwork!" The three of them cheered together as two of them entered backstage, the green Junior Galactic Guardian bumps into a robot cowboy and it throws knives at Rodger.

He manages to avoid them and they hit a target. "My hair is OK." Rodger sighs in relief before another knife hits hair, causing him to be bald and he screams.

Dede is still avoiding the snake creatures on the tightrope. "Excuse me! Over here! Clown trick!" X-5 says as he and Sparky run to try and get the snake's attention. The propeller reappears on X-5's hat and he rises into the air again. But this time, Sparky grabs his leg. The propeller can't support their weight and they fall into the pit of the snake creatures. One of them snaps the tightrope in half but Dede manages to hold on.

Luckily, the Junior Galactic Guardians appear on Space Cycles. They grab Dede and fly her to safety.

"Run!" X-5 shouts as he and Sparky run from the snake creatures. Sparky comes up with an idea and they pull the snakes' tails.

"How about a snack?" Sparky asked as he and X-5 started shaking the snake's own tail. The snakes lick their lips and bite each other. "Those Pitzovipres will eat anything." The snakes let out a big burp as they both tangled up in a knot.

Dede and the Junior Galactic Guardians fly after the Chameleon. Dede had taken over the driving of the space cycle and had the orange junior holding onto her, she used her cycle to bump into the chameleon and the bag of gemstones fell onto the green Junior Galactic Guardian. The Chameleon falls into the cage of lizards where they step on and lick him, effectively capturing him.

"Well done, all of you." Admiral DeGill said as Dede and her team, along with the three junior galactic guardians were all standing in front of him. "The galaxy will be safe in the future."

"Thanks for the help, girls." Dede smiles at the three juniors and Junior Galactic Guardians cheer and fan girl again before they faint.

When Dede got back to earth she walked out into the playground at the same time that the other three girls of her group came out of the school. "Hey, welcome back, how was the fair "

"It was great." Paloma said as the four girls started to slowly walk to where they could see all the other kids.

"Yes. There were so many amazing kids there, all with fascinating inventions." Gretchen gushed.

"So what's been happening here, why's everyone over there?" Spinelli points to where the girls were walking.

"I don't know, I've been pretty busy myself so I've not been on the playground." Dede answered,  before the girl could say anymore though they all had to stop in their tracks to see all the kids around them. They all had terrible haircuts, so bad that once the four girls finally registered what they were seeing they couldn't hold their laughter in.

King Bob orders his carriers to holt, as he looks around. "What's so funny? Who dares laugh in my presence?"

When he looks to where the laughter is coming from he could see the four girls who have been absent from school standing at the front.

"You people. You-- You--" Paloma starts but can't finish her sentence as she's laughing way too much.

"You all look absolutely ridiculous." Dede finishes for her, almost crying, she was laughing so hard.

"The heck you say?" King Bob asked, confused at what Dede said.

"No, Dede's right." Gretchen laughs. "Your hair, it looks like crop circles." This made the four girls laugh even more.

Digger Dave walks up to the four girls as all the other students are too stunned to say anything. "No, no, no. You're wrong. See, we all look like that band, Dogs Pajamas."

"Are you kidding? I just saw those guys on TV. They got hair down to their butts." Spinelli pointed down to her butt before the four burst out laughing again as the Ashley's all screamed and the others muttered to each other worriedly.

"But-but they told us these haircuts were cool." Gordie tried to defend.

"Who told you that lie?" Dede giggles, wiping the tear away from her eye.

Everyone went quiet as they looked at TJ and Vince on their own chair. The kids that were carrying them quickly turned the chair over, knocking them off. Gus, seeing where this was going, quickly made his escape.

TJ nervously laughs as he and Vince run off. "See ya!"

"After them!" King Bob ordered as all the kids started to chase the two boys.

"Gee, you think we should help them?" Asked Gretchen watching the two boys get chased.

"Sure, as soon as my hair grows back." Mikey said standing next to the girls.

"Thirst street. You miss a little, you miss a lot." Dede giggles again as the five all just watch everything unfold.

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