Sea of Stars 별바다

By NamNamm03

19.3K 694 375

Luna Oakley just moved to South Korea with her boyfriend of two years. On the first few days of being there... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 15

403 17 3
By NamNamm03

I hung up on Haneul. I needed to get myself together before I headed back inside so I went to the edge of the rooftop wall and tried to get my thoughts together. I pressed my palms deeply into the brick wall as I tilted my head down allowing some more tears to fall. My head kept shaking back and forth in a 'no' manner as I went through everything he said to me.

Was I the stupid one this entire time to think he was a good guy to begin with? Had I not seen any signs when we were younger or was I just oblivious for any sort of comfort? I felt stupid and sick to my stomach to think I had gotten myself in this position again in life. I thought I left all the traumatizing stuff in the past, but it seems like my life never gets easier.

My mind kept racing and at this point, I was shaking with such a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I have really been allowing him to put his hands on me and I have done nothing to help myself in this situation. We've been together so long that he was like my second family. I don't have an actual family anymore, I mean, they're alive but we cut ties a long time ago. Haneul was there for me, or so I thought he was. I crouched down and put my head against the brick wall.

"Luna?" I heard a soft voice speak from behind me. I froze knowing it was Bada. I got up from the position I was in but kept my back to her, not wanting her to see the tears in my eyes. I quickly wiped my face and eyes trying to get myself together. She came up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Luna, look at me," her soft voice said. She was so gentle to me at this as if she knew I could break at any given moment. I turned to her and put on a bright smile trying to mask the ache I felt in my chest.

"Hey, what are you doing up here?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"I just wanted to make sure everything was okay. You were gone for a while. I looked down at my phone to check the time. I had been out here for twenty minutes. I gasped seeing how much time I wasted for us today.

"Omg I'm so sorry, I didn't see the time," I said as I made my way to the door and rushed to our room. Bada followed closely behind while calling out my name but I kept walking. We needed to record this video today. I went to my bag and brought out some makeup wipes to wipe off any smudged mascara I had on my face. Good thing I only had mascara and brows on today. I quickly went to the mirror to wipe it off and Bada was there behind me with a worried expression. Of course, she must think I'm a nutcase, especially after seeing me break down the way I did the other day. Ugh, just another reason for her to look at me weirdly.

"Luna, we can film another day, you know? We don't have to-" she said but I cut her off.

"No, we have to today. I really want to. Plus we worked too hard to put it off for another day," I said. I honestly needed to do this dance to take my mind off of everything. Bada came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist as she put her head in the crook of my neck.

"Hey, we can take a breather you know. We'll film today if you want but you can take as much time as you need. Don't overwork yourself, hmm? We have all day here so there's no need to rush. I don't know what happened but you know I'm here. We can sit in silence if you want, you can talk to me about it, or we can call it a day. Whatever you want love. Just don't overdo it. Your mental and physical state comes before any of this." she said as she kissed my neck and pulled away from inside my neck.

I had my eyes closed this entire time taking in everything she said and did to me. She made my heart skip too many beats. As I opened my eyes, I caught her staring at me fondly. There was no hint of judgment in her expression. Everything she did showed that I could trust her. She smiled at me sweetly and I turned around and hugged her. We stayed in the embrace for what felt like forever until she picked me up by my thighs and carried me over to the ground. While I was out on the rooftop, she went to the convenience store and brought some snacks.

"They didn't have any of the energy bars you had so I just got the other snacks you liked," Bada said while still holding me. My legs were wrapped around her waist as she sat us down on the floor. I felt my eyes tearing up again as she showed me all the snacks she had got. They were all my favorite things. I let the tears fall as I locked my head to her chest.

"Thank you for being so nice to me," I exclaimed in between my tears. She smiled and patted circles all around my back while I was in her arms. This is the safest I have ever felt with anyone. She makes me feel like my life isn't one big circus show and she makes me feel grounded.

"You don't have to thank me, love. You deserve the world and I will give you anything. Nothing is ever too big or too much when it comes to you," I looked up from her chest looking into her eyes for a moment then I broke into a sob that sounded like a baby. She cooed at me and brought my head to her chest as she patted my back and tried to shush me.

"Shhh, shhh. It's ok my love. It'll all be okay." she reassured me as she soothed me. As my cries got softer, she reached over and brought one of the bags of candy near and opened it. She put the bag in front of me while looking down at me on her chest.

"Would you like one?" she asked softly. I looked up to see one of my favorite gummy candies and shook my head yes as I grabbed one out of the bag. I sat back a little eating one of the gummies and she brought her hands to my eyes to wipe away any tears left.

"My little baby," she cooed as she smiled down at me softly. It made me smile to see her taking care of me like this. I stayed there with my legs around her waist as I ate a few more gummies and finally calmed down. She opened the water bottle that was closest next to her and held it to my mouth.

"That's your water bottle," I said to her confused. She shook her head and looked at me sweetly.

"It's okay," she said as she tilted the water up for me to drink some. I truly felt like a child right now, but I wasn't mad about it. I never got this kind of treatment as a child so it was nice to feel this sort of safety and comfort for once in my life.

"Are you feeling better?" Bada asked as she screwed the cap back on her water bottle. I shook my head with a smile and leaned in to hug her one more time.

"Thank you Bada, for everything," I said to her. She hugged me back gently and swayed us side to side. I sat back to look in her eyes.

"Can we still film today? I really was excited to do it," I suggested hoping she wouldn't say no.

"Of course love, are you good to practice right now, or do you still need some time?"

"I'm good now," I said excitedly and jumped up from her before she had a chance to change her mind. She laughed seeing me all excited to dance. She went to play the music at normal speed so we could run through it a few more times before we filmed. We went over it about three more times before we decided to start filming. Bada brought out her camera and made sure to hit record before coming back over to me. I made sure to wipe my face off again before she hit record.

The music started playing and Bada and I got into our zones and began dancing. We danced in synch during the beginning. We made sure to put our own little swag and sass into the dance to make it more us and you could feel the chemistry when we danced. Like we belonged on the same dance floor together. It was finally time for the floor scene.

When I slid to the floor you could see the determination in Bada's eyes as she danced with me. When we flipped over, I took control a bit and I swear I felt a spark when Bada brought her upper body to mine. There was so much heat between us with this dance. As the song came to an end for our choreography, we finished off the dance strong and with fire and passion.

By the end of the song, we were breathing heavily. You could tell how much we put into it. Bada went to get the video and we watched it over. I was right, there was so much chemistry and passion put into this choreo. The video was so perfect. The lighting in the studio was low so only the led lights were on which added to the ambience. It was amazing. Bada was so focused while watching the video making sure we were both perfect. When it was over, she looked down at me and smiled widely.

"It's perfect!" she exclaimed. We honestly did so amazingly in this one that I don't think we need to film again.

"In my opinion, I think this take is fantastic, but we can film one more if you want," Bada asked looking at me. I shook my head eagerly thinking this was a perfect take.

"I think this one looked fabulous Bada. We did so good," I said staring down at the video as she played it once more. She put a hand around my waist and pulled me into a side hug as we watched the clip. Bada decided to hurry and edit the video so she could post it in a few minutes. I was excited to see what everyone would say. I spent this time hooking my phone to the speaker and doing some K-pop dances while she was occupied. K-pop always brought my mood up.

I put on the song 'Gotta Go' by Chung Ha and started dancing. It was one of my absolute favorite songs, plus I helped choreograph it. After this song, I did 'Mago' by Gfriend. This song always got me pumped. For the last song, I did 'Shooting Star' by XG. The choreo to this goes absolutely crazy. It's one of my favorites I choreographed. Before the song ended, Bada got up from where she was and came over to me when she finished editing and posting our duet.

I was still dancing and in my own little fun zone. She pulled out her phone camera and filmed me dancing like she was one of those cameras idols would have to find while on stage. She filmed all around me and I moved accordingly to get the good angles. We both laughed seeing how much fun we were having.

When the song ended, another song from my playlist came on called 'INVU' by Taeyeon. I used this as my cool down song as I went to lay on my back staring up at the ceiling. Despite what happened earlier, I was feeling really happy. Of course, I knew this feeling wasn't gonna last all night, so I reveled in it for as long as I could. I shut my eyes and hummed to the song.

Bada came to sit beside me. I peeked out my right eye and saw her criss-crossed staring at me with a smile. I shut my eyes and smiled brightly as I just felt really happy. My playlist was on shuffle with some K-R&B included so the song 'Where Do We Go From Here' by Gsoul came on (AUTHOR NOTE* play song at top). I was in pure bliss listening to this song. The beat and melody were just so beautiful.

Bada came and laid down next to me on my right. She wrapped her right arm over my waist and pulled my head near her chest and we snuggled while listening to the song. I was in the happiest and most peaceful state I could ever be right now. I wouldn't change anything about it at all. If only I could bottle up this moment and keep it stored away forever so when I feel sad I could just feel this exact moment all over again. I hadn't realized that a tear had run down my cheek until Bada wiped it away.

"What's wrong love?" she asked staring down at me with worry. I couldn't help but smile. I was at peace right now here in the dance studio with Bada by my side.

"Nothing at all Bada, I'm just really happy right now," I said with all the honesty in my heart. Bada smiled and kissed my forehead and we snuggled back up as the song continued to play. We had stayed on the floor as another song came on 'Show Me' by DeVita. We used this as our exit song as we got up and began packing our bags and collecting our things. Before we left, we stayed for the remainder of the song and danced in each other's arms.

It reminded me of the night we danced together in my kitchen. The lights were low in the studio and it was just us there together in each other's arms. The vibes were immaculate as we swayed and sang to each other while holding one another tenderly. As the song came to an end, I went to go get my phone and unplug it from the speaker.

It was about six p.m when we left the studio and the sun was setting. It was so pretty outside right now, the sky was this beautiful purple-ish pink color and the clouds with so puffy and pretty. Although this day had a rocky curve thrown at it, I couldn't be any happier right now.

"So love, what should we do for the rest of the night?" Bada asked. I had a good idea in mind.

"Ohhh, you wanna cook together? We could go to the grocery store and pick up a few ingredients and cook at your place and watch a drama later." I suggested. Her eyes lit up at the idea and she jumped up and down happily. We got in her car and drove to the grocery near her house. At the store, we decided to make bibimbap for dinner and make some brownies for dessert. We got the ingredients we needed and headed back to her place.

"Ok so before we start cooking, should we shower now or later?" I asked.

"Let's do now so we won't have to rush later," Bada said. I nodded but I had an idea in mind.

"Let's play rock-paper-scissors for the big bathroom," I said so we could make this a mining game. We were both so competitive so this was perfect for shits and giggles.

"Deal," she said as she hid her hand behind her back ready to play. Her face turned very serious. I swear this girl wants to win everything.

"No need to get all competitive with me Miss Lee," I said smirking.

"Rock-paper-scissors...shoot," I said. Bada won this round

"Rock-paper-scissors...shoot," Bada said. I had won this round and started doing a happy dance.

"Don't start your happy dance yet, you still haven't won yet," Bada said trying to break my spirit. I giggled at her as we played the last round.

"Best two out of three," I said trying to be dramatic. Bada blew at her knuckles and wiggled her arm, making me smile at her seriousness.

"Rock-paper-scissors...shoot," I said. I had my eyes closed but when I heard Bada scream I knew she had won. She jumped up and down making an 'L' at her head and walking around me happily.

"Fine fine fine, you won this round, Miss Lee, I'll let you have it, but let's not get too cocky," I said trying to bring that big head of hers back down to earth. Bada stood behind me as she whispered into my ear.

"Like I said earlier, we'll see who wins in the long run," she said before running in front of me and up the stairs. That kinda left me stuck to the ground. Her and her flirting will be the death of me.

I took my dance bag upstairs and headed into the guest bathroom. I have never used this bathroom but it was so pretty. It was smaller than her other one but I didn't mind. It was super cozy for a bathroom. When I got in the shower, Bada's body wash that I loved so much was in here. That five-finger discount is really calling my name right now.

Like would she notice if I "accidentally" slipped this 30 oz into my gym bag? I decided to restrain myself because it would be suspicious of me carrying around a heavy gym bag all of a sudden. I'll come back for you my love, I told the body wash as I exited the shower.

I wrapped the towel around myself and patted dry then brushed my teeth and washed my face. I also put on the lotion and perfume she had in here too. Of course, I have my own spare clothes, but what would besties be if I didn't go and steal her clothes? So that's exactly what I went to do.

I was wrapped in my towel when I snuck into Bada's closet and skimmed all of her clothes. I had put my underwear on before I left the bathroom from my spare change of clothes in my bag. As I looked around, I spotted a cute oversized sweatshirt, we'll everything of hers would be oversized on me, but that's not the point. The point is, I'm going to steal this shirt and she will never get it back. It was the only thing that had any sort of pink to it so I had to have it. I stripped out of the towel with my back facing the door.

I put on the sweatshirt and felt so cute. Yeah, she most definitely will NEVER be getting this back. I looked up in her closet to see where she kept all her pants. Of course, miss five foot nine would keep her pants on the highest rack in here and my little five foot-five self is quaking in her boots right now trying to figure out how to get them down.

I lifted up on my tippy toes trying to get one of the sweats that were folded on the top rack but struggled. It wasn't until I felt her hand on mine that I knew Bada was in here trying to help. She had startled me so badly that I fell over and hit my arm on one of her suitcases in the closet. I fell back clutching my arm in pain.

"Owww!" I screamed out. Bada bent down quickly to examine me and make sure nothing was broken.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, are you ok?" she asked with so much concern. I just rested my face on the ground and nodded my head silently. This didn't hurt as much as all the other bruises so I'll be fine. But it did hurt like a bitch.

"Come here," Bada said as she picked me up bridal style and we left the closet. She placed me on her bed and turned the nig light on so she could see my arm. I rolled up my shirt but you couldn't see anything because the pain was closer to my shoulder.

"Take your shirt off," Bada instructed. My eyes widened and I shook my head no.

"I don't have anything on under here," I said shying my eyes away from hers. She huffed a little seeing I was being difficult and brought the bed's throw blanket under my shirt and over my chest. Her hands just freaking touched my boobs. MY BOOBS, SHE JUST GRAZED AGAINST MY BOOBS!!! I had to keep my cool. Right now was not the moment to get all giddy and shy about this.

"Can you take it off now?" she asked sweetly. I shook my head yes and she pulled the shirt off of my body. I kept the blanket in place with my arms as she got on her knees and examined my arm looking for any signs of a bruise or fracture.

"Are all Lee siblings good at nursing people back to health?" I said as I saw how focused she was on my arm. I hadn't realized that she was in a sports bra and some shorts at this moment. Man, this girl looked hot, she had glasses on and her wet hair hung down around her shoulders and clung to her face. I used my finger to move the hair out of her face and behind her ear. She looked over at me and our eyes locked. She snapped out of it and answered my question.

"When my brother was in med school, he would constantly come home needing to practice on someone and I was always the only one around. I learned a few things from him over the years. I can even sew skin together like they do in surgeries," she said proudly. My mouth fell open to hear such a cool trait about her.

"No way, that's so cool Bada," I said to her giving a thumbs up. She smiled at me and went back to looking at my arm.

"Nothing looks broken but you'll probably have a bruise later on. Come on, let's head downstairs so I can put ice on it," she said grabbing my hand. When I got up, I had forgotten I was using her blanket to hide the girlies and it almost slipped off of me.

"Oh crap," I gasped, but Bada was able to catch it and keep it in place. I blushed seeing how close she was to my naked body.

"Stay here for a moment," Bada instructed. I was wondering what she was doing. She came back from her closet with a pair of pants and a short-sleeved shirt for me to wear. It was also pink which made me really happy. How did I miss this shirt in there, it's pink for crying out loud. Bada crouched next to me as she helped me put my shirt on. It wasn't as oversized as the sweatshirt so it stopped at the lower part of my stomach, just enough to cover the front of my lady parts.

I stood up to put the pants on but my arm was making it hard. Bada took the pants, put them on the floor, and positioned them for me to step into them and she pulled them up on me. I had my hands positioned on her shoulders to keep me balanced. Again, her hand glided against my ass. I was about to pass out from all this touching I SWEAR!!!!

We made our way downstairs and to the kitchen. Bada sat me on the bar stool as she went to get an ice pack from the freezer.

"This should help with the swelling, if not I'll give you some painkillers later," she said as she caressed the side of my cheek. She went back behind the counter to get started on dinner. I got up making sure to hold the ice pack there, ready to help her.

"Mmm-mmm, no ma'am," she said as she directed me back to the bar stool. I pouted knowing she wasn't gonna let me help with dinner.

"Aww but we're supposed to cook together," I said trying to sound all sweet so I could butter her up so she'd change her mind.

"Put those puppy dog eyes away, they will not work on me. I told you, your safety comes first Luna," Bada said. You know it's serious when she uses my government name and not the little nickname she gave me. I pouted trying to get her attention.

"I won't change my mind," she said hearing me pout and sigh. She didn't even look up from the carrot she was cutting.

"Hmm, no brownies for you then," I said being all dramatic. I was the one who was gonna make the brownies anyway.

"That's fine," Bada said in a sing-song way as she went to the stove. Before she could turn she saw me with my mouth opened in shock at her response and she let out a laugh. Wow, this girl doesn't budge for anything. It's been about ten minutes of me just sitting here watching her cook. I was getting irritable and wanted to help so I got up to see if I could convince her again. I put the ice pack on the counter as I went over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I was leaning to the side so she could see my face a little.

"May I please help?" I asked holding out the please longer than the other words and batting my eyelashes. She glanced to the side and I smiled sweetly. She shook her head and let out a soft sigh.

"Fine, you can help fry the egg," Bada said and I jumped excited I could finally help. I ran to the refrigerator to bring out the carton of eggs then put two on the counter and put the rest back. Bada scooted out of the way from the stove so I could have some space to cook. She brought the pan out and sprayed it then instructed me to crack the egg when it got hot. I cracked both making sure they didn't connect and waited for them to cook.

"You can also cook the meat," Bada instructed and I got even more excited. The meat we got was already seasoned so all I really needed to do was cook it, I wasn't complaining though. A few minutes later dinner was done. We decided to eat in the living room on the floor and used the mini table to eat on.

We turned to the drama 'The Flower of Evil' I've always wanted to watch this drama but never had time. We got through the first episode and our dinner was finished.

"Can we make the brownies?" I asked before the next episode came on. Bada nodded her head and I jumped off the floor and ran to the kitchen with excitement. I could hear Bada laugh at me seeing me be all giddy to make brownies. These were boxed brownies so we didn't have to do much. Just add water, oil, and eggs. She did the mixing making sure I didn't hurt my arm.

I got out a pan and sprayed it with baking spray as she poured the mixture and then we placed it in the oven. I set the timer for 25 minutes to check them and we headed back to the couch to watch the next episode of the drama. About fifteen minutes into the drama, I got a call from my phone. It was Haneul.

Hey everyone, this chapter made me feel insanely single 🥲. It was such a cute and wholesome one to write after all the heartbreak and sad ones. You guys should definitely check out all the songs I listed in this chapter because they are so good, especially the K-R&B suggestions. The Gsoul song has been my favorite lately and had me in my feels writing this chapter. I hope you guys like it. I'll see everyone in the next chapter. Until then my darlings 💋 💙.

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