Tech x OC


606 25 5

Tech is about to be with the canine of his dreams. Еще

Roxy Wolf
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22

chapter 18

16 1 0

the battle was still going on and everyone had defeated all the villains which meant they secured everything.
Rupes: how did you know about all of us coming?
Lexi: we didn't but it was one thing you'd all do this so we came prepared.
Roxy: magic has it's ways Rupes and your never going to win ever in the future. the villains were all taken to back to prison then everyone was enjoying the party Roxy was dancing with Tech as they enjoyed the party.
Tech: are you happy my love?
Roxy: very much Tech since i have you. they both leaned in and kissed each other they went back to dancing but didn't know the others had smiles on their faces.
Lexi: he really makes her happy huh guys?
Ace: he sure does but ever since they met before the meteor hit they were close friends and now look at them their married and have a kid.
Rev: sure do i'm glad we're a team.
Slam: yeah.
Duck: how come Tech is the lucky on to get a hottie for a wife?
Lexi: leave him alone Duck just be happy for them it will be a year since they got married.
Ace: tell me about it.

*at HQ*

everyone was getting ready for bed and Roxy put Amaya to bed after singing her a lullaby, Roxy walked to her room and laid down next to Tech who was almost asleep.
Tech: is Amaya asleep?
Roxy: yup after singing her the lullaby Mama used to sing to me she always told me to be fearless, and i'm glad we got married cause i never want to loose you Tech. Tech smiled and turned around as he held Roxy in his arms as she laid her head on his shoulder with a smile on her face.
Tech: neither do i your the greatest thing to ever happen to me Roxy even after having Amaya.
Roxy: (yawns) i know.
Tech: (kisses Roxy's forehead) get some sleep it's been a long night. Roxy smiled at Tech then gave him a kiss on the cheek as she went to sleep but as they were sleeping they heard Amaya crying, Tech got up to take care of the baby Roxy felt beside her and saw Tech coming back into the room.
Roxy: was Amaya being fussy?
Tech: she was so i fed her and put her back to bed.
Roxy: thank you Tech your the best honey. Tech smiled and laid down next to Roxy as they cuddled and went back to sleep.

*next day*

it was Ace's turn to make breakfast as he was cooking Tech and Roxy came in with Amaya as she was put into her high chair, then Roxy went to get her baby some breakfast and both her and Tech some coffee. Roxy got Amaya her breakfast and put down the two cups of coffee as she sat down and fed Amaya.
Tech: i have some work to do in the lab today and Roxy you know Amaya has an appointment for her shots.
Roxy: i know Tech but we also need to discuss somethings with Zadavia since she wants to meet Amaya in person, but lord i am still tired Amaya kept waking me up my poor baby is having nightmares.
Tech: she's not your only baby. Roxy playfully kicked Tech in his butt which made him jump and smirked at Roxy.
Lexi: you two i swear (sets down plates) Tech you should eat some food before you get to work in the lab. Tech sat down and ate his breakfast and caught the ball Amaya was playing with and set it on the table then fed Amaya her breakfast, after everyone ate Roxy was helping clean up but Rev took over cleaning up since he was faster. Roxy picked up Amaya and went to get her changed out of her pajamas Roxy had gotten changed out of her suit since she didn't want to draw attention to herself and Amaya, then Roxy got Amaya changed into a different outfit.
Roxy: alright guys we'll be back soon i also have some errands to run.
Tech: be careful. Roxy kissed Tech as she left with Amaya and went to the doctors.

*after the doctor*

Roxy had gotten back from the doctor and brought in some bags that had had some baby stuff and things for HQ Tech walked out of the lab, then helped with the bags Tech was being a loving husband and Roxy put Amaya down to play with her toys in her play pen. while her parents were busy with everything else.
Tech: i see you picked up a lot of things for HQ we did need these things considering well how Slam eats.
Roxy: don't remind me about that but at least he doesn't touch the foods i make Amaya and i bought things for dinner tonight.
Tech: Zadavia is going to come since she wants to meet Amaya and i know your scared of having Amaya in the sub, so trust me i am too let's put everything away then we can get things ready for tonight. Roxy nodded and put everything away then went into the living room to spend time with both Tech and Amaya. the rest of the team came in then did their own thing while Roxy went into the kitchen and began cooking, since it was her turn to cook dinner then heard Zadavia come in as Roxy put the food into the oven since Roxy made a taco cassarole. Roxy walked out and saw Zadavia as she walked over to Tech who was holding Amaya.
Zadavia: thank you for inviting me Roxy and i see little Amaya has gotten very big.
Roxy: she has for a ten month old baby. Zadavia gently took Amaya and Amaya was playing with Zadavia's hair.
Zadavia: (chuckles) just like your Mother when i first met her and you look just like her Amaya may you gorw strong and healthy just like your parents. both Tech and Roxy smiled hearing that then Roxy heard the oven and ran into the ktichen to get dinner out.
Roxy: i hope everyones hungry cause here's dinner.

Zadavia: i noticed Amaya has Tech's eyes.
Tech: she does and we both think Amaya will have my intellect.
Ace: she could. since she's your daughter. Roxy rolled her eyes and asked Rev to get some plates and forks he nodded and got them then Lexi brought out some drinks for everyone then Roxy put a small plate down for Amaya since she's still young, everyone was enjoying some dinner then heard the alarm go off.
Roxy: great please tell me it's not Optimatus?
Zadavia: no it's not must be the martian you faced. a huge claw was seen outside and everyone ran outside to stop it but Roxy and Lexi was grabbed by it as the girls held onto Tech and Ace.
Ace: hold on girls!
Roxy: don't let go! the guys both lost their grips and the girls screamed.
Deuce: (laughs) now that's what i call getting a couple of girls.
Lexi: let us go Deuce!
Deuce: i will if Ace hands over his sword to me. Roxy growled and looked at Lexi as they both smirked and Roxy knew what to do.
Roxy: you'd wish (chants) you'll never get Ace's sword and your army shall never rise again! Roxy sent a blast at Deuce which threw him back into a wall as the girls got loose, and did a few flips as they combined their powers together as they fired them towards Deuce the guys were both shocked and looked at Roxy and Lexi.
Ace: fiery girls.
Tech: tell me about it.

*five years later*

Amaya was walking to Tech's lab it had been five years since Amaya was born and she wanted to try and sneak up on Tech, once Amaya was in the lab she snuck up behind Tech and wrapped her arms his waist which made him jump.
Tech: Amaya what did i tell you about sneaking in here you could get hurt.
Amaya: sorry Daddy but i wanted to come and see you since you've been so busy in here. Tech smiled at Amaya and picked her up as he put her on his lap.
Tech: i'm sorry sweetheart but being a hero isn't easy since we all took over for Zadavia but i know one thing i'm happy to have you as my daughter, my little princess. Tech kissed Amaya on her head as she laughed and looked at what Tech was building.
Amaya: what's this Daddy?
Tech: oh that it's something to help the team it's a design for a practice robot to use during training like the disks i designed for your Uncle Ace.
Amaya: oh i remember him training with those but he told me to watch from a safe distance.
Tech: glad he did but guess what Mommy and i going to do with you today?
Amaya: what?
Tech: we're going to take you to pick out a pet i know Lexi told you about her Fuz - z too bad we put them back where they belonged. so we're gonna head out and let you pick what you like sweetheart.
Amaya: yeah! Tech chuckled and picked up Amaya as he walked out of the lab while carrying Amaya then was put down on her feet as she went to sit down the couch then heard Duck come in.

Amaya: hi Uncle Duck?
Duck: hey kiddo not playing around with your powers are you?
Amaya: no i don't even know if i have them yet Mommy got hers when she was eight (ears fall down) but i'm not even there yet. i do have Daddy's powers and i don't mess around with metal like he does.
Tech: Amaya it's alright you might both our powers.

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