Miguel O'Hara One-Shots

By Princess_Potato23

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Just a bunch of Miguel O'Hara one-shots (Story #1 "Happy Anniversary" Chapters 1-4) Miguel abruptly ended you... More

Happy Anniversary Pt 1
Happy Anniversary Pt 2
Happy Anniversary Pt3
Happy Anniversary Pt 4 (SMUT)
Love Yourself
Just A Secretary Workplace AU PT 1
Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 2
Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 3
Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 4
Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 5
Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 6
Just A Secretary, Workplace AU PT7
Just A Secretary,Workplace AU PT 8
Just A Secretary, Workplace AU PT9
Just A Secretary, Workplace AU PT 10
Just A Secretary, Workplace AU PT 11
Just A Secretary Workplace AU PT13/13
A Second Chance PT 1
A Second Chance PT 2
A Second Chance PT 3
A Second Chance PT 4
A Second Chance PT 5
A Second Chance PT 6
A Second Chance Pt 7
A Second Chance PT 8
A Second Chance PT 9
A Second Chance PT 10/10
Honeymoon with Miguel โ˜€๏ธ๐Ÿ’
Miguel Wants Another Baby
Hush Hush Mafia Miguel AU
Hush Hush Mafia Miguel AU PT 2

Just A Secretary, Workplace AU PT 12

565 15 15
By Princess_Potato23

You've been walking for God knows how long. You don't feel real. None of this feels real. Miguel just- why would he do that? You thought everything was fine. No, you knew everything was fine so then why......Why did he just discard you as if you were a piece of trash? As if you meant nothing to him. All you wanted to do was tell him about the email you've received in hopes that you guys can work things out. Find the person who sent this to you, hold them accountable and you and Miguel would still be together or maybe you guys could've just revealed your relationship on your own terms. But no...he just ended things with you and forced you to act like he didn't just break your heart in two. How does he expect you to work beside him like this?

When you finally pull yourself out of your thoughts you take in your surroundings and realize that you've walked yourself to the hospital where your sister is at. Just looking at the hospital makes you want to cry. You go into your sister's room pull up a chair to her bed place her hand in yours as you rest your head on her thighs as you begin to weep.


Miguel's office is a wreck. As soon as you left he threw his papers to the side and punched a hole into his wall. Letting you go was way harder than he thought. The minute he heard your voice break was the minute he wanted to forget everything; it was the minute he wanted to hold you in his arms and tell you everything. He knew he shouldn't have let you go like that. But how else was he supposed to end things? Was he supposed to lie and say that he didn't love you? Was he supposed to lie and say that you meant nothing to him?

Then to make matters even worse when he saw you walking out the door his chest started to hurt, it felt heavy. It's as if rocks and rocks were piled on top of him and all he could do was sit there and let it happen. Every fiber in his being knew that you wouldn't stay. So then why did he wish that you did? Once again he was being selfish. Once again he expected you to miraculously understand why acts the way he acts. But how could you when he didn't explain anything to you? Was there even another option?

Of course, there was.

But would you have even wanted to listen to him knowing that he failed you? Knowing that he couldn't keep your worst nightmare from happening? It doesn't matter now cause you walked out. Walk out of your shared office, walk out of his company, walk out of his life in the ways that matter. He decided it was for the best you guys couldn't possibly have been together with those pictures out there. With those pictures in the hands of someone who clearly doesn't give a shit about you.

Miguel forces himself to pick up his discarded papers on the floor. Trudging back to his desk he places the papers down and flattens his palms against the surface. Taking a deep breath stopping mid inhale he tilts his head to the side before taking a whiff of the air.

It smells like you.

He needs to clean off his desk.....it's not sanitary. But most importantly he needs to find whoever is responsible for not only taking the pictures of the two of you but leaking them as well.


The next morning you wake up to the sound of your alarm clock. You groan as you lean over to shut it off. Staring at the ceiling you contemplate whether you should go to work or not. Your eyes are puffy and almost swollen shut with how much you've been crying. Does he expect you to come in today? Does he even expect you to come in for the rest of the week?

Over and over again you tried to justify his actions. You tried to relive each day since your sister first fell into a coma. To find something, anything that indicates where it all went wrong. If things started falling apart between the two of you. Or if there were any times in which you both started drifting away.

But you can't find it. You can't find anything.

There was never a time in which any of those things happened. Yeah, you guys encountered small arguments here and there but you guys always made sure to resolve the issue. Whether it happened hours later or even a day later the issue was always solved. Always.

So why did he end things like that? He wouldn't cheat on you that's one thing for sure so then why....? No matter how many equations you create, no matter how many times you think to yourself, maybe just maybe he didn't mean it you just grow so angry. How could he do this to you? After everything you've been through. After everything you have both been through.

Since you don't want to come to work, that's exactly what you're going to do. The only time you took off was the week Miguel made you take off because of your sister. Apart from that you never did. Well, there's a first for everything right? Grabbing your phone from under your pillow you shoot him a text and he responds immediately.

                              I'm not coming in today

                    You can just use my sick days

                      Actually, extend it till Friday

It's too short notice

You already took yesterday off

                                               Not by choice

You are my secretary

You have responsibilities

                       That was also not by choice

         I'm sure you'll figure something out

                 I'll see you Monday, Mr.O'Hara

You quickly turn off your phone, not bothering to look at his response. You don't have to explain anything to him just like when he didn't explain anything to you when you needed it the most.


He was surprised to get a text from you. He thought he lost you for good. He thought you were done. Done with everything. Done with him. Is he relieved knowing that you'll come in next week? Yes. Is he going to be nervous seeing you again? Yes.

Things are going to go back to the way they were. Things are going to go back to the very beginning where he would just watch you from afar. He'll go back to sneaking glances at you whenever you pass by. Where he wouldn't respond to you because he didn't know what to say. Only this time you won't be speaking to him at all. You won't have that twinkle in your eyes when you look at him. It won't be the same it never will be. Not until you're his again. But he knows that will never happen. He just hopes he can get through this week without you.


Miguel never knew that being away from you would be this hard......

He's lying. He knew.

Of course, he knew how hard it was going to be for him. He's been with you almost every day for about a year both on and off from work. It is hard sitting at his desk knowing that you won't be stepping into his office anytime soon. It's hard when each time he hears a knock a small beacon of hope lightens up his heart only for it to dimmer the minute the doors open.

He knew you did a lot of work as his secretary, he knew because he assigned them to you. With your help truly a lot of the workload he had divided in half. Yes, he still had to sign off on things and make the final decision but with your help, things have been better for him. He made sure to thank you every day for it. He's been so used to you being here it's like he's on autopilot. Everything goes to you before it goes to him. But since you left it's like things are falling apart. At this point, it's in the middle of the day. Miguel was going through the papers that were getting piled up on his desk because he was stuck in meetings all day.

"These documents need to be revised, Mr.O'Hara"

"Why are you telling me this? You know who to send it to"

"She's not here"

"Excuse me?"

"Your secretary sir, she's not here. It has to be you" Miguel stops what he's doing running a hand over his face. Right. You're not here. It's Friday you haven't been here for 3 days yet it feels so much longer than that.

Miguel sighs before he opens his mouth to speak. "Just leave it on my desk" He doesn't bother to watch as the person makes his way over to his desk. Turning his attention back to the documents he was looking at.

"Do you know when she'll be-"

"You're dismissed" He watches as the person immediately turns around and leaves the office. This was the 5th time someone asked about you. Whenever he would walk around the building he heard whispers that questioned your absence. There were some who couldn't believe you took a vacation. There were even some that pointed out how you stormed out of the office on Monday. Your absence not only troubles him but your colleagues as well.


It's finally Monday and you probably spent an extra hour getting ready. You're wearing a yellow long-sleeve dress with ruffles at the end of the sleeves, a pair of sheer stockings, and your black bumps. You decided to put your hair in a low ponytail allowing some of your curls to frame your face. Your makeup is light however you had to spend a little extra time covering the bags under your eyes.

Despite Miguel's words he still paid you on Friday. He paid you the same amount you'll get for a week's work. You sent it back to him only for him to send it back 3 minutes later. Sighing as you stare at your phone you go to send it back but stop once you think of your sister. You'll have to remove Miguel's card for the next future payments. Thankfully since he's been paying you've been able to save up more than enough over the past few months.

When you arrive at work you're surprised and confused at the amount of people who greet you. They are the people who helped train you when you first started working here. People who you sit next to during meetings and your colleagues who you see and communicate with on a daily basis.

"It's nice to see you"

"How was your vacation?"

"You were missed!"

A woman who is a little bit older than you whose name is Lyla gently pulls you in by your elbow. Leaning in to whisper into your ear. "It's a good thing that you're back. That grumpy man was looking like a lost puppy without you" You try not to roll your eyes at her words. Yeah right.

You give her a tight smile. "I'm sure he was fine" You begin to walk away but she walks alongside you. "No hun I'm telling you it's like he got worse when you left. He was more snappy, more annoying" Despite walking she still leaned in. "Girl I don't know what you did to him but it's like he missed you" You immediately scoff at her words.

"He could rot in hell for all I care" You don't miss the surprise gasp that leaves her mouth. Maybe that was too much. You sneak a glance at her and when your eyes meet hers she laughs.

You raise your eyebrows as confusion emits on your face. "You know what I think I second that" You give her a small smile, a genuine one this time and she gives your arm a squeeze before she walks away.

You take a deep breath before you knock on his office door. It's now or never. You nervously smooth out your dress through your open coat before stepping inside. As soon as you're in you don't bother looking at him, or in his direction, you don't bother saying good morning nothing. You walk straight to your office door only to find it unlocked. Once you open the door you're greeted by your regular coffee order sitting on your desk. You roll your eyes as you step inside, taking off your jacket and your bag and placing them on your chair.

You stand and stare at the coffee wondering what you should do with it. Despite everything you love drinking iced coffee in the mornings no matter how cold it is. You haven't had one all last week. You're surprised you haven't had any withdrawal symptoms yet. Folding your arms against your chest you subconsciously fiddle with your necklace as you decide what you should do. Do you drink it or throw it away? As you twirl the sun pendant with your fingers deciding whether you should-

Sun pendant....?

You look down at your fingers lifting the pendant closer to your face. It's the necklace that Miguel gave you the day you guys made it official. You feel tears filling your eyes the longer you stare at it. To make matters even worse you're wearing a yellow dress today just like you were wearing one on the day of. You quickly lean forward so your tears will fall on the ground rather than down your face. You try your best to hide your sniffles as you rapidly blink your eyes. Your door is still wide open and you haven't heard anything other than the keys on his keyboard so you're positive that he may or may not hear you. You hate the fact that even after a week off you're still crying over him. You're still suffering from his decision. You hate the fact that he seems fine and completely oblivious to the way he hurt you. To the way that you're still hurting.

Slowly you reach behind your neck to unclasp the necklace, placing it gently in your hands. You take a deep breath before grabbing a tissue to dab your eyes. Throwing the tissue away you grab the coffee and make your way to his office. The minute you step inside his head shoots up and you both stare at each other briefly before you look away. You take the coffee and throw it in the garbage a few feet away from him and you place the pendant gently on his desk.

"I figured you might want to pawn it or give it to someone else" Quickly turning on your heels you take about 4 steps before you hear his voice.

"Are you- you think I cheated on you?" Slamming your door you don't bother to look back or give him an answer. You don't even have time to sit down in your chair before Miguel barges in your office. You stare at him with wide eyes before you turn your attention to the pile of papers on your desk. Dammit, maybe taking a week off was too much.

"You think I cheated on you?" You roll your eyes and say nothing.

"I am speaking to you"

"Can we not do this right now I have work to do"

"No, we are going to do this right now" You feel him taking a step closer to your desk. "I didn't cheat on you...I would never cheat on you. You know that"

"But do I really though? Miguel you can't-" You clear your throat before taking a deep breath. "Mr.O'Hara can you leave now you're disrupting me from-"

"I didn't fucking cheat on you. There was nobody else but you. Believe me when I say that"

You begin to shift some of the papers around on your desk. "Are you done?" You hear him sigh before you feel him taking a step back.

"We have a meeting today at 12. I need you to keep track of the numbers and then send me the statistics by Friday. We will be taking the same car. It will look weird if we didn't" That's all he says before he walks out. When the door finally closes you rest your head in your palms staying like that for a minute before you resume your work.

When 12 finally rolls around you don't bother stopping for lunch as you make your own way down to the first floor. Miguel wasn't in the office so you assumed that he left already. Once you reach downstairs you look around for Miguel but you can't find him. You begin to button up your coat as you slowly walk down the street looking for him. You walk for another 2 minutes before you decide to stay rooted in one place. What's taking him so long? Did he leave you?

You hear heavy footsteps coming to your left and you immediately turn in that direction. Miguel is walking to you with a plastic bag in his hands. You watch him unlock his car as he passes by you. You roll your eyes as you begin to follow him. Once you reach the car he opens the passenger door for you but you don't bother going in. You get inside the back before you turn your attention to your phone. Miguel immediately slams the passenger door closed and opens the back door.

"I'm not your Uber driver, go sit in the front of the car" You say nothing as you begin to play a game on your phone.

You hear him let out a huff before he opens his mouth to speak. "I don't have time for this get in the front"

"I don't want to sit next to you, let alone be stuck in your car with you. The least you can do is allow me to choose where I want to sit" He holds the door open for so long that you are forced to look up at him. He stares at you for a moment before he exhales and places the plastic bag on your lap before closing the door. You look confusingly at the bag before you reluctantly peek inside. It's a sandwich from the cafeteria..? You don't realize that he's already in the car till you feel him turning on the car ignition.

"You didn't eat lunch, and I don't know how long the meeting is. I don't need you passing out in the middle of it" You look up and you meet his eyes in the rearview mirror.

"I won't pass out because I didn't eat lunch. I'm fine" You place the bag on the seat next to you even though you are hungry. You don't want anything from him whether it's something as little as coffee or food you don't want anything.

You catch Miguel rolling his eyes in the rearview mirror as he makes a left turn "So stubborn"


The minute Miguel pulls up into the driveway he sees some of the colleagues that he used to work with and he feels his blood run cold. These are the people who also received the emails with the pictures of the two of you. He didn't know that they would be here. If he did he sure as hell wouldn't have brought you here. Should he just send you back? You're going to put up a fight that's for sure and he really doesn't feel like arguing with you.

He doesn't know what he should do because he knows that whatever he says you're going to take it the wrong way and it'll all be because he didn't tell you about the emails. Parking his car it takes him a minute to gather his thoughts before speaking to you.

"Are we having the meeting in the car or...." He can hear the irritation laced in your voice as you speak. He can already tell that this conversation is going to lead to a disaster.

"The men that are going to be there might try to talk to you. Whatever they say or do, just ignore them. Don't speak to them at all" He taps his fingers on the steering wheel as he waits for your answer.

"And why would they try to speak to me, O'Hara?" He watches from the rearview mirror as you fold your hands across your chest.

Miguel hesitates before he speaks. "They're not good men...they act rather foul towards women" The minute the words leave his mouth he has the urge to hit his head against his steering wheel. "Rather foul towards women".....Why in the world would he say that-

"If you knew that why would you bring me here...you know what I don't care just let me out of this car" He watches as you begin to unbuckle your seatbelt and gather your stuff pushing the lunch that he got for you further away down the seat.

"I didn't know that they would be here. You know I wouldn't bring you anywhere to purposely put you in an uncomfortable position... I'm being serious just don't speak to them"

"So now you tell me that you want me to sit there look pretty and not say anything. Like I'm a doll on display? Oh, this is low even for you" You begin to tug on the door handle. "O'Hara let me out"

Miguel runs his fingers through his hair tugging slightly as his anger slowly builds. "Mierda, that's not what I meant. I'm telling you that those men aren't to be trusted. Just listen to me. It'll be best if you stay near me" You turn to look at him in disbelief. He has to be insane.

"O'Hara let me out or I swear I'll break your car window" The minute Miguel unlocks the car you immediately get out slamming the door behind you. The sound fills the car and he immediately goes to turn off the ignition so he can follow you. The minute he steps out he sees 2 of his colleagues eyeing you up and down before they make their way to him. The second they reach him they both roughly place hands on his shoulders. He doesn't have time for this, he thinks as he watches you go through the lobby front doors.

"You did well man"

"I didn't know you were into stuff like that"

Miguel immediately pushes away from the men and makes his way towards the lobby.


You think Miguel has truly gone insane. What is wrong with him? He has some nerve to tell you to sit there and do nothing.....Well, he didn't exactly tell you that but still. You can talk to whomever you want. Pushing open the doors you scan the room for a bit before you decide that it will be best if you just wait for Miguel. You have no idea where exactly the meeting is being held and you have no idea where you're going.

You turn your head to the sound of the doors opening and you watch Miguel making his way towards you with an annoyed expression.

"Let's go....and stay close," He says as he walks in front of you. You roll your eyes at his words.

"O'Hara I'm not-"

"Por favor no puedo..." Miguel raises his hands in defeat as he slowly turns to look at you. You stare into his eyes for a moment trying to decipher any emotion that he's feeling right now. Picking up on the little bit of Spanish that you learned from Miguel you slowly nod your head in understanding.

(Por favor no puedo= Please I can't)

"Lead the way"

The meeting is filled with 12 men including Miguel and 5 women including yourself. You're assuming that each of the women are secretaries as well. Everything is fine. You're doing the job that Miguel asked you to do, keeping track of the numbers and the data that are being thrown around. However, each time you look up from your notes you can't help but notice some of the heated gazes from the men from across the room. You try to ignore them to the best of your ability but it's getting to the point where it's becoming uncomfortable.

You subtly look at Miguel who's sitting next to you but he doesn't meet your eyes. So you turn your attention back to the paper in front of you. As you pick up your pen you feel your chair slowly being pulled closer to Miguel. You look down and see Miguel's hand on the edge of your chair pulling you closer.


Finally, you and Miguel reach back at the office around 4 pm and you end the work day around 9 pm. Miguel is still in the office as you lock up yours. You don't bother saying anything to him as you leave.

Exiting the lobby you immediately notice the sleek black car that is parked right in front of the building. As you begin to call your Uber you can't help but look in the front of the car. You notice that there's an older man talking on the phone. The minute he sees you he gets out of the car and makes his way towards you.

"Yes I see her Mr.O'Hara"

You give the driver a confusing look as you nervously take a step back. What's going on? You watch as the driver hangs up the phone and places it in his pocket before folding his hands in front of him.

"You are Mr.O'Hara's secretary correct?" You take another small step back as you slowly nod your head. He probably notices your weariness because he throws up his hands in surrender.

"It's okay he just sent me to drive you home. I come in peace" You narrow your eyes at him before looking down to check on your Uber.

"I already have a ride so no thank you"

"I'm sorry but Mr.O'Hara made it clear to me that I drive you home I'm just following his orders ma'am" You watch as he opens the back door for you and you ignore him making your way to your Uber that just pulled up.

"Call him back and tell him that I don't want anything from him"

"Ma'am I can't do that.....he just wants to make sure you get home safely"

"And I just want him to leave me alone. But we can't always get what we want right" That's all you say before you get in your Uber.

That's how the next 2 weeks go for you. Miguel keeps buying you coffee. You keep throwing it in the trashcan by his desk so he can see. Yet he still doesn't stop. You swear he just loves to waste his money because it makes no sense as to why he's not listening. It does really hurt though. Throwing away a perfectly good cup of iced coffee but you won't give in. You won't give him that satisfaction. It's the same thing with the car. Every evening Miguel makes that poor guy try to get you to take the car home and each time you decline. You always tell the man sorry and forcefully give him a $10 dollar tip since you found he waits an hour each day till you finally decide to leave work. Since you don't have a set time when your day ends it only ends whenever you finish your tasks and sometimes the hours are unpredictable. But each morning you come back finding the $10 dollar bill on your desk.

It's becoming hard dealing with the break-up. You thought you should've gotten over it already but you're not. It hurts to be near him every day at work. It hurts to see him every day. You sometimes think you can still hear him in your place. The memories that you guys created in your home are etched into your brain forever. Each time you step into another room, each time you sit on your couch. Each time you go to bed. You miss the warmth that you felt in your sheets next to you whenever he would wake up early and surprise you with breakfast. Hell, you miss just waking up next to him. With his arms wrapped around you and vice versa. You missed sneaking glances at each other during meetings. You missed the car rides to and from work.

You missed everything.

Even though you hate him for the way he ended things you still miss him. It sucks, you know, missing someone who doesn't give a shit about you or your feelings. Missing someone who doesn't miss you back. Missing someone who doesn't deserve to live rent free in your head.

Missing someone who doesn't love you.

It hurts and it makes you feel like shit. You feel like you're on your last straw. You can't do this anymore. No matter how much you want to go to him and ask him to explain why he ended things like that....You can't and you won't. If he regretted things or if he wanted to fix his "mistake" he had more than enough time to do so. You won't beg anyone to take you back.

You stare at your resignation letter placing it inside your folder and inside your bag before you get any tears on it. You thought you were stronger than this but you're not. But it's for the best. It won't do you any good if you stay here and continue to work with him. After the meeting today you'll hand him your resignation letter, pack your stuff, and never ever have to see him again. That seems rather easy, no?


It's the end of the 3rd and final meeting Miguel asked you to keep track of the numbers. Once again you had to deal with the unwanted stares that some of the men are giving you and it's making your skin crawl. You don't want to tell Miguel anything because you're not his responsibility anymore and it's not like anyone has said anything to you yet. They're just making you feel so uncomfortable.

To honor the conclusion of the meetings light refreshments are being served. However, since you're pretty sure all the men here make at least a million dollars a year their versions of light refreshments are Smoked salmon crostini, Baked Brie with Figs and pistachios, and last but not least brussel sprout sliders...

Who the hell eats like this?

When you heard the words light refreshments you thought of cold cuts sandwiches, and pigs in the blanket not whatever they got going on right now.

As you and Miguel make your way to the place where the light refreshments are being served you watch as he slows down his pace to match your footsteps.

Miguel stuffs his hands in his pockets. "I think we should stay since you haven't eaten lunch yet as per usual. But the choice is yours"

You roll your eyes at his words and fold your hands over your chest. "I can just get lunch on the way back to the office. I'm fine"

"You say that now but you know you won't do it and you're not going to spend your money while you're with me" A beat passes before he opens his mouth again as if he's thinking of what he should say next. "You need to eat....you can't keep skipping lunch"

"I don't-"

"You do" You steal a glance at him before turning your head the other way. He noticed...? He's exaggerating it hasn't been every day..... you're just not hungry. You do eat dinner though. But of course, he doesn't know that.

You slowly pick up the pace walking in front of him. "I'm fine and we're not a unit anymore so you don't have to worry about me"

"I will always-"

"Miguel Miguel Miguel I've been meaning to talk to you. You're a pretty powerful man and you've been the talk of the town of late you know" You immediately turn your head to the sound of the voice and you notice a man roughly the same height as Miguel grabbing him by the shoulder. As they begin to talk you stand there awkwardly fiddling with your notebook. Even though you are a few feet away theres no way for you to add to the conversation. But do you just stand off to the side or..?

You watch as the man begins to lead Miguel in the opposite direction but Miguel stops him and signals for you to follow them. Before you could take a step the man lifts up his hand signaling you to stop.

"No, the women are in a separate room" The man turns his attention back to Miguel leaning in slightly. "Don't worry you won't be away from her for too long" Miguel opens his mouth to most likely protest but you wave your hand up dismissively as you turn around to find the room for the woman.

In a couple of seconds or so you feel your phone vibrating in your hand. As you look down it's a text from Miguel saying "Call me if anything comes up we can leave whenever" You make a mental note of that as you continue your journey down the hallway.


You're officially lost now. You've been walking around for the past 6 minutes and you haven't found where the rest of the women are at. You've knocked on almost every door and almost all of them are vacant.

You decide that you'll turn down the hall one more time before you try to find your way back to Miguel. You begin to wrap one of your arms around yourself as the sound of your heels echoes throughout the hall. Even though it's starting to get warmer outside, it's chilly here. You're wearing a plain black long-sleeve dress paired with your black heels as your curls cascade over your shoulders.

Finally reaching the end of the hallway you turn the corner but stop when you see two of the men that were staring at you for the past 3 meetings. You try to peek more down the hall to see if there's anyone else in the hall besides them but with just your luck there isn't. You begin to turn back around right when your eyes lock with one of the men. Rapidly turning back around you pick up your pace trying to put distance between you and them.

It isn't until you hear a heavy set of footsteps behind and a hand on your elbow that you feel fear beginning to settle in.

"Hey pretty lady, where do you think you're running off too?" You shake him off your elbow or at least you try to but he doesn't budge. Why does this always happen to you?

"Let go of me"

"Whoa whoa calm down we just want to ask you a few questions" The guy from behind him who's way taller than him clears his throat to correct him.

"No you want to ask her a few questions don't drag me into your bullshit Max" You take in the sight of the man who's speaking. He has to be at least 6 ft. He has auburn hair and he's wearing a black three-piece suit and he looks young almost around your age.

"Josh shut the hell up" You take a mental note of their names...Just in case it's better to be safe than sorry. And the man who is holding you by your elbow, whose name is Max, is not that much taller than you and is blonde with a green suit. He on the other hand is visibly older, probably around Miguel's age, maybe even a little bit older. You also notice that there's white dust on the edge of his sleeves and his nose. Has he been..? Oh God.

"Listen I'm just trying to get back-" Max rolls his eyes as he cuts you off.

"Yes yes, you wanna get back to the man that your fucking I know. But my question is how much?" Your eyes widen in surprise as your eyes flicker between the two men.

"Excuse me I-I don't know what you're talking about'' Your answer probably angers him because he forcefully walks you backwards until your back hits a wall.

"Listen I don't have time for the games" He presses into you until there's no space left between the two of you. "For a woman like you, I'm guessing you charge by the hour and you're clearly good 'cause you've been with him for almost a year. How does he pay you monthly? Weekly? I'll give you more than whatever he's offering you" You begin to forcefully push Max off of you.

"Get away from me and I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not- I'm not with anyone"

"Tell me how much I have to pay to get into that tight pussy of yours huh?" You can feel the tears forming in your eyes as you continue to push him off. This always happens to you. You don't understand how men can't keep their hands to themselves.

"Leave me the fuck alone"

"Max stop it Miguel's going to fucking kill you do you not remember what he did to Xavier Elena's brother. Fuck off man" At those words alone you feel your body tense. You stand there in shock Xavier and Elena are siblings?

It all makes sense.

Elena wants Miguel and Xavier wants you or he wanted you at one point. Of course...it all lines up. But would they both go so far to the point that they would stalk the two of you for months. Edit photos of the two of you purposefully and sit on this information for so long. It's frightening to think of the lengths some people will go to get what they want. Even though things are over between you and Miguel you feel like he should know about this. You strongly believe that they are behind this but first you need to try and get yourself out of this situation.

"Come on man get off of her" You watch as the guy Josh begins to pull Max off of you harshly. When you have enough room to get away from him you quickly raise your right knee and knee him where the sun doesn't shine. Once he bellows over in pain you quickly make your way away from the men. You keep moving until you can't hear them anymore. Once you feel like you're safe enough you begin to brace yourself against the walls. Why does this keep on happening to you? It's not.... it's not fair. Life isn't fair. All you ever wanted was to be happy. Is this what you get for being selfish? For wanting things your way? You can't help but feel like what happened to your mom is happening to you.

This was it. This was your last straw.

Your tears are freely running down your face as you place a hand over your mouth to muffle your cries. You slowly reach into your bag searching for your phone with shaky hands. You try to dial Miguel's number but your tears keep falling on your phone causing you to constantly start over. You try to calm down by counting and trying to steady your breathing. When you finally feel like you're okay you press your phone to your ear as you listen to the dial tone. Miguel answers on the first ring.


"Yes, what happened? Why do you sound like that?" The minute you hear his voice you can feel your bottom lip quivering and your eyes begin to fill with tears.

You take a deep breath before you open your mouth to speak. "I-I know that you're probably busy but-"

"Whatever you need I'm here...where are you? You're not with the rest of the women" He already started looking for you?

"I don't....I don't know I was looking for the room but I couldn't find it and then...." You try to choke back a sob but it doesn't work. You look up to the ceiling as you wipe your nose with the sleeves of your dress.

"Just try to breathe I'm here for you....talk to me" You nod even though he can't see you.

You begin to steady your breathing. You talk when you feel like you're ready to speak. You already know that the minute Miguel hears what happened shit is going to hit the fan.

"And then I ran into these two men who kept on staring at me during the meetings and then...and then one of them...they thought I was a prostitute Miguel a-and then he tried to..... Just please Miguel can you come and get me. I can't-"

"Fuck baby I'm coming don't move. Los voy a matar"

(Los voy a matar=I'm going to kill them)

"Tell me what you see so I can find you"

You begin to look around trying to see anything significant that you can tell him. But you can't seem to find an answer. "I don't know everything looks the same to me"

"I need you to try for me baby give me something anything" You begin to look around trying to find anything that will lead Miguel to you.

"Um the doors are red now instead of white and there's lilies in the vases. D-Does that help?" You hear him let out a sigh of relief.

"Yes, that helps a lot cariño I'm nearby. Don't move, you're doing so great f'me you hear me?" All you can do is hum in response. You say nothing as you hold yourself up leaning against the wall. On the other side, you can hear Miguel's heavy breathing and you try to focus on that as you let your eyes drift close. You can feel the dried tears on your face as you focus on your breathing and on his. You feel yourself drifting to sleep and it isn't until you hear the sounds of heavy footsteps coming down the opposite end of the hall that your eyes shoot up. The minute you hear Miguel calling out your name you slowly start to walk in that direction.


"Yes, baby I'm here...fuck I'm coming just-" You don't bother listening to whatever he says next you immediately drop your hand to your side and you begin to listen for his voice instead. The minute you see him come into view you stop moving. You watch as he slowly lowers his hand with the phone too before he slowly but hastily begins making his way towards you taking very cautious steps. You can't move at all and you don't know why. All you do is stand there as you feel tears running down your face once more. You can't even look him in the eyes. God, you feel so pathetic. The second he gets close enough to you he opens his arms and you slightly lift yours up to wrap around his neck and in an instant you are engulfed by him. He immediately lifts you up his arms finding home around your waist and your legs finding home around his. You've missed this, being wrapped around him, holding each other close. It is just so unfortunate that these are the circumstances.You're sobbing uncontrollably right now and there's nothing that you or anyone else can do to stop it.

"Mi sol... it's okay you're okay you're safe now" Miguel says as he strokes your back. All you can do is nod into his neck.

"I mean it" You feel him gently placing his large hand on the back of your head as he slowly brings your face into view wiping away your tears. "You're okay" You slowly give him a nod before you rest your head back into the crook of his neck. You feel him giving you a tight squeeze as he makes his way presumably out of the building.

"Are you okay standing up on your own?" Right now truthfully you don't care who sees or who says anything. It genuinely seems like there's no way of trying to hide things because it feels like everyone already knows but how? You just need to be away from this place. Away from everything.

Miguel opens the back door for you however you shake your head no and he nods in understanding. He immediately opens the passenger door and he guides you into the car slowly. He puts on your seat belt for you before he plants a gentle caress on your cheek.

"I know this is hard but I need you to tell me everything that happened. Tell me their names, everything, anything and I'll handle it...or we can handle it together the choice is yours"

When you finally muster up the courage you tell him everything that happened including their names. You watch as his knuckles turn white gripping the steering wheel you watch as his face fills with anger and rage.

"I'm taking you home"

"No, I need to go back to work, there's something I must do"

"You're not-"

"Yes I am, please don't argue with me...I don't think I can do this anymore" You can feel Miguel's gaze on you as you turn to stare out the window.

"You can't do what?"

"I can't....I can't work here anymore Miguel this is all becoming too much for me. I thought I'd be fine. I thought I was strong enough for this. Dealing with the break-up and everything but I'm not I don't think I ever was. Today was my last day of being your secretary. I'm resigning" You feel the car come to a screeching stop. You don't even dare to try to look at him cause if you do you'll know it'll break you. You stare at your reflection through the window. You feel like you want to cry but you just can't. It's like you have no more tears left.

Miguel takes one of his hands and runs into his hair as he pulls over to the side of the road. "Joder, esto empeorará las cosas"

(Joder, esto empeorará las cosas= Fuck this will makes things worse)

You feel Miguel grabbing your two hands as you stare out the window. You slowly turn to face him even though it pains you to do so.

"I need to tell you why I ended things" As soon as those words leave his mouth you immediately start shaking your head no and you pry your hands away from him.

"Fuck no Miguel please don't do this to me. I already made my decision and I don't want to hear your sob story. Don't let what happened today confuse you. I was scared and I had no one else to go to. Nothing will justify what you did to me, nothing"

"Fuck I know just-" You cut him off immediately.

"No, you don't know Miguel each day each fucking day for the past 3 weeks I tried to find where it all went wrong. Where we started drifting apart, and the problems in our relationship but I couldn't find any. Do you wanna know why? Because we were fine, we were perfect almost. I loved us together. I truly did. No one has made me feel the way that you did. It felt like we'd been together for at least a year but it was only months. T-Then that Monday came and you just discarded me like I meant nothing to you. Like...like we meant nothing and I...fuck this is so pathetic I can't do this right now Miguel please let's just drop it-"

"They found out about us"

Your eyes widen and you lower your voice. "What-"

"I got an email with pictures of us on dates, pictures of us at the business trip all those months ago and so did the guys that I worked with. Some of them were at the meetings and that's probably why they...That should've never happened to you mark my words they-"

You can't believe what you're hearing right now. This can't be true...but why would he lie to you right now. "Are you being for real?" You begin to wrap your arms around yourself and begin to pull out your phone with shaky fingers.

"Yes I'm being for real and I would've told you sooner but I know how much you wanted to keep things a secret I thought you'd hate me for not being able to protect you for not being able to keep your worst nightmares from happening. That's my job to protect my woman. To protect the one I love and I failed-" You cut him off.

"Miguel I-" He raises his hands to cut you off right back.

"No just let me finish"

"No Miguel look-"

"Mierda mi sol espera" Despite his protests you quickly shove your phone in his face so he could see it for himself.

(Mierda mi sol espera= Shit my sun wait)

"I received the emails too Miguel"

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