Twisted Wonderland

By frostfire526

170K 5.8K 1.8K

You find yourself thrown into the world of Twisted Wonderland. There you meet the boys who go to the prestigi... More

Stranger Waking
Ceremony Breaking
Recollection Blanking
The Principal's Rule
Mutual Aggression
Punishment Ducking
To The Dwarfs Mine
A United Front
A Lesson Learned
A Desperate Heart
Garden Decoration
A Class Escape
A Tradition Lesson
A Mealtime Chat
A Garden Spat
Past Improprieties
Delicious Varieties
An Army of One
A Rule Slip
A Surprise Tip
A Deul Ill Advised
Soundly Chastised
An Unhinged Prefect
A Sad Little Child
Feelings Reconciled
Finale For Heartslabyul
Cater and The Phone Date
Riddle's Croquet Lessons
Ace at the Arcade
Cakes, Strawberries, and Trey
Early Morning Ride With Deuce
Scrambling For a Meal
Dangerous Accumulation
Spelldrive Competing
Accident Suspicion
An After School Mission
A Detective Team
A Spelldrive Fight
An Encounter at Midnight
A Giveaway Effect
Truth Brought to Light
Plan Synchronizing
Start of an Uprising
Fangs Bared
Ambitions Aired
A Prince With Naught
The Exhibition Rally
Savanaclaw Finale
A Dance With Ruggie
Jack and a Game of Chase
Leona and The Garden Nap
Cramming Session
Average Question
Press Gang Contract
A Group Counterattack
Observing a Foe
Lounge Shorthanded
A Contract Signed
A Housing Bind
A Dorm Suit
Morning Heat
Hasty Schemes
Amateurs in The Deep
Two Days Remain
Group Infiltration
Jolting Electrification
Rendezvous at Midnight
A Cleaning Hint
A Morning Blueprint
Return of The Morays
Lounge Confusion
Contract Dissolution
Reduced to Naught
Back in an Octopus Pot
Erasing The Past
Home at Last
Octavinelle Epilogue
Storytime With Floyd
Jade Behind The Bar
Azul and The Piano
The Perfect Prince
Marrying a Ghost
Backstabbing Students
A Myriad of Qualities
Lets Pump The Brakes
An Audience With The Princess
Toying With a Fair Maiden's Heart
Completely Out of Our League
The Suitor Suits
A Poem in Your Honor
Until we Meet Again
Stop The Wedding
Perfect Partner
My True Prince
May I Have This Dance
Winter Break is Here
The Headmage's Cheer
Leaving for The Holidays
Cooking With Spice
A Desert Paradise
Warm Hospitality
Sailing in The Skies
A Late Night Surprise
Inconvenient Vacation
Sands Getting Hotter
Another Mood Swing
Getting Together Late
Out The Door
On The Sea Floor
A Show of Benevolence
Board Game Intelligence
Feeling The Heat
Thwarted by Heart
Not Hard But Smart
Setting The Bait
All Caught on Stream
Power Supreme
Aquatic Support
New Reign Cut Short
Feelings Long Held
The Magic Dispelled
Scarabia Conclusion
Invitation Exclusion
Cooking With Jamil
Sweets and Kalim
A Cultural Fair
A Lot to Prepare
Audition Competing
Beautiful Fighting
Fire Igniting
Last Minute Rushing
Pop Music Pair
The Big Audition
An Arrow Invitation
Forming a Tribe
Group Role Assignment
Values Out of Alignment
Skincare Overview
A Stealthy Snack
Hope for Forgiveness
Rehearsal Business
Defusing Tension
A Trip to The Ocean
Leveraging Charm
A Uniformed Session
Sinister Steeping
A Scientific Cafe
Virtual Dice
Appreciating Heights
Unwanted Combat
Rivalry Prelude
An Early Impact
The Following Act
A Toxic Deception
Poisonous Outbreak
Fair Vignette
Repair Consternation
Guest Restoration
Driven Determination
Just by a Single Vote
Pomefiore Endnote
Headmage Details
Epel The Equestrian
Rook and Expert Marksmanship
Beauty Lesson From Vil
Awake Again
Let The Search Begin
Taking Responsibility
A Preformance Fee
A Sudden Entry
Alarming Abductions
Emergency Instructions
Uncertain Plight
Grudging Compliance
Lupine Reliance
A Rash Decision
A Heartfelt Salute
Overblot Explanation
VR Simulation
Analysis Session
All Alone
Waters Unknown
A Mystifying Case
A Mind Boggling Story
Uncharted Territory
A State of Inaction
Extra Demands
Impromptu Plans
Growing Frustration
A Feline Sport
Sequel Cut Short
Strange Advances
Improving Chances
The Stars Align
Loss of Power
Beauteous Escape
A Glass Prison
A Villainous Speech
Impending Breach

Punishment Escalation

956 39 2
By frostfire526

Trey walks into the schools vast library. Hoping the quiet and finding a good book will help his nerves. He stopped short upon seeing familiar faces sitting at his usual table.

"Hello Trey."

"You four!"

"We figured that if we waited at the library, you'd show up to return your tart cookbook eventually." Deuce explains.

Ace folds his arms and leans back in his chair. "We still got a problem with the way Housewarden Riddle is handling all of this."

Trey shakes his head and takes a seat next to you with Deuce and Ace sitting across from you. "Yeah, I thought you might say that."

"Come clean with us. What's your take on Riddle?" Ace asks. "Is it true you've been pandering to him since the two of you were kids?"

Trey recoils in shock. "What? Who told you that?"

"A guy who called himself Che'nya." Explains Deuce.

"Che'nya... Huh. That explains it."

Grim leans forward in his own chair next to Deuce though he has to sit on a few books so he can actually see above the table. "What I don't get is, aren't you older than Riddle? Why haven't ya told him off already?"

Trey folds his arms. "I do when I need to. I don't think the situation calls for it."

Ace narrows his eyes. "Why not?"

"These sorts of strict rules... They're what created Riddle."

Deuce tilts his head. "Huh?"

"His parents were famous magical healers. Everyone where we're from knew their names.
His mom was especially talented, and she really wanted Riddle to live up to her legacy."

Trey adjusts the rim of his glasses. "So, from the moment Riddle woke up to when his head hit the pillow at the end of the night. Every aspect of his life was planned, down to the minute, by the education program she made for him."

Grim scoffs. "Sounds pretty lame."

Trey continues. "What he ate, what he wore, what soap he used, who his friends were, every last detail had been predetermined for him. And to please his parents, Riddle obediently completed every task they'd laid out for him. He mastered his signature spell by age ten. He's been the top student in all of his classes. I can't even imagine how hard he must have had it."

You shake your head, you can't imagine the stress and pressure Riddle must've felt. "That sounds horrible."

Trey nods. "Riddle sees the enforcement of strict rules as a service to his dorm members. In his eyes, being bound by rigid guidelines, by fear, is a fast-track to personal growth. Because that's how it worked for him. And on the flip side, he sees the violation of those rules as an inexcusable offense."

Ace scratches the back of his neck. "I guess that makes sense, since rules made him who he is."

"Look, I totally get why you see Riddle as a tyrant, and why you disapprove of his methods." Trey reasons. "But for me... I can't hold that against him, you know?"

Grim lowered his head. "Myah..."

"So that's why he's like that." Deuce says.

"All right, now I get it." Ace points a finger to Trey. "It's YOUR fault Riddle's like this."

Everyone looks to Ace in complete shock. "What?"

"Riddle didn't get to choose his parents." Ace explains. "But you know what his parents did to him, and you know it was wrong, right?"

"I mean, yeah..."

"Well, now Riddle's making the exact same mistake that his parents did. You're going easy on him because he had it rough as a kid? Don't you see where that's leading? You're letting him make a pariah out of himself!"

Trey remains silent, taking all the information he was dealt. Ace only stares him down while Deuce was glancing nervously at them.

"Ace, man, come on..."

"So why don't you say something?" Ace harshly continues. "Are you just afraid you'll lose your head too? That's pathetic! You guys are supposed to be childhood friends? Then act like it."

"You there! Be quiet! You are in a library!"

You jump to the sudden appearance of the Headmage. Grim only rolls his eyes.

"You're yellin' louder 'n any of us, though!"

"Oh!" Crowley clears his throat. "Yes, my apologies. But let us strive to maintain the library as a quiet place for reading."

"We're sorry Headmage." You apologize.

"Well, at least you know better now. Incidentally, what are you all discussing with such grim faces?"

Deuce grins. "Well, since you asked..."

"Ah... I believe I understand the situation." Crowley looks to Deuce and Ace. "You are resistant to the idea of apologizing, but unable to devise any other method to get the housewarden to remove the collar."

Ace scratches the back of his neck. "Yeah, pretty much."

"I see. If you and the housewarden are truly unable to reconcile, you could always transfer. However, this is the dorm that the Dark Mirror chose for you based on the essence of your being. Any attempt to relocate would necessitate quite a burdensome process, as well as a new ritual."

"A transfer, huh?" Ace shakes his head. "That'd make me feel like I was running away with my tail between my legs."

Crowley puts a clawed hand to his chin. "Hmm. Then it sounds like you should challenge Mr. Rosehearts for leadership of the dorm."

"Whaaat?" Both Deuce and Ace are shocked.

"Lower your voices! This is a library!" Crowley reminds them.

"But what you said was...insane!" Ace cried out.

"There is nothing remotely insane about it. After all, that's how Mr. Rosehearts got the position."

"What exactly is the process by which housewardens are selected at Night Raven College?" Deuce asks.

Grim tilts his head. "Trey said that Riddle became housewarden within his first week as a student here."

"There are several ways." Crowley explains. "You could be appointed by the previous housewarden, for example, or duel the current warden and win. A duel is certainly one of the simpler methods."

"But isn't fighting with magic against the rules?" Ace puzzles.

The Headmage nods. "In general, yes. A duel initiated through a formal procedure and conducted in the presence of the headmage is another matter entirely."

"I'm pretty sure the duel rules don't allow for preemptively handicapping your opponent." Trey adds in. "So this could be a way to force Riddle to remove your collar without apologizing. That said..."

"The right to challenge a housewarden is bestowed upon all students when enrolling at Night Raven." Crowley continues. "So what do you say, Mr. Trappola? Will you challenge Mr. Rosehearts?"

Ace smirks. "Sure, I'll give it a shot!"

"Then I will too!" Deuce nods.

"Me three!"

You stare at Grim in shock. "Can you even do that?"

"I'm afraid not, Mr. Grim. You cannot challenge a housewarden of a dorm to which you do not belong."

"Myah?" Grim cries out. "Then how'm I supposed to get this buzzkill collar off?"

Ace grins at Grim. "If I become housewarden, I'll just order Riddle to remove it! Easy-peasy!"

"How will everyone know how tough I am if you do that?"

"Are you sure about this?" Trey looks to Deuce. "I certainly didn't expect you to throw your hat in the ring, Deuce."

"You didn't?" Deuce asks back. "I think every man's gotta make a grab for glory at least once in his lifetime. And if we're teaming up to take him down, ya better believe I'm running the show!"

"Oh man, here we go again." Ace rolls his eyes.

"Huh? What'd you say?" Deuce asks, apparently not catching Ace's remark.

"Then I'll get started on the paperwork." Crowley says a bit too excitedly.

You look at your group nervously. You know that Riddle is extreme with the rules, but was fighting really the answer? You don't want to see anyone get hurt.

"Umm guys, is this really a good idea?"

Ace waves you off. "Don't worry too much Y/N. All we need's a plan. Anyone got one?"

"Hmm." Deuce puts a hand to his chin in thought. "Hard to imagine we can beat Riddle with straightforward magic. A solid left hook, on the other hand..."

"Yeah, that guy looks like a pushover!"

"Grim!" You say warningly.

Crowley clears his throat. "Ah, did I forget to mention that detail? These duels are to be fought solely with magic."

Deuce's eyes widen. "What?"

The Headmage let's out a laugh. "Nothing beats a good, civilized duel! Now, the paperwork should be prepared and filed on the morrow, and the duel scheduled accordingly."

Crowley leaves your table to do whatever the Headmage is supposed to do. Ace rubs his hands together excitedly.

"Aight, let's do this! I may not be the world's greatest mage, but...I'll figure something out!"

Deuce pats Ace on the back. "That's the spirit!"

Grim only folds his arms. "My head's on the line here, so don't mess this up!"

"You guys..." Trey shakes his head. You give Trey an apologetic look.

Ace stands from his seat. "When I'm housewarden, I'm gonna make Riddle fess up to bein' wrong. I'll make him apologize, too! And no one in the dorm is gonna have to live by any crazy rules ever again!"

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