The Tudor Rose: A New Age

By claire43343

23.8K 422 52

Elizabeth is back but this time, things are different. After the death of Queen Jane, everything went downhil... More

Supporting Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chaptet 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35: The End

Chapter 31

327 5 1
By claire43343

Once Henry and Catherine Parr returned from their honeymoon, the preparations for the French/English summit began. Naturally, Henry argued about not having war but since it was his daughter's wish to not have violence, he solemnly agreed. After all, the Tudors and Valois were permanently family through Elizabeth and James' marriage and they shared blood between the royal couple's three children. It was important and expected of them that they got along. Elizabeth and James were placed in charge of the preparations and they were planning to have the royal court move to France during the summit. It would be the perfect opportunity for their children to be with their French family and get know them. Elizabeth and James were on the council chamber as they discussed the plans with the council. Elizabeth sat at the head with James standing next to her as she looked at the papers in front of her. The Princess hummed to herself and said, "For our introduction to the French royal family, my Lords, you have my brother, Edward, greeting them first with our father. Why is that? He's not old enough to handle the role just yet. He can greet them with our sister, Lizzy." A council member gasped in shock and replied, "The Duke of York will be expected to perform his duties soon, Your Royal Highness!! This is blasphemy!" Elizabeth glared at the man and said, "You forget yourself, my Lord Dorset!! You will do to remember your place! My brother is ten years of age and is far too young to taking on these such responsibilities! He can greet my in-laws with our sister, the Princess Elizabeth 2nd." The Lord of Dorset grumbled underneath his breath but agreed begrudgingly. James smiled softly to himself and placed his hand on her shoulder, patting it gently. Elizabeth smiled and placed her hand on top of her husband's, causing him to lace their fingers together. The princess sighed as she continued to look amongst the papers with her husband. James took a deep breath and said, "And my family will be happy to help in any way, my love. They all love you." Elizabeth chuckled and replied, "And I love them likewise. They're like a second family to me. Your mother helped raised me when I was sent to France when my father divorced my mother. I'm more focused on making this alliance happen and stay strong rather than the celebrations. I would give the celebration planning to Mary but now with her coming into labor soon, I don't know who else to ask." James smiled brightly and said, "How about Lizzie? She's old enough to take on some rules. She's fourteen." Elizabeth thought about it for a moment and nodded. She replied, "I suppose so. I'll have Lady Mariana and Lady Natalia help her. Lady Mariana has hosted several events at her estate with Edward Seymour  a time or two so she'll have some experience and ideas. Lady Natalia hasn't had any experience yet in court so this will help her blossom some."

The planning continued on for the next week or so with Elizabeth, James, and the council. Henry took on some of the matters of the state so his daughter could focus on the preparations. Even Catherine Parr stepped in every now and then to take some pressure off. Then, after months of preparation and finalizing, the move to France was finally completed and Hampton Court was on their way by boat. In France; the French court were bustling about as they prepared for their English court's arrival. Queen Claude stood in her bedchambers as her ladies rushed to get her dressed. She was going to wear a royal blue dress with a gold trim to represent France and to support her family. She had already made sure that her children to match her colors and Francis as well. Of course, it was Francis who had suggested the colors so Claude had to go by it. There was a knock on her door, which caused her to rush behind the changing curtain, her lady behind her rushing with her as she continued with the dress. Francis walked in and said, looking around for his wife, "Claude?" Claude looked behind the curtain and replied, "Behind here, dear." Francis cleared his throat and said, "King Henry and his court are due to arrive shortly. They're arriving from the docks as we speak. Are you ready?" Claude then came out of the changing curtain with her dress on and replied, "I just have to put my jewelry on then I will. I assume that our children are ready?" Francis said, sighing, "I hope they are because I haven't checked on them yet." Claude replied, as she put her crown on, "No matter; we'll check on them on our way down. It has been a long time since we've seen our eldest son, daughter-in-law, grandchildren and their family and we don't want to keep them waiting." Francis took one more look in the mirror before holding his arm out to his wife and then walked out of the door with her. The couple were relieved to see their eldest daughter, Charlotte, rounding up her brothers and sister to the throne room.

Charlotte was always the mother hen of the royal bunch, making sure everyone was doing their part and keeping them in check. Like their parents, she and her siblings were itching to see James and his family again. The last time they saw them was when little Katie was born which was nearly six years ago. And now with little Fredrick being only a couple months old, it was time they had met their new nephew. The French royal family and their court stood outside of the castle, in front of the entryway, with the royal family at its center and the courtiers on both sides. Claude and Francis stood in the front with their children behind them, as carriages began to roll in. The first one to stop had Henry and Catherine Parr, with Henry coming out first. Henry held out his hand for his new wife as she stepped out and gave her a smile as she took his hand. The next one to stop had James, Elizabeth 1st, Elizabeth 2nd, and Prince Edward. James came out first, causing eager smiles to appear on his family's faces, and held out his hand for his wife and her siblings. Elizabeth 1st took her husband's hand first, causing him to place a kiss on her kunckles, and she smiled at him. Elizabeth 2nd came out next and she took her brother-in-law's hand with a soft, graceful smile. Lastly, Prince Edward followed in suite of his sisters, grinning up at his brother-in-law who winked at him. The next carriage held James and Elizabeth's children with Lady Bryan and a nursemaid for baby Fredrick. Nathaniel and Cate weren't able to go since Mary had gone into labor earlier that morning. She had reached her due date and was on schedule with her labor. Henry and Catherine Parr walked up to Francis and Claude, all with welcoming smiles. Francis grinned at his friend and said, "Welcome to our court, brother! You and your court are most welcome here in France. Anything you need will be at your disposal." Henry chuckled and replied, "We thank you, my dear friend. Although, I suppose all of our thanks should go to my daughter since she did arrange it all." Francis looked over to his daughter-in-law who walked over to them with his son and grandchildren. James grinned at his father and said to him in French, bowing to him, "C'est un honneur d'être de retour à la maison, Votre Majesté. Nous vous remercions pour votre aimable hospitalité." Francis clapped his son on his shoulder and replied, noticing his children, "Tu es le bienvenu ici, mon fils. Après tout, c'est votre maison. Et qui avons-nous ici ? Mon Dieu, ils ont grandi." Elizabeth chuckled and said also in French placing her hands on her children's shoulders, "Ce sont vos petits-enfants, Votre Majesté. Puis-je vous présenter votre petit-fils aîné, le prince Nicolas Tudor-Valois, et votre petite-fille, la princesse Catherine II Tudor-Valois ? *She then had the nursemaid come over with a sleeping Fredrick in her arms* Et voici votre plus jeune petit-fils, le prince Fredrick Tudor-Valois." Francis chuckled and said, back in English, "You have done well, Elizabeth. You mustn't keep away for a long while again. You are more than welcome to come and visit."

Claude then came up to her son and his family, instantly wrapping her arms around her eldest child. James wrapped his arms around his mother, glad to feel her embrace once more. Claude let out a sigh and said, placing her hand on her son's cheek after pulling away, "It's been a long time since I've seen you, my son. My, have you changed." James chuckled and replied, "I haven't changed that much, Mother." Francis smiled and said, leading his friend's family and court inside, "Let's get inside, shall we? You all must be tired from the journey and must be wanting to rest. We will discuss this new treaty tomorrow once you all are settled and rested. We assigned our servants and valets to each of your courtiers to escort them to their respective chambers. My wife and I will escort you and your family to yours. We gave James and Elizabeth their bedchambers from the last time they stayed and had another bedchamber across from them be for their children." Henry and Catherine led their family after Francis and Claude while their court began to disperse as they were escorted to their bedchambers. James and Elizabeth stayed behind with their children and James's siblings so they could introduce them. James' first brother, Henri, came up to him and said, "Welcome home, brother. We thought you'd never return." James chuckled and replied, as he embraced his brother, "Well, to be fair, things have been chaotic back at the English court, Henri." Francis 2nd came up next and embraced his eldest brother. James ruffled his younger brother's hair and said, "Heard you've become quite the ladies' man; brother. Keeping Mother on her toes?" Francis 2nd groaned and replied, "Why is everyone worried about me when they should be worried about Henri? He's the one who's getting married soon and he already has a lover." Elizabeth turned to her brother-in-law and said to him, curious, "Oh, really, Henri? To whom?" Henri sighed and replied, "I'm betrothed to Catherine de Medici, the Pope's niece. My lover is Diane de Poitiers." Charlotte said, coming up to her brother and his wife, "Mind this, she is a married woman! Such a scandal. Mother and Father are furious at him but they can't pull them apart since they're "so in love"."' James turned to his brother and said, "Henri, you know being in a love affair with any married partner is against church law. It could ruin yours and her reputation." Henri rolled his eyes and replied, "I don't know why everyone's making a fuss. I thought it was tradition for a royal male to have mistresses." Francis said, "But not before marriage, dear brother. It could ruin the agreements between both families. And this is the Pope's niece! You should break things off before it carries on even further." Henri only scoffed and rolled his eyes at his siblings. The only ones who didn't involve themselves in this small sibling squabble were Madeline and Margaret who were introducing themselves to their niece and nephew, keeping them out of the argument. Elizabeth knelt down to her children and said to them, smiling, "I see you've been introduced to your Aunties Madeline and Margaret, children." Katie grinned and replied, "Yes, Mama. Auntie Madeline and Auntie Margaret speaks French like you and Papa do." Elizabeth chuckled and said, "Well, sweetheart, they live in France so French is their first language like English is ours. *She then turned to Henri, Francis 2nd, and Charlotte* And these are your other uncles and aunt. That is your Uncle Henri, Uncle Francis; and Auntie Charlotte. You won't remember this, Nicky, but Auntie Charlotte was here when you were born." Nicholas turned to his mother and replied, looking as his aunt, "Really?!" James chuckled and said, crouching down next to his son, "Yes, son. You were born here in France while your sister, Katie; was born in England. Your mother and I wanted at least one of our children to be born from both kingdoms so we could have a chance to have some kind of relationship with each kingdom due to your birth." Katie turned to her father and replied, "What about Freddie?" Being only six, Katie couldn't pronounce her little brother's full name correctly yet so she just gave him the nickname "Freddy" just like she did with Nicholas who she named him "Nicky" when she couldn't pronounce his name so it just stuck. James chuckled again and said, "Freddie was born in England just like you, Katie." Elizabeth chuckled and said, turning to Lady Bryan, "Alright, I think that's enough for the moment. It's time for the children's nap. We shall visit you all at the feast tonight. We'll have more time to catch up with each other then." Henri nodded and replied, "Very well, you all go get settled and rest up. Someone will come and tell you when the feast has begun."

James: C'est un honneur d'être ici, Votre Majesté. Nous vous remercions pour votre aimable hospitalité. - It's an honor to be here, Your Majesty. We thank you for your kind hospitality.

Francis: Tu es le bienvenu ici, mon fils. Après tout, c'est votre maison. Et qui avons-nous ici ? Mon Dieu, ils ont grandi.- You are welcome here, my son. After all, it's your home. And who do we have here? My God, they've grown up.

Elizabeth: Ce sont vos petits-enfants, Votre Majesté. Puis-je vous présenter votre petit-fils aîné, le prince Nicolas Tudor-Valois, et votre petite-fille, la princesse Catherine II Tudor-Valois ? Et voici votre plus jeune petit-fils, le prince Fredrick Tudor-Valois.- These are your grandchildren, Your Majesty. May I introduce you to your eldest grandson, Prince Nicholas Tudor-Valois, and your granddaughter, Princess Catherine the 2nd Tudor-Valois? And this is your youngest grandson, Prince Fredrick Tudor-Valois.

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