Double Fault

By Kayhey18

341K 6.8K 293

Florence Bonsee was focused on Wimbledon and her budding tennis career. What she least expected was Charles L... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
5 years later

Chapter 57

4.1K 82 2
By Kayhey18

Tennis Channel: Florence Bonsee spotted in Monaco with new causal tennis style. She continues light training, but Bonsee states she is "relaxing and enjoying a short break" while she skips smaller ATP tournaments to start year.

ESPN: Tennis world left puzzled by Florence Bonsee's unexplained absence from Australian Open and other ATP tournaments. Will she miss French Open and lose #1 rank?

Dailymail: Speculation looks to be all but confirmed during Italian Grand Prix. A relaxed Florence Bonsee looked to embrace significant belly bump on Friday when posing in safety car.

BBC Sports: Charles Leclerc takes pole at Monza. During post-quali interview, Leclerc smiled and ignored questions about girlfriend Florence Bonsee being pregnant.


I sat across from Carlos in the Ferrari garage before the race. My feet were up and I was reading over my notes. Carlos was scrolling through his phone when he spoke up.

"Damn Charles, I think you broke the internet and it's not about pole position."

Curiosity got the best of me and I closed my book. "What's the Carlos take."

Carlos held out his phone to me so I could see the screen. I looked closely to read the title of the article. The title read, Daddy Leclerc? Fans either ecstatic or devastated at the idea. I chuckled under my breath and leaned back. "Quite the dramatic title. What's the scoop?"

"Oh girls crying in the street realizing they finally have no shot with you. That has to be hard for them. Signs with Team Daddy Charles..."

"Okay that's good," I said cutting Carlos off.

Carlos grinned at me then continued scrolling and reading out loud. "Papa Charles, Team boy or girl, Monaco royal baby, maybe Florence is just fat... that what is from a fan page. Yikes, that's not very nice."

I pinched my face to that one and shook my head. "Anything on pole," I asked.

"Not a thing," Carlos laughed putting away his phone. "It's not what the people want. That's cause they wanted me."

I let out a laugh, "of course mate."

"Speaking of the little guy," Carlos began.

"We don't know the gender yet," I reminded Carlos.

He smiled and continued. "I have a feeling, don't question it. I am sorry I missed the baby shower last week, how was it?"

"Wonderful, we had the best time at the new house. My mom can't stop crying and it was nice to celebrate. Thanks for the blue baby outfit and diapers," I added.

"Trust my feeling. How's the mom doing? I haven't gotten to see her yet."

I hummed getting ready to answer, but I saw Florence coming through the garage. She looked perfect as she walked up, casual and comfortable in jeans and a Ferrari tshirt. A red 16 cap that matched mine pulled over her head to blend as best she could.

My favorite, I could see her pregnant stomach from here. She barely had a belly at the start and continued that for 3 months, then was able to hide it easily for a few months once she started showing. Florence stayed fit through it all and continued to train for tennis causally. Now at 7 months pregnant, it was impossible to hide which is why we decided to just own it this weekend. It was her first public appearance where it would be impossible to hide.

Once she passed the first trimester she began feeling better which was a relief. Now Florence was always glowing, had energy to do activities, and was enjoying the pregnancy fully. I was as well. For the last month I had spent almost every night reading to Florence and the baby, my hand rested on her stomach feeling the little kicks and movements. While it freaked me out the first time I felt the baby move, I loved the moments now and was never far away from Florence unless I was racing.

She walked to us with a little waddle to her step, something that had just started up in the last week.

Carlos noticed my pause while I was watching Florence and gave me a look. "Ask her yourself," I told Carlos who had his back to the entrance of the garage.

Carlos smiled and turned realizing what I was implying. "Ah, the mama has arrived," he said greeting Florence and standing. He gave her a big hug. I listened to him ask how the mom and little guy were feeling and if he was kicking.

"We don't know the gender yet Carlos," Florence said just like me. She put her hands on her hips and leaned forward welcoming Carlos to touch her belly. Carlos kept talking about his hunch on the gender and to trust it. He smiled and put his hand on her stomach.

"There's a kick," he said smiling. "He likes the racetrack Charles," he yelled looking back at me.

"And the tennis court," Florence added right before there were some yells in the garage. Final race prep would be starting soon.

"Of course," Carlos replied. He kissed Florence's cheek than ran over to his race engineer.

Florence looked over to me and grinned. "It's race time baby," she said giving me a terrible wink.

"I'll come to you," I smiled putting my notebook down and standing up. She held her arms out while I walked into them pulling Florence into a tight embrace.

She asked if I was ready, and I replied with a maybe. At that moment there was a hard kick into my hip where I was pressed up against her.

"I think the little bug wants a better answer," Florence smiled bringing a hand to her belly with a laugh.

"I guess so," I smiled shocked by the timing. "I'm as ready as always then."

"Good," Florence smiled loosening the embrace. "Good luck today. We love you."

I gave her a kiss before having to report to my race engineer. Florence said hello to a few of the mechanics before heading back to the suite where Kelly and Kika were.


Racers couldn't be scared. I always knew that, and there were few moments I ever had to fight that feeling. It's hard to explain the feeling of being behind a wheel. Embrace the inevitable, control the fear, and take it to the edge. Today I had to remind myself of that in the middle of the race.

The car felt incredible underneath me, I was driving fine, but my instinct and edge was elsewhere. There was more than just racing now, and I wasn't sure how I was going to do both.

There's a reason a handful of drivers didn't marry or have kids. Left you more focused for the job and the danger that's faced weekly. I always knew I wanted a family, just never imagined it coming this early.

My thoughts were interrupted when Max passed me with DRS in the middle of the race. I was too distracted to even realize he had gained that much on me.

Charles you paying attention, Xavi's voice boomed into my ear.

"Yes," was all I said with an unnecessary touch of annoyance. I couldn't help it though, the sudden voice in your ears could always get the worst out of a person.

Push and stay in his DRS range. We will go for undercut on box. Plan B.

I confirmed that I understood and made sure to stay close to Max. There was no need to watch the tires with a final pit stop coming up.

Before moving my thoughts back to racing, I made one mental note to talk to Sebastian soon. Ask him how he kept the edge all these years with his beautiful family. With that closing idea, I was able to compartmentalize. Close the thought out and save it for later, not worry while driving the car for today at least.

I shifted gears and made sure to stay within range of Max. My concentration was building then I was in the perfect mindset when I heard box box. It was now my last shot to take the race back once I was through the pit lanes.


"Those two are fucking mad men," Kelly said through gritted teeth. "I might kill them both if they don't do it to each other."

I was chewing on my finger nails nervous as hell. The undercut didn't work, but something else was in the mix while the final laps were ticking away.

Charles went out on mediums and Max was on softs. After a decent stint on the tires, Max's lead was cut down while he managed his tires. Charles tires were coming to life on the final laps. Kelly was right, they were driving like mad men. They were both driving on the edge. Max defending, Charles going for difficult passes, both swerving all around the racing line creating and denying opportunities.

Charles braked late making an attempt for the inside lunge at the first chicane. They only had two laps left. We could barely catch it in-person from our box, but we had a clear view on the tv as well. I could see some smoke from a lock up appear, but I had no idea who as someone slid their car slightly.

A small gasp escaped me and my hand fell from my mouth. I quickly wrapped it up with Kelly's who couldn't look away either.

"George might win this race and Pierre might podium once those two take each other out," Kika said also looking on beside us. She was far calmer than we were and quite entertained. Her posture was leaned forward and the race had her undivided attention which was not always the case. Pierre was in the points in p5 currently.

"Probably," I managed to squeak as I watched Charles car go wheel to wheel with Max then manage to shift just barely ahead once they were in the straight. Kelly's hand squeezed mine once the pass was almost complete. She sighed next to me relaxing her body once Charles had pulled ahead.

"Thank god that's over. Go Charles," Kelly smiled finally pulling her attention from the race and winking at me.

I let out a long breath trying to relax my body, my hand now moving to my belly while I slumped into the chair. "If they are gonna keep this up all year they could at least just offer to alternate who is ahead each race. Save the stress," I said.

"I'll let Max know," Kelly replied grabbing a water and holding it in front of me. "Now drink up Mama, we are on deck and I won't have you passing out from heat."


Winning Monza my first season with Ferrari was unforgettable and no words or explanation could give it justice. My win in Monaco last season was a magical day and I swore it might have been just as sweet as Monza in 2019.

I was absolutely wrong though. While the dream was to win my home race, I had simply forgot how special winning in Monza was. The Ferrari fans were infected with loyalty and passion. While I still had space getting out of the car, the feeling of 1000s of Italians pouring on to the track could already be felt by the deafening sound that was building.

Arms pulled at me from engineers to mechanics. Carlos found me giving a hug and congratulations. Max came next and we both just laughed. We were 1 and 2 this year in points and the racing had been beyond fun so far. Today was my day but next week would probably be his.

I threw my helmet off once I finally saw Florence clapping and cheering by Kelly. My feet led me without thought along with a wide smile. I ran up to Florence and threw myself around her. Instinct took over and I wrapped my arms tightly around her and pulled her over the barrier, Florence helping it look more graceful by navigating her legs over since I didn't really give her an option. Giggles were pouring out of her. I couldn't help myself and leaned down kissing her passionately, I didn't notice but one of my hands fell to her stomach. Something I was used to doing now.

"We did it," I whispered against her lips. She pulled apart smiling at me, her eyes peering up and glowing. She reached up ruffling my hair. "You have all our love," she said only loud enough for me to hear. "Now to celebrate and give your speech."

I gave her one more kiss before practically pulling myself away. It was time to go give my speech then head to the cool down room. When I turned, I realized how many media teams had grouped near Florence and I so I forced myself through back to the cars.

It was easy to talk about Max and I racing, how we were fortunate to go on the medium tire, and I spoke about the atmosphere of Monza thanks to the Tifosi. All of it spoken in Italian which sounded even better now thanks to Florence.

I could hear the Charles chants but couldn't see the extent of the crowd yet. Not until I was on the podium did I get to see the sea of red. Flags as high as the podium waving. The Italian national anthem filling the air. Max and George managed to soak me in champagne as the celebrating had officially started.

There was still one more plan up my sleeve that Florence and I came up with weeks ago. Knowing we wouldn't be able to hide her pregnancy anymore, we just ignored any questions and resumed as normal all weekend. Now I was giving an exclusive interview with Will Buxton. He had a question planned at the end so we could address the pregnancy question once then move on. Team recommended of course, but Florence and I thought it was a good idea.

After answering all the race questions Buxton smiled at me. "Now a moment away from racing. We have to ask about you and Florence Bonsee. Should we expect an announcement from you two?"

The prepped answer came from my mouth. "Yes," I began. My voice already sounded more nervous than practiced. "We are expecting a baby together and are very excited. While we are excited to share with everyone when the time comes, we appreciate the privacy at this time."

Will smiled and gave me a clap on the shoulder congratulating us. The secret that was impossible to hide anymore was officially confirmed.

Florence and I would be parents in two months, but I had a secret only I knew. My hope was Florence would be my fiancé in two weeks when we had some time off in Monaco. The ring was hidden in my first drivers helmet that was displayed at home.

Sky Sports: Max and Charles put on show in Monza. Charles closes points gap to Max to be World Champion with win in Italy. The race is on. Leclerc also confirms news he is expecting father. Congratulations to the couple.

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