"Do you have a minute?" MINSU...

By lxiiyyy

460 1 1

******NOT FINISHED****** "Excuse me sir." he pauses for air, "Do you have a minute?" A young man says as hard... More

1 (just the description and some other important thingz)
5 | quick an read if u want


16 0 0
By lxiiyyy

ok so i woke up just to start writing about this bc i can't get it off my mind and i read like a mini fic about it and i kinda wanna incorporate that idea into this fic somehow

happy tuesday (i'm writing this on tuesday idk when it will be published😇)

quick warnings
-mentions of sa
-mean parents(does that even count???? she rude idk??)

Jisung POV

The world is hazy as people try to talk to me. I answer with the basic details. They're forgetting that I almost got.. Let's forget what didn't happen.

"Did you get his name?" The police officer asked me, holding out a pen.

"Dae. 27." I answer blanked out. The viagra or whatever still hasn't worn off and I still have a boner. I don't think this is a fitting time to ask questions.

"Uhm, hair color, height, weight, eye color?" She asked me again.

"Can we ask him these questions later? Can't you see he's been drugged and in pain?" A too familiar voice states. "I'll answer all the questions you have for now. Leave him be, he's uncomfortable." Looking up, I see Minho. My eyes are screaming thank you, I tear up again.

Not committed to the full cry this time as I see Felix and Chan push through the people safe guarding the door.

"Oh my god. Jisung what happened?" Felix asked, with a very concerned tone.

"Hey! You can't be in here!" The guard said angered.

"Stop all of you please, where are the people that can make this thing wear of." I say, with a roughness in my throat from all the crying. I hear a gasp and some whisper yelling.

"Okay guys I'm going to need you to step away for a second so I can give him an evaluation. Thank you." The paramedic, smiled and sat down in front of me.

"Okay i'm not going to be a pest for very long, just until I can get you do a hospital for better care, can you tell me how much of this stuff you had?" He asked, with a serious stare.

"God, uhm. I think he drugged my drink? My drink was about 2/4th full the last time I willingly took sips out of it. He did shove some down my throat, so I guess about like 2/4ths of a red cup? If that makes any sense." I say slurring some of my words.

"Sure, that works. Thanks. What's your name and age?" He questions again.

"Han, Jisung. I'm 25 years old, my birthday is September 14th 1998."

"Okay thanks, I'm going to have you come with me, we're going to take you to a hospital, you'll probably stay there for a day or 2." He pauses, "Also my name is Do-Yun. Just ask if you need anything, would you like to bring someone on the ride there?" Do-Yun asked me.

"Uhm sure, tell Minho he can come if he wants, if he can't ask Felix or Chan. Thank you" I say and lean backwards on the chair I was sitting in.

The flashing lights outside the window, blaring in as I shut my eyes. The sound in my ears begin to fade as I'm nodding off. My eyes shut and my lips are just parted enough to let air in. My face feels so flushed and red that I don't think it's possible to cry anymore.

I feel my weight on the chair get picked up. My eyes don't jolt open, as I know who it is. The familiar sent of Minho never dies out. You can smell it even when you're 10 feet away from him.

My thoughts about Minho come to a close when I lay my head on his chest and fall asleep, for real, this time.

I wake up in a clean room, in clothes I don't remember to be mine. The uncomfortable feeling in my boxers are gone as I realize it's been all night. I look around the room and see Minho and Felix.

"Oh my god, Jisung, honey why did you call me?" A voice I didn't want to hear appearing.

I clear my throat as I go to respond, I hear the doctor say, "Ma'am please don't put pressure on his body, hold his hand if you're going to do anything. No hugging."

"Thanks." She says arrogantly. "I know when I can and can't do something."

"Mom. Stop being rude." I say gritting my teeth.

"Jisung you're awake. This must be your mother?" Minho calls out stretching as he leaves the couch.

"Good to me-" Minho gets cut off by my mother.

"Your father can't make it, but I don't expect him too. He pays for your house until you get a job so he shouldn't have to see you." She looks down at me again, "Speaking of job, did you get first chair?"

"Uhh Mom we talked about this, can't we not talk about this in front of people." I say, embarrassed.

"No, did tou get the chair or not? Not that hard to answer a yes or no question." She says with a smiling face but I know what her true intentions are.

Most likely knowing how this ends, I drag my right hand to my left forearm and start to lightly pinch at my skin. Minho notices this and stops me, holding onto my forearm, caressing the spot I just made a red mark in.

"Excuse me. Ma'am, yeah. So I was his proctor for his chair exam. It's yes and no." Minho says looking at my mother with a blank stare, while still holding my arm.

"Jisung. You should've been better than that. You should've played until there were no candidates left for you to compete with. To be frank i'm disappointed that you have competition for the first chair-" My mom gets cut off again.

Minho clears his throat, "As I said, Ma'am. I proctored his exam, so I graded him. Not everyone has the same expectations. But I'm very proud of your child here because I only let him play the second chair audition and it was beautiful. His tone was the best i've ever seen, sight reading is near perfect. You should be more proud of your son."

"What would you know about perfect anyways. It's not like you've worked with famous people." My mom scoffs.

"What do I know about famous? Do you read the newspaper? I conduct only the best players in orchestra. You'll see my name on news articles if you look hard enough." Minho says with a complete blank face, unfazed with my mother's attitude.

"Okay mom.. Let's stop for now we will talk later. I see a bath tub and I want to bathe. Mr Lee here, is going to take me to the bathroom to do so. If my friend over there wakes up tell him i'm in the bathroom." I say and hop off the bed, taking out my IV and wobbling.

Minho grabs ahold of my opposite shoulder and guides me to the bathroom. He shuts the door behind me and blows air out of his mouth.

"Is she always like that?" Minho said, with concern. "I know this just happened but, does she even know what happened?"

I froze up, "I would guess they told her, she's just ignorant." I say, trying to hide the fact that I'm hurt and she ignored my health.

I clear my throat to ease the tension in the air, "Okay, I'm going to sit for a minute and take a bath." A fake smile appears out of my mouth and I sit on the toilet.

"I'll go get you clothes. Let me ask the nurses for new ones." Minho said, looking at me with such caring eyes. His eyes looking down at me. "And.. If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you. I know we might of just met; but you can talk to me anytime. I'll write down my number and you can call me.. Or text! Whatever you want-"

"Thanks, Minho." My voice cracks and I look up at him with a broken expression. Tears swell in my eyes as I look down at my socked feet.

I hear the pattering of his footsteps come closer to me; a hand reaches out. I look out the corner of my eye and I see him.

Grabbing his hand slowly, he pulls me up. We now have eye contact. My eyes are now stinging with the sensation of wanting to cry. He slowly puts his arm around my back, I flinch; he stops.

My body goes limp and lean forward, he catches me with his arms. My head bent into his neck, my eyes are still stinging.

Blink. One tear falls,

Blink again, 2 tears fall,

Blink a third time- my eyes are buckets, over pouring with water.

I cry, and I cry some more. I cry into Minhos back, gripping his shirt tightly. I feel his hand drag across my back.

"3,2, and 1" He said as he pulled away from my death grip. My head drops as I realize it's the second time I've cried on him. It's quite embarrassing.

"Let me start your water, sit on the toilet seat and I'll be right back." Minho said as the grip on my hand and his fade away. He turned on the water and turn to look at me one more time. The door creaking open, then closed.

The long silence in my ears, looking down at the tiled floor feels like an eternity in a minute. I hear talking outside the room. A faint 'you're unbelievable' and 'you can't care for him like a parent is supposed to-' that's all I heard before the door lightly opened and closed.

The water is still running, filling up the bath. Water so transparent, it's a mirror for insecurities. One look at the clear mirror and it sees all.

"Hey, so I got new clothes and a towel. They said there was soap under the sink so let me get that-" He places the items he's holding in his hands on the counter top, then bending down under the sink to get the soaps.

Minho takes a few short strides over to the bath and turns off the water. He turns around, "I think that's all you need from me, now."

He stands up, brushing off his pants. He goes to walk away, a force stops him from leaving.

Before I knew what I was doing, my hand was on his wrist and words spewed out of my mouth,

"Please, if you have a minute. Stay with me."

ok that's fun 🤩 i love and hate writing

happy tuesday

word count- 1801

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