Sea of Stars 별바다

By NamNamm03

19.3K 694 375

Luna Oakley just moved to South Korea with her boyfriend of two years. On the first few days of being there... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 5

457 14 1
By NamNamm03

***WARNING: mention of last chapters SA***

Luna's POV

We just arrived to the hospital that was about ten minutes away from the club. During the entire ride, Bada kept asking if I was ok or uncomfortable. I could see how worried she was. I don't know, her worrying about me kind of made me a bit happy. Idk, I guess it's been a while since someone's shown this kind of compassion when it comes to situations like this. She made sure to park in a space near the entrance so we didn't have to walk too far. I opened my door and was about to walk when all of a sudden Bada scooped me up bridal style again. I became a bit flustered and put my head against her chest as she walked to the front desk. 

"Hi can we get a doctor, she got hurt really badly just a few minutes ago and she's in a lot of pain," Bada said to the lady at the desk. I guess the lady could see the bruises because my dress rolled up a little while I was in Bada's arms. She told us to wait just a few minutes and someone would be with us. We went to the sitting area to sit down. I thought Bada would put me down but she didn't. She just kept me in her embrace as I sat on her lap waiting for the doctor. I truly couldn't look her in the eye as I sat like this, Idk it felt a bit awkward but natural at the same time, can't really explain this feeling. As we sat she kept drawing light circles along my back with her left hand and had her right hand over my legs to keep me in place. Her right leg was bouncing frantically as she waited impatiently for us to be called. I could tell she was nervous so I put my hand on her forearm and looked at her in her brown eyes.

"Hey Bada, you don't have to worry anymore, you can calm down now. We made it here and we're about to be called in. I promise it's not as bad as you think." I said to her with a caring smile hoping to soothe her anxiety. 

"How can you say it's not that bad Luna? I saw what he did to you. You can barely walk. I don't even want to imagine what would've happened if I hadn't come in on time. I should've gotten there sooner. When I saw you in the club I should've immediately gone to your side, but I just watched you disappear in the crowd. I'm sorry." Bada said with tears filling her eyes. She rested her forehead on top of mine as she closed her eyes. I could feel a tear falling from her eye so I brought my hand up to wipe it away.

"Bada, look at me. It's not your fault. It's not either of our faults ok. Whoever that guy was should be feeling guilty, not us. I'm just grateful you got there when you did. But you can relax a bit now ok. I'm about to get checked out by professionals so you can ease your mind a little." I said caressing her cheek as another tear dropped from her perfect brown eyes. She exhaled what looked like a breath she was holding this entire trip and leaned her face against my hand. We stayed like that for a moment until the nurse called my name.

"Luna Oakley? Doctor Lee will be seeing you now. He's on his way but follow me to your room"

Bada got up and held me tightly making sure I didn't fall. We walked a few doors down until the nurse pointed toward our room. We walked in and Bada put me on the examination table carefully. The nurse gave me a gown to change into before she left. 

"You think you can stand up to change into the gown?" Bada asked me 

"Yeah, I think I'm fine now," I said trying to get off the table but failing when I almost fell completely on the ground. Bada catches me and I could see how worried she was.

"Look, I'll help hold you up while you change ok. I won't look" she said while holding me firmly but turning her head to the side. I giggled a little thinking why is she so nervous, we're both women, it shouldn't be too awkward. I gave out a little 'mhm' as I started taking my clothes off. The dress was about to reach over my head but Bada had to relocate her hands so that I could slip the dress off. She felt me wobble a bit and turned her head to make sure I was balanced. Her hands met my bare skin and I felt this hot sensation radiating off of my body. I felt this shocking spark as her fingertips laced my bare hips just right above my black-laced underwear where my tattoo lay. She turned her head really quickly while I tried my best to hurry up and slip on the gown the nurse gave me. I was finally dressed and she helped me sit back on the table. Her face was cherry red when she looked at me.

"Are you alright, you're really red," I asked her making sure she was fine. She couldn't have turned like that because of me right? Hecks no Luna, she must be really hot from carrying me and it's warm in here too.

"Oh, um yeah I'm fine, it's just a little hot" Bada said while letting out a light cough and smiling.

She came up beside me to hold my hand asking if I was ok again. I nodded and smiled saying I was fine. The doctor then came into the room with his eyes glued to the clipboard in his hand.

"Miss Oakley, hi I'm Doctor Lee. How are yo--," the doctor cut off

"Noona, what are you doing here? Are you hurt?" the doctor said when he glanced up from his clipboard looking at Bada.

"Oh Dae-hyun, I didn't know you were on call tonight. And no I'm fine but my friend here got injured tonight and she's really hurt." Bada said while still holding my hand. Doctor Lee brought his attention to me and he eyed our hands together quickly but not making it obvious. 

"My apologies Miss Oakley, I was a little startled seeing Bada here. She rarely ever gets hurt so I was scared something happened to her."

"Oh no worries," I said.

"Ok can you tell me where you're hurt and I'll do a brief examination?" Doctor Lee said. I nodded my head and pointed to the bottom of my legs and my entire right side.

"Alright let me take a look. Let me know if when I touch you the pain gets unbearable and I'll stop" I nodded my head. He started pressing gently on the bruises on my leg. They hurt but not enough to make me squirm. It wasn't until his hands moved further up my waist and landed on my side. He pressed gently and I screamed out in pain. He let go of me but examined what made me scream like that. 

"Miss Oakley, I need you to tell me what happened here in order for me to help you ok?" he said. My eyes went to the floor and then they went to Bada. I stared at her for a moment and the doctor noticed.

"She can step out if that will make you more comfortable."

"NO" I said frantically. To be honest, I don't want to be alone with any man right now, doctors included. I still felt uncomfortable from what happened.

"No she can stay. Umm, I was at a club and had been there a while so I went to the bathroom. I hadn't been drinking or anything but I just needed a breather. When I left the bathroom, this guy came up to me and wrapped his hands around my waist. I told him to let go but he wouldn't and told me we should go somewhere. I yanked away from him but she ended up grabbing my legs and pushing me to the ground really hard. My butt and my side got hurt from the fall. Then I tried to reach for my taser when I saw he was pulling me by my legs towards him. He saw I grabbed the taser and slammed his elbow into my leg. The taser fell from my hands and he got it and used it on my on my hip. After that Bada came in and got him off of me." I told the Doctor everything with my head down. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Bada was hurt by what I said. She didn't know what happened and had been guessing this whole time. I guess her finding out the truth was a lot worse than what was in her head. She just let her head fall in silence. 

"Luna, I can get the police here and we can turn this into a criminal case. What happened was assault and would be better if the police took part in finding whoever did this," he said.

"Umm Bada, should I get the police involved" I asked Bada because I genuinely didn't know what to do. Bada came closer and got on one knee in front of me holding my hands while I stared at the floor.

"If you're not comfortable with the police coming here then we don't have to get them involved. But it would be a good thing if they were. You can put whoever did this to you behind bars so something like this will never happen again. You can think about it some more and we can call them at another time if you want, maybe after you've rested and calmed down." Bada said with her hand caressing mine. 

"Can we call them later, I just wanna finish this and go home" I said in a whisper, I was getting a bit tired and wanted this day to be over. Thoughts of my past kept flooding my mind when the Doctor brought up calling the police. It made me really sad and I felt drained just thinking about it. Bada nodded her head and told her brother that I'd get the police involved later and to just do my examination.

We were able to finish the examination after about an hour of tests and getting my results back. They took some X-rays that only showed slight fractures, nothing too major, but the spot I was tased will need to heal for a few days. Apparently, the sicko who did this held the taser right on my side pressing it into my skin really hard. So I was prescribed some medication for the pain. The doctor put me in a wheelchair and Bada was pushing me to the front of the hospital. 

"Thank you for treating me, Doctor Lee. I really appreciate it. It was also really nice to meet Bada's brother."

"No problem darling, it's my job. And anything for Bada's friends. Tell Bada if you aren't feeling well in a few days so she can tell me and I'll book you another follow-up examination." Doctor Lee said. He seemed so kind. Gosh, these Lee siblings are elite when it comes to compassion and caring for others. We made our way to the front of the hospital with Doctor Lee following behind talking to Bada.

"Let mom know Me and Soo Min will be stopping by this weekend for dinner. You should come too, it's been a while."

"I know, I've just been a little busy. I'll try to make it. I haven't seen the little munchkins in forever." Bada said smiling 

"Those rascals ask for you almost every day. All they say at dinner is 'can we go see Imo? It's been forever' Then they start fake pouting and crying. Imma get them to spend a night with you one of these days to give Soo Min and me some alone time." The doctor said with a wink. Bada made a gagging face and giggled. I admired watching them interact. It was so cool seeing what siblings act like. As an only child, this is so new to me.

"I'll let you know when they can come spend the night, but nothing's for free. I better get something out of it" she said smiling. He just nodded his head waving her off. I laughed while they both said their goodbyes and we made our way to the car. Bada opened the passenger seat and lifted me from my wheelchair into the car. She strapped me in again and closed the door as she went back inside the hospital to put the wheelchair back. When she came back, she got in the driver's seat and we set off to my apartment. 

The car ride was silent. I spent most of it staring out the window as I reflected on the events of tonight. It made me start having flashbacks to my past and my stomach started turning thinking of those horrible times. Bada could sense my discomfort as she stopped at the red light and turned her head toward me. 

"Hey, you know you can come back to my place if you're not feeling comfortable. I saw how drunk Haneul was. He won't be able to take care of you tonight."

"No it's ok. I'm planning on just falling asleep when I get home so it's fine" I said with a sigh. It went silent again as the light turned green and she focused on the road again. 

"I am a little sad that I won't be able to dance for a while though," I said

"Don't worry, when you make a full recovery we can go to my studio and you can dance your little heart out. I've got some more choreo's I wanted to teach you too. I think it'd suit you perfectly" she said smiling.

"Ughhh now you're gonna have me wondering what choreo it is this entire time. Aww man" I said with a pouty voice. She laughed lightly as she pulled into the front of my apartment building. 

"Stay right there. Don't move," she said as she got out of the car. I did as she said and didn't move. I wonder what she's planning on doing. She comes up to my door and opens it. She then crouches down to undo my seatbelt and her hands go under my thighs and behind my back.

"Wow I guess I get to have princess treatment all night huh? I could get used to this" I said in a playful tone

"You are always gonna be a princess when you're with me. My princess Luna. Has a nice ring to it and everything" We both laugh as she makes her way to the elevator. I press the number for her and we ride to my floor. I have my hands wrapped around her neck and it gives me a good position to look into her eyes. She sees me staring up at her and she looks down at me. 

"Why are you staring at me?" she questions in a giggle

"You're just really pretty. Now I kinda want to see you in a princess dress and crown," she says making us both laugh.

"Never in a million years will I wear one of those" 

"Oh come on, we can both be pretty pretty princesses. You may not know this but I bet I can convince everyone to make you dress up as a princess one of these days. That's my ultimate mission now. You may hate the idea now but you'll love me after you see yourself all dolled up." I said with a grin (this face 😌 type beat lol just wanted to give a lil visual) she laughs and shakes her head. We made it to my floor and she arrived at my door. I tell her she can put me down but she insists on taking me straight to the bed so I wouldn't have to walk. I put in the passcode to the door and opened it. I get embarrassed as I see the mess Haneul and his friends left when they were here earlier. 

"I'm really sorry for the mess, Haneul had some friends over before we left for the club and I haven't had time to clean yet," I say embarrassed. She really had to come into my apartment today of all days. Like seriously the universe is against me today I swear. 

"Don't apologize for something you had no control over. Just point me in the direction of your bedroom." She says I point to the right and she opens a door leading to my room. Thank goodness at least the room's clean and looks presentable. She lays me on the bed across from the door. To my surprise, Haneul hasn't come home yet. He's probably blacked out somewhere in the club. I'll deal with him later. Tonight, imma just focus on recovering and trying not to let my mental state take me under. 

"Do you want me to get some pajamas for you before I leave?"

"Yes please. They're in the top drawer over there" I point to the dresser across from my bed. She is about to open the drawer and I quickly remember it was the middle drawer. The top is where I put all of my undergarments. 

"Wait I meant the middle drawer" but it was too late. I face-palmed myself feeling embarrassed. She just laughs and shakes her head. She closes the top drawer and opens the middle pulling out a pink lacey night gown. Bada walks over to me and hands the dress to me. 

"Do you need me to help you again?" she asks, I wasn't sure because I hadn't gotten up in a while. I told her to let me try getting up first to see if I could handle it. But it was a big no for me. I stood up and fell right back on the bed. We both laugh and she comes over to help me get up.

"If you need me to stay and help take care of you, I can you know. I don't mind helping" Bada says staring at me in the eyes.

"I don't think you should stay, I won't be needing any help while I'm sleeping and it'll just be a waist for you to stay over. Not a fun slumber party at all." I said with a laugh. She nods her head understanding and helps me finish putting on my nightgown. When were done, I sat back down on my bed. 

"This looks so pretty on you. It's such a cute color" Bada says as she admires my gown. I must say this is a gorgeous gown. I got it a year ago for my birthday when I traveled to Paris. It just screamed it girl and I had to have it. 

"Thank you, thank you" I said bowing and giving my best princess wave (screw in the lightbulb technique from princess diaries 🤭) we laughed and she sat down next to me. 

"In all seriousness though, just know that if you ever want to talk about what happened tonight I'm here and just a phone call or a short drive away. I can't begin to imagine how you must've felt at that moment or what might be going through your head right now, but I need you to know that I'm here for you. You don't have to carry this burden alone." she said with her hand on top of mine. I leaned my head on her shoulder and we stayed like this for a while. 


Bada's POV:

Luna laid her head on my shoulder and we stayed in that position for a few minutes just taking in each other's presence. It wasn't an odd or uncomfortable silence either, it just felt right and content. It wasn't until I heard her light snores that I knew she had fallen asleep. I smiled to myself as I saw her beautiful face as she drifted off into a slumber after this rough day and gently laid her down on the bed. I saw she still had my makeup on so I went into her bathroom to look for makeup wipes. When I found them, I came back and gently removed the makeup from her face making sure everything was gone but making sure I didn't wake her. When all the makeup was removed, I couldn't help but look at the girl before me. She truly looked like a princess as she lay there in her pink gown with her perfect curly hair tousled around her pillow. Just gorgeous! I made sure to tuck her under her comforter before shutting off the lights and leaving her room. I left the door slightly open just in case she needed me before I go. 

I looked around her apartment and saw nothing but beer and empty snack wrappers everywhere. I felt angry knowing Haneul seemed like the type to make her clean up his mess even if she were hurt like she was tonight. I went to the kitchen to find some trash bags and made my way around the apartment cleaning up. The mess wasn't too bad but I still didn't want Luna to have to lift a finger tomorrow. It's been about fifteen minutes of me cleaning and her apartment looks like brand new. I go to the kitchen to get some water and the medicine my brother prescribed her so I can take them to her nightstand. 

I make my way to her side to lay the water bottle and pills down when I see her moving in her sleep. She looks like she's having a nightmare. I crouch down and rub the top of her head removing her hair from her forehead. Whatever nightmare she's having isn't normal, I could see the tears dripping from her closed eyes. At this point she's hysterical. I can tell she's not conscious about what's going on as she rolls back and forth in the bed so I go to sit next to her and lay her in my arms to try and soothe whatever horrible dream she was having. 

"Shh shh, it's ok now Luna, you're safe," I said in a whisper tone making sure not to wake her but just enough for her to calm down a bit. I scoot down from my position to lie next to her as my arms envelop her in my embrace. I cuddle her drawing soft circles on her back to soothe her until she is calm again. I lay there thinking how much she must be facing in her head after tonight. I know she tried her best tonight to look like she was okay for my sake, but I know she's hurting. With her wrapped under my right arm, I look up at the ceiling trying to go over everything that has happened tonight. I feel so sad that she has to be going through something like this. 

She's such a sweet and kind human, how could anyone want to harm her in the slightest way? I exhale trying to keep it together and not get worked up while I'm next to her. I will for sure be going back to the club tomorrow to check security tapes. Imma find whoever did this to her and he's gonna wish he never put his hands on her or any other woman for that matter. When I feel that she's back to sleeping peacefully, I carefully unwrap myself from her and make my way out of the room. I make sure to leave a note telling her to take her medicine when she wakes up. I head out of her apartment and make my way home for the night. I hadn't realized how late it was and I still had to be up to teach a dance class. I'll come to visit her tomorrow. 

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