Innocent (Louis Tomlinson)

By stylessins

2.4K 85 13

They judge her by the way she acts, the way she looks, and the way she dresses. She's all alone, and she's ok... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 35

29 2 0
By stylessins


After a couple hours of talking, it was time for everyone to head home. Kathryn and I were heading to my place, and Olivia was going to catch a train back to her flat.

We finally left after a huge series of sappy goodbyes between Olivia and Kathryn.

"You had a guest room this whole time?" She asked me as we began the drive home.

"Yeah..." I said sheepishly, "I would've offered for you to stay with us this whole time, but Jessica wouldn't be happy with that-"

"It's fine. Living with the sorority girls isn't that bad." She told me.

"Are you sure?" I asked her.

"No..." She answered truthfully, "I don't know..."

I didn't say anything.
There was nothing to say.
I couldn't let her live with Jessica and I... she would already be pissed enough for her only staying a couple of weeks. Any longer than that would be a total nightmare.

"It's fine, Louis. It would be selfish of me to intrude on you and Jessica's life. Stop thinking about it." She stated, as if she was reading my mind.

"I... Okay." I muttered.

The rest of the drive was filled with the light sound of the radio. Neither of us said anything more, and we simply enjoyed the sound of the music.

Once we reached my flat, I opened the door for Kathryn and walked her inside.

"Hey Louis! Did everything go well or-" Jessica paused, seeing Kathryn in the room.

"Everything was fine. She's okay, but the doctor said that she should stay here so I could keep a better eye on her." I told her as I took off my jacket, throwing it on the couch next to me.

"Uh... Okay. That's fine." She said, giving Kathryn a fake smile.

"The guest room is down the hall. It's the last door." I told Kathryn.

"But what about clothes-"

"Tomorrow morning I'll take you to the sorority house. We'll get stuff then." I interrupted her, "I'll get you something to wear to bed. Just give me one second."

She simply nodded, and walked down to her new bedroom as I watched her.
Then she closed the door.

"Don't say anything, Jess. She's been through a lot. If you have anything bad to say about her, or if you think I'm acting 'different' around her than you, you can just leave." I snapped, "If you have anything negative to say about her, or me, or us, then you can just find somewhere else to stay."

"It's fine, Louis. I don't mind. Geez... you don't need to be so rude about it." She responded.

I didn't say anything as I walked past her into our room. In there, grabbed a black shirt of mine and sweats for Kathryn to wear to bed.

"Hey." I said as I sat next to her, "Is this room alright?"

"Yeah it's way better than my room." She said with a smile.

"That's good." I replied, setting the clothes on the end of the bed.

"Where's the shower?" She asked me.

"You aren't allowed to shower yet." I told her, "You can't get that bandage wet, it's not water proof."

"Then I'll just take a bath and not get it wet." She compromised.

"No... it's too risky today because it was just recently put on." I advised her, "You can take a bath tomorrow."

She rolled her eyes.
"Fine dad." She scoffed.

I laughed as I walked out of the room, "I'm just doing what the doctor said!"

"Yeah sure, whatever." She said, a small grin finding it's way on her lips, "Just get out already, I'm trying to change."

I smiled as I continued walking out, the door soon slamming shut behind me.

These next couple of days were going to be fun with her here, I knew they would be.



"You look gorgeous." I heard his voice say.

"Thanks." I replied.

I lied on his chest, as we lied there in bed.

Neither of us wanted to get up.
We were enjoying the company of each other far too much to leave it behind.

"You look so beautiful in the mornings, did I ever tell you that?" He asked me.

"Yes." I said with a smile, "Just about every morning.

"Well it's true." He said groggily, grasping me tighter.

I shifted my position in bed, turning towards him.

His blue-gray eyes looked lovingly into mine, and I leaned foreword, kissing him.
I felt his stubble rub against my cheek as our lips collided.
"I love you." He whispered, smiling into our kiss.

I repeated the same thing back to him as we pulled apart.

My eyes admired his beautifully tanned, tattooed chest.

"My eyes are up here." He said in a mocking tone.
I rolled my eyes as I looked up at him.
"I love you, Kathryn." He told
me once again.
"I love you too, Louis." I said back, as he pulled me into his chest.


My eyes shot open and I sat up in bed.

What was that dream just had?

Why did I enjoy it so much?

A knock on my door set me back into reality.

"Uh... come in." I muttered.

"Good morning, Kathryn." Louis stated, sitting on the end of my bed.

"G-good morning..." my voice trailed off.

"How are you?" He asked me.

"I'm fine." I answered a little too quickly.

"Are you sure...?" He questioned, "You're acting quite strange-"

"No... I'm fine Louis." I assured him.

"Alright, well how did you sleep?" He asked.


He gave me a weird look as he looked into my eyes, as if he was trying to decode me.

Those gray-blue eyes instantly made my stomach flip, reminding me of the dream I just had.

My mouth opened slightly as I thought of what to say to him.

My mind went blank as he continued to stare at me.
I noticed that I hadn't taken a breath since this staring contest had begun.

"Well, okay." He finally said, "I'll be in the kitchen. I think Jess is making pancakes. I'll get you when they're ready."

I closed my mouth and nodded as I looked away from him. I saw a smirk appear on his lips as he closed the door.

What the fuck was wrong with me?!
Why was my heart beating so fast?
Why did everything feel warm and fuzzy?
What was this weird feeling in my chest?

I wasn't in love with Louis.
I decided to blame the dream, not knowing what else to blame.
The dream just had me feeling weird about Louis and I, and that was all.

{HEYY sorry that I'm like a week late on this.

I've been really busy this week but since it's summer break now for me, I'll try to update more often :]

And OOOH Kath has actually feelings.
K ily if u read this bye}

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