Sea of Stars 별바다

By NamNamm03

20.3K 700 375

Luna Oakley just moved to South Korea with her boyfriend of two years. On the first few days of being there... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 2

612 15 3
By NamNamm03

Luna's Pov

We finally made it to Korea!!! I'm so freaking excited, and I'm especially excited to get off this darn plane. Ugh this has been one of the longest trips I have ever taken in my life. Totally worth it though. Haneul and I make our way out of the plane and towards where our bags will be picked up. The airport here looks so much nicer than the ones in America. It's so clean and pretty. I can't believe I'm admiring an airport at my young age, that says a lot about me lol. We finally got our bags and headed towards the front of the airport to get an Uber. After waiting about five minutes, our driver came and helped us with our bags. I told the old man he didn't have to but he insisted. Haneul took this nice old man's kindness and ran with it. He literally left all the bags out for this man to put in the car. I swear Haneul isn't usually like this. When we first started dating he was nothing but respectful and kind. Somewhere during these past few months, his attitude has changed so much. All he ever does now is have nasty remarks and attitudes. He's taking Sassy Boy Nation to a whole new level I swear. Since Haneul went to sit in the car, I helped the old man out by picking up the heavy bags. The old man turned to me, sighed and said,

"Young men nowadays, they no nothing about chilvary. Back in my day, we treated a lady like she was the most precious gem to walk this earth. I hope he treats you right darling"

I looked at the old man with kind eyes and just nodded. I didn't really know what to tell him because honestly he was right. Haneul has changed but we've been together for so long. Before we started dating, me and Haneul were childhood best friends. We went from kindergarten to college together. That's also how I learned Korean. I would always be at his house with his family and the language kinda just stuck to me. Next thing I knew, I was fluent and in on all their family conversations (I heard all the tea and family drama😏).

As we both finished putting the luggage in the car, we set off on our way to our new apartment. The drive took around thirty minutes but I didn't mind because the scenery was beautiful. Sitting in this car just admiring the streets of Seoul is so content to me at this moment. Like nothing could possibly break my mood. But then I hear this agitating and degrading voice (lol the amount of TikTok memes imma use in here is unhealthy 🤣)

Haneul taps me on the knee and tells me our plans for tonight.

"So tonight we got a party to go to. And before you get all annoying with me, it's just a small gathering. A few of my friends and I heard some of your friends will be there too, so no need to get all upset" he says as he rolls his eyes on that last part.

I nod but stay silent. I don't mind going to this party, I just wish it was tomorrow or something. Like dang, can't a girl sleep with all this jet lag? Well I guess it's a good idea to stay up so I can adjust my sleeping schedule to the time over here. The rest of the car ride was silent. The only sounds were coming from the radio and the old man who was softly humming. We made it to our apartment after the car ride. Before our driver leaves I thank him for driving us and wish him well because he was so kind. I also have a spot for old people. Idk they're just so stinking cute and adorable. I can't help but to love all of them. At our apartment, there aren't any movers. I had a close friend make sure all our things were ready to go so that when we got here we could just unpack our luggage and relax. Before heading inside, I have to admire this gorgeous building. We decided we wanted a minimalist vibe for our new home. It definitely gave that! I'm so excited to finally see the inside in person for the first time. We walk up to the receptionist who checks our IDs and gives us all our keys. Although our doors have smart keypad locks, she told us these were for emergencies or if the keypad dies. I thank her and we head to the elevator. In it, I let out a breath of fresh air. Haneul just looks at me.

"Baby, what has been up with you today? Throughout this entire trip, you've barely spoken to me and you've been mean. What's wrong? I thought you'd be happy now that we've moved here and we can start a new life together." I told Haneul as my head falls to the floor.

I truly thought that whatever mood he was in these past few months would've disappeared knowing we can finally live in our dream apartment together. He sees how my mood has shifted to a somewhat sad state and he comes closer to me. He pulls me into a tight hug and kisses my forehead.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry. I know I've been acting like a dick this entire trip. My buddy from the game last night told me something that has thrown my entire mood and I've been taking it out on you. I know this is supposed to be a new and exciting adventure for the both of us so I'm sorry for how I've acted. Forgive me?" He said as he pulled my chin up so our eyes met.

I gave a slight nod and my smile grew a bit. He came in close and kissed me on the lips. My mind kind of relaxed after this knowing he apologized. Our kiss didn't last long when the elevator doors opened to our floor, the 15th floor. We got out and he helped me with my bags. We made it to our door and he gave the key to me so I could have the honor of opening the door to our new future. (We can't use the keypad yet until we set a passcode later by the way). I twist the key and open our door to this beautiful apartment. I practically almost fell to the floor when I saw how it looked inside. My entire body is in shock honestly. I couldn't move from where I was. I hadn't realized tears were streaming down my eyes until Haneul came and hugged me from behind while wiping my tears. I smiled at him and we just hugged for what felt like forever. This was finally our new home. We can finally start over and live our lives the way we want. I am content right now.


It is now around seven p.m. We've spent these past few hours checking out our new home and reveling in our happiness. We had some coffee and light snack foods delivered to our apartment so we could have time to eat before we headed to this party. To be honest, I'm quite excited for this party. I absolutely cannot wait to see my friends. We haven't hung out in a while because they went to go film a dance survival show. It was an amazing show, I watched each episode and made sure to vote for my girls. I swear I singlehandedly was the one to make all their choreos get a million views because I just could not stop watching and learning the dances. I go to text the girls to let her know I'll be at the party tonight.

Group Chat: Da Gworllls 💅✨💋

ME: Hey Bitchesssss. Guess who's in Seoul rn!!!!

KIRSTEN: OMG we finna be lit tonight!!!

LATRICE: shots shots shots shots 🍾

AUDREY: Ummm am I the only one who didn't know you were coming back this early? You literally never told me 😕

EMMA: I knew she was coming back

LING: yeah me too, that's why we're all going to this party

AUDREY: wow I'm surrounded by a bunch of fake ass bitches huh. I feel so unloved and neglected rn. Literal tears are coming out my eyes. I'll never be the same again 😪

ME: OMG Audrey ur so dramatic 🤣

LATRICE: I swear she should quit dancing n go out for acting. you'd win all the oscars with your acting skills A

AUDREY: Thank you, Thank you. What's the point of life if you aren't making everything into a soap opera 🤷‍♀️. Gotta keep everyone on their toes with my acting 💋

LING: ur literally my spirit animal A

ME: Ok girlies. So me and Haneul will probably be the last to show up. We still have a few things to do plus we gotta get ready. Give us bout another hour or two n we'll be there.

KIRSTEN: No problem girl. Take ur time. Parties here last all night. Oh yeah I can't wait to introduce u to someone. We met this girl on the survival show and we instantly clicked with her and her group. I think you'll love them.

ME: wait why are they excited to meet me? They don't even know me or of me 😃

EMMA: I'm not one to point fingers but somebody with short blonde hair has been telling everyone about you. But hey that's just what I heard 🫣

LATRICE: OMG Em ur literally such an instigator lol. gonna have all the girlies fighting. Wait...I kinda want to see that happen. Proceed with the drama Em🍿👀

KIRSTEN: Wow just throw me under the bus huh😫? I was just really excited for you to meet everyone Luna that I couldn't stop talking about you. I know how you feel about not wanting people to know you're the face of Belle Rose so I didn't bring that up. But I did mention some other stuff. Now everyone can't wait for you to come. What can I say, I did this out of nothing but LOVE SUE ME!!! 🫶

ME: 🥹 my sweet pookie wookie cookie bookie mookie missed me huh? I MISSED YOU TWO MY LOVEEEE

AUDREY: the way I'm about to kick yall two out the group chat. Get. A. Room before I throw up 🤢

ME: Oh audrey u hate to admit it but u missed me too. don't worry when I see you I'll strangle you in hugs and kisses. No need to deny my love 😘❤️

(Audrey kicked Luna out of the group chat)

I burst out laughing when I seen I was kicked out. Audrey loves to act all tough over the phone but in person she is a literal puppy. The girl once almost knocked me over trying to hug me because I was gone for too long (I went to the bathroom for like five minutes). I can't wait to see my girls. UGHHH they make me the happiest ever. I'm also curious as to who Kirsten wants me to meet. Of course any friend of Kirsten's is a friend to me, she knows all the good people. As I throw my phone on my bed, I run to my suitcase to find an outfit for tonight. Now I'm even more excited to go to this party so me and my girls can have a twerk off (imma win of course). I hurry and shower and put on my favorite vanilla perfume. I keep my hair down tonight because I have no energy to tame it right now. I did my makeup with a simple smokey eye and glossed lips. I finally change into my outfit. I'm wearing a black mini skirt with a matching black lace bralette and a letterman bomber jacket that has patches of this pretty light blue-grey color. I finish off the look with my large gold hooped earrings, some matching rings, and black heels. Haneul was ready just I time when I put my last heel on. I touched up my lipgloss, grabbed my purse and phone and we headed out to the party.

When we arrived there were cars parked everywhere. I'm not sure whose house we are in but it is humungous and beautiful. Haneul parks the car a few spaces from the house and he comes to open my door. We walk hand in hand as we enter the party. He was right, it's very low-key. Not too many people who would make me uncomfortable. We walk into the party and into a darkly lit room with a few led lights around the trimmings of the ceiling. The music is at a decent volume and there's food and drinks being served. Haneul kisses me on the head and tells me he's gonna go search for his boys and leave me with the girls. I don't mind at all and gladly look around the room in search for my crew. When they finally spot me they started screaming like some maniacs. I contemplated for like .5 seconds to just walk away and act like I don't know nor associate myself with these bunch of crackheads lol. Audrey practically knocks me down, just like I know she would, and the rest of the girls come in for a big group hug.

"Omg, you guys sound like a pack of hyenas. Why yall scream like that? The music isn't even loud. I could've heard you with your inside voices." I laugh as I playfully scold them.

"what can we say, we gotta let everyone know the entire crew is back together" Ling says as she starts posing like we're Charlie's Angels.

We all break out into laughter and just start dancing. We danced for what felt like forever. After a while, they decided to go to the bar. I was hesitant at first but decided to join so I don't bring the mood down. When I get there I ask the bartender for any non-alcoholic drinks to which he gives me a menu. I decided to go with a virgin mojito. All of us girls spent this time to catch up on what's been going on in our lives. I asked them so many questions about their time on that dance survival show. I was so excited to see their behind-the-scenes pics and videos. After a while Audrey and Emma go back out on the dance floor together. Latrice and Ling decided they needed to go to the bathroom to collect themselves after downing three shots of vodka. Now it was just me and Kirtsten. Although I'm close with all the girls, me and Kirsten go way back. We used to go to the same high school together and have been besties ever since. She knows about most of my past and has been there with me through everything. She's like this big sister I never got to have and I couldn't be more grateful to have her in my life.

"Ok so now that we're alone, I wanted to ask how everything has been with you. I know you trust the girls with your life but I know they don't know much about your past like I do. I just wanted to do a little check-up to see how you're doing" said Kirsten.

"I'm doing great Kirst. I just feel so happy lately, like life is looking so amazing. And finally being here, surrounded by all of you just makes me even happier. I couldn't asl to be any happy than I am right now." I told Kirsten as I took her hand.

We were sharing a sisterly moment until someone came up to us. The figure looks familiar but I can't quite see who exactly they are because of the dark room. Kirsten's name is called out by this mysterious figure and she gets up to hug them. I sat there waiting to be introduced. When they broke the hug I could finally see the face of the person she was hugging. IT WAS THE TALL WOMAN FROM THE AIRPORT! I was so confused and surprised at the same time. When the tall woman noticed me, she was surprised too.

"Omo, it's you from the airport right?" the tall girl said.

"ah yes, wow what a small world. I didn't think I'd ever see you again.

"You two know each other already?" Kirsten asked.

"We met briefly at the airport before we left America," I said

"Is she the girl you were talking about Kirsten? The dancer and extra in your crew?" asked the tall girl.

"Yeah. I wanted to introduce you two to each other. But I'm glad I don't have to now. Seems like you two hit it off" Kirsten said.

"I wouldn't say hit it off but I did think you were pretty interesting. Plus I couldn't get over your height. I've never met a woman as tall as you. It's so cool. I'm glad we met again though. Now you can get your hoodie back."

"You can still keep it if you want. I'm glad we met again too. I was kinda sad we didn't exchange names or something in the airport. You were kind of on my mind when I was flying her today" the tall girl said while rubbing the back of her neck. I slightly blushed at the fact that she was thinking about me. Not in a "oohh she's hot" type of way but in a "wow I think she's really cool. I wanna be her friend" kind of way.

"My name's Luna Oakley, it's really nice to meet you again" I said as I held my hand out and smiled warmly at her.

"My name's Bada Lee, nice to meet you too Luna. Kirsten told me that you're an amazing dancer. I'm surprised I've never seen you hang around the dance industry with us."

"Oh I wouldn't consider myself a professional dancer." I said waving her off because honestly I'm not. I just dabbled in dance a bit.

"Umm yeah you are, Bada don't listen to here. She loves to sell herself short so she doesn't brag. She's actually an amazing choreographer. She's choreographed for a lot of different groups these past few years." said Kirsten while looking at me with sweet eyes.

"Jinjja, which ones if you don't mind me asking?" Bada asked.

"umm, well a few K-pop groups I worked with are Twice, Red Velvet, and soloist Chungha in the past. In the most recent years I've worked with XG, Newjeans, and StayC. I'm trying to work my way to male groups but their dances are a little bit more complex for my teaching."

"Oh wow, you're way more popular than you give yourself credit for. Hey, a few of us are going to my studio tomorrow to practice after the break we've had from the dance survival show. You guys are more than welcome to come. I know the girls will be excited to meet you Luna." Bada said giving me a warm smile.

"I would love to, thanks!" I said with happiness. It's been a while since I've been in a dance studio so I'm really excited.

"No problem, umm is it alright if I get your number, I just wanna make sure I send all the details and directions to the studio properly," Bada said. I could tell she was a bit hesitant because she didn't want to come off like she was advancing too quickly seeing as how we just met. I said of course and she gave me her phone. The three of us spent the rest of the night talking about all sorts of things. I found out that Bada and I are a bit similar when it comes to hobbies and things we like. About an hour later when the conversation was about to get really good, Haneul came up beside me drunk. He was stumbling all over the place and slurring his words. It made me a bit uncomfortable but I know I have to take care of him.

"Babe, I think we should get going should head out early. I can drive us" I said with a slight smile trying to be polite.

"What a buzz-kill, we just got here, let me have some fun woman," Haneul said while almost falling off of the table he was holding onto. I started to get annoyed because I know how he gets when he's pissed drunk. He has absolutely no filter and says whatever is on his mind, positive or negative. Mostly negative comments though. I stood up to wrap his hands around my shoulder but it was no use keeping him up. Bada could see me struggling and offered to help me out. She went to his other side and wrapped his left arm around her shoulder. I said a quick goodbye to Kirsten and told her to text me when she and all the girls made it home so I knew they were safe, especially after they'd been drinking. Bada and I made it to Haneul's car. I reached into his right pocket and couldn't find the keys. I stretched my arm around to his left pocket to search for the keys. I hadn't realized how close my face came to Bada's in the moment and when I looked up she was staring into my eyes. The moment lasted all but a few seconds and I tried my best to unlock the car and open the back door. She helped me lean him in the back seat then she stepped aside so I could adjust Haneul to a somewhat comfortable position. My upper body was stretched along the back seat while I strapped Haenul in a seat belt. I got out and closed the door behind me catching my breath for a quick second.

"Thanks so much for helping me. I would've only made it to the front door of the house by now if it was just me." I said with a little laugh at the end.

"No problem I'm glad to help. Are you sure you can get home alright? I saw you had a few drinks and just wanted to make sure you can drive." Bada asked me looking a bit concerned.

"Oh no. Those were non-alcoholic. I just ordered a bunch of virgin martinis and margaritas so I'm good to drive." I said. I could see her facial expression change from a bit worried to calm knowing I wasn't driving under the influence. She gave me a slight smile and walked me around to the driver's seat. She opened my door for me and we both stood there in the brisk weather admiring the night view.

"I really am happy it's about to be fall. I love the cold weather so much. It's just such a pretty time, plus all of the leaves look so beautiful when they've fallen. Ughh I can't wait" I exclaimed while looking up at the sky. Bada had been silent so I looked up to my left to look at her. I could tell she had been staring at me but when she noticed I turned to look at her, she adverted her eyes. She leaned her back against the top of the car and put her hands in her front pockets to admire the view. I gave a warm smile to her which she saw and smiled back. Woah, why does my heart feel like that when she looks at me? Luna get it together, of course she's pretty but we don't swing that way. But she just looks so good under the lights from the stars. I can't help but admire her with a smile. We both stared at each other for what felt like forever until we heard Haneul moving in the back seat. She took a step back from the car and faced me with her hands on the door.

"I should get going, I still have some stuff to sort out and unpack before tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to the dance studio though." I said

"Me too, Kirsten is practically your number one fan the way she talks about your dancing skills. I can't wait to finally see the almighty Luna dance" Bada said with a big smile.

I gave her a warm smile and waved as I got in the car. She went back to the other side of the car where the sidewalk is and waved before I drove off. On my drive back to our apartment, I couldn't help but feel happy. I don't know if it's because of seeing all my besties again and meeting Bada again, or if it's because I'm excited to go to the dance studio tomorrow. I drove home listening to the K-R&B playing on the radio with the windows cracked just a little so I could feel the breeze (also to get the sickening smell of alcohol from Haneul out). I made it back home and it was a bit of a struggle to get Haneul to our floor. He came into the apartment and went straight to puke in the bathroom. When he was finished he went and fell right on our bed to sleep. I spent the rest of the evening unpacking the rest of my clothes and toiletries and organizing a few things until I felt tired. I changed into some night clothes and decided to shower in the morning because I was too tired. Good thing we don't have our good sheets on the bed yet (I hate it when outside clothes are on beds). It didn't take me long before I fell right to sleep. I made sure to set my alarm for 10 a.m. just in case Bada had an early class. I can't wait for tomorrow!

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