Sea of Stars 별바다

By NamNamm03

20.3K 700 375

Luna Oakley just moved to South Korea with her boyfriend of two years. On the first few days of being there... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 1

1K 22 6
By NamNamm03

Luna's POV

Today I woke up really early. I gotta head out to the airport soon and I barely got my bags fully packed. I swear I'm sleeping the entire flight. I didn't even get any good sleep last night because my boyfriend Haneul was awake playing his game ALL FREAKING NIGHT!!! Like sir, we literally gotta be on a flight in the next few hours and you wanna play the game with your boys. Ugh, men and their priorities am I right? Anyways I just finished packing my last bag and it's so freaking heavy. I had to sit on it just to close it (smirks in big booty gyallll 🤭). I swear this dumpy is astronomical, but that's besides the point. FOCUS LUNA!

"Haneul, you finished packing yet? We gotta leave in like ten minutes. It's 6:23 a.m., the flight's at 7:45"  I yelled to my boyfriend from across the apartment. He was still in the bathroom getting all his smell goods and making sure he didn't leave any of his expensive cologne out from his bags.

"Seriously babe you gotta stop with the time watching, we'll make it there way before we gotta get on the plane. You're so extra. Calm down for once. You always make these happy events so fucking draining" he said with an annoyed tone.

"Fine, whatever I just wanted to make sure we weren't gonna be late but if you wanna be a smart ass then you can just drive your own self to the airport" I yelled to him but kinda kept that last part a whisper so he wouldn't hear me.

 I just want this day to go smoothly. Moving across the world can be complicated, especially if we leave something here and we can't get it back. Haneul came from the bathroom and went to retrieve all his luggage. He only has two bags meanwhile I have four. He ended up shoving most of his clothes in my bags so he wouldn't have to buy more luggage so I had to give some clothes away because everything wouldn't fit. It's ok though because I'm planning on spending a pretty penny at some cute clothing boutiques when I get to Korea so I'm not complaining too much.

As we finish making sure everything is packed, I look around at our empty apartment. Tears are filling my eyes as I reminisce one last time before I go. I can't believe I have to part ways with my first apartment. It was everything a girl in her first years of college could've dreamed of. It was a nice size for me a Haneul to stay in together. It has two bedrooms, a semi-large kitchen with just enough space for everything I need to cook and store things, and it has this darling living room with the comfiest couch I ever sat on. Imma miss this place so badly. I tilted my head up to keep the tears from escaping my eyes when I heard a huge laugh from in front of me.

"AHAAAA, you seriously can't be crying over a stupid apartment right? This old dump will not be missed. That's why I got us an upgrade in Korea. Quit your crying before I give you something to cry about"  Haneul said as he lifted my chin to look me in my eyes.

 I gave him a stank face before I rolled my eyes at him. I don't even have the time nor the energy to argue about something like this ESPECIALLY when I have no source of caffeine in my system. I gave the apartment one last look around before heading out the door. We made it to the airport with just a few minutes to spare for a much-needed coffee run before we have to board our plane. Haneul has been on his phone the entire time we've been here so I didn't bother asking what he wanted from the cafe. Going up to the line in the airport cafe, I look around for a menu. It was my turn next in line when all of a sudden the person in front of me turns so quickly and bumps into me spilling their coffee all over my plane ride outfit (it was so cute and fashionable. My poor little heart breaks for this coffee stain that I know won't come out 😪🤧). I gasped really loudly when I felt the iced Americano spill over my top.

"OMG, OMG, SO COLD," I said loudly

"I am so sorry. Oh my goodness I swear I didn't mean to" said this tall figure.

As the rest of their coffee spills off of my shirt, I look up to see who spilled it. Whoever they were, I could hardly see their face. I thought whoever was in front of me was a dude because of what they were wearing, an all-black baggy athlete tracksuit vibe with their hair tied into a low bun and a cap that covers most of their face. Turns out it was a woman. I could hear in her voice and see on her facial expression how startled and apologetic she was. Of course I wasn't going to hold this against her because it was an honest accident. I realized the woman in front of me is extremely tall for a woman. Like I'm 5'5 and she's standing way above me. As I've been lost in thought about the appearance of this mystery woman, I feel something being rubbed and patted against my chest. I look down to see her with napkins trying to get rid of the stain.

"Hey it's ok, really. I'm sorry as well, I should've been paying more attention in line, here let me buy you a new drink"  I offered to the tall girl who looked like she was about to say something then stopped herself.

We're both in line and I ask her what drink she had so I could reorder it again along with my drink and sandwich. We both step off to the side where we go to pick up the drink at the other window. I'm still patting the spilled coffee off my shirt but it's no use. This shirt's a goner. Looking down at my white shirt, which is now stained brown, I can start to see my bra outline showing because of the liquid. I try my best to cover my chest area but it's no use. I left my hoodie with Haneul and our carry-on bags. The tall girl can see how uncomfortable I am and hoping no one stares at my now exposed chest, so she stands at an angle that hides the front of me from the crowd behind us. She bends down to where her face is close to my right ear and she starts to speak.

"I'm really sorry again, here you can wear my hoodie. There's a bathroom over there for you to change."

I hesitated for a moment because I wasn't too adamant about taking a stranger's hoodie, but I knew with my shirt like this, I was basically exposed in this entire airport and I had to walk way across this entire place to get back to my things. The tall girl quickly takes off her hoodie and exposes the shirt she's wearing underneath. Now that I know I'm not leaving her here naked and cold, I hurry and take her hoodie.

"Thanks. I'll be really quick in the bathroom. I'll be right back." I say to the tall girl.

I rush to the bathroom and change out of my top and bra. I'm kinda sad I can't wear a bra on the flight though. I hate when my boobs touch my bare stomach lol. I hurried and washed my hands as I stuffed the stained shirt and my bra in my purse. I walk out of the bathroom to see the tall girl standing next to a table with our orders. I rush over to her to thank her again for the hoodie.

"Thank you again for the hoodie. I didn't wanna walk around the airport like that. Is there any way I could mail the hoodie back to you some way? Or do you have Apple Pay so I can pay for it?" I asked the tall girl frantically, my eyes showing nothing but sincerity.

"Don't sweat it. You can keep it. It's the least I can do after what just happened. I'm really sorry I ruined your top. I hope you're not mad. Oh, and our order came, here's for my drink." She says while pushing some dollar bills my way. I lay my hand on top of hers to push her hand back to indicate that she didn't have to give me the money.

"Hey no, it's on me. As a thanks for the hoodie too."

I hadn't realized that I never took my hand from on top of hers. she looks down at our hands and I immediately pull my hand back hoping she isn't uncomfortable. I could've sworn I saw her smirk at our hands though. I must be tripping from the lack of coffee. 

She coughs with her hand over her mouth and points towards the exit. We both walk out of the cafe to head towards the boarding area across the airport. We didn't speak about too much, just basic things like the weather and how we are both excited about how the season is about to change to fall. She seemed like a really cool and down-to-earth person. Haneul spotted us walking together a few feet from where he was standing. He couldn't see who the girl was but I could tell he was annoyed that I was gone for a lot longer than I was supposed to be. I quickly took this chance as a way to part ways with this mystery woman.

"Thanks for walking me back. I kinda gotta go though because my boyfriend's been waiting for me and my plane is about to board. It was nice to meet you though." I said with a smile. 

I ran off before we could exchange names because I saw how annoyed Haneul looked. As I ran, I looked back and waved at her with my hand high in the air. She waved back smiling with her hands lowered closer to her chest. As I got to Haneul, he practically almost tossed the drink out of my hand when he seen I didn't bring him anything.

"Seriously, how long does it fucking take to get some coffee. You were the one talking about time this, time that and here you are making us late. Wtf Luna" he said.

I gave him a cold glare and rolled my eyes at him taking a sip of my coffee. UGHHHH it taste so freaking good. I literally wanna give whoever made this coffee a hug and gold star because wowwww. I can finally just tune him out now that I've had my coffee. My eyes have been closed as I take in this beautiful creation of a coffee until I feel something being snatched from my hands.

"Haneul, wtf, that's my sandwich!" I exclaimed

"Mine now, if you had bought me something I wouldn't need to take yours" he said

I was point five seconds from kicking him in the balls. I didn't have anything for breakfast yet and that sandwich looked really good. It was a pesto, tomato, and mozzarella panini pressed sandwich. I would have ordered him something if he had actually acknowledged my presence and not just stared at his stupid phone the entire time we've been here. I close my eyes trying not to smack him in the head for eating my breakfast. I don't even say anything. I just glare at him while I get my carry-on bags and head towards the boarding area. I can hear him snickering behind me so I flick him off.

We finally made it on the plane and in our seats. This is the first time I'm flying first class, but I'm so excited. I decided to splurge on first class instead of business at the last minute. I was like fuck it and changed our seats last night. I'm good on money so I wasn't too phased about it. This plane is so nice! I finished my coffee before the plane could even take off. Some flight attendants came around to ask us some questions regarding food and other necessities. When we finally settled in our seats, I reclined the seat back and opened the window next to it. The beautiful bright outdoors lighten my mood as I think about being in Korea to start my journey. I snuggle up with a blanket and put on my calming R&B travel playlist on. I stare out into the window as we start to take off. A few minutes later, we're in the sky. My smile beams from ear to ear as I think to myself happy thoughts as I look down at the clouds in the bright blue sky.

"Here's to a new beginning!"

Hi everyone 🤗. I hope you guys liked Chapter 1. This is my first story so I would like to apologize if it isn't any good. Please give me some feedback as to how fast or slow-paced y'all would like the story to go. Also, this story will have some triggering scenes but don't worry, I'll make sure to put any disclaimers at the beginning of my future chapters. I hope you guys stick around for the rest of the story!!! One last thing before I go, this story is just for funsies and is in no way related to real life. I thought it be fun to share my delusions with you guys and make a fun story out of it. As of right now, the only side characters mentioned in the story will be those from the groups Bebe and Jam Republic. Any other characters in the story are NOT based on real people, for example, Haneul. Please let me know how this chapter was and what yall would like me to change going forward. With that being said, LET THE DRAMA BEGIN 🤭.

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