The Fallen Queen

By Lover23145

429 7 2

This will have smut strong Language and other things No daenerys targaryen in this story sorry yall In the r... More

intro 1
Intro 2/backstory Remi Baratheon
Where it all began
The runaway Queen of the north
The Unknown King
Consequences of ones actions
The guilt of Robb & Stannis finding out the truth
The meeting
Ours is the Fury
bloody hell
The Dagger
the fall
over the wall
maybe it could work?
Leave You..
back from the dead..?
Still love you
its always been you
can we speak..
bring him to me
together again?

the aftermath

13 0 2
By Lover23145

The night was as dark as Remi's soul, the moon hidden behind a shroud of thick clouds. The encampment was restless, the occasional clash of weapons and distant cries of soldiers echoing through the stillness. War had transformed the peaceful countryside into a land of chaos and suffering, and Remi had become a reluctant witness to its horrors.

The tent that Remi shared with Renly was dimly lit by a single flickering candle, casting eerie shadows that danced along the canvas walls. She sat at a small wooden table, a piece of parchment in front of her and a quill in her hand, though her thoughts were far from the task at hand.

Renly, ever the caring uncle, observed her with concern. He knew the weight she carried, the pain she had endured at the hands of those she had once held dear. "Remi, my dear, you should rest. You've been through so much. This letter can wait."

Remi's gaze remained fixed on the parchment as she replied, her voice filled with a weariness that seemed beyond her years. "I can't sleep, Uncle. The weight of these choices, the betrayal... it's like an anchor around my heart." Renly approached her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I wish there was more I could do to ease your suffering. You're not alone, you know. You have friends who care deeply for you."

The memory of the confrontation in the pavilion still haunted Remi. She had lashed out in anger and had found a momentary release, but it was followed by an overwhelming sense of loss and emptiness. She had lost her husband, her marriage, and the stability she had once known. Margaery Tyrell, who had become a dear friend to Remi, entered the tent, her eyes filled with compassion. "Remi, I brought you some tea," she said, setting a steaming cup in front of her. "Perhaps it will help ease your troubled mind."

Remi managed a small smile of gratitude as she wrapped her hands around the warm cup, letting the fragrant steam envelop her senses. She took a sip, and the soothing chamomile and honey brought a momentary sense of calm. Loras Tyrell, standing beside Margaery, added his support. "We know that you're facing an unimaginable burden, Remi. But we're here for you, always."

With a heavy heart, Remi nodded. She had lost her family, her marriage, and the innocence of her youth. The choices that had been forced upon her had left her with little more than her determination and resilience. Robb Stark, not far from Remi's tent, was grappling with his own torment. The guilt that had gnawed at him since he had betrayed Remi had become a constant companion. He had sworn to win her back, to mend the wounds he had inflicted, but the path forward was anything but clear.

Catelyn Stark, his mother, watched him closely. She understood the depths of his remorse and the agony that had consumed him. "Robb, my son, I can see the pain in your eyes. You must find a way to make amends. Remi deserves that much." Robb's voice was filled with desperation as he responded, "I know, Mother. But she's so filled with anger and hurt. I don't know if she'll ever forgive me."

Catelyn's gaze softened as she reached out to her son. "You can't change the past, Robb, but you can shape the future. Your actions will determine whether she finds it in her heart to forgive you." As dawn approached, the sounds of war grew louder, the turmoil of the battlefield drawing nearer. The weight of past betrayals and the uncertainty of the future hung heavily over the camp.

Remi stood outside her tent, the first light of day breaking through the clouds. She felt as though she were standing at a crossroads, a place where the choices she made would define the rest of her life. The burden of her family's actions and her own heartache threatened to engulf her.

Inside her tent, the parchment remained untouched, the quill drying out. Remi knew that the letter could wait, but the wounds she carried could not. She had been betrayed, and the process of healing would be slow and painful.

As the world around her continued to descend into chaos, Remi made a silent vow to herself. She would forge her own path, one that was guided by her strength and resilience, rather than the betrayals of the past. The war had taken much from her, but she was determined not to lose herself in the process.

And so, as the battlefield loomed in the distance, Remi's resolve remained unbroken. The choices that lay ahead were uncertain, but she would face them with a determination that was as unyielding as her spirit.

The path forward was hers to shape, and she would do so with the lessons of heartbreak etched into her soul. Each step she took in the midst of the war-torn camp was a testament to her strength, a silent declaration that she would not be defined by the betrayals of the past.

As the days turned into weeks, Remi found herself drawn to the wounded and weary soldiers who returned from the front lines. She couldn't change the course of the war, but she could offer solace to those who had been battered by its relentless onslaught.

She visited makeshift infirmaries, where the wounded lay in pain and despair, and she did what she could to provide comfort. Her gentle words and soothing presence offered a glimmer of hope to those who had lost so much.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a blood-red hue over the battlefield, Remi sat beside a young soldier named Tom, who had lost a leg in battle. His face was etched with pain and defeat, and his eyes were haunted by the horrors he had witnessed.

"You should be resting," she said softly, her voice filled with compassion.Tom managed a weak smile. "I'm tired of resting, my lady. I want to get back out there and fight for my brothers."Remi's heart went out to him. She knew the price that so many were paying in the name of honor and loyalty. "Your bravery is commendable, but you must heal first. Your brothers need you strong."

As the days passed, Remi's interactions with the wounded soldiers continued. She listened to their stories, offered a sympathetic ear, and sometimes, simply held their hands in silence. It was a small comfort, but in a world defined by chaos and violence, it meant the world to those who had endured so much.

Meanwhile, Robb Stark was struggling to find a way to make amends for his betrayal. He had distanced himself from Talisa, knowing that his actions had caused immeasurable pain. But the path to Remi's forgiveness remained elusive.

One evening, as he wandered through the encampment, deep in thought, he came across Remi as she sat beside a campfire, her gaze fixed on the dancing flames. The crackling of the fire seemed to echo the turmoil within her. But he didn't go to her; he felt as if his words couldn't change any of the hurt he has caused. One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Remi stood at the edge of the camp, looking out at the distant battlefield. The sounds of clashing swords and the cries of soldiers filled the air. She knew that the war had taken much from her, but it had also revealed her own strength and resilience.

The path forward remained uncertain, and the wounds of the past were not easily forgotten. But as long as there was hope, as long as there were moments of compassion and understanding, Remi was determined to keep moving forward. The war could not extinguish the fire that burned within her, a fire that would guide her on the path to healing and, perhaps, to forgiveness.

And so, as the war-torn landscape stretched before her, Remi's spirit remained unbroken. The future was still uncertain, but she faced it with a courage that could not be dimmed by the darkest of times. The camp had been a whirlwind of tension and uncertainty as the battle loomed on the horizon. Remi had witnessed the clash of kings and the rising stakes in this brutal game for the Iron Throne. Her uncle, Renly Baratheon, had always been a reassuring presence in her life, a source of guidance and support. 

But that stability was about to be shattered in a brutal and shocking manner.One dark night, Remi found herself sitting in her tent, clutching a small, worn portrait of Renly. The memories of their time together flooded her mind, and she couldn't shake the unease that had settled in her heart. She knew that her father, Stannis Baratheon, was marching towards her uncle's camp, and the tension between the two brothers was palpable. Outside, the sound of clashing swords and the shouts of soldiers grew louder, a grim reminder of the approaching battle. Remi had decided to stay with her uncle Renly, even though it meant being at odds with her father. She believed in her uncle's claim to the throne and had pledged her allegiance to his cause. 

As the night wore on, Remi couldn't escape the ominous feeling that something terrible was about to happen. She emerged from her tent, her footsteps heavy with dread, and made her way to Renly's pavilion. It was there that she witnessed a sight that would haunt her for the rest of her days. Inside the pavilion, Renly stood in his resplendent armor, surrounded by his loyal guards. He wore a determined expression, ready to lead his men into battle on the morrow. But in an instant, the very air seemed to change, and shadows twisted and danced. Remi's heart pounded as she watched, unable to comprehend the horror that unfolded. 

From the shadows emerged a grotesque and unnatural creature, a shadowy figure wearing the face of her father, Stannis. The dark, ethereal being was the embodiment of the Red Priestess Melisandre's dark magic, a shadow assassin created to murder Renly and clear the path for Stannis's claim to the throne. Remi's eyes widened in sheer terror as she realized what she was witnessing. The shadowy doppelganger of her father raised a shadowy, blade-like arm, and in one swift, nightmarish motion, it plunged the weapon into Renly's heart. A choked gasp escaped Remi's lips as her uncle's eyes filled with pain and betrayal, his life slipping away in the blink of an eye. 

Renly crumpled to the ground, his life force extinguished, and the shadowy assassin seemed to evaporate into nothingness. The guards in the pavilion were too late to react, the horror of the event paralyzing them. Remi's heart ached with grief and shock as she watched the life drain from her beloved uncle, and her vision blurred with tears. The camp erupted into chaos as news of Renly's death spread like wildfire. The alliance he had built, the dreams of a better realm, had been extinguished by dark magic and familial conflict. Remi felt a crushing weight on her shoulders, the loss of her uncle leaving an indelible scar on her soul. 

As her father's forces descended on the camp, Remi was left with no choice but to flee, her allegiance to her uncle's cause now a dangerous liability. She had witnessed the unimaginable, the murder of Renly by her own father's shadow, and her path forward was shrouded in uncertainty and grief. In the darkness of the night, she slipped away, leaving behind the life she had known and the family torn asunder by power, ambition, and dark sorcery. The memory of Renly's death would haunt her, a constant reminder of the cruel and unpredictable nature of the world she inhabited. But in those moment she relize that she has no where to go she could not go to robb at all but where would she go but thats when it hit her....

Castle black.

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