Met Her Through The Media

Oleh SapphireeVixenn

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Nadalia Saint An ambitious, outgoing, persuading and level-heded girl attending her first years of universit... Lebih Banyak

Meet Nadalia
Meet Dakota
*Authors Note*
❦Night before
❦ Small world
❦Why are you laughing
❦Dads will be dads
❦Spark one up for friends
❦ Fox Chapter For The Books
❦That was unexpected
❦Long Saturday
❦Stomach of..Frogs?
❦No time for denial
❦Niylah the Hair-apist
❦You like Ambré?
❦So much going on
❦It was needed
❦She knows
❦Truth or Drink
❦Held Convos
❦What will this mean?
❦Just admit it
❦Pretty girls mope too
❦Satisfaction brought it back
❦Kickback not so kick-backed?
❦One thing to another
❦Problem Solved
❦Not a Date
❦Miss Scorpio
❦Miss Taurus
❦Standing on what?
❦In the Midst
❦Actions have Consequences
❦What a feeling

❦Bestie Time

504 25 4
Oleh SapphireeVixenn

October 17th

"Isn't that a good thing though?" Tiana asked. It was now two days after that I went out with my mom and was told the news of her and my dad's temporary separation.

I drank the last sip of my smoothie before responding "I mean yeah I guess but I don't know guess a part of me wanted them to work it out or some shit."

Tiana hummed at my reply, "but don't you and your dad be in it and stuff?"

I sighed at her response because she was right. He pisses me off a lot from what he say and the actions he perform. I think deep down inside I wanted them to work out for my own self. I guess if they were able to work it out then maybe I'd be able to change my views on love. I never had the want to do so because seeing them go from the most in love pair to a toxic one was enough for me but after me and my moms talk, the urge to have a change in perspective on the whole thing came. Which was weird and something I didn't really wanna read much into or dwell on.

"Guess I just wanted different for my moms sake" I ended up saying. It was true, just not all the way.

I got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen, rinsing out my mason jar before sitting in the sink.

"Well enough of that shit what's up with you and Mason," I changed the topic while walking to my room, Tiana getting up from the couch to follow me.

I felt her hand push my shoulder forward causing me to cackle, "his name is Maurice bitch and you know that." She then plopped on my bed.

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my rolling tray and weed from off my night stand before sitting on the edge of my bed. I needed to un-sober myself quick. I already had to speak on my parents and think on something I ain't really want to and now I gotta hear about my lover ass best friend and her fuck ass "man".

"Whatever the nigga name is," I lit my blunt to my lips as I waited for her to speak.

I heard her sigh pretty deeply, it made me look over my shoulder at her to see that her face kind of had a drop to it.

"It's good and all but he got too much shit going on like I be wanting to have more time with him but he got school, the frat and track to deal with."

Thought her ass was gonna say how i was right

I nodded my head slowly as I inhaled the blunt two times before passing it over to Tiana and fixing my position so that I can lay up against my headboard.

"I still think you should just drop him or at least make yourself more unavailable to him," I stated with a shrug. I'm not no hater or anything but it's just obvious he a player. I mean come on now the nigga is in a frat for one, for two he got a loc bob and three it's college and he stay on campus. The proof is in the pudding or however the saying goes.

She passed me the blunt back as she took a sip from her water bottle, "yeah yeah yeah I heard," she rolled her eyes, "and I know," she then said in a mutter, looking down at her nails.

Sensing she felt down about herself I decided to move from the topic with something she likes talking about, "you did those yourself?" I pointed to the Jack Skeleton themed stiletto shaped nails.

She brought her hands from her lap to show them more off to me, "yeah I'm planning on doing like Halloween specials starting on the 22nd so I'm tryna practice more with the fine lines with spooky designs and stuff."

She began to do more hand posing as her voice began to get more heightened in excitement, it brought a small smile to my face.

I ashed my blunt before taking another pull, "they look good. You should do mine," I spoke after my exhale. Once the words left my mouth she broke out into a shoulder shaking laughter.

So damn dramatic

"Girl please as fuck you don't even like having your nails done," she exclaimed once her laughter calmed down and took another sip of her water.

I took the last pull from the tobacco wrapped marijuana before ashing it and putting my phone on the charger, "that's not true, I get them done."

"Not like that, and you either just get your regular nails done or some short ass square shaped ones," She flicked her hand as if to shoo me away, causing me to slap her hand down.

"That's having them done dumbass."

She pushed me in my shoulder, "shut up," I looked at her with my eyes in slits for a moment before I pushed her shoulder back, harder than how she pushed mine, "stop pushing me in my damn shoulder midget."

Tiana scoffed at my words as she jerked her head back, "that's a rude word Dakota and you're literally three in a half inches taller than me, don't do that!"

I shook my head while I giggled before reaching over to my plugged up phone. I went to my messages to see what Kendra was talking about.

Thing 2
Hey Kota can you do these forces for me

Yea for sure what you want done to em

Thing 2
Shit, Freestyle

You sure?

Thing 2
Nah I'm just talkin out my ass😒

Ight now

Thing 2
Lemme know when I can drop em off to you


I left from our thread, all my other messages on display. Underneath Kendra's thread was Tiana's. Underneath hers was my mama's and underneath hers was Nadalia's..

Nadalia's message been sitting unopened since it was sent Saturday. I had seen the message but I was still processing my parents shit and didn't wanna interact with anyone knowing that my mood wasn't there. When I was in a better mood, which was the next day. I felt it was way too long that her messages was sitting in there that it would've been disrespectful to reply. I also didn't see her today being that our shared class was cancelled for today, meaning I ain't have the chance to talk in person which I would deem to be reasonable.

She hasn't sent another message which I don't blame her for cause hell I wouldn't either but I do feel shitty I hope she don't think my no response has something to do with our talk..

I feel she might do because she had posted a video the other day with her hair done, she looked real good so I sent a heart eyes emoji and all she did was like the message. I was hella salty but it also made my heart lowkey drop in a word I can't use to express. I didn't like that though.

I turned my phone off and cracked my knuckles as I turned towards the lightskin girl, "Aye Tee, imma have you do me and someone else nails when you start your little halloween thing."

Her head snapped from her phone screen and to my face, a scowl painted upon her.

"Um the fuck you mean 'have me do' reword that," She pointed her pointer finger at me in a scolding manner. The action causing me to laugh.

Rolling my eyes I let out a dramatic sigh, "can you do me and and someone else's nails for halloween?" My tone dry and filled with monotone as I reworded my previous statement.

"Oh okay anywho-," before she finished whatever the hell she was going to say, I cut her off with a hand held up.

"Ight now nigga don't do all that 'oh okay' crap like you pressing me."

"Anywho, like I was saying. Who's this 'someone else' that you speaking of?" Tiana questioned, completely ignoring what I was saying.

Now I haven't really spoke much about me and Nadalia since the time I was speaking of my speculations of her potential liking of me. Now that I'm thinking back on that day, maybe I had feelings for Nadalia since then and just ain't either noticed it till later or what.

Okay brain I don't wanna divulge into this right now

Moving on. I haven't caught Tiana up on the whole situation because I wasn't sure of it myself yet anyways and I also just wanted something to myself, Tiana literally knows my whole damn life except for Nadalia. It was refreshing and exhilarating in a way.

"Don't worry about that until you see them," I said in dismal of her question.

A smirk started to grow on her face, making me roll my eyes as I can already hear the teasing coming from between her lips.

"Is it a girl, or a boy?" Her shoulders bouncing up and down in playful sensuality. I knew she was going to say some bullshit but I ain't no it was gonna be that far.

"Tianna mills, don't play with me like that. You know damn well I've never been with a dude and never will!" Just the thought disgusted me. Even speaking of me along male adjectives in the same sentence made me want to snatch my own tongue from my mouth.

Okay maybe I'm being a little too dramatic but still

All Tiana did in response was shrug her shoulders with a smirk that screamed 'I'm going to say more bullshit'.

"Who knows. Maybe you wanted to dip your toes in boy island for the one ti-," I stood from my bed and picked up her purse from the floor at the end of it, after picking it up I then began walking towards my bedroom door while extending my arm and the bag out to her.

"Ight Tiana I think it's time for you to go home, don't you got some toes and fingers to paint and acrylic."

I was oh so serious but you wanna know who wasn't taking me as such? Tiana-I love loc bobs who be playing as well as my ex girlfriend on the low-MILLS.

She was laughing so hard that her hand was clutching her stomach. After a few more seconds and the wiping of exaggerated spilled tears she spoke, "oh fuck you so funny Dakota, you know I'm playing put my purse down."

I stood by the door still for a few beats before dropping the purse in the door way and walking over it and back to my bed, plopping on it and turning on my side away from her.

I felt the side of my bed lift as she got up from it to retrieve her purse, "and you call me the drama queen," she giggled.


October 17th

After our classes me and Indiah decided to go to Target to stock up on some needed things as well as just to do something.

"Girl fuck her, and don't take that literal," Indiah said as she was pushing the cart with folded arms.

As we were shopping I was catching Indiah up on the whole Dakota ordeal as well as her not texting me back but can reply to my story. I was meant to discuss this with her yesterday but she was busy with her family.

I dropped the two Dove body washes I picked from the shelf into the cart before looking over at the girl in white, "I thought you liked her?"

She scoffed before continuing pushing the cart with me following.

"I did but she playing and I don't fuck with that behavior. Until she come correct and with some valid reasonings then it's fuck her cause how you gonna admit feelings and act like everything cool then be weird the next day but still act like everything good."

My best friend ranted out. Her eyebrows furrowed and her hands acting out her words in a fast pace. Talking with her hands is something she did when she was passionate about something or frustrated. In this case I think she's passionate in her frustration over me and my problem.

Her words were completely different than Niylah's. It gave me a whole new perspective and I wasn't even all the way adapted to the one Niylah had given. This is all just too stressful, no wonder girls be going crazy nowadays. I already have to much to worry about and this cannot be my biggest worry, I refuse it to be. Whatever isn't meant just isn't meant and it's how life is oh well. If it is, it'll come on its own but I do still want to have a proper conversation with Dakota and still continue a great friendship.

My God it feels like my whole life is about this girl, do this go for straight people too or is it just a queer thing

"Yeah," I sighed out as we turned down the haircare isle, "well at least she helped me figure a part of myself out."

"Which is what? That you Dakotasexual?" She joked out.

"Ha ha bitch, no," I spoke. Pulling a chuckle from the taller girl as she picked up a bottle of shampoo and conditioner.

I picked up two bottles of my own before finishing my statement, "I was going to say Pansexual and maybe aromatic, I don't know on that yet but I do know that I'm in-fact pan!" I said with complete confidence and sureness. It felt good to finally be able to identify myself and be able to regain my self assurance that I had seem to be missing recently.

"Well that's good I'm proud of you Dolly, one less mind fuck," Indiah said in a cheery tone and flashing me a cheeky smile as she leaned in to give me a hug.

I laughed at her behavior before hugging her back.

"This hug feels like one you give to your kid when they graduate," I joked as we both pulled away and began to finish our shopping.

"You graduated from Confused Academy so it fits," She joked in return.

We both broke out into laughter as we started making our way to the snacks.

When we were finished at Target, we went to grab a bite to eat from Canes before I dropped Indiah off and headed home myself.

When I got home I noticed that uncle A's car was parked in the garage driveway. I was confused as to what he can be doing here so late since his wife is so strict and loves to have him home at a certain time.

Taking my keys out from purse to unlock the door I was immediately met with multiple loud voices. Looking around I seen my mom, dad, uncle A and surprisingly his wife Erica.

"Dolly finally you get home!" My father spoke loudly as he walked over to me and threw his arm over my shoulder.

Giggling at his excitement to see me I threw my arm around him in return, "hey dad, is it a party or something I didn't know about?" I questioned in a teasing tone.

"Hey little Saint," Assad greeted me as me and my father made it to their view.

"Hey uncle A," I let go of my father as I went in to give him a hug, "what are you two doing here, and hey Erica I missed seeing you," I released my father's best friend to give Erica a rocking hug.

"I missed seeing you too. I heard you been doing much good things especially taking in majorette. You know I use to dance in school, i'd have to come see your next performance for sure," she spoke excitedly.

Her apple shaped cheekbones protruding with her widening smile. Erica was such a sweet and comedic person. She was also very beautiful with her tan skin and long legs. Her chestnut brow curly hair that she loved to show off always framing her soft round face.Uncle A picked a good one, he was lucky.

"Yes most definitely! I think our next one is next week I'll text you the exact day and time," I responded.

From the corner of my eye I seen my mom standing from the couch and walking closer to the little circle we had in the kitchen.

"Okay okay enough attention to my daughter for now, tell her already!" My mom spoke in quickness causing me to display a face of confusion.

"Do you want to say it or me?" Assad said to Erica "let's both say it!" she replied immediately, her excitement so evident.

I had a feeling what it could be, my heart already racing in joy that if it wasn't what I speculated just now I'd be saddened.

"We're expecting!" They both said at the same time, automatically bringing the bottled joy that I was brewing to light as I screamed my cheer and brought them both to hugs. My parents cheering again as if they hadn't hooted in hopeless in celebration before I got home.

To my knowledge. Uncle A and Erica had been trying for a child for a few months two years ago and failed.

I remember Erica becoming depressed during that time. She had felt she had failed as woman not being able to hold a child or conceive one. It was so sad to hear and I hated seeing such a joyful person be so brung down. Uncle A had told her multiple times it wasn't her fault and reminded her constantly of the woman she is and his love for her. Erica was lucky to have a good man as her husband.

To be able to hear that they are finally having the child they wished for all this time was so beautiful. It kind of reminded me of my earlier thoughts that everything happens for a reason and if it's meant it will come at it's own time. This pregnancy was meant just not when it was wanted but more so when it was needed.

-I was told how my in depth description of character outfits were highly appreciated which made me happy because I thought I was doing too much at first😭

-Anyways I hope you enjoyed this small chapter!

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