Double Fault

By Kayhey18

341K 6.9K 295

Florence Bonsee was focused on Wimbledon and her budding tennis career. What she least expected was Charles L... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
5 years later

Chapter 55

3.8K 94 5
By Kayhey18


I sat quietly on the couch in my hotel room after breakfast. My eyes were closed trying to imagine the final and result. It was quiet all around me and I could hear and feel my steady breathing.

For a moment I could envision it. The atmosphere and the roar of the crowd. The royal blue surrounding the venue. Across from the taught net was my opponent. Usually my opponents were scowling in my visions and I felt the fierceness required to win. But not this morning, there was Laurie with a smile. I could practically feel her embrace already. To my box I could see Charles.

My vision turned to him holding a blue blanket with a baby tucked into the cloth. The tennis court was gone and I was back on the deck in Manaco with family around and Charles at my side. My dad looked disappointed or emotional, I couldn't decide. Now my attention was pulled in every direction but tennis.

My hand fell to my stomach where my open palm cupped my flat belly pulling me back to reality. "How's it going for you little one," I asked quietly. After a moment passed, I realized what I just did and let out a small huff. I shook my head in disbelief that I just talked to my stomach for the first time. I realized I would never be able to clear my head for just tennis, especially after the last 24 hours.

"Yeah, my thoughts are busy too," I sighed taking my hand off my stomach. "That's because your mom is a disastro." I let myself relax into the couch keeping my eyes closed.

"Catastrophe," the word came from across the room surprising me. I opened my eyes to see Charles leaning against the door and looking at me. He was serious but his eyes were glowing while he watched me.

"Gee thanks," I grumbled.

Charles winked then walked over to sit on the ottoman across from me. "I just want the little one to know French too. Disaster, disastro, catastrophe. It's all very important."

A small giggle finally came from me after none escaped for the last day. "Oh they are going to hate us. Three languages?"

Charles cheekily held up his whole hand to me showing all five fingers. "Five," I asked curiously.

"Italian, French, English, Formula 1, and tennis." Charles stared at me wide eyed while I formed a smile back due to his goofy expression and hand held up.

"Hope they are a smart kid," I replied quietly shifting so I was resting against Charles side. He moved so I was leaned against his chest and I felt his arms come around me.

Charles placed a hand over my stomach slowly, his fingers spreading over the fabric. "This little bug is going to be a genius " he whispered into my ear.

"You sure?"

"Positive," Charles lips found my cheek. "Were you envisioning the win?"

"Yeah until you holding a baby interrupted me," I huffed crossing my arms.

"Boy or girl?"

I shook my head at his response. "Boy I guess, the blanket was blue."

Charles tisked behind me then spoke. "I was hoping girl." I smiled at the thought then let the silence consume us. I closed my eyes again trying to calm my mind.

"Are you still sure about playing?"

I didn't respond but just nodded my head to answer. While the news of my pregnancy dominated the first few hours, the reality of being a professional tennis player took priority afterwards. It was the question of the day, could I finish the tournament?

The doctor's answer was yes after all the work ups. My numbers were good after bloodwork, I was rehydrated, and ultimately the decision was mine as long as I forced myself to stay overly fueled over the next 72 hours. That meant obsessing over hydration, full meals, and scheduled snacks throughout breaks in the match. Bananas, granola, liquids full of electrolytes. If I could do that, the doctor assured there was no harm to the baby.

"Quiet that mind my love. We have all our lives to worry about the little one. Think about the match with me," Charles whispered in my ear. He led by exaggerating his breathing so I could follow.

My mind didn't go to the match though, it went to the last 24 hours or so. I didn't fight it or tell Charles I was too distracted, I let the events finally consume me.


I woke up at the hospital early the next morning to Charles passed out next to me. His hand near mine and his upper body leaned against the hospital bed. I could hear a slight snore escaping him. Daniel was to my right on the couch sprawled out and sound asleep.

My dad gave space choosing to sleep in the lobby last night but I knew he was near and probably stayed awake last night.

After the match last night, I almost fainted, my body giving up on me. It was a scary moment but all the medical attention kept me conscious until they got me to the hospital for mostly testing to figure out what was going on.

With it being an evening match, it was already late into the night. They were able to draw my blood and run tests to see if I had the flu or strep. The results wouldn't be shared until the morning but they wanted to keep me overnight for IV fluids.

I was set to be discharged early after the results, the current diagnosis was dehydration and exhaustion. Anything they could identify that night was normal. Blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature all showed to be within expected range.

The nurse slipped in quietly not disturbing the sleeping men. When the door was closing I saw my dad leaned up against the wall looking at his phone.

She gave me a smile realizing I was awake and whispered she'd be taking out my IV and the doctor should be rounding soon. I gave a sleepy smile in return while she worked.

As she was finishing, the peaceful room was interrupted with a doctor entering as loud as he could. He then flipped the lights on disturbing everyone. My eyes squinted to the harsh lighting, Charles moaned and buried his face into the bed, Daniel snapping up. My dad slipped in behind them staying along the wall. While I blinked I tried to study him. He was impossible to read not giving away any emotion. I decided right there he should have become a card gambler.

I felt Charles hand return to mine, I looked down to his scrunched up and sleepy face. His eyes were swollen and he couldn't hold in his yawn.

"Well for a bunch of professional athletes I expected everyone to be awake and already working out," the doctor boomed. I could easily tell what he was trying to do but it wasn't fitting the morning or worried mood.

I gave a polite sorry as everyone continued to perk up. The doctor moved the clip board from under his arm to his other hand and flipped a paper.

"Florence Bonsee, freshly 26 year old female. Tennis player?"

"That's me," I let out quickly.

"I heard you have an important match coming up somewhere around the city," the doctor asked with a playful ring to his voice.

My dad finally broke and let out a short grumbled laugh. The doctor smiled at my dad's reaction, but I could tell it wasn't to actually laugh or sound polite.

I did my best to keep cool telling the doctor sure.

His response came immediately. "Well I'll save the worry. Team, she can play if you're feeling up to it," the doctor said happily.

The tension in the room released and even I sighed. Exhaustion and dehydration I repeated in my head. I was fine.

"That's great," Daniel began.

"Looks like exhaustion and dehydration brought you in, BUT I do have some test results to share as well. Gentlemen, care to give the tennis pro and I some privacy?" He gestured his head to the door and before I could say anything my dad already slipped back out. Daniel got up, held his stretch, and made his way to the door.

"You don't mess around do you doc?" Daniel said tapping the doctor's shoulder before leaving.

My eyes were glued to the doctor but I could feel Charles eyes burning into me. I felt him shift but I only tightened my grip around his hand providing his answer. Charles wasn't leaving for this.

"Very well," the doctor said looking at the hold I had on Charles. He turned and closed the door. He cleared his throat when he looked back to us. "Ms. Bonsee, you may be the healthiest woman I ever met. No flu, strep, your counts are exquisite as Italian food," the doctor smiled. I felt Charles shift in his chair and I kept my jaw clinched to the comment.

The doctor laughed nervously offering a sorry. "While you are extremely healthy, you are positively pregnant," the doctor said with a smile.

Pregnant. I repeated the word mentally but it was Charles question that came instead. "Did you say pregnant?"

"Sure did. A congratulations in order to you young man. And to Ms. Bonsee."

This time I watched Charles jaw clench, his face worried but there was something with his eyes I couldn't identify.

"Are you sure," was the first thing I managed to ask.

"Not a doubt in my mind. You're playing for 2 young woman."

Charles did scoff to the comment which I appreciated. "Enough of the jokes doctor. You don't know us."

The doctor closed the folder and shifted where he was. "My apologies."

"Thank you," Charles offered back. His voice kinder this time.

"I'll let you two process this news and talk to your team as needed. I'll return in 15 minutes to answer any questions," the doctor offered out professionally.

I couldn't respond as the word pregnant was on repeat. Charles squeezed my hand. "Florence?" He couldn't hide the worry in his voice.

"Yes, thank you," I said quickly. The doctor offered to bring the team back in but I told him we would get them after Charles and I had a few moments together.

The door clicked shut and I could hear the ticking of the clock on the wall.

Charles let the silence continue waiting for me to talk. I could still feel his gaze on me but I was staring at our hands.

My first words surprised me. They were flat but not what I expected. "I guess we are really bad at taking pregnancy tests," I said and looked up to Charles familiar green eyes that were now crinkled and accompanied with a grin.

He let out a laugh. "Yes we are my love. Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I simply said enjoying the comfort of looking at his beautiful face. "We will be okay. We will be parents," I whispered immediately answering my own question of keeping the baby. It wasn't a question to be contemplated long.

His little grin grew to a breathtaking smile while he leaned in to kiss me. "We will be parents," he whispered against my lips.

While my body was boiling with all sorts of feelings, I remained flat. There was comfort in simply kissing Charles back at that moment.

Then we stayed close for a moment, Charles keeping his forehand against mine. "Our little bug," he whispered.


Charles laughed nervously. "I don't know, it just came out of me. You can get onto me for that one."

I leaned placing a small kiss on his lips. "It works for me."

I fell back into the hospital  bed taking a deep breath but kept our hands connected. It was the one thing keeping me grounded.

"Your mom is going to freak out," I offered out.

Charles nodded pulling my hand up to his lips. "She'll be over the moon. And your dad?"

"Wanna find out," I asked nervously. Charles held my gaze and nodded not letting go of my hand until I told him to get the door.

Daniel stayed in the door frame while my dad walked in and sat on the couch. I could feel the sweat building in my hand when Charles resumed the earlier position. His hand applying pressure to mine.

"Well," my dad said simply. "I imagine getting kicked out is some news. I promise to stay calm," he said with a touch of amusement. It was the first time he gave away his hand which gave me a smidge of confidence.

"I'm pregnant," I whispered. "You're going to be a grandfather."

I could barely look at him until I saw his lips turn upward. His eyes still carried the worry, but I didn't expect the little grin. "That's wild kiddo, if you're happy I'm happy," he offered out.

His response made me breathe a sigh of relief. "More shock right now, but this is happy news," I said answering his question.

My dad's grin turned to a smile and he stood. He walked over to hug me and gave me a kiss on the forehead. His smile shrunk when he turned to Charles.

"Negative you say," my dad said looking at Charles.

"It was 24 hours ago," Charles quickly said back. "I promise."

My mouth fell open at the words, but then my dad managed to smile again and pulled Charles into a hug. He stepped back and took his spot back on the couch looking at both of us. He never failed to surprise me with what he said next.

"As your dad I'm ecstatic. As your coach, you two knew how to prevent this if that was the goal. Correct?"

"Dad," I scoffed at his question.

He shook his head. "I'm sorry kiddo. I promise if you answer it'll help your old man and coach."

I glared at him while Charles took one for the team. "It's impossible and miraculous as it could be Gregor. Your daughter's career is the most important thing to me," Charles said confidently but then continued and stumbled over his words. "Well maybe a slight shift is going on right now. Probably now her and the baby. Fuck. You know what I mean."

"I do," my dad said cutting Charles off. "And I'm happy to hear it. I am dad first," he added with a smile.

"Thanks dad," I said interrupting both of them.

"That doesn't mean I have a lot of questions for the doctor," my dad said. "As a coach."

"I expect nothing less," I replied answering his not asked question. Tennis could still be in the picture at least for the day.

"Well congratulations you two, I'll give you two a moment and come in with the doctor," my dad said happily then left.

Daniel offered a congratulations at the door and then it closed once he left. I looked at Charles relieved. He looked less stressed as well.

"I love you," Charles said simply gripping my hands.

"I love you too."


I opened my eyes and came to still feeling Charles rhythmic breath behind me.

"Okay," I offered out letting him know I was done.

"You imagine the match?"

I let out a chuckle knowing my mind was far from it. "Sure."

"You ready to take on Laurie?"

"Never," I responded and shifted so we could take on the day.

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