By GO5555_9

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Katie McCabe X Y/N ~Euro's Final~
Alanna Kennedy X Y/N ~The Call Up~
Sofie Lundgaard X Y/N ~The Merseyside Derby~
Lucy Bronze X Y/N ~I'm Sick To Death Of You~
Beth England X Y/N~It Will Always Be You Over Club Rivalry~
Beth England X Y/N~It Will Always Be You Over Club Rivalry 2~
Beth England X Y/N~It Will Always Be You Over Club Rivalry 3~
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Leah Williamson X Y/N~Jealousy, Jealousy, Jealousy~
Katie McCabe X Y/N~It Still Hurts~
Katie McCabe X Y/N~It Still Hurts 2~
Katie McCabe X Y/N~It Still Hurts 3~
Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~ I can't Do This Anymore~
Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~ I can't Do This Anymore 2~
Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~ I can't Do This Anymore 3~
Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~ I can't Do This Anymore 4~
Georgia Stanway X Y/N~I'm So Sorry~
Lauren Hemp X Y/N~Why Am I Always The Bad Guy?~
Alessia Russo X Y/N~I Wasn't Good Enough~
Alexia Putellas X Y/N~Don't Apologise, You've Earned This~
Katie McCabe X Y/N~I've Got You, My Girl~
Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~Trying To Move On~
Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~Trying To Move On 2~
Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~Trying To Move On 3~
Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~Trying To Move On 4~
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Bethany England X Y/N~What If?~
Lucy Bronze X Y/N~No More Leaving~
Lucy Bronze X Y/N~Oh God, No~
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Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~Passing Out~
Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~Passing Out 2~
Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~Passing Out 3~
Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~Passing Out 4~
Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~Passing Out 5~
Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~Passing Out 6~
Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~Passing Out 7~
Georgia Stanway X Y/N~Why Am I Agreeing To This?~
Clàudia Pina X Y/N~The Comeback~
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Aitana Bonmatí X Y/N~One Too Many~
Leah Williamson X Y/N~ It's All Over~
Arsenal X Y/N ~ Forced Out~

Katrina Gorry X Y/N~How Would You Feel About...~

4.4K 87 2
By GO5555_9

KG: What time are you going to be back, my love? x

Y/N: I'll be about half an hour, is everything okay with you and Harps? x

KG: Yeah everything's fine, we're both absolutely fine, don't panic. I was just wondering when you'd be back, wanted to make dinner if that's okay?

Y/N: Yeah sure that's perfect babe. I'll see you soon, love you ❤️

KG: Okay great, I love you too ❤️

Katrina's POV

I let out a sigh after my conversation with y/n. Truthfully, shitting myself for when she gets home.

I sort of lied, well, no, but yeah, I mean, everything is fine, however there is something, regarding me, and Harper. I need to ask y/n something really important, and i'm worried about what she's going to say, or how she'd going to react when I ask her.

So, here's some insight.

I met y/n when the Matilda's played against England a few years ago, she's one of the worlds best english strikers, we immediately clicked after hanging out whilst in England, as her best friend, Millie Bright, is close with Sam, who both obviously play for Chelsea.

And so, Sam and Millie arranged to meet up and Sam asked me to come with, Millie asking Y/N to join as well.

Immediately, we hit it off, from those two weeks we were in England, we had met up almost everyday, getting to know eachother, and if we couldn't meet, we'd be texting constantly.

We carried on talking more and more when we left to come back to Australia, we just couldn't go a day without speaking to eachother, despite only knowing each other for such a short period of time, we were just so drawn to eachother.

We were so close even after just a few months of talking, and when y/n had a short break off from club football, she came out to Australia, surprising me by coming to one of the Matilda games.

It was at this point, that I was starting my IVF, obviously I hadn't told anyone, not wanting to be talked out of it or anything like that.

Y/N spent two weeks out here in Australia with me, she took me out on numerous dates, and a few days before she was due to leave, she officially asked me to be her girlfriend.

It was at this point, I knew that I was going to have to tell her about the IVF if she was my girlfriend. I couldn't hide that from her, that just was a no no.

I was absolutely petrified of telling her, worried that she'd dump me and back straight out before she left to go back home, but very obviously, she didn't, which I was absolutely stunned by but so very grateful for.

She was so happy, excited and so supportive of me and my choice. It was a massive relief that I had her full support in my choice.

Obviously, she didn't come into this relationship expecting to potentially be having a baby, she had no say on the whole matter, as I had planned to completely do this on my own.

But, very thankfully, she didn't mind it at all, if anything, she was just as excited as me, which melted my heart.

The day she was leaving, I decided to give the pregnancy test another go, not having any good news so far.

I didn't tell y/n I was doing it, not wanting her to be upset with my sadness if it was negative again.

I got up very early that morning to do one, well, four actually. I waited very anxiously in the bathroom as I waited for the timer on my phone to go off.

Eventually it did, I can remember taking in the biggest deep breath possible before I very slowly turned the sticks around, and every single one of them, Positive +

I can remember screaming very loudly, which immediately woke up y/n, who was sound asleep in my bed up until that point, she came darting into my bathroom, panicked spread all over her face, thinking something awful had happened, but it was the complete opposite.

She was so worried, fumbling out so many questions about what was going on, I was crying at that point, and I just pointed to the tests on the side.

She shared the same joy as I did that morning, it was the best feeling ever.

But, don't get me wrong, it was very hard, dealing with the pregnancy mostly on my own, because of the distance. Y/N did her best to support me in whatever way that she could, but still, there were struggles, which I knew were going to be the case as I had planned to do it on my own anyway.

Y/N was playing for Manchester United back in England at the time of me being pregnant, so the only time we'd get to see eachother was if we played against eachother for our national teams, or if one of us had some time off to go visit the other, but that was very rare, most of our communication was on the phone.

Before my due date, y/n was selected and about to set off to Tokyo for the olympics with Great Britain. Both of us were truthfully, devastated, knowing exactly what the outcome was going to mean, but there was just nothing that we could do about it.

Then on the 16/08/21, Harper arrived. The olympics had just finished, but they were still there for a few more days for media events and other stuff, y/n did desperately try everything that she could to leave once they'd been knocked out of the olympics , but they just weren't having it, they wouldn't let her leave.

Y/N was absolutely devastated and her heart was broken, and so was I, but she was really hard on herself about it all. But as soon as they'd been allowed to go home from Tokyo, she came straight here, a few days after, finally getting to meet little Harper Ollie, she instantly fell in love with her, just like I had, immediately taking in Harps as her own child.

So now, she's currently playing for her new club, Barcelona, she's absolutely thriving there, enjoying joining her England teammates, Lucy Bronze and Keira Walsh out there.

But thankfully, we've both currently got some time off, which meant we could come back to Australia to visit my family after not seeing them from living abroad.

And Harpers first birthday is coming up, which leads me to what I need to speak to y/n about.

It's a rather big question for y/n, and a real commitment, i'm still terrified just thinking about it.

I was going to ask y/n if she'd like to officially be Harper's other mother, like officially, on her birth certificate. I mean she's raised Harps just as much as I have, she literally is her other mother, just not "officially", and so for Harper's first birthday, I wanted to see if we'd make it official.

I can't see how she'd say no, giving that she literally considers Harper as her own daughter, but I also can't help but let my mind overthink and worry about her saying no, and potentially leaving us.

Again, I truly just couldn't see her doing that, but, it's just my head, it can't help but think those things, I overthink, a lot.

I do my best to distract myself by staring to make our dinner for tonight, y/n's favourite, spaghetti bolognaise, I grab the ingredients and I start making our food.

As I make our food, I look over to Harper, peacefully sleeping in her cot we have set up in the living room for when she needs naps. Still finding it crazy that it's her first birthday coming up.

Eventually, I finish making our food, and as I go to dish it out, I hear the front door opening, signalling y/n was finally home.

"Heyyy baby" Y/n says as she walks into the kitchen joint living room. "sh-sh" I hurry out as I quickly glance at my girlfriend, before going back to focusing on dishing out our food.

"Wha-what, what'd I do?" y/n whispers into my ear as she creeps up onto me, wrapping her arms around my waist, leaning down and planting a few kisses on my neck.

"No, no, not you, look- She's asleep" I say pointing over to our daughter, Our Daughter, I quickly thought, smiling at that thought.

"Mm-oh" I feel y/n mumble into my neck, planting more kisses. I pick up our plates, turning around, causing y/n to break off from me as I handed her her plate, "Thank you baby" she said, planting a kiss on my forehead, I smiled at her appreciation.

We then quietly made our way over to the sofa, sitting closely next to eachother. We sat in a comfortable silence as we ate our food, none of us wanting to disturb Harper as she slept.

Once we'd finished our food, we both places our plates onto the table infront of us. Eventually I find myself pretty much sitting on y/n's lap, our arms wrapped around eachother tightly as my head rests in her chest.

After a while of resting quietly in the arms of my girlfriend, I decide to speak up, "Babe?" y/n's head looks down to me, "hmm, yeah?" she responded tiredly and quietly.

"Can we talk?" I say, biting my lip, full of nerves.


"Can we talk?" Katrina speaks up, she has a clear look of nervousness.

"Mhm, yeah sure. What's up?" I ask curiously.

My girlfriend lifts her head up from my chest, standing up, holding her hand out for me to take. I take Katrina's hand with no hesitation as she then leads us both into our room, shutting the door as she then pulls me onto the bed.

We both sit down on the bed, she has her legs crossed, sitting opposite me, and so I do the same by crossing my legs, our hands still in eachother's.

"So, what's up? is everything alright?" I speak up, gently rubbing the top of her hand with my thumb.

"Yeah, yeah. Everything's fine" my Australian love speaks up, stuttering slightly, biting her lip, again, showing me that she was nervous about something.

"So?, c'mon, what is it. What have I done?" I say jokingly, Katrina's face drops, panicking, "no, no, no. You've not done anything, don't say that" she ushers out, squeezing my hand. "You seem nervous" I say quietly.

"Yeah I am. You- You, make me nerv-Look, never mind. I'm just gonna have to cut straight to it" my anxious girlfriend stumbles out.

"Listen, so, obviously how you know Harper's first birthday is coming up real soon" she says softly, playing with my hand as it's tightly in hers.

"Yeah? of course I do" I say letting out a chuckle.

"Well. I-, I um, was wondering about something, something quite big and well- uh, important" Katrina stutters out.

"Baby, you said you'd just cut straight to it, just tell me. No need to be nervous, okay?" I whispered softly, giving her hand a reassuring, gentle squeeze.

" How would- would, you, feel, li-like to b-be, on, um, Harper's birth certificate, like officially be her other mum. I know you already are her other mum, we've always said that, but- but, I just, I was thinking of making it official, I get it- it, if you don't want to, it's okay, I won't be mad. I get it if you don't wanna commit to that y/n. But I, I just, if- if anything was to happen to me, god forbid, but if it did, there isn't anyone i'd want Harps to be looked after more than you, it's things like that i've been thinking about that have made me want to ask you, but- like I said, If you don't want to-"

I cut my nervous wreck of a girlfriend off, "Of course I would. I'd love nothing more babe, absolutely, yes, yes, yes" I whisper-shout, pulling my girlfriend in for a tight hug.

"Awh, yes, than- thank you" Katrina mumbled into my shoulder, as she quietly let out chokes, now crying.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't thank me. I've always told you and you know, I see her as my own too, I love her as if I was the one who gave birth to her. I would love absolutely nothing more. don't cry, please don't cry, my love" I whispered into her ear, moving myself to sit next to her and pull her onto my lap as she calms herself down, resting her head in my chest.

"I love you, so much baby" I whisper.

"I love you more" she says back.

"Well, I love you, and our daughter the most" I say softly, gently stroking her back.

Eventually we make our way back into the living room, standing over, looking over to Harps as she sleeps peacefully.

Katrina leans onto my chest, as we stand. I wrap my hands around her neck, she uses her hands to hold onto my arms as we look at our daughter.

"Our perfect little family" Katrina whispers, lifting her head up, I move back slightly to get a view, planting a delicate kiss on her lips, then going to rest my chin on her shoulder, my face muzzled into her neck, planting a few kisses.

"Our perfect little family" I repeated, mumbling into my girlfriends neck.

This was so sweet to write 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

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