By GO5555_9

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Katie McCabe X Y/N ~Euro's Final~
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Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~ I can't Do This Anymore 2~
Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~ I can't Do This Anymore 3~
Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~ I can't Do This Anymore 4~
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Lauren Hemp X Y/N~Why Am I Always The Bad Guy?~
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Lucy Bronze X Y/N ~I'm Sick To Death Of You~

6.1K 87 6
By GO5555_9

No-One's POV

"Y/N, why the fuck would you accuse me of that? Do you really think that fucking low of me?" Lucy shouted at her girlfriend, clearly hurt by the accusations, she's only getting more and more worked up with the current accusations being thrown at her by her girlfriend.

Her girlfriend, Y/N, is stood on the other side of the kitchen counter to Lucy as she paces back and forth, her anger, very clearly rising. Lucy stands with her hands resting on her hips as she waits for a response from y/n.

They've been arguing with eachother for a few weeks now, and from the very minute they walked through their apartment door after getting back from training, they were yet again, at eachother's throats.

"Well?" Lucy huffed out, still stood there waiting for an answer, but she still wasn't getting one.

Eventually, Y/N looks up at her girlfriend, who had a clear look of hurt, frustration and exhaustion, but y/n did not take that into account in the current moment.

"Well, you never said yeah or no Luce" y/n finally spoke up, sarcasm and frustration in her tone.

"OF COURSE NOT NO, WHAT THE FUCK, WHY DO YOU THINK I WOULD DO THAT TO YOU Y/N" Lucy shouted loudly, getting even more pissed off and upset than she already was.


"They're just my mates, y/n, for fucks sake. Am I not allowed to have mates or something? Are you that fucking paranoid in that little fucking twisted brain of yours?, huh? I'm sick to fucking death of all of your bullshit, pettiness and bitchyness"

"I'm sick to death of you and your accusations that i'm sleeping with Ona and Keira" Lucy let out, trying to not shout anymore, not wanting anyone to end up coming around the apartment with noise complaints.


I could instantly feel the tears form in my eyes as they started to sting and burn. Those words Lucy just said just kept looping in my head.

"Are you that fucking paranoid in that little fucking twisted brain of yours?, I'm sick to fucking death of all of your bullshit, pettiness and bitchyness"

As they kept repeating in my head, I two choices, fight or flight.

I quickly took the second option, darting for the front door and slamming it on my way out, not bothering to even get my phone, keys or anything of mine. I walked fastly down the corridor as the tears streamed down my face.

I tried to wipe them away as I quickly made my way out of the apartment complex, and eventually I find myself walking down the back street and off to god knows where as the sun started to set, I wanted to be anywhere that wasn't with her, right now.

Lucy's POV

I instantly dropped to my knees as the door slammed shut, slowly sinking myself down against the window, what the fuck have I just done?

Why did I say those things to her for? what the fuck is wrong with me. I've really fucked up. I shouldn't have said that.

"Are you that fucking paranoid in that little fucking twisted brain of yours?, I'm sick to fucking death of all of your bullshit, pettiness and bitchyness"

Those horrid words I just said to her kept on repeating and repeating in my
head, i'm a fucking awful girlfriend, fuck that, i'm an awful person. I kept on mentally beating myself as I instantly felt dreadful for what i'd said to y/n.

I sat on the floor, leaning against the window, crying and crying, occasionally sobs would choke out from just how much and hard I was crying, i've just yet again, ruined another relationship.

The more I cried, the worse I felt, and eventually, I was past the point of being able to control my body, I could feel myself about to throw up. I darted for the sink, instantly throwing up heavily, as I continued crying, sobbing and shaking.

No-one's POV

A few hours had passed by, Y/N hadn't come home, Lucy was still a sobbing mess in the couple's apartment, constantly making herself sick in the sink and wretch as she couldn't hold it in.

She could barely hold herself up right to stand above the sink, she had cried herself to exhaustion, physically and mentally.

Once Lucy managed to eventually stop herself from being sick again, she managed to just find the strength to walk over to the sofa, grabbing her phone, looking at the screen for any sort of message from y/n, but there was nothing.

Lucy decided to try and give her a ring, desperate to know that her girlfriend was safe as it was now late and dark.

Lucy held the phone to her ear as she heard it ring, before hearing a ringtone, her head instantly spins around to the noise, on the kitchen counter, it was    y/n's phone. Now this really panicked Lucy, she then noticed y/n's car keys were next to her phone, that caused a deep, twisting pit of anxiety in her stomach.

Lucy quickly thought to message the Barça girls groupchat just to see if y/n was at any of their houses, and just to let her know if she's safe or not.

All of the girls were quick to reply saying they hadn't seen her or spoken to her since training earlier on that day, and they'll let Lucy know if they hear or see anything about y/n.

Two days later

Still, absolutely nothing. Y/N was nowhere to be seen or heard from.

Lucy had gotten the girls involved in looking for her after it had been 24 hours, but no one had any luck in locating y/n. Not hearing anything for two days really caused Lucy's mind to wander off to worst case scenarios.

Alexia had come around their apartment after it being 24 hours since, trying to comfort Lucy, with Alexia being y/n's best mate, Lucy knew that she could rely on Alexia and trust her, and to also try help find y/n.

"Why, WHY, what, why the fuck are we just staying here Alexia, we need to be out looking for her for gods sake. What if somethings wrong? what if she's hurt? what if-if, what- if, she's dea-"Lucy let out, crying, but was very quickly cut off by her club captain.

"No, stop-stop, stop there. Listen Lucy, you CANNOT, think like that, that isn't going to help at all, okay? All of the other girls, and their partners are out looking for her okay? someone needs to stay here just incase she comes back" the Spain and Barcelona captain said softly, trying to reassure and calm her distressed teammate.

A few more hours pass by, and yet again, absolutely nothing. Lucy had even called friends back home to see if she'd gone back home to England or spoken to anyone back there, nope, nothing, another dead-end.

Alexia was constantly messaging the Barça girls for updates, they were all still looking out, even including Keira and Ona.

Alexia's POV

I've known about the insecurities y/n has had about the never ending rumours between Lucy and those two. I mean I get it to a point, Lucy and Keira did used to be together, and their breakup was very messy, and the constant articles and gossip on social media about Lucy and Ona.

I understand it, like when there is so much stuff about it on social media and it's unavoidable, it's gonna creep into her head and give her insecurities, anxiety and doubt, I think Lucy definitely should've approached it differently, but I do understand her frustration too.

Keira's POV

I'm currently walking down some beach on the edge of Barcelona, it's filled with high mountains and cliff sides. All of the Barça girls have split up trying to cover as much of the city as possible to find y/n, it's been two days and still nothing at all.

I, or any of the other girls have any idea what's caused all this, but one thing I do know, is that it has left Lucy completely distraught, those were Alexia's words, and that hurts to know, as something has to be really, really bad to leave Lucy in a state like that.

I carry on walking, near by the cliff sides as I think about everything that is going on, still keeping an eye out for y/n.

I walk for at least another 10 minutes, I notice a few people who are sat on the cliff side, all of them in groups, looking happy and laughing. That's until I look further down the cliff side, I see someone who isn't with anyone else.

They are sat on the cliff side, legs dangling over, hoodie up and head down. Obviously something didn't look right there, I wanted to approach them, but I didn't know if I could do it, worried about what this could end in.

I decide to walk up the cliff a bit more, getting slowly closer and closer to the individual that caught my attention the most. As I get closer, the individuals features seem a bit more clearer, from their body, it appeared to be a girl, or a young woman, wearing shorts, and a dark blue hoodie,

A Barcelona player-training hoodie.

Oh shit.

My eyes widen, it's got to only
be one person, no-one else is gonna have that hoodie, only us players have it, it has to be her, surely.

I slowly make my way quietly, now stood not too far away to their left and I get a better look of them, their head is facing the right way, so they obviously can't see that i'm stood there. I go forward a bit more, and I notice three specific details, on that hoodie.

y/n's initials and number 9, it's her, it's definitely her.

"I know you're there Keira" y/n suddenly says out loud, not looking at me though, but my eyes widen, how the fuck-

"Everyone's worried about you y/n, Lucy's in bits" I say softly, slowly approaching her until i'm stood just a few feet apart from her, I then join her in sitting down, legs dangling over the cliff.

"She hates me, Keira" y/n whispered, not daring to make eye contact with me. I frowned at that, because I know it's the furthest thing from the truth.

"Are you joking? y/n, please, listen- Lucy does NOT hate you at all, she is absolutely distraught and in pieces about whatever's happened, look, I have no idea what this is all about, but I know from what Alexia's told me, Lucy feels fucking horrible for whatever has caused all of this"

"She just wants you home and safe, we all do" I say as calmly as I could, not wanting to set y/n off or drive her to do something stupid.

Y/N doesn't respond, she just lets out a sigh, "It was about you" Y/N said after a brief moment of silence.

My eyes widen but quickly are filled with looks of confusion, she looks up to me, seeing my complete confusion by what she meant.

"What do you mean?" I asked, She looked at me, before looking away, then down into her lap.

"I accused her of cheating with you, oh and Ona as well, all because of some shit online that I let get into my head and was probably spread by 12 year olds" y/n says, choking of her words slightly.

I was taken back by what she'd just said to me. "Listen y/n. I swear to you, nothing has ever happened between me and Luce since we split. I swear down on absolutely everything, i've seen the rumours too, I wouldn't do that to you, and most importantly, Lucy would never do that to you"

"And as for Ona, Lucy sees her as a little sister y/n, she doesn't have eyes for anyone else other than you y/n, seriously. Trust me, I know when Lucy is in love with someone. The way she looks at you, the way she constantly talks about you, it's all you, you, you y/n, I mean that in a good way"

"Y/n, Lucy is completely head over heels for you and you only. Don't let some online trolls get into your head, because none of it is true, and I think you already know that, you've just let it build up and up and it's all exploaded from being kept in your head for too long" I finish off, y/n eventually looks at me, tears streaming down her face.

"Ye-yeah, I-I know, I fucked up badly, accusing her, I can't face her after that, I instantly regretted it Keira, I- I d-do know she'd never do that, she's not like that, I don't know why th-the fu-fuck I. j-just let take over me" Y/N says, now crying and stuttering, trying to suppress her sobs, but that doesn't work.

I shuffle myself closer to her, pulling her in to my shoulder, she rests her head on my shoulder, quietly sobbing, trying to hold them in so they didn't get louder.

"Listen, I promise you y/n, you are one of me best mates, I know we've had our struggles and issues after everything, but wouldn't lie to you when I say, Lucy, isn't mad, she loves you so much and she just wants you home more than anything, she is so worried that somethings seriously wrong, I haven't even yet messaged them to let them know i've found you, everyone, and I mean literally everyone is out looking for you" I say rubbing her shoulder.

Y/N gives me a small nod in response, pulling herself off my shoulder before standing up, so I do the same, she pulls me in for a hug, "i'm sorry, i'm sorry for dragging you all out like this for the past however many days, i'm sorry of accusing you and Lucy, i'm really sorry Kei" she says mumbling into my shoulder before breaking off the hug.

"It's fine, as long as you're safe, which you are, it'll all be fine, I promise y/n, I promise" I say before we start walking away from the cliff sides and up to where I parked my car. I took my phone out and immediately texted the Barça groupchat.

Alexia's POV

Lucy is just about asleep on the other side of the couch from me, after not sleeping for the past two days, her body's physical and mental exhaustion beat her.

I sit in the silence of her and y/n's apartment, not knowing what to do. But before I could come up with something to do, my phone vibrates, I flip my phone and see it was the Barça groupchat, but before I could even click on it to unlock and read, it started blowing up, I unlock it as fast as I could.

Keira Walsh: I've found y/n.
Keira Walsh: She's safe, about to drive her back home, Alexia, are you still there with Lucy?

Mapi León: gracias a Dios, ¿cómo está?
(Thank goodness, how is she?)

Aitana Bonmatí: good, well done, Keira.

Ingrid Engen: Thank fuck!, yes, well done Keira.

Alexia: yes, thank god. yes, just managed to get lucy to get some rest. I won't wake her until you get here, she's exhausted.

Keira Walsh: She's okay physically, just completely exhausted mentally, and probably hungry, and yeah probably best to let Lucy rest until we get closer to there, don't want her to wake up now and be all on edge waiting for us, i'll text you when we're outside.

I let out the biggest sigh of relief when Keira texted us, letting us all know that y/n is okay.

I look over to Lucy as she sleeps on the couch, even asleep, you can just see how exhausted she is.

After at least an hour, I get another text from Keira, letting me know she and   y/n are only 5 minutes away. Time to probably wake up Lucy and let her know.

I get up from the couch, slowly making my way over to Lucy, crouching down to her, I gently shake her shoulder "Lucy", "Luce" I carry on gently shaking her shoulder, she stirred before slowly opening her eyes, I give her a small smile.

"She's been found. She's safe and sound" I say softly, Lucy shoots up from lying down, sitting up, eyes now wide open and awake, "Huh, what, where?, when?, who's got her" Lucy rambled out quickly.

"Keira found her. It's all okay, she's bringing her back now, they'll be five minutes" I say calmly, however Lucy has now stood up, pacing around the room.

Eventually, just over five minutes pass by, then the door suddenly knocks, Lucy was of course sprinting to the door, and had she opened it any quicker, she would have taken the door of the hinges.

I stand in the hallway to see Keira stood there with y/n, Lucy was quick to practically jump onto y/n, hugging her as tightly as she could, not daring to let go.

"We'll leave you two to it" I say as I grab my belongings, Keira nods, and I move my way through the couple as they stay stood at the door in eachother's brace.

Lucy's POV

"I'm never letting you go again, i'm so so so sorry baby, i'm so fucking sorry
y/n" I cried out as I pulled her into our apartment, closing the door with my foot, and pulling her to the sofa, still in eachother's arms.

I pull Y/N onto my lap, on me like a koala, our arms are tightly wrapped around eachother.

After a brief moment of silence, y/n moves her head from being tucked in my chest, looking up at me, "i'm sorry luce" she muffled quietly, planting a kiss on my neck as she rested her head back on my chest.

"i'm sorry baby, I shouldn't have said those horrible things. I didn't mean it, I said it out of anger, not truth" I said as I planted a delicate kiss on her head.

"No Luce, I shouldn't have accused you of all that. I know you're not like that. You were right, I am paranoid from shit on the internet, I know I have no reason to be, i'm sorry I thought that you'd do that, I don't think low of you- I- I swear" y/n said softly to me, her tears rolling down her cheeks and onto my

"My love, i'd never do anything like that to you, ever. I love you, and only you. I have eyes for you and you only, okay?" I say calmly, moving my one hand to play with her hair.

"I love you. So, much Luce. I'm sorry" y/n choked out, squeezing onto me tighter, "I love you to my baby, so, so much. I'm sorry" I whisper.

Our exhaustion quickly takes over our bodies as we quickly both drop off into a deep sleep after these hell of a two days.

I didn't expect this chapter to be so long, but I really enjoyed writing it, hope you enjoyed reading it 🫶🏼

Thank you again for all the love and support on this book as well as my other book, "No Escape From You" (Katie McCabe X Y/N. If you haven't seen that one yet, go check it out!) ❤️

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