Feitan x Reader; Tangled in a...

נכתב על ידי Jen_Fic_xxx

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With Feitan badly hurt, Phinks deftly kidnaps a healer: you. Your life then becomes forcibly tangled with tha... עוד

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The Head of the Spider Part 2
Through the Eyes of the 2nd Spider Part 1
Through the Eyes of the 2nd Spider Part 2
A Hunted Assassin Part 1
A Hunted Assassin Part 2
Bait for the Hunters Part 1
Bait for the Hunters Part 2
Bait for the Hunters Part 3
Bait for the Hunters Part 4
Small Spider on the Hunt
Trapped by the Hunters Part 1
Trapped by the Hunters Part 3
Trapped by the Hunters Part 4
Back with the Spiders Part 1
Back with the Spiders Part 2
Five spiders, an assassin and a clown enter a building... Part 1
Five spiders, an assassin and a clown enter a building... Part 2
Two Little Spiders Went on a Job Part 1
Two Little Spiders Went on a Job Part 2
Two Little Spiders Went on a Job Part 3
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Two Little Spiders Went Into A Game Part 2
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Spider vs Spider Part 2
Spider vs Spider Part 3
Three Spiders and a Bomber Part 1
Three Spiders and a Bomber Part 2
Three Spiders and a Bomber Part 3
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A Spider's Vengeance Part 1
A Spider's Vengeance Part 2
A Spider's Vengeance Part 3
The First Spider Part 1

Trapped by the Hunters Part 2

605 27 10
נכתב על ידי Jen_Fic_xxx

So, this is fairly dark, and I can warn you that it ends with a bad cliffhanger...
Chapter warnings: torture.

  ~  *  ~  

It was too soon that you heard the heavy door opening and closing, and then footsteps approaching. This time it was a fairly big group, the sound of their boots echoing through the huge room, accompanied by the sound of something heavy being dragged across the floor.

All three of you got to your feet standing together in the middle of the cell, watching the group come closer. The tall man was leading them, his white suit almost luminescent compared to the others' black outfits.

'Well, I don't need nen to fight these bastards,' Phinks said, flexing his fingers and rolling his shoulders and Fei grinned at him, matching his movements.

'You big baka,' Feitan said fondly.

Phinks just nodded, placing his huge hands on his shoulders. 'I've got your back. As always.'

They looked surprisingly calm and confident and you wondered if they had been in this situation before, if Fei had been in this situation before. With all the scars covering his upper body, it was all too likely, and a dread chill clutched at your chest, making it hard to breathe. Perhaps they had some sort of plan? Both your mind and your heart clung desperately to that faint hope, because you really couldn't see any way out of this.

Turning away from Feitan Phinks put his hands on your shoulders instead, leading you toward the back of the cell, and your tearful eyes met his.

'You don't know a lot about torture do you?'

'Just what I've picked up from Fei,' you said, wondering where he was going with this. Knowing about torture wouldn't make it easier to endure, that much you knew.

'Well, standard procedure is to go for the women first, simply for the psychological impact on the others, and the chances of this guy not knowing the basics of torture are slim, to say the least.'

Your eyes widened and you looked between him and Fei, 'Do you really think...'

'We don't think, we know. Fei can handle a lot of pain, as can I. And, hell, he...' he nodded toward Kalluto, '...can probably handle more than the two of us together considering his odd upbringing. You on the other hand...'

'I'm soft,' you whispered, realizing just why Fei had been so intentionally arrogant and provocative before. 'But he can't...' your voice failed you as you stared into Phinks's face. How could he be so damn calm? You wanted to scream the roof off, but the only sounds you managed to make were gasping sobs. 'He can't do this. I won't let him.'

'You can and you will,' his voice was stern and his face serious, 'Do not take this from him. I know he doesn't have many ways to show you how much he cares for you, but this is one of them. He can handle pain much better than you, remember that.'

His hands felt heavy on your shoulders when he added, 'Besides that, he'll be able to notice any mistake they make and use it to our advantage. You would not, you're simply not experienced enough.'

No matter how much the words stung, you couldn't deny the truth that, despite your past, you did lack experience as well as strength, but still...

The Hunters were already back outside your cell, and your eyes widened when you saw the heavy wooden chair they had dragged with them, as well as some ropes and chains. This chair was much too similar to the one Feitan kept in the basement back home, and the cold in your chest grew as you silently watched four black-clad men place the chair in the cell next to yours. Chains were swung over one of the hooks in the ceiling and you finally understood the look Fei had on his face when he'd discovered them.

'Is it too much to ask that you step out of there willingly, with some dignity?' Marti asked, dropping a heavy black leather bag next to his feet with a thump.

'Remember that you're not allowed to kill him. So don't get carried away,' Deb said firmly, 'We need him to be able to answer questions when the leaders get here.'

'Yes, yes, I know. Alive and without permanent brain damage. Got it.'

He looked back into the cell where Feitan and Phinks now stood side by side, their stance stating that they had no intention of surrendering easily.

'Oh for heaven's sake,' Deb sighed, then she reached into her purse for a small ball and tossed it into the cell.

A soft pink cloud quickly filled the space, immediately turning your body to jelly and you sank to the floor, noticing the others doing the same.

'There,' she said, 'they're still conscious but it'll be some time before they can move properly again.'

As soon as the cloud had dissipated the door opened and two men grabbed Fei by his arms and carried him into the next cell. Unable to even turn your head you lost sight of him, but the rustle of the heavy chains combined with your over-imaginative mind left you no doubts as to what was happening. Cursing silently since not even your lips would move you felt tears of fear and helplessness dribble down your face to soak the dusty cold floor.

Surprisingly nothing happened for some time, only silence and soft small-talk between the men reached your ears, straining to hear anything that was going on. Finally, you managed to turn your head enough so you could see into the other cell. One of the chains had been pulled through the middle part of Feitan's cuffs so he was hanging from them. Arms stretched upward, naked toes barely reaching the floor. They had stripped him of his coat and t-shirt as well as the bandana and the flickering overhead lights made strange shadows dance over his body. Fei.

With an effort, you lifted yourself on your arms and tried to drag yourself closer.

'Well, I'll leave you to it then,' Deb said, 'The effect should have worn off enough for him to feel pain now, so I'll take my leave. I don't enjoy watching the punishments no matter how necessary or well deserved they are.'

For a minute the only sound was that of her heels as she quickly walked to the doors and disappeared.

'Right,' Marti said, placing his bag on a small table, slowly taking out several things that you couldn't see. 'Or,' he said turning around, 'perhaps we just start in the old-fashioned way.'

He carefully rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and walked up to Feitan, looking him up and down. He closed his eyes for a second, murmuring something, then without warning he punched Fei in the stomach, hard enough to make his body swing far back, only to be met with another hit before he came back to his original position.

'Fei,' you screamed, your voice sounding weak and hollow, just like your legs it wasn't back to its full strength yet. You managed to stand, staggering toward Fei, but then Phinks was there, standing in front of you, efficiently blocking your view.

'Move,' you grunted, trying to go around him, but he caught you with his arms and pressed you against him.

'Remember what we talked about before?'

Somehow he managed to hoist you up so your head was at level with his chest, your feet dangling over the floor and your arms uncomfortably pinned between you.

'Hey, let go of me,' you objected, struggling and kicking fiercely for a while, but soon you gave up and buried your face in his chest, sobbing uncontrollably.

For all his calm demeanor, Phinks's heart betrayed him, it was beating fast, the pace increasing for each hit that landed on Feitan's body. The sound of each blow echoing through your entire being.

After what felt like an eternity it stopped, and you managed to peek around Phinks when he also turned to look. Blood was running down Fei's face, and bruises were forming on his chest and sides. Marti's previously pristine white shirt now had small splotches of blood on it, and he frowned at them when he went back to the table to pick up something.

'You forget ask questions,' Fei pointed out and you winced. Why was he trying to annoy that horrid man even more?

'This is solely for revenge and entertainment. There will be time for questions, and answers, later when the leader is here.'

He spun around and a long whip snapped against Feitan's side with a sickening sound, and you watched in horror at the deep red line it left. Phinks quickly spun around and pressed you close to him again. Each time the whip hit you could almost hear like a sob in his chest, and his arms tightened around you. Your body twitched with the rhythm of the whip and you were slowly losing your mind, stuck in the worst nightmare, unable to move, unable even to scream. There was no way you could take anymore and you started struggling against Phinks's arms again. Strange wailing sounds came from your throat as you tried to breathe with your chest frozen solid.

He looked down at you, 'I'm really, really sorry about this, but I promised him...'

His arms loosened their hold on you and you slid down until your feet hit the floor, just before his cuffed hands trapped your head and pressed your face against his stomach. His grip was hard enough that you couldn't breathe. What the hell was he thinking? Or no, you knew exactly what he was thinking, and while a small part of you was grateful, the bigger part hated him, hated them both for it. Soon black dots appeared before your eyes, your struggles grew weaker, and the blackness claimed you.

When you came to, you were lying next to Kallu, your head pounding, and for a blessed moment, you had no recollection of where you were or what had happened. Then it hit you and the fear returned with full force. Fei! Was he... You turned around and quietly got on your feet, your eyes drawn to him even though you were afraid of what you might see. He was still in the same position, but his body was now covered in deep cuts and bruises, blood slowly dripping down his feet to the dark puddle that had formed beneath him.

'Fei!' It was something between a cry and a sob and you ran to the bars separating you, trying to reach through them with your hands.

'Damn,' Phinks, who had been standing with his back to the cell now rushed toward you, but it was too late. Both Feitan and Marti had turned to look at you.

'Stupid,' Fei muttered, barely loud enough for you to hear it.

Marti stopped rummaging through his bag, and came closer to you, a puzzled but pleased look on his face.

'Don't tell me you actually care for this monster, do you? I thought you were all coldhearted murderers.'

'He's not a monster,' you hissed, shrugging Phinks's hand off your shoulder.

'She nobody. No important,' Fei huffed, giving you an icy stare with the one eye he could still open.

'No! Stop making it worse for yourself,' you had intended to shout at him, but your voice broke into sobs instead, and tears started falling down your cheeks again.

'So, you're his woman are you?' Marti looked at you with new interest.

'What if I am? That's none of your damn business.'

He chuckled, a joyless hollow sound, as he looked between you and Feitan.

'I'll take that as a yes. It's hard to believe someone like him can actually care for anybody but himself and his own perverted pleasures. Still, this presents me with an entertaining option.'

He turned away from you and stepped up to Feitan, roughly turning his head by the hair to look him in the face.

'Since you took my woman from me, I suppose it's only fair that I take yours from you.'

Fei spat out some blood and despite his situation somehow stared the man down.

'Your woman die because you coward. You run, leave girl to die. To torture.' He spat again, 'Coward.'

'And now you will be helpless to prevent the same from happening to yours,' Marti said coldly, 'She's awfully pretty too. Seems wasted on someone like you, so perhaps I'll make her mine instead. I have needs I haven't been able to fulfill for a while now. She'll be perfect to take care of them for me.'

His finger poked Feitan in the chest, emphasizing every word.


Fei growled something incoherent and somehow pulled himself up, managing a hard kick that hit Marti on the side of his head, knocking him to the floor. He slowly got back up on his feet, a hand pressed to his cheek, shaking his head to clear it.

'That was really stupid,' he said, punching Fei in the stomach, 'I guess she'll be the one to pay for that.'

He gestured to the black-clad men spread around the cell, 'Bring the girl to me.'

The whole group of ten men or so entered your cell, most of them keeping Phinks trapped while one of them grabbed you around the waist and carried you out, easily ignoring your attempts to break free.

The chair was built for people a lot bigger than you, so they settled for spreading your legs a bit so they could tie your ankles and knees to the legs of it, and then another rope went around you just over your breasts, preventing you from standing up or even leaning forward. Your arms remained free, or at least as free as they could be while wearing those damned cuffs.

Swearing, drawing on some of Fei's more colorful vocabulary, you pulled at the ropes, but of course, they didn't budge. Glaring at the man approaching you a familiar mixture of fear and anger filled you. You had survived men like him before, and you'd do so again. But making Feitan watch... How dared he do this to him? How dared he?

You sneaked a quick glance at Feitan, afraid that you'd start crying again if you looked too long, instead, seeing his rage fueled the anger in you, pushing the fear further down. His eyes were completely black, not from desire, but pure rage, and you knew that if his nen hadn't been bound, his bloodlust alone would have been enough to bring all but the strongest of your captors to their knees.

His lips were moving too, and you briefly wondered if he was uttering the same words as you, or if he was cursing in his own language. You rather hoped for the first.

'You have a foul mouth on you,' Marti was standing in front of you now, a small knife in his hand, 'I'm sure we can find better use for it than sullying the air with such disgusting words.'

He leaned toward you and, easily pinning your arms down with one hand, he cut your top open and ripped it off. A finger was slowly dragged across your collar bones, then he moved to the side, glancing toward Feitan,

'I suppose I should give you a good view of what's going on here.'

His fingers slowly slid under your bra, making your skin crawl and you clawed at his arm. Futilely. Ignoring your struggles, his other hand grabbed your head by the hair, tugging painfully hard. He chuckled again, eyes still on Feitan as he squeezed your breast, pinching your nipple hard, then he leaned in to let his tongue trail along your cheek. The look on Feitan's face that moment would haunt you forever.

The hand in your hair pulled your head back, tilting your face upward, and you stared at the ceiling, at the huge ugly industrial lights, every muscle in your body straining against the ropes and his touch alike. As you held your breath, frozen, his tongue and lips reached your mouth, and you did the only thing you could think of. Teeth sinking deep into what you thought was his bottom lip you were instantly rewarded with the metallic taste of blood as well as a grunt of pain. He pulled away from you, blood dripping from his mouth, and for a moment you reveled in the sense of pride and satisfaction that filled you. Then his fist hit you in the face and your head exploded in pain and bright lights before everything went black.

 ~ * ~  

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