It Started With The Crown✔️

By kayloves_

50.5K 1.4K 1.1K

Emery Montgomery is no stranger to the spotlight, after all when you're the heir to the English throne, priva... More

Character aesthetic
Room plans/ places
Introduction (pls read)
Chapter 1 | "her royal highness"
Chapter 2 | "valentine academy"
Chapter 3 | "you're joking"
Chapter 4 | "black envelope"
Chapter 5 | "the speech"
Chapter 6 | "34B"
Chapter 7 | "iced vanilla latte"
Chapter 8 | "late night movies"
Chapter 9 | "grocery shopping"
Chapter 10 | "tech something"
Chapter 11| "blood & sparkles"
Chapter 12| "date?"
Chapter 13| "parking lot"
Chapter 14| "lights out"
Chapter 15| "fight"
Chapter 16| "party"
Chapter 17| "carrington ball"
Chapter 18| "sundae night"
Chapter 19| "annie"
Chapter 20| "tears"
Chapter 21| "realization"
Chapter 22| "damage control"
Chapter 23| "mistake"
Chapter 24| "daddy issues"
Chapter 25| "favour"
Chapter 26| "london"
Chapter 27| "explore"
Chapter 28| "christmas eve"
Chapter 29| "jealous"
Chapter 30| "devils deal"
Chapter 31| "broken"
Chapter 32|"new york,new york"
Chapter 33| "breathe"
Chapter 34| "strangers"
Chapter 35| "gold"
Chapter 36| "rain"
Chapter 37| "peace"
Chapter 39| "champagne"
Chapter 40| "love and duty"
Chapter 41| "midnight"
Epilogue| "ever after"

Chapter 38| "yacht"

735 26 34
By kayloves_

A/n: this a reminder of em's date outfit because I know u forgot :)) (I completely did)

•Emery's POV•

"Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?" He asks as his eyes trail down my outfit, lingering on my bare legs.

"A few times," I joke, a blush rising on my cheeks.

"For you," He says holding out the bouquet of roses.

"Thank you," I smile taking them into my hands, and raising them to smell the sweet scent coming off the flowers.

"Where are we going?" I ask grabbing a black jacket and sliding it on so it covers my arms but not my shoulders.

The cold weather is just going to have to be stopped for tonight.

"A place," He states with a smirk on his face.

"Really," I ask sarcastically walking out beside him and shutting the door behind me.

"Believe it or not I know how to plan a date,"

I freeze grabbing his hand and causing him to stop walking.

"What's wrong?" He asks concern lacing his features.

"Paparazzi," I whisper, "They can't see me-," I start panicking.

"Oh is that it?" He shrugs, "Got it covered," He says holding my hand tighter as he starts walking again.

His hand wrapped around mine provided a sense of comfort I didn't realize I needed, while my mind still raced thinking about what could happen if they saw me and Grey together and took their pictures, but I quickly told that voice to stop.

If Grey says he has it covered then I trust him, but I truly don't know how he could covered it.

"Can I have a hint?" I ask as we get into the elevator.

"No," He says smiling down at me.

"Please," I ask.

"I love you so much but no," He replies.

"Rude," I roll my eyes playfully.

Just as the elevator bell dings and the doors open showing the main floor lobby.

"Ready?" He asks looking down at me.

"Always," I smile as we walk out hand in hand.

I stand closer to Grey trying to pretend like I wasn't freezing my butt off in this dress.

"This way," He says directing us onto a new path that wraps around the back of the building.

"Are we walking? Because I did not dress for that," I say looking down at my dress, the strands of rhinestones are blowing around because of the wind occasionally hitting my skin lightly.

"Do you really think I'd plan a date then make you walk there?" He asks shocked I would even ask.

"Not really but who knows what goes on in your head," I joke.

A man in a suit pops out of nowhere startling me, as he walks closer I hold Grey's arm with my other hand trying to move us to the other side of the path. Which backfires and instead of walking father we walk closer.

Grey reaches his left hand out to the man, "What-," I mumble as the guy pulls out a pair of keys handing them to Grey.

I look at the two of them confused, The man nods and walks away without saying anything.

"Who was that?" I ask as we keep walking.

"A driver," Grey shrugs as we round a corner revealing a mostly empty parking lot.

"Oh," I nod as he leads us to a fancy car I've never seen before, the windows are tinted so people outside wouldn't get a clear view inside.

"Your Highness," Grey says dramatically opening the passenger door for me.

"Weirdo," I laugh getting in, the driver must have pre-heated the car because it's already warm.

I shiver from the cold as Grey gets into the driver seat and starts the car revving it a bit.

"Now can you tell me where we're going?" I ask turning to face him.

"Still no, princess," He smirks driving off, I let out a sigh and look out the window.

We drive past the front of the school and I see a handful of paparazzi camped out by the entrance waiting to see a potential glimpse of me.

"Music?" Grey asks.

"Sure," I say grabbing my phone.

"Just use mine," Grey says grabbing his phone from his pocket.

"What's the password?" I ask.

"052204," He says keeping his eyes on the road, I lower the phone into my lap.

"My birthday," I whisper in awe.

"Mhm," He hums slowing down at a yellow light before stopping.

Still, with a shocked look, I type the number in and open Spotify before pressing play on a strictly Taylor Swift playlist and hearing the music through the car speakers.

Tapping the car's screen I turn down the music so we can hear but still talk.

"Is this car new?" I ask remembering I hadn't seen it before.

"Yeah," He nods speeding up as the light turns green.

"I like it," I say looking over the sleek black interior.

"I'm glad," He says moving his right hand over to my thigh, his thumb moving in back and forth gently.

Look over at him and catch his eye and I almost feel dizzy, "I love you," I state.

"I know," he smirks cockily and I roll my eyes.

"Are we almost there?" I ask trying to think of where we could be going.

"Not really," He answers and I nod looking out the window excitement filling me.

• • •

Lifting his hand off my thigh, Grey reaches into his pocket and hands me the folded-up fabric.

"A blindfold?" I ask confused unfolding it.

He nods his head, "Kinky," I whisper under my breath.

"We can make that happen, Princess," He says looking over at me with playful eyes.

"Keep it in your pants," I laugh.

"We're almost there, put it on," He says moving his hand back over to my thigh.

So much for having nice makeup,

Raising the fabric so that It covers my eyes I reach back and tie it behind my head.

"I don't like this," I say seeing only black.

"It's only for a minute we're here," Grey says and I feel the car park. "Don't move," Grey adds.

I hear his seatbelt unbuckle and the door open and then close, A few seconds later I hear my door open.

"I'm going to unbuckle you," Grey's deep voice says and I feel his arm reach over me and undo the buckle.

"What if I trip?" I ask holding his arm like a monkey while stepping out of the car.

I swear if I fall we're both going down.

"I wouldn't let you," He states wrapping a strong arm around my waist as he leads me forward.

The air is heavier wherever we are, and there's more of a cool breeze than there was before. That would make sense given it's still winter. 

I'm guessing we're by water based on the salty smell in the air.

"I'm excited," I say, the ground we're walking on changes from a concrete sound to more of a hollow, wooden sound.

We stop walking and I feel Grey's hand undo the blindfold before dropping it, I gasp looking around.

I was right about the wooden floor, we're standing in the middle of a dock in front massive yacht.

"Woah," I say looking up at it, the sparkling white finish reflects the city lights making the boat sparkle.

"Let's go," Grey says putting his hand on my lower back as we walk up the ramp onto the boat.

I've been on yachts before, don't get me wrong, but they've always been royal yachts, stuffed to the brim with furniture that looks like it came straight from our basement.

This however looks like something pulled right out of a magazine for billionaires. It probably is.

"Whose is it?" I ask as we walk through the main cabin.

"Mine." Grey states walking over to the wine fridge.

"For the night?" I ask running my hand over the velvety couch.

"Forever love, I bought it," He says like it's easy and my jaw drops as I turn to him.

"You bought a whole yacht for a date," I repeat shocked.

"The only way to make sure it was private was to make sure I own it," He explains popping a bottle of champagne.

"You're so extra, I love it," I say hugging him from behind.

"And I love this dress," he says his eyes scanning down my outfit.

Before I can say anything he hands me a glass of champagne and a man in a chef's outfit walks out.

"Everything is ready sir," he nods before going back.

"This way," Grey says leading me out towards the back of the bout and up a set of stairs.

Fairy lights are hung all around and lit candles illuminate the room in a warm glow.

"Aw, it's so pretty," I breathe looking around the room, there's a few vases placed around the room filled with roses.

"Do you like it? I can call someone to fix it if not-," He rambles running his hand through his hair.

"I love it," I say reassuringly putting my hand on his chest.

The chef comes in holding trays of food followed by more people holding more trays.

On cue, my stomach growls looking at all my favourites, including a massive tray of cookies.

Grey takes his hand in mine as we sit at a table facing the water, there's a white cloth covering the table.

"It's so pretty," I say looking out at the water. The city lights sparkle against the water like they are made of glass

I turn back towards Grey and I can't help but smile when our eyes meet, my stomach does enough front flips to qualify for the Olympics.

"You're my favourite person," I say randomly thinking of all the people I love.

"You are absolutely my favourite person," Grey laughs placing his hand over one of mine.

"That's good," I nod grabbing a glass of water and taking a sip, feeling hot.

"Where do you see yourself in five years?" I ask curiously filling the comfortable silence.

"Depends, where will you be?" He asks in return.

"Well in five years I'll be 24 and the queen of England, so not a lot," I shake my head.

"Sounds like I'll be in England," Grey smiles.

"I wonder if I have a secret older brother?" I say thinking out loud.

"I would check with your mom, why?" He chuckles.

"Well if I had a brother he could be king and I would," I say lightly.

"You don't have to be Queen," He says.

"Oh yeah, try telling my father that," I say looking up at him.

"I will," He nods, "Starting with you're mine, Anthony can fuck off," He says seriously.

"It's been nice knowing you," I laugh. We don't have a dungeon but my Father would build one just to throw Grey into one.

"Say the word and we can be gone," He states.

"Yeah," I nod, "Where would we go?" I ask playing along.

"Everywhere, we'll start somewhere sunny though maybe Costa Rica?" He suggests.

"Sounds like it'll be a long trip, might have to break of my engagement first," I add.

He chuckles dropping his head, "That would be best,"

"How does tomorrow sound?" I ask tensely.

"To go to Costa Rica?" He asks, "I mean I can have a jet ready by morning-,"

"No, there's a Gala tomorrow night," I interrupt his planning before he gets ahead of himself.

"I talked with Anthony this morning-," I can practically feel Greys eyes roll at the mention of him, "He's gotten both our parents to agree to attend, since it's a Family Gala, we were thinking after going out for a dinner, all of us and telling them then," I ramble.

Grey squeezes my hand, "Are you sure?" He asks looking in my eyes.

"I really don't want to marry him," I sigh exhaling a breath, "We agreed it would be better for us to just sign a bunch of peace things between our countries,"

"And besides he really loves his Girlfriend, who am I to stand in the way of true love," I add.

"You think it's going to work?" he asks.

"It's going to have to, I suppose," I say.

The waiter brings out the food and drinks just on time.

"Lemonade and chicken nuggets," I say smiling down at my plate.

"I figured it was a safe bet," Grey nods picking up a chicken nugget.

"Good call," I smiled happily eating my food.

• • •

Grey's hand finds mine as we walk side by side towards our apartment.

Darkness covers the city like a blanket, not many people are out walking around and the ones that are, look like they plan on waking up with the headache of the century.

Moving impossibly close to Grey as we walk to try to suck up whatever heat his body is giving up.

"When do you think the snow is going to go away?" I ask Grey holds the door open for me.

"If you ask it nicely maybe it'll listen," He says sarcastically as the elevator doors open up and we step in.

"I'll try that next time I'm out," I mumble back leading into his chest.

"I can picture the headlines now, Future Queen Talking To Ground?" He says dramatically.

"Hey, do you think Ryan wants to get in on the photo opt?" I ask as the elevator dings and I step out.

"That's not funny," Grey states grabbing my hand as I walk away.

"It was very funny," I smile at his now grumpy face.

"He left you in a parking lot," Grey grumbled.

"And you bought a boat, same thing," I shrug, very much not same thing.

Unlocking the door I push it open and flick on the lights.

"Don't worry, you're better than him," I say when I hear his scoff.

"I knew that, he could even begin to compare up to me," He says cockily.

"Yeah?" I repeat taking off my shoes as he shuts the door with his foot.

"I'll show you how much better I am than him," He says.

"Will you?" I say without thinking as I stand back up.

"You already know the answer to that, love," He smirks stepping closer to me as my heartbeat quickens.

His hands slide down to my waist holding me close to him, my hands go to his chest and I can feel his heartbeat through his clothes.

I smile at the fact his heartbeat matches my quickened one. A hand cups my jaw making me look up at him.

Rising up onto my toes I attach my lips to him in a hungry kiss, he responds immediately wrapping his arms around my body and holding me close to him.

With a little jump, he catches me effortlessly, wrapping my legs around his waist while not separating our lips.

My back hits the hall wall causing my head to fall back as his lips kiss a path down my neck.

Our lips reconnect as he takes a step away from the wall and moves down the hall. My hands rake through his hair as butterflies fly around my stomach.

Removing a hand from my back he opens the door with a push, falling back on his bed wrapped in darkness, he hovers over me careful to not put his weight on me.

"Tell me to stop," He whispers out of breath planting kisses under my ear.

"Don't stop," I whisper. 


Word count: (2600)

So... this is fun! An event and dinner with the fam, what could go wrong?? Write a list and I'll judge them.


(Yes, you got robbed deal with it, you will be robbed blind for the foreseeable future).

Please, Vote, Comment and follow me!!!!!


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