It Started With The Crown✔️

By kayloves_

50.6K 1.4K 1.1K

Emery Montgomery is no stranger to the spotlight, after all when you're the heir to the English throne, priva... More

Character aesthetic
Room plans/ places
Introduction (pls read)
Chapter 1 | "her royal highness"
Chapter 2 | "valentine academy"
Chapter 3 | "you're joking"
Chapter 4 | "black envelope"
Chapter 5 | "the speech"
Chapter 6 | "34B"
Chapter 7 | "iced vanilla latte"
Chapter 8 | "late night movies"
Chapter 9 | "grocery shopping"
Chapter 10 | "tech something"
Chapter 11| "blood & sparkles"
Chapter 12| "date?"
Chapter 13| "parking lot"
Chapter 14| "lights out"
Chapter 15| "fight"
Chapter 16| "party"
Chapter 17| "carrington ball"
Chapter 18| "sundae night"
Chapter 19| "annie"
Chapter 20| "tears"
Chapter 21| "realization"
Chapter 22| "damage control"
Chapter 23| "mistake"
Chapter 24| "daddy issues"
Chapter 25| "favour"
Chapter 26| "london"
Chapter 27| "explore"
Chapter 28| "christmas eve"
Chapter 29| "jealous"
Chapter 30| "devils deal"
Chapter 31| "broken"
Chapter 33| "breathe"
Chapter 34| "strangers"
Chapter 35| "gold"
Chapter 36| "rain"
Chapter 37| "peace"
Chapter 38| "yacht"
Chapter 39| "champagne"
Chapter 40| "love and duty"
Chapter 41| "midnight"
Epilogue| "ever after"

Chapter 32|"new york,new york"

739 30 20
By kayloves_

•Emery's POV•

The sound of something crashing startles me awake, rubbing my eyes as they adjust to the light I sit up.

A very shocked-looking maid stands beside the bed looking at me with wide eyes.

"I'm so sorry Your Highness, I wasn't aware you were in here," She rushes to say.

"It's alright," I say calmly and she lets out a sigh of relief, "Not your fault I didn't tell anyone I was here," I add with a light laugh, It feels wrong laughing, even though it's a fake laugh intended to lighten the mood.

"I'll come back later," She says going to turn around.

"Oh no, I should be going now," I say getting up and straightening up my dress.

Before leaving I grab the note which had fallen onto the floor sometime during the night.

Back in the hallway, all the Christmas decorations had been taken down and the place was back to its usual dullness. Quickly I make my way back to my room without passing any rooms Mother and Father might be in.

"Emery! There you are I have been worried sick," Mother exclaims from behind me, Letting go of the door nob I turn around to look at her.

"Same outfit as yesterday?" She mumbles to herself looking me up and down. "Nether the mind, Go along and change we have an event to go to," She says rushing me along inside before I can protest.

She's mumbling to herself and pacing around my room before reaching for the closet door, grabbing her arm I stop her, "I'm not going," I state.

Her head whips back to me, "What do you mean you're not going?" She asks.

"I'm going back to New York, today," I say sternly.

"No, you can't you're needed here," She stresses.

"I'm going, you're not going to change my mind," I state.

She turns her head away from me and shuts her eyes tightly, "Mother?" I ask putting my hand on her shoulder.

She looks back at me with watery eyes, I never saw her cry much as a kid (mostly because I never saw her) now I'm not sure what to do.

"I'm truly sorry," She whispers pulling me into a tight hug, I freeze for a moment before hugging her back.

She pulls away but doesn't let me go, "I'll arrange transportation, you pack," She says.

'What?" I ask shocked that my Mother just said that, MY Mother?

"You want to go back don't you?" She asked and I nodded, "Then hurry up dear," She said pushing me towards the closet.

"What about Father?" I ask, this makes her stop.

"I'm not sure," She says, "I'll tell him something came up at school and you needed to return," She decides.

"What about Anthony and the engagement?" I ask.

"Anthony is a nice young man, though it may not seem like it now he will be a good husband, you may even find yourself growing to love him," She explains.

"I will never love him," I state.

"I thought that about your Father when I met him for the first time," She says.

"I am not you," I defend.

"And thank god for that," Mother sighs, "You're smart, I'm sure you will think of something," She says holding my hand in hers and patting the back of it.

I think my Mother has been replaced with someone who looks like her...

"Now get going, we haven't a moment to lose, Unless you want to come with your Father and me today," She says grabbing her phone and rapidly typing on it.

I packed up all my stuff quickly since most of it was already out and I'm not stressing about wrinkling it on the way back most of it's stuff I don't wear regularly.

"That was Henry, the car is ready for you at the south exit he will take you to the airport where a plane is waiting," Mother informs me.

"Thank you, really," I nod.

"Of course," She says giving me a quick hug, "Tell Greyson I say hello," She whispers.

"I'll try," I say, I'm not sure what to expect, clearly he didn't feel like talking yesterday but hopefully he's changed his mind.

"Go, go you don't want to be late," She says hurrying me along as I grab my laptop to put in my bag.

"Goodbye," I say opening my bedroom door.

"Goodbye dear," She replies.

"Tell Bella what happened and that I say goodbye, also get her to call me," I add.

"I will," She smiles, I give her a small smile before turning around and rushing towards the south exit.

Just like Mother had said the car was waiting for me there, the door was barely closed before I told the driver to go.

My phone lights up from beside me and I grab it to check it. Bella was calling me.

"Bella, Hi," I say answering the call and holding my phone to my ear.

"Mother told me," She states.

"I'm so sorry Bella, I didn't have-," I rush out afraid she's mad.

"Don't apologize," She says. "And Emery?" She asks.

"Yes?" I reply.

"If you're going to marry someone, make it Greyson," She says making me choke on air.

"I'll remember that," I say once I stop coughing.

"I have to go now but promise you'll call more," She says.

"I promise, I'll call you when I get there," I promise.

"Good, now Goodbye," She says.

"Good bye Bella," I say ending the call. I put my phone down beside me and looked outside.

Bella's really growing up, I suppose she is almost 15. In my mind, she had always been the timid little ten-year-old who never grew up. Now she's doing just that, quickly too.

The rest of the drive is quiet, it's not like I really have anyone to talk to right now anyway.

Someone grabs my bags and loads them onto the plane, luckily because this was unplanned there's no paparazzi here, I'm sure that by the time I land the news will be out but until then I'm safe.

I pop open an umbrella as I walk towards the plane and up the steps.

"Greetings," A woman in a flight attendant uniform says to me as I pass her on my way to my seat.

"Good morning," I smile back at her, she rushes off after to do whatever she needs to do.

"Crew please prepare for takeoff," The Captain's voice said over the speaker, I pulled the blanket up over my legs and rested my open book on my lap.

With the crew not around it's rather lonely here, The last time I sat here I had someone annoying me. Now I want that person to be here and they aren't, and it's my fault.

I watch out the window as the plane starts up and we move down the runway before lifting into the sky. We go up until we're just over the clouds.

As a child, I would sit by the window every time we would fly somewhere, which was quite a lot and watch the clouds. I used to wonder if I could stand on them, I know that's not true now but it's a fun thought.

Turning my attention back to the book in my lap I continue reading from where I left off. Before I know it my eyes are getting heavy, I try to keep them open but I lose that battle as they flutter to a close.

• • •

"Your Highness," Someone says in a soft voice waking me up, a flight attendant was standing beside the couch I had been sleeping on.

"We're landing in approximately two hours," She informs me, I nod in response. Once she's gone I sit up and grab my book off the floor.

Something about this couch puts me to sleep apparently, and it's definitely not a particularly comfortable couch, there's a bed in the bedroom that's much much more comfortable. and yet I manage to fall asleep here every time. 

As they set out breakfast I'm calling it that since technically I never at this morning, I went to the back and changed into some fresh clothes.

I went with a black dress, back sheer tights and if that wasn't enough black I added black knee-high boots and a black trench coat. Someone might think I'm going to a funeral.

A/n: OAE

The dress is actually surprisingly warm, probably because it's made out of a light-knitted material, similar to something a fall sweater would be made out of.

After touching up my makeup and hair I head back out and eat some fruit and a scone that they had placed on the table.

Before I knew it the captain was announcing that we were going to be landing momentarily and said to buckle up as it might be a rockier landing.

I took a deep breath and held onto the armrest as we started going down, He was right in his guess that it wasn't going to be smooth, it was very Un-smooth. 

"Ma'am," A security guard says as I walk by towards the front of the plane.

"Ready," I say to the people holding the curtain that blocks me from being seen by everyone on the ground.

The curtain is pulled back and I step through, carefully I walk down the stairs towards the car that's waiting with the door open.

Just as I had predicted the paparazzi were there with their long lenses cuddled together behind a piece of rope separating us.

I slide into the car and the door is shut behind me. The car starts up and we are off, I watch from the window as we pass the crowds of people that hand lined up, they weren't holding cameras or anything.

I did my best to wave and smile at all of them as we passed.

Once we're back on the road I pull out my phone and send Char a text asking what she's doing.

I can't wait to see her again, I could have definitely used her always positive attitude and outlook on life back in England.

She replies quickly saying she's at her mom's house, I tell her I'm coming back early and asked her to get lunch with me tomorrow.

Clicking off my phone I put it back in my bag and lean my head back closing my eyes.

Before I know it we're parking in front of the main entrance of the school. My door opens and I get out, my bags were already being grabbed my some of the body guards.

"Thank you, I can take it from here," I say.

They nod and set my suitcase down, grabbing the handle I walk inside and down the path towards my building.

Luckily, everyone is still away for Christmas break so i don't have to worry about people seeing me struggle an embarrassing amount while pulling my suitcase up a set of stairs.

Unlocking the door I push it open, taking a breath before stepping in. Why am I so nervous?

The only light is coming from the city lights outside the window.

"Grey," I call out softly. Setting my stuff down in the hallway I walk into the kitchen.

"Are you here?" I ask flicking the lights on in the kitchen I see the mess.

Open bottles and cans litter the counter, a half eaten pizza left on a plate besides the oven.

"Grey," I call louder getting worried, I run to his room rapidly knocking on the door.

There's no answer so I carefully open the door, the room is dark and empty. His bed was left unmade and varies clothes scatter the floor.

Taking a deep breathe I walk out shutting the door behind me, heading back to the kitchen I start tidying the place up.

Empty bottles upon bottles cover the counter, It looks like he had a party. Grey's voice telling me Atlas was having a movie night flashes through my memory.

Atlas wouldn't do this right? leave the place in such a mess? That doesn't sound like him.

I run a piece of paper towel over the counter collecting all the crumbs and throwing them away.

I watch as the clock slowly moves as every passing minute goes by. With every minuteanswering I get more worried, finally break down and grab my phone clicking the call button.

"Hello?" Atlas says answering the phone sounding confused.

"Atlas, it's Emery," I say. "I was just wondering if grey was with you?" I ask. There's loud music coming from where ever he is, I can barely hear him.

"Yeah he's here," Atlas states.

"Um, Is he ok?" I ask.

"What do you think?" He asks in return.

"I'm just worried about him," I say softly.

"He's hurt Emery, me and you both know he doesn't really know how to process his emotions." He says.

"Mhm," I nod softly feeling bad. "I need to talk to him," I say.

"Now is not a good time," He says.

"Why?" I ask.

"He's not in his...right mind," Atlas hints, he's drunk.

"Where are you guys?" I ask worried.

"Um, just some place," Atlas says avoidingly.

"Atlas," I state.

"Fine," He sighs, "We're at his dad's club," He answers.

There's a loud crash and the sound out glass smashing comes through the phone.

"Oh shit," Atlas yells.

"What's going on? what happened?" I ask standing up.

"Nothing, it's fine," He says not sounding fine. People are yelling in the background.

"Is everything ok?" I ask.

"BREAK IT UP," Atlas yells, "Gotta go," He states, there's a clicking sound as the call disconnects.

Leaning down I grab the zipper of my boot and pull it up.

His dad's club he said?


word count(2410)

*Insert more Evil Laughs*
how did you like this chapter?
what do you think going to happen?
Comment your guesses!

k, sometimes I feel like this book isn't going to be very popular, like always had over 100k when it was finished and this one's at 13k and it's almost done. I know they aren't on the same scale so it's not far to measure them the same but it's still frustrating yk?
-share w/ ur friends (I love you)

sorry rant over.


please,vote, comment and follow me!!


Emery's outfit:

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