"Do you have a minute?" MINSU...

By lxiiyyy

460 1 1

******NOT FINISHED****** "Excuse me sir." he pauses for air, "Do you have a minute?" A young man says as hard... More

1 (just the description and some other important thingz)
5 | quick an read if u want


36 0 0
By lxiiyyy

hyunjin bubble update 😍 dawg i'm going wild ong... he has no right to be this fine 🤭🤭

anywho now we're back into the present time of the story

Jisung pov

As I walked down the raggedy sidewalk of my street, I notice that all the houses on my road were nicer than mine, I felt... Embarrassed? My house felt more like a shack then a 1 bedroom house. As I suddenly realized I walked passed my house, I walk back shamefully. As it's the 3rd time this week it has happened.

Today is the day of the JYP ENTERTAINMENT auditions and I'm a little jittery. I grab my keys to enter my house. My green door sticks out like a sore thumb as I open the door to my house. I set my keys down on my side table and plop my self down on my stool.

I already mailed in my audition form to the building and they sent me an email for me to pick a sheet a music to audition for. Of course I going to audition for 1st or second chair, I knew I have gotten into 2nd chair before, I just wanted to challenge myself this time. I really needed to be the concertmaster or the assistant concertmaster; as I have little left in my bank account. I need some money... Seriously though.

Next to my stool, there's a music stand with the pieces I chose to audition with. I grab my violin and bow and warm up with my usual routine. I do my arm circles so my arms won't be as cramped when i'm done. Then I practice my scales, A major, G major, D major, C major, and Bb major. I do all of those 2 times, starting in first octave and the second octave.

(honestly i have no idea what i'm talking about even though i play flute😭 i can only play the Bb scale in 2 octaves which is really hard..! this is also how i warm up so i'm kinda applying it to this?? so i'm hoping violin is kinda the same as flute here)

I then do some sort of arpeggio with the scales, mixing it up as I go. I then open my music folder and grab the first chair audition. It's a good piece, but it's not all that difficult because I sort of played it before so I have an idea of what it should sound like. I start playing and realize my tone is off, so I try and fix it and move on.

Minho pov

I was walking to a store with my friend Chan. Chan is only a year older than me. He practically begged me to go to the opening of this store today. Though, I'm taking auditions today and dint really have time for it. I pushed myself to say yes to Chan even though i'm busy. I can't say no when he's practically a big golden retriever.

It was getting late and I lost my patience waiting in a line... So I kinda left the store without Chan, and I'm lost. I should've asked him for some directions to get the the building from here, as I didn't really know where I am?

I check my phone for the weather as it's chilly out, (i'm gonna use fahrenheit bc i'm american 😜 but i'll translate it to celsius for you losers) It's currently 10F(-12C) and I hitched my breath.

Hard snow beings to fall down in my path. "Great... What more can make my day better!" I say, exclaiming with sarcasm.

Walking, I look around and I'm not really familiar with anything around me. I keep walking, in hopes of finding a familiar building. But no. There's not even anyone out on the streets?! I stop at a lamppost with a bus stop and sigh.

I sit down on the white snowy bench. In the corner of my eye, I see a man. Not much younger than me. He's walking my way; I start getting a little anxious because.. He's a stranger?? I don't know; that's a normal reaction to seeing someone you don't know on a snowy night with nobody on the road response!

As he draws closer to me, I stumble out words.

Jisung pov

I'm upset because i'm very late. I didn't look at my time and I realized it was very late and I needed to get going. I put on my best looking button up shirt, paired with some dress pants. I don't own nice shoes at the moment, so I put on my best shoes. The one that add 1 inch to my height... My platform converse!! I grab my glasses and comb through my hair. I grab my violin/music and start walking out the door.

I leave my house, I'm sad that it's snowing because now I can't really see where i'm going. I get my keys in the opposite hand of my violin/music and lock my door.

I turn around and start walking down the snowy street. I take a turn and I see a guy on a bench. He didn't look older than me and I was assuming he was taking a break in this cold weather.

I was longing towards him as he says shyly "Excuse me sir." he pauses for air, "Do you have a minute?" The young man says as hard rushing snow poured on the sidewalk. Pattering as it hits the lamppost.

I paused in my fast paced walk; violin in hand. "Uhmm, not-" I pause again as I look at the guy sitting besides me on the bus bench. He was drop dead gorgeous. Now, personally I didn't have a thing for men, I thought they were pretty, yes. But I feel no emotional attachment to them.

"Actually yes." I did not. I just moved to this city from my small town; very rural area.. I spat out the words, "Anything you need help with, Sir?"

"Oh no need for the formals. My name is Minho." He gets off the bench and does a slight nod at me. "Now, uhm. Im kinda lost because I don't know this area well. Im heading toward the JYP orchestra house." he pauses, "Do you know where I should be heading?" He questions.

I smirk slightly and reply with, "Oh! That's cool! My name is Han Jisung, Im also heading there. Quite a coincidence." I smile at him. "Though Im new to this area, I walked here earlier today so I should know where i'm going..." I mutter out the last part. Hoping he didn't hear that..!

Minho turns and looks at me, "Would you ever so kindly guide me?" He claps his hands together. I noticed his left hand kind of delayed.

"Of course!" I turn and start my walk again.

As we reach the orchestra house, I yet again gaze with awe as I see the beautiful structure of it. We walk in together as the receptionist recognizes Minho next to me.

"Oh! Mr. Lee! I'm glad to see you here, just in time too, you have some auditions lined up for today. Would you like their names and time?" She says. I pick up she talks very fast.

"Sure, thanks Rachel." Minho replied, with a tired dry voice.

"Okay so first you have Lee Felix auditioning for any chair for violin at 7pm." She pauses and flips a page. "Next you have Kim Seungmin auditioning for cello at 7:25pm." She breaks again and I say, "Uhm sorry for interrupting, I'll see you around Mr. Lee I just get going." I lightly smile and walk away.

He try's to say goodbye but he was cut off by the receptionist listing out his auditions. It was currently 6:47pm and my audition was at 7:50pm. Which means I must get myself ready for my audition.

I find the room where everyone is practicing in, I sit down and pull out my violin and start with my warm up. After that is done i look at my watch, 7:00pm, I sigh as I knew I wasn't going fast enough. If I was at home, I knew my mother would scold my senseless if I took 10 minutes warming up. She always made me do my scales in 180 tempo. (which is kinda fast😨)

I grab my 1st chair audition, and set a mental metronome of 120 in my head. I look at the key and time signature, like I have been for the past week and stare. 3/4th time and it's in Bb key. I start playing the song melodically. Once I finish the song I start to patch up my mistakes. Once I finish that; I check my watch. 7:25. I get up to check the audition sheet to see what room I have to go to. I realize my auditions were back to back in the same room. I scored with that. I get back to my seat and start practicing my 2nd chair audition. I again finish and practice my rough patches.

I check my watch and it says 7:35. Which means I should find my audition room and wait in line. Its 7:40 and I finally find my room. Violin and music in hand, I wait behind someone. They get called in and not even 5 minutes later they get called out. He looks like he is holding in tears.

He lightly warned me and said, "Man, hes a tough grader don't even try to mess up your scale, don't even fuck with the tempo he sets. Hes brutal." he turns around and says with a huff, "Good luck man. You'll need it." He turns and walks away.

I gulp down air and take a glance at the windowed door. I can't see who's inside but they call in for whoever is next. Which just so happens to be me.

I turn the handle, just so suddenly my palms sweat and the handle is a little wet. I close the door, violin in hand and turn around to see the person who was apparently was the devil. My eyes widen;

Lee Minho.

YAY😜 chapter 2 is done, kinda ignore that it says 3 at the top, this is technically chapter 2. i just have a weird obsession with having each part named whatever section we are on..... so technically it's section 3 chapter 2 anyways leave constructive criticism in the comments if you have anything i need to improve

have the day you deserve pookies

word count : 1771

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