court of lies | robert's rebe...

By songofsapphire

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Atera Hightower joins the Red Keep as the lady-in-waiting of the future wife of the crown prince, Elia Martel... More

characters pti
characters ptii
characters ptiii
characters ptiv
pti | the royal wedding
the call
the ladies
the proposal
the dorne
the princess
the storm's end
the feast
the joust
the court
the wedding
ptii | the florent revolt
moodboards; pti
moodboards; ptii (fashion)
the fool moon
the baby dragon
the death of a queen
the rush hour
the funeral
the rains
the labour
the amber skies
the fine print
the lion and the king
ptiii | the unfinished business
the family line
the dangerous game
the prophecy
the sign of the times
the champagne problems
the sun and the spear
the skyfall
the divine move
the shadow of doubt
the summerhall
ptiv | the kingswood
the fighting pit
the icarus
the poisoned bond
the brotherhood
the sept of baelor
the princess and the queen
the burning embers
the sworn sword
the heartbreak weather
the emperor's new clothes
ptv | the year of the false spring
the harrenhal
the lotus
the kingsguard
the harbinger of war
the mystery knight
the broken crown
the lost stars
the winter roses
the song of ice and fire
ptvi | the war of the usurper
the north remembers
the labyrinth
the below of the surface
the war council
the bells
the winter solstice

the dawn will come

97 3 0
By songofsapphire

"my loyalty to the past -my most dangerous trait, the one that has cost me the most"

268 AC, King's Landing

13 years ago...

He hated there.

He hated it with all his heart.

For an eight-year-old boy who never left the warmth and the security of Starfall before; the capital was like the seventh hell. People were strange, this accents were strange, their clothes, their foods, their everything.

He's been accompanying his father in a short trip. His mother was busy with his infant sister, Ashara was too young for such a trip and Andric was grounded, not to leave Starfall at all for the problems he caused with Lord Blackmont's heir. This duty usually belonged to a lesser house but wanting to be away from his eldest son and heir, Lord Ansel Dayne volunteered to handle the business himself and Arthur had no idea what it was. He just knew they were supposed to stay there for a fortnight and a week has already passed and today; they were going to hunting to increase the king's mood, he was told. For some reason; he was not well in the past two years.

He didn't care about that, he just wanted to return back home. Everybody in the capital; from the lords and the ladies to the pages and squires, everybody was smiling into each other's faces and betraying them behing their backs. Everybody was after power and influence, no one was true and honourable in the king's court and Arthur was alone.

He was alone is entire life, however short. He didn't talk much, barely more than a few lines in a year. Not because he couldn't or because he was timid, he just didn't think it was necessary at all. He talked when he had to, but in the rest of the time; he preferred to watch, observe. What good of talking has ever brought someone something anyways?

After they had decided to camp there and leave the boys so they could start on hunting, Ansel allowed Arthur to walk around -with caution of course. Amongst all his children, he would trust to Arthur only with that, knowing his son would not brought himself danger. So he was walking around now, in the Kingswood, but not going far away so he would not be lost. He would not want to upset his father afterall, or worry him.

But then he got distracted with sweet notes of a violin.

Frowning with interest, he did not enjoy music the way Ashara did but this melody was alluring and relaxing, he moved towards there, passed through the rose bushes and saw a small boy playing it. At first, Arthur did not understand it, he was not sure if he had seen this boy before but then he took a step forward with interest and then he realized his hair.

The prince.

He was, probably both were at the same age he was not sure, sitting on a bench, his silver hair reaching to his shoulders and was tied with a small silver hair ring, he was wearing a soft black outfit and Arthur could see the glimpses of the white cloak and the silver armour with the corner of his eyes, though Arthur was not sure which one of the kingsguard was accompanying him.

Deciding to leave the prince alone, he made a move to continue to walk. He was playing so nice, he didn't want to disturb and even if he would; what would he say? Nothing that matters, for sure. But he forgot that he was in middle of the bushes and he did not realized the end of his coat was stuck to it. And when he tried to pull it back so he would leave, he made a noise and both the prince and the kingsguard turned to his direction in a startled manner and Arthur's eyes met with the prince's.

The prince raised his eyebrows in interest when he saw Arthur's uncomfortable figure, dressed in lilac of his house. Rhaegar, shared a look with Barristan and put down his violin after the white knight's encouraging nod, stood up.

"I have seen you before.", this perhaps was not the best line to start a conversation but he was panicked.

Of course he had seen the youngest son of Lord Dayne at court in the last week they've spent there. Not many people resided in the capital that had sons in suitable age to befriend and he did not like Lord Velaryon's sons. Corlys was too old, Jace too much and Aurane too clingy. And he didn't like any of the boys his father specially brought to the capital for him to befriend. They all were wanting to be friends with the prince, none with Rhaegar.

Except this boy.

He did not make any attempts to even speak to Rhaegar and in one instance where Rhaegar gathered enough courage to do so, he left the scene as if he felt it. Rhaegar would have think he was a mute but he heard the boy speak before. Albeit not much but still, his accent was far more enjoyable than of Lewyn's thick one.

"Forgive me your grace.", and there it was, talking again. "I did not want to disturb you, I was just walking around.", Arthur did not look at him and bowed his head, pulled his coat and saved it from the clutches of the bush.

"What is your name?", Rhaegar blurted out when Arthur made a move to leave and he sent a panicked look to Barristan. The older knight, with a small smile, placed a hand on his back to give him courage. Rhaegar was not good at meeting new people. "You are Lord Dayne's son, right?"

Arthur, surprised that he continued to speak to him, turned back to the prince but did not take a step forward to leave the rose bushes. "I am, your grace. My name is Arthur."

"And I am Rhaegar.", it was customary and fitting to the courtly manners for both sides to introduce themselves, regardless of if his name was known to everyone.

Little did they know they would become each others secrets, confidants, brothers?

They have never parted after that day, not even in their darkest day. For the coming weeks, moons, years, they always stood side by side. They've read books, wrote poems and songs -much to Arthur's dislike. Trained with swords, dreaming of the victories they will win -not that Rhaegar enjoyed it that much but it made Arthur happy and Rhaegar always chose Arthur's happiness.

Their destinies intertwined and the plan was always the same; Rhaegar was going to take over the throne and the crown from his father, become the king and Arthur was going to stay at his side, forever. Together, they were going to rule the realm. They never abandoned one another, sticked with each other.

Until they did not.


281 AC, Harrenhal

"What are you thinking about?", they were watching the might castle from not that afar, on top of their horses.

He was expecting to return back to the castle hours ago, hoping Robert to calm down soon but even after hours in a brothel, his face still was crossed with tension and now, instead of continuing to ride to the castle, he was watching it with a thoughtful look in his blue eyes.

"Everything.", his friend answered with a mysterious tone.

Ned was tired, emotionally, physically, mentally. This tourney did cast a poll on him and while he wanted to keep being around Ashara, his desire to return back to the Vale was heavy after the recent events. Robert however, looked more alive than he did so in the recent days.

"You are worrying me, my friend.", Ned's grey eyes focused on Robert.

This was not like him.

Anger, yes, hatred, for sure, he was supposed to attack to the prince, break things, yell at people, curse them, get drunk and pass out and wake up with a clear head the next morning. Surely both sides would agree to forget the insults the other committed and everything would fall right back to its places.

Robert didn't do any of them.

"You are not the one whose supposed to get worried, Ned.", Robert answered with the same tone. "It is him."

"He is the crown prince, Robert.", he was as insulted as Robert, even more perhaps. Lyanna was his sister for the past fifteen years, she was not his betrothed for even fifteen days. "At least listen to the man first."

"You've always been the reasonable one, Ned. Always better than I.", Robert chuckled dryly.

He was not going to speak to the prince, he knew what his answer would be. Robert made a mistake by trusting him, telling him his feelings. That silver-headed narcisstis took his displeasure with the match as a sign of free pass. He brought this upon them and now it was his duty to defend Lyanna's honour. And if by chance that man would open his mouth, which Robert was sure he would, the Starks would understand everything wrongly. He could not allow that to happen.

"Trust me, no one wants it more than me for me to stop being reasonable for a second.", he sent him a look. "It gets tiring after a point. Especially when it concerns my family."

"He has insulted your sister in front of half of the realm, he wants her as his but make no mistake brother,", Robert finally turned to him, his eyes unreadable. "he will throw her away like trash once he gets his fun. I know him, I know that he would not have mistresses or bastards to flount around when he is married to that woman. Dorne is far more important to those bastards than of the ancient North. He will play with her, take her innocence and then will not spare a single thought on her. Men like him never does."

"You are making it harder than it should be,", Ned gripped his reins tighter. "to stay reasonable, to stay still.", he clenched his jaw. He did not even want to think about Brandon. He hoped they were not riding into a crisis, he hoped Willam and Rodrick managed to hold him back before he killed someone or someones. "Perhaps he has an explanation."

"There cannot be any explanation to this.", Robert declared, his calmness appalled Ned. "Only payment."

"What is that supposed to mean?", Ned wasn't sure but something about the way he said it made his heart skipped a beat. "Robert?", he had never seen his friend this deadly before, this serious.

"Your sister belongs to me now, brother.", Robert angled his body right to start riding again. "Her honour is mine to defend and I will not let that dragon prince to crush it.", and with that, he started to ride, left a worried Ned behind.


Lyanna was in the dungeons. Brandon heard that much of it but frankly, he didn't give a fuck about it at the moment.

Of course, she was his sister and he loved her fiercely and more than anything and he was going to demand an explanation and take it by force if the kingsguard refused to give on and kidnap his sister from there if necessary but not at the moment, not right now, not like this.

He needed a moment.

He was not expecting auburn hair to enter his sight as he mindlessly attacked to an innocent tree with his sword, beating it, desperate to take his anger out, away from everyone else so he would not hurt someone he loved but it was consuming, too much, it was hurting him physically. He could feel it in his bones, in his veins, his anger was going to be the death of him one day, he didn't wanted that day to be today.

"You've ruined your sword.", Catelyn said with a soothing concern.

"I want to kill them all!", Brandon with force, threw his sword away, ran his hands through his hair and face, trying to calm himself down, pacing back and forth. "Every last one of them. I want to kill them all."

"They have your sister.", she reminded him, not affected by his anger, not at all -or she hid it well, Brandon could not think so at the moment. "First you need to save her. To do that, first you need to calm down."

"Help me.", Brandon turned her frantically, his hair a mess. "You know them, you are friends with them, help me."

"The king improsened her.", Catelyn spoke with a composure that deserved an admiration, her hands were tied in front of her, her navy gown mixed with the dark night. The dancing, the real celebrations, were about the start, nobles almost finished their food. "Only the king can release her. And I doubt it would help to the case; even if Prince Rhaegar would interfere."

"He caused this.", Brandon spat, still walking.

"He saved her life.", Catelyn frowned slightly. Lyanna was going to be her sister in law so she needed to like her, and love her, and most importantly; respect her but she was making it a little too hard at the moment. She singlehandedly caused much trouble. "He could have give her to the king right at that moment. He chose to save her life. Lied to his own father, to the king. It could and still very well can cause him his own life.", Brandon let out a throaty groan but said nothing else. "He did not cause this."

"He gave that crown to her!", Brandon yelled at her face and regretted immediately, Catelyn didn't flinch, didn't even blink. She had madder uncles than Brandon Stark.

"And she wore it in front of his wife after it caused a great scandal.", she deadpanned, Brandon opened his mouth and then closed it, he had nothing to say. "It was unsavory, yes,", Catelyn nodded. "for Prince Rhaegar to crown her, especially when he was not in a position to explain the true reasons of his actions. He caused his own relationships to be stained and I can assure you, Princess Elia is not a woman who would take it lightly; such an insult, despite it not being an insult at all. Prince Rhaegar's memory will always be remembered with this incident, he will pay for what he has done. You should focus that your sister will not pay hers."

"You said only the king can release her.", he was trying to listen to her, he truly did but his head was aching as if it was going to split open. He was feeling like someone was applying immense amount of pressure to it. "You surely heard what they say about him; he is mad."

"The king is not mad.", Catelyn frowned. Cruel, unjust, unworthy, yes, but no, not mad, not currently though he had his moments of snapping. "He just has a very dark desire to see his son fail.", she took a step forward. "But he will relinquish this desire for something that enjoys him even more; fixing those failings.", she choose her next words carefully. "Atera saved your sister's life.", Catelyn was not sure if she meant it at all, that woman was still a mystery to her.

Brandon swallowed a sharp cuse. "Do not utter her name.", he hissed. "That wh-", he gritted his teeth. "She'll pay for what she has done as well. No one can insult the North and get away."

"She is betrothed to Prince Oberyn Martell, Princess Elia's own brother.", she tried to show him a different angle. "Princess Elia, who is currently keep being insulted by your sister, whose best friend,", her eyes darkened for a moment. "just got humiliated by your own brother, who loves Atera so very much, would make sure that no harm will come to her. And Lord Hightower, whose brother got imprisoned and exiled for life because of what your sister has done,", Brandon sharply turned his head away. "would do more to protect his sister. An animosity with her would not be on your favour."

"She insulted me-"

"Right after you insulted her first.", Catelyn looked at his grey eyes, so light that almost looked like white. "You were going to attack her.", it bothered her greatly, Brandon turned his head away.

"I was not going to hit her.", he explained through gritted teeth. "I never hit to women. I just-"

"No matter what you aimed,", damn the courly manners. "your actions were read like that. I suggest you, as your future wife, to stay away from the Hightowers. It will not end well."

"She insulted me and my home, my region. My sister is locked up because of her!", Brandon took a step forward and yelled at her face.

"Your sister is locked up because of her own mistakes. She lied to the king, which is ounishable with death.", this time Brandon did not hold himself back and cursed. Catelyn was not impressed, but she did not say a thing. "You will need allies to ensure her safe return back to Winterfell. And those allies are not Jon Arryn and Robert Baratheon, two people that are not very liked by the crown at the moment but people like-"

"Prince Rhaegar and Princess Elia?", he mocked and she shook her head.

"Both are under danger as well, for protecting your sister. No, you should be friends with Southern Lords. Lords like Mace Tyrell.", she tilted her head. "Lords like my uncle. People like Oberyn Martell.", she raised her eyebrows. "People that crown cannot afford to offend.", she took a step forward. "Let go of your animosity with Atera.", she advised. "She disrespects everyone."

"Someone needs to teach her a lesson then."

"Her brother got locked up because of your sister's actions and lies. Still, she protected her honour."

"She outed her actions and implied she was a whore."

"She outed her actions to explain Prince Rhaegar's motivation, therefore proved that the prince does not want her as a mistress but merely wanted to honour her, which should honour you.", she kept her voice sweet. "And she did not imply she was a whore,", the word left a distaste in her mouth. "she implied to men like Jon Arryn that she, in fact, was not one and would never be. Again; she saved her reputation. Now people will talk of her bravery and the way Prince Rhaegar did something so honourable. Instead of calling her a whore, Princess Elia a victim and prince a man without honour. You want to throw it all away because she insulted you?", she raised an eyebrow. "What of your insulsts of her? What of your sister's insults to her? She did help you, my lord. I suggest you, if you care about your sister, forgive and forget. And it is not like you can bring her justice for her words. Starks does not carry the favour of the crown, Hightowers does. You owe her one as well. Forget what happened with her, befriend Prince Oberyn,", Brandon huffed. "befriend Lord Tyrell and I shall speak to my uncle myself. Your sister would be released tomorrow."

"And what I should do with the prince?", he asked with a strained tone.

"He saved your sister's life in the expense of his, lied to the king's face, congrulated her despite his father seeing her as an enemy; you should thank him.", Brandon looked at her in disbelief. "And your sister must apologize from Princess Elia for bothering her this greatly when she is carrying the royal heir."

"We are the insulted party and we shall apologize to Southeners?", Catelyn sighed, it seemed what people said about her future husband was right; he was thicker than a wall, when he was angry.

"I just gave you an advice, my lord.", a brilliant one. "Think about it if you will, sleep on it. I cannot tell you what to do anyways. Now if you'll excuse me; I must return back inside. The celebrations is about to start."

"Catelyn,", he scalled behind her, realized not even once she addressed him with his name, despite talking about it the other day. "I wanted to see you last night but you didn't come.", he was not looking at her. "I have nothing to do with Ashara Dayne."

"I know.", her voice sounded so cold that Brandon looked at her with reflex. "She never would do such a thing to me.", she sent him a look and curtsied, left Brandon behing.

She said Ashara wouldn't do that. Did that mean she didn't trust Brandon? Feeling his headache getting even worse, he picked up his sword and started to hit to the tree once more until his body fell to the ground as if somebody cut his strings, he had no more energy.


"Your grace,", with a mockingly dark tone, Rhaegar turned his back with a blank expression and there he was; his cousin dearest. "don't you have any words to say to me?"

Oswell seemed tensed but Rhaegar, who just left Elia's side, turn to Robert and Oswell saw that dark glimpse in his eyes.

Ready to fight.

"No.", he stated blankly, Ned rushed back to Robert's side. "Do you have something to say to me?"

"You've always been like this,", Robert chuckled darkly, took a step forward, Oswell placed a hand on the hilt of his sword. "arrogant,", Robert spat, his face turning into anger. "prideful, self-rightheous, doing anything to keep me from winning, taking what is mine, selfish, jealous.", he took a step with every insult he said and Rhaegar turned to him completely and raised his chin. "You've been affecting my life far too long now. All my failings are the direct results of your existence. And now your disrespect reached even to my future wife.", Rhaegar raised his eyebrows. "Are you sure you do not have something to say to me?"

"I am not the reason of your failings, Robert.", Rhaegar was frowning firmly, he was not going to stand here and endure the insults of a man like Robert Baratheon, not after everything happened with Elia. He sent her a maester for her hand but he was sure she would refuse him because it came from Rhaegar. She hated him so much, rest of the world lost its meanings. "You keep making mistakes because you refuse to learn anything from them, because you are being sheltered, because you still act like a ward and not a Lord Paramount.", Oswell closed his eyes. Atera did the same today and he could not stop her as well. "I don't want to fight.", at least Rhaegar had more common sense than Atera in his anger. "But this does not mean I will endure your baseless insults, born out of your own envy and greed,", Robert's lips trembled with anger. "and I will not apologize for doing something good and right. I crowned Lady Lyanna to honour her for her deeds, for nothing else. On the other hand, if you have something to say,", he opened his arms to both sides. "here I am."

He shouldn't have done that. He should have keep his composure. He should have remembered why they were here, at Harrenhal, what was their aim, their goal. He needed allies, not enemies but still, enough was enough. He's been calm far too long now and now he was not going to be blamed by as if he set his eyes on another man's betrothal when the truth was far away from it, when the said man himself was begging him just a day ago to get rid of the betrothal.

"You profess to value compassion, delicacy and transparency.", Robert accused. "Be careful and choose your words correctly, your grace,", he mocked, they were standing close now. "either answer the accusations I lay at your feet or prepare to bleed."

Rhaegar raised an eyebrow, Oswell was moments away then dragging Robert Baratheon to a cell to threaten the prince, even his little friend seemed shocked by the imply. "Are you challenging me to a duel, Robert?", Rhaegar asked, there was a ghost of a small smile in his lips.

"Your grace-", Oswell hissed, daring to grab Rhaegar by his arm but the prince pulled it back right at that moment, making Oswell remember his place, despite their close friendship.

"Robert have you lost your mind?", Ned Stark did pull Robert back. "Is this your bright plan?", grey eyes looked the blue ones with shock but Robert only huffed and return back to the prince.

"Tomorrow.", he declared. "At dawn.", he sent a look to Oswell. "Alone."

Rhaegar did not even think before giving him a nod. "You're on."


"Do you think this will work?", Catelyn went to Ashara's side, who was watching them speak from a corner he could not see her. "We need it to work."

"I am not sure.", Catelyn sent a troubled look to Brandon's figure that still was hitting to the tree. "He does not seem in a mood to think with his head, I fear."

"Elia needs this to work. She doesn't trust Rhaegar to fix it all by himself.", she sighed. "Things are getting out of hand and there still is a feast to join so people would not talk."

"Will the princess join?", Catelyn frowned. "She didn't seem well at the dinner."

"No, she will not.", Ashara said with a tense tone. Right after that disastorous dinner, Elia first sent Ashara to Atera's side -she couldn't even enter to the hallway that was filled with Hightower soldiers. Then she sent her to Catelyn, after her terrible talk with Rhaegar, sent Catelyn to Brandon. "She is injured. People seeing it would not help to our cause at all.", she shook her head. "The prince has to though."

"I did everything I could, said everything the princess told me to say Ashara but Brandon will not come down until the prince at least apologizes.", it was more than clear. "I fear Princess Elia cannot fix this matter herself, with this way. This is not her sin and more importantly; the Reach is far more involved than they should have. This can turn into Starks versus Hightowers in any given minute.", she averted Ashara. "My own betrothal is on the verge of ending anyways.", Ashara cleared her throat. "My father will break it all off, I know, when he hears about what Lyanna Stark has done. Starks will be shunned from the rest of the realm. And I don't see any of them taking it lightly."

"They should be embarrassed of their actions, beg for forgiveness to the king, instead they are creating more problems.", Ashara shook her head. "I will speak to Ned.", she said with determination. "I'll convince him. We need at least one Stark with a brain inside their head."

"What do you think will haeppn to Lyanna?"

"I have more pressing worries than that girl.", Ashara scoffed. "I frankly only care about her fate because it is directly tied to Elia and Rhaenys'. This can turn into Dornish hate all of a sudden, if something would happen to her. People might even claim that, if she gets executed, she was not the mystery knight and Elia made it all herself because she was jealous. A war can start."

Catelyn sent her a look. "Given the incident that happened yesterday,", Ashara closed her eyes. "I would advise against provoking the North further by going and talk to Lord Eddard, Ashara."

"I am the one with a tarnished reputation, Dorne is the region that is insulted. I like Ned but not his stupid family.", she scoffed. "Starks and their damned pride. They are like immature children."

"Ashara,", Catelyn warned. "my betrothal must stay intact, and the prince must make peace with the Starks. Lyanna Stark must remain alive. We will not achieve that by badmouthing her family."

"I'll speak to Ned in privacy.", Ashara sighed. "Make him see reason. Then we'll see how things will play out. None of us have the right to force the fate.", her eyes found the bright stars in the night sky.

It had been a while she last made a star map and tried to decode the future but it seemed like the perfect time to return back to her old habits.


"Have you lost your mind?", Oswell hissed the moment Robert Baratheon left with a smug smile and Ned Stark followed him like a dog. "You are the crown prince!", Oswell raised his voice, knowing he shouldn't have but thanks to their luck, there was no one else to hear them. They were in a closed hallway. "You cannot go and duel with people, to the death, anytime you want!"

"And you are a kingsguard, Oswell.", Rhaegar turned to him with a cold look. "You cannot yell at me but here we are.", Oswell seemed taken aback. "Both of us doing things we shouldn't have. You cannot judge me."

"Rhaegar, your father would take his head even for thinking he can challenge you. Don't you see that? Don't you understand what just has happened? Lyanna Stark will most likely be executed, not for being the mystery knight, but for later on hiding it, therefore lying to the king. Brandon Stark is lucky if he will get away from this but damn sure he will not marry my niece under these circumstances. Not even Hoster is stupid enough to go on with that. And now Robert Baratheon will lose his head. I thought we were here to gain allies, not starting a war!"

"What is the point of it?", Rhaegar asked, seeming so nonchalantly indifferent. "Atera told him everything anyways. All my hopes and plans are ruined. I probably will die before the year ends, will not even see my son. Even if I live, Elia will leave me. What is the point of anything?", Oswell blinked at him. "At least this way, if I die tomorrow, I'll die with a sword in my hand, trying to fix my mistakes. At least that way, Elia and Rhaenys, my unborn son, will be protected."

"This is not fixing your mistakes, this is being selfish and immature, this is being stupid, being unresponsible. The crown prince of the Seven Kingdoms cannot duel with a Lord Paramount, to the death, because of a maiden, not when he is single, and most definitely not when he is married with two children!", Oswell yelled loudly this time, did not even tried to control his tone, face and nect blushed with redness.

"What is happening here?", Jon entered to the hallway through the other door with a confused frown, it was obvious he followed the noise. "Rhaegar? Oswell? What is it?"

"Nothing.", Rhaegar gritted his teeth, he was not sure what he was feeling at the moment.

"Rhaegar has a duel at dawn!", Oswell said frantically. "With Robert fucking Baratheon!"

"What?", Jon spat to Rhaegar. "Are you out of your mind? You cannot-"

"Be careful Lord Hand, you are speaking to the Prince of Dragonstone.", Rhaegar interrupted him with icy eyes and Jon seemed shocked. "You cannot tell me what to do."

"Well then listen to me highly esteemed Prince of Dragonstone,", Jon took a step forward. "who the fuck do you think you are?", Oswell realized his tension at that moment. "Do you think your life is your own? Do you think you have control on it? Do you think you can just go and challenge people to death anytime you want it? If you are under that delusion, allow me to condract to it; you are not!", he yelled as well, Oswell's eyes found the newcomers. Everybody, after calmed down, were going to the feast, and were using the same hallway that opened to the grand room. "Let us see if the king will allow this madness.", he threatened.

"We will not see that because I am not asking.", Rhaegar seemed like an overgrown child at that moment.

"Will one of you explain what is happening?", Arthur, who took off his armor, asked with a tense tone, hands tied behind his back. Andric was at his side as well, eyes watching Rhaegar like a hawk. Oberyn was there, Myles and Richard, Lewyn and Barristan. "Oswell?", he did not even look at Rhaegar, neither wanted to see the other at the moment. "Why is everyone shouting?"

"He,", Jon spoke before Oswell, face red, teeth gritting, pointing out Rhaegar with his index finger. "is going to duel with Robert tomorrow."

"No he won't.", Arthur said immediately, with a bored tone and a blank face, Rhaegar turned to him sharply.

"You shall state you opinions when asked to, Ser.", he spat, Arthur slowly raised an eyebrow. "I will not endure his insults."

"You are the one who insulted him first.", Arthur reminded him. "But this is not the main problem. No man in this realm can challenge the crown prince to a duel and the prince cannot accept it in either way. The best course of action is to forget this ever happened, or else he will pay it for his life and we do not need it."

"You don't get to tell me what to do.", Rhaegar seemed angry, for the first time in his life.

"I do, when you obviously cannot decide on your actions yourself.", Arthur did not changed his stance. "It is my duty to keep you alive after all.", he sent him a look. "It does not matter how temtping,", Rhaegar gaped. "it is to send you to that duel. I did swore an oath."

"You swore so many oaths.", Rhaegar took a step forward, it was like he delibareltely was trying to provoke Arthur. "Surely you broke one or two.", he accused. "Anything that comes to your mind?", Arthur looked at him and then took a step forward, Andric immediately put a hand on his chest.

Myles and Richard were watching the scene from the corner. Myles was wide-eyed and Richard felt a twist at his gut, this did not seem okay. Jon was frowning, Oswell's hand still was on his sword. Barristan and Lewyn shared a look, a silent agreement to interfere if things got worse though neither thought Arthur and Rhaegar would actually fight. They've been friends for more than a decade and the worst they had was some time apart after Rhaella's death, nothing else, nothing more. Still, both were tested so much in the past ten days. They did not want to risk it. If something would have happened, Barristan would take Rhaegar and Lewyn would handle Arthur. Andric was looking at his brother with a warning look and Oberyn, who should have been amused, was looking tense instead. Eyes watching Arthur. It seemed he took Lewyn's words to his heart.

"I do not play mind games your grace but if you are so inclined to do that, I am sure the king would like to join you.", Arthur was not going to show disrespect, not even now. "You two have ...similar interests, after all."

This was a low blow.

"Such courageous words from a man who almost lost his head."

"A mistake on my part, I have been far too shortsighted for a while now, my actions will not be repeated, you can be sure of it."

Oswell took a deep breath. They could not afford if Rhaegar and Arthur fought now. Not when Elia left him. But he could see how tense his sworn brother was, the way he was at the edge and Rhaegar pushing his luck further, leaving no room for Arthur to breathe, could cause catastrophy in any given minute.

"How sweet of you to realize your mistakes when it is too late.", Rhaegar huffed mockingly.

"Rhaegar perhaps-", Oswell did appreciate the way, despite their beef, Jon tried to interfere before it was too late but Rhaegar pushed him softly though his chest.

"She did this because of you.", Rhaegar accused, did not even got blushed while uttering the words and Arthur raised both his eyebrows.

"I have met with too many shameless people in my life but you surely did reach to another level.", he tilted his head. "Your grace.", he added with elegance. "You are paying your own mistakes as we all do as well. You chose to lie to the king yourself, nobody forced you. You have no right to whine now that your deeds came to the surface."

"I would have send her away ages ago.", Rhaegar hissed. "The moment she poisoned the queen, when she murdered,", he raised his voice. "an innocent unborn baby. She stayed,", he spat. "because of you. Because of my affection for you."

"She stayed here because you needed her.", Arthur dismissed his condemination. "You needed her brother, you need Lord Tyrell, you needed Lord Redwyne...", he listed with a bored tone but his eyes were irons. "You made her stay for entirely selfish reasons, not because of me."

Barristan felt like he was missing something, sent a look to Lewyn but his friend seemed troubled to answer that.

"We both know,", Rhaegar stood in front of Arthur. "this is not true.", he dared to smile pitifully. "I will duel tomorrow morning.", he declared, raised his chin high. "And I will not join to the feast.", he tried to walk past Arthur but his friend, with force, placed his hand on Rhaegar's chest, did not allow him to walk.

"You will not do such a thing.", Rhaegar slowly lowered his head to look at the hand on his chest, Andric frowned nervously next to them, shared a look with Lewyn. "Your life means nothing,", Arthur declared, Rhaegar raised his head back to him with an annoying smile. "nothing at all. Not to your wife,", Rhaegar's smile started to turn into a vindictive one. "not to your daughter, not to your father, not to me. But you are the crown prince. You cannot act like a daredevil. You have caused enough."

"Get your hand off me.", Rhaegar warned with a silent tone, not blinking.

"You've made a mistake, you will fix it, beg on your knees if you must. For once in your life; you are going to take a stand with honour."

"Arthur,", Rhaegar's voice got deeper and his face got erased. "get your hand off me.", Oswell took a step forward, they did not like the tension.

"And you are going to enjoy to that feast or else people will take it as an even grander insult. You are the crown prince,", his hand on Rhaegar's chest pressed more and he leaned his face slightly. "fucking act like it."

"I will not do such a thing.", Rhaegar spat and tried to leave the corridor, regardless of Arthur's touch but the moment he tried, Arthur pushed him back, caused him to stumble.

Indigo eyes met with dark blue ones and before Andric's loud hiss reached to the ears, Rhaegar moved fast and his punch landed on Arthur's face, strong enough to hurt it. Arthur's face turned to his side and he had to take a step back but Rhaegar did not stop it and punched him once more. Andric did got in between them and Oswell and Jon quickly pulled him back through his shoulders but Arthur pushed his own brother and moved with fire in his eyes, puched Rhaegar back. Oswell and Jon let Rhaegar go, so he would not fell and for a few seconds they did hit each other in anyway they could.

"Stop this at once!", Barristan ordered loudly. Moving to them, Lewyn was right behind him. Myles and Richard were too stunned to react. "Arthur!", he ordered when he pushed Rhaegar back. "Calm down both of you!"

"This is not the way to stop things!", Andric tried to pull his brother back but he was no child any longer and an active knight instead. Oberyn came to his help with a deep scowl.

"You cannot hit me, I am your prince!", Rhaegar yelled loudly with a red face, Oswell and Jon pulling him back, Barristan standing in front of him with relatively widened eyes.

Arthur managed to push Oberyn enough to punch his nose. "Now I fucking punched you!", he declared, allow Oberyn to push him back. "Did my hand fell of my wrist? No!", he spat.

"Arthur!", Andric wrapped a hand around his neck to turn his head to him. "Calm down. This is not the place, not the time. You are in trouble enough.", he would normally watch his brother beat the shit out of Rhaegar but not in the expense of himself.

"You are a joke Arthur!", Rhaegar spat. "Always running away from your responsibilities, let everyone around you down. Fail people. You are a fucking oathbreaker. You betrayed your own vows for a woman who in return betrayed all of us!", he pushed Oswell and Jon and the latter hit his side to the sharp edge of the small table there and let out a groan. "You cannot do anything right.", he tried to approach him back, Lewyn joined to Barristan to stop him. "How do you even live with yourself? How do you even look to the mirror?"

"Rhaegar, shut up!", Oberyn ordered him loudly. "Or you'll not leave here alive."

"Everything that makes you someone important comes from that sword you carried and it is not even real!", Rhaegar yelled and Arthur stopped moving right at the moment, even Andric turned to look at him with shock, Lewyn gaped and Barristan, momentarily, let him go. Rhaegar never spoke to people like this, let alone Arthur. "You stole it Arthur.", Oberyn and Andric stopped holding Arhtur now that he didn't push back. Both thought their fight -and friendsip, ended with those words. "You fucking stole it, you did not earn it!", he yelled, chest rising and falling down fastly. "You did not win it. It does not belong to you, it is not yours, you are a fucking fraud!", he yelled as loud as he can. "Lying to everyone, including yourself. You love her is that so?", he let out a loud 'hah' voice. "I just feel pity for her because she fell to it. She didn't know how good of a liar you were. You've been convincing the entire realm that you earn your post. You would be nothing,", he spat. "without me."

Before they even understand what was happening, Arthur was near Rhaegar, chocking him to death after punching his face. "And what of you Rhaegar?", he asked, Rhaegar was trying to push his hands back but Arthur was chocking him for real, trying to almost crush his neck. "You are nothing.", Arthur was not yelling, he was clenching his jaw and gritting his teeth, seeing red. Jon, for a moment, though he might actually kill Rhaegar, given how red his face was, turning to almost purple in matter of seconds. "You are just an empty promise, an illusion. They call you the 'last dragon'. Why?", he started to walk to push him to the wall. "What have you ever done to deserve it? What have you achieved instead of creating more problems? You think you are so different from your father?", multiple hands were trying to pull Arthur back, he didn't even know which one was who. "You think you are better than him? You think you will be a better king? He at least did something.", his lips trembled with anger, neither broke the eye contact, even in this situation. "Wha you ever did except disappointing people? Anyone who unfortunately meets you wishes they did not. You are a fucking illusion!", he yelled the last word and had to let Rhaegar gone.

He was pressed to the wall immediately by Barristan, Jon's arm pressed to his neck to stop him from moving. Rhaegar was on the floor, on his knees, caouging loudly, still cannot breath properly, face was dark red, his neck already purple. Lewyn and Oswell was kneeling next to him, trying to see if he was going to remain alive.

"Bring water!"

Oberyn ordered, moving towards Rhaegar even though he didn't want to but his death would not be in Elia's favour. Myles rushed to the corner, poured water to a cup with shaking hands and then rushed to Rhaegar. Oberyn tried to make him drink it but Rhaegar threw it back to the floor.

"Brother!", Andric slapped Arthur's face lightly to make him look. "Calm the fuck down, Arthur."

"This will have great consequences Arthur.", Barristan said with a sharp tone but his heart was aching to see two boys he push to be friends ended up like this. "Calm down before things will become even worse."

"Brother.", Andric called once more and the dark shadows in Arthur's eyes seemed to be lessened and he nodded. Taking a deep breath, Andric let him go, Barristan and Jon followed his motion.

Rhaegar seemed better now. The marks, given his skin was paler and more sensitive than the rest, would remain there at least a week, probably longer but at least he was breathing. He finished his water, Myles poured another. Everything was hurting too much. Rhaegar wiped his mouth and stood up, his vision got blurred for a moment but he Oswell and Myles kept him standing.

He looked so much like Aerys when he looked at Arthur and seeing him leaving, he tilted his head and pushed Myles and Oswell, rushed back to Arthur, yanked him through his hair and pushed him to the same table Myles just poured water from. Flagon and the glasses fell to the ground and broke, Rhaegar, mercilessly, was punching Arthur's face until Arthur raised his knee and aimed his breeches, caused him to stumble back and fell right into the broken glass and he jumped on top of him, both started to roll around on the floor, punching, kicking, yelling, biting -fighting like children at some point, not as two trained knight. Everybody was trying to pull them away from each other but both stopped only when Aerys entered with raised eyebrows and an unimpressed look on his face. Gerold and Lucerys behind him, both gaping.


"I am not in a mood for that, Ash.", Ned shook his head and tried to leave when Ashara basically jumped in front of him in the dark knight. Robert was off to the feast but Ned needed to find Brandon, he had run away from the Northern camp apparently and no one told him where Lyanna was. "Please, don't. I need to find Brand-"

"I know where your brother is.", she dismissed him, locked their arms as Ned sighed. "He is so very adamant on ruining his sword. I doubt even the best swordsmiths would be able to fix it. He'll need a new one."

Brandon did changed his swords a few times in a year, never had a significant one -it was why it was a daily occurrence in the household of Rickard Stark to mock Brandon as he would not inherit Ice if he went on this way because the Old Kings of the North that resided in their crypts would go and haunt him if he destroyed their thousands of years old sword.

"It is better he hurts his own possessions instead of actual people.", he muttered in his mouth. "Do you also happen to know where Lyanna is?"

Ashara sent him a look. "You smell like a whore.", she deadpanned and Ned's ears blushed. "Shall I ask?"

"Robert was angry.", he explained with a tightness in his chest, he did not approve his way of relaxing but he didn't say a thing because an anrgy Robert would be worse. "We went to a brothel but I did nothing.", he was sure Ashara didn't believe him, though he was telling the truth but the Dornish woman surprised him by shrugging.

"If you say so.", she was used to Oberyn cheating on her with the half of the realm. This was why she chose Ned. He was Oberyn's opposite in every way.

He was quiet to Oberyn's loud, pale to her former lover's bronze skin, eyes were grey whereas Oberyn's were as black as onyx, rather short next to Oberyn but broader than him. His hair was long while Oberyn's were short. He was calm, reasonable, rather stoic while Oberyn was energetic, had severe anger issues and it was rare that he did not had that stupid green on his face. And she hoped, with all her heart, that he was also faithful whereas Oberyn was a fucking man-whore.

"Lyanna?", he pressed. "She is not at our camp. The last I had seen her she was at the joust with that crown in her lap, all smiles died.", he shook his head and Ashara frowned.

"No smile died out, people kept clapping for Rhaegar for minutes to come.", she scoffed. "Just because Robert and Brandon did, does not mean you can egenralize it.", Ned sighed impatiently and Ashara bit her lips. "I'll tell you where she is but first you need to listen to me without any interruptions, alright?", they stopped walking, she looked at him with her shiny purple eyes. "After you left, an unpleasant incident happened between your brother Brandon and Lady Atera Hightower.", Ned pinched his nose, of course it happened. "Some words were said, from both sides, I was not there so I will not repeat hearsay words but if their actions later on were any indications; they were unsavory. This cannot go on like this, do you understand?", Ashara decided to convince him step by step to control his reactions. "Atera is a Hightower. Her brother funds the Citadel, the Faith and the Crown. He might as well be the most powerful man in the entire realm.", Ned didn't need to know she was disinherited. "She is in service of Elia as well and will marry her brother soon enough, will become a princess consort. Brandon cannot afford to be her enemy, not like this. Of course go and speak to others but he started the entire incident. He should not cry that she answered back."

"Alright.", Ned rubbed his face. "I'll try to get a hold on the full picture and speak to Brandon. Quarreling with high-born ladies in public and to the point where both parties are insulted are ungentlemanly anyways and not fit to a man on the verge of marriage.", their father would not approve it as well, he knew it.

"Later on, the king threw a dinner to bury the hatches but in there, an argument started between them once more where Brandon almost got physical with her.", Ashara deadpanned.

It would be the wise thing to secure an apology for Atera. Gods knew they did not like each other but she sided with Atera on this matter and when she woke up next morning, Ashara wanted to offer her something to Elia would be spared from her anger.

Ned took a step back with widened eyes. "What?"

"He claims that it was not his intention but obviously it got understood that way to a point where Prince Oberyn had to take action as well and both got into a physical fight and Lord Hightower was there as well, he threatened him rather sharply. This cannot go this way as well, Ned. Oberyn is my prince.", no matter what happened between them, this was the one truth that would never change. "Any disrespect against him is a disrespect against Dorne and all of Dornishmen. We could never be together if your brother had a problem with him. Andric would never go against House Martell like this.", Ashara took a step back as well, raised her chin and looked at him firmly. "I will never go against House Martell like this.", she wanted him to understand it. "He needs to apologize."

"I'll speak to him.", Ned shook his head. "But I don't think it was his intention to hurt Lady Atera. He, not even once, hit a woman before. On the contrary, I had seen him cutting the hand of a man who dared to pull his daughter's hair. Brandon is not the kind of a man who would do such a dishonourable thing."

"Oberyn does not know your brother. Lord Hightower does not know your brother. There is a grand insult committed by him. Things can get escalate Ned. You must interfere."

"I will.", Ned promised. "What else happened?"

Ashara closed her eyes. "Things got this war because Brandon accused Atera with lying.", Ned did not want to hear more about this matter but omething in Ashara's voice indicated there was something else.

"Go on.", he frowned slightly.

"Your sister, Lyanna,", Ashara sighed. "she is the mytery knight."

"No, she is not.", Ned huffed and Ashara just looked at him. "Lyanna does not know how to joust.", he tried to explain. "Yes, she is half a horse but she is nowhere near defeating three knights who know how to joust properly. And she has no reason to do this. And she is not the kind of a person to do such a thing."

"Are you sure you know your sister?", Ashara asked with a soft expression and Ned almost flinched by the question. "She has a lance wound on her collarbone, Ned.", she tried to hold his ned but he pulled it back. "She accepted it herself. Did so to avenge Lord Howland Reed, as much as I understood it."

"The ambush-", Ned was not sure if he was comprehending with the events.

"Prince Rhaegar lied to save her life.", Ashara let Ned to figure out the rest and his grey eyes widened.

"This is why-"


"Oh no.", Ned gaped as he looked horrified.

"What is it?", Ashara frowned. "What happened?"

"Robert challenged the prince to a duel.", he blurted out. "At down, to the death."

And before he asked more quwstions, Ashara started to run back to the castle to warn Elia.


"Don't-", Rhaegar groaned as he tried to stand up, Arthur, with a grave face, letting him go. "Father we-", he made the mistake of clearing his throat and for a second thought he was going to die due to pain. "This is between us-", he tried to protect Arthur because even thinking to assault the crown prince was punishable by death, let alone doing this. "I did this myself-", he made another pathetic attempt but the look on his father's face did not change.

"Leave the three of us alone.", instead, while his pale eyes roamed around their frames, eyebrows raising more and more, he ordered.

"Your grace today was a long day.", Barristan was the first to dare to speak. "Certainly some mistakes happened but-"

"Allow me to take Arthur to one of the cells and let us talk for the matter first, your grace.", Lewyn jumped in help to his friend. Gerold looking horrified.

"While it is unsavory, my king,", Lucerys sent a wide-eyed look to Arthur but still tried to rescue him. "such things happen-"

"I said leave the three of us alone.", he orered once more with a much calmer tone.

"Father, this is private matter-", Rhaegar, despite it hurt speaking, tried once more -not even once Arthur moved.

"Your grace my brother might be a kingsguard but this does not mean-"

"After all the insults Dorne had to endure today-", both Andric and Oberyn took a step forward, Lewyn yanked them both back.

"I am not going to repeat myself.", Aerys declared and even though Andric would continue to stay and argue, Lewyn pushed him to the door, it would do no good to aggravate the king more. And it was not like Aerys would kill Arthur himself. "Which one of you would want to start explaining first?", Aerys asked when Gerold closed the door and there were only three of them in the hallway. "Rhaegar? Arthur? What is the meaning of this? Why are you arguing?"

Knowing Arthur was not going to speak, Rhaegar tried to take a deep breath -almost chocked on it but after a few coughs he once again tried to clear his throat, it seemed like an endless cycle to watch him so Arthur took a step forward.

"He is going to duel to the death tomorrow, at dawn, with Lord Baratheon.", he stated stoically, not bowing his head at all.

"And you decided to beat him hard so he could not attend to it tomorrow?", Aerys truly seemed interested in their quarrel.

"It seemed like a good idea, yes, your grace.", Arthur answered dutifully and Rhaegar sent him a look.

Of course that was why Arthur beat him, not because he lost control and with a horrified way, he realized that none of Arthur's punches were random; they all were calculated to make it hard for him to duel in the next morning.

Clever bastard.

"Good.", Aerys almost approved it and Rhaegar, taking deep breaths while holding his chest, sent him a look. "Gods knows I should have done so myself when he was a boy. Perhaps he would turn out better that way.", his eyes got colder for a moment. "Still, you assaulted the crown prince Arthur. Right after it became clear that you had lied to your king, committed high treason and I forgave you. Some would think you have a death wish. Give me one excuse on why I should not have you beheaded right at this instance?"

Arthur said nothing, not even a muscle moved in his face. He seemed like he didn't care what would happen to him and Rhaegar closed his eyes. Of course it didn't, not after everything happened with Atera. Rhaegar knew they did not even speak, she did not even look at him. And even if they would speak; what could Arthur tell her? He had no excuse, nothing at all.

"Father,", Rhaegar took a step forward. "I hit him first. I made him hit me. I have ordered-"

"Many years ago,", Aerys frowned. "when neither of you were born at all and I was not even the Prince of Dragonstone,", his eyes roamed around the room and saw one of the tables on the corner that still remained untouched and moved there to pour himself a cup of wine. "I had a terrible fight with Gerold one day. And as you know; he is not only taller than I, but is also broader and is a fucking kingsguard -though he was not a kingsguard back then, just taller, broader and older.", he let out a dry huff through his nose. "He beat the shit out of me.", he said with a small smile, raised his cup to them and took a big sip from it. "Can't say I didn't deserve it, my father couldn't say the same as well but regardless of what I have deserved, I was a prince, next in line to inherit after my father and he was just a knight, though he was the king's nephew but still, there was only one punishment for him; execution. No one can raise a hand to the blood of the dragon. But my grandfather the king thought otherwise. He said that if his father, Maekar, would be alive, of course he would not be amused, but would see it as a lesson. Hells, Ser Duncan himself broke into laughter when he first heard what happened, even patted Gerold on the shoulder and much to my father's despise, declared even the princes deserved some hitting. So Gerold got away with it. Still reminds me of that story time and time again, in a very smug fashion.", Aerys tilted his head. "My father would have have his head, despite him being his first cousin. But my grandfather cloaked him in white instead.", Arthur and Rhaegar, despite their fight, shared a look. Was this how Gerold became a kingsguard? "I personally don't think violence is the answer of anything,", they shared another look. "but who am I to know better than Aegon the Unlikely?", he raised his cup to Arthur. "Well done."

Rhaegar and Arthur shared a look. "Your grace-", Arthur tried to say something in confusion but Aerys raised a hand to stop him.

"You are on the edge of a cliff, son, be careful.", they were not sure if this was a genuine warning or a therat. "But it will not be me who pushes you from there. I am sure you are capable of doing so yourself.", he sighed. "You have past the age where I interfered with your relationships,", he said to Rhaegar. "all those years of meddling taught you anything at all and now you have lost your last remaining friend. You are like a self-fulling prophecy.", Rhaegar's eyes twitched. "And I am tired of saving you from yourself Rhaegar."

"You save me from-", he started to laugh, despite the cruicaing pain. "Fuck you.", Aerys raised his eyebrows. "You are the one whose destroying me father.", he accused.

"No, no, no,", he shook his head. "as I said to Arthur; you are just so successful of doing that yourself. You do not need any other enemy, you do not need me, to shatter you.", he finished his wine. "Arthur the next time you even touch my son, I'll cut that part of you.", it was a very clear threat, they did not need to think on it. "And Rhaegar, you have already jumped from the cliff, barely holding on one of the cracks you found.", he moved to him and patted his shoulder. "Be careful that no one steps to your hand because there will be no one that will pull you back."


"Princess.", Cersei was the last person Elia was expecting to visit her that night.

She was sitting in front of her fireplace, her hand tracing the bandage on the other, thinking what to do. She turned her head slowly to the queen, who was smiling wickedly. Ashara, who entered her room perhaps half an hour ago, in panic but refused to offer an explanation, stood up with the same concern in her eyes.

"Cersei?", Elia was just too tired and wanting to sleep. "Why are you here? I have no time to deal with you tonight."

Ashara raised her eyebrows to the queen, saying 'no' with her eyes. Cersei's smile only grew. "I got so worried when I heard what happened. I wanted to support you, given you are my good daughter.", she faked a concern. "I hope none of these events are upsetting the baby."

"What are you talking about?", she stood up with a frown. "What have you heard?", believing to any word that comes out of her mouth was not a naivity Elia would commit but she knew Ashara was hiding something.

"Oh,", she pouted. "I thought you knew."

"Your grace perhaps-", Ashara tried to interfere with a very angry look but Elia interrupted her with a loud voice.

"Tell me, what did you hear?", Cersei closed her eyes as if she made a mistake. "Cersei speak!", Elia's voice echoed inside the room and Ashara took a troubled breath.

"Lord Baratheon has returned to the castle.", Ashara closed her eyes. "Apparently in his anger he demanded prince to apologize but he said he did nothing that requires him to do so. Lord Baratheon, in return, challenged him to a duel for Lyanna Stark.", this was not what has happened but that doubt already placed into Elia's heart once. "And the prince accepted it."


"Does it hurt?", Andric asked, hiding worry behind anger as Oberyn, as self-claimed Maester, pressed a piece of cloth to the corner of Arthur's lip to wipe off the blood.

Arthur, obviously, as usual, refused to have a Maester attend to his wounds after Aerys let both him and Rhaegar go, seeming more than amused for the entire situation. Arthur stormed off without sparing a glare to Rhaegar -the prince did the same as well, and Andric followed him quickly. Gods knew the life would be easier for both if they hated one another but both failed to do so. As he followed Arthur, Lewyn pushed Oberyn towards them to keep him under control and prevent him from attacting to Rhaegar.

He had the right personality to be encouraged to beat the shit out of Rhaegar after Aerys let it slide the first time.

So now they were inside Andric's tent, after he realized Arthur was just going to roam around the castle mindlessly until he cools down Andric pulled him to the Dornish camp -taking advantage of everybody was in the feast. Arthur was tapping his feet up and down with silent anger and Andric knew Oberyn was only seconds away from starting another fight due to it, so he chose to interfere after Arthur's perhaps the twentieth unvibile grimace -Andric just knew Oberyn was pressing it harsher than he is supposed to, just to torture him further.

"No.", Arthur was just looking across himself, only Gods knew what was happening inside his head.

"So,", Oberyn sent one nasty look to Arthur's leg and placed his fingers under his chin and made him turn his head with a gentlness that neither Dayne brothers expected from him. "Stark girl is the mystery knight?", he supressed a wicked smile, wet the cloth in his hand with the medicated water and this time pressed it to his cheekbone.

"Oberyn.", Andric warned him with a single line.

"I take it this is the end of your affair with my betrothed?", Oberyn pressed further. "Given you remained silent when her brother could have get executed, chose another woma over her-

"I did not do such a thing.", Arthur pushed Oberyn's head away and spoke with a firm tone. "He never was in real danger, you all know it. You yourself did nothing because of this. I'll not have you deny this fact."

"He was not under danger at that moment.", Oberyn raised his eyebrows. "No one could promise he would be safe a minute later as well, Arthur, you included. And I'll not have you deny that."

"Talking this matters will bring no one any sort of serenity but volatile thoughts starting with what if's.", Andric clenched his jaw when Arthur and Oberyn looked eye to eye, equally angry.

"I think I am just upset because he got to beat Rhaegar but I could not.", Oberyn grinned, never breaking the eye contact, Arthur gritted his teeth.

"Oberyn...", Andric sighed.

"You did a good job though.", he continued without heeding to the warning. "Of course, you were not as good as you beat me but,", something flashed in his black eyes and his grin grew. "it still was better than of Brandon Stark.", Oberyn himself carried a mark of their confrontation.

"If you admired it so much, Oberyn,", Arthur looked at his face seriously. "I can give you a taste as well. You know,", he tilted his head slightly. "to reminisce the good days."

"Do your worst.", Oberyn challenged him but before Arthur managed to make a move, Andric yanked him back to his feet and pushed him to the other side of the tent.

"Why are you like this?", Andric asked in an impatient way.

"Why is he like this?", Oberyn pointed out Arthur with a suddenly firm face. "Wasting his life on people that does not deserve it. Deleting others who actually love him."


"I made one mistake.", he spat and Arthur's eyes found him. "One mistake and it's been years. I still am getting more than just a cold shoulder. Rhaegar Targaryen does worse than I but just sit back and watch; he'll forgive him all over again.", his black eyes snapped to Arthur's dark blue ones. "Never beating the loyal dog allegations."

"Oberyn!", Andric raised his voice as his brother watched the Dornishman as if he was the most intruding thing he saw in his entire life. "You might be my prince but inside this tent; you'll speak to my family with respect.", he declared. "Or there will be consequences."

Oberyn would like to know those consequences if Lewyn entered to the tent in the next minute with a grave look in his handsome face, eyes judging Andric and Oberyn silently and then finding Arthur's equally blank one.

"Gerold has organized a meeting.", he stated. "For all the kingsguard."

"When?", Arthur knew he was going to pay for what he has done, what he has been doing. He was just lucky that Gerold at least didn't know about Atera.

Not that this would lessen his punishment.

"Now.", Lewyn declared. "I have orders to take you there.", he seemed sad for a moment but then he hid it with a scowl. "Wear your armour.", he ordered. "This is going to be a formal meeting."

And probably Arthur's last one.


"What do you think will happen now?", Myles asked quietly. Both wanted to leave all the drama and now they were sitting on the grass, watching the night sky, full of stars. "Arthur and Rhaegar never fought before. They always had such respect and tolerance for each other. This is the first time I am seeing them like this."

"People argue, it is a normal thing."

"Arguments it is, and they had quite a lot of that before, it almost was like a daily occurrence at some point but this was not an argument.", Myles turned his head to him. "They were like enemies. The things they have said to each other?", he frowned in judgement. "I never even knew they were capable of saying such vile words to their enemies, let alone each other. As if we just witnessed a different side of them. As if they wanted to hurt each other."

"My fear is the king will punish Arthur badly.", Richard admitted with nervousness. "He lied to the king, he dared to lay hands upon the crown prince... Even a good and just king would execute him for these."

"But King Aerys will not.", they had seen that much. "At least not in public."

"An accident perhaps?", no one could guess what Aerys could and would do. Even if he would pardon Arthur today, no one could guarantee he would not seek for revenge tomorrow.

"He seems enjoying it.", Myles frowned now, turned his head away from Richard. "Arthur and Rhaegar are making one mistake after the other, Elia is on the verge of leaving him.", he shook his head. "I know we do not talk these things out loud but it is more than obvious the king sees Rhaegar as a threat. I cannot believe he could be this-this-"

"Stupid.", Richard muttered when Myles couldn't bring himself to insult his prince. His green eyes turned to Richard with a small blush but he nodded hesitantly.

"I've been serving to him for almost five years now.", he said a moment later. "Not even once I had seen him being this reckless. He thinks a hundred times even before he breaths and now he lies to the king's face? Aggravates Lady Atera? Crowns another woman? How could he even think it would be okay to do when he knew well enough he could never tell the reason of it?", he shook his head. "It seems like he is trying to lose whatever this is deliberately."

"I don't know prince that well, not yet. But for the past decade or so, I've been hearing things from Jon. The man I imagined was the epitome of rationality.", he huffed. "The man I met might be the most emotional person I've ever known.", he sent a look to Myles. "Jon blames Arthur for that."

"Jon wanted Rhaegar to marry Lady Atera.", he agreed. "It was Arthur who insisted for Elia and it is Arthur who Rhaegar always listens."

"If Rhaegar would marry Atera and he would do this, she would not just ruin his reputation and out his secrets on a dinner table, Myles. Right now we would be riding back to the capital to attend Rhaegar's funeral."

Myles grimaced. "I fear this is going to that direction anyways.", he mumbled inside his mouth. "But if Rhaegar would be married to Atera, he would have the Reach anyways. And well Atera is ...Atera.", he raised his eyebrows, not many words could be used to describe her but Richard understood his meaning.

"With her and Jon together, they would be able to control Rhaegar."

"Both think this will end in war and this tourney was a waste of time and gold. If she would have been his wife, then we would not be here anyways."

"If she would have been his wife, I know for sure that he would be the king by now.", Atera had a quick and effective way to handle things, get what she wants -though her ways were a bit cruel for well, all of them's liking. But effective, nevertheless. "Eighty thousand soldiers...", Richard shook his head. "The largest army in the entire realm, the largest fleet in the entire realm. Paxter Redwyne, though as a Stormlander is upsets me to give him any sort of eulogy, is far better captain than all of the living Velaryons combined. They have the grain, they have the gold. Who would stop them? Starks would never arrive on time. Tullys does not have enough resources to do so. Greyjoys would not care. Robert would not care. Jon Arryn perhaps but Knights of the Vale is just too distant from everything else, they are not battle hardened. With Atera marrying Rhaegar, who could guarantee Elia would not marry Baelor Hightower anyways? Atera surely would want to eliminate her greatest rival."

"Tywin Lannister.", Myles reminded him.

"He would not do shit.", Richard dismissed it. "Of course the man worships power and glory but alone, he would not be able to stop the Reacher forces, especially when there is nothing in it for him.", when Myles opened his mouth, Richard acted first. "Atera would never allow the king to marry Cersei. And with the right price, Tywin Lannister is the easiest man to buy in the entire realm. Given Rhaegar's bannermen supports Rhaegar and he has the majority of the Crownlands; the crown would fall onto his head within a fortnight. Without bloodshed. Without any pain."

Myles closed his eyes. "I cannot believe I am saying this but he should have married Atera. Elia was the wrong choice."

"We all prefer Elia, and she is the epitome of grace and kindness but ...that is all.", Richard shrugged. "Arthur judges Jon for being too cold and turhtless but at least he is rational. Elia offers nothing but problems to Rhaegar. No real support, not valuable advice. Instead, she collects the ire of the Marcher Lords. The only reason the Reacher Lords tolerate her existence and remain respectful is because of Atera."

"Rhaegar himself has not been powerful, noble-support-wise and Elia even worse than him.", Myles felt guilty for shit-talking but it was the truth. "Her own father plotted against her brother, her own uncle supports the king against Rhaegar and she-", he took a deep breath.

"And she ddin't give him a son.", Richard said the cold hard truth. "Rhaenys is a blessing but if she would have been an Aegon instead, people trust Rhaegar more. People would be more encouraged to look past his flaws and faults more, if he had an heir."

"She is pregnant and both are more than convinced it is a boy.", he didn't even want to know how on earth they were that sure.

"Well let us hope so because if it will be a girl once more, given everything went wrong in this tourney, Rhaegar might as well say his goodbyes to the world. That baby is his last chance. And the only life insurrence he and Elia has right now."

Aerys would not kill his own grandchild before it born, he still valued family, in a way. And Aerys would not kill Rhaegar right now because if he would die and Elia lose the baby, he would be a martyr and people would vouch for Rhaenys. If he would die and Elia would give birth to a son, Aerys could not harm him because then the people would blame him.

Though if she would have a girl...

"He needs Lady Atera.", Myles declared.

"He blames her even after everything.", Richard snorted.

"He does not, he just said that to upset Arthur.", Myles shook his head.

"Jon is cold but hey, at least he does something so Rhaegar would achieve his dreams. All he does, all Arthur does, all Elia does is to complicate things.", Richard looked at him. "Do not get me wrong; I believe Rhaegar will be a good king, a great king, the best we had but he is not a very good prince.", this was the perfect way to summarize him, both believed. "He doesn't want to become a king.", and this was the thing they all thought but no one dared to say it out loud. "But he thinks he must. Given everything happened in this tourney, one would think-"

"He is self-sabotaging.", Myles finished his line and with a sigh, laid back to the grass, closed his eyes and Richard admired him. "This wll indeed end in war. I just hope he will open his eyes before that."


He's been seen by a maester, took a quick bath and dressed in rich with high collars so the marks on his neck would not be seen and now, Oswell, biting back curses and his own urge to hit him, was applying concelar to his face to hide the bruises because he truly needed to attend to that feast.

He won the joust, no matter what he has caused with that.

Jon was in the room as well, his back turned to them, hands tied behind his back, standing in front of the open window. "That is it.", he said with a quiet voice eventually. "I am done.", Oswell's hand hanged in the air and he turned to him with a frown, Rhaegar did not react at all. Jon turned to them, blue eyes unreadable. "I've done everything for you.", he said with disappointment. "Everything.", he pressed. "But you do not worth it."

"Jon-", Oswell stood up but the Hand was not in a mood to listen.

"You did opposite of everything I had said to you. You had dismissed by advices, did not listen my suggestions, proved more than once that my opinions do not mean a thing to you and I am done, Rhaegar.", he shook his head. "I am done trying to help someone that will never accept it."

"Jon.", Rhaegar closed his eyes. "Not like this.", he looked at him with the same heartbreak. "Please."

"Elia will accept you because she has to.", he shook his head. "She can never leave you, not when the entire realm hates her, not when everybpdy thinks Rhaenys is a bastard, not when she carries your child. Arthur, despite everything, is attached to you in the most sick and poisonous way so he'll side with you as well.", he tilted his head. "Two people that must, no matter the circumstances, stay away from you if you want to see another light of day, will remain with you but I will not. You do not deserve my devotion, you never did and I am refusing to place you at the top of my priorities any longer.", he sighed, treated the entire situation as a business deal and not two friends breaking up. "I hope you will live a long life though I know the answer of that hope.", his eyes found Oswell. "If I were you, I would save myself."

"A wise sailor leaves before the storm gathers, Connington.", he clenched his jaw. "Not during it. You are late."

Jon smiled slightly. "Atera has convinced me after the last time.", his eyes lingered on Rhaegar. "Look at you.", his grief was in screaming colours. "Do you remember what you've told me just a week ago?", he tilted his head. "Anytime I turn my back to you, I see you falling into that pit for the millionth time, because you cannot see straight because you are blinded by your own ideals. Every single time I held out my hand to you, I saved you from there, made you my right-hand man. But I will not do so this time.", Jon tried to imitate Rhaegar's voice and snorted without humour, Rhaegar pouted with a clenched jaw. He was not sure whether his heart was aching worse or the bruises on his skin. "You will either get out of there yourself or die all alone inside.", he continued and shook his head. "Look how the tables have turned.", he took a deep breath. "Now, I know,", he pressed. "that you are smart enough to build yourself a ladder and leave the pit, I know that you are smart enough to open your eyes to the reality, I know you can be the man I know that you are but,", he took a step back. "I don't think you know this yourself."

"Jon.", Rhaegar warned him, sensing what he'll say next.

"You mentioned me about a prophecy, all those years ago. Do you remember that?", he frowned and Oswell muttered a curse. Making Rhaegar remember that prophecy never worked before. "I called it bullshit. But I believed to it afterwards, much to Arthur's objections and tantrums because I have believed in you because you have this power on people. You want to create a new world and you can, you-you inspire people,", he started to pace around with passion. No matter what he said, he was not done, Oswell could see that. A man who truly gave up would not be like him. "you make them see the world through your eyes, and this is magnifivent but you are not aware of the power you have. You claim the world will face with catastrophy and that it is your destiny to save it.", he looked at him. "How can you be so selfish to risk everything then? You don't want to be the king, I understand that but then do not come to me about talking shit like prophecies and destinies and myths. You sound like a lunatic. You sound like mad.", he hissed the last word, leaned forward. "This is your last chance, Rhaegar. Either snap out of whatever this is or abdicate from your rights.", Oswell inhaled sharply but Jon seemed more than serious. "Live your life as a poet. Allow me to groom Viserys rightly. You can make sure he'll be far better than you with the right guide. At least he will not be afraid of his own destiny.", Rhaegar bowed his head. "Make a choice.", he said after minutes of silence and left the room.

Rhaegar was sitting on the couch, bend forwards, running his hands through his hair and face, wincing with the pain. "I fucked up.", he said for the hundredth time that day and Oswell only snorted. "I'll apologize from Atera until she accepts it.", he nodded to himself. "I will beg Elia until my knees bleed. And I will let Arthur go.", Oswell raised his eyebrows to the last line. "I'll be better.", he stood up. "I will fix everything."

"Oswell,", Barristan entered without even knocking, he was that pissed over incidents, he did not even acknowledged Rhaegar's existence. "immediate meeting, now. Gerold is pissed. Wear your armour."

"Ser Barristan-", Rhaegar called with a sad frown but he was not expecting to see the disappointment in his eyes as well. He couldn't say anything.

"Is it about Arthur?", Oswell asked with nervousness.

Barristan turned back him. "It is about all of you.", the last he had seen Gerold this angry was during the war, almost two decades ago. "Wear your cloak as well.", he himself was always in proper attire. "It is serious Oswell."

"Barristan-", Rhaegar took a step forward one more time, Barristan was more of a father than Aerys was to him. Barristan and Gerold and even Lewyn. "I will fix everything.", he managed to whisper but Barristan did not react and left the room.

Oswell followed him.


"Elia you must rest!", Ashara yelled eventually when the rest of her ladies were rushing around, trying to find everything she asked for.

Elia didn't answer for a few minutes. Ianthe helped her get over her robbes and wear her dress. She has decided to join to the feast, especially after she heard from whispering servants that Arthur and Rhaegar got into a horrible fight. Angry and hurt she was, gave him even an ultimatum, she did not mean a word.

Oh, her ehart did. Elia would live perfectly well without Rhaegar in her life but her children could not. They belonged to their father, to the dynasty. Leaving Rhaegar would mean she would never see them again and while it was a bargain she could play with Rhaegar, use his humanity and weaknesses but Aerys was the wildcard and she could shut down her pride if it was necessary in order not to leave Rhaenys alone in that den with a father like Rhaegar.

She just hoped her husband did not realize that yet and would do the things she asked, make a choice.

When she finally got ready she looked like a Godess came on the earth. The Martell orange and Targaryen red mixed marvelously on the dress, it was feast for eyes. Showing everyone who needs to see that she was the Martell Princess and a Targaryen consort and neither a child nor another woman could ever take it from her. No matter what, no one could take the Dorne from her, no one could humiliate her the way her husband did, no one could disrespect her. It wasn't enough alone to shut everyone up but it was a start.

Sabitha gave the bracelet to her. It was a golden snake with eyes of rubies, Oberyn's wedding gift, she wear it on her arm. She was wearing four rings, her wedding ring, a big ruby dragon, a topaz sun and her house's ring. She choosed topaz earrings, looked very rich and it was very heavy. Finally Ashara gave her, her crown but not with a happy face. Filled with snakes, she looked like a Targaryen Princess and a Martell Queen.

While Elia appyling her perfume, Ashara wore her purple dress. It was daring and revealing. Both of the girls' dresses were. All of the Dornish was in peak fashion tonight. Because Aerys hate it and his new little queen despised it. Normally they would obey but it wasn't time for obeisance it was time for rebellion. It was for a quite long time.

She just hoped Rhaegar finally saw that as well.


275 AC, Starfall

Six years ago...

Finally getting rid of his guards, he had no idea why his mother was obsessed with given them to him, he took a deep breath of relief and started to walk freely in the woods he grew up in. He was wearing brown pants and black boots, combined with a white shirt and a brown leather vest -his mother insisted on chainmail but even his father objected to that.

Starfall was not exactly safe in these days due to the ongoing war with the Braavosi and Triarchy but there were words of the Sealord leaving his place for his nephew so now a truce was ruling. His mother on the hand, did not believe to it, not for a second and while Arthur managed to play with his guards, he was aware Andric and Ashara used more violent ways. Especially Andric, when he went to see his paramour.

He grimaced his face and tried to forget about Larra's existence completely. He went on hunting to relax his mind and have one last journey before return back to the capital, to Rhaegar's side. He was more than worried now the queen was with child once more and if his letters were any indications, he was about to lose his mind with Aerys's excitement.

Arthur had to control the situation.

But he finally got relieved of the bad thoughts when he finally set his eyes on a deer. Holding his breath, he hid behind a tree, pulled an arrow from his back and aimed, prepared to-

Deer run away with the sudden laughter.

"What are you doing?", he asked rather firmly when his eyes set on the two girls laughing.

His dearest sister and the daughter of the new ambassador. Arthur didn't even bother himself with learning her name. Anyone who worked for them was an enemy to the Dornish.

"Say another word and I'll tell mother that you are alone without your guards, brother.", Ashara wiggled her eyebrows and Arthur tried not to get amused by it.

Instead, jumped from the wood and went to their side. Dayne guards bowed their heads in respect. "It would be you answering mother, Ash. Thanks to you two,", his eyes lingered a bit on the brown-haired woman. "the animal has escaped."

"Good for him.", the Lysene mused. "It would be an unnecessary cruelty otherwise."

"Unnecessary cruelty?", he raised his eyebrows. "I've been trying to hunt it for the past two days."

"You must be a very skilfful hunter then.", she snorted. "Given you couldn't manage to shoot him for two days straight.", Arthur raised an eyebrow but his eyes snapped to his sister when Ashara laughed to that.

"Excuse me, who are you?", Arthur turned back to her. "I don't think I catch your name.", Ashara laughed at that louder. Arthur was always kind and mannerful, it was fun to see him bicker like the boy he was.

"Brother, you forget your manners but then again, you always were thicker.", Ashara pouted her lips, Arthur didn't like she got along with the other woman this well. "It is a blessing that you went for the sword instead."

"Ashara.", Arthur narrowed his eyes at her.

"This is Arcanna Ormullen, as you know well.", his sister just rolled her purple eyes. "And she is so very busy as mother waits for us by the lake. I am going to show her our jellyfishes. Care to join?"

"I believe he should stay here instead and wait.", Arcanna pouted. "Perhaps the poor animal would take a pity on him and return.", both girls giggled once again and Arthur, even thought he would deny it later, couldn't take his eyes off Arcanna's moving silouthette.


A few moons later...

"Come on girls, walk faster.", Cassella clapped her hands as she walked swiftly. "Be respectful and do not dare to speak before Lady Dayne does. Do not meet with her eyes. Just remain quiet.", she spoke with a nervous tone, sent a look to see if anyone was seeing them, she was trying to sneak three girls to her mother-in-law's chamber and no one, especially Andric should have not hear about this. "Slow down.", she hissed once they reached to the black marble door, adorned with silver. "Tell mother that I am here.", after the guards announced her presence, she entered the room with the girls behind her and curtsied. "My lady, here are the girls I have chosen for Arthur."

First one had fair skin with light blonde hair. She had hazel eyes and a slim figure but she was tall. She was wearing a white dress adorned with pearls. Highborn, it was obvious. A lady. In the middle, the woman had a pale long face and shining grey eyes with long blackish brown hair. She was not highborn at all though her confidence was suggesting that, she was the one that caught attention more than the other two. The third one was small, had a round face and was not slim, nor tall. She had beautiful flaming locks and big brown eyes with freckles and looked sweet with her small smile.

Alena Dayne, the great Lady of Starfall, observed all of them with a raised eyebrow, despite the loud protests of her husband and firstborn just a day before. Arthur was her son and he was not old enough to choose who to love as he proved it perfectly well. Having an affair with the daughter of a foreign ambassador, who works for their enemies that they were currently at war with (men who spilled Dornish blood for fun), was unacceptable and Ansel could play the three monkeys, Andric could pretend to be the protective older brother but Alena was sick of her children's stupid love matches.

She had not managed to break up Andric and Larra but that was a rookie mistake on her part. She should have guessed saying 'no' would encourage Andric more but at least she secured their line continuing from the niece of Lorenza Martell instead of a no one from nowhere. She was not even sure if the girl was truly a Blackmont or not. Andric could spend his days and nights with her as much as he wants, what she needed was a grandchild and she hoped he would give her that soon.

Everything that happened with him forced Alena to be cautious with Arthur and Ashara. Her dearest son thought himself in love. Alena, as his mother, knew better. Her beautiful daughter thought any man who complimented her striking beauty was in love with her, but she was going to take care of that too. While there was nothing solid, she did not like the way Oberyn Martell looked at her. She needed to control that situation before it was too late.

"What do you think?", she clasped her hands behind her back and asked to the man in the shadows.

Cassella and the girls curtsied with wide-eyes when he finally took a step towards the light and they realized who he was. "I think this is a terrible idea, Aunt Alena.", Rhaegar Targaryen, the Prince of Dragonstone, spoke with a troubled face. "Arthur will not like this."

"I don't need Arthur to like this situation, I need him to like one of these girls.", she explained dryly.

Her son thought himself a lover, thinking in all his naivity that he could decide who to enter his bed. Alena couldn't care less but that girl, Arcanna Ormullen, was nothing more than a rat. She just wanted to spare her son from a heartbreak.

"He will take it as an insult.", Rhaegar insisted. He did not want to be here but after Arthur's letters took a drastic turn of affection, he did not like their tone. He did not like this girl he apparently was 'in love' with and one letter written to Alena Dayne in remorse proves his worst fears and off he was to Starfall to monitor the situation. "You know him.", this was not the solution he would use but then again, every other idea they found proved to be wrong. He even heard that Arthur's younger sister, whom he never met because she was accompanying some princess in somewhere else, claimed Arcanna had bewitched Arthur and with every passing day, Rhaegar was starting to believe that because his friend was not acting as he normally would. "This can take a terrible turn and he would not forgive either of us."

"Rhaegar dear, he is my son.", Alena turned to him. She had a very sweet face, with big blue eyes and soft light black hair and prominent cheekbones. She always smiled, was always cheerful and perhaps a bit too much clever for her own good. One week of staying there and Rhaegar understood with ease that it was Alena Dayne who ruled Starfall, not her husband who seemed to worship the ground she walked on. "He will not choose some other girl over me.", her motherly smile got erased. "Or I will destroy that girl."

Rhaegar blinked at her. His own mother was so very much pregnant and while Rhaegar did not have the heart to leave her like this, Aerys, in all his amusement, allowed him to go -both Gerold and Lewyn escorting him. Though Gerold, for some reason, was sent to Oldtown first. Rhaegar, at first, thought it was because to visit his family but he heard it was due to an order by the king, to deliver a message, a command. Once he comes, Lewyn was going to leave for Sunspear to see his own family. Rhaegar hoped to break up Arthur and Arcanna until Lewyn would return so he could go back to the capital with his friend.

"He doesn't like blondes.", feeling like he was betraying Arthur, not taking him seriously, he bowed his head and muttered. "Or high-born ladies for that matter. He thinks it is dishonourable to be with them without marriage."

Alena raised her eyebrows. Despite having two so very Dornish parents, Arthur somehow turned out so much to be a Northener. Gods knew how much Alena would want Andric and Ashara to have a bit of that closemind from their brother.

"He was with Azula.", she recalled. Azula Fowler was not the daughter in law in her dreams but given Andric's affair with Larra, she approved her at first sight but then they broke up.

"Yes but they were not-", Rhaegar blushed and did not finish his line and Alena let out a small 'oh' voice.

"Well then,", she turned back to the blonde girl. "what was your name?"

"Hesita Ladybright, my lady.", she made a small curtsy and Alena made a hand gesture for Cassella to make her leave.

"And you two?"

The black haired one took a step forward with a straight spine. "I am Lygiea.", she did not curtsied and the ginger girl sent her a timid look.

"Maev, my lady."

Alena turned to Rhaegar in expectance. And after dragging his feet to the floor like a child would, Rhaegar huffed and raised his head, sent short looks to two girls and pointed out Katerina with his head.

Cassella, after Alena's approval, made Maev leave as well and turned to the other woman. "Where are you from Lygiea?"

"Volantis, my lady."

"Ah, so you are from the land of my dear late mother in law.", though she was the daughter of a merhcant, Alena had a feeling that this girl was probably a brothel-worker. "You know your duty well, right? I need you to make my son happy and take him away from that girl.", Rhaegar sighed nervously but Alena did not mind him. "I want him to be truly enchanted this time. But do not expect anything more.", she warned her. "You will be just a distraction."

"To make him forget other women?", her accent was thick but Alena was glad they had understood one another. Alena smiled and sent her away as well.

"Prepare her and send her to Arthur tonight.", Alena ordered to Cassella and sat to her couch.

"Of course you know it better, my lady but,", Rhaegar tried his luck one more time "Arthur's eyes sees no one but Arcanna. This will not work."

"I will try every way, Rhaegar. The important thing is to surround Arcanna, not let her breathe in this court, attack her at every given turn so she would run away back to Lys.", she sent Rhaegar a look. "I know that my son will not leave her himself. It must be her who is doing it."

Rhaegar sighed with trouble once more, not knowing years later he would use the same tactic though it would fail, once more.


281 AC, Harrenhal

"When I told you to make a choice,", Elia approached to her husband with a fake smile. Rhaegar was seeming perfectly fine but from up close, she could see the traces of the concealer he had applied. She herself covered her tracks by a glove. "I did not expect you to choose her."

"Good because there is no sneraio I would do such a thing.", Rhaegar turned to her with a smile. There were no kingsguards, all in a meeting so the room was surrounded by less capable Targaryen household gaurds. "You heard what?"

"Everything.", she was aware that people were whispering, looking at her daring gown and how close they stood to one another, smiling. They were either thinking she was a lewdy Dornish that probably did not mind the insulst or that Lyanna Stark was nothing to be worried about. "You would duel with him, only if you wanted her. This duel is being held on for his tarnished honour not yours. He has challenged you for what you have done to him, not vice versa. Accepting the duel is accepting that you had impure intentions and truthfully want her, desire her. Well she can be yours if you want it so much, husband."

"Is that so?", Rhaegar murmured, wrapping a hand around her waist to give people something else to whisper about.

"Yes, in seventh hell.", she whispered and something flashed in Rhaegar's eyes. "Because even killing me will not give her to you in this lifetime."

"I have no such wishes and everything will happen the way you want it, I promise.", he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her cheek. This was the first tourney, he imagined, where the winner of the joust did not dance with the Queen of Love and Beauty because the girl was imprisoned and Rhaegar would not do such a thing anyways. "But after the duel.", he whispered to her ear and offered her his hand. Accepting with a silent disgust, they started to walk to the empty area, people stopped whispering to watch them. "I'll not be named a coward by Robert Baratheon."

"No one things you are a coward but I can give you a lengthy list of people thinking you are a fool.", she curtsied and he bowed, they started dancing. "I would put Arhtur to the top of that list."

"We'll be fine.", he was sure of it. Arthur could never leave him and Rhaegar would never let him go anyways. "I deserved it. He calmed down. Tomorrow, we will be better."

Elia did not seem believing to him. "And Atera?"

"Once she listens, she'll know that I have done the right thing.", Elia huffed. "She has always blamed me for not doing what is necessary and showing favour to my close friends. She cannot blame me now that I had followed her advice."

"We both know this is not the case and you are not the object of her ire.", she turned around herself elegantly and Rhaegar pulled her back to himself. "She will never forgive Arthur."

"Good.", he surprised her. "If she would betray to everything we ever worked for just because a simple misunderstanding and hold a grudge forever; it is good riddance that she has left Arthur. He does not need such a negativity around him.", Elia didn't know why but something about the way he said it made her feel nervous, as if Rhaegar knew something she didn't.

"And what of me then?", she asked when the dance has ended and they curtsied/bowed each other once more. "What can you ever do to make me forget this torney?"

"You'll see soon enough."


"You had broke your oaths with my niece, in my home!"

Gerold's words echoed in his mind as he mindlessly walked on outside, away from the haunted castle, with a broken pride and a disgraced honour.

"You think I didn't know it, boy? You took me for a fool, Arthur? I have given you endless chances to come forward and speak your truth! And what have you done? Lied to me. And for what? To betray her as well."

The disappointment and the crestfallness on his blue eyes (that looked remarkably similar to another person he let down in the span of twenty-four hours) was too heavy that for the first time in his life, Arthur couldn't look into someone's eyes, bowed his head down with shame.

"You don't deserve that cloak you are wearing. You are not fit to carry out our mantra, not anymore."

People started to sent him weird looks once he entered the Dornish camp, there were no emotions on his face, his armour was partly staying but most parts were thrown out and on top of that he was looking truly and utterly fucked and depressed.

"You did not just betrayed to your oaths. You have betrayed me. I entrusted her with you, so you would keep her live, not take liberties with her! Amongst everyone here, you were the last person I have expected to do so. There are no words to describe what I am feeling right now. You were a mistake Arthur."

He would never forget the way Gerold pulled his cloak and threw it to the fireplace and then, despite the objections of Lewyn and Barristan and the horror of Oswell (Jaime was sent away at that point), grabbed him by the neck and made him watch it.

"You are free to do as you wish, obviously you never cared anywyas. You are no longer on active duty, no longer a kingsguard of our ranks. Go to the edge of the world for all I care. But from this point forward, you are forbidden to enter to the White Sword Tower. You will be erased from the Book of the Brothers and will remain as a kingsgaurd only in name. One mistake and I'll send you to the Watch, Arthur."

Without minding anyone else, he moved to the purple tent in the midde. The guards in front of it seemed almost started to see him. "Ser Arthur?", one of them spoke. "Something happened, Ser?"

"Is he here?", he thought he said the words but was not sure if they heard him at all. When they looked to each other in confusion, Arthur, without minding them, parted the tent himself and entered to it

Andric was drinking wine in front of the fireplace. He was lucky that Larra was not here. The moment he caught the siluethe of his little brother, Andric stood up with a frown.


Arthur opened his mouth but nothing came out of it. Seeing he was trying to speak, Andric gave him time and acted only after Arthur muttered the word. "Help.", it was not a line, not anything solid but Andric understood and his face softened.

"Come here.", he opened his arms, and with a heavy chest, Arthur entered to his embrace. His arms did not move to wrap him back and tears started to fall not long after. "You are my brother, Arthur.", his arms tightened when he felt him completely breaking down. "You do not need to ask for help to receive that."

"I was your brother four years ago as well. Why you let me down back then?", he asked between his frequent sighs of cry.

"If I could go back in time and change it; I would but there is nothing I do know for the words I muttered drunkenly. Not when I don't even remember what I have said exactly.", he pulled himself back enough to look at Arthur's completely destroyed face. "It does not matter anymore, no. You are here now. Finally saw what I have been telling to you ever since you met that prince. I never wanted you to see his true colours, even in the expense of our brotherhood because I knew how much it would uspet you but-", he took a deep breath. "I am not saying I am innocent Arthur, I have pushed you right there myself but I am willing to fix my mistakes."

"I never thought-, not after eve-", he shook his head, couldn't find right words.

"None of it matters.", Andric squeezed his arm. "Welcome back, brother."


"Rhaegar,", Cersei approached to her with a wide smile and Varys next to her, caught him before he managed to leave the feast. "here you are.", he was not in a mood to deal with her. "Looking terrible, my dear. But of course, dealing with that wife of yours must be dreary.", Rhaegar closed his eyes for patience. "Tell me if you want Lyanna Stark so much, I can arrange a way for you to be with her without anyone else noticing."

Rhaegar sent her a long look and then opened her mouth, for the first time against her this violently. "Who do you think you are?", the venom in his tone made Cersei's smile disappear. "What kind of a small brain must you possess to think that you can be of my help in any way?"

"My prince-", Varys tried to interfere but in the small corridor they were in, Rhaegar's voice echoed, without taking his eyes off of Cersei.

"Shut up!", Rhaegar's indigo eyes focused on him coldly for a second. "It is not your prince to warn me. I am the Prince of Dragonstone!", he hissed. "I am the crown, the throne, the power, the dynasty, the blood of the dragon!", he hated everything he was. "Who are you Varys? Nothing but a servant.", Varys bowed his head and Rhaegar turned back to Cersei. "So are you. Being the queen consort changes nothing in your status. You are not of my blood. You do not possess even an inch of royalty in you, unlike Elia. You never be in our status. Just for this reason only; do not ever dare to speak to me or to her like this. Do not spread the ugliness in your heart to our lives any further. The next time you do so, I will hurt you.", he felt sick for threatening her. "Bad enough to make you wish that you have never born so know your place and do not make me remind you again."

As Cersei stood there in burning embarrassment and shock, he went to sleep at least a little before his duel.


"This was too much.", Lewyn hissed once they all calmed down. "Too much Gerold. And what you have is unprecedented, no one has ever done it before, it is not in your rights to release a kingsguard-"

"I did not release a kingsgaurd from his vows though, have I?", Gerold snapped. "Do not act like I have done something wrong, Lewyn."

"Am I the only one who didn't know about them?", Barristan asked with an almost hurt tone. Oswell had rushed to Rhaegar's side and they didn't know where Arthur were though giving him space was the right thing to do.

Lewyn turned to Gerold. "How did you even know?", he asked in confusion. "I only guessed and Arthur confessed just this morning. When or where you found out?"

"I had seen them all those moons ago.", they were in the small common are in the tower of the guards, drinking wine, all lost in thoughts some way. "In Oldtown.", he rubbed his face. "I gave them both endless chances, opportunities to come forward and speak, or to end things. They did neither. And now Arthur does what? Steps on yet another oath he swore. Hurting her in the process. He was supposed to better than us."

"He is but a man, Gerold.", Lewyn wanted to defend him. "A very young one. Barely learning the life itself. He was too young to done the white, and he did so without out knowledge. Neither of us would allow it to happen. Aerys did not even consider the boy, nor have we. It was obvious to all that he was not fit to be a kingsguard. He would not be able to carry the burden, we all knew that.", he sat next to his best friend and commander, placed a hand on his shoulder. "He held on too long. Went far further than we all expected-"

"And fell too below of the required standard, Lewyn.", Gerold hissed at him.

"I have a paramour. I would choose my own family over the royals even in a simple bet. I have been breaking my oaths for decades now. What makes you tolerant to me but not to him?"

"We all knew what you were.", he turned his head away. "You never seduced my niece while you were in charge of protecting her.", Barristan sent him a look that Gerold answered back with flames. "You got something to say?"

Lewyn narrowed his eyes between them. "I will never understand this secret thing between you to, no?", he shook his head. "It has been years, still I am not worthy of hearing it."

"No, you are not.", Gerold nodded. "Arthur is lucky that he is not at the cells right now or will not sail to the Eastwatch at dawn. He is lucky that I am showing him mercy but my decision is final. He will not return back to our ranks."

"You are being unfair.", Barristan spoke. "Yes, Arthur did break his oaths but if every kingsguard got outranked just because they laid with a woman-"

"This is different than visiting a brothel or two, Barristan.", he gritted his teeth. "You know it as much as I do."

"Stop acting like he debauched her.", Barristan frowned. "You make it sound like he groomed her or something. It sounds to me it was-"

"Arthur claims he loves her.", Lewyn him with a wink. "What some silly words said in anguish worth against love?"

"I trusted him.", they did not understand at what he was angry at. "I have placed him in front of her chambers myself because I was worried about her. I thought he would keep her safe, protected. He's been sleeping with her for moons, behind my back, smiling at my face.", Lewyn and Barristan shared a look. "This is far too low then I have been expecting from him. And not only he got himself involved with her when there is nothing he can offer to her; but he also sold her off in time of need. Chose Rhaegar over her. Atera can lose everything if this would get out and yet, he still chsoe someone else. This is not love and I'll not have you act otherwise.", he stood up. "My decision is final.", he repeated sharply. "Do not utter another word."

"What your niece has done was so very low.", Lewyn commented, not hiding his ire, Barristan sent him a warning look. "Outing the secrets of a person who trusted you and let you in, at the earliest convenience, just because of a stupid grudge, is not right.", Gerold turned to him. "What consequences will she suffer?"

"I heard that Princess Elia has been spared from tonight's scandal just because she is with child.", Gerold raised his chin. "If I were you, I would not interfere with this event as I will not do so myself, especially not when Atera chose to spare her out of kindness."

"What will happen to the Stark girl?", Barristan asked when Lewyn jumped to his feet and Gerold turned to him completely. The last thing they needed was a fight between two.

"Aerys let her go out of the dungeons hours ago.", Gerold answered without taking his eyes off of Lewyn. "He thinks it will be far more amusing if she gets away with what she has done."

"You would have her punished.", Lewyn accused.

"Aye,", Gerold nodded. "running away from the law and lying to the king is considered high treason. Her, Arthur, Rhaegar, Princess Elia,", Lewyn took a step further and Barristan came between both. "all should pay for what they have done but they are lucky,", Barristan sighed. "Aerys let them all go. They will not so in second time. Arthur borderline is asking for the block.", he threatened.

Deserved or not, on top of his other crimes, Arthur dared to lay hands to the royal blood. At the end of the day Rhaegar was Aerys' son and every act against him was still an act against Aerys and the crown. Gerold, feeling betrayed, was feeling too tired to keep the peace any longer. He saw Arthur as a son, he raised him as a son, he gave him the command of his sworn brothers, this was not the outcome he deserved. What happened with Atera disgusted him, Lyanna Stark, between all his mistakes, was the most understandable one but hitting Rhaegar? The prince made a mistake and Arthur paid it back with another one. They were lucky Aerys loved Arthur more than Rhaegar -though Gerold knew damn well he was at the end of his patience.

He knew he probably should go and reprimand Atera as well but she didn't seem well as she left the dinner table and Leyton went with her. Gerold had to use all his strength in order not to react when his eldest nephew blurted out their affair right to his face the other day but admitting he knew would only aggravate Leyton further, they did not needed that. He was getting near to the edge with every passing day. His thoughts started to become too much for him. He's been keeping his own memories from himself far too long.

"Nothing serious will happen to him though, no?", Barristan wanted to be sure and Gerold sighed.

"It is a miracle it will not."

"You know how he gets time to time. At first he was obsessed with Jonothor, treated him like a sworn shield rather than a Knight of the Kingsguard. Then Gwayne for two years nearly, he was his longest obsession. Then Barristan of course, his hero from Duskandale. Arthur has just started.", Lewyn threw himself back to the couch.

"Yes but still, he was never this devoted.", Gerold shook his head.

Lewyn tried to joke. "If I didn't know Alena I would suspect some stuff."

But Gerold didn't laugh, he didn't amused, he just looked at Lewyn with cold eyes and Lewyn instantly regretted what he said. It was inappropiate and outright cruel thing to say to Gerold. Especially in a time like this. Given Jenica herself was the one who had a secret affair with Aerys. And there were too many shadows over Atera's mother. Though given how much she looked like Daella, Lewyn had no doubts she was Gerard's daughter.

"I'll cover Arthur's absence as if I sent him on some duty.", he explained to them both. "Say your goodbyes tomorrow, I have little care on what he'll do from now on."


276 AC, Starfall

Five years ago...

"Welcome to Starfall.", Andric shook his hand with a warm smile. "Though I must admit this situation was more than unexpected for us all.", they were alone in his room. He wanted to make the opening speech without Alena.

"It is an honour to see you once more Lord Dayne.", Leyton smiled at him as well. "And whatever you feel, be assured that I feel even worse."

"Then let us speak with the company of wine and at the balcony to breathe fresh air.", Ansel always liked Leyton, despite Andric borderline hating him, despite Gerard being his father. After settling, as his elder, Ansel spoke first. "Despite being surprise, both my and my wife had been delighted after reading the king's letter. Alena has been trying to find an appropriate match for Arthur for quite some time now and you know that she always liked Lady Jenica well enough. I fear she already planned half of the wedding in her head, and cannot wait to meet with your sister."

Leyton sent him a tight-lipped smile. "I do appreciate Lady Dayne's enthousaism but-"

"But there is nothing official, despite the king clearly advocating for the match.", Ansel interrupted him with understanding. "You do not want to marry her off."

"She is my only sister and I believe still so very young for marriage. Not even off-age until the year ends.", Leyton took a sip from his wine. "And my Alerie is about to marry within a fortnight.", he had to race back to Oldtown. "I just came here to discuss his offer with you, Lord Dayne. And please, for the sake of my health, let us take things slow. I am already giving off my daughter. I cannot bear to do the same to my sister as well."

"Alright.", he chuckled. "What of Lady Hightower then? Is she here with you?"

"No, no,", he shook his head. "Rhea stayed at Oldtown with the children. There is chaos in the Reach due to the wedding. I need someone to control my household."

"And you do not want her to know this.", Ansel narrowed his eyes in order to understand that. "Why?"

Leyton this time took a bigger sip. "Rhea and Atera do not get along well.", he tilted his head. "They don't get along at all. And if she would hear this from Rhea, in the heat of an argument...", he sighed. "I will not force my sister to marry. I want her to want this, I want her to accept this. She never would do so if she would hear it from Rhea. This way is better."

"Thanks to the stars that Alena and Davina get along perfectly well.", his wife and sister. "Too well even, to my liking anywyas. They are always up for some trouble."

"Fear that I cannot relate.", Leyton sighed.

"I must admit that I am more than glad that you finally brought peace and order back to Oldtown. We've been fearing if things would affect us here in the Torrentine as well."

Gerard left a catastrophe behind him.

"No can be happier than I.", Leyton muttered with a dark voice. "We worked hard but now everything fell right back into its place. It is why I do not want to rush another wedding after Alerie's.", Leyton sent him a look. "Why the king offered such a match, Lord Dayne? My uncle offered me no informations but the king's letter in his last visit.", when he accompanied Rhaegar.

"It seems that Prince Rhaegar mentioned about my wife's displeasure with Arthur's-", he cleared his throat under Leyton's raised eyebrows. "-lady friend.", he chose to say. "I don't know why he chose your sister though.", he chose his next words carefully. "He has always liked Lady Jenica.", Leyton's eyes grew colder. "Perhaps he feels responsible?", Aerys was his cousin, of course he knew what exactly happened between him and Jenica though it did not explain his interest towards Atera. By all accords, he should dislike the girl instead.

Leyton finished his wine. "I heard only good things about your son. I must state that you had raised a gallant and honourable boy. You should be proud of yourself."

"You have four of them yourself. Your eldest especially, people speak so highly of him. Almost married to our princess."

"Do not even remind me.", Leyton shook his head as Ansel laughed. "And then the boy got exiled to my city, nevertheless."

"Oberyn is a good lad.", Ansel said between his laughs. "A bit menace but who isn't at that age?", Leyton raised an eyebrow. "Arthur is not but Arthur is the exception, not the norm. He and Allyria took only the best parts of us."

"I fear that I cannot say the same about my sister.", he pursed his lips. "She is a menace but at least she looks adorable as she creats problems."

"I doubt it would help with the frutistraion.", Ashara was the same, it got tiridng after a point. And Leyton's face was an answer itself. "Leyton, I will say that I acknowledge your reluctance but this is a match that I throughtly thought of and approved. Between the Daynes and the Hightowers; there has always been bad blood and I fear it did not changed even when aunt Daella, who carried Dayne blood in her veins, married your grandfather. Your father,", his voice got darker. "made almost irreversible damage to cut the ties between Oldtown and the Torrentine, forever. I would like to fix this and such a marriage would achieve that."

"The only reason I came this far is because I know my grandmother would want this match to happen Lord Dayne, and nothing else.", he nodded. "As I said; I will not force my sister into anything but I am ready to at least hear you out before I make a decision."

Ansel smiled to that and began to draft a deal.


A few moons later...

"Father, mother.", Arthur entered the room with a small smile that he forced for the sake of his parents, bowed to Ansel and kissed Alena's hands. "You wanted to see me?"

"My dear son,", Alena cupped his face with a loving smile. "I shall be happy that you are here, staying with us at last yet I barely see you. You do not spend any time for us.", after she tried to send a companion to Arthur, they did had a rather unpleasant conversation and while Alena did not stop trying, she at least continued to her efforts more secretly.

That, until what happened a few moons back. After Lorenza and Doran's heartless schemes, she cried for weeks when Arthur left, without a word. In complete mess. The only thing that brought her comfort was Rhaegar was with him, of course he would not let him spiral. And now while Arthur was not as bright as he used to were, at least he was alive, at least he was going on strong, at least he was trying.

"I was with my brother, mother.", Arhtur tried to comfort her. "We have been talking about the situation in Stepstones.", his eyes found his father's lilac ones, the same coloured as Allyria's. Ashara's were a bit darker. "He is rather eager to offer you a report."

"Look at that,", Ansel wrapped a hand around Alena and placed a kiss to her hair. "my sons all grown up, making battle plans without inviting me.", he winked at Arthur and this time the smile he offered to them was genuine. Ansel reached his hand out and touched to Arthur's arm. "Sit down son, we need to talk."

Arthur sent them a suspicious look but did as they said. "We've been putting off this conversation for a while now, in order not to pressure you.", Alena looked at Ansel for approval, they needed to approach to this matter delicately.

"And we want you to know that we will not pressure you into anything. There is not set and decided for final. This is just an option we've been considering for a while and since it is about you,", Arthur frowned. "we wanted to know what you think about it."

"And whatever you decide, it will be our answer as well.", Alena smiled.

Of course this was a kidness they did not granted to Andric. His marriage happened as Ansel barged into his room in the middle of the night, while Larra was in his company nonehtless, and declared he was sick of his disrespect and was to get marry. Arthur though, was the baby of the house and was going through dark times. They let him down as his parents once, they were careful not to do it twice.

"And you can always say 'no', son.", Ansel assured him. "We just want one thing; for you to think first. Because you first impulse will be rejecting it."

"We've been received a suggestion from the king perhaps a year ago.", Alena started to explain. "And an official proposal followed a few moons ago and I want you to understand that this is a very high-profile proposal that would be for the good of the family and Starfall and of course, for Torrentine, if you would accept it."

"My son, we have received a marriage proposal between you and the only sister of Lord Hightower.", Ansel declared finally, he was never good with being genlt and warm anyways. "The bad blood, anminosty and of course, family ties between us goes deep for centuries. This is a generous offer, especially given your brother's recent deeds.", an angry shadow passed from his face and Alena squeezed his hand.

Andric was doing his best to aggravate everyone around him, now that he could not see Larra.

"I don't want to marry.", Arthur blurted out, all that smiles he forced disappeared. "How can you even entertain the idea of it?"

"Arthur,", Alena took a step forward. "as you know well, marriage in our time is a political burden that all of us must carry one day. Not getting married are reserved only for the Septons, Maesters, criminals of the Watch and of course; the fools of the Kingsguard. You always knew you would be married one day. If not with her, with someone else."

"You know who I do want to marry.", he whispered, all of his worries, fears, self-blame and heaviness falling on him once more. His demons coming out to play.

Alena's face got sterner. "I had let you have your fun enough but she is the daughter of our greatest enemy who killed hundreds of Dornishmen -not only on battlefield but with ambushes, treachery, torture.", she raised her chin. "My brother included."

"Alena-", Ansel tried to calm her down but she, without looking, pushed his hand away.

"Having that wicked witch here is an insult to me!", she spat. "Yet, I've been enduring her disgraceful presence for the past year, for you. I would not do such a thing for my other children but do not push your luck any further, Arthur. There are limits even for you."


"What did you think that will happen? That you marry with that Lysene spy,", Ansel rubbed his face. "and have a normal family life?"

"Only I can decide what to live, mother.", Arthur stood up, voices filling his ears. "How can you even accept to think such a proposal on my behalf? How can you meddle with my life?"

"I am your mother.", she said sharply, they were looking eye to eye now. "I carried you for moons, I gave you life. And I gave you more freedom than any of your siblings had. Now it is time for you to do your duty to our house. Trust me my son, this is for your own good. After everything that happened-"

"You have no idea what happened!", Arthur yelled all of a sudden and regretted even quicker than that but Alena did take a step back with shocked. "I am sorry-moth-mother I-", Arthur, with panic, tried to explain himself but with a softened expression, Alena wrapped her hands around him, aware that his heart was beating unhealty fast again, fearing a crisis was approaching, she shared a look with Ansel. "I have met her before.", she stokr his hair slowly. "She is beautiful and intelligent and fit to you, as she is the only sister of Leyton."

"Mother, I-"

"Don't be impulsive, son.", Ansel tied his hands at his back. "Think first."

"Is it true, what my ears had to hear?", Andric entered the room without knocking or announcing himself. "He is going to get married with that man's sister?", he spat and Ansel took a step forward to him.

"Remember your manners, boy. You do not want to push your luck any further, I assure you."

"He cannot marry her.", he blurted out and Alena stopped hugging to Arthur, turned to her eldest.

"And why is that?", she wondered. "Your brother will be the remedy of your actions, Andric. Please tell me that you have finally reached to some sort of level of maturity and it is guilt that makes you say these words for your brother might pay for your mistakes and not your ego speaking.", she tilted her head. "Again."

"Leyton Hightower is a pretentious peacock!", Andric gritted his teeth. "And I had seen the said sister before; I have horses far more prettier to look that."

"Andric Dayne!", before Ansel managed to interfere Alena wideend her eyes in fury. "I did not raise you to be disrespectful of women, or mock their appearances.", despite his own anger, Andric bowed his head and mumbled an apology, it was unseemly. "I knew her mother well-"

"She got executed out of adultery.", Andric spat.

"Say one more word and I might encourage your wife to do the same to you.", Alena took a step forward and Ansel pulled her back through her arm. Arthur started to feel lightheaded and hot, tried to pull his collar without anyone noticing, the last thing he wanted for them to fight for him. He was not worth it. "This is a decision that your brother will make and Atera Hightower is the best wife he can find out there."

"She is a Hightower!"

"Better than the dogs of the Triarchy!", Alena's accent was always thicker than of her husband and children and feeling intimidated, Andric took a step back. Going against his mother was never the right option.


277 AC, King's Landing

Four years ago...

"Are you absolutely sure about this?", Rhaegar asked, inside the throne room, alone, both watching the Iron Throne with clouded eyes.

"I am.", his friend spoke as if his mind was away.

"You don't seem sure.", which was not true, not exactly.

If there was thing Arthur Dayne looked was sure; that, if you do not count his ambsolutely shattered, broken and anguished face. And worse things under all that mask. But from outside, he was dedicated. Rhaegar was more than sure with this firmness, his friend could reconquer the entire realm.

"Arthur.", he turned to him still. He knew it has been a tough couple of years and he shouldn't have left him alone at Starfall but he was needed here, at the capital. He had no idea what brough him to the edge. Arthur refused to speak. "You cannot take this back.", if this would not be Arthur but someone else, Rhaegar wouldn't even entertain the idea at all but Arthur rarely made rush decisions. If he wanted this, it was because he needed this. Rhaegar was simply not sure if he would need that tomorrow as well. "I know that you feel trapped, cornered, as if you cannot breath but as you always say, dawn alwy-"

"You don't know anything.", he said with a hard tone and slowly turned his face to his friend and prince. Entire face tense with a hoard of emotions, teeth gritted so he would not cry. "There will be no dawn coming for me, no light. I am cused with darkness."

Rhaegar could answer better if a streak of lighting did not startle him right at that moment. There was a terrible rain at the capital and it was the hour of the wolf. It was a miracle Arthur managed to reach to the harbour and then back up to Aegon's Hill on foot.

"Whatever happened, brother,", he placed a hand on his shoulder but Arthur flinched by his touch, took a step back. "we can fix it.", he still tried. "Together.", he did not answer. "Arthur,", Rhaegar tried once more. "this is permanent. Once you took the vows that is it. You will enter my father's service, do as his bidding. You will never have a free will to make a choice ever again. You will never return to your family ever again. Never marry, never have children."

"Your father is not here.", he answered with hollow eyes. "There is a good chance he'll never be here."

Rhaegar seemed taken aback with that. Not even in his worst day, Rhaegar imagined a life without his father. And he had no idea how that would be. Better for his mother, for sure. But other than that?

Rhaegar was not fit to be a king, no, he did not think so.

"Even then, you'll be in service of me.", even saying that left a abd taste in his mouth. "Arthur, I have enough servants to walk behind me and do as I say. You were supposed to be my friend, the one who walks side by me. How can you expect me to degrade you like this?", he squeezed the white fabric between his hands, he didn't want to do this, Gods knew he did not but if he would refuse to, only Gods knew what Arthur would do. "You are my brother.", Arthur flinched once more.

Something happened with Andric then, perfect.

He was aware of the growing tension in Starfall. With Alena Dayne finally managing to drive Lady Blackmont away, Andric had to endure his wife and he made it his life mission to take out his anger, pain and longing from people he loved. Rhaegar was also made well aware by, for the first time, angry letters in his best friend's handwriting that Andric was not happy with Arthur's future marriage and despite agreeing to it, Arthur himself was not happy with it as well.

Remembering that, gave Rhaegar another purpose. "You are betroth-"

"Don't.", his voice was sharper than the ancient sword his carrying and Rhaegar, without realizing, obeyed the order right at that moment.

"What of that-"

"Rhaegar,", he was shaking now. "don't."

'One day, this seat will be yours brother, not mine. I'll abdicate.', Andric's drunken words from just a few nights before filled his ear. 'I'll abdicate and will spend the rest of my life with Larra, it will be yours when father dies', Arthur gritted his teeth further, to a point the pain was unberable. 'I refuse to see a Hightower next to you when it happens. This marriage will not happen. I swear.'

"Arthur?", Rhaegar took a step forward. "Talk to me, please.", he begged. He was so very tired, alone in the capital for moons, trying to control the entire realm while Steffon and Tywin fought for power.

Some true friends they were, Rhaegar finally saw that crystal clear. And his mother was acting as if his father was already dead. Not that Rhaegar blamed her but still, it was unseemly. He sometimes felt like he was the only person that cared his father was kidnapped in the most humiliating manner and was kept as a hostage for moons now. He felt like he was the only one, in the entire realm, that would get upset if he would die. And no one else.

"There is nothing to say.", Arthur said with a blank expression. "As your friend, I ask, for the first time, something from you. Will you reject me?"

By all means; he fucking should have. Arthur was not well, he was not in a state of mind to make life-long commitments, he was not capable of making decisions at this point and Rhaegar had all the authority between them but then he had seen it in his eyes. He would lose him, forever, if he did not do this right at this moment.

There was a sharp contrast between them; Arthur would never do that, if the roles would be reversed. Arthur loved Rhaegar more than their friendship and would sacrifice it in a heartbeat if it meant keeping Rhaegar safe. Whereas Rhaegar, sighed and gave in, made a motion for Arhtur to bend the knee.

Their friendship meant so much more to him than of Arthur because at the end of the day, his friend would always be fine, he knew that in heart.

"Gerold will not cloak you.", Rhaegar took a troubled breath as Arthur kneeled just below the steps and Rhaegar climbed them to have the higher ground. "No Septon to anoint you. There will be no reliving this moment, not taking anything back. Are you sure this is what you want?"

Arthur looked at him with his deep blue eyes, tears shining like stars. Never answered and Rhaegar wrapped the cloak around him, started the ceremony.


Rhaegar rode right before the dawn, both Myles and Richard were with him as his squires, Oswell gritting his teeth and keeping his mouth shut. He was not allowed to carry his sword if he was adamant on joining them and only Gods could know what was going through the prince's mind as he watched the sky with thoughtfully narrowed indigo eyes.

Richard only heard hearsay and Myles was mostly sheltered and Rhaegar always preferred denial but Oswell was no fool. He knew perhaps better than most how much Robert Baratheon was hating on him and was longing for this day to come; having a legitimate reason to attack Rhaegar with the aim of killing him.

Knowing this and yet not appearing to the scene to monitor events showed how pissed and upset Arthur truly were and Oswell worried for his friend.

"Calm down, Ser.", Rhaegar cleared his throat when Robert Baratheon appeared with Ned Stark at his back. "I'll not allow my daughter to be an orphan, my wife a widow. I most certainly will not have the Trident my final resting place.", he took a deep breath and took his sword from Oswell. "I will fix everything, you'll see."

"I hope that I will. Given I am the only one whose left.", he placed a hand on Rhaegar's chest. "Wait.", he pushed him back slightly. "I'll speak first as your second."

"I don't need a second.", Rhaegar frowned. "Oswell this is not-"

"Perhaps not for you.", he sent him a look. "But this is how it's done.", probably having a similar conversation from the corner, Ned Stark, with a pale face started to walk and Oswell followed his motion to meet on middle ground. "Lord Stark."

"Ser Oswell.", he nodded. "Can we both agree that duels are dumb and immature and they fix no problem, instead create others?"

"It was oyur friend who demanded satisfaction over matters he had no understanding of.", Oswell nodded but agreed. "You know what your sister has done, you know she is lucky to be alive, you know you are lucky to be alive and instead of being grateful, you friend dares to challenge the prince. It is not Rhaegar who needs to take a step back, I fear."

"Robert will never.", Ned took a troubled breath. "If the prince apologizes-"

"Our prince has done nothing to apologize for.", it was one thing to die for nothing but it still was better than living, knowing he had to apologize from Robert Baratheon to remain alive. "But if your family would like to offer it, especially after your sister's great disrespect, he would be willing to listen.", Ned sent him a long look.

"I wish good luck to Prince Rhaegar, I truly do.", Ned took a step back, understanding this is going to happen. "His death would mean Robert's as well."

"These are traitorous words and traitorous actions but then again,", Oswell took a step back as well. "I would not expect it better from the brother of Brandon Stark.", Ned Stark was starting to get on his nerves. "You are a charlatan, Stark.", he took another step back. "I just wish I didn't hold back Arthur so you would not be alive to create problems right now.", Ned swallowed but Oswell did not wait for his reaction returned back to Rhaegar's side and with a strong way, hit to his shoulder. "You are doing this."

"I know.", Rhaegar opened his mouth to say something to him, letting his mask shatter just a second to allow Oswell to see the glimpse of insecurity but then he shook his head. "I will spare his life.", he chose to say instead.

"Not in the expense of yourself.", both reached their hands and held each other's arms. "He needs to live if you truly want to fix things but not in the expense of yourself.", he squeezed it and Rhaegar raised his other hand patted him on the shoulder.

"I have been honoured,", Rhaegar said, allowing himself to be emotional just for a second. "to call you my friend."

"Same goes for me, despite your constant idiocy.", he let out a dry huff and Rhaegar tried to smile, turned to Myles and Richard but only managed to nod at them.

Myles was teary eyes and even Richard seemed nervous. Rhaegar took his sword, Robert was already in the middle, waiting for him. After taking a few steps, Rhaegar turned back to them with a heaviness in his gut. "If something happens-"

"I'll directly go to Rhaenys and Elia and take them away from Westeros.", Oswell finished his line, remembering what Rhaegar made him promise all those moons ago, as they marched to the capital to frmae Aerys to murder him as a way to melt the ice between the father and the son. "But you'll live.", Oswell did not even entertain the other option. "And fix your mistakes."

Rhaegar forced himself to smile and walked to Robert. "I-", before he even managed to finish his line, Robert made a sharp move and if Rhaegar did not bend in the last second, the entire affair would have ended right here and then.

Robert was going to play dirty but Rhaegar did not expect him to do otherwise, especially not after the melee.

Their swords clashed up in the air, with Rhaegar charging and Robert, despite his good start, defending, taking steps backwards. Rhaegar was not holding himself back as he always did so with Robert. Made a sharp cutting move, forced Robert to bend his head down and punched him from the gut, forced him to stumble, held him back the collar of his coath and threw him to the floor.

Robert was taller than him, Robert was broader than him, Robert was far more stronger than him but Robert had to use a sword because it was Rhaegar's chosen weapon and Robert was not good at sword. Rhaegar doubted he could get away this easily if Robert had his hammer in hand as he used in the melee.

Rhaegar could kill Robert right here and there when he fell to the ground but he did not so, killing Robert was not his aim, not under any circumstances. He was set on fixing his msitakes -either by niceties or by force and Robert obviously fell to the second category. They were not going to be friends in this life but spareing his life would mean Robert would always be in his debt. As callaused as this plan was, men like Robert deserved this planning. He only wished he could apply the same method to Atera as well. She was a whole different story.

Waiting for Robert to charge back, he ran his hands through his hair and his cousin stood up with a deadly manner and jumped before he charged him so he would apply more force. Answeing that, Rhaegar kicked him and pushed him back, when Robert charged again, not letting his anger go, he angled his body to the side, made Robert stumble and punched him on the face. Robert was taking hits after hits, not used to to sword fighting at all and he was starting to get tired as he was using unnecessary amount of force, a habit that came from using a warhammer. Avoiding his attack one more time, Rhaegar elbowed his neck, caused Robert to fall to the ground once more.

Robert made a move to his legs to at least cut something, to gain advantage, Rhaegar held him by the arm and kicked it with force, the point were his shoulder and arm combined, caused Robert to yell in pain.

To teach him a lesson, perhaps in arrogance despite everything, Rhaegar allow him to stand once more, took a few steps back. He was playing with his food, he was aware of it but it felt good, to make at least one thing right.

Robert charged him with a loud war cry, which was a mistake. He was already tired and covered in sweat, making extravagant nosies only tired him further. Rhaegar easily pushed away his attack and pushed him from his back once more.

"Duels require adamance and focus,", Rhaegar spoke. In the back of his mind he was aware that what he was doing was wrong, aggravating Robert more than he should when he was not innocent at all but he wanted to show him something. He was sick of his inferiority complex. "dedication and of course, the moral highground in order to win. What compelled you cousin?", he asked, breathlessly, swords clashing, Robert finally getting a hold onto everything. Their swords clashed once more and Robert started to push further. "When you have neither?", Rhaegar whispered his line to his face and raised his knee, kicked him in the breeches.

"You speak so much for a dead man!", Robert made an attempt to cut him into half but Rhaegar turned around himself, let go of his sword for a second and catched it back when he finished his turn, blocked Robert's arm before he even managed to raise it and grabbed it by the arm.

"It is a dream to win when you don't even know who you are fighting with.", he hit under his chin, made Robert bit his tongue until he taste the irony taste of blood and his vision got blurred. He let him go and turned his back, Oswell was watching him with clouded eyes. Both Myles and Richard were wide-eyed, this was the first time they truly saw Rhaegar training.

He always was good at killing people. He did not prefer it, he did not like it, but being trained by Aerys' legendary seven, he was fucking good at it.

Robert, different than the last time they duelled, did not scream as he marched to him, attacking from his behind but Rhaegar moved in the last second and Robert almost fell to his own sword. Rhaegar kicked from his back and stepped on his arm to push him to the ground, they were looking eye to eye now. Robert ashamed and seething, Rhaegar never feeling gultier than he ever had in that moment but there was also something that scared him.


He enjoyed beating Robert like this. There was a side in him, a very dark side, that enjoyed this, that enjoyed seeing Robert suffer after creating one problem after the other for years, aggravating everyone, always ready to throw the blame in Rhaegar.

It felt even more glorfying to know that he could kill Robert and get away with it. It was him who dared to challange the crown prince in a duel, it was him who was in the wrong because of course Rhaegar was going to tell everyone Lyanna was the mystery knight. He was not going to lsoe Elia over such a matter, his choice was obvious. Killing him; Rhaegar would be a hero, sparing him; Rhaegar would be a hero.

He could do no wrong in the eyes of the smallfolk but winning this duel would make his enemies shake with fear and his allies support him louder; it would show to everyone that he came from Maekar's line, a warrior. Sparing his life would show everyone that he was just and merciful; coming from once again Maekar's line.

"Your betrothed despises you.", Rhaegar declared. "She hates the idea of marrying you and you, a hypocrite, despise her as much as she does you. The only reason you are beneath me right now is because of your own pride Robert, because of your own ego. But,", he raised his foot and took a step back. "I refuse to take someone's life over such small matters."

"Kill me.", Robert order. "Fucking kill me, you bastard. I will not live by your will."

"No, you will.", he almost chuckled. "This will be your punishment, Robert. The next time you forget your place, remember this moment.", his enjoyement disappeared from his face. "I am the Prince of Dragonstone!", he declated with a raised chin, realizing his power. "The next time you forget this, I will not spare your life. And you will die,", a dark shadow passed from his face. "screaming."


"I heard you beat the shit out of my husband for all of us last night.", Arthur got starteled by the sudden voice and tried to stand up but Elia stopped him, raised her hand. "Help me to sit down.", he was sitting on the rocks of the lake and with confused eyes, he did her bidding. "He seemed well at the last night's face but from up close, he was quite shocked and shaken."

"He deserved it.", he said it shortly.

"Is this why you are awake in this early?", Elia snorted. "We might curse him all we want but we both know where he is right now, what he is doing.", she placed her hand to Arthur's knee and squeezed it. "We don't have to say it out loud but there is no point of making fools of each other."

"Elia, I am so sor-"

"Don't.", she sighed, olive eyes met with dark blue ones. "I should be the one whose apologizing, Arthur. I knew what she has done, I hid it as well as you two. And I had seen your face when Rhaegar did what he did. I knew you didn't know but I was angry and sick of you defending him after everything."

"It never was my intention to do so. What he has done is...", he shook his head. "Irresponsible. What he is doing right now is madness.", he whispered the last word. "I don't know what happened to him."

"I happened, I venture.", Elia let out a dry chuckle and Arthur turned to her. In his eyes, she saw he thought the same. "Am I that bad of an influence on him?"

"This has nothing to do with you, Elia. He always possessed a unique stupidity. But yes, you did change him. For the better.", Elia sent him a look. "Do not heed to Jon."

"It is not only Jon who thinks that."

"Before marrying you, it is true that Rhaegar was a different man. More closed of, shy, introverted, more logical and it is true that you have changed him but it is not for the worse, I can assure you."

"Same people who do not like my affect on him, do not like you as well.", Elia reminded him. "They see us as the plague that is harming him."

"Nah,", Arthur's tongue hit to the roof of his mouth. "he did this to himself and I can assure you; people who think he broke me are far more than the people who thinks I break him. I suggest you to stay away from this, let him fix his mistake truly. This is the first time I see him eager to do so."

"Arthur there is something I must tell you.", Elia's face softened with sadness. "On my way here; I had seen Hightower banners are leaving the castle.", Arthur's heart skipped a beat. "She has left appararently. Without saying goodbye to anyone. I am so sorry, my friend."

Arthur refused to feel the pain and think about it.

"Rhaegar is a man who is capable of doing anything he wants to do.", he said stoically after a moment. "If he says he'll fix things, he will. He was just nervous. Harrenhal should not have gone this way. The king should have never come here. He was impulsive."

"He's too impulsive for my liking in these days.", Elia murmured, her eyes roaming around Arthur's face, wincing as if it was her feeling the pain. She raised her hand and slowly traced on his bruises. "He was not worth this.", she whispered.

"It taught him a lesson.", Arthur shrugged. "I remember Aerys being this impulsive years ago.", a dark shadow passed from his face. "Duskendale happened shortly after."

Elia lowered her hand with a shiever. "What are you suggesting?"

"I would take more punches than this if it assured us all that Harrenhal will not become Rhaegar's Duskendale.", they looked at each other. Elia having a hard time comprehending with Arthur's confession. She had never seen him even entertaining the possibility. And Arthur felt relieved to finally make this confession. "This was necessary to see if we are going to trade one mad king with another and I do not regret it."

"What is the answer then?", Elia asked with a dry mouth. "Arthur?"

He turned his head away. "For the first time ever, I am not sure."


278 AC, Sunspear

Three years ago...

"Congrulations, sister.", Ashara never flinched that hard in her entire life, Ashara never feared from her brother more than she ever had in that moment. "I heard you are going to rise above us all and become a consort.", sharing wide-eyed looks with Oberyn, Ashara turned to her brothers, eyes twitching with fear.

"Brother, please.", Ashara begged, using herself as some sort of a human shield between her brother and lover. Oberyn was never a man who would hide behind a woman but at that moment, seeing that look on Arthur's face, forced him to stand still. Ashara was holding Oberyn's wrist while her other hand raised to Arthur. "Please."

Arthur smiled, but that smile did not reach to his eyes. In fact, Ashara had never seen something more unsettling thing before. "What are you afraid of sister?", his voice still was sweet, until he spat the last word and Ashara felt tears in her eyes. "Were you not expecting for me to find out? When would you planning to tell me anyways? After the wedding?"

"There will not be a wedding.", she muttered silently and Arthur raised an eyebrow as he started to take off the bits of armour pieces he was wearing -just on the shoulders, nothing more. "There will not be a wedding.", she repeated with a shaky voice when she tried to sound brave. "I am sorry, brother but we can talk it out. Please, just hear me first."

"You had all the time in the world,", he sang almost, this time took off his gauntlets. "you chose not to tell me but then again, you have always been like this.", his eyes finally got darker as they met with Ashara's. "A coward that cannot face with the mistakes she has done.", Ashara swallowed the insult, had nothing to say in return. "Now move,", he ordered, took off his sword belt and actually put it on the corner as well. Ashara was not sure if she should feel relieved that there would not be a sword fight or worry because it only meant Arthur would lower his own level. "allow me to see my backstabbing friend.", he huffed. "Truly a mtch made in heaven; two cravens finding each other."

"Arthur, I do understand your-", Oberyn stepped up after being called for and Arhtur raised his eyebrows as if he said something impressing.

"Oh you understand?", Ashara closed her eyes, there were no guards. She had no idea where Doran or Elia were. After hearing Arthur sailed here, Lorenza brought them all to Sunspear to prevent a catastrophe but now, none of them were there to actually do that. "I didn't know you were capable of doing that. Tell me, Oberyn, if you have such a talent to understand basic things; what made you think that you can use my sister to satisft your needs and you would face with no repercussions in return?"

"I did not do such a thing.", Oberyn hissed, gently pushing Ashara away when she once again tried to come in between them. "What happened has always been rei-"

"She is years younger than you and was a fucking child when this first started whereas you were grown.", Arthur fisted his palms and opened them again as some sort of en excergize. "You had took advtange of her. This what you have done, do you deny it?"

"I deny it!", he raised his voice. "Be careful Arthur, being angry is no excuse of believing into false truths."

"Oh I am not angry, no, no.", he let out a dry chuckle. "We are way past that point, Oberyn. You would wish that I am simply angry.", when he took a step forward, Oberyn kept standing there while all his cells screamed for him to run. "I have let you into my home, introduced you to my child sister and now I've learnt while you smiled to my face, you played with her, disgraced her honour and well,", he tilted his head. "that demands a satisfaction."

"If you have an accusation to make, lay it on the floor and unseeth that sword of yours.", Oberyn spat. "There you are, talking about honour, threatening to cut your prince with a sword that you stole."

"There will be no sword fighting Oberyn.", he shook his head. "You do not deserve the honour of that, no. You simply will pay for what you have done and there will be no little poisons,", Oberyn's face went paler with anger. "to save you this time."

"Take that back!", he hissed. He did not poison Yronwood. Arthur knew that. "Take that fucking back. You know this is not true."

"A week ago I also know it to be true that you would never take advantage of my sister but look how the tables had turned.", his eyes found Ashara. "Leave.", he ordered, did not even address her. "Her honour is not mine to defend,", Andric made that clear. "but I have my own."

"Arthur,", Oberyn took a step back, this time pushed Ashara's hand more harshly. "take that fucking back."

"Why?", there were no emotions on his face. "Have I offended you by telling you the cold hard truth?"

The next thing both remembered in glimpses was Ashara's loud screams and the way Oberyn couldn't even manage to throw a punch to Arthur because her brother was if as something else possessed him.

Long story short; it was a miracle Oberyn survived after all.


278 AC, Summerhall

Three years ago...

He placed a cup of warmwine in front of him and kneeled next to him in front of the fireplace.

"You feel better then?"

Arthur's hands were covered in cuts and bruises and was swollen to a degree that even he had to visit a Maester. After what he has done to Oberyn, he was lucky that both Lorenza and Aethan wanted to keep that hidden from their bannermen so he was allowed to leave without any consequences but anyone involved knew something bad was going to happen to House Dayne soon enough.

"I feel great, Rhaegar.", Arthur didn't seem remorseful, or horrified or even guilty over what happened. Nothing at all. "Perfect even. As if I was waiting for this moment in my heart and soul, craving for it even. I cannot beging to describe that feeling of serenity when my first punch landed on his face. It felt gratifying to punish him. Does that make me a bad person?", he turned to Rhaegar. "Enjoying the brutal justice?"

Rhaegar didn't know how he would describe the entire situation but he knew sure as hell that 'justice' would not be one of the words he would use.

"If you think he deserved so, it is alright then.", still, he lied. "How did your father reacted?"

"He and Andric rode off to Stepstones again. I heard Lord Aethan is going there as well, for a final battle it seems.", he wanted to rub his face but lowered his hands with a hiss when they contacted to his face. "Rhaegar there is something I must tell you.", Arthur said silently. "Something I never would tell you in right mind.", his mind was clouded and at that moment, everything made perfect sense. "But I shall do so right now and we both will never speak of it, alright?"

Rhaegar blinked a few times, he was not sure what he was going to tell because Arthur usually did not do such things but then again, Arhtur was not the same person he knew after those bloody trials.

"Do you promise?"

Arthur pressed, turning completely towards him. They were not the Prince of Dragonstone and a knight of the kingsguard at that moment, they were two boys, barefott, crossing legs on the hard floor, trying to get warm only by the fire of the fireplace inside of the ruins of a castle that made by the blood of both were carrying.

"I promise.", the only promise Rhaegar has ever kept was this, did not even allow himself to think, not even in his darkest night, not even in the peak of his madness. Arthur pulled Dawn and placed it between them. Took a small knife but Rhaegar stopped him with widened eyes. "What are you doing?"

"I need blood to show you this-"

"Cut me then.", they locked their eyes.

"You are the prince and I am sworn to protect you.", Arthur reminded him but Rhaegar shook his head.

"You are my brother and you are harmed enough.", he took the knife from him and without breaking the eye contact, cut his palm and Arthur angled it on top of Dawn, made his blood drop to it.

They only broke eye contact when something almost glimmered beneath them and with a frown, Rhaegar lowered his head. With the dropping blood, golden letters started to appear on the blade of the sword.

"Dawn Brings The Light.", Rhaegar read it and then realized it with a deeper frown that it was not written in Common Tongue but in something else. "Words of your house.", he seemed confused.

"This is a part of the sword, Rhaegar. This did not got craved into it by magic or some sort of sorcery after the sword.", he shook his head. "This was in the sword as it was forged.", Rhaegar blinked in confusion. "My house words are these words because of this sword.", he tried to make more sense. "My ancestors followed a falling star, made a sword from the heart of it and chose its words as our own code.", when he realized Rhaegar still did not understand, he offered a different angle. "Why is it written in High Valyrian, Rhaegar? Valyria was not a thing when my house was funded. We don't even know when it was funded."

"This is not High Valyrian.", Rhaegar corrected him. "Not the right dialect but a way ancient version. I only managed to read it because I know your words."

"I have seen it before.", Arthur said in silence. "And so did you."

Rhaegar slowly tilted his head in denial, face grimacing with horror. "No, it can't be-"

"Same dialect was used to write on the blade of Aegon the Conqueror."

"Hen ñuha ānogar māzigon Kivio Dārilaros.", Rhaegar whispered. It was the Valyrian translation, the actual alphabet was ancient, just like this but unlike Dawn, those words were carved by magic, Rhaegar could feel that. "From my blood come the Prince That Was-", Rhaegar couldn't finish his line, mouth opened as his eye started to burn and he shievered great enough that its affected continued for minutes to come. "No.", he whispered. "No."

"It appears only when blood sullies it. And Rhaegar not just that,", he sighed and raised Dawn so Rhaegar could see it better. "look.", there were other letters trying to appear all around the sword. "But it is not enough to decode them."

"You need to sully it with blood.", Rhaegar blinked. "I can hunt something-"

"I've tried already as I came here.", Arthur stopped him. "It needs sacrifice."

"Fuck no!", Rhaegar did all but throw the sword to the ground and stood up as if it burn him. He was wide-eyed and shaking like a mad man. "This is it.", he swallowed. "This is Lightbringer. It needs a sacrifice to-"

"Decode the secret of the Long Night.", Arthur finished his line for him. "Those trials happen so the Sword of the Morning would shred blood, so he would be worthy to carry the long-forgotten secret of time. The words would only appear if I would slaughter the entire continent though. It requires a grand sacrifice just like-"

"Azor Ahai sacrificed Nissa Nissa.", Rhaegar dragged his nails in his face, hoping the pain would stop his mind working.

"I thought you should know. No matter what you will do about it."

Leaning both his palms to the fireplace, Rhaegar let out a great scream of anguish, Arthur did not even flinched. Hitting to the wall, Rhaegar turned back to him, looking completely destroyed. "We will never speak of this.", he reminded him his words, a few tears fell to the ground as he blinked. "Not to each other, not to anyone."


"Dyanna Dayne's brother was the Last Sword of the Morning.", he declared. "On what you would want to bet Aegon knew that and it was why he allowed my grandparents to marry?", he shook his head. "It is true, Arthur. It is all true. I am the saviour the realm. I am the Prince Who Was Promised."

They got it wrong though; they got the entire prophecy wrong. Everything was created in two in the world to keep the balance of the universe. It was a coin, really, to be thrown. There was the fire, the madness, the prince who was promised to end the dark and bring the light. And then there was the ice, the greatness, the great warrior that sacrificed who he loved and shadowed the light, brought the darkness.

They never understood they were destined to be enemies, not friends and it was why everybody had to suffer.


More than half of this chapter is missing (still 28.387 words) but I've been writing it for five days and officially admit a writer's block. There were so many things I wanted to include but it is time to publish it, I fear because there is no way I will be able to finish it. I'll try to have them in the next chapter, but at least there are still important events happening here.

These flashbacks might yet be my favourite ones (of course after Aerys'), I have chosen them with utmost care and we cover pretty much all of Arthur's pivotal moments (except the trials he endured before taking the Dawn but I'll tell them, in detail, in the prequel series, when I find time to write that).

The thing that I want to mention in the flashbacks is that we do not read them from Arthur's POV, as you may notice. It is a little trick I wanted to use to show you that Arthur does not have control over the narrative. Rhaegar, Atera, Ned Stark, Aerys and pretty much all the characters that we had in the flashbacks -all are primary characters that even a single action from them can change the entire plotline but Arthur is not one of them. His actions does not change the story, the story changes his actions, and his life is not his. Overall, he is a spectator in this story, a reader just like you all. He knows exactly what will happen and yet, he does not have the power to change it and I am glad that I finally managed to show you this.

A bts information; the confrontation between Rhaegar and Robert is actually inspired by "Your Obedient Servant" and "The World Was Wide Enough" (from Hamilton the Musical), and the letters between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton.

I cannot stomach thinking about this story right now, it truly was torture writing endless words and then deleting them. I am a bit perfectionist, unfortunately, and it makes matters even worse. So I'll edit the typing errors after refreshing my mind, sorry in advance, I know how terrible it is to read a story with multiple typing errors but it is so very hard, as an author, to write 25+ thousand words in every two days (the last chapter was almost 50 thousand -I've read books shorter than that), and then go and fix all the errors. But I am hoping to fix it soon enough.

Please do not forget to follow me on TikTok (@songofsapphire) to get spoilers about the future chapters and insight on characters.

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