the poisoned bond

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"the only real escape from hell is to conquer it"

281 AC, Dragonstone

"A letter has arrived, your grace.", Myles offered it to him. "From the capital, from the king."

Rhaegar rubbed his face with troubled looks and took the letter from him, sent everyone away and sat down in his bed. It had been tough couple of days and he was just about to sleep. Still, the curiosity and anxiety won over his tiredness and he started to read the letter.

"My son and heir,

I heard that your bannermen, your traders, your merchants, your knights, your smallfolk choose to address you as "the future king". Now, there isn't one man in this world that would convince me that you think this rank is fitting to you because you are old and experienced enough to know the consequences of such words.

Bad omens were whispered in my ear; declaring that you would not join to the wedding of your sire if you had the chance, there isn't one man in this world that would convince me that you would be this resentful and blind. There isn't one man in this world that would convince me that you held grudges against your kin and king.

There will always be lickspittles around both of us that will try to gain benefits by burning the bridges between us. Urging us both to take up arms against one another, try to use both our past mistakes but I know you, my son. I know that you are wise enough to let the dead be dead and bury their problems so they would never see the light of day again.

I was at your age once, at your place. And if the life taught me one thing it is that one must always be careful about the words and the actions those who around him. Love and respect must have a limit when it comes to state matters. Because once that limit is passed, one that line is crossed, those empty words of fake friends would make someone have unnecessary confidence.

Do not ever forget, despite everything that happened, despite whatever you think that happened, your place in my heart was, is and always will be different than of your future brothers and sisters and of Viserys. My trust and support is with you till this day and until the last of my days. Read my words, and read them well; do not search for other meanings behind them.

Do not ever forget that only following your king will light your path.

I also heard about the situation with your wife and advice you as your father that marriage is the most sacred instution the mankind is blessed with. Make things right with your wife and make her learn the customs of this family. Viserys wonders about you; do not forget to write to him.

Your father and king"


281 AC, Water Gardens

"I thought you went to Essos.", Elia said with almost humour. "Usually you stay when you left. What has brought you here this early this time?"

"You know me.", Oberyn shrugged as he was tickling Rhaenys, who was laying on her cribb. "Cannot say 'no' to Doran."

"You always say 'no' to Doran.", Elia huffed. "You can say that you cannot wait to meet with our nephew."

"That too.", he sent her a wink but there was an obvious trouble in his face.

"What has happened?", she asked patiently, they did not left things in a good note when they last seen each other but she had a gentle heart that could not rejected his brother's apologies. "It is obvious that we will not like it. Tell me now and I can calm down Doran."

"It is not something like that.", he turned to her, wrinkled his nose. "Not something you will be mad at but something else."

"What is it Oberyn?", she frowned. "Do not make me worry even further."

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