ptv | the year of the false spring

69 3 0

281 AC, Harrenhal

Arthur frowned and sent another stone flying into the lake, watching how it bumped over the surface three times before sinking into the water. Wordlessly he bent down to fetch another from the shore, listening to the steps approaching him but yet giving it any more attention. Instead, he straightened up and swung his arm once more, the stone got sent flying, hit the surface a couple of times and then sunk.

"I've heard what happened with Elia."

Arthur snorted. "Aren't you a little late to hear that? I thought by now the whole realm would learn how the Dorne basically disowned me for something I didn't do."

"I am Dorne, in case you forgot. And I didn't disown you."

"Well, congratulations then. You are the only one but don't worry soon enough, you'll join the others and realize how I don't worth it."

"Arthur stop it.", Lewyn ordered with a fatherly stern face but he didn't listen to the old man and kept throwing stones to the lake.

He was trying to calm down his heart and his mind, fighting with his tears, hiding his broken heart, surpassing his anger. This act continued for a few minutes but then Lewyn, who never was a patient man to begin with, got irritated and gripped his arm to stop him.

Normally Lewyn would look like Doran and Elia. Carefree, genuinely happy, young, the handsome prince he was. But right now he looked more like Oberyn. Arthur didn't want to think about Oberyn, so he looked towards the trees over Lewyn's shoulders. He looked his age, genuinely distressed, furious, sad, confused. The wrinkles on his face didn't suit him.

"Look at me, Arthur.", he shook him strongly before repeating the same line again, with an angrier tone. "Look at me!"

Their eyes met. Lewyn saw all the emotions he was trying not to feel and Arthur freed his arm from Lewyn's grasp. Turned his back on him, bent down and took a few more stones again, start to throw them into the lake. He felt Lewyn's movements behind him, with a sigh. He did the same thing, took a few stones and sat down on the big rock next to Arthur. They watched the stones' movements on the lake.

It wasn't like when Arthur did the activity with Atera. When they sat on the beach on the Dragonstone, they would throw rocks into the lake for hours, without talking or looking at each other. Arthur would feel peace in those moments. He and Atera had a way to understand each other without actually doing anything. All nervousness would pass away the moment he saw her but right now, he couldn't dare to go to her. She wasn't there, still shaken over what has happened, she preferred to stay in the big castle instead of watching the final tilt of the jousting. She had no idea what Rhaegar has done and frankly, Arthur didn't want to be the one who would tell her.

"I didn't know.", Arthur said finally. And heard Lewyn's sigh.

Of course, he didn't.

"I saw your face, Arthur. You don't have to explain anything to me.", he said without looking at the young man, the exhaustion was clear in his eyes and his moves were breaking his heart. He was once his squire after all, and for some days, son he could never have. "I am sure Elia didn't mean what she has said but you do understand what has happened is not something neither of us can take lightly. Rhaegar needs to explain his reasons."

That, he could never. It would only create more problems and he would lose Atera forever.

"Oswell and Jon didn't know it either.", he felt the need to add. Not that Lewyn would suspect them. Everybody knew he was not on talking terms with Jon, and Oswell would slap him silly before he would allow so.

"If you didn't know, it means nobody knew.", he tried to give him assurance, it was obvious he need it. The last time Lewyn saw him this defeated, it was merely a day after he took the white.

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