the skyfall

80 5 15

"you are my brother until the end of the times, even after that"

281 AC, Oldtown

"You wished to see me?", he entered her chambers with a sore mood.

"I heard you will not join the breakfast."

"I will not, yes.", he nodded. "I have no place at that table."

Atera snorted. "If you expect me to cuddle you and act as if you did not deserve it, you are with the wrong person.", she lowered her book. "Because I think you are right, you have no place at that table."

He just sent her a look and turned his back. "Good day, aunt."

"Wait.", she ordered lightly. "Do not ruin my fun."

"Insulting other people is not fun.", he spat.

"It is to me.", she shrugged and a small smirk appeared on her face as she stood up. "I have good news for you.", she made an exaggerated happy face.

"Which is?", he asked with boredom, wondering if his father finally sent him away as he was always meant to.

"You are going to be a father.", she watched the way his face lit up and left for breakfast.


They were having a very tense breakfast. Leyton was sitting at the head of the table, as usual, but this time there was Atera on his right and Garth on his left -Doric was in Dorne and Baelor did not join it.

"Father,", Garth cleared his throat. "I heard that you want me to join the sea trials this year?", he tried to have a sympathetic smile even when Leyton's stern face focused on him as he chewed his food. "Of course, it is not our place to question your decisions or judgment, I was just wondering,", he chuckled nervously, Leyton was not even blinking. "if it might be understood wrongly."

"Like how?", he asked firmly.

Garth shared a look with Atera, who was drinking her tea with absolutely no intentions to get involved with yet another family drama. She was still in mourning. He tried to get support from his sisters but Malora was holding a book and whispering things -which he was sure made Leyton even more nervous, and Alerie was trying her best not to lock eyes with him.

"Men go pass through those trials so they can find themselves a place in our navy."

"I know that."

"Alright,", he whispered to himself. "and you know that we took those trials to earn our honorary place as the Captain of the Fleet."

"I know that.", Leyton said more slowly this time.

"Only the eldest son, the heir takes those trials.", he blurted out. "I was wondering if it would seem as if I am trying to take his place. I wouldn't want anyone to understand it wrong."

"Baelor has been passing them for what, four terms now?", he asked rather harshly. "I will not live forever, I have no time to spend even more into his entatelment."

"He decided to take it-"

"I do not care what he decided.", his voice was loud a little. "In the army, in the navy, soldiers take orders from their commanders.", he snapped. "As the lord of this house and the city, I am the Lord Commander of both our forces and he had refused to obey my orders. I had told him to take them four years ago not when he decided."


"He has no place amongst my ranks.", he declared and Alerie took a harsh breath. "I have no use of soldiers who disobey orders."

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