the war council

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"i didn't deserve that, you knew it too"

282 AC, King's Landing

"My lady,

Gods are my witnessed that I would have ride for days and nights just to smell the scent of your ravenous hair than of blood and copper of the capital. You have accused me of not working hard enough to win over your hand but if you would have ask to the greatest love story, you would surely make them cause to be grateful of their pain, for mine is far worse than theirs. If you would have known how much I need this marriage, how much I need you at my side, you would be ashamed of yourself. Do not take my desire lightly just because it did not born out of physical lust.

Thanks to the Gods, apart from being away from you, I have no other problem as of now. Your letters are the only things in this world that offer me some level of comfort, a sense of not being alone in this world and if this is not the friendship you long for, I do not know what it is.

You asked for honesty and I will deliver so; the king is not well, worse than that; he doesn't take the rebels seriously. He doesn't give the command to me, the royal army is not prepared and we rely on the talents of bannermen like Lord Tarly. All I want is to be given charge so I can end the war but that future seems too far away. Every day we wait, the rebels are getting stronger. They are using Lyanna Stark's name as a mantra even though we have proof of her running away with her own free will. They still have the moral highground and the king is not a popular figure, not today, not ever. Rhaegar's absence is hurting our cause. I have sent Elia back to Dragonstone as I promised, but now I am more alone than ever.

Varys is a traitor. If I had been a cruel man I would have suggested to his majesty to burn him at the stake the next time, for Gods knows he deserves to more than all. Him and the queen always whisper to one another, plot and sceheme, think none else realizes and Chelsted is with them, siding with them. He had targeted me as his greatest enemy and while his lady wife, Kenna, sneaks information to us, we cannot ask for more in order not to risk her life. Those three are planning for something, not knowing it makes my sanity go south in time of war.

I can say many words about Corlys Velaryon, none worthy of uttering in the presence of such a graceful lady as you but be sure the world would be a better place without a rat like him. Corlys and Jacaerys Velaryon are the plagues of the Crownlands and I have no doubts they have been behind the demise of their father, even though both reject the accusations. You must warn Lord Redwyne, if you are in a position to do so. I have tried my best to install him as the Master of Ships but being Lord Admiral is not bad. Yet, he should not come to the capital, not now. He might be far more clever than the Velaryon brothers but I doubt he is as half as cruel. For his own safety, he shall reside at the Reach, prepare his own fleet.

I am more than sure Pycelle sneaks information to Tywin and that old lion's silence is deafening. Lord Staunton is no help to himself to begin with and Ser Gerold hates everyone and everything. Devoted himself to the king, is trying his best to keep him under control. Ser Barristan join to the council meetings in his place and at least he has my back. Ser Jonothor completely in my service now, shielding me, with the order of your great uncle. I am thankful for that but it feels like a great fog has covered the capital. I believe I cannot tell the difference between a traitor and an innocent, not anymore.

I will not share the battle plans for you, anything can happen to this letter, just know that we are going to win. Rebels have lesser men, commanders with little to no experience and Lord Tarly already crushed them once in Ashford. Victory will come with ease after this point.

I congrulate Lady Tyrell, I hope she'll have an easy pregnancy. And I do not even know what to say about Lady Atera. I believe we both have different ideas on what has transpired at Harrenhal, which makes it very hard to see things from her perspective. So many things went wrong there and while she is right to feel upset about all, this reaction just goes beyond acceptable limits and is not suitable for her. I wish her a quick recovery. Perhaps hit her head with some book or something and see if it will start working again? I know little to nothing about Lord Hightower and Lady Alea but I am starting to gather an idea, good luck on that.

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