the kingsguard

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"a lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of sheep"

281 AC, Harrenhal

After his guard whispered into his ear, Leyton kindly asked for permission to leave. After having an unsuffarable dinner with Atera, he threw himself back to the feast to keep an eye on his children. The hour was almost late and as usual, he received news he was not expecting.

After making a head gesture for Vortimer to handle the children, he sighed and started to move towards the courtyard. He didn't know what to feel; longing or frustration. "Why am I not even surprised that yet once again one of my siblings defied my orders and did whatever they wanted to?"

"Brother!", Doric grinned widely as he approached to Leyton and hugged him like a mama bear. "Gods I missed even you."

Sighing with defeat, Leyton wrapped his own arms around his brother -almost three moons has passed since Doric was exiled, of course he missed his brother. "I was not expecting to see you.", but he was not going to break down his lord persona.

"I told them not to inform you.", Doric sent an unimpressed looks to the guards. "I thought it would be better to see one another under daylight but they did not listen, as usual."

"I wanted to be alerted against every unexpected news.", he said with pursed lips. "How are you?"

"Rested.", his brother was still grinning though not as wide as a second ago but Leyton could see he was a changed man, eyes always gave it away. "And you?"

"As I always have been; more than good. I do not have any problems than my dearest siblings and beloved children.", he rolled his eyes almost and Doric chuckled.

"Uncle?", Garth was the only one saw their father leaving and of course followed him immediately, let out a surprised laughed as he recognized the hooded man under the dark and both shared a tight hug. "I didn't know you were returning."

"And neither did I.", Leyton muttered as he pulled Garth to himself and wrapped a hand around his secondson's shoulders. "But you know your uncle; full of surprises."

Snorting to his father's comment, he turned to Doric once more. "How was the journey? Where did you go? Why did you return?"

"It was tiring.", he admitted. "But of course seeing you all here, healthy, it takes away all the-"

"Cut it.", Leyton shook his head. "I am already having an exhausting night without your sugar coating."

Doric sent him a look. "I didn't went too far, actually. I was roaming around in Braavos, nothing more. I actually was going to Pentos but then I heard about the tourney and decided to come."

"It is the wonderful thing about the exile, brother,", Leyton didn't even want to imagine the headache his council and fellow lords and his sister was going to give to him. "you cannot do as you wish, you simply cannot decide."


"You had one job, Doric,", he was serious now. "obey the orders. You are putting me in a very bad position.", Doric bowed his head sincerely and Leyton sighed. "I will talk to Lord Whent,", he said a moment after when Garth sent him those puppy eyes Alysanne helped him master, but his tone was still closed to arguments and excuses and his displeasure was more than obvious. "of course you cannot join to the joust, given the lists are ready already but perhaps melee wouldn't be that hard. And of course I'll tell the servants to prepare a tent for you next to us but do not expect anything else from me. You are alone this time, brother. It is finally time for you to own your mistakes."

"Is she he-"

"Don't even dare, Doric!", Leyton spat too abruptly that Garth widened his eyes and Doric bowed his head once more.

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