the emperor's new clothes

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"these violent delights have violent ends"

281 AC, Dragonstone

"What the fuck was that?", Arthur entered the room with a wave of great anger that none of them witnessed before. "Have you lost your mind?"

Rhaegar was standing in front of the room, his hands tied behind his back. Elia was leaning against the wall, one hand rubbing her belly, she had pain, both Ashara and Atera were in their rooms -like Myles and Richard, Andric and Oberyn were, for the first time in their lives, shocked, they were just waiting to see how things would play out.

"I just thought seeing an old friend,", it certainly was a choice to name her as a 'friend'. "would get your senses back.", instead of apologizing, he stood there with a calm face and a confident manner -Arthur knew all was a pretence, he was defending himself.

"I know, I was there, I fucking witnessed how much you hated Arcanna. I know all the things you have done to get rid of her back then.", his eyes were narrowed and there was a spiteful grimace on his face, all crossed with confusion as he spoke, trying to calm himself down but his voice was getting louder and louder. "You never approved of her, you two always bickered, you came to Starfall and stayed there for a moon straight so you could get rid of her! What has changed?"

"Dark times require dark solutions.", he said with a pout and Arthur actually took a few steps towards him with anger -Andric and Oberyn stopped him right before he punched him.

"What on earth Atera has done to you that you hate her more than you hate Arcanna?"

The answer was simple; Arcanna was a mere obsession that manipulated Arthur but Rhaegar always knew one day he would be rid of her and it all happened as he predicted. Atera was different. He didn't know what it was, but she was different. It wasn't normal for Arthur to cross every bridge for her. And he needed an answer.

"Well the last I checked Arcanna didn't murder my unborn sibling so...", he didn't even flinch when Arthur made another move toward him. He knew Arthur wouldn't hit him and even if he would, well, he did indeed deserve a good punch across his face.

"Perhaps we all must calm down and have this conversation later on?", Andric said with one hand on his brother's chest, Oberyn was holding him back through his shoulder. "When we all calmed down?"

Arthur's eyes never left Rhaegar as he pushed both his brother and former best friend and left the room. Andric sent a threatening look to the prince and followed him. "Elia, I-", Rhaegar turned to his wife; the only one he felt bad about but she stopped him with her hand.

"You are staying alone, Rhaegar.", she said with a deep disappointment on her face. "First Jon, now Arthur.", she shook her head. "Be careful so I will not be the next one.", she lifted her skirts, her vision blurred for a second but she hid it well, and Oberyn, after hissing to her husband, moved to hold her by her arm.

They left Rhaegar alone with his thoughts and guilt.

Arthur, after declaring rather loudly and rudely that he wanted to stay alone with Andric, went to Atera's chambers. He knew Alea had no idea about their affair but Finnan was starting to gather ideas. After seeing him, he seemed hesitant for a moment but then bowed his head and opened the door.

Atera was laying on the bed, on her side, with her gown and all. Only her jewels were taken off at a near table. Arthur cleared his throat. "She is-"

"I know who she is.", she said without turning to him.

Arthur nodded to himself; of course, Rhaegar told her. This was the plan, to begin with. "May I stay here tonight?", he asked, not to have sex but to rest. He had a pulsing headache that was clouding his judgement.

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