the amber skies

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"but in all chaos; there is calculation"

281 AC, Oldtown

Two days later...

"We give thanks to the reign of the king's grace and we ask blessings of the Gods upon him and on his people.", the High Septon began his prayer.

It was Smith's Day, one of the annual holy days of the Faith of the Seven and with the sudden arrival of the High Septon, most of Leyton's court had joined the prayers that morning -out of curiosity.

Atera was on her knees in the front with Alerie and Mace. It was hard to close her eyes and listen to the man's speech without falling asleep. She was never the believer type but Alerie had convinced her to attend to the morning prayers to save the face. There was already a backlash in the city against her and her personal beliefs did not matter at the moment. She was a Hightower and the appointed regent, she was responsible for all of Leyton's duties, therefore also the Protector of the Faith.

She fucking had to attend.

She had to pretend that she did not feel animosity toward the man in the white robes, wearing the crystal crown that her ancestors gave to him. She had no idea why the High Septon himself was in the city. She blurrily remembered the council informing her about it a couple of days ago but she was too deep into her grief -she realized that now, she didn't put much thought into it. She now remembered it was such a recklessness. The Starry Sept was not his official seat anymore, not ever since Baelor devoted himself to the faith more than any Hightower has ever done. But the Targaryens were known for their excessive amount of obsession towards certain things. Naerys and Rhaena too were overly devoted alongside Aemon. Alerie had told her that he was here because he was a Sparrow, not a Most Devout and the Most Devout resided in Oldtown with its high council. He had to get their support if he aimed to live a long life.

Atera didn't buy it.

She knew his sister had an affair with her father and knew that her mother became the Lady of Oldtown instead of that miller's daughter. She knew it was him who whispered into her father's ear -or well, one of the many. And she knew it was him who signed the death warrant of her mother.

Alerie didn't know this. Atera doubted anyone but Leyton, Gerold and Arwyn knew it. Thanks to her luck, Leyton was too busy trying not to die her uncle thought she didn't know about his involvement at all and her aunt was in Old Oak. Of course, she was not going to pick a fight with Faith but deep down, she was aware that she was waiting for one mistake from the man. Her patience was running thin on these days, she figured. Vortimer and Alea were on high alert, watching her every move, Alerie and Mace were waiting for her to actually snap, Arvel was weirdly involved with her life, they were breaking their fast together every morning and at night, and he was questioning her and Doric thought it was truly a great idea to stay away from her -he was waiting for an apology or something, and she was not going to give it to him. And Paxter still did not return.

"But on this holy day,", the High Septon finished his prayer to the Seven and turned his front to the people. His rat-like small eyes roamed around the nobles inside of the Sept. And then they found Atera's demure figure. His face grimaced with disgust for one moment and then he continued. "we are obliged to say that not all of his grace's subjects, his reflection of justice in the regions are pure and without sin as it were in the days of old."

Small gasps covered the entire Sept and people started to turn each other with confusion and anticipation of what he was going to say next. Atera pulled her cheek in and pressed her lips together while opening her pale blue eyes. She looked directly into the High Septon and found him already looking at her. She felt the small tug on the veil on her hair, Alerie may not know the actual reason for enmity but she was no fool, she knew something was coming.

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