court of lies | robert's rebe...

By songofsapphire

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Atera Hightower joins the Red Keep as the lady-in-waiting of the future wife of the crown prince, Elia Martel... More

characters pti
characters ptii
characters ptiii
characters ptiv
pti | the royal wedding
the call
the ladies
the proposal
the dorne
the princess
the storm's end
the feast
the joust
the court
the wedding
ptii | the florent revolt
moodboards; pti
moodboards; ptii (fashion)
the fool moon
the baby dragon
the death of a queen
the rush hour
the funeral
the rains
the labour
the amber skies
the fine print
the lion and the king
ptiii | the unfinished business
the family line
the dangerous game
the prophecy
the sign of the times
the champagne problems
the sun and the spear
the skyfall
the divine move
the shadow of doubt
the summerhall
ptiv | the kingswood
the fighting pit
the icarus
the poisoned bond
the brotherhood
the sept of baelor
the princess and the queen
the burning embers
the sworn sword
the heartbreak weather
the emperor's new clothes
ptv | the year of the false spring
the harrenhal
the lotus
the kingsguard
the harbinger of war
the mystery knight
the broken crown
the lost stars
the dawn will come
the song of ice and fire
ptvi | the war of the usurper
the north remembers
the labyrinth
the below of the surface
the war council
the bells
the winter solstice

the winter roses

118 2 9
By songofsapphire

"fine, make me your villain"

281 AC, Harrenhal

Hours before the incident...

He woke up with a heaviness on top of him, wrapped around his waist and reached to his chest. Mockingbirds were singing outside, flashes of light were bothering him for they come directly to his eyes and while the sweet breeze of the false sprin touched to his bare chest, he could not felt the cold because of whatever was holding him.

With a groan, he opened his eyes. His sight was blurry so he closed it tight shut, the room was just too light for his liking and he threw his unused arm over his eyes to cover it and sighed. His other arm was on top of something that was not his body and not understanding what it was, he moved his hand and it tangled to something, he grimaced but did not open his eyes when he realized what he was touching.

"Arthur my darling, if you don't want to brush my hair yourself, stop moving.", he could her lips moving because she buried her face to in between his ribcage.


His left arm was wrapped around her upper body, her arm was hugging him tightly while her other arm was under the arm. But the thing on his body was too heavy to belong to Elia.

"Arthur, stop messing with my wife's hair or I'll swear to the Seven, I'll make you brush it."

Rhaegar's own groaning tone filled their ears and he made a motion to turn his back so the heaviness on Arthur disappeared. It seemed he was cuddling both Elia and therefore Arthur but with a deep breath, he turned to his other side and tucked his hands below the pillow.

Elia had wild curls sometimes that were so very hard to tame.

With Rhaegar turning to his back, Elia snuggled to Arthur even further and he finally managed to open his eyes and sent a look to Elia, only to find her already looking at him with a sleep smile. "Why are you here?", he normally would use a kinder tone but his brain was barely awake due to all the stress and alcohol entered to his body last night.

"This is my bed, my love.", her smile grew. "You are the outsider, I'm afraid."

"This is Rhaegar's bed.", he couldn't think of a wiser comeback, she was not there when he fell asleep.

"Still,", she pressed her hands to his chest and lifted herself up, leaned down and placed a kiss to the corner of his lips. "you are the outsider.", her nose nuzzled his unshaven beard -nothing more, just a few days worth. He kept it because Atera enjoyed it. "Good morning.", she said in a melodic way and pressed another kiss to his cheek.

"You truly should be kissing your husband.", Arthur jested. "He is untolerable when he is jealous."

"Then perhaps he should have not brought another man to our bed. It is unfair for him to keep you to himself when the pleasure can be mutual.", she chuckled towards his skin and placed another kiss to the corner of his jaw and let out a small scream mixed with laughter when Rhaegar wrapped his arms around her waist carefully and pulled her to his side, made her lay to her back without hurting the baby and pressed his back to Arthur's arm. "Husband.", she glowed.

Rhaegar was too tired to answer so he just let out a loving groan and, while being careful of the babies, he hugged her completely, placed his head to the place between her neck and shoulder. "You should not be talking with losers."

"Hah!", Arthur snorted loudly and Rhaegar smiled to Elia's neck. "We'll see about that."

"Sorry Arthur but I have to support my husband on this matter.", she said as she admired the muscles on his back as he stood up from the bed and rubbed his face. "I am truly excited about my crown."

Arthur stretched his neck and knowing Elia was watching him, Rhaegar raised his head and blocked her vision and they shared a kiss as Arthur reached for his shirt. "There is no other woman in this kingdom who deserves that crown more than you.", he whispered into her lips and Elia winked at Arthur.

"Would you mind give us some space dearest? The hour is still early.", her smile grew as she pressed her lips together. "Or perhaps you can join us.", her hands were playing with Rhaegar's hair. "I might enjoy that even more.", finally wearing his shirt, Arthur turned to Elia to raise his eyebrows and she shrugged.

"Pregnant women usually crave food; fruits most likely, not their husband's best friends.", Rhaegar murmured as he rolled himself to his back, to the spot where Arthur left a minute ago and grimaced just like he did and covered his eyes with his arm. "I mean, it is unheard but I might have consent,", both Elia and Arthur opened their mouth to say something in shock but Rhaegar continued. "if I didn't know Atera would rain hell over both of you.", they all grimaced to that.

She would talk and talk and talk for an eternity -if they are lucky, she would stop with that. Elia had a feeling they would not be that lucky. "I am not in a mood for that.", she pursed her lips. "Perhaps later on."

"Your grace,", Arthur, just to spite Rhaegar, walked over them, leaned down and placed a lingering kiss to the corner of her mouth while maintaining the eye contact with Rhaegar. "perhaps you should prepare your husband for losing.", he kissed to the spot under her hear and Elia sighed. "I can give you a crown as well."

"Yep, that is enough.", Rhaegar came in between Elia and Arthur. "Close the door on your way out and wore a chainmail under your armour.", Rhaegar ordered as he started to unlace his pants. "I am going to wipe the floor with you today, Arthur Dayne."


"Did he said something about me last night?", Ashara matched her steps as they walked towards the jousting area. "Antyhing at all?"

"I haven't spoken to him last night.", Atera answered coldly, sparing her a small look and nothing else, returning back to speak to Alea.

"Why are you lying?", Ashara frowned. "I know he did not stay at the black cells and was with Rhaegar. You surely talked something. I am not asking you to tell me everything directly but at least give me a hint on what to do. Should I apologize or pretend nothing has happened?"

Atera stopped walking and frowned at her. "Perhaps you do not deserve his forgiveness if you are this out of touch with him, feeling the need to ask this question.", she looked at her with a very obvious scold in her eyes. "Don't apologize,", she raised her chin. "if you cannot bring yourself to do so."

"You are in no position to judge me.", Ashara claim, took a step forward. "Have you apologized from your own brother?"

"It is not the same.", she shook her head. "When things got out; Arthur did not disappear for me to handle things alone like Eddard Stark did so to you last night. My choice worths something."

"Ned was told to stay behind.", Ashara defended him. "By his betters, so he listened to them. Arthur thinks he can solve anything."

"Your lover abandoned you when you needed him the most, Ashara. Let others lie on his behalf instead of facing you and only remembered of your existence when there was no danger for him to do. Congrulations; you saddled yourself with a coward.", Ashara gritted her teet. "This is a betrayal and I can assure you, there will be more to come because you are not smart enough to know when to end things."

"And what would you do?", Ashara held her arm tightly and Alea took a step towards them to stop a fight if things would get escalated but Atera raised a hand to stop her. "If Arthur would, I quote, 'betray' you."

"I would kill him without a second thought.", Atera deadpanned without blinking. "There is only one thing I cannot forgive; lying, hiding the truth, the betrayal.", she pulled her arm back -the arm still was adorned by her aunt's nail scars she left on her skin at the funeral of Claron, almost a year ago. "But Arthur is twice the man your lover apparently are so he would never, under any circumstances, betray me."

Ashara let out an angry smile. "You don't know a thing about my brother.", she declared. "He has betrayad everyone for his prince and make no mistake; you are no difference.", she took a step towards her and Ashara kept her spine straight. "There is only two ways to end things; either you will make a mistake and he will never forgive you. You will burn in flames just like I have and still am. "Or,", she tilted her head. "he will leave you behind just like he did so to everyone else. Men are not so different from one another."

"I think different.", Atera's eyes met with Oberyn who was approaching them in brown. "Perhaps you just have a terrible taste when it comes to men."

"Perhaps.", Ashara's eyes found Oberyn as well, not wanting to amuse him with continuing the argument, Ashara smiled. "But one is my brother and your lover and the other will be your husband soon, despite him being my lover merely a few moons ago. So perhaps you are no better than I.", without a second word, she left and Alea placed a hand on her arm.

"We are going to leave two days later, do not start another scandal.", she warned. "This tourney is not the best place to test the lack of Leyton's protection."

"My dear future wife!", Oberyn approached to them with a wide smile before Alea managed to say something else and bowed mockingly in front of Atera. "I hope you are in good health after yesterday's chaos."

Knowing Oberyn got reprimanded by Elia both for helping Eyrine and Doric and taunting Arthur tomorrow, she couldn't help but feel a certain admiration towards his nonchalance. "You surely are in good health.", she murmured and locked her arm with Oberyn's when he offered. "I thought I was your biggest enemy, given your most recent threats."

Oberyn shrugged. "There are many ways to hurt someone, it doesn't have to be anything physical or sudden. I will have all the time in the world to torture you.", Oberyn flashed her a smile. "What fun would there be otherwise?"


"I learnt the names.", Myles rushed to Richard's side. "Ser Arthur and Prince Rhaegar, Ser Barristan and Lord Connington.", he was excited just like everyone else. The tourney lifted the spirits of the realm so high and heloed the economy of the Riverlands so much that at least Rhaegar caused a good thing. "What do you think will happen?"

Petting Rhaegar horse, Richard pursed his lips. "Ser Barristan will totally crush Jon.", it was not an opinion but a fact and Myles nodded eagerly.

Ser Barristan was in his late forties and Jon in his early twenties; yet the older knight was a legend in jousting and had been jousting ever since he was a boy. To some people, it came as a nature. And to be fair; all three men had a better chance than Jon anyways and it was rather unexpected for Jon to be the fourth name in the final tilt, given his last opponent was Jason Mallister. But again, seasoned jousters like Baelor Hightower and Randyll Tarly were absent from the lists and other names like Leyton Hightower and Andric Dayne, for obvious reasons, failed to take part in the games. Not that Jon was bad, but he simply was not as good as the other three and he never had an expectation to win. Everyone in Rhaegar's life knew he had to win but it seemed like Alysanne Hightower would not like losing a crown.

"That is obvious.", Myles agreed. "I am not sure about Ser Arthur and Prince Rhaegar. Do you think he'll let him win?"

"Shouldn't you know it better than I? You've been with them far too long."

"I know for a fact that Arthur has no desire to win but he would rather his horse fell on his leg than to lose against him willingly.", he shrugged. "And Rhaegar would not want such a victory as well but the last they went against each other; they broke twelve lances.", he sent a look to grimacing Richard. "It goes on and on and on with them. I cannot predict."

"At Dragonstone, while practicing, Arthur won more than Rhaegar."

"Yes but it is because Arthur is used to joust in muddy environments far more than Rhaegar.", Myles pointed out. "Rhaegar jousts at the capital, the Westerlands, the Stormlands -where the soil is thicker. Arthur jousts at Dorne.", it was a grand difference. "Riverlands is similar to the Reach but neither jousted there so it isn't safe to assume. Also Rhaegar has the ultimate motivation.", he reminded them both. "He wants to win, on the contrary of Arthur."

"Arthur doesn't want to win, yes, but he doesn't want to lose either.", he liked to continue arguing as much as he could. Myles had that glimmer in his eyes once more. "Well, whoever wins, Elia will get the crown."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that.", Myles seemed thoughtful.

"Not like he would crown her.", Richard leaned down and whispered. "He might have been confused and stressed lately but one thing Arthur hates the most is creating a scandal. And now that Lord Hightower himself is aware of the change situation,", he was so close to Myles enough to realize the boy's heartbeats started to get faster and a grin appeared on his handsome face. He stretched out his arm on the horse's side so he can cover Myles' entire sight. "Arthur would not add insult to the situation and provoke him."

Myles swallowed and with a blushed way, he averted looking at him. "I meant his sister."

Watching him, Richard's smile grew. "I doubt Ashara will get a crown after yesterday."

"While it would be more appropriate for Lady Ashara to get a crown,", to shut down all the remaining rumours about her honour. "I meant Lady Allyria.", he explained. "Arthur has two sisters."

"And you?", Richard asked. "Do you have any sisters? Another brother?"

"Three.", he answered, finally daring to look at Richard's dark brown eyes. "I have three sisters. And you?"

"I am an only child. My mother was not lucky enough to live after me.", he said with a more composed smile. She was a woman he never met but still she gave her life to have him.

"Tell me Richard; aren't you supposed to be the Lord of Skull Island? Your father was the previous lord. Your uncle was supposed to be the regent."

"These are dark topics.", he didn't know why he tried to closed off the topic when he lured Myles into talking to him but it was such a fine morning where all were filled with hope, despite the events of yesterday. He didn't want to ruin the mood. "Let us talk about later."

"Perhaps in the dinner I'll prepare you.", Myles sent him a shy look and Richard nodded without even thinking, that warmth squeezing his heart.

With Jon; both knew what it was. His long-time friend gave his heart to someone that can never reply. It was sad but it was the truth and thinking they had at least a bit control of who they can love in this life, Richard did not fell in love with him. Loved him all the same, the way he would do so to a brother. The other part of their relationship was nothing more than a silent agreement. Otherwise would be dangerous, brothels never assured guaranteed safety. Not especially when they had two family relatives that would pay to see their demise. So they worked together in the day, and at night, shared each other's bed -purely physical, nothing else. And while women too did enter his bed, in his eighteen years of life, not even once anyone in any gender managed to enter his heart.

Myles, six and ten, was walking with assured steps to that path Richard didn't even think that existed.

He could tell the boy didn't know what he was feeling or what he should have been feeling but there was something. It was clear to see. And Richard was eager to understand it.

"Good morning my dear squires.", Rhaegar entered the stables with more cheerful than they have ever seen. Wrapped his arms to both their shoulders and looked to his horse. "I am so going to cursh Arthur. Please tell me I'll have him as the last tilt."

"I fear not.", Myles smiled at his playfulness. "You'll have Arthur in the first and Jon has Ser Barristan."

"So...", he wrinkled his nose. "I'll have Barristan as my final opponent, is that right.", both nodded. "Would you keep it if I give you two a secret?", Richard and Myles shared a look and then turned to look at Rhaegar and he understood the absurdty of the question. "Barristan will crown Ashara if he wins."

"Seven hells!", Richard let out a surprised chuckle and Myles widened his eyes, both left Rhaegar's embrace to look at him properly. "No way!"

"I heard,", he sent a look to the door to see if, by chance, Arthur was there. "from Oswell who heard it from Lewyn.", he was in such a good mood that morning, feeling better than he ever did in years and gossiping, acting like Oswell, came natural to him. "He thinks she is slighted and dishonoured and wants to make her happy, I believe.", Elia, after Oswell said this with a smile (jumping up and down on his feet and praying to the deities he didn't believe in for Barristan to win, just so he could see the look on Arthur's face (he truly got recovered fast from yesterday's events) and make fun of him for an eternity), blinked multiple times and just gaped at Oswell until Rhaegar became worried for her sanity. "If Arthur wouldn't be so stressed already,", this shadowed his weird energy a little. "I might let Barristan win, just so Oswell would be over the moon."

"It is nice to see Oswell smiling again.", Myles commented. He was more serious and mature ever since they came to Harrenhal and while Myles complained more than anyone else about Oswell's dark humour and boundaryless form of amusements but still, he preferred that to this. "At least one of us is having fun."

"Oswell feeds from chaos.", Rhaegar sighed and started to caress his horse. He wanted to name him Blackfyre but the moment he verbalize the idea, Barristan sent him a look he could never forget and he changed his mind right at that instant. Instead he named him 'Conqueror'. Dealing with Arthur's mocking eye roll and slight huffs every time he heard the horse's name was far easier than forgetting Barristan's look. "But I guess it's what happens once you grow up here.", Rhaegar muttered inside his mouth as he sent a look to the mighty castle. "I do remember when he first joined to the kingsguard, Oswell had such stark and sudden personality changes that Arthur and I were convinced he was half mad.", Richard snorted, he was sure Oswell was half-mad. "One day, we asked to Gerold why was he like this and he told us that if we grew up in Harrenhal too, we would be even worse than Oswell. This castle likes to play with the people's minds."

"I believe it was Lord Whent who played with Oswell's mind.", Myles noticed the brothers never interacted, not even once. "The castle has little to do with how he turned out."

Rhaegar tilted his head in an approving manner. "I for one found Lord Whent amiable and supportive but from everything that Oswell told me, he might as well be the Great Other himself."

"The Great -what?", Richard frowned.

Myles was used to Rhaegar's rather cryptic choice of words and referrals to certain well known legends and long forgotten myths and deities that were believed by ancient civilazations. Richard was not. Because ever since he married to Elia, Rhaegar was distracted -Myles thought he finally left that phase behind him, a phase that worried Arthur greatly but now, despite his cheerfulness, Myles caught that look in his indigo eyes. The absent look. The look that meant he was thinking of something else. Matters he never explained to Myles, not truly but his love for old scrolls was the only thing that made Jon and Arthur see eye-to-eye just a couple of years ago.

Neither approved, under any circumstances.

But with time, Myles realized much to Arthur's ire to the events, Jon started to come off as more interested in his stories. At first, he knew what Arthur and Oswell thought about it, if the looks they shared was any indication. Myles was a squire, and while they were friends, they were not friends so he was not always privy to the conversations (he was also younger than them, so this was an obstacle as well) but he had eyes and he had seen Jon's eyes. They all thought Jon pretended to be interested in them because he was interested in Rhaegar.

The realization of how wrong they had been struck on Arthur on a random day and Myles watched the way glass shattering in his dark blue eyes and he muttered a curse word that still turned Myles' ears red to this day.

Arguments continued for weeks to come. He never saw Arthur that angry before (not even when he found out about Ashara and Oberyn, or just yesterday, when he found out about Ashara and Ned came close to that anger), or witnessed him soeaking to Rhaegar that way. Arthur was not a kingsguard back then, Barristan was in charge of them but Barristan, while a trusted friend and advisor, was never a confidant, and not even he dared to come in between the prince and his best friend. They just waited for the storm to pass but it never did, not even after Rhaegar sent Jon away by Arthur's request. Arthur left the island shortly after but then the Duskendale happened. And to Myles' knowledge (and the lack of the loud arguments that ended up with Rhaegar crying more than most of the time), that topic never got open again.

Though Myles knew Arthur was, secretly, monitoring Rhaegar's interest, trying to prevent it from turning into an obsession and by far; he was successful.

"The Great Other,", Rhaegar turned to him. "he is the God of night and terror, the Lord of Darkness.", he explained with a little smile. "He is the opposite force of R'hllor, the Lord of Light. Many believe the others are servants of him. And that he'll get defeated by Azor Ahai when the time comes."

"Time of what?", Richard asked in confusion and Rhaegar sent him a mysterious look.

"When the dead will come against the living."


"Stop walking around it, Ashara.", Andric warned without looking at her, watched the way Jon Connington asked for Alysanne Hightower's favour once more -surely an odd couple and truly is a match that was not desirable by Andric. Still, after everything that happened, keeping his mouth shut seemed wiser. "I've got nothing to tell you regarding of yesterday.", Larra held his hand, a gesture she usually would not do, not when this away from home.

Ashara took a troubled breath on his other side. "But-"

"I said nothing.", he hissed and Allyria tugged at his sister's sleeve to sent her a warning look.

Andric was not going to comfort her but he was not going to scold her as well. He ackowşedged she was not at fault overall, but it was her who made Arthur lsoe control. He could get in terrible trouble. Of course, she could not control his actions and was not responsible of them but Andric's shock and anger was just too much to concede with justice at the moment.

Instead they watch the jousting.

Jon was in his rich armour while Barristan was wearing his kingsguard armour, just the sigil on his chest was of his own, of House Selmy's, not of the kingsguard's. After the pages hanged their sigil flags, both men took their place on opposite sides. Smallfolk was cheering for Ser Barristan -while not as loved as Arthur, Barristan still was a liked figure under their eyes. Nobles though, they were clapping for Jon, hoping to gain some favour by doing so. He was the Hand of the King after all.

It didn't take as little time as many thought. Richard did not manage to corrupt Myles and Rhaegar was firmy against betting (he only induldged the activity in drunken haze with Arthur and never else), so he found his way to someone as debauched as he was; Oswell.

The ginger knight, without thinking, offered ten gold dragons and claimed Barristan would wipe the floor with Jon without even breaking a tilt. Arthur, Myles stayed with Rhaegar and for this was the final leg, Richard went to Arthur's side to prepare him, sent them both judging looks but he knew everybody was betting so he kept it to himself and instead, continued to done his armour properly -despite Oswell trying to mess with it.

Richard was sure Barristan would win but he knew his friend better. Jon was a firm horseman and an ever more serious jouster. He loved the logic of it, if not the thrill and unlike Rhaegar, who wanted to win for the sake of the plan, and Arthur, who wanted to win just to mess with Rhaegar, he wanted to win simply because he liked to win. Richard knew even though he would lose, first he was going to put it on a show -especially now that he carried the favour of a maiden. Richard noted to ask him about this because it just came out of nowhere, overly random.

Marriage was something Jon deliberately never thought before. And while Alysanne Hightower did have a striking beauty against his sister's rather gently finesses, he knew better than all that it meant absolutely nothing to Jon. He was not sure if his friend even realized it. All Hightower women were beautiful but Richard would go as far as to say Alysanne was even prettier than her aunt. Surely, this was just a personal taste and nothing else but still, he wanted to know what Jon was thinking, saddling himself with a beautiful woman he cannot have.

It was not fair to her, it was not fair to the rest of the men in the realm who would kill each other to marry her.

Alas, his friend did fell from his horse after breaking four lances (which was one more than Gerold did against Oswell, and it did make the ginger knight booned with excitement because there was truly no way he was going to let their lord commander forget that) and Barristan's name written as one of the finalists and then the applauses and screams and chants became louder when Rhaegar and Arthur stepped to the arena on top of their houses. Both figures adored by the smallfolk and the nobles alike -though liking and believing someone, in the world they lived in, was scarcely a reason to follow someone.

"I have so many if only's, brother.", Ashara, despite warnings of all sides, spoke again. She was lucky neither her uncles nor aunt was present at the tourney or she would be in a worse trouble. Andric at least just punished her with silence for the time being, until he cooled down. But of course, she had to press it further because she just had that pain in her gut that would made it impossible for her to continue her life, knowing her brother was cross with her. "If only I did that, if only I did this,", she shook her head. "now that all said and done, I see my mistakes more crystal clear. If only I informed you beforehand, if only I didn't lie to Arthur, if only I was more careful, if only we made things more public at first..."

"You hated if only's when you were a child.", Andric said with a cold voice, this time watching the dragon prince asking for his wife's favour as his brother dutifully bowed his head. "You were what?", he slightly turned his head towards her but did not take his eyes off the figures below. "Eight? Nine? We were back at Starfall, you just returned from the Water Gardens. You told me about your friends, all the things you've done, people you've met, games you've played, thing you've bought... Blooming with happiness.", Larra squeezed his hand. "I got happy with your happiness until a shadowe covered me because I was not there to witness your joy, too busy with arguing father.", he clenched his jaw. "I told you that if only I was there with you, instead of making life harder for everyone at Starfall and you just looked at me with your big eyes and told me that you don't like if only's."

"I don't understand, brother.", Allyria frowned. "What is it that she didn't like? The word itself?", Ashara closed her eyes. This was not the first time Andric told this memory, he did so, only for once before.

When Ashara said the same words after the death of their father, blaming herself over what has happened.

"I asked the same question.", Andric still was not looking at her and Ashara understood that his brother was not remaining quiet because he was waiting for his anger to pass but because he truly, for the first time in their life, had nothing to say to her. She was done in his eyes. "I asked her if she didn't like the word, or the meaning and she told me "Instead of saying if only, do something. Words will not take anything back.", with a very serious manner."

"Andric I-"

"It was not something a little girl would say. Not even something she would understand but you did so and you were right. Saying if only after doing something delibaretly,", he pressed. "knowing which people you would hurt and what your actions would cause, is just adding insult to injury and nothing more. Saying if only,", he looked at her for the first time and Ashara never wanted to disappear from the world more than she did so in that moment. "will not take anything back. It is so sad to see you knew that a decade ago but now your recklessness made you forget it. Now close this subject,", he turned back to the arena, Arthur finally fell to the ground after breaking a good seven lances but Rhaegar was on fire. "I said I've got nothing to say to you."


There were things in the world that deserved eulogy.

Some sort of a congrats, some way of appreciating someone's good deeds in order to encourage them. In a world full of bad people, being good must get rewarded. At least that was what Rhaegar believed in as he held the crown of winter roses on the tip of his lance and turned back and started to ride slowly, smiling brightly under the loud cheers. The entire realm was happy for their prince and Rhaegar never felt more loved before.

The rain of admiration was so powerful that his father seemed to be in a terrible mood. While fearing it will trigger yet another attack that will cause another political scandal (truly, Rhaegar had enough of them in the past ten days, enough for a lifetime, he did not crave another one) but he supressed them all, this was his moment. He won a great victory and despite all the obstacles, the tourney worked out well and in his favour at the end of the day.

He gained the entire Reach, which prize would be more valuable that that?

As he smiled to people, his eyes found Arthur's for once happy and relaxed face on the corner. Clapping, Oswell, Jon, Richard and Myles, all standing next to him, cheering. For once, all on the same page. They achieved something remarkable truly. His eyes found the royal dais once more. His father sulking, his queen looking ever worse than him and Elia's eyes were shining with love, looking so proud of him and Rhaegar felt his heart beating in his chest, wanting nothing more than telling her how much he loved her, how much he was in love with her.

Finally the perfect time came for such an important confession.

But first; there was something else he needed to do.

He was no fool, not at all. He did guess this might have trouble Robert. He always had some sort of an inferiortity complex when came to Rhaegar, ever since they were children but he went to Rhaegar himself just a day earlier, wanting nothing more than to end his betrothal and Rhaegar gave him his word. So Robert was not a problem.

Surely her brother, who was looking like he was going to commit a homicide soon enough, might that this in the wrong way but he was more than sure the girl told to her brothers what happened. The youngest knew it, Rhaegar didn't see a reason why the elder ones wouldn't as well. They surely would be grateful (though Rhaegar didn't want them to be because he did the right thing) and would appreciate the gesture. Rhaegar even thought perhaps he would share his plans, with the accompany of a couple drinks and handle the betrothal matter as well.

And Elia would understand.

She understood everything.

So he had no worries as he moved right pass the royal dais after sending a smile to Elia.


"What the fuck is he doing?", Oberyn's question filled their ears as Elia, with confusion, gripped the sides of her small throne-chair and Aerys leaned down to see. Was he circling the arena? "What is he doing?", Oberyn repeated when it was clear Rhaegar was not going to stand in front of them.

"I have no idea.", Atera muttered as her frown deepened and mouth opened. They did not talked about anything such as.

"He took the crown.", Oberyn started to tap the floor with his feet. Gerold and Lewyn shared a look behind Aerys. "Why is he taking it away from my sister?", his voice came as a hiss that belonged to a snake, poisonous, lethal and was about the rain hell over the entire tourney ground.

Oberyn looked like a cat at the moment. Feet strongly pressed to the floor, upper body leaned forward, dark black eyes not even blinking, focused on his target, hands tigtly gripped the sides of his chair, knuckles white against the oak, muscled arms tense and he was taking his breaths through his nose, a murderous look was on his face, looking at nothing else but his good brother's figure.

Atera didn't even dare to turn her back and look at Elia.

She was wearing an apple green gown with hanging sleeves that parted into two right above her elbow and a fern-coloured embodiment-filled vest with a generous neckline, silver belt falling to the hem of her skirts. She was wearing a heavy gold and aquamarine necklace, belonged to Princess Daella -a piece from the royal collection, and matching earrings, rings and a headpiece that she attached to the back of her hair in order to keep her hair strands to fall to her face. She was looking pale, mouth open, she couldn't seem to shut it but eyes were narrowed, as if she sensed what was going to happen.

People continued to cheering but curious whispers of the nobles covered the genuine happiness of the smallfolk.

The entire arena drowned in silenced the moment Rhaegar finally placed the crown of winter roses to the lap of Lyanna Stark, therefore declared her as his Queen of Love and Beauty.


271 AC, King's Landing

Ten years ago...

Before being shipped off to the Eyrie, his father agreed to take him to the capital he loved to much and it only took a moon worth of beginning so in the end, it was a success.

His father visited the capital more often than not. Leaving him at the Storm's End with his mother and brothers and he hated there. Everybdoy was the same, everyday was the same day and it was absolutely forbidden for him have at least a bit of fun.

Capital was going to be a change.

He heard that the king had a son. Prince Rhaegar -which was a weird name but not so for the Targaryens, he guessed. He was the only child that the queen managed to give to her husband and he was older than Robert by three years but his father always said Robert was taller and broader for his age and the prince was the contrary. Nine years old he may be but everybody agreed, especially his father's friend Lord Arryn, he was going to be a great warrior. The prince had no interest in swordfighting, only in his books and Robert laughed to that when he first heard so.

He was going to prove himself to everyone in the capital -his father asked him to do so, prove that he was better than the prince, despite the age gap and this was precisely what Robert was going to do.

This was why they were at the courtyard right now. The king was watching them with his hands tied behind his back, from the wooden bridge on top of them. Steffon Baratheon, Tywin Lannister, Gerold Hightower and Ansel Dayne were standing close to him, all watching the exchange. Steffon managed to indulde the king in a bet regarding their sons and while Tywin looked at him with suspect, he said nothing to provoke him. The council members were on the ground, Queen Rhaella and her ladies on the corner, kingsguard on the opposite side of her.

"My prince, my lord,", Ser Barristan took a step forward with Gerold's motion and moved in front of them. Rhaegar had a bored look on his face but was standing straight, his eyes was mostly on Arthur. He would do anything to switch their places but for the day, he had to act like the circus monkey. Robert on the hand was excited, hands itching with the desire to win. "training is the key of wining.", he declared. "Whoever manages to hit the target, wins. There is no other rule."

It sounded like an easy task but it was not. In front of them stood two wooden walls and the target was painted to the top. Neither were tall or strong enough to achieve that. It was more than impossible. Not even Ser Barristan was tall enough to touch it.

Both Rhaegar and Robert turned to look at Aerys, looking as different as day and night. Rhaegar with his shoulder-length white hair and rather slim and lean body and Robert with his short black hair and a little chubby and tall self. Steffon was already commenting with pride, as if he already won but Aerys was just looking at Rhaegar with a smile on his lips. He raised his hand to give the motion and before Rhaegar sighed, Robert turned to his back and took one of the daggers and threw it to the wall, trying to aim for the target.

His father always allowed him to play with steel so he was no stranger to it but it seemed the much cherished dragon prince saw a dagger for the first time in his life for he moved slowly, and with a small frown, he moved the dagger in his one hand. Robert didn't understand what he was doing but from the corner, Arthur smiled in between his mother's arms.

"He is trying to understand it.", he whispered to his mother. "How heavy it is, how he can balance it, so he can throw it with much effect.", Alena Dayne smiled and ruffled her son's hair.

Robert's dagger did reach to the target but did not hit it from the middle, it reached to one of the red circles above it but he was close. The dagger Rhaegar threw however, only managed to reach it to the lower side of the wooden floor and while Steffon scoffed without holding himself back, Aerys' face did not change at all. It seemed like he was expecting something.

When Robert threw another dagger, it, once again, came close to the target but this time fell to the white circle below it. Rhaegar took another dagger, did not even send a look to Robert while he looked to the prince and with the stretch of his arm, he threw it once more. This time he got a bit higher then his first hit but still, it was nowhere near the target. Robert couldn't help but smile, this was the prince? He was far better than him. The king must have been embarrassed.

Robert took two daggers this time, sent them both at the same time, to gain some applauses, both came near to the targaet. In the mean time, Rhaegar sent another bored look to Arthur, who was smiling, and with a sigh, took his third dagger, sent a little above of his second. Robert's fifth dagger did not went as he intended and hit to the wood and fell to the ground while Rhaegar's fourth landed just below the red circle around the target. It went on and on for a minute or so, all Robert's daggers managed to reach to the target but all fell and then suddenly Rhaegar started to run towards the wood and for a moment Robert just watched him in puzzlemenet.

All of the council members and the kingsguard were watching the prince's sudden movement and while he didn't understand what was happening, Robert, without taking his eyes off of him, started to run after him. It was only when they reached to the wall it became clear to the embarrassed nobles who mocked the prince that he never was trying to reach to the target.

He was trying to make a ladder to climb.

Robert tried to copy his movements but Rhaegar's daggers were in places that he delicately calculated and threw with a force that could caryr him. Robert's were not, his were not even close to where he was supposed to climb so he tried to do so with putthing his hands to the cracks between the wood while the prince used just his daggers.

When both reached to where they should, Rhaegar, with ease, pulled his dagger but when Robert tried to do so, he failed and had to pull it back with a strong force because he didn't think he would have to take it back. Trying with panic, eyes locked in the prince's elegant form, Robert couldn't calculate the force of taking the dagger back so fell to his back. And with a simple move, Rhaegar placed his tagger to the target.

And won.


281 AC, Harrenhal

"Elia! Elia please, stop for a second! Please!"

Elia was walking straightly towards to her chambers with confident steps, gritting her teeth as tight as she could so the physical pain she felt would cloud the ache in her heart, both her hands were on her baby, she would burn down the Harrenhal for the second time if anything would have happen to it. In her golden dress, she moved as fast as she could. Her ladies, like distracted chickens, were rushing behind her until she stopped them with a raised hand. She knew, even though she did not see it, Dornish nobles leaving the arena one by one.

Seething in rage.

"Elia, please!", with the white knight's begging voice reached to her ears once more, she stopped with a sudden move in the middle of the hallway, her skirt dancing backwards, golden embodiments shining under the sun. "Please, listen to me.", Arthur looked at her with a desperate plea.

But having no idea what to tell at heartbroken olive eyes.

With Oberyn jumping up to his feet in anger, right after Elia left the moment Rhaegar gave her crown to another woman, Atera tried to catch him but failed and the Dornish Prince rushed to somewhere -Arthur didn't even want to know where. Council members were whispering to each other as Atera left the dais with quick steps as well -Arthur didn't want to know where she went as well. Both were clearly not with Elia. And frankly, right now, he had other amtters to handle.

Last he looked to the arena before he left; Rhaegar, oblivious to the chaos unwrapping around the tourney grounds, kept smiling as the smallfolk and the nobles kept clapping him. After the incident; Oswell made a movement to follow Elia so Arthur could stay there and speak to Arthur immediately but if he would continue to stand in that arena for one more second, he would pull Rhaegar from his hrose and punch him through his face, Gods knew he fucking deserved it but he chose to keep his composure and rushed after his princess.

"What?", Elia hissed at him. Feeling belittled, humiliated, insulted, rageful. "What will you say to me, Arthur? What can you say to me?"

"Elia, I-"

"Where is my husband?", she demanded to know. "Why is it you are here instead of him? Blabbering in front of me as if it was you who slighted me? Where is Rhaegar?"

Smiling at nobles.

"I am more than sure that he will be here in any given mo-"

"He is my husband!", Elia hissed once more, grabbed Arthur by his collar, causing him to widen his eyes. "He just gave my crown to another woman, smiling at my face as if he mocks me.", she whispered to him, eyes looking poisonous. "What is there can you explain to me?"

"He surely wanted to honour her.", Arthur blurted out, not thinking, not exactly. "There cannot be another explanation. Surely he-"

"This is not an explanation as well, Ser.", she let him go and took a step back. "Nothing,", she spat. "can explain this. Nothing. I had seen what I had seen."

"Elia-", he saw the shy smile on Rhaegar's face but he was more than sure it meant nothing.

What it could mean? He was a married man with a daughter, with another child on the way. What could a small smile mean?

"You disappoint me, Arthur!", she raised her voice, not wanting to cry, her eyes started to burn. "You lying on Rhaegar's behalf is nothing new but it has never cut this sharply before."

"I am not lying.", he tried to reach out to her but then realized he forgot himself and took a step back. He had no idea how the world turned upside down in matter of seconds. "I am just trying to-"

"Find an excuse for yet another one of his mistakes.", she finished his line for him, let out a disappointed chuckle as the hallway started to get crowded with seething Dornish nobles. "I fear I don't have time for this. I want to go back to my own chamber before the nobles come after me, preying like sharks for a drop of blood. I want to save any dignity I have left with after that stunt.", sending him one last look, she started to walk fast once more but Arthur was not going to give up this easily.

"Elia!", he yelled once more, continued to walk swiftly after her. He didn't know what his countrymen were thinking and truth be told, he didn't give a fuck at the moment. Everything was happening too fast, all at once, he was as clueless as Elia but at least he tried to do something. "Please, allow us to speak for a moment-"

"I don't have a moment to listen.", she muttered without caring about him. She was thinking millions of things at the same time but first, she needed a moment of silence to organize her thoughts. There was so much to say, so much to do but none concerned Arthur. Not now. "And you have nothing to say."

This much was true but he felt like this moments, before she entered to her room was more than crucial. "Elia, I-"

"He has insulted me!", she screamed loudly as she turned to Arthur with a great rage, caused the kingsguard to stumble backwards, her own bannermen stopped with the sight of her. Elia was the sweet one, the calm one, the gently one. And Elia would never speak to someone like this, let alone Arthur. "Embarassed me and my family and my region in front of hla of the realm, what is else to say about this matter? Can you retake everything back within a moment? No!", she spat. "Honouring her bravery is that so?", she looked at him with a deep scowl of sadness. "Am I not brave enough Arthur? Is this what you are trying to say?", her voice cracked and she hated it. "Is it not enough for me to risk my life every single day in the court of his father, bleeding to give him heirs? Or do I have to grab a sword and yell at people for him to think I am worth of a stupid flower crown?", her anger came so sudden, so exploisive, even she was surprised.

Arthur opened and closed his mouth. She was right, Rhaegar was wrong and Arthur had no part in this insult and was as angry as Elia still, he tried one las time on Rhaegar's behalf. "I-"

"I don't care what you think you should do or say to me at the moment given you are not who should be making an explanation.", she sent him a sad look. "Look what he has done to us both.", she took a step forward and said it with a quiet tone. "Do you think after this stunt Atera will not learn the truth?", Arthur swallowed. "And you are here, sacrificing yourself on Rhaegar's behalf once more instead of going to her. You just wait for her to find out herself because you don't have the guts to tell her the truth."

You hide the truth from her as well.

Arthur was not stupid enough to say that out loud, not now. "I just want to say that I am sorry for this happened.", he said with cincerity.

"At the moment, I wouldn't care if you would feel like a squirrel in crack, old friend. And make no mistake, she will not either. You are a coward Arthur.", she wanted to hurt him, didn't care how unfair it was, but for once in her life; she wanted to hurt someone the way she has been hurt. "Go to her.", she adviced. "You might calm her down if she would hear it from you or she will wreak havoc and it will not be me who she will crush."

I wouldn't be so sure.

He did not say that as well. "I will speak to him.", he promised instead. Atera could wait. "I pro-"

"Don't.", Elia said with disgust. "You think your word means a thing to me? You think you are so different from him?", she shook her head. "You had your moment, Ser.", she took a step back. "And you waste it."

She turned her back and with the snap of her fingers, the Dornish knights in front of her closed the door and crossed their spears against Arthur. And with horror, Arthur turned his back only to see his own people looking at him with hate and accuse.

This was the day he died in the eyes of Dorne.


"Lyanna I asked you a question!", Brandon Stark was raging inside of his tent. His sister, holding that stupid crown in between her hands, was there, not bowing her head but not looking amused either. Benjen and Jon Arryn were there with other important Northern bannermen. After the Dornish, first the Northerners left the arena, prompted by Brandon dragging a smiling Lyanna with a great force. "What is the meaning of this?"

"How can I know it, Brandon?", she frowned. "I did not ask for this."

"But you liked it!", he accused, seeing the crown made him even agrier so he went on and pulled it harshly, caused the thorns to cut Lyanna's hand. "Do you truly think I would allow you to keep this?", he shook the crown, made some of the petals to fall to the ground and then he threw it to the floor. "What do you think will happen now?", he demanded to know. "What will you say to your betrothed? What will you say to our father? What will you say to Princess Elia?", he yelled. "She is a princess! Not an ordinary woman. Do you think she will sit back and let her husband take a mistress?"

"I will be no man's mistress.", Lyanna hissed, trying to hide her bleeding hand, she was not going to show weakness right now.

"Then you shouldn't have accept the crown!", Brandon yelled enough for entire Northern camp to hear him. "Are you an idiot, sister? Don't you understand the meaning of what just has happened? The prince showed to the realm that he has no affection or respect left for his wife who is currently pregnant. Instead he named you as his Queen of Love and Beauty, thereofer declared to the entire realm that you belong to him now and you my stupid, brainless, little sister; accepted it. Gave your consent into it!"

"I did not do such a thing! I did not ask for this and I had to take the crown Brandon, how could I reject the Prince of Dragonstone?", she was shocked by the meaning of Brandon's words. It was funny how he was acting like he never heard the word 'consent' just three days ago. "What was I supposed to do?", she asked to Benjen. "Throw the flower to the ground? Tell him to give it to his wife instead? Pretended to be blind? What?"

"You surely did something beforehand to give him courage to do this, Lyanna, do not take me as a fool.", Brandon threatened. "Or else why would I notice you?"

Lyanna raised her eyebrows in shock. "What is that supposed to mean? Am I that what so it is such a miracle he chose me instead?"

"The man is married!", Brandon roared to her face, spits going to everywhere and Lyanna closed her eyes. "You are betrothed to marry. We are not going to discuss whether you are pretty enough to deserve this fucking crown or not.", he stepped on it.

"I will not marry Robert Baratheon.", Lyanna tried to focus.

"Oh don't worry, you will not.", Brandon nodded with rage. "You will be lucky that if a fisherman takes you as his wife. The entire realm knows that you are either his mistress at the moment or will be soon enough. You had brought shame to our family, sullied our name.", he looked at her with disgust. "It would be fitting if father disinherited you."

Lyanna raised her hand and slapped Brandon as hard as she could. "Listen to me and listen to me well; unlike you some of us have self-respect you man-whore!", Brandon looked at her with shock. "I did nothing to lure the prince to me, I did not want this crown, I still do not want it and sure as hell I will become no man's mistress. If the prince has such hopes, he can fuck off."

"What do you want him to do, hmm?", Brandon grabbed her arm enough to hurt her. "Cast aside his wife?"

"You know what people say about you?", she leaned forward. "A mad dog, you sure proving them right at the moment.", she spat to his face, caused him to turn his back with disgust and let go of her. Benjen rushed to Lyanna's side but she did not allow him. "Why don't you go to him and demand an explanation on how he dared to sully my reputation and our family?", she asked. "Why don't you defend me for once in your life? Is this what you think of me? I would lower myself to fuck a married man?"

"The sister I know would not smile to be a part of such a scandal.", Brandon explained where all his rage came from.

Yes, Lyanna did smile when the prince placed the crown on her lap because right away, she understood why he did so. Not that she could ever tell to someone. It made her happy; to be honoured like this, though it didn't take her that long to realize this was not an honour but a fucking curse that will follow her for an eternity.

"I smiled out of reflex!", she tried to explain.

"We all had seen it Lyanna.", Brandon gritted his teeth. "You two looked at each other with heart filled eyes and smiled like lovers. While you were so enamoured by the prince, I had seen the look on his wife's face.", Brandon was never the one to care about Elia Martell but no woman deserved this kind of a humiliation. And to know his sister caused it... "We are leaving tomorrow.", he ordered, deciding right here and there. "The tourney has ended anyways. Tomorrow we will return back to North and you,", he looked at Lyanna once more. "you better be praying to the Old Gods to entire ride back home so Robert would not break off the betrothal. Or else no one can protect you from father's fury.", then he left, his bannermen, all sending pitiying looks to Lyanna, left the tent with him. Only Benjen, and Lord Arryn -for some reason, stayed there.

"He will come back to his senses and apologize.", Benjen muttered with a solemn tone, trying to give at least a bit comfort to Lyanna.

"He can save it.", she hissed, dugging her nails to the places the throns cut so she would never forget the pain. Never forget that it was her who was insulted, not her worthless family.

"He is a firecracker, your brother.", Jon Arryn said, there was a different look in his eyes as if he was just seeing Lyanna for the first time. His blue eyes were roaming around her body, especially focusing on her breasts, but not in an interested way. More like he was a buyer that was observing an object. "But young lad here is right. He will calm down. And Robert will not throw away the betrothal.", now that Rhaegar showed interest in Lyanna, his obsession was triggered. There was no way to end it.

Though Jon was not sure which would be better. Ending the betrothal and taking the girl under his wings didn't sounded like a bad idea. If the prince truly was sick of his wife, Lyanna could be his remedy. And while it was impossible to cast her aside legally, accidents happened all the time. Aegon the Dragonbane's little wife Jaehaera was a princess as well, yet the fate interwiened. Or, she could just become his mistress to entertain him. Naerys was a princess as well, and a queen, yet Aegon the Unworthy's mistresses always held more power than her. And if the princess failed to give her husband an heir, if Jon made sure of that...

Well, Lyanna Stark could become much more than Jon bargained in the past.

He always drafted a crown for her, at the end but her only role was to open her pretty legs for Robert and nothing else. Now; if that plan would go wrong, he could always gain the benefits of this. And Lysa Tully was available. Perhaps it was not his destiny to be the kingmaker, perhaps he sould play to become the queenmaker. Robert already proved himself to be futile, Jon was reckless with her. But with the whelp that would come from the Stark girl's favour; he could easily have a second chance. He's been waiting for almost two decades already, he could wait for another two decades and have a king of his own, without starting a war.

The tourney indeed was a success for the Targaryens. There was no spark for him to cause the war he's been planting the seeds off too long. Robert was no king material on purpose but he was no leader as well, he was no commander. And perhaps the key of power was putting this stupid girl into the prince's bed.

"I would rather he did.", Lyanna hissed to him.

She had a bit attitude problem but Jon was sure the prince would fuck it out of her and with the right steps, Jon would managed to keep his interest on her while shaping her like a mold. There was no true reason for him to fail so he decided to endure her tongue until she learnt enough to how to use her mouth for other things.

Tooking a step forward, he bend down and took the ruined crown. "It needs a bit fixing but I am sure it will suit you well once it we recover it."

"Do you think after everything I will wear that crown?", Lyanna widened her eyes. "I am not a fool."

"These are pretty flowers, suitable enough to a pretty girl like you.", both Lyanna and Benjen watched him with suspicious eyes. "If you do not wear them; you'll come off as a coward, is this what you want?"

"If I wear it; the prince will think I'll become his mistress. The princess will take it as an insult.", Elia helped her, she was worried about her, she was the only one who asked if Lyanna was alright. She could not upset her like this.

"The prince chose to honour you. He is a Targaryen, carries the blood of Old Valyria, the Last Dragon, don't you think it's arrogant to assume what is going on in his mind?", he frowned in a scolding way. "And the princess is Dornish.", he said with a disgust he hid. "These things are normal there."

"Normal?", this was not normal.

"Don't you see her brother? Betrothed to her lady but has a paramour, who also had an affair with your brother's new affair."

"Ashara Dayne?", Benjen frowned.

"Yes.", Jon nodded with victory, now he was in their heads. "Not only that but her brother had been married for years and has a paramour on top of that. Her aunt is married but has a bastard with another married lord and Prince Obery is having an affair with that bastard. These things are normal in there. They are sexually depraved. They do not see the world as we do, or live love like us. They have no respect for marriage and people say the princess herself has lovers. I am more than sure she gave her consent to Prince Rhaegar. Or else he would never do such a thing."

Lyanna and Benjen shared a look. "I doubt it.", Lyanna did not trust the man, blamed him for Ned's change and obsession towards Robert.

"Do that.", Jon nodded and then smiled. "And allow me to get this fixed for you. Then make your own decision."


He wanted an out.

He wanted to find an excuse to end the betrothal.

Lyanna Stark was not a suitable wife to him. She would do nothing but to embarrass him and he needed a way to free himself without upsetting Ned, a reason that Jon would not scold him and he asked help from Rhaegar.

He asked help as his cousin but he never would if he knew the silver-headed fuck would take that as an indication to make a move against his betrothal. What did he think? Robert had no use of her so he could have her? They still were betrothed. How dared he to insult Robert like this? Even if they would end the betrothal, she would be his former betrothed, forbidden to Rhaegar under any law of gentlemen.

This was not the first time Rhaegar Targaryen tried to take something that belonged to him but Robert was going to make sure he didn't get it this time. He was not going to let her go this easily. He was going to fight for her, make her his wife just to Rhaegar Targaryen would learn he didn't get everything he wanted in this world. There were no limits to his greed but he was going to teach him not to mess with the Baratheons anymore.

But first; he needed to make him worried with fear, first he wanted to break him, wanted him to stubble and what else could cause this but his absence?

"Let us go.", he growled to Ned, faking an anger. "If I stay here, I'll kill him."

"Don't say such things Robert.", Ned was truly distraught by all that happened. "He is the prince."

"Well I need to calm down or the prince will meet with the back of my hand."


"She doesn't talk.", Arthur said, pinching his nose. "Doesn't want to hear a thing from us but Rhaegar."

"Can you tell she is wrong?", Oswell was frowning. "What the fuck Arthur? What happened there?"

They were in the kingsguard cells. The entire realm was gossiping over this incident, everyone was making fun of Elia, dragging her name to the ground and Dorne was just moments away from starting to kill people. Kingsgaurd was needed to apply balance and peace but Arthur and Oswell had other problems.


"I am sick of being in the dark.", his friend said with impatience. "Tell me what was that. You know I'll find out."

"Do you remember that Rhaegar got ambushed by the mystery knight the other day?", he rubbed his face. Oswell was one of them. They should have tell him the first day. "Near the Godswood? He could only managed to bring back his shield because he forgot there?"

"Yes, of course but what does that has to do with anything else?"

"Lyanna Stark is the mystery knight.", Arthur deadpanned. "Rhaegar and I found her and decided to spare her."

A few seconds passed in Oswell's blinking. "What?"

"She is a child who didn't know what her actions would cause, Os.", Arthur tried to defend himself. "You would do the same if you were in our shoes."

"Arthur we are kingsguard!", he widened his eyes. "We serve to the king, not to the prince. I know there has been a misunderstanding in the past years but it is different things to plan a tourney behind his back and going against a direct order and lying to his face. This can get you killed."

"What should I do then? Sacrifice an innocent child to save myself?", Arthur shook his head. "Never."

"Wait, wait, wait-", Oswell gaped at him. "Tell me you somehow had some sort of an amnesia and completely forgot about this truth when Doric Hightower got arrested and almost lost his head because the king was convinced he was the mystery knight.", Arthur said nothing but looked at him with a slight pout. "Arthur!", he yelled. "How can you be this stupid? How can you be this cruel?", he shook his head in disbelief. "Then you dare to ask why I don't think you love this woman."


"You would never be able to do this to her, cause that pain and fear to her if you loved her truly."

"He never was in real danger-"

"Oh he was in real danger alright.", Oswell spat. "Do you think just because Aerys played with his food first, he would spare him? All that was necessary to lit the fire would be someone asking him directly why he was held in the cells. How could you do this to Atera?"

"What other choice did I have?"

"You could have tell her this.", he argued back. "Yes perhaps spare the girl, telling the truth at that point would endanger Rhaegar and you as well but Atera, completely in blind, had to ruin three people's lives to save her brother. He is in permanent exile. The only reason he was not ostracised is because Gerold and Lord Hightower, nothing else. He will never be able to set a foot onto this continent. He never will return back to his own home. He will never be with his family again. Atera caused this to save his life. If she would know about this-"

"She would tell it right back to the king. Do not pretend like you don't knowit as well. She sees nothing when it comes to her family."

"So it is better be Doric Hightower than Lyanna Stark is that so?", Oswell judged him.

"Lyanna Stark would be executed on the spot. Doric Hightower got away with exile. I did not prefer a name over another one, I chose one punishment over another."

"And what makes you think it was your choice to make?", Oswell raised his voice. "Do you think she will see it like this? Do you think anyone in her position would look from your point of view? Would you? What do you think she will do? Let it go? Thank you for not forcing herself to choose?"

"I expect nothing from her.", Arthur rubbed his face. "Oswell you don't understand. I swore an oath-"

"You swore an oath to the king! It is the one oath that rules out everything else.", he threw himelf to his bed. He was sharing a cell with Arthur. "Atera will hear this and will see it as only on thing; betrayal.", he looked at Arthur with sadness. "There were other ways to end this affair if you regretted so much, less painful ways."

"I do not want it to end.", Arthur said with tiredness.

"Then why aren't you wit her right now? Explaining to her?"

Because it had to end. He enver wanted to hurt her but he made his decision the moment the king laid it out for him. It would hurt more if he would stay. It would hurt more if he would fix this problem and left her regardless. He needed her to hate him and this was the perfect oppournity. He had to use it to prevent more pain.

"I have other matters to attend."

Oswell looked at him. "You are hiding something.", he saw right through him and sighed with trouble. "I just hope you'll survive long enough to tell me what is it."


"Tell me you'll do something about it!", Oberyn entered to her door, pushing the guards in front of it. "Tell me that bastard will pay for what he has done!", he demanded after yelling perhaps half an hour to his uncle Lucerys, promising vengencance over and over again.

"Oberyn not now.", Ashara hissed to him, rushing to his side to make him leave the room.

"No, no, no -wait.", Oberyn, without looking at her, closed her mouth. "Are you crying?"

Elia was sitting at the divan in front of the window, watching the lake without looking at them. Her curls were falling to her back wildly, she was not wearing any jewels, her gown was half open, she was just sitting, her knees pulled to her chest as much as she could without hurting the baby and there were tracks of tears on her face.

"Oberyn leave.", Ashara was the only person apart from them. Elia did not utter a word ever since she entered and she knew Oberyn would not understand.

"Why are you crying?", he asked in total shcok. "Elia why the fuck are you crying? Why are you getting sad? Why are you upset?"

"What else she should feel?", Ashara pulled his arm. "Her husband favoured another woman and humiliated her in front of the crowd.", she said with a quiet tone, Oberyn's back eyes found her pruple ones. "She has the right to feel sad."

"No she does not.", he scoffed. "What she needs to do it to get back up stronger than ever and make that dragon prince regret ever daring to slight her and our family like this. What she needs to do it to make them upset, make them cry like babies, make them beg until their knees bleed not this.", he turned back to his sister. He felt like his heart was dying with all the pain he felt over his sister's tears. "El...", he felt his own tears, the only person in this world that could make him cry has always been Elia. He rushed to her side and kneeled. "El please.", he held her hands and placed kisses to her knuckles. "He is not worth it, no man is worth your tears, sister.", Elia was not looking at him. "Would you want me to carve his heart out so you can feast on it?", he asked with seriousness. Neither Elia nor Ashara had any doubts that he would.

"Oberyn.", Ashara repeated his name with more force this time. "What matters right now is the baby. She needs to rest until the people take their fun to make gossip. Then she will handle the problem herself."

"I-", Oberyn closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to his sister's hands. She did nothing but squeezing his back. "Did he come to you? Apologized? Tried to offer an apology?"

"Arthur tried to.", Ashara sighed. "But no, not Rhaegar."

Oberyn swallowed a curse, there was no reason to stress out Elia more. "Rhaenys?"

"Is with Larra and Andric.", not the perfect couple to ensure with an infant but what choice did they have? "They will look after her until everybody calms down."

"I will fix this.", Oberyn swore. "I will fix all of this and no one will ever dare to utter a word about you."

"Oberyn-", he stood up before Ashara finished her line.

"No one can cause my sister to cry.", he sent her a look. "I will fix this.", and then he slammed the door as he enterd.

"Ashara.", Elia said with a strained tone. "Make sure he will not brought harm upon himself.", she whispered without looking at her. "Tell my uncle to keep him under control."

"Yes, your grace.", Ashara sighed and left the room.

Elia started to cry back again. How stupid she must have been to truly think Rhaegar loved her? How naïve she was, how immature, how simple. There was only one thing inside her husband's head; save the realm. Elia never was a priority, he would sacrifice her for the world. She felt like a child instead of a grown woman, feeling abandoned and unwanted just the like day her father cheated on her mother and left Dorne for good.

What truly hurt that there were moments such as just this morning that made it all feel like impossible. She had seen it in his eyes, felt it in his touches. He did love her, she was sure of it. But now her entire world was shaking because just with one simple move; Rhaegar shattered his imagine in her eyes, killed himself for her, ended her confidence and love. Today was not going to be the day Rhaegar forsaken her, it was the day she finally stopped loving him because it was like chasing a smoke.

When all was said and one, there was only one question inside her head; was she lying to herself all this time just to make her life bearable or her husband was that good of a player?


"...I am just wondering how can you be this calm, that is all.", Alea kept massagind to her forehead. They had burnt willow in the room to help her headache. After the scandal, Atera just walked to her room under the surprised eyes of Alea and Finnan, did not speak to anyone, just waited. "It isn't like you."

"I am waiting.", she mumbled with her eyes closed.

She made Finnan pull her couch in front of the fireplace and she was laying there. Alea was massaging her head with elegant moves, something she learnt from her healer grandmother, her maids Lavender and Hazel were sitting on both her sides, on the floor, massaging her wrists with oils.

"Waiting for what?", Alea asked. She did not like the situation at all. "Since when you wait for stuff instead of taking action?"

"Well I have grew up Alea.", she answered nonchalantly. "I don't have a brother behind my back to rescue me from my sudden and reckless moves so I am waiting like a mature adult.", she smiled. "For problem to come to me instead. This way; no one can blame me.", Alea sighed in response but her door opened merely a few minutes later and Lyanna Stark entered. Atera smiled. "Told you.", she pulled her hand and snapped her fingers, her maids and Alea left the room and she stood up. She was rid of her jewels and vaist, was just standing there with her apple coloured under dress. "Lyanna.", she smiled fakely. "You look terrible."

The girl had a crown-shaped braids over her head in the morning -which was a very unfortunate choice to very least but now her braids were almost torned open and her brown hair was falling down just like that, her eyes red with crying, face pale.

"I need oyur help.", she declared and Atera could see how hard for the girl to confess that. "You told me to come to you whenever I have a problem. Here I am."

"I said you have one favour to ask from me and you did so the other day. I've sent you my Maester. I have no other obligations to help you."

"But you surely would want to help yo your friend, to Princess Elia, no?", even just from walking here from her tent made her want to disappear forever. Not caring about what people think was one thing, have people call her a 'whore' all throughout the kingdom for something she didn't do was another. "Helping me is helping her, please."

She was strictly warned not to tell the truth to Atera but what choice did she had now? Prince Rhaegar perhaps not that wise and knew her friend well or else why would he do such a mistake and ruin both of them?

"Elia is strong enough to fix this mistake herself and it scarcely would affect her anyways.", she shrugged. "People would tear the Dornish apart only for a minute, then they would focus to the other woman."

"I am not the other woman!", she yelled, she was sick of people inisuationg it and Atera nodded in understandment.

"This was not what I meant, pardon me. This is just what everybody else thinks. I know you are not having an affair with Rhaegar.", this seemed like soothing Lyanna down. "But again; I have no reason to help you. Without a payment."

"I will tell you something and you will help me in return.", Lyanna raised her chin with a confident manner. "I know why Prince Rhaegar gave that cursed crown to me."

Atera raised her eyebrows. "Did he contact you?", this was odd. Rhaegar surely was begging to Elia to forgive him at the moment.

"No.", Lyanna shook her head.

"Then how do you know why he did that?", she leaned forward with cynical way. "Can you read minds?"

"He crowned me because I am the mystery knight.", she closed her eyes and confessed and Atera's small smile died out little by little. "I am the person that you've been looking for to punish. It is me.", Atera looked at her with a blank face. "There has never been an ambush. Prince Rhaegar found me there with Ser Arthur and they lied to protect me. He didn't tell me but I know he crowned me because of that.", her voice became smaller and smaller as the bright blue eyes got darkened. "You have to help me now."

"It was you then.", Atera narrowed her eyes.

Now everything started to make sense. The girl asked for a Maester because she got hurt physically. Mystery Knight took a lance to his, well her, shoulder during the tourney. Atera was sure with one movement the proof would be in her sight.

They lied.

Arthru lied.

Rhaegar lied.

They lied.

They knew the truth all along and let her brother perish for it.

"I did so to defend my friend, I had no other reason, you have to believe me."

"I have to?", she let out a cold chuckle, her lips smiled only to hallway and then her face fell into blankness again. "I helped you, do you remember?", she asked. "That night and the other day, I helped you. I introduced you to Elia, I gave you an out with your betrothal to Robert, I promised you a favour."

"I am grateful for all that but I never asked for any of them.", she held her head high. She did nothing to cause her to bow down. "But no one could guess things would turn out to be like this. This is a game of the fate for us all."

"Fate?", she said with her eyebrows rising high. "Fate is that so? Is this how you explain your treachery?"

"My lady-", before she finished her line, Atera raised her hand and slapped her across the face.

"I took pity on you!", she raised her voice. "I thought you needed help, that you were mistreated by people around you, I wanted to help you but now I see you are just a sneaky little snake. Despite all my good intentions, you kept your mouth shut when my brother was rottening inside the cells below us. You look me in the eyes and remained silent.", Lyanna's eyes were closed but lips were trembling, this was too much for her, her head still was turned to the sides and Atera was standing close. "You hid the truth from me.", they were right, everybody was right, she was soft now. Or else she would never take an interest in Lyanna Stark, or else the girl would never come close enough to harm her family. "Not that I didn't think of it.", she snorted dry. "Not that it didn't cross my mind, I had felt it the other day. But it was just a suspicion, nothing more than a silly feeling I could not manage to shake. It is why I asked you that day. To get rid of this suspicion!", she yelled. "But you? You've looked me in the eye and lied to me!", Lyanna was trying to press her lips together but she already started to cry.

"I didn't want things to happen like this.", she finally turned to Atera. "Prince Rhaegar and Ser Arthur told me not to tell you spefically.", she shook her head as Atera's face darkened. "I wish that I told you at the beginning. At least I wouldn't be ashamed in front of you now."

"Only people with honour and dignity would feel shame, not lying rats like you.", she declared.

"Believe me; I had no other choice.", tears were falling down on her cheeks. "I had to remain silent."

"And now you had to speak, no?", she shook her head. "What will you do now? Beg for forgiveness? For mercy?"

Lyanna shook her head firmly, despite her tears, she was not going to cower. "You can do whatever you want to me, I cannot go against you, I am not that powerful.", she heard things. It seemed the entire South had a thing or two to say about Atera Hightower. "You have to help me, to help your friend, it is all I say."

Atera closed her eyes and took a deep breath to control herself. But everytime she did so, instead of seeing darkness, she was seeing her brother, saying his goodbyes, leaving the continent for never to return because Atera had to out him to save his life, because he was wrongfully imprisoned because of what this girl did, because Rhaegar and Arthur chose this girl over her.

Arthur chose this girl over her. He lied to her over Doric's actions and then hid this. While claming to love her, he betrayed her. With this thought, she couldn't control her anger any longer and both her hands found their place on Lyanna's neck, she started to choke her.

"Have to?", she spat. "Have to? Who the hell are you to tell me I have to do something you lying snake?!", she was screaming with anger. There was no blood in her veings, just spite. Lyanna fell to the ground but Atera did not let her go, killing her would be a small price after everything her family had to endure. "You are just a coward! Who hid her identity while smiling to my face; a fucking coward! I am going to kill you. Did you hear me? I swear to your stupid Old Gods and to Leyton's stupid Seven; I will kill you with my bare hands!"

"Atera we need to sp-", Oswell entered the room right at that moment and Atera let her go as if she was a trash while Oswell widened his eyes. "What the fuck? What the fuck Atera? Have you lost your mind?", he rushed to the pale girl on the floor as Atera turned her back, breathing too fast to blur her own vision. "Do not dare to die.", he kneeled next to Lyanna who was crying once more but seemed poisitvely alive. Alea entered to the room after Oswell and closed her mouth.

"Come here.", she turned back to Lyanna and before Oswell managed to stop her, she started to drag Lyanna through her arm to the outside of her room and threw it in front of Finnan. "Take that rotten pub back to her den.", she ordered to her shocked sword sword. "Tell them to hide her wherever they want. Not Rhaegar himself,", she turned to Oswell. "but even if the entire realm would stand in front of me to protect this girl, it will not work!", she declated loudly. "When I am done with her; she will beg me to die.", she pulled her hair and made her look at her face. "You told me I have to help you, right? Well,", she leaned down. "I am going to be your worst fucking nightmare.", she tnered back to her room and slammed the door, leaned her hands to it and bend over forward.

She felt like she was going to pass down.

"Atera!", Alea yelled loudly. "She is the only daughter of a Warden, you cannot-"

"She is the Mystery Knight.", Atera turned to Alea with crazy eyes. "Dead in the eyes of the crown.", her eyes found Oswell with anger. "Did you know about that?"

"I just found out.", he came here to tell her this as well. She needed to know but Oswell thought he could control her reaction. Nobody wanted things to be like this. "Arthur told me.", he muttered inside his mouth.

"Why?", Atera took a step towards him, shaking with rage. "Why?", she could not find other words, her mind shut itself down.

But Oswell understood her question. "The king would order for her execution.", this was not a reason enough. "He wanted to protect her."

"Who else knew this?", she asked with a whisper, she barely managed to mutter the words.

"I don't know.", Oswell looked at her with a deep sadness. None of it had to go this way. "Rhaegar."

"Elia?", Oswell shook his head and she nodded to herself. "Well, there is one way to find that out.", and then before Oswell and Alea managed to stop her, she grapped her vest and belt and opened her door with force, started to rush to Elia's room.


Arthur frowned and sent another stone flying into the lake, watching how it bumped over the surface three times before sinking into the water. Wordlessly he bent down to fetch another from the shore, listening to the steps approaching him but yet giving it any more attention. Instead, he straightened up and swung his arm once more, the stone got sent flying, hit the surface a couple of times and then sunk.

"I've heard what happened with Elia."

Arthur snorted. "Aren't you a little late to hear that? I thought by now the whole realm would learn how the Dorne basically disowned me for something I didn't do."

"I am Dorne, in case you forgot. And I didn't disown you."

"Well, congratulations then. You are the only one but don't worry soon enough, you'll join the others and realize how I don't worth it."

"Arthur stop it.", Lewyn ordered with a fatherly stern face but he didn't listen to the old man and kept throwing stones to the lake.

He was trying to calm down his heart and his mind, fighting with his tears, hiding his broken heart, surpassing his anger. This act continued for a few minutes but then Lewyn, who never was a patient man to begin with, got irritated and gripped his arm to stop him.

Normally Lewyn would look like Doran and Elia. Carefree, genuinely happy, young, the handsome prince he was. But right now he looked more like Oberyn. Arthur didn't want to think about Oberyn, so he looked towards the trees over Lewyn's shoulders. He looked his age, genuinely distressed, furious, sad, confused. The wrinkles on his face didn't suit him.

"Look at me, Arthur.", he shook him strongly before repeating the same line again, with an angrier tone. "Look at me!"

Their eyes met. Lewyn saw all the emotions he was trying not to feel and Arthur freed his arm from Lewyn's grasp. Turned his back on him, bent down and took a few more stones again, start to throw them into the lake. He felt Lewyn's movements behind him, with a sigh. He did the same thing, took a few stones and sat down on the big rock next to Arthur. They watched the stones' movements on the lake.

It wasn't like when Arthur did the activity with Atera. When they sat on the beach on the Dragonstone, they would throw rocks into the lake for hours, without talking or looking at each other. Arthur would feel peace in those moments. He and Atera had a way to understand each other without actually doing anything. All nervousness would pass away the moment he saw her but right now, he couldn't dare to go to her. She wasn't there, still shaken over what has happened, she preferred to stay in the big castle instead of watching the final tilt of the jousting. She had no idea what Rhaegar has done and frankly, Arthur didn't want to be the one who would tell her.

"I didn't know.", Arthur said finally. And heard Lewyn's sigh.

Of course, he didn't.

"I saw your face, Arthur. You don't have to explain anything to me.", he said without looking at the young man, the exhaustion was clear in his eyes and his moves were breaking his heart. He was once his squire after all, and for some days, son he could never have. "I am sure Elia didn't mean what she has said but you do understand what has happened is not something neither of us can take lightly. Rhaegar needs to explain his reasons."

That, he could never. It would only create more problems and he would lose Atera forever.

"Oswell and Jon didn't know it either.", he felt the need to add. Not that Lewyn would suspect them. Everybody knew he was not on talking terms with Jon, and Oswell would slap him silly before he would allow so.

"If you didn't know, it means nobody knew.", he tried to give him assurance, it was obvious he need it. The last time Lewyn saw him this defeated, it was merely a day after he took the white.

"I would've stopped him if I knew.", he said desperately. He would, Gods knew he would.

But apparently, Elia didn't.

"I know that too.", he placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. "Arthur, look-"

"I am sorry.", he interrupted him as he threw all the stones to the ground and covered his face.

"Why?", Lewyn asked in confusion.

"What do you mean why? I am sorry for everything. Harrenhal shouldn't have gone like this.", not that Lewyn was privy to their plans, not that Lewyn was not privy to their plans. He didn't know what the older knight knew but still, owed an explanation.

"And what is your fault here exactly?", Arthur's state started to nerve him, it was not like him to be like this.

"I should've known!", he lowered his hands and turned to Lewyn with a swift move that ached his muscles. "I should've known, so I could've stopped him!"

"And how you would do that, exactly?", he wondered. He seemed like a child. "Stop him, I mean? Know it beforehand?", Arthur opened his mouth to say something but Lewyn stopped him with his hand. "I don't think even Rhaegar knew it beforehand too. I think it was an impulsive act. You couldn't see it coming. Nor Oswell and Jon. He did what he did. You couldn't stop him."

"I should've known.", he whispered and turned back to the bright lake with a defeated look.

"It seems to me you are intentionally trying to hurt yourself because you feel guilt about something else.", with that, Lewyn knew he hit a sore spot. Arthur couldn't even open his eyes with shame and covered his face once more, with a calmer manner this time.

"She is the mystery knight.", the confession was too heavy to make, he just prayed Lewyn would understand.

"I figured that out.", the answer came a few minutes later and it was as quiet as his confession. Here was where things got twisted. "You said to Elia, he did it to 'honour' her."

"That's what I want to believe.", he corrected him.

"I think you are right to believe that. We all know Rhaegar. He wouldn't humiliate Elia like this.", it seemed like Leywn wanted to believe that.

"I should've known.", he said with a whisper this time. "It's all my fault."

"It was Cersei Lannister who convinced the king that the mystery knight is Doric Hightower.", information for information. Atera was going to be furious but perhaps they could lessen the fall by throwing the young queen to her path, so Arthur and Rhaegar, and the Stark girl herself, would be spared.

Arthur stood up with a great shock. "She did what?"

Lewyn almost laughed at him, almost. "That girl tricked him to believe that Hightowers are trying to dethrone him. Who did you think it was?"

After everything Aerys told him... He thought he wanted to eliminate the Hightowers himself, never thought it was the queen's job. Arthur was speechless, everything was coming together slowly.

"If I told to the king that-"

"The king would kill her and a war would start. You did the right thing by keeping it from the king but you should have told to the others."

Atera was never going to forgive him.

"I should've-"

"You saved that girl's life."

"At what cost?", Arthur snapped. "At what cost? I lied to my king because I wanted to protect a child. But now everything is going down!"

"Arthur, when you become a knight, you swore an oath, remember? You did the right thing.", a panicked Arthur would be of no use. The clouds were just gathering around, the storm hasn't even started yet.

"To whom?", he questioned, breathing fast. "Doric almost died because of something he didn't do, it gave leverage to Lannisters, Elia got humiliated, she wasn't looking well when she dismissed me. Jon is probably freaking out so does Oswell and Myles and Richard. Ashara couldn't even look at me. My own sister! While coming here I saw the Stark tents. It took four men to hold Brandon Stark down. Robert Baratheon left Harrenhal, Gods knows where he is. And Atera-", Arthur fell down to his knees. "And Atera will never forgive me."

Lewyn sent him a sympathetic look. "You love her, aren't you?"

"Is it that obvious?", he shouldn't have gotten this surprised, given who else knew.

"Yes. Since the beginning.", he smiled sadly. He lived that story before, he knew how hard life was for them. He lowered himself next to Arthur and patted his shoulder. "She'll understand."

Arthur snorted while covering his face again. "Have you met with Atera?"

Lewyn laughed this time. "Well, yes. She is a firecracker. But she's not cruel. Once she calms down, once we left Harrenhal, she would come to her senses. And if you tell her everything, be honest, I don't see why she wouldn't forgive you."

"Because you don't know her the way I do.", this was enough answer to stop Lewyn from pressing further.

They sat together for a while. They both had duties to do. Arthur had to talk with Oswell and Jon and learn what is going on generally. He needed to send Myles to the Stark tents and Richard to the Baratheon ones, to understand the occurrences and test the water. He needed to be sure that Elia and the baby were alright. He needed to calm Oberyn down. He needed to explain the situation to the king. And he needed to confront Rhaegar. And Lewyn had to calm the Dornish. If something would happen between those four houses that night, nobody could stop Aerys. But they procrastinated because it was easy to do so.

Now they understood why people either lost their minds at Harrenhal or turn into Oswell.

"It's kind of our thing.", Lewyn sent him a not-understanding look, Arthur explained. "Atera and I. In the Dragonstone, we throw stones to the sea."

"It's a relaxing activity, I guess."

"It is. It helps."

"Does anyone knows?"

"There is nothing to know. She is betrothed with Oberyn and I took an oath."

"Love, is something no one can stop or prevent. When you took that oath, when we took that oath, we only swore not to marry and sire a child. I never do those things, I didn't broke my oaths. But love? This is something no oath can forbid. We don't get to choose who we love, we just do."

"She is betrothed to Oberyn.", he pressed. Lewyn was his uncle, he should be at least a big bothered with this revelation.

"So? Does this make you love her less? Or her to you?"

"I am a kingsguard. Nothing can happen between us.", he shook his head. "Nothing honourable."

"I am not suggesting otherwise. Oberyn knows it right? This is the reason why you to are fighting more in these days."

Arthur choose not to answer. Instead changed the subject. "How are you so calm?", he felt like he was going to get mad.

"Calm? It's not even the last thing I am right now. I am furious Arthur but am trying to hold myself. If I snap who will hold Oberyn?"

"Where he is by the way? He should've kill Rhaegar by now.", he rubbed his face, and there was this.

"Ashara sent me word that he left Elia's room with promises of revenge. I sent like twenty men after him."

"Twenty? Is it not a little too much?", he frowned. It would only encourage Oberyn more.

"We are talking about the same Oberyn, right?", he snorted humourlessy. "I'm not sure if twenty men can hold him when he is this state of mind. He just earned a night locked in his room. He should be fucking grateful that I will not throw him into a cell. The last thing we need him to explode."

"The Dornish soldiers wouldn't stop him.", Dorne worshipped Elia. And not even one Martell soldier would drew sword against their prince.

"And what should I do? Put Targaryen soldiers? Or better, Lannister soldiers? So that Oberyn can kill all of them and start a war? I want to believe that Oberyn would never draw a sword to his own people, his own soldiers."

"Let's hope he won't."

Lewyn stand up. "I should go now. Talk with Barristan, come up with a plan, visit my niece and my nephew. And ...something about or with Gerold, he is acting weird, worries even me.", Arthur nodded. "But first I want you to give me a promise."

"What promise?"

"Let Rhaegar be."


"He did this to himself. He needs to fix it himself. Don't go to anyone and don't apologize on his behalf."

"I should. This is my duty.", he blinked. This was he always did.

"Your duty is to serve your king."

"I am acting like a coward."

"You are one of the bravest men I know. And well, I know lot of men. You are doing something honourable. Don't let anyone to act otherwise."

"I still have to apologize on Rhaegar's behalf to the king."

"Don't. Rhargar is a grown up. It's time for him to finally realize his mistakes and apologize himself. He can't hide on his chambers forever."

"He is hiding in his chamber?", he rubbed his face once more. That bloody idiot. "Lewyn, the king will ask to me, not to him."

"And you will tell him the truth. You didn't know, you would stop him if you did. There is nothing for you to apologize.", Arthur didn't met with his eyes. "Promise me, Arthur. You will stop taking the blame for Rhaegar's actions."

"I promise."

He had his own mistakes to apologize anyways.


She was walking swiftly, her hair hitting to her shoulders, her necklace hitting to her chest with every step, she was sure that it would cause soreness for days to come. Oswell and Alea were behind her, trying to play it cool and try to her steps. Most of the nobles were inside the castle to get access to the royal drama from firsthand.

And then Brandon Stark, who demanded to speak to Rhaegar but got refused by a wide-eyed Myles, made a lethal mistake.

"Lady Atera!", he yelled behind her and Atera stopped abruptly in the middle of the hallway, nose widened due to her excessive breathing and lips pursed as if it was the tip of a needle. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "A word.", he said with a dark tone and the corner of her lip twitched with the demand.

No Stark was safe today. "Don't.", Oswell whispered lightly. "Let me handle."

Atera turned towards them with a swift move, her hair hit to her shoulders and side of her neck so bad that it actually hurt her enough to grimace, still, she kept her composure and took a few steps towards the Norhtern man.

"Lord Stark.", she rolled the words.

"It is my father,", he took a step forward. It seemed both were ready to take their anger from each other. People lined up in the hallway from all regions were watching the scene with great excitement. "who is Lord Stark, not I."

"Are you a knight?", she asked with a frown. "Or perhaps a ship captain? Anything at all?", Brandon Stark did not respond. "No, everything that makes you special and gives you the right to speak to me comes from your father.", Alea exhaled sharply. "You are lordling, therefore the proper way to address you is Lord Stark, in the absence of your father. Learning this might help you in the future.", she raised her chin. "It is a shame you haven't to this age."

Insulting to an already insulted family would never turn out alright.

Brandon Stark gritted his teeth. "I had demanded Prince Rhaegar to come out and explain his reasons and destroy the shadow under my sister's reputation but he has refused it.", Myles appeared in that moment, still wideeyed, shook his head to Atera and Oswell. Good, Rhaegar was not there at all, great. "Will you do the honours of explain the actions of your prince, instead of daring to correct me?"

"Daring?", she raised her eyebrows. "Who to hell are you that I would 'dare' before interacting with you?", she took an aggressive step towards him but Oswell pulled her back.

"This is neither the time nor the place for this talk.", he hissed both quietly. "Prince Rhaegar-"

"Will explain his actions if he deems it deserverving of an explanation.", she finished Oswell's line and the kingsguard bit his lips and took a step back. She was raging, he knew better than interfering with it. "And the proper way of addressing is very important in the South."

"And the honour of a maiden is so very important in the North.", Brandon challenged her. She was not short but he was a lot taller so he towered over her. "Your prince-"

"Our prince.", she gritted her teeth. Instead of shutting his mouth and be grateful that his sister was going to stay alive anyways, he was daring to turn the realm agains the realm. She was not going to allow that.

"He dishonoured my sister.", he hissed. "He will answer for-"

"And oyur brother dishonoured Lady Ashara.", she said with a loud voice so everybody would hear. "It still very well might be you. I don't see either of you coming forward and explaining your actions.", Oswell swallowed a curse. "Hypocrite much?"

"The prince has insulted our family by showing interest in my betrothed sister!", he yelled. "It is not my fault Lord Dayne did not care about his sister enough to demand-"

"If I were you I would choose my words so very carefully because if anybody who got dishonoured in this tourney it is the Dornish party. Two ancient houses and both for a worthless Stark."

"Gods be good.", Alea tried to pulled her back but Atera did not allow her.

"What I suggest to you, Lord Stark,", she was talking so loud that she might as well be yelling instead. "is to open that narrowed mind of yours instead of attacking on people like a mad dog."

"Atera-", Oswell spat but she pushed him away as well.

"It is so very normal in the South for people to compete in joust and crown people as a sign of respect!", she yelled. "You might be a little vindictive community in the North without civilazation every knocking on your door but in the South; not ever man implies sex when they look at a woman, let alone a child such as your sister!", Brandon Stark was literally glitching with anger in front of them. Oswell feared if he was having a stroke. "Your sister and you should feel lucky,", she presed. "for our prince deemed her worthy of such a title. Surely he did so because he is aware that Lady Lyanna is betrothed to his cousin, Lord Barahteon!", she said that while looking around and people started to whisper. Even in her anger and hatred, she was helping Rhaegar to fix this mess. "I am not seeing him here, attacking on people. Given his rage this alck of response would mean two things; either this was a match he did not desire or because he, as a Southener, understands that there was no insult. If you choose to go with the first option, then allowed me to ask this; what your sister has possibly done to force a Lord Paramount into a marriage?", this was a step too far, it was obvious in his face. "Or is this why you are acting like a little pub that got stepped on his tail? Not because of our prince's actipns but because your sister?"

"I will make you regret ever speak-"

"I doubt so.", she spat. "I doubt you'll even live long enough to see anything remotely bad happening to me. It is more than obvious for seeing eyes that soon enough; you are going to step to the wrong gown.", she took a step back finally. "You are going to marry a Southener, though I doubt Lord Tully would make his daughter marry a narrowed-minded man like you who cannot even appreciate a single gesture and does not understand some men are simply in love with their wives and have no affection except respect towards other women. Some men like you do not understand grown men like him does not feel sexual interest over a child like your sister. I suggest you to go and read, Lord Stark,", she spat with anger. "perhaps you would educate yourself and be fit to your Southener wife and not embarrass her like this over a stupid flower crown!", she said it all in a single line and turned her back, started to move towards Elia's room.

She might pay for her words, she surely had to pay for her words but she did not care. Not at the moment. She had other problems to fix.


"You fucking bastard!", the last thing Arthur wanted to do as the tried to find at least one person to control the situation was to have a confrtontation with Oberyn but when the Gods were on his side anyways? "Rhaegar's dog.", he spat from the other side of the empty corridor.

He could be far more imaginative than this, given his nature but Arthur just shook his head to the insult. Oberyn was different. Elia was angry at Rhaegar, Starks were angry at Rhaegar, Jon was angry at Rhaegar -everybody was angry at Rhaegar.

The only person, out of everyone else, who had a personal problem with Arthur was Oberyn.

"I don't have time for this.", he sighed and tried to walk past through him but Oberyn stopped him by grabbing him from his arm.

"I don't fucking care.", he spat. "You'll listen me when I tell you to listen me. I am a prince after all."

"You are a prince, yes, but not my prince.", Arthur pulled his arm with force, not blinking once. If Oberyn wanted a confrontation, he was going to get one.

"Is that so, Dayne?", he raised his chin. "Did Rhaegar consumed you this much that you forgot where you came from? Your own home, family, origin? Do whatever you want to do, wear whichever cloak you wear, you will be always that little boy from Starfall who could not speak to people for years out of fear.", he pushed him back. "It seems your cowardice changed only colour but it still is in you."

"These are bold words from a man who got thrown out from his family because he speaks more than he should."

Oberyn smiled and then in the next second punched Arthur on the face. "You had one fucking job!", he grabbed him by his collar, using both hands, and pushed him to the wall and kept him there. "My sister is your princess, is your friend, is your fucking home Dayne. Your only duty was to protect her against his madness and you failed to do even that. Tell me then; what is the fucking point of you in this situation? Why do you exist? What would even change without you in the narrative? Nothing!", he spat and Arthur pushed him away, caused Oberyn to stumble.

"This has nothing to do with me.", he fixed his collar. "I am not responsible over every action Rhaegar takes.", and while he kept blaming himself, he could not take it from a man like Oberyn Martell who fucked up everything he touched and did no contrubitons to his family other than creating scandals that were talked even a century later. "Why don't you go and ask him?"

"Oh I believe me I am dying to go and ask to him if only I would have an idea on where he is.", Oberyn laughed angrily. "That fucking coward hides like a rat but I tell him that he cannot run away from me forever.", he twisted the blade attached to his belt. "I will take a piece of him as a souvenir, and another one to gift it to my sister, and another one to send Doran to make him know that his debt is payed."

Recognizing that mad look on his face, Arhtur did absolutely nothing to stop him. It would be pointless and by all odds and logic; it was wiser to let Oberyn roam around the castle like a psyopath until he tries to bit the wrong person.

"Hit him on my behalf as well, will you.", he said with a very calm tone that surprised even Oberyn but after the charade with Brandon Stark yesterday, he simply had no energy to physically attack to someone. "Make sure it hurts."


When she entered the Dornish wing, she was alone. Both Alea and Oswell left her midway, rushing to somewhere she didn't even guess. They surely understood they were not going to be able to stop her themselves. Alea probably went to Leyton, swallowing her pride to warn him before Atera causes a civil war and Oswell might have gone even to her uncle if not Rhaegar or Arthur.

Dornish nobles were looking at her frantic state but knowing she is a lady to Elia and the future wife of Oberyn, none of them said something. Not even when she opened Elia's door with force and slammed it back.

"Did you know it?"

Elia was looking so tired, sitting on the couch with unfoused eyes and messy hair. Andric and Larra were inside of the room alongside with Ashara and even Lord Yronwood, her uncle Lucerys. Rhaenys was given to Lord and Lady Uller.

"Atera this is not-", Elia tried to speak with tiredness but Atera did not allow her.

"Did you know that girl was the mysery knight?", she asked, knowing the answer right away from the way Elia closed her eyes. "How?", she demanded. "How could you do this to me?", she raised her voice. "How could you smile at my face and plot behind my back?"

"Atera remember yourself.", Ashara hissed at her. "What are you talking-"

"Lyanna Stark.", she spat. "She is the mystery knight and everybody but me knew it the entire time while my own brother was imprisoned for that!", she was so heartbroken that even her anger was surpressed by it. "What did I ever do to you to deserve this?", she asked with pain obvious on her face, nobody in the room dared to say a word. "I did everything you asked for me. I even forgot all of the insults Rhaegar did against me. I cut the king just because you asked. I've been pulling so many strings at once to keep your husband and therefore you and your daughter alive for moons!", her eyes were burning with tears. "What did I make you to hate me this much to let me down and betray me after everything I have done for you?"

Elia sighed and stood up, and even thought she lost her balance momentarily, she didn't let anyone to help her. "I did not tell you this,", she was looking pale enough to worry them but Elia refused to show weakness. "in order to protect you. Believe it or not.", she closed her eyes and her breathing got faster for a second, her heart was not beating rightly. "I didn't want you to make-"

"It was not your choice to make!", she screamed to her face with wrath, Ashara flinched. "He is my brother.", she was not going to cry but holding it back worsened her headache. "He is my brother, you had no choice. I will never see him again."

"Such orders can be taken-", Elia was not alright, it was more than obvious, her head was falling, she was so lightheaded.

"I've done nothing but to love you and respect you but I will not do so. You don't deserve me.", Atera took a step back with disgust. "I wish you good luck on fixing this matter alone. You had brought this upon yourself. I hope you will suffer for it for an eternity.", her eyes found her obvious belly. "The only reason that I am not going to seek revenge is the child you are carrying. Same security does not apply to your useless husband and that coward friend of his.", Andric and Ashara shared a look. "I shall destroy their happiness,", she declared with spite. "even if it's the last thing I do.", then she turned her back and left the room.

Elia took a sharp breath and then with a frown, though she was not feeling a thing, she looked down. "Ashara.", she said with a weird calm tone. "Bring a Maester.", Ashara turned to her friend while all she wanted to do stop Atera before she hurt her brother. "I think I am losing the baby."


"Where is he?", Oberyn pulled Jon Connington, who was speaking to Corlys for some reason, and threw him to the wall much to his surprise. "Your wretched prince, where is he?", he demanded to know and Jon fixed his clothes.

"You are assaulting the Hand of the King, cousin.", Corlys frowned. "I invite you to the land of the mind. Calm the fuck down."

"I will do so once he tells me where I can find Rhaegar Targaryen.", Oberyn pulled his blade and point Jon out. "Then no one would get hurt."

"I have no idea where is he.", Jon said an overly composed manner. "And frankly; I don't give a damn about where here is.", it was as simple as it. "Give him my regards when you find him though. He managed to piss so many people with just one move, made me look at eye to eye even with Elia. He does deserve a reward for that and I have no problems with you giving him.", he turned back to Corlys but Oberyn shook his head in confusion.

"What the fuck happened to all of you?", he needed to took his anger out of somehwhere, someoneone but two people that annoyed him the most; Arthur and Jon, were not responding as they should. "Why no one gives me a reaction?"

"Corlys was just telling me about the recent events throughout the realm.", Jon turned to him with an unreadable expression. "It happens that my father has finally died.", Oberyn seemed taken aback by that. "So there are far more important matters for me to deal with than of yet another one of the fruits of Rhaegar's endless mistakes.", he cleared his throat. "I had told him this tourney was important and he was here to gain allies, not enemies and he chose to do the exact opposite of my advices. He is an adult and he is the heir of the Iron Throne. There is only so much I can do when he refuses to act like his age. He cannot have his cake and eat it too, let this be his final mistake though I doubt it."


"But, just because I gave up as his friend does not mean I can show the same lack of care as the Hand of the King.", he snapped his fingers to his guards. "Ser Lewyn has made a formal petition,", he felt the need to explain as royal household guards approached to Oberyn. "for you to be brought to him and who am I to deny it?", Oberyn did resist but he didn't had the right weapon to deal with all those guards. "Brought him to the guard tower, I am more than sure at least one of the kingsguard is here."

"Connington!", Oberyn roared as they basically dragged him out but Jon did not care, insyead turned to Corlys.

"And where is Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark are right now?"


273 AC, King's Landing

Eight years ago....

"The air is breathable finally.", Robert groaned. "I was sick of the winter in the Vale. Some sun does wonders."

"Yes it is almost ...enjoyable.", Stannis commented, had no idea where he was and Robert sent him a look.

"We better enjoy it, you are right. These days might be our last days."

"What is that supposed to mean?", Stannis frowned.

"Jon tells me that the king is upset with father and this is why we all were summoned here. The Hand is spreading lies about him and he must apologize. Jon says that the king might not find it enough and kill us all.", he shrugged. "He says the king sees even his own Hand as a threat, even his own queen. And father has two sons now, while the queen cannot have anymore children. Jon says we are next in line and the king might want to eliminate us."

"The king respects our father.", Stannis did not mind him. "He would never do such a thing."

"I wouldn't be so sure.", Robert shrugged once more. He did not blame Stannis, he was sheltered at Storm's End but in the Eyrie, Robert was a man grown not a child and Jon told him everything.

"Behold! Prince Rhaegar Targaryen!"

Robert let out a growl from the back of his throat, still not forgetting the way the prince humiliated him two years back but Stannis bowed his head immediately. The prince was taller now, three and ten, and Robert heard at last he started to show interest in holding a sword, being a man. Two years ago, the prince played him, Jon said. Used him as a way to prove himself, cheated at the game, won with dishonour. Jon was wise, Jon was smart, Jon knew everything and if Jon said Robert was better than Rhaegar, he was better than Rhaegar, his hands were itching to prove that and wipe that smug smile from his face.

Rhaegar was smiling at their guests to make them feel welcomed because he knew Lord Baratheon had a problem with his father, regarding taxes. Of course nothing bad would come out of it, they were friends but still it might be hard for two children to understand that. Barristan was accompnaything him but Arthur was busy in the training yard. Lewyn was making him work hard ever since two boys fell asleep in the library and slept through the entire day. The king was glad that his son found a friend but Gerold had bigger plans for Arthur and Lewyn did whatever Gerold told him to do.

"I came here so we could speak but...", Rhaegar frowned when he saw the stone faces of the Baratheon brothers. "Did something happened?", Robert was looking angry but Rhaegar guessed the reason why, Stannis on the other hand, was looking worried. "Stannis?"

"Your grace,", Stannis looked at him, only nine years ago. "the king will not murder our father and us, right?", Robert closed his eyes and shook his head, of course his brother chose the prince over him, the bloody idiot.

Rhaegar shared a look with Barristan and turned to Robert, but asked to Stannis. "Where did this question came from?", Stannis looked at Robert but said nothing. "Stannis please return back to your chambers."

"Robert is not at fault.", Stannis tried to fix his mistake. "We were just-"

"Please.", Rhaegar smiled at him but he was not happy with the situation. Stannis sent a small look at Robert and then left, with the Baratheon soldiers escorting them. "Robert, what did you say to your brother?", Rhaegar asked with a calm manner, Barristan tense behind him. "Tell me so I can prove them wrong."

Of course.

The prince liked to prove he was better than Robert at any given chance.

"I just said what everybodyelse said.", he was not going to cower so he raised his head and looked directly at the prince's weird indigo eyes. It was not a natural colour, a human should not possessed it. "Everyone whispers the king will kill father and with us."

"And why would he do such a thing?", Rhaegar tried to understand who was making up these stories because his father loved Steffon.

Was it Tywin?

"Because we are next in line for the throne and the queen cannot have anymore children.", Robert said with a dare and Rhaegar, after a moment of surprise, started to laugh loudly enough to startle Barristan.

A few nobles around the gardens turned to look at their silver prince who never laughed like this before, not even when he was with his friend Arthur Dayne. And Robert felt rage rising as the redness on his face, embarrassed.

He was never going to forget the way he laughed at his face.

"Well that would be no problem.", Rhaegar said once he calmed down. "Because my father already has an heir. I will be the king one day. My father also has his spare heir, my brother Aegon.", born premature but still was going strong. "You and your brother are not next in line, just like a plan b.", he looked at Barristan to see if this was the right choice of words because he did not want to upset Robert and the white knight nodded. "And my mother once again is with a child. You are no threat to our rule.", he patted Robert's shoulder. "And my father loves yours so he will not punish him because of his mistake. You do not need to worry anylonger and certainly you do not need to nevre your brother as well, alright?", he smiled at him. "Do not believe to anything you hear."


"As I said,", Pycelle sent one last look to Elia and told to Ashara. "she needs to remain in bed from now on. I advise no movement at all. The child's life might be depend on it.", after Ashara nodded, he bowed to Elia with shaky legs and left the room.

There was a letter he had to write to Tywin Lannister.

"There is a book there,", Elia said with a tired voice when they were alone in the room, pointing out her desk. "the black one.", without she finished her line, Ashara rushed to bring it to her and Elia smiled soflty, her eyes closing time to time, felling overly light headed. "This,", she said once Ashara gave it to her. "is my life. I've written it here; everything that happened to me, everything I lived, everything I saw, everything I thought and felt.", she took a deep breath. "Everything about me -ones you know and ones you don't, is written amongst these pages. I've entrusted Rhaegar with it once but now...", she looked at Ashara. "Despite everything that happened, you still are my best friend, Ash. I want it to be stay with you. I don't want to be forgotten."

"I-I-I don't understand.", Ashara, with a confused frown, sat down to the bed. "Why are you telling me this? You just had a little bleeding due to stress, there is nothing serious. You are fine.", her heart was beating with fear. "Why does this moment feel like as if you are saying your goodbyes?"

Elia closed her eyes and smiled softly. "It is not my point.", she swallowed with a bit pain. "I am not going to die, not now, not like this. First, I will give my husband his heir.", she knew it. She had seen it. "But we all are humans at the end of the day. We all going towards one way."


"This was given to me by my aunt Luella.", she reminisced. "She had a very sad look on her face when she gave it to me. I know understand her sadness. It has not much pages left."

"So what?", her frown deepened. "Books end, I'll buy you a new one."

Elia tried to smile. "We both know my aunt. We both know she knew how many pages I would require in my lifetime."

"No-", a terrible feeling covered Ashara's entire body, made her hands tingle and a wave of tears almost crushed her down. "No, no, no, no, no.", she shook her head and tears fell despite her not closing her eyes. "No!", she declared. "You don't know that.", she pressed. "No one can."

"Ash,", she sighed. "I just want to be remembered."

"How can it be possible for someone to forget you?", she asked with sadness that she tried to cover up with anger. "People will remember you, people will pray for you as long as the life continues."

"Not everyone.", Elia smiled. "They will want to erase my memories and it is why this book is important Ashara. I want my children to know who I am."

"You will tell your children who you are yourself.", she argued back. "Stop this at this instant!", she yelled and stood up. "You are hurt and upset but you are being ridiculous."

"Ashara,", she looked at her with sadness in her eyes. "just promise me."

"Oh, I do promise you,", she said with flames in her purple eyes, looking at her fiercely. "you will life a long life, Elia. A life that you earned.", she sit to the bed and held her hands with tears falling down on her cheeks but she didn't mind them. "We just had a rough couple of days and I am sorry for everything that I caused but everything will get only better from now on. I had seen it in the stars. You are just sad but you will be better.", Elia forced herself to smile as her eyes closed, she needed to rest a little.


She found hiding in the small room that was given for the council meetings to be held. Sitting on the table with his head pressed to the table, hands cover it. He raised his head when the door opened frantically and with one look, he understood that Atera heard. Sending him a look full of hate, she slammed the door and the small tapestry attached to the wall fell to the ground with the power of it.

Rhaegar stood up immediately with a tired look. "I know you are angry but if you allow me-", before he managed to end his line, she slapped him as hard as she could.

"You liar!", she screamed. "You traitorous bastard!", she started to hit him as much as she could as if she was having a hysterical crisis. "You fucking fraud! How could you do this? How?", she pushed him through his chest and slapped him from his face once more with tears she tried to send back and Rhaegar, as calm as he can be, tried to catch her wrists to stop her. "How could you betray me?", she screamed.

"Atera- Atera, enough, Ater-"

"Let me go!", she screamed when Rhaegar tried to hold her shoulders. "Let me-"

"Atera enough!", Rhaegar yelled as he finally managed to catch her wrists and stopped her. "I am sorry.", he said as the first thing that came to his mind. "But I had no other choice. I couldn't let an innocent child to die. There was nothing I could do for your brother, his faith was sealed the moment he entered to that dungeon."

"No!", she pulled her hands and started to hit him again, tears falling down. "You could have saved him! You could be his salvation! He didn't had to go to exile! Everything could be different!"

"Atera!", Rhaegar yelled again, looking at her with please. "It would not matter what I did.", he said with a more composed tone. "The queen has chosen him as her enemy, the king would never listen. He wouldn't let him go even if we would tell it was Lyanna. I had to make a choice. I am so sorry.", her breathing started to go slower but deeper, he thought she calm down finally, she closed her eyes as tears started to continue, feeling overly lightheaded, her breaths started to get faster once more and Rhaegar catched her before she fell to the ground, held her between his arms. "I will do anything I can to save him, I swear to you. I will fix it.", both were on the floor, she was crying as he tried to soothe her. "I promise that I will."

"You are a liar.", she kept crying, inhaled sharply through her nose to regain her composure. "All you do is fucking lie!", she pushed him back and stood up, looking for something sharp despite her vision getting blurred.

She stumbled, stepped to her own gown and had to press her hands tightly to the table to calm herself down. She was thinking million things at once and not thinking anything at all. The back of the chair hit her ribcage strongly, made her almost vomit but hyperventilating, her hands still managed to catch one of the knifes at the table, she took it and swung to Rhaegar without looking.

"Atera, calm down!", Rhaegar bend down at the right moment or he would be dead. "We can talk this through!", though she was in no mood to listen reason.

She was tired, so tired over everything. Her hands were shaking, she was crying without even noticing and she could pass right at that moment. She did everything for Rhaegar and his stupid dreams. She had sullied her hands with blood, blood of the innocent like Sumner Crakehall, blood of unborn babies like the child Cersei Lannister could have. All was done in the name of this ungrateful man in front of her. She had gave up from her own family for Arthur. Leyton, her dear brother was so heartbroken over her actions that he disinherited her. Leyton, who could forgive even Rhea and Jacen, disinherited her because she made Arthur her priority. She took Lyanna Stark under her wings when she had absolutely no reason to do so. And all they gave her in return was fucking betrayal.

They were going to pay for it.

"You betrayed me.", she said, trying to control her breaths before she fainted or worse, had a heart attack but she was failing. "I did everything for you!", she screamed. "Left my home, came to that fucking island, endured countless of things, killed people for you and at first chance you found, you betrayed me!"

"I did not betray you.", he once again took a step back when Atera charged at him, indigo eyes never leaving the knife in her hands. She had a crazy look on her face, ligt blonde hair messy. "If you calm down, you'll see I did the right thing."

"You still dare to defend yourself?", she narrowed her eyes, her head was hurting too much. "I gave you fucking dragon eggs.", she breathed. "Oh Gods. What have I done.", she whisper breathed, her hand getting lowered for a moment, giving an opening for Rhaegar to catch it from her hands. She seemed out of her mind, not focused, not really. Guilt hit his guts but before he made an attempt to unarmed her, eyes pale blue eyes met with his indigo ones and she spat with hatred. "I told you that if you betray me I would kill you.", her entire face went blank. "You should have fucking listened to me then."

Holding the knife tightly, she run towards him but Rhaegar, being taller, more experienced and stronger than her, moved to the side, first held her by her arms and then took the knife away, her back was pressed to his chest as he pulled the knife to her throat.

At that moment the doors opened and four Targaryen knights entered and Rhaegar shout at them with a serious manner. "Leave us!", Atera was trying to get rid of his hold without thinking that she could cut herself by accident.

"But your gra-"

"I said leave!"

He roared and right at that moment she hit to the space between his ribcage with her elbow, caused Rhaegar to inhale sharply with pain and lost his focus. Then she stepped on his feet, took the knife from his hand and turned back him. When she swunged the knife this time, she did cut him and earned a loud yell of pain.

"Your grace-", breathing fastly and holding his bleeding arm, Rhaegar yelled once more.

"This is an order, leave now!", gritting his teeth, he moved to Atera with anger and took the knife from her hands, cut his hand a little but then threw it to a corner Atera could not catch. The guards left the room with panic and worry and Rhaegar grabbed her by her arm, tight enough to leave a mark. "Enough!", he shook her but tried not to hurt her. "You are not well. You are going to calm down,", she still was trying to push him away. "and we will talk and you will understand me.", she as hitting to his chest and when one of her punshes came to his arm that she just cut, he stepped away with pain and she turned back to the table. There were no other knifes but it was filled with glass cups. "Atera, no.", Rhaegar understood what her aim would be when she turned to send him a look and he raised his hand in a warning manner.

It did not stopped her though, no, she took one of the glasses and threw it to him. Rhaegar bend down immediately and then looked it with shock when the cup hit to the wall and broke down with a loud noise. If he would not pull himself, it would have hit him.

"Stop it!", Rhaegar yelled as she started to throw all the glasses to him, hoping one of them will hit him finally. "Atera!", between all the shouts and screams and accuses, when there was no room for Rhaegar to run, he accepted the horrible end only for the entire room to be filled with silence. From the corner he fell, he opened his eyes slightly.

Only to see Atera as horrified as he was, one hand strongly gripped by a very angry looking Gerold and a panicked Oswell behind them.


"...yes and this changes everything.", when she approached to the tent, she heard the quiet words, uttered by Mace Tyrell.

"This does not only change everything but also gives me a valid reason to refuse the betrothal.", she heard Leyton's voice, closed her eyes and took a deep breath and entered without announcing herself. Leyton was sitting at the head of the table with Vortimer leaning to something over his shoulder, Mace and Paxter sitting on chairs. All stopped talking with the sight of her. "Lady Yelshire,", Leyton hid his surprise well behind his brown eyes. "something happe-"

"The mystery knight from the lists is Lyanna Stark.", she interrupted him, not time for smalltalk. Leyton raised his eyebrows. "Not only that but both Prince Rhaegar and Ser Arthur apparently knew it all along and did not say it to Atera. She just found out and she is freaking out. An incident with Brandon Stark already took place in front of the nobles and I think she is about to murder the crown prince. I know you are being as stubborn as a goat,", Leyton's eyebrows rose higher. "but we both know it is a fucking act and frankly, this is the perfect time to stop it. She is going to destroy herself if no one stops her."

"You've got to be kidding me.", Mace dragged his hands on his face and Paxter threw his head to the table with a groan.

"What incident?", Leyton seemed highly curious but not panicked at all.

"He demanded her to speak on behalf of the prince and I think,", Alea frowned as she spoke feverishly. "the words 'uncivilazed Northeners' or some sort of a thing like that was uttered by your sister.", Paxter groaned louder this time. "Repeatedly.", she deadpanned.

"Alright.", Leyton just shrugged and focused back to the open map in front of him. "So this will be the excuse we'll use while rejecting Lord Connington's offer-", he stopped himself, pursed his lips and raised his brown eyes to Alea's blue ones and raised his eyebrows again. "Close the tent on your way out, darling."

"Is this all?", she snapped. "Will you not do anything?"

"What would you have me to do?", he asked with a true curiosity as he leaned to his back, turning a quill in his hands.

"Leyton-", she hissed, took a steo forward.

"It is Lord Hightower to you, Lady Yelshire.", he raised his hand to stop her. "Let us not forget out standing.", damn bastard knew what exactly he was doing but Alea was not going to satisfy him by getting angry. "I am sick of cleaning her back every single time she direspects yet another noble. And I've made myself more than clear that I will not do such a thing again."

"She is your sister.", she stated, as calm as she can be.

"Aaaaand she made her choice.", he said with a smile. Even Mace and Paxter sent him judging looks. "She does not want to be my sister anymore so I will not protect her."

"Didn't you hear me, my lord.", she pressed. "Ser Arthur hid this from her as well."

"I have more self respect than being someone's second choice.", he pursed his lips. "Even if she is my sister.", he turned back to his map. "I wish her good luck getting herself out of this mess and as I said, close the tent on your way out, Lady Yelshire."


"Let me go!", she was screaming as loud as she could as Gerold dragged her though the corridors. "Uncle! Let me go!", a wide-eyed Oswell stayed behind with Rhaegar as Gerold dragged her to the tower of the guards. Lewyn and Barristan both turned towards there, alarmed with one hand on their swords, when they heard her screams. "Uncle enough, you are hurting me!"

With that Gerold stopped walking, she hit to his armour and Gerold turned to her. She had never seen him this angry before. He tighthened his hold on her arm more, it most definitely was going to leave bruises. "If it were one of your brothers who dared to attack to the crown prince with a knife, I would do more than hurting them so shut up!", he roared to her face. "And do not test my patience any further."

"He deserved it!", she tried to free her arm from his grasp but he shook her.

"You cut him! You spilled royal blood! By all laws, I should have take your life right at that moment. Be grateful that I am doing only this."

"I wish I would have done more than cutting him!", she screamed at his face with widened eyes and Gerold clenched his jaw.

"Open the door!", he commanded and Lewyn and Barristan shared shcok looks. "Open it!", he roared and Lewyn flinched.

With hurrifed movements, and without actually taking his eyes out of Gerold and Atera, he opened the lock and with three strong steps, Gerold dragged her there and threw it inside to the room and closed it right before her hands slammed against the door.

"Unlce!", she screamed loud enough for entire wing to hear her. "You cannot keep me here forever, uncle, please!", she was hitting to the door with her palms as strong as she can. "You cannot lock me away anytime I do something you don't like! Uncle, please!", she kept hitting until her palms started to hurt and bleed slightly.

When she was left with no energy, her frustration turned into tears and dragging her hands through the door, she fell to the ground, crying loudly to all the mistakes she has done in the past. Everything was coming back to her, everything she has ever done, every cruelty she has ever witnessed. From the day her mother got beheaded in a chilly winter day to the moment Lyanna Stark dared to look her into the eyes and confessed she was the mystery knight.

Gods, she killed people. She threw Rhea from the top of Hightower, she poisoned Jacen, her own cousin, she was a kinslayer. She ordered a man's tongue to be cut just to make people respect her. With wildfire, she blew up hundreds of Ironborn ships, caused thousands burn alive, die in flames, screaming. She made her childhood friend to fell from her horse and then she infected her wound, a woman who had a newborn baby. She made Lord Crakehall to suffer from pox, die in pain. She poisoned a child to kill her unborn baby. She poisoned her own husband and triggered a heart attack. She arranged a death of Caesar Yronwood, a man she didn't even know. She did not bring justice for three thousand traitorous soldiers Alerie burnt alive or for the High Septon Baelor assassinated. And while she did not did it directly, it was her fault that Walburga Cafferen died.

All those horrors she committed, all those tragedies she allowed to be committed -all for her family and nothing else.

Rhea wanted to usurp them, Jacen betrayed them for her, that man was trying to bring unrest to Oldtown, Ironborn would do a thousands times worse things to them if they were not to be stopped, Lythene caused the first exile of her brother, Lord Crakehall was trying to prevent Leyton funding the crown, Donatien Cafferen was threatening Leyton, Andric Dayne was a threat so she had to accept his offer to secure the border, Tywin Lannister tried to enter their home with an army, his daughter was no innocent, those soldiers were planning for a coup, that High Septon dared to threaten Garth and Walburga Cafferen was the reason of everything.

All she did, she did for her family and then ...what? She chose someone else over her family just like that? What did she even think? Repaying Leyton? Being stubborn for no reason? Proving something to someone? What even was the reason of everything? She abandoned her family after doing everything for them and for what? For who?

For Arthur fucking Dayne who betrayed her in the first chance he got.

With anger she screamed loudly and hit to the ground, only to froze when a highly amused voice filled her ears. "Today is getting more and more interesting."

Still shaking and in a mess, she raised her head, only to find Oberyn Martell, sitting on the couch, drinking wine, and looking at her with a smile.


"Ashara?", Arthur finally decided to take the reins into his hands when Rhaegar still was missing and started searching for his squires, only for his sister to hit him running as she didn't see him. Steadying her through her waist, he frowned, forgot all about yesterday and looked at her with worry. "Are you alright? What happened?"

"Where is the prince?", there were tears in her purple eyes. "I need to find him."

"Why? What happened?", her lips trembling as tears started to fall down, she suddenly threw herself to him, buried her head to his chest and wrppaed her hands around his armoured body.

"Oh, Arthur. I am so sorry, for everything, so sorry.", she cried into his chest, and not knowing what else to do, he wrapped his own hands around her waist. "I know you will never forgive me but please just hold me for a second."

Truth be told, he forgot all about Ashara.

"Is someone hurt?", caressing her black hair, he asked with worry. "You? Elia? Did Oberyn do something?"

Sniffling, she pulled herself back, her eyes were puffy. "Elia had a bledding."

"What?", Arthur asked with widened eyes and impeccable worry. "Is she alright now? The baby?", he made a move to rush to her side but Ashara held his hands and arms, stopped him.

"She is well now, resting but even after everything, Rhaegar needs to speak to her. I fear for her mental health, she is not well."

"Why did you leave her?"

She took a deep breath. "Nymella is there with her and so is Larra. Even Ellaria prepared a tea with her and I made sure there are no one but Dornish in her hall. I've sent word to Lewyn and decided to find Rhaegar myself. I don't trust any other Dornishmen to bring him there alive.", she raised her hands to wipe her tears but Arthur stopped her and did so himself with soft movements. "Arthur,", Ashara looked at him, pale, except the redness in her eyes and nose. "Atera knows why Rhaegar crowned her. She was very angry, yelled at Elia and left her service. I don't think-", she closed her eyes. "Gods knows we were not getting along well but this is too much. I would never want her to leave like this."

Arthur took a deep breath and here it is; his choice was made by the fate itself. He leaned forward and placed a kiss to her forehead. "I am sorry as well.", he said with a quiet tone. "For everything.", Ashara frowned at her with confusion. "We will talk later.", he promised. "Now there is a crisis I have to fix because no one else will."


Perhaps an hour pass, she was not crying anymore but sitting on the couch, no thought in her head, eyes focused on the floor just like that and Oberyn wrapping her hands after applying a small cream he found.

"This will hurt like hell.", he commented. She didn't answer, her tears has been dried on her face, made it hurt a little when she moved a muscle. Oberyn sent him a look, he was on his knees, almost in between her legs. "I know it because I am a Maester."

"You are not a Maester.", she spoke with a whisper. Her throat burnt so much that she grimaced and cleared her throat. "You never finished your class."

"I have chains.", Oberyn, for some reason, was smiling instead of seething. "I am half a Maester."

"There is no such a thing.", she said dryly and sniffled. Then pulled her hands to wipe her face properly and then took a shaky breath. "I hate your sister."

Oberyn raised his eyebrows and Atera saw the deep resenentment in his black eyes then. Good, he still was angry. "Did you hit your head as well along with your hands? You have misspoken my love. You should have said Rhaegar,", his name rolled in his tongue. "not my angel of a sister."

"Your sister in an ungrateful wreck that deserves everything that happened to her.", she declared with tensed muscles.

"I know what you are trying to do.", Oberyn's smile only grew. "You are trying to anger me so what? I'll break the door for you?", Atera raised her eyes to his and he snorted. "I did not reached to serenity over an hour, Atera. You think I haven't tried to do so yet? There is stell mixed with wood in those doors. Not even the White Bull himself can break it.", his eyes fell to her bare arms through her hanging sleeves. "Though he most certainly tried to break your bones.", he said with displeasure, her arms were already filled with purple and yellow bruises, changing colour too quickly. "You cut Rhaegar?", he wanted to know. "How deep?"

"Not deep enough.", she turned her head away.

"Why did you do it then?", she did not answer and his eyes roamed around her. "You are not angry because he crowned that pretty fool, you are angry because of something else. What Rhaegar could have possibly done to anger you this much in few short hours I was locked in here?", he seemed truly interested but Atera did not answer that as well. "Do you want to have sex?", this made her turn to him with a frown.


"You don't seem well.", he shrugged. "You are angry and I am angry and sex has always been a way to relax.", she just looked at him. "Rhaegar alone is not capable of angering you this much but Arthur is.", he sent her a knowing look and she closed her eyes. "Fucking me surely would be a great revenge."

"I am not interested, Oberyn.", she was interested in anything. She felt empty like a jar, perhaps even emptier than that. Her entire life lead her to that moment and it was meaningless. She was a fool. "I need to get out of here.", she said a moment later, felt like walls were closing on her, couldn't breath at all. "Why are you this calm?", she asked, her breathing getting deeper.

She was about to have a panic attack.

"I am not calm at all.", Oberyn started to massage her wrist to increase her blood pressure. "Honey, are you sure you don't want to have sex? I mean, I can use my hands or tongue if you want. You truly do not seem well."

"Are you joking me?", she asked, blinking a few times because her vision started to get blurry.

"It is better than having a panic attack.", he tried to joke but she went even paler and he stood up to open a window. Perhaps fresh air would help her.

But he didn't had to do that because the lock turned quietly and a moment later, Alysanne appeared in front of the door with widened eyes.


Oswell was tapping his feet as he waited for Rhaegar's stitches to end.

Atera cut him very sharply and now his inner arm was stitched seven times, all without the milk of the poppy. Oswell mutteres something about him being needed elsewhere but the truth is; Rhaegar deserved that pain, he deserved to be suffer.

"You could do something.", Rhaegar dared to say after the maester left. Pycelle was busy with something. "Instead of standing there."

"I am paid to protect you from the abuse of your enemies, your grace,", he spoke sharply. "not of your stupidity."

"You are angry with me as well.", he finished wine with one sip and then grimaced deeply. "How could I know things would come this far, Os? Do you think I intended any of this to happen?"

"You sure seem like you do, given you locked yourself up here and refusing to do damage control."

Rhaegar turned to him and laughed with sadness. "I hurt you as well."

"You are surprised to that?", he asked as Rhaegar reached to the flagon once more and poured himself another glass, offered to Oswell as well but he did not even react. "Am I not allow to get upset because of your actions, your grace?"

"You found out too. Lyanna Stark is the mystery knight.", he groaned and pinched his nose. "Gods, I fucked up."

"Oh, you did more than that.", Oswell let out a sharp curse that made Rhaegar flinch and pulled a chair, sat on it. "You have lied to Atera with ease, acted on impulse and crowned a betrothed child instead of your wife and now you are running away from your mistakes like a child.", he looked at him with exhaustion. "You are changing."

"So is the rest of the world.", he finished his second cup as well.

"Why are you here Rhaegar?", he asked. "Why aren't you begging to your wife as we speak? Or you don't have anything to explain? Or perhaps her accusations are representing the truth so you fear confronting her?"

That hurt. Rhaegar continued to pinch his nose. "My head hurts.", he declared that instead of answering his questions.

"That is your brain.", Oswell snapped. "Trying to comprehend with its own stupidity."

"I did not want to upset her.", he didn't even think it was necessary for him to say that. Surely they knew he never wanted to hurt Elia. "And whatever accusations she has or you have,", he lowered his hand and sent him a look. "they are not true.", he knew what people would whisper for years to come. The dragon prince disliked his wife so much and favoured that half-child over her.

Well it was not the truth.

He didn't even think her under that context. He never do so with any women. He was married to Elia, he loved Elia, he was in love with Elia, she was the mother of his precious daughter. He never wanted to hurt or harm her in anyways.

"Then why you did it? Because no one will believe all that 'honouring' shit Rhaegar."

But it was the truth. "There isn't a political problem.", he cleared his throat, or else he would not be sitting there. "Robert already wanted to end the betrothal with her and I am more than sure Brandon Stark would calm-"

"Robert left the tourney grounds, full of wrath, hours ago with Ashara's lover next to him.", Oswell deadpanned and Rhaegar's eyes widened a little. "Brandon Stark messed up with Atera right after she found out the truth and he might be writing to his father, declaring a fucking war to Oldtown. And Lord Hightower will do nothing."

"Fuck.", Rhaegar closed his eyes and groaned loudly. "Fuck."

"She told her heself by the way.", Oswell added with frustration. "Lyanna Stark. Went to Atera herself."

Rhaegar dragged his hands on his face. "Please tell me she still is breathing."

"Barely.", he spat. "Atera almost killed her, she is more than lucky to be alive. Blessed, perhaps. Though we both know this will not end in here. She will make you and Arthur regret."

"She was just angry-"

"She left Elia's service after yelling at her.", Oswell deadpanned once more. "You are more than fucked my friend. I cannot even guess where will the attack come from."

"I did not want anything to happen this way.", the reality hitting him hard but not as hard as the door just got opened and Ashara appeared.

If the looks would kill, Rhaegar would not exist any longer.

"Elia had a bleeding.", Rhaegar stood up immediately and Oswell followed his motions. "Her and the baby are alright but go to her.", she spat. "Do at least one thing right today."


"You look terrible.", Alysanne declared and Jaime Lannister, probably the guard Gerold left over them, peaked through behind her shoulder and widened his eyes just like her. "You are lucky that I was eavesdropping outside my father's tent and heard what Alea said.", Atera stood up, momentarily losing her balance, Oberyn held her. "Do not ever tell anyone it was me who released you or I'll be in terrible trouble."

"What will you do now?", she asked with a lightheaded tone when Oberyn started to walk towards the door.

"I'll go to my sister's side.", he turned to her.

"Is that so?", she had a complete blank expression on her face that worried Oberyn for a moment. "Alright."

"What was that?", he took a step towards her. "Were you expecting for me to do something else?", he frowned.

"I was expecting to marry a man but I clearly am in the wrong.", she said out of nowhere and Oberyn seemed to taken aback, Alysanne and Jaime shared a look.

"What is that supposed to mean?", he asked with a dangerous tone.

"It means that if you would dare to insult me the way Rhaegar insulted Elia, you would not be alive right now because my brother would make you pay.", she said, expressionless. "Leyton would cut through armies for me. It is sad to see you cannot even demand an apology from Rhaegar on the behalf of Elia."

"Aunt!", Alysanne widened her eyes. "Have you lsot your mind?", she was supposed to stop Oberyn, not otherwise.

"I said what I said.", she raised her eyebrows but there still were no expressions on her face.

Oberyn closed his eyes, his breathing started to go faster and before Jaime managed to stop him, he, with angry steps, ran away. "He is going to kill the prince!", Jaime declared loudly.

"Doubt so.", Atera huffed without joy. "A poison would be wiser."

"You cannot poison the royal family, they have food testers.", Jaime told her, looking at her with worry.

"I disagree.", this time Atera turned to him with the same cold expression. "It is exactly what I have done to your sister so she would lose her baby.", she deadpanned and Jaime, at first, frowned with confusion and took a step back as her words started to have meanings in his head.

"What?", he whispered.

Alysanne was looking at her with shcok right now. "Aunt are you alright?", this was not like her.

Atera turned to her with the same emotionless eyes. "I don't think I'll ever be alright.", she declated and turned back to Jaime. "Stop looking so shocked. You knew she was poisoned.", Jaime opened and closed his mouth, not being able to comprehend. "Does the lion apologizes to the sheep for being at the top of the food chain? No.", she shrugged. "He accepts his role and has a feast.", she took a step forward. "Your sister knew exactly what she was doing when she married a king. She can never bore a child, I will never allow it. If she gets pregnant again, I'll get rid of it too.", she twisted the dagger as much as she could so the final blow would hurt more. "I do not regret it. This is not something personal, there is no need to get emotional, it is what it is. When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die, there is no middle ground. If your sister would have the half the mind I have, Elia would lose her baby a hundred times right now. I will not apologize for being smarter."

"Why?", he was shaking with rage, eyes already red with burning tears. "Why?"

"Arthur thought this was the best way to punish me.", she smiled but it made Alysanne shiever with its coldness. "He knew everything, all along.", she pressed. "And in return of keeping quiet, he made me take you.", she pursed her lips. "If you have something to say, go and say to him.", she patted his shoulder and left the room, only to stop midway because Alysanne called for her.

"What happened to you?", she asked with worry. First Oberyn, then Jaime. As if she was trying to start a war.

"Alysanne allow me to give you an advice as your aunt.", she took a step forward. "In life; the same crowd that would applaud you at your coronation would also applaud at your beheading. People just love a show.", she was angry, angrier than she has ever been. "And some people only understand this treacherous way of interaction.", she leaned forward. "So I am going to put a fucking show today to teach everyone a lesson."


"Does it hurt?"

Everybody left them alone the moment Rhaegar entered the room but of course, not without sending him looks of hatred. At first, he thought she was sleeping but she was awake, laying on the bed, just not looking at him. He walked over her with hesitance.

"Oh, how it hurts.", Elia chuckled without humour. "You betrayed me, husband.", she closed her eyes. "And you almost got me killed with pain. Our baby with me. Tell me; what have I done to deserve such cruelty?"

Rhaegar sat to the bed with his back turned on her. "I didn't want to hurt you."

"And all of our problems magically dissapeared.", she huffed.

"Elia," Rhaegar said, nearly begging. "please, my love, I know I made a terrible mistake but let me explain and let me fix. I am not lying to you."

"But you are.", she turned her head away. "You've been lying to me this whole time. Telling me that you need me, you love me, you would never hurt me... These all were lies.", she sighed, couldn't even find it in herself to be angry, her pain was supressing that.

"No they were not. I never ever lied-"

"You promised me that crown was mine and yet, you've gave it to her. In front of the whole realm. You crowned a betrothed girl of five and ten instead of me, in front of me. Tell me why would I ever trust you again? Why would anyone ever trust you again? What is a king if he doesn't keep his promises?"

Rhaegar looked defeated.

"I am not lying.", he didn't know what else to say but she did not responded. "I know what you are thinking-"

"No.", she snorted. "No Rhaegar, you don't know anything.", she shook her head. "You don't know how worried I was when I first heard about your injury almost a year ago, you don't know about the nights I spent holding our daughter and can't sleep, watching the door, scared of what the king would do to us if he's adamant about killing you.", she took a deep breath and hold her belly. "You don't know how sick I become that even the king stopped insulting me when we went to the capital for your mother's funeral, you don't know what I've been through until my uncle convinced the king so that I can go back to Dragonstone, only to find out about his marriage plans so I had to endure the capital even longer. You don't know how much I fear from the sea, from the ships. You don't know they had to give me an essance of night shade by force because I hadn't slept in days, you don't know how much insecure I was about this whole coup thing. Scared of not my own life but our daughter's. You don't know how hard I am trying to keep carrying this baby.", Rhaegar buried his head in between his hands. "And you don't know about any of these because I feel that I have to play my part even to you. Are you aware of the fact that we never had a real conversation before? Fort he past year we only talked about your father's madness, your mother's death, your new step mother, your injury, your pain, your fear, your coup, your plan, your worry, your tournament.", she sighed, trying to keep herself calm for the sake of her baby. "Are you aware that all of these subjects includes you? It's all about you and not me. You never asked me what I want or what I feel or what I think."

"Elia,", he turned to her, let her see the tears in his eyes. "I am so-"

"You tell me that you love me,", she snorted once more. Dry humour was the only thing prevented her from breaking down. "but this isn't love. You don't love me. You grew attached to me. You can't live with yourself. And with Arthur beign away, your only true friend, you talk to me but never with me. You don't care about me."

"I am so sorry if I made you feel like this, Elia. I truly am. I never wanted you to feel neglected or like you have to play a part. That was never what I wanted. I wanted you feel happy, safe and protected. I wanted you to love me, whatever I did was for this. I am not planning a coup for me but for our daughter. How long do you think my father let you two live if I die? I am not sacrifing you or her to his madness. And yes, I admit that you're right. I never stopped for a moment for you. And I am sorry for being this blind. I should've been more for you, but I am ready to try and fix it, if you let me."

"You smiled at her." she said, not looking at him, closing her eyes. "You never smiled at me like this or to our daughter but you smiled at her."

"Elia, I swear to the Gods I don't know what you are talking about. I always smile at you.", he tried to hold her hand and she pulled it back as if it disgusted her.

"But not like this.", she looked at him with teary eyes. It was hard for her, talking about her emotions and Rhaegar looked as wrecked as she is. "You truly smiled at her like she means something to you. Like you want to."

"Elia, my love, I smile even when thinking about you. Why would they be not real?", he pleaded. "I smiled because I was happy to win the tourney because this was the plan all along and I wanted to honour her. What she did was so brave that I-"

"Arthur said the same. Am I not brave enough to get a stupid crown?", she looked so fragile and hurt, it made Rhaegar's heart ache even more. "After all those sleepless nights that I spent only to help you, advise you for the coup, after all those days that I had to endure to your father's insults and ignorence of that child he took for a wife, I thought maybe I deserve an honoration too. I guess I was wrong. You would never ignore my feelings if yo truly love me."

Minutes of silence, Elia was blankly staring at the floor and Rhaegar was watching her. He slowly got up and fell on his knees in front of Elia, held her hands. She did not pull them back this time and he looked directly into her eyes. She never seen him this vulnerable before.

"I love you Elia Martell.", he said with honesty, but Elia did not believe him. "I loved you since the beginning, I love with my whole heart. You are everything to me."

"You are only telling this to me because you need my brother's soldiers.", she tried to pull her hands back but Rhaegar did not allow her. "You only need me for him."

"Yes I do need you. But not because of things you think, Elia. I need you because I love you. And I've loved you from the moment I saw you in Storm's End. I've loved you at every dance, on every walk, every talk, every night, every day, every time we've been together and every time we've been apart. You are the only hope in my life, my only reason and my only thought. I've loved you all these time and I am really sorry that I couldn't show it to you. I really, really am, Elia."

They both were crying. He pressed his face into her hands. Elia was still fighting herself to not look at him.

"This isn't about a damn tournement or a bloody coup Elia.", he continued, kissed her hands. "This is about you and me and us and only us. I want you to understand how much I love you, this is the only thing I want. Not forgiveness, I am taking full responsibility of my actions and beahviours. I won't excuse myself, nothing I do or say will change the fact that I hurt you. And Elia-,", he pressed his forehead into her hands. "you have to believe me -you just have to, that I would never, ever, not even in a million times, would hurt you delibaretely."

He was crying so much that he couldn't make proper lines anymore. He wanted to stop himself, not making Elia more hurt and talk normally but the idea of Elia to think that he doesn't love her, killed him. He wanted her to understand.

Elia, on the other hand, was playing her part for too long and finally she dropped the act. Showed him her true feelings and she wasn't expecting this outcome. She felt alone and isolated and in danger. At first Rhaegar's sweet promises and words felt like love but the man, who was crying on his knees, was a different person fort he past year. After that incident he changed and finally seeing him to be himself too made Elia to feel more relaxed.

"I deserved better than this.", she pulled her hands this time and Rhaegar looked at her with pain. "I deserved this confession far earlier and under far better circumstances. I deserved them to be loving whispers not loud cries. I deserved them to come naturally, not forced to cover up your mistakes. I deserve,", she clenched her jaw. "far better than this."


Arthur took deep breathes while walking. He was nervous as ever. His heart was shattering to million pieces and his eyes blacekend out a few times but he kep walking. Left the castle itself and went towards to the tents. He felt like everyone was looking at him. The Lords and Ladies of Dorne were the most intimidated ones but then came the Reachermen. Leyton himself followed his movements until he walked past them. And the Stormlanders and the Rivermen and the Northeners. Rhaegar fucking Targaryen managed to turn the whole Seven Kingdoms into his enemies and for beign his best friend, enduring to the nasty looks was Arthur's price to pay. But he held his head high, his hand on the Dawn.

He walked and walked until he reached to Rhaegar's own household. He remembered how Atera insisted to place them there so that they could control the whole campers. Well, now it was time to test her level of intelligence. He saw the dark red dragon banners and the unsmiling soldiers who are holging them. He walked into the great tent and saw a very worried Myles, stressed enough to have a heart attack in any moment, walking back and forth and mumbling himself, making frantic hand gestures. Richard was sitting on the chair and his legs laid to the table, only Gods knew the number of the cup of wine he drank, resting his eyes, even from afar his fury was showing.

"Where is Jon? He should've take care of you two.", Arthur frowned unannounced. Richard snorted as an answer and Myles didn't even notice him.

"Shouldn't you be with the king?, Richard ask with a husky tone and Myles stopped, looked at Arthur like it was the first time he saw him. "Shouldn't you be with Rhaegar?", he offered, pursing his lips in mockery.

"I am here right now, and it looks like I will do Jon's job."

"Well the funny thing, he said the same thing about you, Arthur."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Myles answered instead of Richard. "Ser Gerold came here, asked for you but we didn't know where you were so he took Jon."

"Since when Jon is capable enough to answer questions about Rhaegar?", his frown deepend. He wasn't sure what he wanted to happen.

"Don't be jealous Arthur. There is enough space for both of you in Rhaegar's heart.", Richard mocked him, there was a wicked grin in his lips.

"Don't listen to him Arthur. You are his best friend. But Jon is his advisor, he knows a great deal about him and Ser Gerold isn't an idiot. He knows Jon speaks for Rhaegar.", Myles rolled his eyes to Richard.

"What?", Arthur was not sure if he hit his head or something, everybody acted like they forgot themselves today. "This is the most hilarious thing I've ever heard in my entire life.", his face tell otherwise. "The only person who speaks for Rhaegar is Elia. Not Jon, not me, not Atera. Only Elia can held this kind of power."

"If Ser Gerold would find you here, you would be the one who speaks on his behalf though.", Myles frowned.

"No, he would be the one who apologizes on his behalf.", Richard laughed at his own joke while Arthur watched his every move like a hawk.

"How drunk are you?"

"A lot.", he sang.

"You couldn't wait until we fix this?"

"I could've but what's the point?", he continued before Arthur or Myles interrupt him. "We lost the case. Don't start with 'if you lost hope' bullshit Arthur and be realistic.", he opened his eyes and looked directly at Arthur. "Right now we lost because Rhaegar fucked up, again and big time this time. Elia, Oberyn and Lewyn are humiliated by him, hence there goes the Dorne's support. Doric nearly got killed, Mace the Ace can't make decision without asking his dearest father in love and given that you are fucking his sister, Lord Hightower is a deadbeat -even if Jon somehow allure his pretty daughter to marry him.", Arthur clenched his jaw. "No way in hell Tywin Lannister would support him over his daughter who happens to be the queen and the Greyjoy's would only aupport one side to attack the other. He crowned a maid who's betrothed and the husband-to-be in the question is his own cousin. If you think Stormlands and North will start thinking calmly any time soon, you are wrong. And then there's Vale. Jon Arryn would never go against Robert and Eddard, soooo,", he raised his eyebrows and cup towards Arthur. "we fucking lost, as for now."

He was right. He knew he was right, Arthur knew he was right, Myles knew he was right. And Rhaegar fucking Targaryen was hiding like a child. Arthur gritted his teeth. He swore he wouldn't get involved but he couldn't bare watching everything they worked so much unfolding in front of his eyes. He turned to Myles.

"Go to the Stark tents. Calm them down and explain them that the prince didn't mean anything bad."

"They won't believe it, they are not idiots.", Richard interfered again.

"Yes they are.", Arthur snapped to him. "I had to meet with both Brandon and Eddard and they both are idiots.", seeing Ashara made him realize what happened just yesterday. "Given Atera's reaction to Brandon Stark,", Myles shievered. "the first would calm down if he thinks the prince favors their family, truly, at least just to save the face and the latter would calm down if he believes that the prince did it out of kindness. And they want to calm down. They are ready to believe whatever is whispered in their ears so go and be the first. Tell them that the prince crowned her because she is going to be his cousin's wife. Tell them he did it to show there was no bad blood after everything they caused about my sister yesterday. Tell them he did it because felt sad what Robert done to her the other day.", he listed. "Choose one and stick to that."

"What if they ask why the prince didn't come himself?"

"He is the crown prince. He can't go and personally apologize everytime he fucks up, this is the reason why you and Arthur exist.", Richard chuckled once more but it was the final straw for Arthur.

Arthur walked over and took the wine glass from his hands and threw it to the floor, made Myles flinch once more. "Tell them the prince is with Princess Elia right now and he would be glad to talk with them at the feast." he said without breaking the eye contact with Richard.

Myles took the cue and left the tent.

"Robert Baratheon has left the Harrenhal. Go and find him. Calm him down.", Arthur ordered.

Richard got up and took his sword to his hand, came face to face with Arthur.

"I heard what you have done to Atera.", he said with a frown. "Good luck fixing that because I can assure you, she'll kill anyone who tries to whisper something to her ear."


276 AC, Lannisport

Five years ago...

"Do you remember that girl you had seen in the crowd the other day and fancied?", Jon wrapped an arm around Robert's shoulders as they started to walk together. Four and ten, he was taller than Robert. "What was her name?"

"Why would I care of her name?", Robert snorted. "She is from here, that is all I know. A Marbrand perhaps, or Hawthrone? Why? What happened?"

"I had seen her leaving the prince's chamber last night.", Jon said nonchalantly. "It is obvious he took an interest on her and deflowered her. You need to give her up, she belongs to the prince now."

"Why?", Robert hissed, face crossing with anger. He was sick of that silver-headed fool to come to his path every single time, he was sick of getting everything that belonged to him. "Why her?"

"How can I know?", Jon pursed his lips. "Perhaps you two have similar interests when it comes to ...well, everything.", this was not the first time Robert wanted something but Jon rejected him as it belonged to the prince. "Or perhaps he heard oyur liking on the girl. You know how much he likes to mess with you ever since you were boys. Intimidated by your right on the throne, given his sickly nature."

Robert closed his eyes, took a breath and then another one and then another one but it was pointless. He couldn't calm down. He tried to remember Ned's words, he was not here with them, stayed at the Eyrie as Jon and Robert rode to Lannisport to join to the tourney thrown for the newborn prince, anger was not the answer of anything but he girtted his teeth and pushed Jon's hand away, not giving a damn of what his father would think, he rushed to the prince's chamber and without the guards stopped him, opened it with anger.

"Robert?", the prince flinshed. He was with his friend, Arthur Dayne, once again and Ser Oswell of the kingsguard was accompanying them. He and Arthur were sitting on the couch with wine in their hands and scrolls opened in front of them, talking. Arthur frowned and shared a look with Oswell who placed his hand to the hilt of his sword when the door swung open. "Has something happened?", Rhaegar put down his wine and stood up, Arthur followed his movements.

"Who was with you last night?", Robert demanded to know and Rhaegar raised his eyebrows. "In your bed, who was there with you?", Rhaegar and Arthur shared a look, they had no idea what was going on. "Let me guess; Jynessa!", he remembered her name while coming to his chambers and Rhaegar closed his eyes in understanding.

"It is not like what you think, cousin.", he tried to calm him down. The girl came to his chamber as a gift from Jon Arryn but of course, Rhaegar refused her. "She was sent by Lord Arryn, I didn't know, believe me but I-"

"Stop lying!", Robert hissed. "Jon would never do such a thing because he knew I took an interest on the girl."

"Robert,", Rhaegar still remained calm. "I haven't even touch the girl, sent her directly back to her chambers, despite not knowing your feelings. You can calm down."

"Do not lie to me!", Robert raised his voice and Oswell frowned, he didn't like the boy's tone. "You wanted her because I wanted her first, right? You had her because I spotted her first!", he took a step forward. "Ever since we were children; you always wanted what belonged to me!"

"Robert, do not say something you are going to regret.", Rhaegar tied his hands at his back, he had the maturity of a seventeen year old could have.

"First you took my father from me; he was always more interested in licking you ass than to side with me!", Robert spat. "Then you manipulated my brother to side with you. And now you take the woman I want!"

"Choose your words correctly Robert.", Rhaegar frowned. "You cannot accuse me with false words. As I explained-"

"This is the last time!", he declared. "The last time you take something from me. I don't care what your title is. If you dare it again, you will answer me with sword in hand!"

Alas, even Rhaegar's patience had its limits and Robert spent the night in a cell and had to depart from the tourney early.


281 AC, Harrenhal

"Jon?", before the Hand turned from the hallway that opened to the Lord's chambers that Aerys was currently occupying, he turned to the voice that was calling him.

"Arthur? Thanks to the Gods you are alive.", he muttered. "You've been away too long."

"I had a quarrel with Oberyn.", Jon waited until Arthur reached to him. "Then went to check on Myles and Richard to get a hold on the situation. They were at the tents in the back."

"Hmm,", Jon nodded with a tired expression. "whose idea was it to placed them there?"

"Atera.", even saying her name felt like a insult to her at the moment. "She thought this way, in a potential crisis, we can control the area better.", Jon nodded with improvement. "I heard you had to speak to Gerold?", from is face, Arthur could understand it was not a pleasant talk at all. "Thank you.", he forced himself to say so, they were on the same side today.

"I cannot tell you are my favourite person today but-"

"I am not your favourite person any day, Jon.", Arthur shook his head. "But you didn't had to do this for me, thank you.", Jon understood his appreciation was genuine so he gave him a brief nod. "I can speak to the king if you want.", it was not going to be a sweet talk, he knew that. "He would listen to me better and I am used to giving him bad news anyways."

Jon shook his head with trouble. "No, no, this is something I must to but thank you,", he sent him a look. "for suggesting it.", he took a breath. "I haven't speak to Rhaegar still.", he confessed. "Atera has disappeared, I don't know what is the pulse of the nobles, I've been busy myself but I heard Elia asked for the Maester.", he rubbed his face. "It seems like everything is happening at once."

Wait until you hear about why Rhaegar crowned Lyanna.

Arthur did not say that out loud though. "I haven't spoken to him as well.", he knew why Atera was not around but he did not tell it to Jon. Not now. "I spoke to Ashara, Elia is well, she just had a bleeding but nothing lethal.", Jon gaped at him and then shook his head with exhaustion.

"How could he be this reckless, this careless? Crowning a betrothed child while his pregnant wife just stands there? In the long years I've known him, he never did such a stupid move before, Arthur. Do you know what triggered this chaotic mess?"

"I do.", Arthur was not going to lie at this point. "But I will not tell you.", Jon frowned. "Not that I don't want to, I just-", he closed his eyes. "I am too tired to explain at this point.", he tried to smile. "This is just the start, know this. Things will get worse at this point."

"Just tell me the rumours are not true and he did not did this out of liking or desire or whatever the fuck he feels in his complicated heart.", Jon looked like he could not bare it, the same way Elia couldn't.

Arthur shook his head. "I know what Elia and everyone else thinks but no. The girl is half a child Jon.", he looked at him with an expression that scfreamed the truth. "Of course he does not feel such a thing towards her."

"What was that smile then?", a smile that apparently all three had felt deep in their bones; Elia, Arthur and Jon.

"I don't have an answer to give to that."

"He met her before, no? This seems random but it was not. Rhaegar would never act before thinking."

"Yes, they have met.", Arthur nodded. And he did caught Rhaegar using words to describe her that he normally would not use but he truly, with all his heart, believed that Rhaegar loved only one woman and it was Elia. "Jon he's been married to Elia for almost two years. And everything is going on well. Do not think such things."

"While you were looking at him, I was looking at her.", he said with all his seriousness. "I had seen in her eyes, Arthur. This was the final insult. They will not come back after this."

"Of course they will.", Arthur wanted to believe that. "Rhaegar wll understand his mistake and apologize and we'll shut everyone up and with the birth of their baby, both will forget this ever happened and move on."

"This is different.", Jon sent him a look, of course Arthur did not understand. "They have been fighting over other women ever since they married already. Rhaegar even found a way to convince her even after Silvia but this is different. This time he chose another woman over her, in front of half of the realm and even if Elia would forgive him will Dorne? You had seen Oberyn. Do you think Prince Doran will be better? I cannot dare to visit her because Dornish will eat me alive. He did not just break the heart of his wife, he also humiliated her house, her family and her region. You are one of them Arthur,", he took a step back. "you know this better than I. Not even grovelling will fix this."

"What do you suggest then?"

"Leave Dorne be.", he shrugged. "Let them cope with this alone and let us focus to the rest of the regions because at least Dorne can never go against Rhaegar. Not as long as Elia remains in Dragonstone."

"You are talking of hostage-"

"I am trying to find a solution and you are not even the last person that can judge me today.", Jon stopped him. "Dorne is not a threat. Not when their princess and her children are tied to Rhaegar legally. What is stopping North? What is stopping Robert Baratheon? They are the true problem we must focus and I fear Atera made things even worse.", he looked towards the corridor. "I'll suggest to the king to invite them all. Starks, Robert, Hightowers, Martells, even your brother and the Tullys. All the houses that one way or another took their part of the scandalous week. I will make him unite them all."

"The king-"

"The king is cruel Arthur nor a fool.", Jon sent him a look. "We both know that. And if I can make him think this would be in his advantage, he'll take it. Imagine; he comes here, everybody hoping he'll fuk up so Rhaegar will fix it and become the hero of the day for the complete opposite to happen.", he snorted. "He'll fix things, and I'll make Rhaegar to do the same. But once they return back to Dragonstone, they will be alone. There is nothing I can do after that point but it seems we'll have to close this topic for a very long time.", he shook his head. "The king does not need to do anything, Arthur. Rhaegar has always been and still is his greatest enemy."

Remembering Arthur said the same thing about Atera all those moons ago, did not help the situation at all.


"And who did let you out?", Lewyn was not expecting to find Oberyn and it seemed like his nephew was as surprised as he was. Before Oberyn managed to run back though, Lewyn grabbed him by his arm and pulled him to a quiet corner. "I am going to your sister's side and the only thing that gives her a bit of comfort at the moment is to know you are locked up and not in a position to harm anyone. Why are you making things harder for her?"

"I am not doing a thing.", Oberyn pulled his arm back. "Everybody is alive and no one walks around with bruises."

"It is because you still couldn't find Rhaegar, do not play coy with me boy.", Lewyn narrowed his eyes. "You and I are one and the same, do not forget that.", out of all his nephews and nieces, Oberyn was the only one that turned out to be like him. "Oberyn, the last thing we all need is for you to walk around, attacking people. Can you behave for one day for the sake of your own sister or shall I send guards after you once more?"

"I don't understand how can you be this calm.", Oberyn turned his head away. He didn't understand why everybody was acting like as if he was the problem, as if he did something he shouldn't. "What I do in my personal life, is nobody's business.", he could beat the shit out of the crown prince if he wanted so.

"There isn't such a thing that called 'personal life' nephew, you are a prince. I thought I made that clear and you understood the last time we talked with you like this.", about Ashara, yes, he did remember. "There are laws and rules even you have to obey. You might be Dornish, and yes, we do not bow to the Iron Throne, but still; you cannot harm the crown prince. Not even if he is your good brother, not even if he deserves so. Not because Aerys loves and cares about Rhaegar so much-"

"It's because he hates us the Dornish.", Oberyn interrupted him with flames in his eyes. "He hates Elia, he hates me-"

"Because Rhaegar is Aerys.", Lewyn said sharply. "Because Rhaegar symbolizes the crown, the throne, the power. One day everything will belong to him. You cannot brought him harm or else there will be consequences and the last thing Elia needs right now is for you to suffer under them."

"And in exactly which book it says the crown prince can humiliate his pregnant wife and continue his life as if nothing has happened?", he frowned. "There isn't such a law."

"Of course there isn't.", Lewyn cursed to the Gods for he had to bring some wit to his nephew when he agreed with every word he said. "But remember; it is perfectly normal and acceptable for in this side of the mountains for princes and kings to have as many mistresses as they can have. Even lords can have that and their wives has no say in the matter. When you attack Rhaegar, people will see it as a Dornishmen daring to raise his hand to Rhaegar and he keeps silent because of his Dornish wife.", Lewyn sent him a look. "The last time a prince showed too much tolerance into Dorne because of his Dornish wife, five generations of war broke down."


"The narrative is already changing and people are pitiying on Elia-"

"No one can pity my sister because of that man-", Oberyn tried to push Lewyn to continue his way but his uncle was far stronger and pushed him back.

"It is a good thing that they pity her instead of mocking her.", he hissed, his accent as thick as ever. "People are already started to blame the Stark girl and dispraise Rhaegar. Let them be.", he stated. "It is far better than the other option. I don't think Rhaegar is the kind of a man who would take a mistress, Elia certainly is not the kind of a woman who would accept this but still, it's better be safe than sorry so let them talk. Let them drag that poor innocent child's name to the mud so Rhaegar would never be able to even look at her direction, so the girl can never breath even in the same region as him. Let them suffer so Elia can keep her dignity and pride.", it was cruel perhaps to arrange a child's fall from grace when she did absolutely nothing to deserve it but if there was no other scenario where Lyanna Stark could get over this tourney without a scratch on her honour and Elia still could remain untouchable. "Behave for once in your life.", he adviced. "Do not make me use force, nephew. Sometimes steel is not the answer of any questions out there."

Oberyn didn't want to but nodded. "For Elia.", he spat with poison. "Only for her but I promise you, uncle,", he looked at him with matching black eyes. "when the day comes, Rhaegar Targaryen will pay for what he has done to my sister and will taste the Martell poison. He might have all his Northern kingdoms but today is the day he lost Dorne."


"Is this true?", there was no point in delaying his confrontation with Rhaegar, so with hesitatant steps, he was trying to reach to Rhaegar's chambers when Jaime suddenly appeared in front of him with red eyes and spite on his face. "Is it?", he demanded to know.

"Jaime, are you alright?", Arthur frowned, had no idea what happened to him out of all people. "Did something happened?"

"I have met with her.", Jaime spat and even though he did not say her name, Arthur understood. There was only one person that drove people into hatred less than a day. Atera. "She told me everything.", he gritted his teeth. "She poisoned my sister."

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

He told Atera to confess this to Jaime before he became sworn to her, he did not expect her to do it this way. She was on a warpath, he didn't need to be a genius to see that.

"Jaime-", Arthur tried to place a hand on his shoulder but Jaime shook his head and took a step back. His green eyes were filled with tears.

"She told me that she didn't regret it and that Cersei has deserved it.", he said with disgust. "She told me that she will do it again if Cersei ever becomes pregnant and that she should feel lucky that she still is alive.", he looked at Arthur with hatred. "She told me you knew it."

"Jaime, lad-"

"You knew it, is this true or not?", he demanded to know. Arthur exhaled and nodded. "Why?", he wanted to know. "Why did you made me her sworn sword then? How could you? She poisoned my sister, caused the death of her innocent child! It is why I had argued with her, it is why I wanted to live and you placed me next to a murderer! A heartless monster! Why?", he yelled loudly, demanded an answer Arthur currently didn't have. "Don't you have nothing to say to me? Nothing at all?"

"Jaime,", he tried to choose his words correctly. "I am sorry-"

"Sorry does not fix anything!", he yelled back. "I have sat to the same table as the woman who tortured my sister. I had saved the life of a woman who did not show the same curesty to an unborn child. I had trsuted her because I trusted you! How could you do this to me?"

"What Atera has done...", he shook his head. "It was horrible and do not think, not even for a second, that I knew it beforehand or I did something to help her. I was horrified when I found out but I could not punish her-"

"Why? She dared to poison the queen.", he deadpanned. "What security she ahd?"

She is the king's daughter.

"I don't know.", he shook his head. "But the king knows.", he did not even think perhaps he shouldn't have said that. "He deemed not to punish her. What could I do under-"

"You could protect my sister-"

"I am not sworn into protecting everyone in this realm.", Arthur declared, not being able to take it anymore but it took more than a few seconds to realize what he said.

"You are a knight.", Jaime said with a painful disappointment in his voice. "This is precisely what you swore.", he took a step back. "On top of that; you are a kingsgaurd. You are sworn to protect the royal family, protect the queen."

"Yes but not from him.", Arthur said, pressing the urge to vomit. He hated himself. "I can do nothing if the king does nothing."

"If you see something bad happening and you can stop it, why don't you?", he looked at him with please. "She didn't deserve this."

Of course she didn't. No one ever would. Not that it mattered at all to Atera. "I am sorry, Jaime. I truly am.", he didn't know what else to say. He didn't even remember what he was thinking when he blackmailed her into taking him under his wings. Frankly, he even forgot Atera ever poisoned Cersei. So much happened ever since. "She is as well. Do not mind she said.", she was not but Jaime didn't need to become her enemy.

"You are just like them.", Jaime shook his head, a tear fell. "The great Arthur Dayne is a liar and a player.", Arthur didn't know what hurt the most; the way boy's eyes were filled with hatred instead of admiration just an hour ago, or the way his words stung his heart. "You are no true knight.", he spat. "You are a fraud."

"Jaime-", Arthur tried to reach to him but Jaime took a step back.

"Everybody told me what kind of an honour it was to be knighted by you and how I should live up to it,", he said with pain. "what would they say if they would see you now? It is not an honour at all, to be knighted by a knight who forsakes his own oaths.", he took another step back and sent him one last look. "I wanted to be you, you know. I wanted to live up to the illusion that I thought was the truth but now, I would prefer to be the Smiling Knight instead.", he spat and left Arthur there with the great ache in his chest that made it impossible for him to breath.

Grant was trying to enter his mind through the memories and it hurt more than anything else. For a moment; he forgot all about Rhaegar's stunt, Atera's heartbreak, the entire situation and he just remembered, with horror, the innocent face of the boy he grew up together.

And the way he killed him without regret.


"May I have a word, your grace?", Jon said while standing in the door.

Gerold and Barristan were protecting the king from inside the room. Aerys was sitting on a chair in front of a desk and was writing letters. He didn't say anything, didn't make a move to acknowlage Jon's existence.

Jon looked at Gerold and their eyes meet, he was still angry about all and Jon felt intimidated by him and quickly turned to Barristan who looked also displeased but more symphatetic towards him. The king finally made a head gesture and Jon walk towards the middle of the room. He fell on one knee as a sign of respect.

"Leave us alone.", Aerys said with a rather stern tone. He's been talking more like a whisper recently but it seemed that Rhaegar's stunt made him more alive. More eager for something.

"Arise, Connington. I want to see your face while talking.", Jon slowly got up and start looking the king's eyes. "I heard about your father.", he said coldly. "He was a good man.", he was not a good man. "Will you escort his remains to the Griffin's Roost?"

"I don't think such an act is necessary, your grace.", he answered without any emotions on his face. "I believe there are more pressing matters than this. He would not care if I accompanied him or not."

Aerys' eyes roamed around his rich outfits and compltey indifferent face. Would Rhaegar be like this as well when Aerys passed away? "Sit down, Jon. You look like you've been thorugh enough. Though, none should surprise about it. The stunt my son did affected you the most obviously, since you are the only one who has common sense among his idiotic friends. You and Arthur."

This was the first time Aerys ever said something remotely complementray to Jon so with the surprise of it, Jon sat down -till this day, he always preferred to stand still even Aerys pressed him into sitting. He simply idn't had such energy today.

In his logical side, he knew what Rhaegar did wasn't beyond repair and a few nice words and prince's self charm would be enough to convince the Starks and Robert Baratheon. His relationship with Jon was just too strong that it could get thorugh it. And Elia, as the sweet and kind and understanding person she is, in the future could forgive him in the sake of their love and their children (at least Arthur claim so but Jon did not believe to it, not even for a moment).

But Arthur? For moons, Arthur become a shild between him and Aerys. Fixed Rhaegar's impulsiveness and apologized on his behalf. Everytime he thought that Rhaegar finally take his lesson he came up with another stunt like this and Arthur was starting to wonder if the boy he knew was turning into a man he won't know any longer. Their friendship has ended a long time ago, it was obvious to everyone and Jon saw it crystal clear they would not be able to work through this.

This was the end.

"Things are not well outside.", he started to speak. "Princess Elia is not well, I heard. Maester Pycelle himself was summoned.", Aerys frowned. "The baby is alright, for now. But surely she needs peace. And Prince Rhaegar is still in hiding."

"I would ask you what his plan is but I don't think you know it as well.", Aerys sighed. "I came all this way here to get rid of the suspicion in my heart because Varys told me Rhaegar funded this tourney personally to gain support against me. But every action he took during it proved me that he has no such ambitions.", Jon clenched his jaw tightly. "It even is looks like he is actively trying to make enemies instead of allies."

"It certainly does look like it, your rgace."

Harrenhal should have not go like this.

"It seems I came here for a reason after all. To fix my son's mistakes.", he took such a joy from saying that line that Jon felt like he was going to be sick.

Aerys smiled and for a moment he remembered the king he was when he was a kid.

There was a time that he was so handsome and strong, and sane, and good and kind. He remembered the time he patted his head alongside with Rhaegar and kissed Rhaella with great affection, put his hands to her now-showing belly, whispered sweet nothings to her ear, made her laugh. And he remembered how devestating and supporting he was when she had a miscarriage. He remembered how the king stay with his queen for days, consoled her, assure her that it was not her fault, watched her with worry, didn't eat until she ate, didn't sleep until she slept. He also remembered how the king found and calmed a young version of himself when the first time he stayed on the Keep alone and how asked him to look after Rhaegar and tried to be friends with him. He remembered the good and sweet king he was.

Jon, truth be told, never was his favourite, not like Arthur were but the king was good to him once. He was good to everyone once. Until one day he was not anymore.

And he witnessed to the every step that made him the man he is right now. He saw the fight inside of him and couldn't do anything. He was there when his sking slowly turned into iron, and wrinkles born out of misery. He was there when he started to grow his hair, beard and nails. They all turned into an eggshell white and became more and more dirty.

He witnessed how the king accused the queen he once loved with cheating, and locked her away to her chambers, made her sleep with her ladies, isolated her from the rest of the World, took her away from her sons and cheat on her personally. He remembered the first time he saw the cold look on his eyes towards Rhaegar. He didn't understand then why the king has suddenly changed but now, he witnessed Rhaegar taking the same steps towards destruction, watching with no way to stop him.

He fucking was scared to see what was happen after that.

"No one would dare to go against his grace and you, my king. I am sure you will handle the matter with delicacy.", and not make it worse.

Aerys snorted. "I can give you the full list of the people who want the dragon dead, Jon. I know that you know it too. And my son is ...weak. Open to any kind of distraction.", his Hand did not answer. "What is your suggestion for me to fix things?"

"I thought a supper would be a sufficient start."


She was walking with Ashara and two household knights behind her. The Maester told her to stay in bed strictly, but first, there was something she had to do.

"Elia!", she closed her eyes when Cersei appeared in her eyesight, faking, mocking, a worry. "Oh my dear, I heard your fragile body could not handle the humiliation you had to face today. You should be resting right now, no? We wouldn't want the prince's baby to get hurt.", Elia looked at her for linger seconds and then without saying a thing, she tried to walk past her, only for Cersei to hold her arm with a smile. "What?", she continued to mock. "Why are you not answering me? Fearing that you'll cry with embarrassment?", Cersei's eyes roamed around her brown gown. "What is this Elia? Where is all your glamour? Your arrogance? You look like the faded version of an already unimportant rock in the sea. Nothing special, nothing important, nothing attractive. Certainly not like Lyanna Stark."

"Your grace perhaps-"

"I am not speaking to you, you harlot.", Cersei cursed Ashara and Aron, Elia's captain of guards, had to hold Ashara back from responding. "I would ask how you stomach keeping her in your service but you Dornish can digest anything.", she huffed. "I am sure that you can find a place even for Lyanna Stark. Hey,", she frowned. "I have the brightest idea. Why don't you make her your lady so your husband can fuck her with ease when he gets bored of the dullness of your face?", Elia, once again, said nothing and tried to walk but Cersei stopped her once more with a wide smile. "If I were you; I would pray to the Gods for that thing inside me to born with a cock because if you fail to give your husband an heir, he can easily find a replacement for you."

"I will give many heirs to the dynasty.", Elia finally took a step back and spoke to her with a small smile and elegance. Carried herself with more honour than Cersei Lannister can ever comprehend with. "But, you will not have any children at all.", she was speaking calmly and took no pleasure from the way Cersei's smile disappeared. "The king will never touch you again, and with time, you will bring your own demise, your own end."

"Do not ever forget this moment, Elia. I will remind you when your husband leaves you for that girl and you left with nothing but two useless daughters. Though I will pray every night for that baby,", her green eyes found Elia's belly with disgust. "to born without breathing."

"I will not forget it.", she smiled a little. "Do not worry.", not getting what she wanted, Cersei turned her back and left and Elia narrowed her eyes. "I've been too kind to her.", she decided. "Perhaps it is time to speak with a language she'll understand."


"She knows.", Rhaegar didn't look at him but from the way he entered, he understood who it was.

"I figured that out.", Arthur took off Dawn and placed it to the table. Rhaegar was in his own chambers now, locked himself there. "Is there anything,", he tried to calm himself down. "you want to say to me?"

"Is there anything that I can say to anyone?", he huffed, his back still turned to Arthur. "I fucked up.", at least he was aware of it. "Elia thinks I have affection for the girl, that I did out of... I don't even know.", he finished his line with a quiet tone. "I have no idea what she thinks will happen afterwards."

"And do you think she is being unfair over thinking such a thing?"

"I love her, Arthur.", he heard the crack in his voice. "Elia.", even from the way he needed to make that clear, Arthur couldn't help but feel that ugly twitch of suspicion in his gut. "I didn't want things to happen this way.", he confessed a moment later. "It's just -she-I-", he gritted his teeth and leaned his forehead to the window. "She did something so brave, so admirable but there was no one to appreciate her. I just wanted to do something nice. A gesture to make her happy."

"Since when Lyanna Stark's happiness is your concern?", Arthur asked with an icecold tone and Rhaegar turned to him finally, with shock.

His eyes were red and puffy, the tears on his face were barely dried. Arthur did not guess that he would cry so he couldn't help but sigh to that sight, he was taken aback. "I just wanted to so something good.", he said with a whisper, tears filling his eyes once more. "I never wanted to hurt Elia or our baby. I-I couldn't even look her in the eye, I fell so ashamed, so disgusting. It never was my intention to harm her, knowing that I had upset her kills me and I don't think she will ever be able to forgive me."

It was such a stark contrast; Jon, ever the logical one, thought Rhaegar could fix the political situation but not his marriage with Elia. Arthur, ever the emotional one, thought the opposite. And Rhaegar, ever the depressed one, thought he lost both, everything was beyon repair and he was ready to die, consumed by the increasing waves of melancholy.

"I don't have time for this right now.", for the first time, Arthur truly was sick of Rhaegar messing things up and then spending hours in self blame. If he didn't want Elia to upset, he shouldn't have crown another girl. "Not for you, not for this self pity.", Rhaegar seemed surprised. "I am sick of it, even.", confessing it made Arthur breathe far more easily. "I have my own problems because yes, Atera fucking knows and Atera has told Jaime that it was her who poisoned Cersei and that I knew it. One mistake is about to cause you everything and if instead of doing something, you'll continue to remain here away from the world, perhaps you do deserve this fall."


"You will not lose only Elia if you continue like this.", he took a step back. "Do not speak to me before you fix this, Rhaegar because I cannot guarantee you it will end without me punching your stupid face."


"You should not be walking.", Ashara said with a great concern. "Let alone riding. You heard what the Maesters said."

"My horse cannot bring me more pain than my husband, it is not possible.", Elia said with a tired tone. "I just want to take fresh air, Ashara. Before I will have to endure that stupid dinner and the feast afterwards.", she was barely managing to walk but she was not going to show weakness. She had a mission in mind, something she needed to do so perhaps she could remedy her pain at least a little.

"I just try to look after you my friend.", she sighed as they walked to the stables. "Did he really said that?", Ashara asked while turning to the path within the woods so no one would see them.

"Yes. And he was honest Ash, the most honest I've ever seen him. He said that's he is in love with me and he is very sorry.", she didn't believe to a word that came out of his mouth.

"Well unlike you I never doubted his love El, it's quite obvious.", Elia thought the same but she wasn't sure what to think anymore. Ashara tried to comfort her. "He tried to spend time with you all the time, at Dragonstone, when he arguably had far more urgent matters to attend. You were together nearly every night."

"We didn't do anything most of those nights, we only laid down and tried to calm ourselves, convince each other that we are doing the right thing.", nothing tender, nothing loving. She was a fool to think otherwise.

"But nevertless, you were together. It's not like he rejected you completely and then a child caught his attention.", Elia huffed and Ashara shared a look with Lewyn, he was not going to leave his niece alone and two Martell guards were accompanying them as well. "I mean,", she tried to correct herself. "what he did was unquestionably stupid but it's not like he wanted to humiliate you."

"How can you feel symphaty towards him?", Elia stopped walking and looked at her with a frown. "He is my husband, Ashara. I was right there,", she pressed. "sitting, carrying his child. And he gave those stupid flowers to a girl because she did something oh so brave that he felt compelled to congrulate her.", she snorted. "As if I am not. And the main problem is not even this. He-", she didn't continue her line but Ashara nodded in understanding.

"You cried because Rhaegar smiled at her.", Elia took a shaky breath.

"He does not smile, not -not really.", she turned her head away. "Ever since we married, he had more downs than ups and I know for a fact that this entire plot was eating him alive. After dealing with his turbulent emotions for moons, he not just took my crown and gave it to another, he smiled at her as if -as if-", she closed her eyes. "I cannot tolerate this. Just because he doesn't feelings for her now does not mean he cannot have in the future."

"I believe with time,", Ashara could and would take his eyeballs out, gvein the chance, she was that angry but for the sake of Elia and the baby, she needed stability at the moment and it meant defending Rhaegar, even though she hate it. "you two will manage to-"

"I know you've been with Eddard Stark last night, despite everything that happened.", Elia pulled her hands from Ashara's and started to walk, did not want to spare any more thoughts to Rhaegar. "I don't think you and Andric will manage to see eye to eye if you do not end that affair immediately."

"What are you planning to do on Lyanna Stark?", Ashara changed the subject back again.

"She is a child.", they entered and the stableboys and pages and squires all around bowed to her with widened eyes. Lewyn sent them all away. "She did infact a brave thing, I admit. I don't think she knew about Rhaegar's stunt or she liked it so I will show her kindness. She is probably facing with repercussions from her family and her betrothed. And people are whispering."

"You forget the queen.", Ashara muttered as the stablemaster personally went to bring Elia's horse outside.

"Funny, she married with Aerys but still thinks if something happens to me that she can marry with Rhaegar. I don't understand how a man who has Tywin Lannister's mind can have a daughter like her.", not that Tywin himself was a smart man in Elia's eyes but at least he was sly. Cersei, however, lacked everything.

Her horse, named Nymeria, was a beautiful black mare, gifted to her by her husband as their first anniversary gift. Elia fell in love with it the moment she had seen her. But right now, it felt empty to even look at her. She could not bare to remember Rhaegar's sweet words as he gave the gift, they all were lies it seemed. For far too long, she thought her husband was incapable of feeling strong emotions, she had convinced herself that he could never fell in love with her, it simply was not in his nature but he did love her, in his way, and that it was enough.

Seeing him smile at that girl changed everything she ever believed.

Rhaegar could deny all he wants, Elia could state otherwise to Ashara all she wanted but she had seen what she had seen. He looked at her as if she meant something. In a way that he only looked at Elia before, after almost two years of marriage, a look was all she had to soothe him, it was just that one look that made her feel loved by Rhaegar and today, as if it was nothing, Rhaegar looked at another woman that way. He smiled to another woman in a way he should have smiled only at Elia.

Honouring her was the excuse everybody else around her seemed to tell her. But Elia, as a woman, felt it. Perhaps not something that was there but something can bloom quicker than wildfire.

"Do you wish me to saddle her, your grace?", Aron Santagar, the captain at arms of Elia's household guards asked with a reserved tone but Elia shook her head.

"I want to be alone.", Ashara and Lewyn shared a worried look but allow Elia to walk towards the corner with Nymeria. "You are alone as well, aren't you?", she started to caress her black mare's nose, allowing herself to cry silently, due to ache in her heart and the pain in her belly. "Your heart as broken as mine. Rhaegar is dead for me from now on.", she declared to her horse only. "I had seen it today, in no time, another woman will rise in his eyes, take her place in his heart -something I never managed to do, despite what he claims. His love never was mine.", her tears fell. "I thought you were the symbol of our prosperity, our happiness but I couldn't be more wrong.", she leaned her head to Nymeria's neck. "I cannot keep you any longer. You symbolize the greatest lie he has ever said to me. Honouring her,", she smiled through her pain. "for what? Haven't I deserved honouring after enduring everything for him for more than a year?", she took a deep breath and wiped her tears and made a gesture to Aron. "I hope you will forgive me even though I can never forgive Rhaegar."

"Your grace?", Aron frowned.

"Gift Nymeria to Lyanna Stark.", she ordered without looking at him.

"Niece-", Lewyn basically run towards her but Elia turned her back.

"To honour her.", she declared. "Who am I do disagree with my husband when he thinks she deserves a reward?", Aron and Lewyn shared a look and as if she felt it, Nymeria nuzzled her nose towards Elia. "I don't want to leave you as well but you do not belong to me anymore.", she said, clenching her jaw. "I did not deserve you.", she snorted humourlessly. "You were named after our warrior queen, I am not brave enough to have you anymore."

"Elia,", Lewyn was concerned. "perhaps all we need for today is to end and rest. Perhaps tomorrow-"

"Do as I say.", Elia turned to Aron. "My order still worths something."


"I know what I have done, I don't need to a lecture about it.", said Rhaegar while pouring himself an Arbor Red. He threw himself to Jon's room after everything, looking for advice or anything that would bring him comfort.

"Do you now? Is this why you are hiding here, instead of doing a damage control?", Jon was looking at him with a displeased expression.

"What damage control? How can I do that? How can I walk amongst people right now?", he tried and he failed. The entire realm hated him.

"How Elia does it?", Jon was not going to show him any sympathy.

"Elia," Rhaegar turned to his friend, "how is she? The baby? The last I left her, she didn't look well."

"Why don't you go and ask to her if you care about them so much?", he frowned. "She doesn't want you there, I got that part. Then sleep in front of her door, if you care about them so much. Or go and try to fix a thing but stop whining like a child as if you are the victim."

"What's that means Jon? Of course I care about her and our child.", he didn't answer the other part.

"It doesn't looks like it."

His headache was killing him. Only thing he wanted to do was staying in his chambers until everyone forgets about the stunt he pulled. He knew isolating himself was wrong, that Elia is hurt, Arthur is angry and Atera is too tired to fix his mistakes. And still locked away. He rubbed his face. That was entirely another matter to handle. But he felt so lost without people guiding him, so confused over where to start.

"I can't go and do damage control because I can't explain to the people why I did it.", he spoke slowly, narrowed his eyes to see if Jon knew that but nothing changed in his friend's expression.

"Oh, so you have a reason for your stupidity?"

He spent too many time with Atera, he thought. Her way of talking influenced him a lot. "Careful my friend, I am still your prince.", if Jon would forget that, others would do so as well. This was not an excuse he tried to use to get himself rid of the trouble but he needed his loved ones loyalty, especially now.

"And if you want to stay like this, you need to go and do the fucking damage control.", Rhaegar continued to drink his wine. Jon's cold blue eyes followed the way he brought the cup to his lips. "Did you know the Arbor Red means lies? Who do you lie to Rhaegar?", he narrowed his eyes with suspicion. "To me or to yourself?"

Rhaegar snorted. "It is the only wine I can drink Jon. I am not lying to anyone. I can explain.", he could. He already did. When, again, nothing changed in his friend's expression, he closed his eyes and blurted. "She is the mystery knight that appeared on the lists.", his reaction could not be worse than Atera's anyways.

"The same mystery knight that the king thought Doric Hightower? You know the one trew to the dungeons and threatheend to kill? The Doric Hightower who is exiled right now because this was Atera's only way to save him?", he asked with a fake curisosity and raised eyebrows but Rhaegar knew if he were not his prince, Jon would punch him right at that moment. He liked Atera.

"Yes, the same mystery knight.", Rhaegar took a deep breath.

"So you and Arthur lied? Knew since the beginning?", he truly seemed in disbelief. "Atera didn't know.", this was a statement not a question. "You let her brother suffer while knowing the truth damn well."

"What could we done? Let him kill a child?", Rhaegar defended himself. "Let her sacrifice a child?"

Jon huffed and with his blood pressure rising, he brought his hand to his collar and tried to loosen it to breathe better. "This is why you gave the crown to her?"

"What would you do?", Rhaegar leaned forwaed. "She did something good but I could never ackowleedge it in public so I thought this gesture would be nice and sweet."

"I wouldn't walk past the mother of my child who's currently pregnant again, to crown a betrothed girl of five and ten, Rhaegar. I am not that stupid.", Jon deadpanned, trying to control his breaths. This was the angriest he had ever been.

"But that's the thing; you all worry for nothing.", Rhaegar looked at him with hope. "Robert told me to end the betrothal. He doesn't want to marry Lyanna. She does not count as betrothed."

"Oh but she is. And she is betrothed with Robert Baratheon, of all people, whatever the fuck he told you in privacy.", Jon slammed his hand to the table and Rhaegar flinched. "Your cousin dearest. The man who intimidates the whole realm thanks to his anger. The man who is obsessed with you.", he stood up. "Do you think he will continue not to want this betrothal now that he thinks you are interested? Even if he does, Rhaegar, people will blame you. How can you be this stupid?", he yelled the last line.

"I didn't want that to happen.", his headache only get worse but Jon couldn't feel any sympaty towards him. Rhaegar did not want to admit his mistake, even now.

"I can't protect you if you continue to be impulsive. Arthur can't protect you, nor Oswell nor Elia nor Atera. I don't know what's gotten into you but you better snap out of it.", he started to pace around. "Everybody,", he slammed his hand to the table once more. "everybody is trying to do something to save your neck, Rhaegar.", he raised his index finger in a threatening manner. "Your father is with Varys on his chambers. Ser Gerold and Ser Barristan are there. Trying to protect you from the spider's venom. The last I know, Arthur talked with Myles and sent him to the Stark tents. He probably will talk with your father and try to convince him that you just had a moment of losing your senses, but you'll be yourself by the end of the night and you are still under his control. Seriously, you haven't thought about Arthur too? If you father snaps, his head will be the first to go."

"I won't let that happen.", he said with shadows in his face.

"I am not going to anger myself more by asking you how you will prevent it. Oberyn is locked to his rooms by Lewyn, I gave the order. He was adamant on killing you."

"That would be a scandal."

"Don't joke.", he spat. "You caused the scandal."

"Be careful about Oberyn. He might try to take his anger out of Arthur."

"Oh, so you care about him? Or anyone else that not you?"

"Jon, please,", he pleaded, closed his eyes. "quit the aditude."

"You know, I never thought that I see the day that Arthur finally grow tired of you. I mean, Arthur, lost his patience, this is remarkable. Because you know he-"

"He never loses his patience with anyone.", except your name was Oberyn Martell or Brandon Stark, apparently.

"If I were you,", Jon leaned his waist to his table in a calmer manner. "I would add Atera to my concerns because there is no way she will let this slide. You might still get rid of it because Gods knows Elia will hurt you more but Arthur?", he tilted his head. "Do you have any idea how this will effect their relationship? You didn't just lose three important allies -the North, the Dorne and the Stormlands, you didn't just angered your father and made the queen a very happy woman, you didn't just insult your lady wife in front of the whole realm, you destroyed Arthur's only hope to fix his problems with Atera. His only hope that perhaps this could continue. Not only that; they will never see eye to eye again, if,", he pressed. "if Arthur will remain alive, of course."

"I didn't want it to happen.", he buried his head in between his hands.

"Isn't it funny that you never want stuff to happen but they happen anyway? Maybe you should stop acting without using your brain and become the man I know you are again."

"Don't you think I've göne too far?"

"I think you don't care about your head at all, and I am very surprised that you don't care about other people's heads too. But I don't think you've did an irreversible mistake. We can still fix it. You can still fix it.", he heard about Atera's little stunt against Brandon Stark -another matter he needed to fix because Gods knew Leyton Hightower would not protect his sister, not this time. But even in her anger, she gave such a brilliant reason that would make the realm stop gossiping.

Individuals though -that was Rhaegar's problem to fix.


"Rhaegar, I can't fix your mistakes for you and win this coup at the same time. If you want to make things right you should do it yourself. You should maket he nobles see you."

"Wouldn't that add insult to the injury? Acting like nothing has happened?"

"Rhaegar you don't understand," Jon stood up up, his voice got a little higher. "You fucked up and you fucked up really bad. Just because it isn't irreversible doesn't mean you didn't fuck up. I am repeating myself.,", he rubbed his face and tried to clear his thoughts. "In mere seconds you lost the support of the North, the Dorne and the Stormlands. The Westerlands would never support you, the Iron Island would never support you, you may lose the support of the Vale in any seconds and the Reach literally depends on Atera and you pissed her of more than anyone else. Do you understand? You don't have any support right now! It's not about saving the face or adding insult to injury. It's called fixing your mistekas. I know you are used to other people to do it for you but for once man up!"


"No!,", he yelled again. "You managed to piss Arthur of all of people, Rhaegar, you don't understand. You still don't understand what you've done!"

Rhaegar winced. He was aware, but was in pain so much that he couldn't admit it even to himself. "Can we please stop the blaming game Jon?"

"No, we can't," he couldn't even pity the man in front of him. Rheagar looked terrible. His face were paler, his face had wrinkles and he was tired over all. "I am trying to keep the rebellion plot alive even when you lost the allies we already have. Get your act together Rhaegar," he deadpanned. Under his eyes were dark and angry, looking directly at Rhaegar's soul. "Go and beg for forgivness from Arthur. Let Oberyn hit you as much as he wants. Fell on your knees and beg Elia and pray to the Gods that she can at least try to forgive you. And Atera, most importantly, Atera's support means everything to you. Promise her Cersei's head or something when it all done. And get your father on his senses."

"If I can manage to get my father on his sens-"

"I didn't ask you how you will.", he sent him a look. "I told you to do it.", he took Rhaegar's wine and finished the remains in one sip. "And be fucking haste about it."


Aerys invited them all to have a supper with him. Varys convinced him it was a brilliant idea to fix the mistake Rhaegar did. Show the realm that it was his son who was not the stable one. And that he still achieved something. But he surely did not consider that the people he summoned would want kill each other more than anything in this world.

"How good it is to see you all tonight.", he did not hide how much this entire chaos amused him. Rhaegar was too eager to show the realm that Aerys was the mad one. Now he ended himself, destroyed all his wretched hopes. He was no longer a threat. "We will eat together, and then join to the rest of the realm for the closing feast.", he raised his cup to Lord Whent. "It was a very successful tourney."

Rhaegar was sulking deeply and Elia was not standing close to him. Lord and Lady Whent were there to act as ice breakers. Catelyn and Lysa were there, for they were Tullys. Brynden was chaperoning them. Brandon Stark was drinking heavily. Andric was standing near Elia, Leyton was watching the crowd with brown eyes and Jon Arryn was trying to speak to her desperately. Oberyn on the other hand, was near Atera, whispering in anger, telling her his fantasizes.

"...and then the blood will cover the entire room and fishes would feast on it.", he spat. Atera was sitting at the table already, hands tied on her lap, dugging her nails to her flesh enough to hurt, enough to leave a mark. Thinking. Oberyn was kneeling next to her. One hand behind her chair, one arm laid on the table, black eyes focused on Rhaegar's face, whispering to Atera. "Or perhaps I would open his head to see if there truly was a brain inside of it. And if I found a little piece, I would send it to the kitchens, turn into a pie, make that Stark girl eating it.", he pressed. Atera was not listening to him, not really but still her eyes focused to the pie the maid just placed it to the table.

"Take that away.", she ordered, turned her head. "It makes me nauseous."

Oberyn saw that too as well and grimaced. "This was an unpleasant coincidence.", he agreed. "But,", his eyes focused back on Rhaegar and then flased to Arthur, standing next to him. "Arthur is not blameless as well. He is all talk and judgement but is the biggest hypocrite I've ever seen. He does not deserve to carry that sword. It is an insult,", he said sharply. "for him to carry the Dayne name. Andric should have disinherited him for using his influence to bring shame to a Pricness of Dorne, the influence he gets as being a son of Dorne."

"Oberyn, enough!", Atera hissed finally, couldn't take it any longer and turned to Oberyn with a serious face. "Enough or I'll slaughter them both right at this instance."

"Good.", Oberyn leaned his face to hers. "It would be a good bonding activity for us."

Atera huffed dryly and shook her head, stood up with an abrupt move. Oberyn's arm fell with the sudden move but Atera left his side without minding him. "Your grace.", Atera curtsied to the king who was obviously messing with his son, Gerold and Barristan were there as well as Jon. "May I have a word with you?", she asked, she made her decision. "In privacy?"

Rhaegar looked at her with a hidden panic. "The dinner is about the start, you can talk later.", he commented.

He didn't think she would tell him about the mystery knight, no. Surely she was more than angry in the morning and still perhaps heartbroken but saying such a thing would be betrayal. Saying such a thing would send Lyanna Stark to the end. North would rise, Robert would rise. It would cause a war. It would end Rhaegar's entire safety. Lying to the king was punishable with death and while he perhaps could be spared from that for he was the said king's heir but Arthur? Arthur would die and even in her anger, Atera would never do this to him. No matter how upset she was. Though Rhaegar didn't want to know what else she would say to the king.

"Your grace,", Atera turned back to Aerys. "it is urgent."

"What can be so urgent that you can talk with the king?", Rhaegar tried to get her attention for a calm talk but she looked at him with cold eyes.

"Be careful your grace,", the threat in her tone made him shiever unvisibly. "you are only one insult away from causing a war."

"Alright, alright,", Aerys placed a hand to Atera's and Rhaegar's backs both. "there is no reason to argue.", he sent a mockingly warning look to Rhaegar. "You have caused enough today, son."

"I just suggested for to wait for an hour to speak so you would not miss out the feast.", Rhaegar forced himself to speak.

"Why?", she raised her chin. "Are you that scared of what I am going to say that you'll put poison to my food to shut me up forever?", only her and Rhaegar understood the true meaning behind her words and Rhaegar forced himself to smile wider.

"Why would I want to kill you? You are a good person."

"I could kill you.", she said without any emotions. "You are a bad person.", her pale blue eyes met with his indigo eyes and his smile got erased, both looked at each other with hate and amniosity.

Aerys's was frowning as Jon rubbed his face and Gerold shared a look with Barristan. This was unusual. Until Rhaegar started to laugh and Atera's face easened to one as well. Aerys and Jon tried to chuckle as if the scene was funny but all their forced smiles forze in their faces when the door opened and Lyanna Stark finally entered.

With a crown of winter roses on top of her hair.


"I am wondering,", Oberyn approached to Rhaegar from behing, made him flich slightly. "if I killed you right here and now; could I convince our father that you were plotting against him?", he moved to Rhaegar's front.

"Probably.", the prince hissed as he caught a napkin and started to wine drops in his hand. "Though I don't think he would question much."

"Why is this fool wears that bloody crown, Rhaegar?", Oberyn asked with a fake amiable way. "What gives her the courage to keep insulting my sister?"

"She has no fault-", Rhaegar tried to defend her but from the sudden change on Obeyrn's face, he understood it was the wrong move and he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, tried again. "Take your anger out of me Oberyn.", he knew this confrontation would happen anyways. "I crowned her. She knew nothing, she did not want this."

"Even her brother looks like he can kill her at the moment Rhaegar.", Oberyn spat. "The girl is pretty, aye, but a fool nevertheless. She knows what exactly she is doing by wearing that crown and daring to come here.", he cursed. "She still is a half girl, have you no wits in your head that you chose her?"

"I did not crown her because I found her pretty.", Rhaegar got blushed for a reason. "I did so because she earned it.", it sounded terrible and Oberyn truly looked like he could murder her.

"What she has done to earn it?", Rhaegar took another breath.

"I love your sister.", perhaps this would make him understand. "I love her, Oberyn, no one else. I don't look twice to another woman, I swear."

"She doesn't believe to your lies.", Oberyn leaned down and hissed. "A woman would feel, you fucking bastard.", he hissed and suddenly Andric's hand found his chest. "Your death will be from my hands.", he spat and Andric pushed him away.

"Oberyn people are looking.", he sent him a warning look and Oberyn's eyes met with Elia's. With the slight shake on her head, Oberyn closed his eyes and forced himself to take a step back.

"She ordered for her horse to be sent to the Stark girl.", Oberyn huffed with disgust. "To honour her.", Rhaegar closed his eyes with pain. "The only reason that you are still breathing is the child my sister is carrying and nothing else. Don't ever forget that. Once the baby is born, you'll meet with my wrath properly.", Oberyn's eyes found Atera on the corner, who was looking at only to the flower crown in Lyanna Stark's smiling face -she was the only person that was smiling, not even Cersei, speaking to Lysa Tully. "If she does not decide to end you anyways."

Rhaegar didn't think she would do a thing at all.

"Do you think I am going to forget this?", Andric sent Oberyn away and looked at Rhaegar. "Even if I force myself to do so, choose to forget and forgive, will you be able to do so yourself?", he asked with an anger he tried to supress. "Will it ever leave your mind that you had drew the path of your own best friend's demise?", Rhaegar looked at him with shock. "Will your coincess remain clean?"

"I never wanted any of these to happen.", Rhaegar shook his head. "I just wanted to do something good.", why nobody understood him? "And nothing will happen to Arthur. I will never allow-"

"I know what you have crowned that fool.", Andric cut his pathetic excuses. "And I know that Atera knows.", he shook his head. "I should have stop my father from ever bringing Arthur to the capital. If I would know he would end up with a reckless leech like you,", Rhaegar looked like if somebody slapped him. "I would.", he took a step back. "You have opened such a vile pit that it will drag us all into the darkness.", he look directly to his eyes. "I'll make sure you will be the first one to fall to it."


278, King's Landing

Three years ago...

Baratheon brothers were training with steel at the training yard. Living as semi-hostages, according to Robert, at the capital after the death of their parents just a moon ago. Both stopped their movements when Rhaegar Targaryen entered the yard with, once again, Arthur Dayne and Ser Oswell behind him.

"Robert,", Rhaegar sighed when he stopped in front of them. "we haven't spoke since the funeral. Are you well?", Robert didn't answer. "I know we haven't departed with a good note the last we had seen each other but I don't feel right about it. Let us talk our problems and try to find solutions to them."

"What is there to talk, your grace?", Stannis asked stoically. He never was a cheerful man but ever since he witnsessed the demise of his parents and was not able to do anything, he became more solemn. "Our parents died searching a bride for you. What else can you say at this point?"

"It was not me who wanted a bride across the continent.", Rhaegar answered with a frown. "It was not me who sent Lord and Lady Baratheon to that mission and it most certainly was not me who caused the storm that wrecked their ship but by all means, I am utterly sorry for those horrors happened on my name. Blame me all you want but this should not be a reason of conflict."

"If his grace came this far just to speak to us,", Robert said, head down with anger, playing with the sword in hand. "we cannot turn him back. But not now.", he raised his head, six and ten, stubborn as a bull. He took Stannis' sword and gave it to Rhaegar. "It has been a long time since we last sparred, your grace. Up for a challenge?"

Rhaegar looked to Arthur's objecting eyes but still, closed his eyes and nodded, took the sword from Robert's hands and tried to calculate its balance -much to Robert's ire.

"This is a bad idea.", Arthur muttered with a frown and clouded eyes. He was a kingsguard now, not just Rhaegar's friend and this was the first he spoke in weeks -well, the first Oswell heard him speak in weeks. "It will not end right."

"He is the prince. Baratheon cannot dare to harm him.", Oswell said pointlessly. He still remembered that night at Lannisport. "Or he would pay for it."

Arthur turned to Oswell. "We both know how he would pay for it.", Aerys was not well and even daring to spar with Rhaegar might cost Robert his head.

First one to swung his sword was Robert. They clashed up high, and then Robert sharply lowered it, only for Rhaegar to bend his knees and turned around himself. Even from that first move, Oswell muttered a curse word and sent a squire to find either Gerold or Barristan, Arthur was right; this was not going to end well. Robert's intention was not subtle at all.

Right when Rhaegar turned back to his front, Robert made a move towards his gut as if he wanted to cut it and with a sharp move, Rhaegar bent his upper body forward and held his breath as Robert made another charge on him and then he fixed his posture and moved wquickly to the side, caused Robert to stumble. Their swords clashed and Robert made an attempt to kick te prince but Rhaegar moved away once more but while he was turning, Robert acted faster and cut his coat deeply. With shock Rhaegar took a step back but before Arthur and Oswell managed to interfere, Robert made another attack, Rhaegar managed to block it and punched Robert with his other arm and placed his own sword to his neck while blocking Robert's attempt to stab him with his sword, holding his hand with a great strength -enough to surprise Robert. Sending him a warning look, he pushed Robert back.

Rhaegar, now waking up to the reality, bowed his head to look at his torn apart coat. "Your grace, perhaps-", Arthur took a deadly step towards the yard but Rhaegar silenced him with a sharp look.

"Is this how you take out your anger, Robert?", Rhaegar turned to look at his second cousin. On the corner, Stannis' eyes were wide. "Go ahead then.", he commanded and raised his chin. He had no idea why they never got along but it seemed all their chances were destroyed at they looked one another with no warmth between them. Not even Rhaegar managed to preteden any longer.

Understanding his attempt, Rhaegar did not show mercy to him and charged him again and again and again and again, shocked Robert, made him stumble backwards. Rhaegar knew Robert was used to hammer rather than sword, Rhaegar knew Robert was good in close combat but failed attacking from a distant, Rhaegar knew Robert was not fast enough. Robert knew nothing about Rhaegar.

With wide eyes, Robert tried to answer back to his attacks but he didn't know how to block them properly. The prince's footwork was impeccable, even better than Arthur. He turned around himself with elegant moves, him being leaner than Robert was in his advantage. When Robert, with all his strength, raised his sword, he was not expecting Rhaegar to push him back with ease, using only one hand. Because Robert didn't knew where the sword got balanced, but Rhaegar already calculated that. Stannis could see the shock and nervousness in his brother's blue eyes as the prince attacked him with fast moves, hitting his sword again before properly taking it back, driving him backwards, enough to leave the training yard properly. Arthur and Oswell shared a look. They had never seen Rhaegar like this before but the capital was a powderkeg ever since his father got kidnapped and it was a miracle Rhaegar did not lost his sanity.

Robert's anger could not match with Rhaegar's.

With two quickt steps, Robert dropped his sword and Rhaegar placed his to his neck once more. Indigo eyes meeting sharply with electric blue ones and Rhaegar just huffed through his nose. He got his answer. Lowering his sword, he walked passed Robert, his shoulder pushing Robert's, the 'talk' was over.

Only for Rober to pick up his sword and with a loud cry swung it to Rhaegar's back. Of course with the noise, Rhaegar understood what he wanted to do and turned towards him right on time to answer his charge with his own sword. It was a battle of strength as their swords clashed on the air, both trying to make the other to lower it but with clenched jaw, Rhaegar prevailed, pushed Robert back and caused a great pain in Robert's arm, probably pulled a muscle or two with the force. But didn't give him a time to recover, kept attacking him until he got Robert in close proximity and then while holding his sword arm, he raised his feet to his Robert's and took his sword as Robert's back met with the muddy ground.

And then stabbed the ground between Robert's head and shoulder with Robert's own sword, sending him a look that Robert never would be able to forget.


The incident...

They were at the dinner table, the king was sitting on one had, Rhaegar on the other. Cersei and Lord Whent were sitting at the two sides of Aerys while Elia and Jon did so on Rhaegar. Brandon Stark was sitting next to Cersei, next to him there was his sister Lyanna, Catelyn, Lysa and Brynden Tully and lastly; Lucerys Velaryon. Robert Baratheon refused to join to the dinner and Jon had more important things to do than this. On the other side of them, next Lord Whent, there were Lady Whent, Atera, Oberyn, Leyton, Andric and Jon Arryn.

The room was tenser than they all thought it would be.

Brandon Stark was in a staring contest with Atera, and Leyton was only seconds away from bashing his head to the table. Oberyn too would normally be annoyed by it but his entire attention was on Rhaegar. Elia was refusing to interact with anyone but her head was high despite Cersei -the only person who was enjoying the chaos (her and Jon Arryn) and Lyanna was wanting to disappear under the table. Catelyn still was stressed from yesterday, it was obvious there was a doubt in her heart still, Lysa and Brynden were there to represent Hoster who was pissed as hell and on the verge of tearing apart the betrothal. Jon Connington looked stern and stoic, as usual, Lucerys sat there as a family member to show Elia was not alone and it was a smart move on his part, not to bring his sons and Andric was there because of the slight against his family from yesterday. Of course Ashara with her strained reputation did not even get an invivation but there was no reason to insult House Dayne any further. Lord and Lady Whent were just praying for the tourney to end already. They had hosted enough scandals.

Nobody expected Atera's next move and frankly, she was not even sure to do it herself. There were bad kinds of butterlifes in her gut, attacking her confidence, making her feel guilt even after everything they had done to her. She trusted them. She served to them. She went against her family for them. The reward of it should not have been betrayal. She deserved far better than that and now it was the time to show them, remind them who she truly were.

Lyanna Stark was a child, an imbecile and Atera could spare her if she didn't help her all throught the tourney beforehand. If she did not come here, daring to wear those crowns as if she was challenging Elia, as if they were something to be proud of.

Rhaegar deserved what was coming to him for a long time now. The moment he poisoned her, she should have ended him. For moons she endure his insults and slights, his cowardness, his inability to take action. How could he go against her in a tourney she fucking paid?

And Arthur? She didn't even had something to tell to Arthur. He did not deserve that.

Elia would be on that list too if it were not for the baby she was carrying. She should have pray to that child night and day for it was the only reason why she was being spared from the havoc she was about to cause. Nothing else.

"I heard,", Aerys was first to speak. He shared a look with Gerold; all the kingsguard were there, in case of something happening. Gerold, Barristan, Lewyn, Arthur, Oswell and Jaime, all six. They all agreed Jonothor, away at the capital, was living his best life. "some unpleasant incdent took place this morning.", he looked at both to Brandon and Atera. "I believe an apology is in order."

Silence continued and Oberyn, with force, took his eyes off of Rhaegar and turned to Atera. He knew better than to expect her to apologize but he truly wondered how she would manage to get away from this as well.

"You know; I cannot take my eyes off of the winter roses.", Cersei smiled wickedly as she drank from her cup. "Many say it brings separation, but I do not believe to it."

"It is good that you do not believe to it, your grace because you know it wrong.", Atera spoke without looking at her and Oberyn held her hand over the table, sent a sharp look to Arthur when she didn't pull her hand back. "They sembolize love and hope and everything beautiful.", Elia continued to eat as if she did not hear her. "Who knows, perhaps they truly do symbolize them.", Oberyn squeezed her hand tightly as a warning and Rhaegar, with anger, applied much force to his meat and caused his knife to create a disturbing noise over his plate.

Aerys sent a bad look to Cersei when she snorted and Elia sent her a sharp look. "Did you find that funny?", people looked at her poisonous tone, surprised that she attacked Cersei this publicly.

"I do-"

"Perhaps you should focus to your own failing marriage instead of preying on mine like a vulture.", she snapped back and Aerys turned to her with a silent threat. "You are just embarrassing yourself, drooling over your stepson in front of people.", Cersei turned red and couldn't say a thing, Rhaegar did not dare to look at Elia.

Aerys cleared his throat. His urge to fix Rhaegar's mistakes and turn this tourney to his favour surpressed his anger towards Elia's words. "An apology, I said. And I will not repeat myself again."

It was now or never.

Atera closed her eyes as she felt everyone looking at her; of course they expected her to apologize but also nobody who knew her truly assumed so. She thought about her options; she could easiy bit her tongue and apologize, swallow the insult she had to endure, calm herself down, give a chance to Rhaegar and Arthur to explain their reasons because she knew it were damn honourable that she would allow them to convince her and she could continue as nothing has happened.

But she didn't want that.

She didn't want to be soothed like a child, she didn't want to be feed with lies, she didn't want to hear what it was the right thing to do; choose someone else over her when she did the opposite just a day ago. She couldn't not bear that. She went as far as losing Leyton for them, she couldn't endure to hear why she was not the first choice. There was only one way to answer a betrayal, as her father taught her well; with another betrayal.

It was called revenge.

Rhaegar Targaryen made a mistake he shouldn't have. He forsaked his own wife, humiliated her, angered more than four regions, he already lost the war and Atera didn't had enough patience or loyalty to keep him there. She had more self-respect than that.

"Yes, your majesty, you are right.", she said with a demure expression and Leyton, sensing something terrible was going to happen, angled his body to see his sister and Oberyn frowned. "An apology sure is in order.", she leaned her back and looked directly into Brandon Stark's grey eyes. "Go ahead then."

She was sick of playing nice. What being good brought him in the last moon except being sidelined by the people she called friends?

"What?", Brandon asked with shocked by her audacity.

"I am waiting.", she raised her eyebrows, seething silently.

"I don't think this is necessary.", Rhaegar tried to intervene. "Words were said from both parties, as much as I heard. Let us call the tension of the day and forget it ever happened."

"No.", Atera said, never taking her eyes off of his. "He surely must apologize but not from me.", her brows burrowed slightly with a mocking manner. "But from his majesty the king.", she continued and Arthur closed his eyes, he sensed what she was going to do but there was nothing he could to prevent it. "For lying and hiding a wanted person. Committing treason of some sort."

"What the fuck are you talking about?", Brandon Stark demanded to know with a red face and Lyanna next to him started to shake. Elia still was continue to eat without looking at them.

"Atera.", Rhaegar's elbows were on top of the table, hands clasped tight, his chin on top of them. He sent her a tired look. "Don't.", Atera's sharp eyes found his momentarily, reality finally creeping in. "Please."

"You are a little too late for that.", she answered with a somber bitterness. "One day you will realize that I am doing the right thing.", she said with assurance. "But that day will be too late to fix anything.", she turned to the king, under everbody's surprised looks. Lyanna's ehart was beating with fear as tears formed in her eyes due to it. "Lord Stark,", she pressed to insult them further. She was not going to feel love towards a Stark in this lifetime. "has been working with his grace to cover up his sister's sin, indulgind in an active treason against you and against the realm.", her eyes found Lyanna. "She is the mystery knight you've been trying to find.", the silence was defeaning, the only noises in the room was Elia's fork and knife, still eating without minding.

"What?", Aerys raised his eyebrows.

"I just found out as well, your grace.", she turned back to him. "Apparently his grace was never ambushed and choose to lie to you for this girl and her stupidity.", she declared. "It is also why he crowned her instead of his wife. He thought she deserved, for her treachery, a reward."

"Fuck off.", Brandon hissed. "This is not true, you are trying to turn this around to my sister to protect him.", he pointed out Rhaegar with his head.

"I can assure you, Lord Stark,", she continued to mess with him. "no one here gives a fuck about your sister and no man would insult their wives for her.", she said with a belittling manner as her eyes roamed around Lyanna. "Her face looks dreadful,", she continued, Atera was no fool, she knew what people expected to happen, she heard the whispers. "her eyes are dull and red like fallen flowers, her skin fleaks, there is nothing joyful to look at. Not comparable to her grace at all so stop whatever hopes you have about her becoming the mistress of the prince.", she said that towards Jon Arryn.

If a betrothed woman took such pride over a grave insult to man's wife and wore those crowns she was either stupid enough to be a pawn to the men in her life or she had her own agendas. She knew nothing about Lyanna Stark and this was the last favour she did to Elia; preventing any sort of hope any of them had in order to replace her. She already had Cersei to deal with.

"Speak right about my sister.", Brandon Stark, with gritted teeth, stood up slowly. He seemed like he was going to attack her physically and Atera felt Oberyn getting tenser next to her. "Stop lying."

"Or what?", she couldn't help but snort. People's bravery always amused her when they crossed the line of mind. "You can just look at her shoulder.", she dared. "Fell from the horse, if you buy it. What did she fell into to cause that wound? A tourney lance?", if she was going to bring down Rhaegar, she had to bring down Arthur as well, given he was even more at fault. "Or you can ask it to Ser Arthur,", she said with a vindictive tone and her eyes snapped at Arthur's stone cold face. "he was there when the prince found out about her identity. Was helping him to cover things up."

"Arthur?", Gerold was first to question with shock, but the younger kingsguard did not say a thing, did not even make a move and Rhaegar buried his head between his hands.

"Lyanna!", Brandon roared, was just about to lose his mind and turned to his sister, too angry to even breath properly. "What is she talking about?", he pulled her from her arm and forced her to stand up. "Lyanna!", he yelled at her face but his sister was shaking, too pale to respond. "Someone tell me something!", he asked, his veins truly were looking like they were going to explode and he hit to the table in anger.

"Did you see that?", Atera said with a smile, pointing out Rhaegar. "He is afraid."

"Atera perhaps stop.", Oberyn warned her silently but she pulled her hand back.

"Because Rhaegar is a fucking coward.", she spat. "Does things and then plays the victim, always speaks but never makes an act. You thought he was interested in you? You thought he did this truly to compliment your bravery?", she tilted her head in a pitying manner. "Be careful that his admiration towards you did not get feed by his ambition to replace his father."

Elia stopped eating.

"Shut up!", Lyanna screamed towards her face. "You know nothing, it was not treason, I wanted to defend my friend!", she said with a shaking tone.

"Did you?", Atera mocked an interest. "Then why did you hide? Why did you ran away? Why did you lie?", she leaned forward. "If this was not a plot to enter his bed, why did you come here with those flowers in your head?"

The accusation was too heavy but not as heavy as she caused on her brother. Doric could lose his head for this stupid girl and her stupid actions. For Rhaegar's betrayal towards her. For Arthur's obsession towards Rhaegar. She could lose a brother, she didn't care who would lose what now. They all deserved what was coming to them.

"Shut up!", Lyanna pulled her arm from Brandon's grasp and move quickly towards Atera, hit her from her head, caused it to fall to forward.

"You fucking bitch!"

Brandon Stark hissed to Atera and as she raised her head, she guessed he was going to attack her but before she managed to respond, Oberyn stood up with anger, held Brandon Stark's head and slammed it to the door with a great force.

Atera, with raised eyebrows, fixed her hair -behind her, Catelyn rushed to hold Lyanna and chaos started in the entire room. Atera took her napkin and wiped her mouth, not that she ate too much and then turned to Aerys with a small smile.

"Enjoy your dinner, your grace.", then she stood up, in between screams and violence, curstsied to Aerys and turned to her back, with every step she took, her smile disappearing more and more.


Aerys was sitting, Cersei already ran to her room in screams, Jaime following her, after sending a disgusted look to Arthur, Elia was drinking as she watched her brother punching Brandon Stark's face with a great appetite.

Kingsguard was trying to break them apart, of course. Arthur and Oswell were standing just like that, too heavy to move, crushing under what ehy have done but Lewyn and Lucerys were trying to pull Oberyn back while Brynden Tully tried to same to do that to Brandon, Jon Arryn disappeared as well, Lord Whent stood up to help his former brother in law. Lyanna Stark ran away in between her cries, Lysa and Catelyn was removed from the room by Lady Whent. Gerold and Jon were just there, expecting orders from Aerys, not wanting to do anything else. Leyton was tapping the table with his hands, getting angrier by the second, it seemed like he was physically trying to digest the revent events and Andric Dayne was trying to think of ways to save Arthur.

He knew things would come this far.

At some point Brandon Stark, leaned forward and rushed to Oberyn, hit to his stomach with his head, lifted him up with his hands, pushed him to the table, on top of the food and started to choke him until Lewyn and Lucerys managed to oush him back, though it was never enough. Breathless and coughing, Oberyn unseathed the dagger in his waist and charged towards him. Their anger were not towards each other, no, but they were doomed by the narrative to be enemies. Not being able to live with himself, Rhaegar rushed to his good brother's side to stop him but Oberyn punched him badly, enough for Rhaegar to stumble and only stop himself by holding the table. He spat the blood in his mouth and turned back them with anger.

"Enough!", he roared, not that they cared about him. He physically went it between them, pushed Brandon Stark away, bend down to save himself from Oberyn's dagger, held his wrist and twisted and punched him right back -which he shouldn't have, if the look Elia sent him for the first time that night was any indication. And when two men were strictly grabbed by others, he said again. "It is enough. Remember who you are and where you are."

Clearing his throat, Leyton stood up. "Thank you for such an enjoyabale dinner.", he spoke with remembering his manners, his brown eyes focused on Brandon's grey ones. "If you dare to attempt on hurting my sister ever again, even if you would think about it, your stupid Gods would not be able to find even a trace of you. Is that understood?", he asked so calmly as if he just did not threaten the heir of a Lord Paramount but simply asked him how was the weather. Knowing that he will get away because the Starks pushed their limits too much during the tourney, he sent a look to the king and left the room.

"Gerold,", Aerys took a deep breath and looked at his lord commander. "escort to the Stark girl to the black cells."

"No-", Brandon tried to roar but Aery sent him a look that shut him down.

"Lewyn, Oberyn,", his eyes lingered on his Dornish company. "escort my good daughter to her chambers, we wouldn't want the baby to get hurt."

Remembering about the baby's existence, Rhaegar tuned to Elia with fear in his eyes, tried to help her get up but she refused his touch. "You've done enough.", she commented without looking at him and started to walk out from the room, alone.

Lewyn pushed Oberyn to the exist, Lucerys chose to go with them. Elia needed him more. "Lord Connington,", Aerys called for Rhaegar's, funny enough, only reasonable friend. "deal with it.", he ordered without clearing meaning. "And leave me alone with Arthur."

"Father-", Rhaegar choked in his own words. "Father he did not-"

"Ser Oswell,", Aerys raised his voice. "drag my son out of the room and make sure he waits there until I call him."

"Fahter please-", Oswell obeyed Aerys' order right away and truly started to drag Rhaegar out of the room. "He is inno-"

"Andric you too.", Aerys did not sent a look to the Lord of Starfall as the rest of their company left.

"No.", he stood up with adamance. "He is my brother, your grace. I refuse to allow him to get punished for the mistakes of your son. I always knew this day would come and I will not leave his side, not know."

"Barristan.", Aery commanded before the white knight left the room. "I am not going to harm him.", Aerys assured Andric as he stood up and Barristan was trying to make him leave. "Gods knows I cannot even if I want to. I am not as talented as Rhaegar when it comes to ruining people after all."


When he approached to her door, he closed his eyes for a moment, took a deep breath. He didn't know what was going to happen after this. Then he slowly raised his hand and pushed the door slowly, entered the room. He found her standing in front of the window, looking at the dark and stary night, her vest, circlet, jewels, all were throw out inside the room, she only had her cuffs in her wrists and her dark green underdress.

"Was it necessary to put it on a show?", he asked with a quiet tone.

"Ever since I've come to know things, even in my first memory; you were in my life.", she said without looking at him. "You always had a different place in my heart. I have loved you far more than I have ever loved Arvel and Doric. You were different than them. But I also hated you the most, for reasons I can never forget and for reasons I don't even remember now but I admired you, always. I loved you even more than I loved our father, and my mother. You were the one who truly raised me."

"Atera,", Leyton took a step forward, did not like her utter calmness. "what you have done there-", he closed his eyes. "I do not judge it but was it necessary to burn down all the bridges to a point you cannot even build them back up again? You said they were your friends. Why did you do this to yourself?"

"What I loved about you the most has always been your conscience. In the days I feared that you would become similar to our father, this was the only thing that managed to soothe me. I admired that how you would try not to hurt even an ant, if you didn't absolutely had to.", she didn't mind his questions. "I admired your justice. Despite everything, you were always there like a lighthouse, guiding us, protecting us, not even once I saw you shaking my entire life. You were always strong."

"Atera you are not alright.", he concluded. "Do you want me to call Gaius? Or Alea? A tea might help you and in the morning we can all sit down and talk."

"You always respected love.", she smiled, did not answer him once more. "Everything I was not, you were, always. Good, gentle, compassionate, loving, amiable... I think I even envied you at some point. Judge you, of course, but envy was there because you had a good heart.", she turned to him. "Mine never was.", her smile disappeared. "But then she came.", her eyes darkened. "Rhea.", Leyton closed his eyes and took a troubled breath. "She ended the fairytale. She has changed everything. She changed you. She destroyed my loving brother, my conscientious and fair brother who always carried himself with virtue. You didn't see anyone but her, for years.", she was frowning. "Not me, not Doric, not Alerie and Baelor or any of the children.", her eyes started to burn. "None of us,", she said as if she was just realizing that. "were more important than her. None of us managed to hold the same value in your eyes.", she looked at him directly. "You chose that woman over us, over your family, every single day for more than a decade. You were blind to us, deaf when we spoke, acted as if she was the sun herself, the air you breathed. You loved her.", she said with heartbreak. "More than you ever loved us and you still do love her. And you are changing with the pain her loss causes in you."

"Why are we having this conversation?", he looked at her with a scowl. "What does any of these has to do with that?"

"For years,", she clenched her jaw for not to cry. "she came in between us. Sidelined us. Not even once, not until she deserved it, we went against her. Not even once I had disrecpeted her just because you loved her. I respected you.", she took a step back. "You did not do the same for me."

"I did not come here to talk about this.", Leyton shook his head. "I just wanted to make sure you are alright. If you don't have a thing to say-"

"I wanted you to suffer.", she interrupted him. "I want you to feel the pain of your own sibling choosing someone else over you. I just wanted to hurt you. When you forced me to make a choice, I choose him just because of that and Gods knows, I would keep continue to choose him over you every single day, just so you would understand what I felt for fourteen years that you were with that witch."

"You got what you wanted.", Leyton said with a pain he covered with anger. "You did upset me, it hurt like hell to see my own sister choosing someone else over her family, being that reckless, that selfish. Is that what you wanted to hear?", he raised his voice. "Do I need to shout out you every time you upset me? Do I have to repeat every single time how much you mean to me? For fuck's sake, you are my sister! I made a mistake, I am suffering for that mistake enough. Why,", he took a step towards her. "why do you keep trying to hurt me more?"

"Do you remember what you said to me after my mother died?", Leyton took a deep breath. "The time will pass, you will forget the pain, you will get healed. Time has passed, brother.", she confessed with heaviness on her chest. "So much time has passed, decades has passed but I did not forget it. I did not get heal. The history just keeps repeating itself. I love someone and I get betrayed over a different woman, just like her.", she said, lips trembling. "I know my end will be the same, I will never be enough to be someone's first choice and she never were as well. Everyone I have ever loved and trusted just keeps choosing other people over me. So yes,", she forced herself to smile as her tears started to fall down slowly. "this was necessary to do because I am sick of it. I am sick of being forgotten and if the only way for people to hear me, see me, take me seriously is to hurt them,", she tilted her head and Leyton closed his eyes in understanding. "I will keep doing it. Because I don't know an other way to survive and deal with pain."

Leyton took a step towards her, and when she did not move back, he closed the gap between them and hugged her tightly, her face on his chest, his hands rubbing her back. "I never cared that you poisoned the queen or slep with him.", he confessed with a low tone. "But I cared that you got caught. Multiple times. It is carelessness that will take you to the end and rest of our family with you. This was why,", he buried his nose to her hair as she her tears started to fall to his chest. "I got so angry with you because I have witnessed many wonders that you did, not even a single clue could be find. I couldn't believe how this incident reached me. I raised you better than this."

"I just want to go home.", her breath was like the wing clapping of a fragile fly, it worried Leyton. "I don't want to see these people ever again. I just want to go home and forget everything. I am sorry, I am so sorry.", was this the first time she apologized? He couldn't be sure but all his anger and heartbreak and sterness melted with her increasing cries.

"It is alright.", he promised. "I will fix everything."

"No.", she managed to pull herself back. "No, I did this. I will fix it.", and then she cried herself to sleep.


"Do you have anything to say Arthur?", Aerys asked with a tired voice, still not being able to comprehend with everything he heard. "To defend yourself? To explain yourself? Anything at all?"

"She wanted to do something good.", he said without looking at him, his entire body was tense. "She was not a traitor. I just wanted to protect someone innocent."

"In the expense of my daughter?", Aerys asked in disbelief. "I thought you loved her. Surely it did look like it given you risked your life over it. I thought I knew you. I thought-", his face crossed with realization. "You made your choice haven't you? You choose to leave her, instead of telling her the truth."

"I chose her over my selfish feelings.", he corrected the king, there were no emotions on his face. "She cannot bear to know the truth."

"You think she is weak?"

"No, I think every person can take only so much before they break down. I will not harm neither Atera nor Rhaegar with such a horrible truth just because I want to be with her. This will ruin them both, this will ruin their lives. I cannot be cruel. So yes, your grace, I did make a choice but this incident had nothing to do with it. I never wanted to hurt her."

"You are aware then, by going against direct orders and lying to my face, you have committed treason and it has only one punishment.", he raised his chin and Arthur bowed his head.

"We live and die by your command, your grace. If you decide it is the end for me, I'll oblidge to it with honour but I committed no treason. I had swore an oath to protect the innocent and it is precisely what I have done and given the chance, I will do so again."

"You also swore an oath to do as I say. Or have you forgotten that?"

"I forgot nothing. I had to make a choice."

"And you've choose it wrong.", he tilted his head. "Again.", he huffed. "And he is indeed trying to replace me.", his worst fears came true, and they were verbalized by his daughter. He was not sure which hurt him; both his children trying to dethrone him or the fact they united against him, espite not knowing they were sivlings. "How will you explain that?"

"He does not want to replace you.", it was the truth. The plan was abdication or regency.

"She is lying?"

"He wanted to form a Great Council to let the lords decide, it is no treason. And I never lied to you when you asked me if he plotted behind your back. He just wants what it best for the realm."

"Arthur Dayne,", Aerys's eyes observed him. "I loved you more than I have ever loved Rhaegar.", Arthur bowed his head further with the confession. "I trusted you more than I have ever trusted Rhaegar. I took your words as the truth. Gods knows how many nights I prayed for them to make you my son, instead of him. I was ready to break a hundres of years old tradition and relieve you form your oaths so you can be with my daughter but now I see I had cherished you more than you ever deserve.", he shook his head with dissapointent. "I'll do nothing to you, nor to that Stark girl, or to Rhaegar. Simply because I don't have to do anything. You will bring your own end."

"We all live by the choices we make and suffer for the circumstances."

"Leavse, Arthur.", Aerys commanded. "The biggest punishment I can ever give you is to send you back to Rhaegar anyways. You choices,", he truly pitied her. "will lead you to only one path. Death."

"It is where we all going in the end, your grace.", Arthur looked at him for the first time. "I do not mind reaching there by doing what is right."


"Where are we going from there?", Rhaegar asked as they entered her room, only the fireplace was lighting it. "What will happen?"

Elia, without saying a word, moved to her desk and took the Aegon's blade. Rhaegar carried it to everywhere with him. Then she slowly walked towards him, holding the dagger tightly, eyes never leaving Rhaegar's.

"Will you take my life?", he asked in disbelief but then again, who could say he didn't deserve it?

She bowed her head and turned the dagger over, held it from its blade and squeezed her hand tightly until the Valyrian stell cut her palm tightly. "I will rather you to take my life right at this moment instead of killing me everyday if it is her that you want, Rhaegar.", they were looking at each other fiercely. "If you fancy her, if you like her, if she caught your attention kill me right here, right now.", blood started to drip to the floor. "I will not endure to see the man I love with other women. I will not endure such an insult."


"I have warned you. We had this conversation countless of times before. I am not my mother.", she was not blinking, just standing there in all her grace, in all her power, daring him. "I am not my mother.", she made her decision, there was no coming back from this. "If you want her, first you need to get rid of me."

"Elia don't be absurd.", his eyes were focused to the way she still was holding the dagger, hurting herself but not even blinking with pain. "Are you even hearing yourself?"

"To this day, not even once I have disrespected you. I have endured thousands of insults for you. How can you think that child is worth of your approval but I am not? How can you give me promises of forever, sing me songs of eternal love, read me poems of destiny and smile at others?", she frowned softly as she pouted, her olive eyes glistening with tears. "I told you this morning, this isn't love. I cannot bare it Rhaegar,", tears started to fell from the corners of her eyes as she held her head high. "if any of my doubts are right, if you have been lying to me, take this dagger and end me right here.", she did not fear death.

With a quick move, Rhaegar held her arm and made her open her hand and took the blade from her, threw it to the ground without looking at it. It was such an important object for him so seeing him treated it with such carelessness was something Elia's didn't know how to interpret.

"How dare you to do such a thing?", he grimaced, looking at her hand as if he felt the pain himself. His question was not born out of anger but shock, he couldn't believe she would hurt herself.

"My dare comes from my love that I know for sure.", Rhaegar's eyes snapped at her. "From my loyalty. I am ready to end everything right here ever since I saw that girl daring to wear those crowns in my presence.", she raised her chin. "Look me in the eye and tell me you did not gave her hope. Tell me she means nothing to you. I will understand if you lie.", she warned him. "There is no reason for me to exist if our love does not."

"Elia,", Rhaegar turned to look back at her wound and then back to her olive eyes. She could see his pain but didn't want to believe to it. "my love, my sunlight, I beg you, please stop this cruelty."

"Here is the dagger, here is my heart,", she took a step forward and pressed his hand to her chest. "either kill me right here or I'll swear to the Gods I will leave you Rhaegar. I will not,", she pressed, her lips trembling with pain. "endure another woman taking my place next to you. I will return back to Dorne. Live only for my children. You will never see my face or hear my voice again. At least my pride would not be stepped on.", Rhaegar couldn't do anything but to look at her, he had never seen Elia this passionate before. "Do not mistaken me for others. I am not your mother.", she spat this time. "I will not share you or my love with anyone else, let alone a child!", she scream to his face, there were inches between them. "Either,", their lips almost touched. "you will kill me right here or tell everyone why you crowned her by tomorrow. Tell them the truth. Or I'll swear on my daughter, on my unborn child, I will leave, Rhaegar. The decision is yours to make."

Then she made a move to leave but Rhaegar held her arm strongly and pulled her back to him. "What decision are you talking about?", there were only centimetres between them, their lips were almost touching, they were breathing the same air. His other hand found its place in her neck. "Do you think there is another option for me?", he was breathing fast, not being able to look everywhere else but her. "Do you think I would ever look at another woman and see her after you?", he pulled her even closer. "You have consumed my soul,", their noses were touching, the passion covered them both. "my heart beats only for you, I am blind to every other colour but your eyes.", his hold became softer as he angled her head towards his lips but did not touch them. "You were like this ever since we've met; skeptical,", the hand on her arm moved to her waist and pushed her towards him. "inflexible, obstinate, always doubting everything unless you had seen it yourself."

"It is too troubling for a man like you?", she whispered back.

"A man like me?", he chuckled with a husky tone. "What kind of a man I am?"

"A man who is used to getting exactly what he wants all his life. A man who never had to prove himself to anyone on emotional basis. A man that lacks self awareness.", she was insulting him, pulling herself away but he moved with her in every step she took back, not letting her go. "A man who makes mistakes and expects them to be fixed by daylight. A man that only speaks,", Rhaegar's smile was growing wider. "and never does anything. A man that does not even know what lies in his heart. A man that is so poetic yet so out of touch with his emotions. A coward,", their lips almost touched. "that is the kind of the man you are, a fucking hypocrite."

"I love when you bite me back.", he lightly groaned into her mouth when her back met with the surface of her desk and not realizing that he almost fell on top of her, accidentlly pressing himself to her. "Playing a part, you declared this morning, a coward and a hypocrite, you accused just now and what are you?", he nuzzled her nose with his. "What makes you; not understanding that I live and breath for the moments you show me your venom, your true colours, your passion? Do you think I want any of these?", meaning the plot and politics and she shook her head. "Do you think I would trade your for a crown and a throne?", she shook her head once more. "But you think I would trade you with a child?", she did not responded to that. "You dare to stand in front of me, ordering me to take your life, pretending you don't know I would rather to fall into that blade myself over and over again before I let it touch you? How can you be this blind, not knowing I would sacrifice a thousands lives for you so you would know you are loved?", he leaned his nose to the side of her face, caressing her cheekbones. "I fucked up today. I have ruined everything, I destroyed all of our hopes, shattered all our plans, ended all our relationships. Today I killed the tiny bit possibility of me ever getting that crown and throne. I lost my best friend. He probably hates me. My own father found out I am plotting behind his back so I don't have a long life in front of me and yet all I think of your accusations of not loving you, not cherishing you."

"Stop.", she ordered, tried to pull herself back, pouting with a gritted teeth but Rhaegar did not allow her.

"Why?", he pressed, their loving state turns into an argument once more. "I thought you want to hear the truth."

"I know what you are doing doing.", she pulled him by his collar and hissed without breaking the eyecontact. "But I have no appetite for you lies.", she punched his chest to push him back but Rhaegar wrapped both his arms around her. "You are trying to manipulate me.", she accused once more.

"You are contradicting yourself love. I am a man who lost his everything, why would I try to manipulate you into thinking I love you if I truly didn't?", she pushed him once more and this time, Rhaegar let her go. "Elia Martell,", he bend to his knees in front of her, not averting her eyes. "I love you.", he didn't know what would make her believe. "I love you and only you. I don't give a fuck about Lyanna Stark or any other woman. You are the bane of my existence, the love of my life the reason why I still go on every single day.", he pressed, emotions screaming in his face. "You are the reason why I am going to wake up tomorrow and fix everything, nothing else but you. Just you."

Elia looked at him for long minutes, her hand stopped bleeding actively but the pain started to hit her and she needed stitches. In the end though, she just shook her head. "I wish I could believe you.", she said with a broken tone. "But I don't.", she took a step back. "And I am not sure if I ever can, if I even want to believe you.", Rhaegar's face fell with disappointment. She kept looking at him and opened her mouth as if she was going to say something but then she just huffed with hurt and shook her head. "Make your choice.", she declared and turned her back. "And leave me alone."

Nothing but the cracking fire was heard inside the room. And then only a few foosteps and the loud slamming of the door.



This is the longest chapter of this book, nearly 50 thousands words, it is why it took this long and it is why I publish such an important chapter with typing errors. Fixing them all will take more than an hour and I have a busy day and didn't want you guys to wait. I'll probably fix it in a few hours. We finally crossed the threshold sooo, take a deep breath before you start to read because it gave me headaches, even writing it.

There is something you should know; the last time we see Atera for a very VERY long time (for like seven chapters), so say your goodbyes to her. I am literally erasing her from the narrative and to be honest, if this would not be a fanfiction but a true book that I am writing, this would be the last time we ever see her. This is the fitting end for a character like her but for the sake of the story, she'll return. Alas, first the plot will thicken and we'll have spend time with other characters.

If this chapter had a song; it would be "How Villains Are Made" by Madalen Duke for sure. I am planning to make a playlist for this story because most of the time I write as I listen and some songs does change the tone of the scene. I am happy with this chapter but it is far too long so I am actually confused, I am hoping it will pass when I fix the typing errors today.

Also Jon Arryn in this chapter = people who are trying to defend Rhaegar and Lyanna online

Please do not forget to follow me on TikTok (@songofsapphire) to get spoilers about the future chapters and insight on characters.

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