court of lies | robert's rebe...

By songofsapphire

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Atera Hightower joins the Red Keep as the lady-in-waiting of the future wife of the crown prince, Elia Martel... More

characters pti
characters ptii
characters ptiii
characters ptiv
pti | the royal wedding
the call
the ladies
the proposal
the dorne
the princess
the storm's end
the feast
the joust
the court
the wedding
ptii | the florent revolt
moodboards; pti
moodboards; ptii (fashion)
the fool moon
the baby dragon
the death of a queen
the rush hour
the funeral
the rains
the labour
the amber skies
the fine print
the lion and the king
ptiii | the unfinished business
the family line
the dangerous game
the prophecy
the sign of the times
the champagne problems
the sun and the spear
the skyfall
the divine move
the shadow of doubt
the summerhall
ptiv | the kingswood
the fighting pit
the icarus
the poisoned bond
the brotherhood
the sept of baelor
the princess and the queen
the burning embers
the sworn sword
the heartbreak weather
the emperor's new clothes
ptv | the year of the false spring
the harrenhal
the lotus
the kingsguard
the mystery knight
the broken crown
the lost stars
the winter roses
the dawn will come
the song of ice and fire
ptvi | the war of the usurper
the north remembers
the labyrinth
the below of the surface
the war council
the bells
the winter solstice

the harbinger of war

74 3 7
By songofsapphire

"the truth doesn't always make a good story, does it?"

258 AC, Summerhall

23 years ago...

Queen Betha Blackwood was lying on the bed, unconscious as she had been in the past hours, befalling ill all of a sudden in the middle of the night. The king has locked himself in his chambers after whatever Maesters had told him, not allowing anyone, especially not any of his children, but his best friend Ser Duncan.

There were three women standing in front of the bed; Princesses Daella and Rhae, her sisters-by-law, and Princess Shaera, her daughter -another letter was sent to her youngest, Princess Rhaelle but none of them thought she would arrive, too angry with her parents, filled with too much hatred against her siblings, she would prefer to stay in Storm's End with her husband. There was one another woman, not standing close to the bed but grieving more than the blood princesses.

"Gods forbid, if something would have happened to our queen, what would happen to us?", she asked with a shaky voice.

She was only four and ten, barely a woman, crying openly despite the woman's daughter standing with a stone-cold face as if she was waiting for the gentle queen to die -all that abhorrence just because she didn't allow her to marry her brother. She sent a sharp look to the young girl -full of disdain and dislike.

"Watch your tongue.", she ordered. "What matters is the health of the king, not hers. As long as he is alive, we shall be fine."

"My kingly brother is strong.", Rhae spoke with the same carelessness. The young girl wondered if any of them was grieving for the queen at all, worrying for her. "He survived many deaths, he shall do the same."

"It isn't the king who is battling for his life, it is the queen.", the young girl said as tears fell from her face and both Shaera and Rhae shut her down with their looks.

Daella sighed, not having enough patience to deal with them today. "Show fortitude, Jenica.", she ordered but with a soft undertone. Out of everyone in the room, she liked only her. "Maintain your tenacity. You should stand stronger than us all, you have a different duty to do.", Shaera snorted but after Daella's commanding looks, she bowed her head down. "Leave now,", Daella said more gently this time. "he needs you."

"Your grace.", she bowed to the queen and to Daella only, despite the hiss she got from the other two princesses, she left the room in haste.

She was four and ten, born and raised in the Crag, met with a Dornish Prince and caught his interest at Lannisport, befriended a dashingly handsome knight in Darry and finally fell in love with a prince in Oldtown. Jenica Westerling didn't know how to describe her life. It was far from being boring and it was quite not so awkward but it was fulfilling at least.

That morning, perhaps a year ago, the order came from Princess Daella herself. Her nephew was returning from hunting and wanted to pay respect to his aunt and spend time with his cousins, and there was a feast planned for that night. While the girl was obviously liked by her youngest son, Gerold, she did not approve of the match. Her eldest, Gerard, was married to a Fossoway and her only daughter Arwyn with an Oakheart -both were undesired marriages and she was thinking of Bethany Redwyne for him, the sister of the Lady of Highgarden. She disliked Olenna greatly, despite her being a friend to her daughter but her sister was not that bad. And she did not want a Westerling to blur the waters so an introduction to the young prince was in order. He was of age with her and had easy company and it would piss off Shaera and Jaehaerys who wanted their children to share their deviancy and marry each other.

Jenica Westerling, as much as she could say, was beautiful with her blonde hair and green eyes, had good manners and a brain inside her head and Aerys needed friends, people who would affect him in a good way and tear him apart from his wretched parents anyways. The girl seemed fit to it.

Understanding the princess' actual intentions, she went to seers and fortune tellers to ask about her future, to calm herself down. The only answer she got was a fire would burn her heart, but in a good way, that she would walk in golden halls and find solace, mount a white horse and reach the gates of heaven.

"My prince,", the guards allowed her to enter without informing him as he ordered. "Aerys?", her face softened when she saw the young prince sitting on top of his bed with a solemn face, always melancholic, holding a wooden ship.

"She gave me this,", he smiled with sadness. "as my first name day present. And she promised to have these built-in real-life scales for my coming-off age present. And now she'll never see that day.", he bowed his head to hide his tears and Jenica rushed to his side, sat on the bed and held him in between her arms.

"Queen Betha will wake up and will give you that gift, you'll see that.", she tried to calm him down. "She was fine just the other night, this is probably nothing serious."

"Then why my grandfather locked himself in his chambers? Why did my uncle Duncan's eyes turn red with tears and why did my parents look overly happy?", he sniffled and sent her a look. "I bet they poisoned her."

"Why would they poison the queen?", Jenica tried to reason even though she believed that wholeheartedly. "What purpose would it serve?"

"You know what is their aim.", Aerys shook his head and stood up. "They want me to marry Rhaella so they can make her the queen."

"She would not be the queen though, only queen consort and would have real power only if you order for her coronation.", she shrugged. That little witch was none of her concerns now.

"If she would give me an heir, I would have to crown her or people would question my son's legitimacy, you know that as well."

"Then don't marry her.", Jenica suggested. "Marry me.", a small smirk appeared on her lips as Aerys turned to send her an amused look.

"I thought it was my duty to propose?", his sadness still was there but it was not consuming her now.

"Well it took you long enough.", Jenica leaned to her back. "Let us marry right now.", she suggested with a raised eyebrow. "Right at this moment, when everyone is bısy with the queen."

"My parents would kill you.", he couldn't help but his smile grew as he approached her. "If they truly poisoned your grandmother, the king would not forgive or forget that."

Aerys moved to her and bend one knee. "Are you fucking serious right now?", he asked with a wide smile.

"I would accept even a Valyrian wedding.", Jenica sighed. "And once we get rid of your parents, we would marry under the Seven."

"Very well then.", Aerys murmured and reached to the pocket inside his coat and brought out an emerald ring. "Then let me do this properly.", he held her hand and first placed a kiss and then started to slowly place the ring on her finger. "Jenica Westerling,", their eyes met; his pale blue and her green ones. "will you marry me?"

Her answer was a kiss.


281 AC, Harrenhal

Six days before the incident...

That memory was all that he could think of ever since he saw that ring on Atera's finger weeks ago. And it seemed now for a very long while all he would be able to think the way Atera and Arthur kissed.

He felt frozen as he saw them in one of the dark hallways as he was going to his own chambers after Jaime's ceremony was over. And after a few laughter they shared, from what Aerys could tell, a loving kiss and on top of that, Arthur later on peppered her with multiple kisses on her face and hands, both had big smiles though her face was too soft -almost comforting, and Arthur's shoulders still were low.

He couldn't hear what they spoke but Arthur nodded his hand as if he was agreeing with something and she held his arms in a demanding way. After they said their goodbyes, Atera turned to her back and started to walk right towards Aerys and with momentary shock, he took a few steps back until his back met with the wall and the darkness covered him entirely and he didn't dare to take a step forward until he made sure both of them left and then he rubbed his face.

He had no idea what to think or do.


Five days before the incident...

"You had fun the other night?", Andric asked with fake joy which made Larra smile with amusement and Ashara roll her eyes. They were having breakfast together. "You danced with anyone I could not object even if I wanted to. Our brother for starters."

"I should be awarded to get Arthur on the dance floor, brother not get reprimanded over it.", they were in the tent but the weather was warmer than usual so Larra was using a fan, and hid her smile behind it -Andric still sent her a look of mirth.

"Oberyn,", he raised an eyebrow to his sister. "now that was a bold move. Atera was there, Elia was there, I was there and yet you did dance with him."

"Perhaps Atera should keep her mouth shut on this matter, given how she fucks our brother.", her amusement did die out. "She cannot have everyone.", Andric just looked at her until Ashara rolled her eyes. "I am not trying to encourage you but it is a wonder you haven't done anything to her. It seems you are getting mature."

"You asked me not to.", Andric and Larra shared a look. Ashara did interfere with the matter back in Dragonstone, of course, he didn't listen to her and did at least made an attempt but his sister didn't need to know that. "Your wish is my command.", Ashara huffed through her nose, obviously she didn't believe him. "Jon Connington? Now that was a surprise."

"He is handsome."

"And you can dance with him till your feet are swollen if you want. Not that he would try something.", Andric muttered inside his mouth and then scoffed when he saw his sister's surprised purple eyes. "You cannot be that oblivious Ash. Not seeing our brother fooling around with a woman you spend half the day with is one thing,", her eyes darkened again. "not seeing how he looks at the prince as if he hung the sun and the moon is one thing."

"I am just surprised you realized it.", Ashara said crabbily.

"What I don't understand,", Andric spoke while shaking the fork in his hand and narrowed his eyes in a thoughtful manner. "where does Ned Stark fit in all this?"

"His brother begged me to dance with him the night before. He is quiet, and shy I believe, not forthcoming. Brandon Stark,", she pressed as she turned to Larra. "Cat's future husband, he asked me and I rejected it. I don't have time to spend on children after all but the other night Elia sent me to have the closing dance with Rhaegar, he insisted on doing it with her and Brandon Stark was there to jump at the opportunity. I couldn't refuse it."

"You seemed like you two got along.", Larra spoke for the first time. She barely got a night's sleep last night due to Andric's hands not stopping moving, though it was worth it, she still listened to the Dayne siblings with a small smile on her dark-coloured lips and tiredness in her blue eyes. "What did you two talk about?"

"How his brother was an asshole to Catelyn and how I would like it to stop.", she declared grumpily and Andric pinched his nose.

"Please don't tell me you actually used the word 'asshole'."

"Is there another word to describe his actions?", Ashara wanted to know but Andric's face didn't change. "I don't reckon that I did.", she said with a huff. "He also said he would like me to help Lyanna to get used to Robert Baratheon. As if it could ever happen.", she shook her head. "Robert is not the kind of a man a woman, especially if that woman values herself and her freedom, would want to marry but it is obvious he sees his best friend through rose-coloured lenses and not as he is."

"None of these matters are of our concern Ashara.", Andric warned. "Your main duty is to keep Elia stress free and attend to her needs. Do not get involved with Starks."

"Catelyn is my friend.", Ashara pressed, she didn't want to think about Elia. "And Brandon Stark doesn't even see her. Thinks she is uptight, upright and dull and boring. Just because he never understood the word 'responsibility', as many of Dornishmen also do not,", she muttered under Andric's eye roll. "doesn't give him the right to insult her like this. We are in her family house for Godssakes!"

"And her family members are also here. I don't see any of them getting as angry as you do."

"Oswell threatened him the first day they arrived but it seems he has a thick head. Which would surprise me, given how he dots over his sister and probably would kill Robert if he would treat Lyanna the way Brandon treats Catelyn but I've learned not to get shocked over men's hypocrisy a long time ago.", she said all in one breath so had to take a deep breath to get rid of the small redness in her face. "It is not fair, it's all I am saying."

"And there is nothing we can do, is what I am saying.", Andric argued. "If it would be a Dornish problem, I would take care of it given how much you care but we don't know these people, Ash. There is no point in trying."

"Well,", she breathed. "Atera tries to break off the betrothal between Lyanna and Robert did you know that?", she raised an eyebrow. "Elia told her not to but the Stark girl still roams around her through her niece. There is no other explanation for why she would help a random girl. She is going against Elia's orders. If my duty is to keep her happy, then I must make sure her wishes come true and she wants Lyanna to marry Robert. You suggest I do not get involved with this either?"

"Yes.", he raised his voice a little and Ashara truly seemed surprised by the rejection.

"Why is that?"

"You are going to stay away from the Starks, Ashara.", her brother did all but commanding. "And Catelyn Tully, Robert Baratheon and Oberyn but most importantly Atera Hightower."

"I told you not to harm her physically. I didn't tell you to let her continue whatever she is having with Arthur."

"Then it is a good thing that you do not control my actions at all, sister.", he took a deep breath. "Do not make an enemy out of the girl, do not get involved with that matter. I am handling it."

"We'll see about that.", Ashara commented, but not with much hope.

She knew her brother. If Arthur wanted something, which was a very rare occurrence that he did, he would get it and hold on to it. While Andric may continue to think she was the key to ending this problem, it was Arthur and there was nothing either of them can do to change his mind.


"It is likely,", Brandon just wanted to ride down to the Trident and threw himself from there. "that my responsibilities will keep me moving around quite often. Visiting bannermen castles and all. It is more than possible that there will be moons that I am away from Winterfell, apart from my children.", he was trying to change her mind at this point. He couldn't reject this marriage but perhaps she could.

"It is every wife's duty to support their husband in their endeavours. This is how the world works and I do look forward to it. I shall raise our children,", she pressed it once more, the children she would give birth to would not be his properties. "according to best of my abilities. You do not need to worry.", she was not a quitter, this marriage was going to happen.

"You have a way to express yourself.", he muttered inside his mouth and Lady Mormont cleared her throat. Once again they were walking with household guards, Catelyn's sister, Lady Whent and Lord and Lady Mormont. "The North is different than the South, Lady Catelyn.", he warned her. "It doesn't matter what the best of your abilities are, what matters is what I want my children to possess."

Catelyn took a deep breath. "If you are looking for a mindless broodmare,", her aunt by marriage started to cough loudly. "then mayhaps you ended up in the wrong arrangement, my lord.", she stopped walking and looked at his surprised grey eyes with a reserved look. "I have a mind of my own, educated perfectly well, even better than some lordlings. I know what my duties are going to be as the Lady of Winterfell, I know what my duties are going to be as a wife and a mother. While your opinions and involvement shall be encouraged, I hereby declare they will not be taken as definitive orders. I am more than sure that I know how to raise a child far better than you ever can."

"Lady Catelyn,", he felt taken aback by the sudden sharpness in her tongue, which was unexpected. "I meant no offence-"

"But offence you have given my lord.", she interrupted him as Lysa raised her eyebrows with amusement. "Offence is all you have given to me in the past days we have spent together, all the while I patiently wait will ever occur to you that perhaps this marriage might be undesirable for me as well."

"You find it undesi-"

"How am I supposed to feel given all that you have shown to me was displeasure?", she interrupted him once more, she was not yelling, she was not being disrespectful but she refused to be bullied by her future husband as well. "I do understand that there is a past you had in Winterfell but a marriage does not necessarily change anything for you. Whereas I too have a past I had in Riverrun, family and friends, alas, unlike you, I shall have to leave it all behind. Marry a stranger, go to a place I don't know, where I will always be seen as an outsider, given all, I would be far happier to marry a less titled but far warmer lord."

"Catelyn dear,", Shaella placed a hand on her arm. "you are obviously distraught but perhaps talk about these matters later on, the jousting is about to start.", Catelyn turned to the auburn-haired-woman and nodded before Brandon managed to say something and left but not without curtsying.

"Congratulations Brandon,", Jeor Mormont patted him on the shoulder. "it seems you managed to make yet another perfectly behaved woman lose her mind as well."


"Ashara?", Elia was walking with Sabitha and Ianthe behind her back and Lewyn to accompany her today whereas Ashara only had household guards, they met in the hallway while Elia was going to the tourney area while Ashara just entered the castle after the breakfast. "Are we not talking still?", she wondered.

After the other night, where Ashara danced with Oberyn, they had an unpleasant argument afterwards and then Oberyn came and gave Ashara a necklace she dropped -a purple butterfly that her mother gifted her ages ago, and claimed Ser Barristan asked him to pass it to her, which Elia didn't believe and their argument got louder and louder and they haven't spoken a single line yesterday.

"I don't know when the pain in my heart will go away and my hurt will lessen but I do know that I will never forget the things you have said to me.", she kept her chin high.

"I heard things that I will never forget as well.", she said in the same way. "Things that I never forgive. Stop acting as if I was in the wrong for assuming. When did you two ever stay true to your word? What would you have me think when everything happened right after the other?"

"When did you ever care what we think?", she asked with hurt. "You know everything better than us all, you are far more intelligent than us all. Whatever you command, we shall obey, it is in your rights to pull our strings as if we are not living, breathing, feeling human beings, your grace.", she made a small curtsy, it was obvious she was being sarcastic and Lewyn raised an eyebrow, he had no idea what was this about.

"Yell at me if you want.", Elia became even more serious now, to the outside world, it was like there was nothing wrong between them, even Andric and Oberyn himself believed so but Ashara was sick of constant questioning. She made a mistake, yes, but she got her lesson and the lack of trust broke her heart indeed. Though no one's heart could be as broken as Elia's. "Curse at me, insult me -it's not like you never have done these things before.", she shook her head and stopped Ashara by raising her hand when she opened her mouth. "I got my lesson, do not bother. I am not interested to hear yet another one of your self-victimization of events. You can turn your back on me, I need neither of you.", it seemed she cannot have everyone at the same time. Now that she was good with Rhaegar, she lost Ashara.

"You brought this on yourself, Elia.", Ashara declared when the princess tried to walk past her. "You choose to remain alone, you always do this to yourself and then blame others."

"Do you think I want any of these?", she turned, one hand on her belly. "You don't have a single idea of what I want, what I dream of. Who did you even lose in your life except your parents who were the designs of the Gods and nothing more?", she knew it was a hard blow but she was sick of everyone.

"You wanted to marry him.", Ashara hissed in return. "You could return back to home, back to Dorne. You could be with your friends and family, marry someone who actually would love you, someone who would not impregnate you only three moons after you gave birth to a baby who almost killed you.", attacking Rhaegar was even a lower blow. Both Sabitha and Ianthe shared a look of confusion, nobody warned them against this. Sabitha being a Toland, knew how close these two women were so she was more than befuddled to witness this. "I am not at fault that your husband does not love you.", she took a step forward. "And I am not at fault that I had a relationship where I loved and where I was loved. Stop blaming me for having things you never can; such as happiness, freedom and love."

"Ashara Dayne, you better get a grip of yourself or these actions will have sharper consequences than you might think.", Lewyn interfered, more troubled than shocked by such a vile combination of words.

"I did nothing with Oberyn since the last time I promised you.", Ashara declared once more. "He will marry that woman, as you all wish, but not because he wants to but because he has to in order to maintain as a Martell. She will never love him, she will never be loved by him, she will never be happy in that marriage and all that promises of freedom will go right off the window the moment they marry and you know this as well but you want everyone to suffer just like you, just because you do. It is my who never will forgive you, and it is soon enough going to be her and you will be more and more alone Elia. I just hope you will keep remembering this is all your fault and you push everyone away from you.", she then turned her back, just wanting to get away from here.

"What was this, Elia?", Lewyn placed a hand on her arm, she looked pale and not well. "Ashara would never speak to you like this."

"Are you blaming me as well uncle?", she turned to him with slight tears in her eyes and sadness on her face overall and Lewyn shook his head in a soft manner.

"Of course not.", he pulled her to a hug while her ladies turned their heads away. "I am just surprised, that is all. Surprised and angry."

"You do know Ashara's words do more than shooting when she is upset and angry.", she tried to regain her composure. "I am used to it.", she said with a sad smile and the old knight frowned.

"What kind of a friendship is this then? Where you do everything for her and she pays it back like this?"

Elia didn't have an answer to give, so she didn't even bother. "We are going to be late, uncle.", she said instead, exhaustion is too obvious in her tone, and her entire mood died off. "Rhaegar is waiting for me."


"Look at him,", Brynden approached Oswell's side, the younger man was sharpening his sword with a wet stone, sitting on one of the rocks near the lake, watching the way their niece left with a befuddled betrothed watching her with parted mouths. "some cox-comb fustilugs that one, cannot believe Hoster would choose him amongst everyone else."

"He will be the Warden of North one day.", Oswell said without taking his eyes off of him or blinking. "Your brother always valued titles more than merit after all."

Brynden sent him a look but didn't open the matters they both wanted to stay unopened. "Being a Warden is useful only at war times, the last I checked, we were not in war.", we could be in one soon, Oswell thought but did not say him. "And there are far better suitors than that boy.", Brynden added. "Arryn's nephew will be both a Lord Paramount and a Warden and so will the Lannister boy. Oberyn Martell is a whole-ass prince. Cat was two and ten when the betrothal happened, which means she could instead be married to that oaf lord of Highgarden, both a Paramount and a Warden. And Robert Baratheon just around the corner, just as cumberworld as that one, still has a more meaningful title than a Warden. Yet Hoster chose to send her to isolation, even their Gods are wrong."

"Am I getting more and more involved in the game so I am just picking up things or are you truly trying to tell me something Blackfish?", he stopped his movements and looked up.

"I loved my brother.", Brynden said. "But I loved my sister more and he is the reason why I lost her.", a lump appeared in Oswell's throat and he bowed his head down. "I kept loving my brother. But I loved Minisa more and then he butchered her as well.", Oswell felt like he couldn't breathe for a second. "I still do love my brother but I love those two girls more than the world itself and this time, he will not take them away. There is a reason, Oswell, why Catelyn is going to marry the most useless Warden, there is a reason why Hoster dared to reject Tywin Lannister, thrice. I don't know what that reason is, I don't want to know what that reason is but the fear is there. Hoster's games always end with a price and Catelyn is too young."

"Catelyn spent almost a year with Elia and her ladies and trust me, she learnt a thing or two."

"My sister was the best of us.", Oswell felt that ache in his heart once more. "Brighter and far more shrewd than us all,", he sent him a look. "intelligence did not save her at the end of the day. And I fear it will not save Catelyn and Lysa as well."

"No one can harm those girls, not as long as I am alive.", Oswell assured him. "Any who would dare would meet with the pointy end of my sword."

"Oswell,", Brynden looked directly into his eyes. "there is a war coming. I don't know when or who would be fighting but there is and I don't want my nieces to become spoils of it. The only reason I returned to Riverlands after all these years is to talk and warn you. There are words roaming around, dangerous words about the king.", Oswell stood up. "But also about the prince.", now he frowned. "And this Southern-Northern alliance did not happen out of nowhere."

"I hear you.", he truly did but he was not sure if this was a trap or not. Brynden was different from both Hoster and Amarai, he did not play such games but he knew better than trust anyone with Hoster Tully's blood. "And I will look into it. I care about my nieces as much as you do but I don't think Brandon Stark,", he said in a mocking way. "is a threat at all. You've missed it, Catelyn taught him his place. Whether they are true or not, your insight, she will not be a pawn and I'll just slay anyone who dares to see her as one.", he patted him on the shoulder. "Now I must go, there is another niece I must defend. Will you challenge me?", they started to walk together and Bryden snorted.

"I would like to have a few good rounds first but I am sure in the end will come face to face."

"Good then.", he nodded. "Aim for Wallace,", he suggested, Walter's eldest son and heir. "Alfred seems to be weaker but he is just insecure. Wallace is weak on direct attacks.", he winked at him. "And the other two are just hedge knights that do not matter."

"They are that bad?", he barely watched the first two days.

"They are no Duncan the Tall.", Oswell pursed his lips.

"No one is fucking Duncan the Tall.", Brynden snorted as they approached the tents of today's jousters -a bunch of nobles but from lesser houses, the big challengers were going to step up tomorrow. "Hey,", he grabbed him by the arm before they said their goodbyes. "I know it is hard for you to be here.", he nodded and Oswell averted his face. "And I never had the chance to tell you but it was not your fault. Do not listen to what Hoster or Walter says, it was not your fault."

"And whose was it?", he asked with a low tone, barely managing to form a sentence.

"The Gods.", Brynden nodded sharply. "Them and Hoster and Walter but not you. Good luck today, Whent.", he patted him gently. "Do not get knocked down before I get the chance myself."


"Are you alright my lady?", once again she was on the far side of the lake, sitting amongst the rocks with her dress pulled up to her knees and her feet in the cold water and she got disturbed by a Northern accent.

At least this time was not the heir but the spare.

"I am grounded.", she huffed. "Not allowed to speak with you."

Ned didn't get the undertone of sarcasm and frowned deeply. "Have I done something to insult you or your house, my lady? I shall apologize if so. What happened the other night was purely the design of my brother and much to my objections but-"

"I too have a brother who is as stubborn as a goat on a bridge that would not heed to reason.", she interrupted him with a sigh and then she rolled her eyes. "I have two of them actually."

"Oh.", Ned made a sound, hesitant to continue to stay there but even from the distance her eyes did look puffy and she was paler than usual. She was crying, or it seemed and she was too pensive for her own. What if she would fell into the lake? He could not allow that. "Would you like me to fetch for one of your brothers? Lord Dayne or Ser Arthur perhaps? I had seen him with Prince Rhaegar."

"They are on the list of last people I want to see for the rest of my life.", she covered her face, she looked sorrowful. "Have you ever,", she questioned while Ned was debating with himself if he should have stayed or gone. "deliberately upset a person you love so much just because she upset you as well?"

"I don't think I have my lady, no.", he shook his head. He never was the angry type that could not control his words, that was Robert. Ned would just absorb the negativity and continue his life. "But if this person loves you as much you love her, then I have faith that you would find a common ground."

"Yes, but I said things I cannot take back.", she looked at him with tears in her eyes and Ned couldn't help but notice how purple they were. "Things that I meant and the worst part is that she knows I meant them. I always do that.", she took a deep breath. "I don't have a filter when I am angry. I attack people out of nowhere."

"Like wolves.", Ned couldn't help but say quietly and Ashara frowned at him.

"Did you just say I am like an animal?"

"Wolfs are sacred beings that are blessed with many things, my lady.", he, without realizing, took a step forward. "They are territorial, and move around in packs as the lone wolf dies. And they are very protective of each other but also of themselves. They do rip one apart when they feel under attack.", he tried to explain. "Of course, humans do communicate with talking so perhaps you would go to this person and tell her your feelings, you would come to an understanding."

"And you know that because?"

"Because I have a friend just like you.", Ned huffed. "Robert does not see anyone when he is angry as well. Breaks down, curses would fly away, there were occasions where he became physical,", Ashara remembered attacking Arcanna with a knife and actually do end up stabbing her. Gods, her parents were furious. "but in the end, he always realizes his mistake and we close the subject."

"I suppose it's getting easier to apologize after a while.", Ashara commented and Ned tilted his head.

"Robert doesn't need to apologize and he does not actually. I do know he doesn't mean it, he just cannot help himself, he sees red when he is pushed away. And he knows that I know, so he does not apologize."

Ashara blinked at him. "Your best friend shouts and curses you, even goes physical but then does not apologize?"

"I do hit him back when he gets physical but I do not apologize either.", Ned say with a small smile which was not true, he did apologize because he felt awful afterwards. "It's just being in a friendship for too long. Such finesse becomes unimportant and unnecessary with time. Words are just words,", he advised her. "what matters is knowing one's heart and Robert's as pure as a child's."

"Yes, but he hurts you, deliberately.", Ashara pressed.

"To get rid of his anger.", Ned explained back. "I know what it sounds like.", he chuckled next. "But it is different. I just prefer Robert to yell at me than for him to press that anger and hurt himself later. I care about him this much."

"And he doesn't care about you to try to control his anger?", she questioned. Well, that has been what was going on with Elia too she realized in shock. Of course, there was nothing physical but she was just insulting her left and right and she was enduring it. "Fuck.", she muttered and Ned raised his eyebrows. "I must go and apologize from my best friend.", she declared and tried to stand up but fell to the lake once more and before she needed to ask for help, Ned rushed to her side to pull her right back to her feet.

Without taking off his boots or something just like his brother did.


260 AC, King's Landing

21 years ago...

They were standing side by side, alone, in the throne room, right before the day of Jaehaerys the Second's coronation.

"How glamorous and glorious it is.", Jenica commented, sending a small glare to Aerys who was not blinking, both were looking at the Iron Throne.

"Only such a throne would be fit to the Conqueror himself.", he straightened his spine. "Thousand melted blades of Aegon's enemies and now three centuries has almost passed. I do wonder after defeating those, how many more thousands we have created."

"Does it matter?", she turned to him slightly. "Let them destroy each other. Your father and all those boisterous lords... Trust me, you will triumph in the end."

"If I survive that long.", he muttered and she tried to change his mood.

"It is unarguably forbidden, no? For someone else than the king to sit on it?", except the Hand but even then, only when the king is not capable of doing so himself. Aerys nodded solemnly and she smiled a little. "But there are only two of us here. No one can see us.", and the temptation on Aerys' face was more than obvious as he turned to look at her and both smirked at each other like children.

Smiling with more excitement, Aerys cleared his throat and started to walk towards the throne of his ancestors. He felt like his breathing getting faster with excitement. He knew by all laws of the Gods and men this throne should become his one day but he also knew his own father would do anything to prevent that. Knowing this might be his one chance and one chance only, he sat down with more elegance than his father ever can.

Jenica, after admiring her lover's image, started to climb the stairs by lifting her skirts a little. Aerys was waiting for her with open arms and within mere seconds, he helped her to settle on his lap and she wrapped her hands around his neck as his hands held her waist.

"Do you know who you should be closer to if you want to ascend this throne one day?", Jenica asked while maintaining eye contact.

"My father of course.", he huffed. "But it is more than impossible."

"No, my prince.", she leaned down and their noses touched. "You need the Lord Paramounts.", Aerys, with a thoughtful manner, bowed his head. "Of course, you must continue to play to your father. Make him think that you are no threat to his assumably very short and unsuccessful reign but first, you need other lords at your side. And in order to do that, in an age where Targaryens are once more feared, you need to prove yourself to them. Not those old lords but their sons, heirs.", she pressed. "This is my first time coming to the capital, I've been here for days and I heard all kinds of things. They hate your father."

"I could tell you that. You didn't need to leave my side to know that.", he japed and she chuckled lovingly.

"Your wife,", she sounded displeased all of a sudden and Aerys sighed. "is no one to them. There isn't one person you can find, except her equally stupid ladies, that even remotely likes her.", she looked at him. "Took your son away from her, Aerys.", she suggested. "Or she will raise him to be against you and in no time, your own son will become your greatest enemy just like you are to your own father."

"Rhaegar just born."

"That woman already ruined everything. Your marriage to her is unlawful, her son is merely more than a bastard. Don't you think she will try to get rid of you to strengthen her position?", she wondered. "They will send you to Dragonstone as soon as they can and there, I am more than sure, you will meet with a tragic accident, you cannot allow that."

"How can I go against my own sister when even my own parents are on her side?", he wanted to know. He had no idea what he has done this terrible to make everyone turn on him when Rhaella was the real monster.

"By proving yourself to people who actually have power.", she chuckled to his surprised eyes. "You cannot possibly think your father will be more than some puppet king, darling. He can act like he created the platenos itself but everyone else knows what a joke he is. He is meek, there is nothing special about him and in the absence of a leader, people will set their eyes on someone else. Why it cannot be you?"

"You'll have me go to the war.", Aerys sighed.

"Gods knows, yours and mine both, how much I despise the idea itself but while your father denies seeing the upcoming storm, it would be advantageous to prepare yourself for the war. It is the best way you can form alliances with the lords, unbreakable ones."

Aerys closed his eyes. "Isn't it will be easier to kill me there? Now that I have an heir."

"Your father is even incapable of appointing new kingsguards.", she snorted. "Gerold and Steffon are your cousins. Lewyn is a prince. Barristan would die for you. Even Lucerys would rather see you alive than perish. You have enough men to protect you there. And once you prove yourself, you will be protected by the realm as well. This is something you must do."

Nodding with understanding. "Let us talk about this at a later time.", he sent a small look to the grand door. "We still have some time before the servants will start the preparations.", it was dawn already, they just had trouble sleeping. "Why should we not enjoy our time together a little more?", he asked as his hand suggestively went downward and with a sly smirk, she leaned down properly and pressed their lips.


281 AC, Harrenhal

Five days before the incident...

"Melee will happen tomorrow.", Robert said in an excited manner and Lyanna nodded.

"I know, you told me before."

His smile grew, she was trying too hard to make him know that she was caring about him. "There are good names, of course.", he began to tell. "Elbert, for example. Jon's nephew, he'll try his chance, though it's his first melee, so I would not place my bet on him."

"Of course.", she muttered and Benjen sent her an amused look.

"Garth Hightower won the melee in Storm's End, two years ago but I was not in it.", he sent her a look that he thought he was cool. "Vortimer Crane is too old."

"Vortimer Crane is a seasoned warrior who fought on Stepstones.", Benjen added and Robert let out a loud laugh.

"Yes kid, he did. And that was two decades ago. He is old now. Paxter Redwyne, Daven Ashford -Reacher Lords are never good at fighting."

"They have the largest army.", Benjen disagreed.

Robert didn't mind him. "Brynden Tully, the same. Too old. I heard Richard Lonmouth will join, the prince's squire.", he snorted loudly. "I am more than certain that he lost his Stormlander spirits next to him. Oberyn Martell does not fight with honour."

"I heard he poisoned-"

"He poisoned a lord, yes.", Robert made a hand signal for Benjen to shut up and continued to talk to Lyanna who was not looking at him but frowned slightly due to his treatment of her brother. "And many others."

"What will you say to Ser Gerold then?", Benjen asked but Robert didn't care.

"You see-"

"You are better than everyone else, Robert, yes, I get it.", Lyanna sighed but when Robert's eyes looked at her with a weird thing Lyanna didn't understand, she frowned. "What?"

"You called me Robert.", Lyanna blinked at him a few times and shared a look with Benjen and turned to him with a helpless look in her eyes. "Now I can tell you Lyanna.", he declared. "Lyanna."

Benjen bit back a snort and Lyanna took a deep breath. "What of Ser Gerold then?", she asked with a vindictive tone that erased Robert's amusement. "He is the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and had been fighting long before we were born. How do you plan to beat him?"

Robert didn't have an answer to give.


"I am telling you, it is impossible to speak to her without starting an argument.", Oberyn hissed. "Why don't you understand me?"

"Because it is your problem, not mine.", the king locked himself to his chambers so once again, it was Elia and Rhaegar sitting on the high dais, with small council members, Oberyn, Arthur and Lewyn being present. Lord and Lady Whent were there as well.

In the same dais but a few steps below them, there were the Paramounts and Wardens; Mace Tyrell, Robert Baratheon with his betrothed and her younger brother, Brandon Stark with his betrothed, Brynden Tully on behalf of his brother, with his younger niece, Jon Arryn with his nephew Elbert. Oberyn, instead of his assigned place -only Gods knew where was Atera and what she was doing, he was leaning toward his sister who had a solemn expression and was watching the jousting without commenting.

"Elia ple-"

"No.", she hissed, turned to her brother. "If Doran made his decision, no one can challenge him. This marriage will happen and I do not care how much you have to cry beforehand. I've been trying to work this out for weeks and yet you do and parade Ashara around."

Oberyn seemed to be taken aback, black eyes crossed with understanding. "I do not-"

"I warned her before, I want you no-"

"Your warnings are unnecessary.", he declared under their uncle's burning glare. "It was just a dance. She helped me with Atera."

"Do you think I am stupid enough to believe that?", what hurt was the face they were messing with her.

"I am not lying, sister this is what has happened. Don't you trust me?", he softly chuckled but the look on Elia's face erased it. "El-"

"I do trust you with my life.", she explained. "But not with yours. Now sit down.", she ordered as she turned her head back. Rhaegar sent her a secret glance but didn't dare to interfere. "If this marriage will not happen, I promise you Doran will be the least of your worries."


"Excuse me, your grace.", Jon held his coat and stood up, bowed to the royal couple and made a hand signal to Richard who just entered to the royal dais and put a hand on his shoulder to make him get away. "Tell me again,", he ordered when they reached to an appropriate distance where no one could hear them. "what is your mission in Dragonstone."

"Maintain the communication between you and the island and give you any information I can."

"Good.", he nodded. "Then tell me, why I don't know about Atera and Arthur?"

Richard frowned. "What you should know about Atera and Arthur?", he had no idea. "I mean, she does want to be married to Oberyn, so things are a bit tense. And Rhaegar, for some reason, invited Arthur's former lover or something to Dragonstone."

Jon blinked. "Arcanna?", he asked with widened eyes -out of anger and Richard hesitantly nodded. "Arcanna Ormollen was in Dragonstone and you didn't tell me?"

"Who even is she?", he asked in confusion. "I understood nothing. She came, everyone was tense for a couple of days and then she left."

"How did she leave?", Jon asked with a patientless tone.

"Arthur sent her away I guess, I don't know.", he raised his voice as he pouted and frowned. "Why are you acting like a lunatic?"

"Why-", he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Two moons.", he declared, made 'two' with his fingers. "I have been away for two moons and everything goes full-on circus and you are asking me,", his voice was getting raised. "why am I acting like a lunatic? Is that so?", Richard took a step back. "Do you have any idea,", he pinched his nose. "what I have been dealing with in the capital?"

"No.", he shook his head.

"No!", he yelled. "And now there is this? I thought Atera,", he whispered her name but then kept yelling. "would be able to control it but now I hear she is the chief problem! That's it.", he declared, Richard was still confused. "I am taking the reins and ending them.", he pushed him from his shoulder. "And if you hide something like this from me ever again, we will have problems.", he roared and started to go to his chambers, he had people to talk to.

"What problems?", Richard asked with confusion behind his back. "What did I even do?"


"Your grace.", she made a curtsy. The king was sitting in the pergola with a few important lords from North and Riverlands and of course, both her uncle and surprising brother were there. "Good morrow. Brother, uncle."

"Good morrow, Atera.", he greeted her back, as something flashed from Leyton's eyes.

"Uncle, I heard something about my aunt's health. Are there any truths in it?"

"Nothing to worry about.", Gerold answered rather firmly. "We will send Maester Pycelle himself to Old Oak to examine her. Don't believe anything until we get a confirmation."

"Why, what happened?", Leyton asked as he drank from his wine.

"Nothing important.", Gerold answered in a more firm way, it was obvious he wanted this conversation to end.

"Very well then.", Leyton sighed and stood up. "There are matters I shall discuss with Lord Varys, your grace, if you allow me.", he needed another source to get a hold on Braavos.

"He is not here.", Atera said before he managed to leave. "I was going to watch the jousting and I saw one of the squires of Lord Connington has been searching for him. But it seems like he disappeared, as usual.", she added and Leyton narrowed his eyes at her. "It is a rare thing to find him. It seems like what people are saying is true."

Aerys raised his eyebrows. "What they say about him?"

"Oberyn told me,", she played pretend as if she was trying to remember it rightly. "that he found a friend in some Pentoshi merchant, I guess."

"And who that friend is?"

"Illyrio Mopatis.", she answered and while the Northern Lords never heard of that name before, Leyton shared a look with Aerys. "He was married to the cousin of the Prince of Pentos, I heard. He also is the Magister of Pentos.", when Aerys shared a look with Gerold, she added. "Oberyn seemed rather displeased by such a newfound friendship given there is a newly signed treaty with Braavos and Pentos is a friend of the Triarchy. He told me that this might signal a war with Braavos and well, then we would also have to enter the war. Not that I understand anything about politics.", she was playing the fool too well but Leyton did not buy it. "It seems to him that Varys is trying to end the peace between Westeros and Braavos by having such closeness with the Triarchy."

"Do not worry about such matters.", Aerys said with a smile, just like Leyton, he did not buy the act as well but the Northern lords seemed tense as if they understood a word of what she had said. "Lord Varys is in talks with him by my leave. We are not friends but there is no reason for us to be enemies as well, no?"

Getting exactly what she wanted, she curtsied. "Your grace."


260 AC, Dragonstone

21 years ago...

"Behold!", the carriage entered entered to the castle grounds. "The Lady Jenica Westerling!"

When it stopped Jenica took a troubled breath and tried to calm herself down, she could feel her hands freezing and shaking. She slowly stood up and opened the curtains and sent a look to the Targaryen stronghold. Aerys was waiting for her with a large smile on his face. He offered her his hand and helped her to get down. She sent another uneasy look to the people around them but his smile was enchanting.

"Welcome to your castle, my love.", he said with a quiet voice though Lewyn and Barristan, his appointed kingsguards, heard him well. And while the prince's eyes were filled with warm mirth, Barristan had a very grave expression of almost grief.

"My lady,", Steffon winked at her. "it is a great honour to have you here.", she didn't know he was there as well but she was glad to see him. Aerys needed all the support he had.

Especially after he would hear her news, he would need them more than ever. She smiled and bowed her head to him and then turned to Aerys, she could feel sickness rising in her throat with a burning feeling.

"I am tired.", she managed to say, all four men caught up in her nervous manners and frowned but she wrapped her hand around Aerys' arm. "You know how carriage rides make me. I shall rest."

"Of course.", he nodded eagerly. "Would you like me to send the Maester to you?"

"No,", she shook her head with a sad smile but her eyes were burning. "no, I just want to sleep until supper."

As she entered the castle and started to walk with servants and guards bowing and curtsying to her, her eyes started to burn even more. Dragonstone was more a home to her than the Crag itself -both were port cities with great storms, she never missed her home when she was there and it belonged to her and Aerys. The only place they could be together without Rhaella's interfering. It wounded her deeply, knowing she would never see this island ever again.

She would never walk in these halls where she fell in love, where she spent the best days of her life. She, Steffon and Aerys, they were an inseparable trio and now she was not even sure if she would see either of them ever again. Her eyes found the golden door and her eyes filled with tears she opened it gently, and looked around with sadness. She remembered the last time she was there, barely a moon ago. It was a particularly cold and stormy night and she was resting in between his arms. She started to feel something was wrong that night. After spending the entire day being sick, she held onto him. She remembered talking nonsense until her gut feeling interfered.

"My prince, I never want to be apart from you.", she said with a plea, plunging into his chest and Aerys caressed her face gently. "I cannot live if I would lose you."

"Where did it come from?", Aerys asked with a small smile and a quiet tone. "You will always be at my side.", he promised.

She closed her eyes and a tear fell from her eyes and she sniffled and went to her own chambers to rest.


"The beauty who captured my heart,", she was not expecting him to hug her from behind, nuzzle his nose in her curly hair and breathe as if he was not doing so ever since she left him. "I love you so much.", Jenica couldn't help but smile. "My moonlight,", he held her hands and held her tighter. "the remedy that-"

"We need to talk.", she closed her eyes to regain her composure and even though it felt worse than dying, she left his arms and turned to him. "I am getting married.", saying it at once was the right thing to do.

What she was not expecting was the sudden hurt in his face. "What?", he asked with a whisper.

"I am getting married.", she repeated.

"But-but-", he swallowed. "You can't.", he declared. "You are already married."

"You were already married as well but then made Rhaella your official wife, she already gave you a son and heir.", she erased all the emotions from her face. "Or have you forgotten about little Rhaegar's existence?"

"Jenica.", he took a step back. "What is this? You told me to marry her, you told me I had no choice, I-"

"I know what I said.", she closed her eyes tightly and shook her head. "I know. But this does not change that you are married man now, we cannot-"

"I've been a married man in the past two years, you never complained-"

"Not until now.", she raised her voice a little. It hurt too much but she had to do that. "I deserve this as well. Not to be some married man's secret in the shadows but a wife of a lord. I deserve to be the lady of my own household, mother children."

"I can send Rhaella to the edge of the world if you want me to.", Aerys said with wide eyes, his heart was beating fast. "Tell me what you want.", he demanded. "Tell me what you want to stay, to be in, not out. Tell me and I swear by the Old Gods and the New, I will do so. I would move the earth for you, Jen, I-"

"No.", she said, raising her chin. "I am already betrothed.", she raised her hand and showed the ring. It was an ugly thing, filled with pearls and aquamarine. "The marriage will take place on the next moon. I came here because I thought you deserved to hear it from me."

"You've been here just a moon ago!", he raised his voice, he didn't know what was happening. "What has changed in the past moon Jenica? You just went to visit your family, what happened? Did they find out about this?", it seemed like the best possible explanation, he rushed to her and held her hands. "Are they forcing you to end this?", he wanted to know. "Tell me and I will fix it. No one-"

"No one knows about us.", she closed her eyes and declared, pulling her hands back. "This is my decision. I got a proposal and it is too good for me to refuse."

"Jenica, wha...", he couldn't even finish his word. "Who?"

"Gerard.", she straightened her spine. "You know his wife died shortly ago and he has a young child. He wants to marry again, soon enough, and he proposed to me."

"Gerard?", Aerys felt so betrayed that she just wanted to hold him in between her arms. "My own cousin?"

"He doesn't know about us, you know it as well.", she defended him. This was a marriage arranged by Daella but Aerys didn't need to know that. "It is for the best.", she continued. "This is the best offer I can get."

"Tywin proposed to you.", only his lips moved. "You rejected him."

"Because I don't like him.", she swallowed.

"And you like him?", Aerys clenched his jaw in order not to cry. "Gerard? Are you in love with him?"

Both had red eyes filled with tears but she raised her chin high. "There are only three reasons to get married and love is not one of them.", she declared, playing with her fingers.

Aerys shook his head and held her hands once more. "You are lying.", he declared and she shook her head. Then he raised her hands to a height both could see the torn-apart nail skin. "Then why are you destroying yourself?", he whispered. "Who is making you do this Jenica?", he wondered. "Give me the name and I'll make them stop."

"No one can force me into doing something I don't want to do.", she declared with a hiss and pulled her hands once more and cleared her throat. "You will be the king one day.", she reminded him. "You have a wife, you have a son and heir and if you are lucky, you will have more children. I deserve the same thing."

"I can give you-"

"NO!", she screamed so loud that Lewyn actually opened the door with a horrified look. Aerys, who was looking as shocked as he did, made a swift hand gesture for him to leave. "No!", Jenica said with a still hysterical but at least a bit quieter tone. "I will not have a bastard.", she declared through her gritted teeth. "Especially not to a Targaryen one, everyone knows what happens to them.", either child slaves or traitors to the realm.

"Jenica, please.", Aerys pleaded once more and threw himself to his knees. "I beg you, please everything will happen the way you want, just don't leave me, please."

She felt like giving in only for a moment and then took a shaky breath and with the last strength she had, took a step back. She pressed a hand on her belly. "I deserve better than be your mistress.", she said what Daella told her to say. "I will be the Lady of Oldtown. People will bow to me."

"I can make the world bow to you.", he raised his head to look into her eyes, he was outright crying now.

"No, you can't.", she declared. "Only I can make that."


"What is it Barristan?", Lewyn asked the next morning when Jenica was leaving abruptly and Aerys was too drunk to actually think. "Your mind is as if it's not there."

"I am thinking about the future.", he answered stoically. "What will happen afterwards."

"Do not think too much.", he scoffed. "It is all part of the journey. No one can know or affect the destiny."

"Yes.", Barristan said with a grave tone. "No dagger can cut through the webs of fate.", he gave him a quick nod and approached to Jenica to take her to the harbour. Though on their hallway, the carriage stopped and Barristan, never regretting anything more, opened her door. "We need to walk through the back.", he informed her.

"Why?", her eyes were red and small due to crying and she had a terrible headache that she could not think. "We never did such a thing."

"The queen knows you are here.", Shaera Targaryen held one nasty grudge. "Her spies are roaming around in the harbour, it would be better to roam around."

"Very well then.", she answered and held Barristan's hand to step to the ground.

"The rest of your household will continue directly, we are just going to sneak you out.", Barristan declared and she pulled her hood to her hair and started to follow him.

"Are you going to kill me Barristan?", Jenica asked perhaps half an hour later when they went too deep into the fortress that hse had no idea where they were and Barristan froze on his spot. "If so, let us stop walking and be done with it. That old cunt ordered so, no?", she seemed unimpressed. "Or his evil daughter, which one?", when he didn't answer her but stopped walking, she huffed. "Look me in the eye, at least have the courage."

Barristan sniffled and forced himself to look her in the eye. "Forgive me, Jenica.", he said with a sense of true sadness. "I wouldn't want it to end this way. But this had been seen fit by the queen, for the future of our prince."

Jenica snorted her tears falling down. "I am leaving him, you don't have to do this.", she said. "I am to marry Gerard Hightower, you surely heard it. What would Gerold say to that?"

"I am a kingsguard.", he said with a clenched jaw. "I follow orders and my orders are clear.", he pulled his dagger and hold it close to her neck, she was looking at him with courage.

"They know about the wedding, no?", she laughed even in that situation. "They think it will come out, Valyrian or not, it will come out and it will change the balance. Put her wretched daughter and poor Rhaegar in a bad position. First, you'll get rid of me, and I can assure you, your next target will be Aerys. What will you do then?"

"Kingsguard is sworn to protect the royal family."

"Yes, but not from the king, or from the queen.", she took a deep breath. "I never thought my end would happen through an execution and that it would be you who commits the act.", she could feel his hands shaken. "Very well then, do your duty, obey your commands but,", despite the situation, she took a step forward. "I have one last wish from you.", she took another deep breath. "Do not spread blood because the blood of the royals does not get spread."

Barristan frowned with confusion, only to understand it a few seconds later. He took a step back as if she burnt him and the dagger fell to the ground. "Blood of the royals?", he asked with a shocked tone.

"Kill me if you want, my friend,", she straightened her spine. "but know that if you do so, you will also kill the child of our prince with me as well.", she placed her hands on her belly. "I am pregnant."


281 AC, Harrenhal

Five days before the incident...

"Ashara Dayne!", Robert slapped Ned's shoulder too hard he yelled loudly as he sat down at the big wooden table set in between their tents and Ned bowed his head in embarrassment. "Where did that come from?"

"You know Brandon.", he said quietly. "Likes to do things he shouldn't."

"Well I would kill to have her even for once.", he claimed, did not realize the look Ned sent to him and then just rolled his eyes. "Of course, if I would not be betrothed, Ned.", he sighed. "I would never insult your sister that way."

"I hope so.", he murmured but was not in a mood to argue further.

"But you gotta admit she is pretty.", Robert snorted as he hit the table loudly with both his hands in excitement as one of the servants brought him ale. "Tell her that and perhaps you can get even lucky."

"Why would she-", Ned closed his eyes and shook his head. He didn't want to hear for one more time how easy the Dornishwomen were, it started to bother him. "She is beautiful but I am not after entering her bed.", he thought it was enough explanation but obviously it was not.

Swallowing a big sip of the ale, Robert wiped his mouth and turned to his best friend. "Ned come on!", he yelled. "We are in the greatest tourney of our time where women are spinning around us. When will you find such an opportunity ever again? You had seen the women in the Vale.", he grimaced and Ned sent him a look.

"You found them pretty enough to sire a bastard, Robert, do not make me speak.", he refused when another servant offered him ale, he was not in the mood for it.

"Now there are two things to have sex, my friend, of course you know neither of them because you still are a virgin."

"Oh my...", Ned looked at him as if it was impossible to make him understand but he still feel the need to save his 'pride', even though he had no idea why. "I am not a virgin.", he declared with a quiet tone and Robert, to mock him, copied his movements and leaned down, whispered.

"If you say so."

"Robert!", Ned pushed his shoulder away and his best friend let out another loud laugh and patted Ned's back.

"All I am saying is that there is a difference between need and pleasure. When you have to, even the Valewomen are an option but for pleasure? That I would go to Ashara Dayne."

"And she would have you, right.", he shook his head.

"Of course, she would, did you ever look at me?", Robert let out a loud snort of confidence.

And while Ned agreed with him (with his tall height, electric blue eyes and black hair and beard, he was every maiden's dream after all, as it was very much obvious from the women who threw themselves his way) he didn't think, for some reason, he would be Ashara Dayne's type. Growing up with such handsome Dornsih nobility around her, literally, every man he saw from that region had something unique -which Robert did not have except his muscular body, she probably was indifferent to one's looks. And given her own ethereal beauty, she could have any men she would want so physical appearance truly was not something she would be interested in, he wanted to assume.

"She is an unmarried maiden, Robert.", he scolded his friend. "It is an insolence to even think about her like this and imply she would break her chas-"

"Oh for fuck's sake, Ned, when did you see a Dornishwoman with morals?", he snorted again as he finished his ale. "And well, we do hear things, no? For a woman of her age, there could be one reason why she is not married yet; there is nothing she can offer to her husband. Daynes are just some minor house from Dorne that means nothing to the rest of the realm after all. They are not rich nor powerful and given she is not a virgin either, why would any men would want her?"

"Shall I remind you the royal family carries Dayne blood in their veins, given Dyanna Dayne was the wife of King Maekar?"

"Yes, but she was not the queen, no? She died.", Robert pointed it out. "And so did any sort of influence they could have."

"Ser Arthur is a kingsguard.", Ned argued back. "Lord Dayne is the Voice of Torrentine. Lady Ashara is Princess Elia's chief lady-in-waiting and there are words that her younger sister will marry one of your own bannermen. Not only that but they have two uncles and an aunt that all married with people in power. They are very much influential if you'd ask me."

"Then it's a good thing, I don't.", he japed. "What I was trying to say is go for it.", he advised with a grin. "Live a little, my friend."


"This doesn't have an explanation, Rhaegar.", Jon probably was having an attack on something. It has been ages since Rhaegar saw him this angry before. "You are his prince, his best friend. It is your responsibility to control his household. How can you allow him to do that?"

"How could I know this would come this far, Jon?", he sighed. He was more poised than him on this matter. "I thought he would have his fun and then come back to his senses and end it.", he rubbed his face. "Or I don't know, Atera would see how stupidly and unnecessarily dangerous this is and she would end it."

"Well it didn't happen like that.", Jon snapped.

"I have talked with Arthur time and time again, he claims to love her.", he threw himself to the couch, it was why he couldn't do anything else.

He would never bare to upset his friend like this.

"What?", Jon turned to him, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, too angry to even speak. "Who the fuck cares about his love?!", he yelled loudly and Rhaegar grimaced. "This isn't his decision to make. He cannot just go and decide who to love, he cannot go and fucking act on it!", he started to pace around. "He is a kingsguard, he swore an oath."

"I know."

"She is betrothed to marry.", he hissed.

"I know that too, trust me."

"Do you know what this would cause if people would ever find out about this?"

"He would get sent to the Wall if he's lucky, executed probably. She would perhaps be married to Oberyn in haste and of course, banned from the court but there is still a chance for her to join to the Silent Sisters. Their families would lose a fortune, lands, influence, shame forever would be upon their names."

"You would lose this war before it even began.", Jon deadpanned. "If people would know you are incapable of controlling your own best friend, your own kingsguard, why would they follow you?", Rhaegar's face fell. "If they would know you are prone to show weakness, why would they believe in you? If they would know you allowed him to break a sacred oath, why would they think you will be a good king who upholds the law and custom?", he looked too dissapointent that Rhaegar couldn't remember his own anger. "You need to fix this before it is too late. Do not let such an affair ruin everything we all worked too hard for. Even at the expense of Arthur."


"No, no, I understood that part.", Oberyn nodded. "I just don't understand what do you want me to do about it."

"Talk to her.", Doric sighed.

"Great, alright, now tell me what makes you think she would listen to me.", Oberyn sent him a look. "She dislikes me more than she dislikes you, I can assure you that. If any, things would get worse if I would speak to her."

"I need any help I can get.", he insisted. "She is avoiding me. Doesn't speak to me, doesn't even look in my direction. The other night; we were supposed to have a family dinner and she told Leyton if I would be there, she would not come. And Leyton of course chooses her side."

"Because you did something wrong, sent to the exile and returned when he did not tell you to return."

"You do that all the time, it never brought you trouble."

"Because my exiles were never official.", he scoffed. "My mother just sent me away. Your brother did write you a verdict."

"You are supposed to be on my side, Oberyn, not theirs."

"Look,", he winked at one of the ladies that were looking at their side and Doric elbowed his stomach. "if I know a thing about your sister is that she holds grudges.", everybody knew that. "But you are her brother. So don't be a child and go and speak to her. She'll come around eventually. She can't be mad at you forever after all."

"She can. That's what a grudge means."


"Lord Stark,", on his way to return back to his chambers for a bath before he had to endure a family dinner that night, he met with Brandon. "good afternoon."

"Your grace.", he bowed. "I was hoping to speak to you on some matter."

"Come then,", he made a gesture and continued to walk. "I never had time to congratulate you on your betrothal with Lady Catelyn.", he spoke first. "She is very dear to my wife, served her with loyalty and devotion and for that, she always will have my gratitude. I hope she will find happiness and peace in her marriage.", he sounded gentle but Brandon wondered if his nice words carried a threat as well.

"Catelyn will make a fine wife.", he did not want to neither think or talk about her.

"I heard you will join the joust tomorrow. Hoping to challenge Oswell.", Rhaegar smiled at him. It was a strange thing for a Northerner to participate in knightly activities.

"My sister is very fond of horses.", he explained. "We spent too much time together riding since our father never allowed her to ride alone and she never enjoyed guards accompanying her. With time, I wanted to try it and turned out I was great at it.", he sent him a look. "We too have feats and tournaments in the North, your grace. You don't have to be an anointed knight to have good sports."

"Of course.", he agreed. "I wish you good luck while do wonder if it is wise to challenge your future wife's uncle.", Brandon raised an eyebrow. "Oswell can hold grudges, I can assure you.", he said it in a way that Brandon chuckled instead of getting defensive.

"That is what I wanted to speak to you, actually. Lord Whent has invited me, my brothers and Robert to fishing tomorrow morning, very early morning and I heard both Ser Oswell and Ser Brynden will accompany us. Given that both have threatened me in the past on several occasions, to be exact, I was wondering if you could join us as well, to be the ice breaker.", he didn't know why but apparently Jon Arryn wanted the prince to be there and since Robert refused, it was his task to convince him.

"Fishing?", Rhaegar sounded almost surprised.

"Yes, at the Trident itself.", when he sensed the prince's hesitance, he tried a different approach. "It would mean a lot to Catelyn, I believe if her uncles would like me."

Knowing that this is a great opportunity to be alone with the most important lords of the North, the Stormlands and the Riverlands, and without raising any questions, he agreed while not knowing even a thing about fishing.


"It's a good thing I am not interested in politics or I would ask you what is your aim, what are you planning to gain by turning the realm against Varys.", Oswell sat next to her.

"Trust me, it's much easier to hide in the shades than to get involved.", he sent her a look and Atera chuckled. "Jon doesn't like him. While the rest are known to us all, their weaknesses and such, Varys seem untouchable. And Varys is the one who talks the most against the prince. Jon blames him for creating an even further rift between the king and Rhaegar. He would like to see him gone but the king is too attached to him. The only way to win is to convince everyone, in public, that he is an enemy, not a friend."

"Westerosi Lords have little to no patience for foreigners after all.", Oswell commented. "But his little birds,", he playfully hit her shoulder with his, made her chuckle once more. "will notice what you are doing. Don't you think he'll come after you?"

"He already goes against my entire family by talking to that man. Braavosi deal happened because of us, if it would end, it would harm us the most. This is more than just what Jon wants. I need him to be gone."

"Your brother can't do anything for that?"

"I am not in a position to ask something from Leyton, to be honest. He is rather angry towards me."

"What did you do this time?", they were sitting in one of the ruins, legs hanging in the air with no one to hear them. "Please don't tell me he too found out about you and Arthur."

"Gods no.", she took an almost scared breath. "If he would, I would be in a ship right now, going to Oldtown to be locked in the Hightower, forever.", she pressed the last word. "There are things he can tolerate about me but this would not be one of them."

"If everyone is against you, family and friends, why are you keep doing this?", he wanted to know. "Arthur thinks he loves you."

Atera turned to him with an unreadable expression. "And you think he does not?"

His eyes lingered on her face before his tongue hit the roof of his mouth and he turned back to watch the ruins. "Only Rhaegar is capable of understanding what Arthur feels. Only he can read his mind and he was aware of you two for a while now. He doesn't think Arthur loves you, this was why he brought that woman to Dragonstone. And as far as I know, despite everything, he still thinks the same. And Arthur made no verbal confessions or some sort of a thing, so who knows?"

She did.

She knew Arthur didn't love her but used that as an excuse against everyone to cope with the guilt he felt.

"Love is for children.", she gave the same answer she gave to Elia. "I am enjoying what we are doing right now. The excitement and the secrecy of all but of course it will end one day.", it was proper to get herself used to this idea. "Nothing lasts forever after all.", Oswell sent her another lingering look and this time obviously bit his tongue for not to say a thing.

"Then I suggest you hurry up.", he sighed. "Almost the entire realm is here. It is more than dangerous now and you've made some powerful enemies. There is no need to give them a weakness they can attack, no?"

She just smiled faintly.


Harrenhal had bathtubs carved out of marble and hot water running through them. Some would say it had healing effects and all. And Rhaegar was starting to think perhaps such words were right. Barristan was guarding the door as he was laying, almost sleeping, in the bubble-filled bath as his two squires, Myles and Richard waited inside with towels in their hands. Remembering that he needs to be awake to join the family dinner -and then attend to the feast itself, he slowly laid down until his entire body was under the water. Myles and Richard shared a look but said nothing, they were used to that.

Only when Elia entered with a soft pink robe that suited her well, they made a move but to leave this time. Placed the towels and his afterbath clothes on the marble corner. Elia smiled at her husband's antics and sat in the corner of the tub, holding her belly. Sensing a different presence, Rhaegar rose and wiped his face, only to see his wife.

"El...", her back was turned on him to give him some privacy.

"I heard you wanted to see me?", both were more than tired. Watching the joust, trying to talk to as many nobles as they can without raising eyebrows, scheming for the small council and then dancing for hours at the feasts was harder than both thought.

"I missed you.", he admitted, his hand started to trace on her bare arm.

"We were together the entire day, watching the games.", she turned to him softly and Rhaegar shrugged.

"I don't want to join this dinner. It is an insult to eat from the same table with that girl. I cannot forget what she has done to you."

"I will never forget that as well and when the time comes, she will pay for it.", Elia assured him. She was not going to endure such an insult and even though Rhaegar frowned, he chose to say nothing about it. "But we need to join it. We need to be close to your father, closer than those leeches so we can get a hold of his plans."

"Will you stay with me tonight?", he asked with a quiet tone. "So I can know that I am not alone in this world."

"You are not alone, Rhaegar.", she turned to him completely. "You have me and our daughter and her cat,", she japed and even though a fainted smile appeared on Rhaegar's lips, it died out soon. "Arthur, Os-"

"I don't have Arthur, not anymore.", he said solemnly and she sighed. "He doesn't like me.", he looked so much like a child as he said that, his sadness was more than real but Elia didn't have a thing to say.

The room was very large, the floor and the walls were adorned with gold, multiple candles were lighting it, and small wooden tables carried wine and grapes and multiple kinds of fruits. Rhaegar, trying not to hit any of them, stood up and Elia sent him a cheeky look that made him chuckle truly this time but her enjoyment ended soon when Rhaegar wrapped a towel around himself and Elia's eyes focused on the black stone on the corner.

With a frown she approached there and hold it in her hands -it was heavy but it seemed there was nothing special about it. "What is that?"

"A very important and valuable stone.", Rhaegar sent a slight glance at her and with another small towel, started to dry his arms and shoulders.

"This?", Elia did not understand it and Rhaegar sat in the marble corner of the tub he was laying in just a minute ago, his feet still inside the water, he reached out his hand for Elia to approach him. "There is nothing unique about it."

"It is to me.", Elia's frown continued as she went to him and sat once more. "This is actually one of the most thoughtful gifts I have ever received.", when Elia's confusion continued he took the stone from her. "This is obsidian. Known as dragonglass as well.", Elia raised her eyebrows. "We have much and more in Dragonstone but it is forbidden to mine them, due to the orders of King Aegon the Fifth. We used to use them in trades but for some reason, he stopped them. He thought, or well, as much as I am told, he thought one day we will need them. But I always wanted to have one.", as Elia's smile grew, Rhaegar bowed his head to hide his blushing. "I know it is silly but-"

"It is not silly.", she held his hand. "It's just something I was not expecting. Who gifted this to you then?"

"Brandon Stark, earlier today.", Elia seemed surprised by that. "On behalf of his father, of course. Skagos, an island in the North, use dragonglass in their trades still, though I have no idea where they found such a big portion of it."

"It truly is a thoughtful gift but it is also meaningless. They could not know your interest in this stone, not even I did. And they surely do know we have much and more in Dragonstone. So they just gifted you a what? Random stone you can find it in your own home as well?"

"He said that he shared your sentiments about the subject. It was my great-great uncle Aemon who chose this gift.", Elia raised an eyebrow. "It seems he suggested so to Lord Stark during his last visit of the Watch and he followed his advice, which makes this stone even more valuable in my eyes."

"Why would Maester Aemon-"

"Your graces.", Myles entered with a blush but raised his head when he realized they were in a suitable fashion. "The dinner is about to start in half an hour, you must be prepared."

"I will wait for you in front of the room.", Elia placed a kiss on his cheek and left to get prepared, taking the stone with her.


"Is it true?", Jon hissed quietly as he matched Arthur's steps. Despite speaking to everyone, he still needed to hear a confirmation because he didn't want to believe Arthur would be such careless.


"You are at Rhaegar's side as a kingsguard, Arthur.", he continued to hiss as they walked past some nobles. "Rhaegar is the crown prince, he is at Dragonstone because every other lord, it is his duty to apply the king's justice. He should uphold the law more than anyone else if we want to prevail.", he continued to his scolding. "She is a highborn and betrothed lady -betrothed to marry the brother of Princess of Dragonstone. You are not only breaking your sacred vows but also committing adultery. If Prince Oberyn gets a hold on to this and would want to use it against you, he would win under a trial."

"Oberyn already knows and he doesn't care and he will not ask for a trial and even if he would I will simply ask for a trial by combat and I would win.", he explained calmly and when they reached an empty corner, Jon just pushed him to the wall through his chest.

"Even if Oberyn doesn't mind, if someone else would catch even a glimpse of it and would tell it to the king, not even Rhaegar would be able to save you, or any of you! You would be accused of oathbreaking, adultery and most importantly; treason!", his lips were pursed so much that it looked like the head of a needle as he spat. "How can you be this reckless? Especially when this is not even about you but the reputation of Rhaegar! Aerys will blame him, not you, not his favourite kingsguard. He will blame his own son for your mistakes, people will see Rhaegar as weak that he cannot control even you! Is it worth it?", he demanded to know. "Just for one woman; is it worth it to throw it all away? Your oaths, your honour, your duty?"

"I wouldn't do so if it was not worth it.", Arthur pushed him back much to Jon's shock. "This is my sin. If and when the time comes, I will take the punishment myself. Not Rhaegar, you do not need to worry."

"Even if you can manage to do that, what will cover the empty space in Rhaegar's life? Do you think he will be able to lose you and move on?"

"Oh, I am more than sure that he will have no problem doing so.", he said with a sad undertone. "He doesn't like me anymore."

Jon blinked at him. "You have until the tourney ends before you come to your senses.", he didn't buy that excuse at all. "Or I will have to personally deal with that."


The room was more than tense.

Aerys was not speaking, he did not even open his mouth the entire day, he was not even eating, just sitting at the head of the table. On the opposite side of him there was Rhaegar, who eyes his father with suspicion but also maintained his silence unless it was absolutely necessary. On the long sides of the table, Elia and Cersei were sitting at their opposite sides. Elia was eating with a dignified look while Cersei was the only cheerful one, still drunk on her victory.

Jaime was tied to him forever now and no one would be able to take him from her. Knowing Jaime locked himself to his room the entire day, Elia just wanted to bash the girl's head into the soup he was drinking.

"I heard from Lord Velaryon that before the next year ends, our navy will be far stronger than it was.", Rhaegar said dryly, sick of Cersei's nonsense talk.

"Good.", Aerys nodded.

"I also talked with Robert myself about the situation in the Kingswood. I am fairly sure that he finally understood it was not an insult towards him and that he should have kept his bannermen under more control."

"How is Lord Baratheon?", Cersei eyed the prince. Well, if he cannot be hers, then he could not be anyone and Varys' ideas on getting rid of him started to sound pretty sensible.

"Why would you care?", Rhaegar asked in a cold way. "What do you even know about Robert?"

"Well I do know such loyal and valiant lords are in a rarity.", she said in a way to throw a stone at Rhaegar but even Aerys sent her a look. Such words were not fit to describe Robert, not at all. Remembering what Varys told her to do, she changed the subject. "You do know Lord Connington from your childhood, just like Ser Arthur, yes, your grace?"

"I had fostered with his father and squired with him for Lord Baratheon, yes.", Elia held his hand pointedly. "But I did not see him for a while now.", not allowing her to create more nervousness in the room, he turned to the king. "Father, Elia and I would like to visit Dorne with Rhaenys before the baby comes. If you allow us so.", she truly needed such a break and from the loving look she sent to him -filled with surprise because she was not expecting that, Cersei became more and more sure to get rid of both of them.

She was the murderer of her baby, out of jealousy. Just because she was carrying the king's own blood and Elia just carried bastards in her womb, she wanted to kill her baby so the realm would not realize what king of a whore she was. She feared that and she killed her baby. And he sided with her. How could he do that when Cersei was in pain? How could he side with that whore when Cersei was the one who was suffering? It seemed the Dornish witch's magic was too strong and it left only one solution to Cersei.

Kill them both.


263 AC, King's Landing

18 years ago...

"Your grace,", Barristan entered with a very nervous expression. "Lady Hightower is here to see you."

Sending him a look, he shook his head. "Let her come."

"Aerys,", he took a step forward. "Gerard is here as well. Please do not do something that might cost a lot of people their lives."

"I have seen her before and managed to control myself.", spending the night of his coronation in the bed of a married woman was not exactly self-control but at least he didn't give away any secrets he was not supposed to know. "I would do nothing to endanger her.", he promised, knowing Barristan cared for her like a friend. "And Gerard will never know a thing.", he promised.

Or both knew what would happen to Jenica. Despite being a good man, he never was the one who would take such grave insults lightly.

"What I fear is Rhaella.", Barristan sent him a look. "What she knows and what she would tell."

"If Rhaella would open her mouth to the wrong people, I will just close it for her, forever.", he shrugged but Barristan had no doubt he would do so.

"Your grace.", Jenica entered a moment later, looking as beautiful as usual, enough to make Aerys' breath hitch.

"Lady Hightower,", he stood up and tied his hands behind his back. "welcome to the capital. I hope the journey was not troublesome for you."

She hated carriage journeys. It hurt her stomach but there was just too much storm for them to travel by ship and Gerard insisted on her coming. He, her, Leyton and baby Atera. It was a journey that went harder than it was supposed to but at least while Gerard couldn't take it any longer and rode to his own expense, Leyton stayed in the carriage to help his stepmother and new half-sister.

"We are still alive.", she answered with the same cynical tone Aerys loved. "If the Gods would be just, Gerard would fall from his horse the moment he dared to mount it but well.", she raised her eyebrows briefly and sighed playfully, Aerys couldn't help but chuckle, and then his expression softened.

"How is he?", ever since the wedding, nothing was the same between the cousins. "Is he treating you well?"

"He is kind and attentive.", she answered with a forced smile but Aerys could see she was not lying. "He brings me flowers every single morning, buys me all kinds of gifts, throws feasts just so I can entertain myself and even allows me to sit in his council to spend time. He knows how much I hate to work with needle and thread and he understands me, in a way.", words felt heavy as they left her mouth because she was supposed to live those with the man in front of her, not the man that was waiting for her. "He loves me, I believe."

"And you?", he asked with a broken tone. "Do you love him?", Jenica did not answer to that. "Your daughter then?", he was itching to know more. "How old is she now?"

"Barely two.", Jenica smiled but her heart was crying out loud. "But already started to speak. Not in an advanced way but you know, she chatters like parrots all day long.", both smiled at that.

"I do wonder what kind of a mother are you.", he said solemnly the next second, and she seemed befuddled.

"Normal, I guess. A good one, I hope. But I do admit, I am not that successful.", she huffed. "Gerard is far better than I. And even Leyton."

"Leyton has what? Five of them already.", he shook his head. "Of course, he should be better than you."

"Let's see,", she narrowed her eyes as she thought. "there are the twins, Alerie and Baelor, and of course little Malora. Garth is just two days younger than my own, Denyse was born a year after him. Yes, five.", she shook her head. "Only Gods knows how poor Meredyth and Leyton are managing to look after all of them, and to Atera in addition."

"Atera,", Aerys raised his eyebrows. "what a beautiful name.", he always hold himself back to know her name. "A Valyrian name.", their eyes met and Aerys caught the worry in her green eyes for a second.

"Leyton chose it.", the answer came soon enough. "A star name, I guess."

"The brightest star in the queen constellation, yes.", he nodded. "A beautiful choice.", after his eyes roamed around her nervous figure, he asked with defeat. "Why are you here, Jenica?"

"Gerard came here to make a formal petition for you to interfere with the problem concerning Darry.", it was a blood land fight. One of their daughters married one of Gerard's bannermen and now they were claiming it belonged to them. Gerard was one step away from declaring war against them. "I thought-"

"My personal displeasure with him would affect my judgement. Is that what you thought?", he asked in a disappointed way. "I am not my father, don't you know that.", Jenica's eyes softened. "I of course will do what is right."

Jenica sighed as her eyes met with the necklace on his desk. It was a beautifully adorned thing with gold, emeralds and sapphires. "It is so very beautiful.", she commented on that. "Then I should start my preparations to return back to Oldtown, now that it seems we should not stay here longer."

"Do that,", Aerys nodded. "but first answer me; did you like it?"

"Of course I did. Have you done it yourself?", it was a Dornish custom that he inherited from his grandfather, making jewellery to teach himself patience.

"It can be yours if you love it.", he looked at her with hope as she was the only one he thought of as he did that.

Jenica seemed in disbelief for a second. Her eyes went between the necklace and Aerys's face. It had been ages since he last gave her a jewel he made, she was wearing it every single day. Gerard asked once and she made up a story about how it was an heirloom passed from her mother and he seemed to believe to that but still, accepting this gift would be foolish, too daring.

"Can you help me to wear it?", yet she asked with the excitement of a child and a bright smile. Knowing this could be something they have, forever and ever, upset both but still, Aerys took the necklace and approached her back.

Allowing themselves to have this just one moment.


"Where are we going Gerold?", little Rhaegar asked with a huff as his mother's ladies were dressing him up.

"First to visit the king and then to your lessons with Maesters.", he explained with a small smile.

Rhaegar huffed for the first time when he heard about his lessons, usually, he was excited to go there. "I don't want Maester Pycelle to teach me."

"And why is that little prince?", Gerold made a sign to Joanna Lannister to move and kneeled to one knee to button his belt himself. "Don't you like him?"

"I already know everything he teaches.", he rolled his eyes despite being too young to do that. "I tell him that too. I tell him to teach me more but he refuses and tells me the things I know. It is boring. I can read in the library myself instead of going there.", Gerold chuckled at him. "I want a new Maester."

"Maester Pycelle is the Grand Maester, Rhaegar.", Joanna said in a weird way that Gerold didn't like. What did the woman think? Bringing a new Maester would prevent Tywin from mind-control Rhaegar. Was she working with her cousin as well? "You cannot find someone better than him."

"My brother has arrived at the Red Keep today.", Gerold didn't mind him. "He knows all the Maesters in the Citadel. I am sure if you ask nicely, he can send you another one."

Rhaegar's eyes shone with excitement and hugged Gerold briefly before he started to run. "You should not spoil the prince, Ser Gerold.", Joanna Lannister spoke with her icy tone. "As every royal prince, he should be taught by the Grand Maester."

"And you should not state your opinion before somebody asked you, Lady Joanna.", he snapped back. "You are yet to marry with the Lord Hand. Until then, keep your thoughts to yourself."

"Where is Rhaegar?", Rhaella entered the room as she wore her earrings and frowned. "Where is my son?"

"Run to the king's side, your grace.", Gerold sent her a look. "Would you want me to catch him?"

"Not necessary.", they did not like one another. "I can get my own son.", Gerold only sent her a look and moved to the side to allow Rhaella to leave her solar.

Running to his father's chambers, as he tried to turn from the corner, he hit a woman and before he fell back, she steadied him. "Are you alright boy?", the woman asked with a frown.

"I am not a boy, I am the prince.", Rhaegar copied her frown. With that information, Jenica's eyebrows raised a little in newfound attention and she bowed to her knees. "Let me go now, I will go to my father."

"You cannot.", Jenica said with an interested tone, her eyes roaming around Rhaegar's face, this was the first time she had seen him. "You should not be alone, where is the kingsguard?", she asked, it was dangerous for the only heir to the throne to run away in the halls.

It seemed Rhaella was a worse mother than her.

"Who are you?", Rhaegar asked with focused eyes now, he tried to remember her but he was sure he had never seen her before. "Do I know you?"

"I am Jenica Hightower.", she said with a small smile. "I am married to your father's cousin, I came here with him."

"You know my father?", Rhaegar asked with widened eyes and her smile turned into a sad one.

"I know him very well.", she stood up and held his hand. "Now come, let us find a kingsguard who can take you to your father's side."

But before they managed to turn around Rhaella with her ladies and Gerold appeared. "Rhaegar!", she yelled all of a sudden, startled everyone, including the small boy. "Come here at once, leave that woman!", she kept yelling and Gerold rubbed his face. He did not know Jenica would come as well. When both Jenica and Rhaegar looked at her with the same confusion -hers carried also a sharp judgement, she went to them and snatched Rhaegar's hand too tight that the little prince let out a hurt sound. "What are you doing?", she hissed without minding his pain. "Let go of my son."

"If you care about your son this much, perhaps you shouldn't have let him run away like this.", she said without respect. "He fell and I helped him."

"How dare you speak to her grace like that?", Joanna hissed and Jenica sent her a mocking look.

"And how dare you to speak to me like this?", Joanna seemed like she was going to say something but she raised her hand to stop her. "I am the Lady of Oldtown. The next time you show such disrespect, I will order my guards to whip you until you learn your manners."

They hated each other as Tywin was one of the men who proposed to Jenica but she rejected it by laughing at his face in public.

As they bickered, Rhaella's other ladies took the crying prince away. While Gerold wanted to go after him, he stayed to interfere. Rhaella's eyes followed the corridor where she came from. "You little whore, you were-", but she stopped when her eyes found the necklace on her chest. "This necklace is mine!", she hissed as her hand held it tightly and with shock. She saw Aerys doing it and planned to take it for herself, now seeing it on Jenica's neck...

She could very well break it.

"Your husband gifted to me.", Jenica mocked her further. "I would not be surprised, given it fits me better."

Rhaella raised her hand to slap her and Joanna took a step back with a scream Jenica held Rhaella's white hair and banged her face to the wall until Gerold's strong hands pulled her away.


"Attacking to the queen, seriously?", Gerard entered the room with an amused smile as Leyton was applying a soothing cream to her cheek, she did not want to see anyone else. "Who did win?", this was not the news he expected to be greeted with after he left the council meeting. He took one of the grapes to his mouth as he mocked his wife.

"I almost fucking perished her if it were not for your brother.", she said with anger that didn't pass.

"Gerold told me you almost killed her.", he raised his eyebrows. "If he did not stop you and you achieved your goal, you would follow her as well. She is the queen, Jenica."

"It would be worth it.", her eyes focused on the wall as she dreamt of her demise and whispered with adamance. Leyton shared a look with his father. "I hate that fucking whore, I always did. you cannot blame me for hitting her after she did it first."

"She is the queen Jenica.", Leyton repeated to his father. "You cannot hit her.", despite Gerard's joy, he seemed overly serious. "This still might cost you your hand or something."

"Nah, she'll be fine.", Gerard poured them all wine. "Aerys is more angry at his wife than her.", this time Jenica and Leyton shared a look, a secret both swore to never mention. He approached his wife in a loving way when Leyton's job ended, placed a kiss on her hair, gave her a glass of wine, sat in front of her and as his hands traced the red marks on her neck -Rhaella did pull the necklace at some point, he asked with a sweet threat. "Where did that necklace come from, wife?"

With that Jenica's entire body got tensed and Gerard raised his eyebrows once more. "The king gifted.", telling the truth would be wiser against him, she knew that much.

"Why my cousin the king gave you a necklace of such worth, that he made himself?"

"Because I asked him to.", she looked into his eyes, Leyton was standing in the corner with worry. "It was a pretty necklace."

"And he just gave it to you?", he wanted to know.

"I asked nicely, I guess?", she blinked and tried to jape but not even a muscle moved in Gerard's handsome face. "You know he hates Rhaella as much as we do. He saw an opportunity and took it."

"I would not go as far as to say that he hates her.", he sent her a look. "Given she is pregnant once more."

"Oh.", she commented dryly and even after today she didn't miscarry that child. Why were the Gods not on her side? "Then let us hope this would teach her some manners.", Gerard kept looking at her without blinking. "If you have something to say, say it Gerard.", she commanded as she raised her chin.

A slight smile appeared on his lips as he narrowed his brown eyes. "Where is your sister?", he asked Leyton.

"My uncle wanted to see her. Lucerys brought my children with him,", he said with sadness. "so he brought her there to play with the girls and Baelor."

"Good.", Gerard nodded. "Now leave us alone."


"Leave us.", he ordered once more and Jenica shared a look of panic with Leyton that both hide well but still, he obeyed his father's orders.

"Gerard I-", he didn't let her finish and with a sharp move, while his hand still wrapped around her neck, he pulled her for a kiss.


Aerys came that night, at least after Jenica took a bath -it seemed Gerard, while had no accusations to make, was a bit pissed at such a gesture so he did not leave her side for hours. She didn't know what he tried to prove to her but she could not say she didn't enjoy it, though she was sore and tired and just wanted to sleep after reading her book.

She stood up the moment he entered but with worry. "You should leave.", she said without even curtsy. "If Gerard would hear you are here-"

"Gerard is with Gerold and Leyton, spending time with his daughter who obviously has some problem with sleeping.", Aerys said casually. "Rhaegar has that as well. It always took hours between tucking him into the bed and him closing his eyes.", he shook his head to her annoyed expression. "You hit my wife, I think I do deserve to hear an explanation."

"She hit me first.", she shrugged. "I wish I would hit her harder."

"She is the queen.", Aerys raised his eyebrows.

"Not my queen.", Jenica huffed and turned her head away.

"Yes, but she did give me a child and now will give me one more.", screw Barristan, he thought. And screw Gerard. "It is one more than you."

Jenica's head snapped towards him. "Wh-"

"I saw your daughter, she is so very adorable.", Aerys said with a true smile. "Her blue eyes, her white hair, her cheekbones, her trouble sleeping... She took it all after me."

Jenica took a step back as she tried to swallow but her mouth was too dry. "Light blonde.", she tried to say. "She has light blonde hair, I am blonde as well."

"Your hair might as well be ginger, let us not fool ourselves."

"She took her eyes from her uncle. Gerold has the same eyes, and so does their mother."


"She looks like her grandmother. Even Princess Daella said so. She is-"

"Don't.", he ordered, he was impossibly close to her. "Why do we hide the same secret from one another?", she shook her head as tears appeared in her eyes, she couldn't even speak. "She is my daughter.", and with that, she broke down crying and he wrapped his arms around her until she calmed down.

Neither ever found out Gerard listening to them through the door with Atera in his arms.


"Your grace?", Arthur entered the dark room, the king, as usual, was sitting in front of the fireplace, watching the flames dance, it was too late at night and he had no idea why he was summoned. "You asked for me?"

"Do you know who Jenica Westerling is, Arthur?", the question came unexpectedly and a few minutes later after Arthur asked and he felt himself tilting his head in confusion.

"She is the mother of Lady Atera, your grace.", he sensed the danger, though he had no idea why. "The former Lady of Oldtown."

"Have you ever met her?"

"Never had the honour, no."

"Of course, she was long gone before you came to the court. Do you know what happened to her?"

"She got executed on behalf of charges of treason.", he was being careful, since he had no idea where this was going.

"That was the cover story, she got executed for adultery.", Arthur knew that, obviously. "The order was given and got followed on the same day, without telling anyone. I don't have to say that Gerard had no right.", that came as a hiss. "I was the king, it should have been my decision but he acted out himself, while I was in Dorne with Rhaegar.", his head turned towards him and made a motion. "Don't stand there, Arthur, approach, sit.", he pointed out the chair on the opposite side of him and Arthur, with cautious movements, took off Dawn and did as he ordered. "She was so very beautiful.", his eyes focused on the flames once more. "Full of life, full of energy. She was the brightest person I've ever met. She would enter a room and command respect. She was only two and twenty when she died, too young for such a horrible fate but she did live her life. She could do so much more if she had more time though.", Aerys sent him a look. "Your mother liked her. Your father did too. That was why they accepted when I offered a betrothal between you and her daughter."

"Your grace?", he asked in confusion.

"I heard she was receiving proposals already and Leyton was actually thinking about them and well, I always liked you, Arthur. Because of your honesty, your adamance, your awareness of duty and responsibility, your good manners and all and I thought you would be a far better match to her than the rest. But then that betrothal never happened, Arthur. Why?"

"I-,", he narrowed his eyes. "I swore myself to you, your grace. To the kingsguard."

"Yes, but why?", he pressed. "Did my son ask you to do that?"

"No, it was my decision and Prince Rhaegar did try to change my mind but I believed this was what I needed to do.", of course he was not going to mention Andric's evil plan.

"Hmm.", he took a deep breath and turned back to the fireplace. "I loved her, you know.", the confession came perhaps half an hour after. "Jenica. I loved her, she was my best friend but also the love of my life.", Arthur had no idea what to think or feel at that moment. Aerys' eyes found him once more. "Our parents always hated me and wanted to see Rhaella on the throne, as the queen. So they arranged a ruse, made my grandfather believe it was all part of the grand plan and then forced us to marry. Once Rhaegar was born, they had no use for me. So for the next three years, I faced dangers from all sides. It was kill or get killed so when I heard what they have done, I did not hesitate.", a dark shadow passed through his eyes. "Illness, the Maesters like to say. I would suggest poison instead.", Arthur kept his face calm and emotionless though there was ice in his veins now, he was sure of it. "He was unfit of the throne, unfit to rule. He was meek, thoughtless, just one upgraded version of a sheep, he did not deserve to be the king but I had to do so because I wanted to continue to live. Years have passed, and I do not regret it still.", missed him from time to time but regret never came.

"Your grace-"

Aerys sent him a mocking look and Arthur closed his mouth. "I wanted to marry her.", he confessed it. "I proposed to her. Have you ever seen the emerald ring Atera has been wearing for some time now?", Arthur nodded hesitantly. "It belonged to her.", he said but Arthur seemed still in confusion. "It was just a few moons before their deaths, Barristan approached me and told me that they ordered him to kill Jenica because they were fearing her existence would threaten Rhaella and Rhaegar and you know Barristan.", he scoffed tirelessly. "He would always follow orders so I was sure it was a confession, not something else but then he told me he couldn't. Because she was with child.", Arthur frowned. "My child."


At first, he didn't think anything, not truly. It was like thoughts were slipping from his hands as he tried to catch them but then he started to think all at the same time and panic rose in his chest after many years of self-control.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

"No.", he said it out loud at last, eyes widened, mouth too dry, he was sure he looked almost ashen. "No.", it was all he managed to say but Aerys nodded.


"But-", he opened and closed his mouth a few times. "She is-"

"My daughter, yes.", he nodded once more. "Jenica realizes she is with a child, and fears it will be a boy. You must understand the last of the Blackfyre rebellions was just ended, so she goes to my aunt Daella, for help."

"Atera's grandmother.", he whispered.

"Great aunt, more likely.", he sent him a look. "And aware of the dangers, she arranges a marriage between Jenica and her own son, Gerard. You must hear at least once how she was born early but in perfect health. You must have realised she doesn't look like them, not truly.", he shook his head. "I found out about it only two years after."

Atera is his daughter.

Atera is the king's daughter.

Atera is Rhaegar's sister.

Gods no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Rhaegar tried to poison his own sister.

Arthur was sleeping with Rhaegar's sister, the king's daughter.

Aerys's daughter.

...they had the same eyes, all along.

They mocked her for having white hair as she claimed it was just too light blonde. She had the same slender figure as the Targaryens and the same high cheekbones. Oswell joked in Griffin's Roost that people would believe if they would claim those two were siblings because they looked too alike.

Rhaegar's hands were always cold and he always felt as if he was freezing, Atera was the same. Rhaegar always enjoyed long walks spent in silence, Atera enjoyed the same. Rhaegar loved berries of all kinds, it was the only fruit Arthur had ever seen Atera eating. Rhaegar disliked deserts, he got that from Aerys who did not eat deserts and he remembered her little mocking look all those years ago when Rhaegar told her he made the kitchens to prepare desert and Arthur has never seen her eating anything remotely sweet because, fuck, Atera did not eat deserts.

She had his eyes, his hair colour, it was wavy just like Aerys'. Rhaegar had wavy hair too. He got that from his father as well because Rhaella's hair fell to her back just like that. They were too comfortable with each other because even though they didn't know they were siblings.

Arthur witnessed her relationship with Leyton, it was almost the same with Rhaegar because they were siblings. She didn't know. He didn't know. But they felt it, they must have felt it. And Rhaegar poisoned her. He poisoned his own sister without knowing. He could have killed his own sister, without knowing.


He blinked visibly. She was not Gerold's niece. She was Gerold's nothing but what? Third cousin? Fourth? Too irrelevant to consider. She was not a Hightower. Leyton was not her brother. Alysanne was not her niece. She was what then? Waters? But no, she did not born in Crowlands. She was born in Oldtown so what? Flowers? Atera Flowers is that so? She was a bas-

She was not a bastard.

Arthur felt himself looking at the king with horror. "You didn't give that ring to Lady Jenica when you proposed to her.", he barely managed to breathe the words with a weird tone and Aerys just watched him. "You gave it to her when you married her."

"At Summerhall, yes.", he nodded. "With a Valyrian wedding, before I married Rhaella. We thought it would force their hands to marry us but they had other plans."

"It was why they wanted to kill her because-"

"If this would get out, Valyrian or not, the knowledge of me being married, could and would mean the end of Rhaella. I of course would not let Rhaegar suffer because of her, he would remain as my heir but I would cast her aside and marry Jenica instead. They wanted to prevent that."

What did that mean?

Was Rhaegar a bastard in this case? Didn't he hold a legitimate claim over the throne? Did that belong to Atera? Rhaegar was older than her but the king married her mother first. What did that mean?

Valyrian wedding was not seen as binding in front of the Seven and the Targaryens converted to Seven a long time ago so in their eyes; his wife was Rhaella, and now Cersei, and Rhaegar was his heir, Atera a bastard.

But Old Gods also had no value in the eyes of the Seven, marriages that took place in front of a heart tree were not binding for the Seven and yet everyone in the North continued to marry that way because they followed different Gods and the Starks were as legitimate as everyone else. And if Aerys would claim he followed the Valyrian Gods and married Jenica, then it made Atera the true heir of the throne and Rhaegar a bastard.

Without realizing what was happening a glass of wine entered his eyesight, the king was looking almost concerned. "Drink that, child.", he ordered. "It looks like you need it."

It explained everything.

Atera tried to murder someone with a dagger she stole from the king and got no punishment, not even a scolding. Instead, he tended to her wounds. He fired Tywin because he called her a 'bastard'. He gave Aegon's blade to her, the sign of legitimacy under the eyes of the many. He wanted her to be his ward, he wanted her to-

He wanted her to grow up with Rhaegar as if they were siblings.

He stopped their betrothal, he didn't want them to marry because he hated incest. He hated Rhaella. He didn't want siblings to marry. That was why Rhaegar married Elia instead. His aim was never to humiliate Atera but to stop incest. He always knew they were siblings, from the start, even before that. It was not Gerold, it was Aerys all along.

It was why Atera managed to convince him to name Jon the Hand. Not because she manipulated him but because she was his daughter and he wanted to make her happy. He congratulated her when she slapped Rhaegar. He loved her, he cared for her, it was obvious and was a reason to wonder for too long now and now everything made sense, it all happened because she was his daughter.

And she was plotting to dethrone him, forcing him to abdicate. And Arthur knew it damn well she had other plans as well.

A-, he blinked again, but the thought didn't stop and hit him hard.

Atera poisoned Cersei.

Gerold knew that Aerys knew that, they suspected the king knew that and yet he did nothing and instead told her about Rhaella because he didn't want her to hate him because in his mind, he justified his actions and that was why he explained all to Atera because she is his daughter and he didn't want her to have another idea.

But Atera did poison Cersei.

Atera did cause her to miscarry.

Atera did kill her unborn sibling by not knowing it.

"Why?", Arthur took deep breaths as he swallowed his wine. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I saw you two last night.", he looked directly into his eyes and Arthur felt like passing out.

"She did nothing it was me-", he was speaking as if he was a drunk and perhaps he was, his head hurt too much and Aerys stopped him with his hand.

"Do not even try. I saw what I saw."

The king knew.

The king knew they were having an affair, and he broke his oaths. He was going to execute them both but no-


Atera was his daughter, her mother got executed just because of that, and he would not do so to her.

Was there poison inside his wine? Was he going to die instead of her?

"Your grace-"

"Do you love her?", Aerys asked all of a sudden and like a fish, Arthur opened and closed his mouth but not a sound came out of it. "You have two options here, Arthur.", the king looked almost gentle and understanding. "I can release you from your vows.", Arthur heard the blankness in his head. "I can release her from her betrothal with Oberyn. I personally would speak to Doran and Leyton both and you two would marry, and love one another freely, I can give you a keep, even, a good one. You would be happy together without silly oaths getting in your way. I would even allow you to stay in court given how close you are with my son and how she likes to scheme. But with only one condition.", he leaned forward. "You see; I loved Jenica and I always loved her and I will always love her but my heart got broken when I found out I had a daughter and she lied to me and I cannot allow you to do the same to her.", he looked directly into his eyes. "I can give you this future if only you would be honest to her and tell her everything I just told you. Or,", he stood up. "if you do not have the guts to do so, it means your love is not real so whatever happens between you two ended right here tonight. Make your choice."


I have updated the chapter "prologue". There was just something that didn't fit rightly, as you would understand, characters have changed with time and I have decided to follow a different route. It is nothing vast, just a few things about Atera and Rhaegar's demeanour (because they didn't left things well at Harrenhal and ToJ is where they see each other again) and in this version, Atera doesn't know Lyanna is with child (for drama purposes).

Please do not forget to follow me on TikTok (@songofsapphire) to get spoilers about future chapters and insights on characters.

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