Yearning | Hogwarts Legacy

By smile_arigatou

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Hogwarts 1891. Sabrina Pryor-Lewis, the resilient daughter. Ominis Gaunt, the earnest heir. Sebastian Sallow... More

Author's Note
Chapter One : Welcome Home
Chapter Two : First Day of Class
Chapter Three : Potions Class
Chapter Four : Quidditch Tryouts
Chapter Five : Electives
Chapter Seven : Ache
Chapter Eight : Siblings
Chapter Nine : Living In A Mad World
Chapter Ten : The Gaunt Family
Chapter Eleven : Broken Promises
Chapter Twelve : Helping
Chapter Thirteen : The Auror
Chapter Fourteen : Wise Men Say
Chapter Fifteen : Only Fools Rush In
Chapter Sixteen : Away From Prying Eyes
Chapter Seventeen : Small Victories
Chapter Eighteen : Slytherin vs Gryffindor
Chapter Nineteen : Truths
Chapter Twenty : Dark Magic
Chapter Twenty-One : The Dragons and The Unicorns
Chapter Twenty-Two: Sebastian Thomas
Chapter Twenty-Three : Fistful of Roses
Chapter Twenty-Four : Burning Hearts
Chapter Twenty-Five : Change In The Winds
Chapter Twenty-Six : Losing Game
Chapter Twenty-Seven : Rookwood
Chapter Twenty-Eight : Yearning
Chapter Twenty-Nine : I Want You...
Chapter Thirty : Reunion
Chapter Thirty-One : The Den of Serpents
Chapter Thirty-Two: Cross My Heart
Chapter Thirty-Three : Hope To Die
Chapter Thirty-Four : Strength
Chapter Thirty-Five: Falbarton Castle
Chapter Thirty-Six: Storm of Ice and Truth
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Let It Hurt
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Auld Lang Syne
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Play With Fire
Chapter Forty: Ominis Lucian
Chapter Forty-One: Observation
Chapter Forty-Two: Hate
Chapter Forty-Three: Bananas
Chapter Forty-Four: I Wanna Be Yours
Chapter Forty-Five : Raising Hell
Authors Note
Chapter Forty-Six: Snakes and Eagles
Chapter Forty-Seven: Changes
Author's Final Thoughts
Up Next....
It's Only The Beginning....
*Extra* Yearning Bloopers

Chapter Six : Missing

488 22 70
By smile_arigatou

"What are you thinking so intently about?"

Ominis felt Sabrina shift next to him in the grass, probably to turn her head away from basking in the warm spring sun to look at him. It was early spring, as a matter of fact, and Anne and Sebastian had dragged the pair with them back to Feldcroft to take advantage of the beautiful weather. The twins had since taken off to look at some nearby creek filled with purple toad tadpoles, leaving Sabrina and Ominis behind with the blanket picnic that had been set up.

The picnic had been forgotten, however, and now Ominis found himself lying on the grass with Sabrina, taking in the warm sun in the sky and the slight cool breeze that sometimes came by.

"How did you know I was thinking so intently?" she asked him.

"I know you," Ominis answered truthfully. "When you're deep in thought, you're a lot quieter than normal, and you sigh more. Now, please tell me what's on your mind."

Sabrina sighed again, and he could hear her head moving again. "I was thinking about my father."

Ominis also shifted his head so he was facing where she was. "Your father?"

"He's been missing since I was three years old. Minerva and everyone thinks he's dead but...." There was dejection and thought in her voice as she struggled to put the words together.


It took a moment for Sabrina to respond, her voice low as if she wasn't sure she should be speaking this out loud. "What if he's not? What if Theodore Lewis is alive? What if he survived Victor Rookwood and his search for the ancient magic and the repository?" She paused, and Ominis could barely hear her. "What if he doesn't want to come back?"

"What do you mean?" Ominis asked, gently coaxing. This had startled him slightly, like he knew where Sabrina was going with this.

"If he is alive, why hasn't he come back to Hogsmeade? Why hasn't he come to find me or Fig or Minerva? What if... what if he doesn't want to come home?"

Carefully, Ominis shifted so he lay on his side closer to her. It felt as if they were talking in their own private space, like they were in a dream sharing secrets that only them would ever hear or dare to think of. "You think he doesn't want to come home to you?"

"If he did, why hasn't he found me?" The pain was very clear in the girls' voice now.

Ominis thought for a moment. "You said that when you talked to Professor Weasley, a lot of people thought that you had died with your mother. Maybe.... Maybe he did come looking for you? Maybe he thought the same thing everyone else did?"

"But 'The Daily Prophet' even did an article on Rookwood and Ranrok. They didn't have my name, but they said they were defeated by a student."

"That could be anyone–"

"But not anyone has the ability to do what I can do. To do what I did." He felt her shift, and by the sound of her voice it sounded like she had shifted to her side as well to face him. "Ominis... I'm scared. I'm scared that even after all of this, after learning the truth and spending so much time to find him and my mother, I'm scared that he doesn't want me anymore."

The thoughts broke Ominis' heart. He could imagine the pain she was going through, and he wanted more than anything to take that pain away from her. No one deserved to think these things about themselves. Especially someone as kind and gorgeous as Sabrina.

"If Theodore Lewis is alive," Ominis began. "And if he finds out you are alive and still he chooses not to return, then that will be a judgment on him and not on you. Sabrina, you have done nothing wrong. And we will find the truth about him, even if it takes a lifetime."

He felt a warm hand envelope his own, and it startled Ominis at first but he didn't move it. Instead, he grabbed on and gently squeezed in what he hoped was a reassuring manner.

"You're the best person I've ever met, Ominis Gaunt."

Ominis smiled. "As are you, Sabrina Lewis."

It was the first time Ominis felt like telling her he loved her.

"There's an official missing persons department?"

"There is," Professor Weasley told Sabrina after class one day. "It's officially called the 'Department for Missing Witch and Wizard'. I'm not sure why I didn't think of it before, but I figured it would be a great start to see if any information on Theodore had come in."

"How do I get in touch with them?" Sabrina asked, feeling her heart beating fast.

Professor Weasley frowned. "Well, they prefer owl mail. And it'll have to have an official family seal if you want a response quickly."

"A seal?"

"A wax seal. Every wizarding family or major entity has one. I believe you had one on your Hogwarts letter."

Sabrina remembered. When she got her first Hogwarts letter, it had a red wax seal with the Hogwarts crest on it. If she needed it to submit the inquiry at the Ministry, she would have to look in her mother's desk and see if hers was still there. "I'll go to the house this weekend and see if I have one," she told her professor. "And I'll work on the letter. Any information they may have is worth something."

Professor Weasley nodded. "I agree. When you go home this weekend, please make sure you have someone accompanying you. I've been hearing terrible rumors that some of Rookwood's sympathizers have been in the area."

"I will, Professor. Thank you."

The first people Sabrina went to were Poppy and Natty. Unsurpringing, Natty was busy with Quidditch practice, and Poppy had an excuse that she had a lot of beasts to take care of. Sabrina could tell both girls felt somewhat bad, and she tried not to let it bother her.

Her Slytherin friends, however, had a different story.

"We're celebrating Ominis' birthday this weekend," Anne explained. "We'll be heading over to the Three Broomsticks for butterbeers and gifts. He's turning 17 this year! That's considered adult age in the wizarding world, so it's a big milestone."

"Oh," Sabrina had responded. Her stomach dropped a bit at the mention of Ominis. Ever since their first Muggle Studies class, he had gone back to completely ignoring her like before, and Sabrina had begun to seriously wonder what she could have done to upset him.

"Well, you're coming, aren't you?"

"Oh, no," Sabrina said quickly. She caught Anne's look of surprise and began explaining. "Butterbeer doesn't agree with me, so I'll just let you three have all the fun."

Anne began to argue, but was interrupted by Sebastian when he and Ominis came walking into the Great Hall. "Hey, Sabrina," he called out. "I don't have Astronomy tonight, so did you want to meet back in the Undercroft to try and work on your patronus?"

"Yes please!" Sabrina told him. "I'm still not getting anywhere with it."

Anne nudged her brother. "And you should try and convince her to come with us to the Three Broomsticks on Saturday."

Sebastian looked at Sabrina. "You're not coming to his birthday?"

Sabrina looked at Sebastian before glancing over at Ominis. He looked tense at the conversation, as if he was uncomfortable with his friends' suggestions. Sabrina quickly looked back at Sebastian. "No, I won't be. I actually have to go back to the house in Upper Hogsfield for something, so I won't be able to make it."

"But Upper Hogsfield is–"

"But thank you for the invitation," Sabrina cut him off. She glanced back over at Ominis before he walked away to sit down. She couldn't see his face.

"Think of a happy memory."

"I'm trying."

Sabrina had her eyes closed and was struggling to focus and find one singular happy moment. No matter what she tried, as soon as she found something her mind would immediately turn it into a negative memory.

"What memory are you thinking about?"

"That's it, Sebastian. I can't think of one."

She heard Sebastian sigh in frustration. "Then... I don't know. Think of a person."

Ominis instantly came to mind. Sabrina thought of her last interaction with him outside of Fig's classroom, and how gentle and kind he had been. He was always so patient with her, very rarely speaking to her harshly or with malicious intent. They had their rough moments before, but both had learned from them and had come out with a stronger, more understanding relationship.

The memory of last Christmas came to mind, and she latched onto how he made her feel warm, safe, and wanted.

"Expecto Patronum."

Sabrina could feel the magic surge from her wand, and when she opened her eyes she saw that a small silver misty shield was wrapping it around her.

"Good!" She heard Sebastian call. "Keep going!"

Sabrina remembered Ominis playing the piano for her. She remembered a walk to Hogsmeade with him, how they had lay in the grass and talked and how her heart had swelled then. How he smiled, and the quiet thoughts they shared in the secret Undercroft she now stood in.

Then her mind betrayed her.

Thoughts of Ominis turning his back on her and yelling at her began to take over.

"I don't need you to tell me about my oldest friend, thank you very much!"

And just like that, the happy feeling was gone. Sabrina took a step back, feeling suddenly winded as everything was beginning to consume her.

"Are you alright?" Sebastian asked gently.

She felt frustrated and exasperated. What sort of witch are you?!


"I'm fine!" she snapped, her voice harsh and bitter.

Sebastian stopped. He sighed and ran a hand through his curly hair before speaking again. "Let's take a break."


"Sabrina, you need to rest. We've been at this for an hour."

"And I'm still no closer to this than I was before!"

"Yes, you are! That was progress!"

Sabrina stood up straight and held out her wand. "Again."

"I said take a break."


"Take a damn break, Lewis."

Sabrina threw her wand at Sebastian, who was able to dodge it just in time before it hit his face.

He looked back at her in anger, his own frustration started to surface finally. "What the hell had gotten into you?!"

"I am the only one in our grade level who can't even get a mist out of her wand!" Sabrina yelled. "I almost bashed in Leander's face the other day when he taunted me about it! 'The heroine of Hogwarts can't cast a simple patronus!' And he's right! What is the fucking point of all of this?!"

Sebastian stood there and let her vent. His face had fallen to a blank stare, as if trying to hold back his own emotions.

"And the worst part is that I'm trying! I'm trying so hard to get over this! But I think of what makes me happy, and then it just gets obliterated into nothing! And I don't know how to stop it!"

"You were trying to think of Ominis, weren't you?"

Sabrina stopped. "How did—"

"Come on, sit down."

Sebastian directed her to the couch in front of the fireplace, and as she sat down Sabrina felt more dejected than anything she had felt prior. She leaned forward so her elbows were on her knees, her head in her hands as she tried to sort her thoughts.

"I know you're struggling," Sebastian told her softly. "We can all see it."

"The worst part is that I don't understand what I did wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"He talks and interacts with you and Anne just fine. He's his normal self with everyone else, but when he's around me he shuts off and ignores me." Sabrina could feel the tears begin to come to her eyes. "I just... I want him to talk to me. We used to tell each other everything and now...." She could hardly finish her sentence before her voice failed her.

Sabrina felt a warm hand begin to rub her back in a soothing manner. She made herself take a deep breath to calm her nerves.

"Do you remember when we went to Feldcroft for the first time?" Sebastian began, his voice calm and soothing. "Remember how Ominis was supposed to go with us, but then his sister came and agitated him so bad he shut himself out for the rest of the day?"

Sabrina nodded. It was a very vivid memory for her. It was the first time she saw Ominis so angry she thought he would actually kill his older sister.

Sebastian continued. "He's going through something right now. This past summer was the first time he had been home in years, and from what he's told me it was not a pleasant visit. Between his father and his older siblings, it's hurt him so much it's taking him a long time to come out of his own head."

"Why hasn't he told me anything?"

Sebastian's hand stopped for a second, but quickly continued his circles on her back. "He's trying to protect you."

Sabrina scoffed. "Of course he is."

"I'm serious."

Sabrina looked up at Sebastian and saw his eyes were fixated on her firmly. His eyes had a strange look in them, like he desperately wanted to tell her something else but he was fighting back. "The Gaunts are not a family you want to mess with," he went on. "You remember what Ominis said about them torturing Muggles. They are cruel and dangerous and ruthless if you get in their way. They have no regard for anyone but themselves. So yes. He's trying to protect you."

It made sense. But Sabrina still hated it. "I just wish he would talk to me."

Sebastian shifted, moving over slightly. "Come here."

Sabrina leaned back and let Sebastian wrap his arm around her, holding her close to him so she could lay her head on his shoulder. Over the summer, it felt as though Sebastian had grown into his body more. He was leaner, more muscular under his uniform, looking more like a man than a boy every day that passed. But he was still the same freckled kid Sabrina had come to cherish, and she was suddenly feeling thankful that at least one thing hadn't changed. He felt comfortable and warm, like he was the heated blanket her soul needed.

"I'm sorry you're going through this," he said. Sabrina could start to feel his heartbeat as he also went to lay his head on hers. "I wish I could help."

Sabrina frowned and sighed before shifting herself to lean further into him. "You are."

On Saturday, Sabrina made herself sleep in and woke up in the late morning, anxious to get out of the castle to head to her cottage. She still was not feeling her normal self, so the first thing she grabbed from her trunk was her knitted green sweater, a handed down piece of clothing from Sebastian and Ominis that always seemed to make her feel better. Although the familiar scent of vanilla had faded away, it still felt like a hug every time she wore it.

When she was dressed, Sabrina headed out of the common room and started walking out of the castle front doors.

"Sabrina! Wait up!"

Sabrina stopped and turned. "Sebastian? What are you doing?"

Sebastian caught up to her and handed her a piece of bread. "I'm coming with you, remember?"

"I thought you had Ominis' birthday thing today?" she asked as they continued walking.

"We do," the boy answered. "But you need an escort to your cottage. Then, you can join us afterwards."

Sabrina stopped again. "Sebastian, I really–"

"He will want you there."

"No, he won't."

"Sabrina–" Sebastian grabbed her arm to stop her, then as if he was struck by lightning he quickly let go. "Sorry.... Just... promise you'll think about it? He wants you there, even if he won't admit it."

She thought about it for a few seconds before nodding her head. "I'll think about it," she lied.

It seemed to cheer Sebastian up a little bit. "Good. Now, let's go?"

Sebastian had yet to visit Sabrina at her cottage in Upper Hogsfield. It used to belong to her mother, Minerva Reese, before she passed away, and since Theodore was missing, it now technically belonged to Sabrina. The house itself stood a ways from the main hamlet square, but was still secluded enough that Sabrina had her own privacy away from everyone's prying eyes.

Sabrina pulled out her wand as she approached the front door. "Alohamora." The lock immediately clicked open and Sabrina stepped aside for Sebastian to go in.

"Why did you lock it?" he asked curiously as he went in. "We never lock the house in Feldcroft."

Sabrina followed him and closed the door behind them. "I guess I'm still paranoid," she explained. "I'm always worried Rookwood is after me. Plus, I've never actually lived on my own before. It was a little scary at first."

Sebastian was looking around the simple cottage with great interest, seeming to enjoy the home that Sabrina had made for herself. "You did a good job. I like it here. It's quiet and simple."

"Thanks," Sabrina said, blushing as she began looking through her mother's desk. The wax seal was right where she had left it on the letters left behind by Minerva in the top drawer. She quickly pocketed the stamp and some wax beads before turning back. "Okay, we can go."

"What about Hogsmeade?"

"I'm still thinking about it."

Sebastian sighed. "Sabrina–"

She turned to him. "Can we just go?"

Sebastian crossed his arms and looked at her. "You're not going."

"Probably not."


"I've already told you. Ominis doesn't want me there."

"That's not true."

"Well, until he can tell me that–"

Sebastian huffed loudly. "Merlin, you're just as stubborn as he is."

Sabrina furrowed her brows. "What does that mean?"

Instead, the boy moved past her. "Nevermind, let's go."

Ominis honestly hated his birthday. He never understood why his friends felt the need to celebrate it when his own family never did. But he had learned a long time ago that he needed to just let Sebastian and Anne be, and as long as they had a good time then Ominis could get over it.

Anne escorted him to the Three Broomsticks, where they were greeted cheerfully by the barmaid, Sirona, before being led to a private space on the second floor. She brought out a few butterbeers, and almost as soon as she had left Sebastian came thundering up the stairs.

"How was the trip?" Anne asked as Ominis felt his friend sit next to him by the fire.

Sebastian shrugged and hummed. "Fine. Just had to pick up a wax seal. Apparently she's still looking for her father, and she has a lead with the Ministry."

Ominis perked up slightly at this, feeling himself getting excited for Sabrina. "I hope she gets some answers," he said earnestly.

Anne swallowed loudly besides Ominis. "Is she coming tonight?"

"No," Sebastian answered, a little harshly. His voice turned towards Ominis. "She said she didn't feel like she was welcome."

Ominis' stomach dropped hearing the pain in Sebastian's tone. He should have expected it, but it still hurt. He could only imagine how left out Sabrina would be feeling. Maybe he should have said something after all....

Anne scoffed. "Not feel welcome? That's insane. She's always welcome."

"That's what I said."

"You should have dragged her anyway. Merlin knows she never goes outside."

"Or eats. I had to shove some bread in her this morning."

"We'll have to take a few butterbeers back for her–"

"Can we please...." Ominis was starting to feel worse and more overwhelmed by each comment. "Can we please talk about something else?"

Anne next to him slammed her tankard down. "Okay. Why aren't you talking to Sabrina?"


"No, I want to hear it from you. I thought you were in love with her, and now–"

"Well you thought wrong, didn't you?"

Anne froze, obviously taken aback from Ominis' sharp tone and brashness. She wasn't expecting that, and it managed to shut her up. Ominis wasn't a fool, he could feel Sebastian's gaze at his sister from where he sat, probably urging her to calm down.

"Talk about something else," Ominis said. "Anything else."

Dear Sir or Madame,
My name is Sabrina Miriam Lewis. I am a current sixth year student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry born the first of January 1875. My mother is Miriam Reese and my father is Theodore Lewis. Due to unforeseen circumstances, my mother was forced to put me up for adoption when I was four years old, and I spent the next eleven years at a Muggle orphanage in London. Minerva has since passed away, along with the remaining known members of my magical family, including her sister, Miriam Fig, and her husband Eleazar.

I am writing to inquire about some information regarding my father. According to your records at the Ministry of Magic, Theodore Lewis was declared missing and dead in November 1879, however no body was ever recovered. I am writing in a last desperate attempt to locate him. I am hoping that somebody at your office may have some information regarding him, or that someone can direct me in the right direction.

I appreciate your time, and thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
Sabrina Lewis, 6th Year Slytherin

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