Miguel O'Hara One-Shots

By Princess_Potato23

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Just a bunch of Miguel O'Hara one-shots (Story #1 "Happy Anniversary" Chapters 1-4) Miguel abruptly ended you... More

Happy Anniversary Pt 1
Happy Anniversary Pt 2
Happy Anniversary Pt3
Happy Anniversary Pt 4 (SMUT)
Love Yourself
Just A Secretary Workplace AU PT 1
Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 2
Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 3
Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 4
Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 5
Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 6
Just A Secretary, Workplace AU PT7
Just A Secretary,Workplace AU PT 8
Just A Secretary, Workplace AU PT 10
Just A Secretary, Workplace AU PT 11
Just A Secretary, Workplace AU PT 12
Just A Secretary Workplace AU PT13/13
A Second Chance PT 1
A Second Chance PT 2
A Second Chance PT 3
A Second Chance PT 4
A Second Chance PT 5
A Second Chance PT 6
A Second Chance Pt 7
A Second Chance PT 8
A Second Chance PT 9
A Second Chance PT 10/10
Honeymoon with Miguel โ˜€๏ธ๐Ÿ’
Miguel Wants Another Baby
Hush Hush Mafia Miguel AU
Hush Hush Mafia Miguel AU PT 2
Hush Hush Mafia Miguel AU PT 3/3
Hush Hush Mafia Miguel AU PT 4/4
Masked Desires Cowboy AU PT 1
The Hunted and Her Hunter Stalker Miguel
Masked Desires Cowboy AU PT 2
Masked Desires Cowboy AU PT 3
You Don't Belong Military Miguel O'Hara
You Don't Belong Military Miguel PT 2/2
Masked Desires Cowboy AU PT 4/5
Masked Desires Cowboy AU PT 5/5
The Fates That Tie, Miguel X Fated Mate
Ultimate VIP Rockstar Miguel
The Fates That Tie PT 2

Just A Secretary, Workplace AU PT9

1.4K 27 50
By Princess_Potato23

You and Miguel walk side , by side as you catch up with your group. Everything happened so fast that you can't even wrap your head around it. You're with Miguel....like you're actually with him does it mean that you guys are boyfriend and girlfriend now or....?? Honestly, you shouldn't even be thinking about that yet you still have to talk to him about everything your fears and your restrictions. Even if you gave him a small explanation he needs and deserves the full story. You are pulled out of your thoughts when you hear the chatter of voices becoming closer and closer.

At the end of the winery, you stay by Miguel's side the whole time. You listen and interact with the businessmen who come up to him seeking a new business partner, new deals, and new partnerships. You came to learn very quickly that a lot of people know Miguel and a lot of people want to do business with him. You strongly believe that maybe over 30 men came up to Miguel and out of the 30 there were probably 6 men who he actually wanted to do business with. When the event finally came to an end Miguel led you out of the mansion with a small hand on your back.

When you arrive at the hotel before entering the lobby you feel his breath on your neck as he whispers into your ear. "You can go in first there are still a few things I need to get before we go to the dinner" His deep voice causes shivers to travel down your body.

You turn around to look at him "Oh do you need help I can-"

He shakes his head. "No I got it plus you take a while to get ready and we have to be there for 8"

You nudge his shoulder "I do not take long if anything you don't spend enough time getting ready"

"Mmhm just go inside and get ready f'me" You stare at him briefly before giving him a smile as you turn on your heels to walk away. Before reaching the lobby you turn around to find him still looking at you.

"I'm only going because I want to and not because you told me to" You shout at him

"Whatever you say mi sol" He shouts back at you as the lobby doors close behind you.


Walking inside your hotel room you rapidly take off your heels eager to kick your feet up and relax but you know you have to get ready again. You go inside the bedroom to freshen up your make-up and fix your hair sitting in front of the floor-length mirror again. You decide to put your hair up allowing some curls to frame your face before you hear the door opening. Not bothering to look because you know who it is you go back to fixing your hair. You hear some rummaging around before you hear the bathroom door opening and closing.

When you're in the middle of touching up your make-up you hear Miguel coming out of the bathroom.

"Your dress is on the table and I'll be downstairs waiting for you when you're done." You turn your head to look at him your eyes drinking in the sight. He's wearing a royal blue suit with a light brown waistcoat. His hair is slick back minus the few strands that are sticking up paired with his glasses. His muscles bulge against the suit as he leans against the door staring at you.

"You look nice, is the dinner really that fancy?"

He shrugs his shoulders. "Dunno but the restaurant is"

"Alright well I see you downstairs" Expecting him to leave you continue to fix your hair but you turn to face him when you still feel the heat of his gaze. Dammit, you always grew nervous under his gaze.

"W-What is it?" You stare at him as you place your hands on your lap.

"If you don't like the stuff then let me know I have a backup plan in the car."

You give him a confusing look. "What do you mean "stuff," I thought it was just a dress?" He says nothing as he walks into the living room.

"Miguel what do you mean by-" You stop when you hear the sound of a door opening and closing. He left. Rude. You decide to make your way into the living room and you pause when you see a big black box with a yellow ribbon sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch. You hesitantly walk over the box tracing the lines of the ribbon. You carefully untie the ribbon making sure to place it gently on the table. Lifting the lid you slowly dig out the yellow tissue paper revealing 3 more black boxes of all different sizes.

You open the smallest one first revealing a pretty gold necklace, bracelet, and matching earrings. You don't even have to inspect it to know that it's real gold. Looking closely you realize that the pendant on the necklace is actually a sun. Picking up the bracelet, and lifting it up to the light you smile when you notice little suns engraved on it as well. Placing the items back in the box you feel your eyes start to water. You never had anyone gift you something so sentimental.

Opening the second box you find a gold bag with a long gold chain. You take it out of the box but then pause when you look down seeing a note. Placing the bag on your shoulder you pick up the note.

Didn't know your shoe size so I got this instead


You smile gently at the note, placing it back into the box. You take a deep breath before opening the 3rd and final one. You gasp when you see what it is. Lifting it up slowly you pull out a floor-length beautiful yellow dress with a low v-neck and straps that fall off the shoulders. This is too much you can't accept this. You look over at the clock and realize that you don't have that much time left. If you don't get ready in the next 10 minutes you're going to be late. You walk over to the couch and gently place the dress on the couch before you take out your phone to text him. You want to wait for him to respond but you really have to get ready. Placing your phone and the bag down on the couch you bend over slipping your own dress off before putting on the new one.

The dress fits you perfectly it hugs your curves, and the v-neck shows off a decent amount of cleavage and makes your breasts look even bigger than they are. Making sure to put on your bracelet, and earrings you look at yourself in the mirror before you put on your bag. Damn maybe you shouldn't have eaten the chocolate cake you look so bloated right now and plus you're going to eat even more food. Oh well. You grab the necklace holding it in your hand so Miguel can put it on for you. Quickly putting on your shoes and spraying some perfume before walking out the door.


Miguel is standing in the lobby waiting for you nervous out of his mind he really hopes you like what he got for you. He spent hours picking it out he even went to the mall to find the perfect dress to fit you. Things are different between the two of you now and he's unsure how to act towards you. Are you guys dating or is this something casual or just a fling? No, he doesn't like flings, he never did and with you, he doesn't want a fling he wants something serious. But is that what you want? He tried to have a fling a year and some months ago which was the last time that he had sex but he couldn't go through with it....it's just not him.

He doesn't want anything casual not with you but if that's what you want then so be it. He'll take whatever you'll give him. He looks down in his hands as he plays with the yellow corsage. He checks his watch briefly before he feels a tap on his shoulder. He slowly turns around opening his mouth to say something but then stops when he sees you. Not only are you looking like you step out of a painting you wearing everything that he got you. His eyes rake down your body from head to toe drinking you in. When his eyes move back up he stops on your chest.....well on your neck you're not wearing his necklace. Oh, maybe you didn't like it. Damn, he knew he should've given you the one that's in his car instead maybe it was too much maybe-

"Miguel?" His eyes dart to meet you and of course, you have a smile on your face. You always do.

Clearing his throat he opens his mouth to respond "You look....nice" You look like a work of art not just nice Estúpido.

You give him a small smile "Well I guess I have you to thank for that since you picked it out. You didn't have to do all this you know. I would've been fine with just a dress."

He ignores you takes your hand and places the corsage around your wrist gently stroking your palm with his thumb as he does so. "For you"

You look down at the corsage on your wrist before looking back up at Miguel. "Miguel I really do appreciate this but I don't need all of these gifts"

He shakes his head "You deserve this and more....and the necklace did you not like it? I have another one in the car. You can wear that one instead." He watches as you tilt your head giving him a confused look.

"No I love it, I just.....wanted you to put it on for me" You hold up the necklace and hand it to him before you turn around. Miguel tries to hide his excitement as he gently moves some of your loose curls and he puts the necklace around your neck.

He steps back as you turn around to look down at the necklace caressing it gently. Miguel watches you intently before checking his watch as his hand hovers over your lower back. "Let's go before we're late"


You let Miguel lead you to his car feeling a little out of place. You have on this fancy dress and fancy accessories you're pretty sure that this all probably costs more money than your rent. It's not so bad but do you really deserve all of this? You absentmindedly play with the corsage on your wrist when you hear the car door opening. Looking up you gasp at the bouquet of roses that are sitting in the passenger seat. You immediately look at Miguel as he bends to pick it up. Your breath catches in your throat as you take a small step back looking around nervously. Luckily there isn't anyone nearby but still, you could never be too sure.

You lower your voice "Miguel not out here what if someone sees?"

"There just flowers I can give my secretary flowers" He looks at you briefly before he holds out a hand for you so you can enter the car. Secretary? Is that still what you are just his secretary? You push those thoughts out of your head as he gently places the bouquet of roses on your lap before closing the door and walking over to the driver's seat. You play with the roses, sniffing them lightly. It's sad to say but you've never been gifted flowers before.

You stretch out a hand to squeeze his forearm. "Thank you Miguel this is beautiful" He gives you a nod before pulling out of the driveway.


You and Miguel walk side by side into the restaurant as he scans the room for his friend. When he finally sees him you feel him leading you to him with a soft hand on your back. You watch as Miguel and his friend shake hands before his friend pulls him into a hug that he doesn't reciprocate. Miguel's hands snake around your waist as he pulls back and introduces the two of you.

"Peter, I would like you to meet my...." His eyes meet yours as if he's asking what he should call you before he turns his attention back to his friend. "....secretary who happens to be a very good friend of mine'' You feel him giving you a small squeeze on your hips.

He stretches out his hand but he's looking at Miguel "I'm surprised, I thought I was your only friend" He turns to look at you. "..but it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Peter Parker. Me and Miguel go way back. I used to be taller than him, you know" You laugh slightly at his words before you shake his hand earning a scoff from Miguel. Miguel pulls out your chair before sitting next to you and Peter sits in front of you both.

"Do you know what you're getting?" Miguel says as you all begin to look through the menu. As you look through the menu you try to mask your surprise as you look at the prices.

"I'm not sure yet what about you Peter?"

"I might just get the steak and lobster," He says as he closes his menu checking his phone.

You turn your head to look at Miguel. "What about you?"

Miguel looks at you while closing his menu. "I'll get the tilapia and a glass of wine" You watch as he leans back in his chair resting his arm over your chair man spreading in the process.

You eye him up and down before your eyes meet his and you catch him watching you with a smirk. You quickly turn your head back to the menu. "Don't you think we had enough wine for today and plus your driving"

"That was hours ago and I know my limits. I'll get you a glass of wine too" You roll your eyes at him before you hand him your menu.

"You trying to get me drunk O'Hara?"

"If that's what you want then..." He shrugs. You stare at him for a minute before your face breaks out into a smile.

"I'll have just one glass" The waiter comes to gather your orders. While you wait Peter and Miguel engage in a conversation talking about how life's been for them. You learn that he and his wife have a baby on the way. You sit there quietly observing the two of them. Peter almost talks animatedly using big gestures. It's obvious that Miguel is more of a listener. Even though Miguel plays it off that he's annoyed you can see the crinkles around his eyes soften as he engages with him. You're snapped out of your thoughts when you hear Peter call out to you.

"So tell me about yourself. I'm confused as to how Miguel managed to find a gem like you. Hope he isn't giving you a hard time at work. I know he's all brooding and snappy to everyone but don't be intimidated by him, he's all bark no bite." You watch as Miguel rolls his eyes at Peter removing his hand from off your chair to cross in front of his chest.

You laugh a little as you try to think of little things about yourself to tell Peter. There isn't much to say apart from the fact that you're a student and that you work for Miguel, everything else is too personal. You decide to tell him your hobbies, school, and about what it's like raising a cat. While talking you turn your head when you feel Miguel staring at you. You give him a smile and watch as he tucks a loose curl behind your ear. This causes your face to heat up so you immediately turn your attention back to Peter.

"...And you know Miguel isn't that bad once you get to know him" You lower your voice and lean forward to whisper to Peter using your hand to block Miguel from seeing. "Between me and you, it's better when he's quiet. He's nicer that way" Peter nods eagerly at you and you both break out into giggles.

"I can hear you"

"He's a great listener though if you want him to talk just ask him how to make the perfect empanada. One time I asked him that and he wouldn't stop talking for an hour which is rich coming from someone who can't cook"

You turn to look at Miguel only to find his ears red accompanied by a scowl on his face. "I burn chicken one time and all of a sudden I can't cook" You gasp at his words and you lean forward towards Peter so he can tell you the story.

"Why would you put the chicken on 450 Miguel for 2 hours? I'm surprised the whole place didn't catch on fire" You stare up at him in disbelief. Before Miguel can respond Peter does it for him.

"He told me he was hungry. When I came the whole kitchen was filled with smoke" You cover your mouth as you lean over laughing at Miguel.

You begin to shake your head, turning your body to face him. "You have all this money but you can't cook it's a shame"

He leans in so much that you have to look up at him. "I can cook. Do I need to give you a live demonstration?"

"Maybe you do because after what Peter just said I don't believe you"

He rolls his eyes. "Fine we'll do it at my place then"

"I'll hold you to it" As you stare into Miguel's eyes it feels like you and him are the only people in the room. Out of the corner of your eyes, you catch Peter glancing between the two of you.

You clear your throat just in time as the waiter arrives with your entrees and you guys eat in silence before you hear someone clearing their throat.

"So how long have you guys been together?" You almost choke on the wine you were sipping and Miguel just pinches the bridge of his nose mumbling curse words under his breath.

"Oh come on guys it's not like you were even trying to hide it. So how long?" You groan at his words but you can't help the nervousness that shimmers in your gut. It hasn't even been a full day and people are able to figure out that you and Miguel are together. Peter wouldn't tell anyone, right?

"It's new like not even a day old new" You put one of your hands over your face as you force food into your mouth this is embarrassing.

Peter doesn't even try to hide the surprise in his voice. "Wow are you sure....so you telling me you guys haven't even you know.." You look up to meet his eyes and you immediately regret it. He leans in and lowers his voice. "So you guys haven't even tousled in the bed sheets yet?" This causes Miguel to drop his fork and this causes your food to go down the wrong pipe earning a coughing fit from you. Just how blunt is this guy?

"A la mierda Peter cállate"

(A la mierda....cállate= Fuck Peter shut up)

"I don't know what you said but I'm pretty sure it's nothing nice so I'm going to ignore you. But you guys need to do something about that quickly all this sexual tension is almost suffocating me I thought you guys were just super horny but you haven't even seen each other naked yet!" He says as he begins to fan himself.

Miguel leans back into his chair with a groan. "Peter shut up" Peter lifts his hands up in surrender. You laugh at his antics even though you're sure that your face is beet red and you're feeling hot all over. Is there really sexual tension between you and Miguel? You try not to dwell on it as you finish eating your meal.

Neither you nor Miguel say anything for the rest of the dinner. You both sat there and listened to Peter talking his head off truthfully you don't know how a person could talk for so long without stopping. But you're grateful for it today has been filled with embarrassing moments and honestly, you don't need another one. You realize just how opposite Miguel and Peter are. Peter seems to be so carefree and open and loud while Miguel is just..... Miguel. Truthfully you're surprised that they're even friends. Opposites really do attract then.


You both say goodbye to Peter as you walk out of the restaurant going your separate ways. Miguel has a hand on your lower back as he guides you to the car.

You look up at him as you walk. "Your friend is.... something"

You hear him sigh. "We've been colleagues for so long I've just learned to ignore him"

"Colleagues? He said you guys were friends"

"And you believed him?"

You roll your eyes. "Oh please Miguel I saw how you looked at him. You listened to every word that came out of his mouth. If he really did bother you we wouldn't have been at this dinner. Just admit it, your grumpy self has a friend." You're surprised as you feel his hand go from your lower back to wrap around the front of your stomach. Damn, how big are his hands?

You feel him leaning in as you both stop walking. "I'm not grumpy" You snort at his response. You place one of your hands on the arm that he has wrapped snugly around your waist rubbing it gently but then stop when you remember where you guys are. You're out in public. Even though it's dark out there's nothing wrong with being careful. You intertwine your fingers with his as you pull his hand off. You nearly groan at the loss of his warm touch but you suppress the feeling. You give him an apologetic smile as you place you fold your hands in front of you playing with the corsage on your wrist. You hear him sigh as you both continue walking.

He puts one of his hands in his pockets as he opens the car door for you. "Right, we still have to talk.....to talk about us. There's someplace I wanna take you"

You get into the car gently placing the bouquet of flowers on your lap again. "Okay wherever you want"


Miguel helps you get out of the car and watches as you look around confusingly.

He watches as you look up to read the sign. "Miguel, why are we at "A Garden of Roses""?

"We're here to talk" Miguel planned on taking you here before everything happened before his abrupt confession, before your confession, before everything. He just planned on taking you during the daytime but since you wanted things to be private it only made sense to go during the evening in order to give you the privacy you needed.

"Oh well, we could've just talked at the hotel we didn't have to come out all this way" He watches as you nervously play with the strap of your bag.

He begins to lead you to the entrance. "I know but I wanted you to see this. I rented the place out so it's just us." He hears you gasp as you stop to look at him. You open your mouth to speak but then stop as if you were thinking about what you're going to say.

"You spend too much money" He shakes his head.

"It's not too much when it's you." He places his hand on your lower back again eager to touch you again. "Let's go I think you'll like it"

Once the two of you make it to the entrance of the garden none of you say anything as you both take in the scenery. Different colored roses line the walls and the bushes around you. There are fairy lights that illuminate the area creating a romantic atmosphere. Miguel stares at you as you walk in front of him doing a slow 360 gaping at the sights before you. He watches as the lights dance on your features even though he's surrounded by the beauty of nature the only thing he sees is you. His eyes lock on your hand that's hanging at your side. He wants to hold it. He's never held your hand romantically before and it's like his own hands are itching for your warmth for your touch. Is it too soon? Is it too much? Do you even want to hold his hand? He slowly reaches out to grab your hand but stops when you turn around to face him he immediately puts his hand in his pocket. Maybe later.


"Miguel this is...." You don't even have words to express how you're feeling. This is beautiful, everything is just so beautiful. How did he even know about this place?

You finally turn around to face him but he's already looking at you.

"This is really beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here" You notice the distance between the two of you and you weirdly don't like it. Since he said that it's just the 2 of you there really is no need for it right?

You take a step closer to him and your eyes dart to look at the bench nearby. "Should we sit and talk?" His eyes follow to where you're looking at. "Sure"

Once you guys are seated on the bench you place your hands on your lap and straighten your back as you look around. Dammit this is nerve-wracking are you guys supposed to sit and talk about your feelings right now?

You hear Miguel taking a deep breath. "So are we....how serious do you want this to be? How serious do you want us to be?"

You turn to face him looking into his eyes. You haven't really thought about it so....Why are you lying to yourself you have thought about it and you want it to be serious. You don't want you guys to be in the "casual dating" stage. You want to be his girlfriend....and you want him to be your boyfriend but this is all so new, so foreign so maybe you guys should take things slow? Would he even want that? He did say that he wanted you but maybe it was just in the spur of the moment...? You are pulled out of your thoughts when you feel his hand on your forearm.

"Hey, you okay?" You nervously play with the corsage on your wrist....again.

You take a deep breath it's now or never. "Listen I don't want you to feel forced into anything....just please be honest with me if I say something that makes you uncomfortable." You wait for his response and he just gives you a nod. "I want this, us to be serious....exclusive but we can take things slow. I'm in no rush but if you want this to be casual then..."

"No" You feel your heart sink.

You begin to ramble. "Oh well it's okay that's totally fine I'm fine we can most definitely be casual."

"What wait no mierda...I meant no to the casual I don't want us to be casual. I want us to be exclusive just me and you." You watch as he drags his hand down your arm to meet yours intertwining your fingers. "We can go on dates and...fuck do whatever it is that people do when they're first starting out whatever you want. And everything will be private of course since that's what you want....right?"

You gulp at the last line you knew this was coming but you don't think that you're fully prepared. "Yeah listen I'm not embarrassed to be with you it's just.....something happened when I was really young and I-" You stop and look away when you feel tears threatening to spill over. You never talked about this with anyone at all the only person who knows what happened to your mom is your sister.

"Hey you don't have to explain anything to me I get it" You immediately shake your head no. "I need to do this Miguel please" You take his silence as a sign to continue talking and then you tell him everything. You tell him about your mom and her boss, you tell him how it made you feel, you tell him your fears of that same thing happening to the two of you and he listens to your every word. Not once did he interrupt you, and not once did he say anything to make you feel uncomfortable. If anything he made you feel safe he made you feel less alone. By the end of it, he has his arms wrapped around you securely and once you are sure the tears have stopped you let go of him.

You wipe your eyes gently and grimace when you see some of your foundation on your hand. Dammit you probably look like a hot mess right now. "Thank you for all of this...for listening. I needed that."

"I never liked seeing you cry but I can assure you that won't happen over my dead body nothing will happen to you okay? Nothing will happen to us" You feel him grasping your chin turning you to face him as he wipes your tears one by one. You watch as he gets up and holds out a hand for you. "There's more of the garden I want you to see come on mi sol" You smile up at him as he leads you deeper into the garden.

You both walk hand in hand as he leads you deeper and deeper while you both occasionally steal glances at each other. Before you guys were surrounded by walls of roses in all different kinds of colors but now you guys are standing in the middle of an archway that's just filled with red roses and fairy lights that are now hanging off the flower walls. As you take in the roses this reminds you of something. Maybe it's a big stretch and maybe you are reaching but as you look down at your yellow dress and Miguel's royal blue suit it just fits.

"The Beauty and the Beast" You whisper as you turn to look at him and you find him already looking at you but this time he's smiling....you don't remember the last time you saw him smile. You take small steps over to him and you gently tug on his suit. "Why?"

He shrugs his shoulders. "I think it fits us, no?"

"And here I thought you were just a grumpy old man but you're a romantic" He rolls his eyes at your words. "I'm not....I wouldn't call myself romantic but-"

"But you'll admit that you're a grumpy old man?"

He wraps his arms around your waist pulling you in closer and you rest your hands on his chest. "32 is not old and no"

"Eh, you're getting there though" He squeezes your waist and leans in whispering in your ear.

"Clearly it's not old enough for you" He pulls away and he's so close your breaths fuse together. Becoming aware of the close proximity between the two of you your eyes fall on his lips. Meeting his eyes they're not looking at you, they're on your lips. His eyes dart back to yours and he stares at you as if he's searching for something.

"I know you wanted slow but can I...." He trails off but his voice is deep and raspy and somehow lower than it already was. You know what he wants because you want it too. You stop your eyes from looking around he said it was just the two of you there's no one here....you guys could have this moment. You don't think you could stop this even if you had to so you push the eerily feeling that someone is or could be watching the two of you as you eagerly nod your head yes almost embarrassingly.

Then it happens.

The moment your lips meet his.

You swear you can hear fireworks or maybe that's just the beating of your own heart. When your lips meet none of you move as if you're both trying to savor this moment. It starts off slow so slow it's almost painful. You taste him and he oddly tastes sweet maybe it's the wine or maybe you are tasting yourself. The kiss picks up as his tongue meets yours fighting for dominance. You drag your hands from his chest to the back of his neck to tug on his hair. You feel him groaning into your mouth and you feel his hands dragging from your waist to grab your ass and you moan immediately. When was the last time you'd been touched like this? It's been so long that you practically feel like a virgin. You both break away for air and stand there panting.

"I've been wanting to do that for forever. It's better than I imagined." He kisses your forehead before pulling away but you pull him back in. You're not ready to let go not yet.

"I want more"


Miguel tries to ignore his desire and lust for you right now but the bulge in his pants is saying otherwise. Miguel tightly grips your hips and leans in.

"You said you wanted slow this is me honoring that baby" He watches in amusement as you shake your head.

"Please, Miguel?"

Fucking hell he didn't stand a chance.

His lips meet yours and this time he holds nothing back. Now that he knows you want this just as bad as he does, how can he? He's eager to touch you eager to taste you even more. His hands are roaming more than he planned on and yours are too because the way that your hands are running and tugging on his hair is turning him on even more. One of his hands kneads your backside while his other slides up from your waist and stops on your chest squeezing one of your breasts gently. He has to control himself you both don't know what each other likes and he doesn't want to accidentally make you uncomfortable and ruin the mood. His hand on your breast goes to cradle one side of your face and he uses the hand on your ass to pull you in even closer. He feels you tense and that's when he knows you feel it. That's when he knows that you feel his hard cock pressing against your lower stomach.

It isn't until the hands in his hair stop moving that he begins to panic internally. Fuck fuck fuck it was too much. He gently moves the hand from your breast and your ass and rests them both on your waist pushing you away. You both are heavy panting as a string of saliva connects the two of you. He takes a step back clearing his throat and crossing his hands in front of his aching bulge. Face turning red.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to take it too far." Dammit he can't even look you in the eyes he's scared of what he mind find, is it regret, shame? When he hears the sound of your laughter he automatically thinks of the worst. Did you find him....too small? He's actually proud of his size and he's never had any complaints so then....

"Miguel you're starting to make me think that you're scared. Why do you keep pulling away?"

"I felt you tense that's why" He watches as you take a step closer stretching out your hand to....to hook one of your fingers around his belt loop pulling him closer. He lets his hands remain crossed in front of him.

"Sorry, I just panicked it's been a while" He watches as your face turns red as you wrap your arms around his neck using one of your hands to cradle his face, your thumb tracing his bottom lip.

"I want this...I want you Miguel it can just be for tonight and then we can take things slow tomorrow...? You know new week and all" You laugh nervously as you look into his eyes. "If you don't want this then-"

His hands quickly wrap around your waist and he presses you into him once more. He lowers his voice leaning in until your lips are practically touching. "I want this. Can't you feel how bad I want you?" He watches as you nod. "Once we do this there's no going back. Are you sure?" He watches you nod immediately. "I'm sure Miguel"

He gives you a quick kiss, or rather he tries to but fails. He pulls away sucking on your bottom lip. You're slowly becoming his favorite thing to taste and he hasn't even gotten to all of you yet. "We need to go otherwise we won't make it out of here" He gives you a quick kiss on your forehead, intertwines your fingers, and practically skips back to his car. This day can't get any better.


Miguel doesn't even fully park the car and you're practically running out of it. To say that you're both excited is an understatement. He had his hand on your thigh the whole ride back and at every light he leaned over to kiss you. You can count the number of times the cars behind him started honking when the green light came on.

It's not until you reach inside the room that you're low-key panicking. It's been years since you've last had sex. The last time you had sex was in high school. Dammit, you're probably going to seem like a total noob compared to him. But you can't stop now and truthfully you don't want to. You can already feel the dampness in your underwear. You quickly take off your shoes, placing your flowers and your bag, on the couch and you stand in front of the door. You nearly jump when you see the handle turning.

You take in Miguel's appearance and apparently, he already took off his blazer and his waistcoat. You're glad to see that you're both still on the same page. When your eyes meet he immediately locks the door and launches his stuff onto the couch pinning you against the door. Once his lips meet yours his hands outline your curves and yours darts to unbutton his shirt. You bite his lip when you feel him bunching your dress around your waist. You honestly want to slap him when you feel him pulling away and breaking the kiss.

"If it gets too much let me know we can stop at any time" You roll your eyes and drag his hand to touch your damp underwear. "Can't you feel how bad I want you?" You smile as you throw his words back at him.

"Fuck mi sol I'm trying to be a gentleman" You crane your neck to smile up at him. "You can be a gentleman later....fuck me, Miguel"

His eyes widen for a moment then he stops as he begins to press kisses along your neck causing you to bite back a moan. You begin to work on his buttons again but falter when you feel his hand pushing your underwear to the side as he drags a finger down your slit. His finger is coated with your arousal as he stops kissing your neck and places his finger into his mouth.

"Fuck I'm going to love this" He picks you up and walks you over to the bedroom your legs finding home as they wrap around his waist. You can feel his hard cock pressing against your core and it's driving you insane. He gently lowers you down in front of the bed as he pulls the dress over your head leaving you in nothing but your bra and soaked underwear. He takes a step back to admire you and you begin to feel self-conscious but stop when your eyes land on the huge bulge in his pants. He wants this as bad as you do. It's okay.

He walks back over to you and kisses you slowly and deeply. You begin to shimmy out of your underwear eager to feel him. He breaks the kiss guiding your back onto the bed hovering over you and you spread your legs voluntarily. You sigh when you realize how much clothes he still has on.

"Take something off Miguel or are you planning on being fully clothed the whole time?" He leans back on his knees as he undoes the rest of his buttons and unbuckles his belt with one hand. You bite your lip watching him and you drag one of your feet to rub him through his pants. You're embarrassed to say this but you're so horny right now and you're confident that you're soaking the sheets.

You watch as his eyes close but he removes your feet and spreads your legs even further apart and you gasp as you watch his head get close to your dripping cunt. "Miguel please I just want to feel you"

He shakes his head no. "I need to taste you and get you ready" You groan at his words but you know he's right. You stop when you feel his breath over your cunt and you close your eyes waiting on the feeling of him tasting you.

Then you feel it. The first stroke of his tongue and then another and then you gasp when you feel him sucking on your clit. He does this over and over again before he slips his tongue inside your walls and a finger slides inside your needy cunt. The sound that fills the room is filthy. Your arousal makes it easy for him to slide another finger in as he devours you.

"So fucking good" You feel him taking a deep breath before he goes back to sucking on your clit using his free hand to push your legs even further apart.

You begin to arch your back and your hands grip his hair as you feel yourself getting closer and closer to the brink of ecstasy. He probably feels it too because he picks up the pace and adds another finger.

"Fuck Miguel I think I'm-" You can't even finish your sentence when you feel him sucking greedily on your clit and your vision immediately turns white. Your back arches off the bed as your moans fill the room but he doesn't stop although he slows the pace of his fingers he never stops sucking on your clit. He's overstimulating you and it's becoming too much.

You lazily sit up and tug on his hair. "Miguel please no more," You say through heavy pants and you feel him groaning into your drenched cunt. Leaving your clit with a pop sound when he comes up his mouth glistens with your juices.

"Come here I need you to know how good you taste" You break out into a smile as you both lean into each other and kiss each other lazily. While kissing you slowly unzip his pants and his hands snake around your back to take off your bra. You moan when you feel him pushing you back into the bed as he squeezes your breasts. His thumb teases one nipple as his mouth latches on to the other. You finally pull down his pants enough to palm him through his boxers. You want him so badly it's embarrassing.

"Condom?" You feel his movements stop on your breast and he detaches his mouth with a pop sound. You watch as he closes his eyes and rests his forehead on yours. You hear him sigh and you immediately wrap your arms around his neck pulling him in. Your chest that's glistening with sweat sticks to him.

"What is it?"

"There's no condom. I didn't plan on this happening and it's been a while so I don't have any with me" His words surprise you. It's been a while for him. There's no way Miguel's like a walking wet dream you don't believe him.

"What do you mean it's been a while for you? When's the last time you had sex?"

"It's been almost 2 years" He mumbles under his breath but you hear him clearly.

You give him a quick peck. "If it makes you feel better the last time I had sex was high school." He gapes at you...hell, you shouldn't have said anything. But then he smiles at you bopping your nose with his. "No wonder why you're soaking wet I barely even did anything and the sheets are drenched"

You roll your eyes "Oh hush but what are we going to do with no condom?"

"Are you on the pill?"

You shake your head no. "I haven't had sex in years remember....but I'm clean"

He looks at you briefly before he nods. "I've never had sex without one and I could assure you I'm clean.....I can get you the pill in the morning"

"That would be great" You bring his lips to his and you kiss him passionately. You want this as much as he does and oddly the thought of no condom doesn't concern you. Yes, you don't want kids right now but you want to feel him all of him. You look down at him and realize he still has he his pants on. You begin to tug them off but his thick thighs prevent it from going any further.

"Fuck Miguel take these off" His hands and mouth go back to fondling your breasts and you moan as you feel him pinching your nipple.

"I love hearing you beg for me" You snort

"I'm not begging, I'm demanding" He raises an eyebrow at you and bites down on your nipple.

"Either way I'm loving it" He then gets up to tug the rest of his pants down and then he stares at you when he begins to slowly pull on his underwear. He's teasing you.

"Miggy please, I need you" You whimper as you spread your legs for him and you slowly drag a finger down your entrance trying to show him how much you need him. You watch as his eyes meet yours and his face and ears are turning red.

"Fuck baby I'm coming" He rapidly takes his boxers off and leans over you taking the finger that's coated in your arousal into his mouth. You barely have time to react to his cock that's resting on your pelvic bone. You look down at it and realize that the tip is red and leaking with precum. You immediately reach down running your thumb across the tip and bring it to your mouth. Maybe you do know what you're doing.

You watch as he takes your finger out of his mouth and he watches you lick his cum off your thumb.

"Carajo..." You smile up at him. "Didn't want to waste it" He then leans over you and reaches to grab a pillow.

"Lift up" You immediately obey and lift your hips for him and you reach above you to grab a pillow to put under your head. You want to see everything.

You watch as he leans back a little and strokes himself a few times. You feel him rubbing his tip from your swollen clit down your entrance his tip glistens with your juices. This is so intimate and so exhilarating you've never done anything like this before, you've never felt anything like this before. Fuck it's going to be hard to slow things down after this.

"Breathe for me baby.....you ready?" You slowly nod your head yes. Then you feel it. You feel him. His tip slowly pushes into your tight walls seeking entrance. You both groan at the feeling and you watch as he drops his head to look at your connecting bodies. He's thick that's for sure and your fingers could only do so much he's stretching you out so much as he continues to push himself in slowly inch by inch. You listen to his words and breathe like he told you to. You feel him stretching you out so much that it isn't painful but it doesn't feel good either and your back arches as you grab onto his hand that's resting on your hips.

"Miguel...wait" He stops immediately and his hand goes to cradle your face.

"Fuck baby what is it should we stop?" You shake your head. "No it's just I can't take anymore you're.....you're big Miguel" You wince slightly as you take one of your hands to cover your face trying to hide yourself from embarrassment. You feel his hand moving your hands away and he gently leans over giving you a kiss on the lips.

"I'm only halfway in but I'll make it work. You just need to relax, I'll make you feel good" You try not to dwell on the fact that he's not even fully inside you yet.

"Just touch me please" He gives you a nod and then leans back placing one of your legs on his shoulder while he bends the other to the point where your hardened nipple is grazing against it. He reaches down with his thumb and begins to rub your clit and he slowly begins to move. You are grateful that he starts off slow and steady. The first 2 strokes of his cock feels foreign. But that feeling slowly disappears as you feel him sliding deeper and deeper inside of you. The circles that he's rubbing on your clit is making your mind turn into mush. It feels too good. You lean your head into the pillow and you stare at the ceiling. You can't believe this is happening. Not knowing what to do with your hands you bring them to knead your breast playing with nipples in the process.

"Fuck mi sol You like that?" You slowly feel him picking up the pace and you nod your head yes.

"No, I need to hear you"

"Yes it feels good Miguel please don't stop" You feel him humming in response as he begins to thrust inside of you. Your body jerking and tits bouncing with each deep stroke that he gives you. Fuck he was right he was going to make it feel good you can't even feel the slight sting you felt as he stretched you out the feeling is now ancient. The thumb on your clit never stops and you feel a slight sting near your ankle when you open your eyes to look you realize that he's kissing and biting your leg. You smile knowing that you're making him feel good and your moans accompanied by the explicit sound of skin slapping begin to fill the room.

He moves his hand that's holding your leg to your chest and begins to put that leg over his shoulder. You watch as he slowly grabs your hips lifting them up and begins to pound into you mercilessly. The new angle causes him to go even deeper and you're sure that by now he's fully inside of you. Your eyes meet his and you both smile at each other.

"Knew you could take it that needy cunt of yours was made for me" You moan shamefully at his words and you feel yourself clench. Fuck. You're not going to last long so you remove your hands from your breast and you rest your hands on top of his. The hands that he's using to slam into your pussy. He immediately intertwines your fingers.

"Not gonna last long....where do you want me baby?" You can hear the desperation in his voice and you watch as sweat forms on his skin causing some of his hair to stick to his forehead. You don't even need to think about your answer.

"Inside of me"

"Y-you sure?" Shit. You've never heard him stutter before your eyes immediately lock on his.

"I'm sure Miggy" With those words alone you feel yourself becoming undone and it's better than any orgasm you've ever given yourself. Your legs are shaking on his shoulders and your back arches almost painfully as you cry out in ecstasy.

"Oh fuck me" You hear him whisper as he continues to fuck you through your orgasm making him slowly reach his own orgasm. You feel it the minute his hips stutter as he releases his load inside of you. It's filling you to the brim and as filthy as it sounds you love that feeling and you want to feel it again and again.

Miguel seals his orgasm with a kiss. The kiss is lazy and sloppy but you both don't care. Not once did you let go of each other's hands you both came undone fully surrounded by each other. You feel him slowly thrusting himself inside of you before he reluctantly pulls out with a groan. You watch as he stares at your pussy that's clenching around nothing as his release leaks out of you. You guys bask in the silence as he lies down next to you. The sound of your heavy breathing fills the air. He's gently stroking your hair playing with your curls that you're sure are in a tangled mess. When you finally get the courage to look at him you find him already looking at you and you smile up at him. Feeling insanely shy.


He kisses your forehead. "Hi"

"There's no going back from this right?" You laugh nervously.

"No, you're stuck with me"

"Wasn't I always?"

He hums. "Do you uh.....do you regret it?"

Your answer is immediate. "No...do you?" You don't know why but you're scared to hear his response.

"I've dreamed about this...fucking you raw watching my cum drip out from your cunt...so no" You gasp at his lewd words.

"Miguel! Seriously?"

"You asked and I gave you an answer"

"Oh my goodness" You groan and pull away from him but you stop when you feel his hands slowly rubbing up and down your thigh. Your thigh that is still shaking as you deal with the aftermath of your orgasms. You look down at his hand and then up at him just to find him smirking at you.

"Come on let's get you in the bathroom you need to pee" You roll your eyes but begin to sit up. You stop and sigh when you feel his fingers go up and down your spine. You feel the bed shift and watch as he gets up and makes his way to you he reaches his hand above you and you duck your head slightly in order to give him room but stop when you feel your curls cascading down your shoulders and sticking to your back. You tilt your head giving him a confused look as he uses your hair tie to put his own hair back. You nearly laugh at the sight.

"You look ridiculous"

"I need it more than you do"

"Your hair barely even fits in it but okay" He opens his arms and hooks one of them around your waist and the other one holds you up under your ass. Your legs immediately wrap around his waist and you gasp when you feel his slightly hard dick pressing against your throbbing pussy.

"You look pretty with your hair down," He says into your neck as he leads you both into the bathroom. You lean back and give him a quick peck and almost immediately you feel his cock twitch. You raise an eyebrow and he looks at you sheepishly and you immediately know that your night is far from over.

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